DOMUS DOCTRINARUM - UMass Medical School

Page created by Johnnie Baldwin
DOMUS DOCTRINARUM - UMass Medical School
                                                                                       Fall MMXVII
                                                                                       Issue 10

Faculty Spotligh t: Dr. Sam
Bord en
PAGE 3 :
Lib rarian C apston e Adv ice

PAGE 4 :
Thank s-Advice-Giving Recap

PAGE 5 :
Free Clinics and LCs
Pets o f the Learning

PAGE 6 :
Blackston e

PAGE 7 :
Brigh twood

PAGE 8 :
Burn coat

PAGE 9 :
                                Welcome Class of 2021!
                                On September 15, 2017, the Class of 2021 received their white
PAGE 10 :                       coats on the Campus Green .
Quinsig amond

PAGE 11 :

PAGE 12 :
LCxB Th anks You!


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DOMUS DOCTRINARUM - UMass Medical School
                                         Meet out new LC mentor and head of Brightwood, Dr. Samuel
                                         Why did you pick Med-Peds for your career?
                                         I started medical school thinking I wanted to be a pediatrician. When I
                                         reached third year, I was surprised that I also loved caring for older
                                         patients. Med-Peds gave me the ability to specialize in both fields and
                                         the disciplines complement each other wonderfully. Though one hates
                                         to stereotype, there is a personality type that chooses med-peds and I
                                         particularly enjoy working with my fellow med-peds colleagues.

                                         What is your favorite part of your job?
                                         While I enjoy direct patient care, I most appreciate the opportunity to
                                         precept learners at the Mason Square Neighborhood Health Center, one
                                         of Baystate’s three community health centers.

                                         What do you like best about being a mentor?
                                         I appreciate the opportunity to help individuals navigate medical
                                         school and beyond. When I was in school, I had to seek out these
                                         resources, so I applaud UMMS for instituting and supporting the
                                         Learning Communities.

What advice do you have for students interested in
medical education?
One of the best pieces of advice I ever received was that
‘anyone can be happy doing something for five or even ten
years, but what is going to make you curious and excited to
go to work in the second and third decades of your
career’. For some, this is research or administration. For
me, this is medical education. However, just because
doctors are smart doesn’t mean that they are skilled
educators. In addition to expanding your medical
knowledge, focus on expanding your teaching skills
throughout your career. Foster a culture of safe
continuous feedback.

What do you like to do in your spare time?
This time of year, I love to go skiing, and in warmer weather, I can be found fishing on a stream. Both force me
to get away from phones, pagers and computers. My family and I also enjoy hiking and spending time with our
three dogs (two yellow labs, and a Bernese Mountain dog).

What do you like best about Baystate?
The culture. I appreciate the shared commitment to excellence in teaching and a strong dedication to the care of
the underserved. I also value the collegiality and relative downplaying of medical hierarchy found at Baystate.

What would you like the UMass community to know about Baystate Medical Center and PURCH?
I know I am speaking for all of my Baystate colleagues when I say how excited and enthusiastic the Baystate
community is to participate in teaching the PURCH students. This enthusiasm extends to our extended
community of patients and community leaders, many of whom have participated in teaching sessions with the
PURCH students.

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DOMUS DOCTRINARUM - UMass Medical School
Capstone is always a mystery to most UMass students, especially during the preclinical years.
Librarians Penny Glassman and Victoria Rossetti shared with us ways the library can help you get
ahead of the curve!

Librarians can help you throughout your medical school years. We encourage you to contact your House
Librarian early and often to help with your literature searches, tips on using PubMed, using citation managers,
and helping you narrow the focus of the Capstone Project. You don’t have to wait until the 3rd year FCE work
with your House Librarian, we are available anytime.
Please refer to the graphic below for your House Librarian assignments.
A useful tool is the Research and Scientific Writing: Capstone Resources Research Guide:
The sections of the guide are:
    - Capstone Resources
    - Literature Searches
    - Parts of the Paper
    - Tracking and Citing Resources
    - Books of Effective Writing
    - Where to Publish
We understand it isn’t easy to focus on your
Capstone Project during your first year. You have so
many things going on. However, we encourage you
to start thinking and planning by performing
literature searches on some of your areas of interest.
Work with your advisor during you first year to
narrow down your ideas. You can also start working
with your House Librarian, even on other
assignments or projects.

As you go through your first and second years, your
House Librarian can provide you with some tips
about searching PubMed and refining the focus of
your research, and hopefully save you some time.
We can explain how to access the full text of
resources available through the library and show you
what apps are available to you to for your phones or
tablets. Also, we can explain how to save searches
and receive email updates on a daily, monthly, or
weekly basis, and save the results of your search.

As you move forward with your research, we can
introduce you to various Citation Managers, such as
EndNote, Refworks, Mendeley, Zotero, etc. We can
also recommend some books on effective writing.
During your third year many students select a FCE that includes working with both your project advisor and
librarian. This usually involved a short (< 1 hour) meeting with the librarian to review where you are in your
literature search and answer any follow-up questions.

Your House Librarian is interested in helping you succeed, so if you’re ever in the library (even just for the
free coffee on exam night or the free food you heard about from our Twitter) drop by and say hi! Getting to
know us and the library now will help you in the future.
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DOMUS DOCTRINARUM - UMass Medical School
                                   On November 15, 2017, the Learning Communities hosted the 8th
                                   Annual Thanks-Advice-Giving in November.

Arnav Chandra is an MS2
famous for his one liners and
quick-witted humor. As the
LCxB Mentorship
Representative, he played a
pivotal role in the planning of
the 8th Annual Thanks-Advice-
                                   Over 100 students and faculty came together to share advice and eat
This year, Arnav is working to     delicious Thanksgiving food prepared by the house executive boards.
integrate our mentors, specialty   Throughout the night the Faculty Conference Room was full of smiles and
advisors, and internal medicine    by the end there were no leftovers – a sure sign of success!
firms into the Learning
Communities in a meaningful        Thanks-Advice-Giving embodies all that the Learning Communities strive
way. He is also working on         to achieve: interaction amongst classes that allows students to learn from
projects to integrate UMMS with    each other, just as they will in their future medical careers. It is rare to get
other Massachusetts Medical        students from all four years in the same place at the same time, and we are
Schools. We would be lost          so happy that Thanks-Advice-Giving could make that happen.
without him!

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DOMUS DOCTRINARUM - UMass Medical School

     The Worcester Free Clinic Coalition is comprised of
     five clinics in Worcester and Shrewsbury. Overseen
     by licensed physicians, these clinics offer MS1 and
     MS2 students the opportunity to practice taking
     histories, complete physical exams, and present to
     attending physicians. MS1 students are offered the
     unique opportunity to volunteer at any of the clinics
     throughout the semester, and may train as Case
     Managers who help patients enroll in health insurance.

     For the first time, there were over 20 Case Managers
     in the Class of 2021, allowing the clinics to have
     available Case Management at each clinic! MS2
     students apply to serve as clinic leaders and coalition
     members to operate the clinics on a weekly basis. The
     Worcester Free Clinic Coalition wants to thank
     students in all houses for their help with making the
     free clinics as successful as they are!

                                               PETS OF THE LEARNING COMMUNITIES!

Miss Clementine is a         Mia lived on the streets of       Anders, the bitey tuxedo          Gordon is a 3-month old
calico kitten who lives      Puerto Rico before being          angel, is the sassy fur baby      Goldendoodle who spends
with LCxB senior co-chair,   adopted by LCxB junior co-        of Burncoat co-chair Vicki        most of his time eating or
Brittany Berk. When she      chair Danielle Kerrigan.          Podsiadlo. He knows he's          sleeping with his dad, Grant
isn’t busy cuddling her      Despite her island roots, she     handsome, and he will use it      Lewandrowski, co-chair of
mommy after a long day       loves frolicking in (and          to get extra treats (especially   Kelley. He occasionally
on the wards, you can find   eating) the snow. After a         green beans!). It's hard to       takes breaks from sleeping to
her trying to solve the      long day of playing, you can      look attractive next to this      chew on his stuffed duck and
ever-mysterious laser.       catch her snoring on her          handsome little devil, but        alligator. He also has
                             mom's lap.                        momma will keep trying!           discovered he enjoys burying
                                                                                                 his head in snow banks.
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DOMUS DOCTRINARUM - UMass Medical School

     v Hosted First Annual School Supply
       Drive and donated 1000+ items to the
       New Citizen School
     v Sponsored a Specialty Advisor Dinner
       with Kelley and Brightwood Houses
     v Developed the First Annual House
       Cup Football Tournament
     v Participated in the Boys and Girls
       Club Adopt-A-Family for the Holiday

Hands Only CPR is a program hosted through
the American Heart Association (AHA) that
aims to teach techniques of Hands Only CPR to
members of local communities. In 2015,
Blackstone, in conjunction with mentor Dr.
Cynthia Ennis, partnered with the AHA to
establish an initiative in the Worcester
                                                        MEET THE CHAIRS: ANDREW GUSEV
community. Since then, Blackstone has                   AND KEVIN O’CONNOR
volunteered at various local sporting events and
has even taught UMMS faculty and staff in the           Kevin O’Connor is an MS2 from Westwood, MA. He
ASC! They have since developed CHOP, a                  attended Bowdoin College, where he played football and
student group dedicated to promoting cardiac            participated on the track team. After graduating, Kevin
health throughout the Worcester community.              worked at Dana Farber Cancer Institute and completed a
They have recently gotten involved at the local         Master’s degree from Boston University. Kevin also has
free clinics to continue teaching these vital skills.   many hidden talents, including an ability to binge Netflix
                                                        religiously, and foul out of basketball games.

                                                        Andrew Gusev was born in St. Petersburg, Russia and
                                                        grew up in Wayland, MA. He participated in competitive
                                                        swimming during his undergraduate studies at the
                                                        University of Chicago. While there, he also conducted
                                                        research studying the molecular mechanisms of
                                                        osteoporosis. Upon graduating, he worked as an
                                                        Implementation Consultant with Epic Systems until he
                                                        matriculated at UMass.

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DOMUS DOCTRINARUM - UMass Medical School

    v Organized a field trip
      to the Big E in West
    v Sponsored a Specialty
      Advisor Dinner with
      Blackstone and Kelley
    v Hosted a Secret Santa
      with faculty at Baystate
      Health Center in

ALL ABOUT PURCH                                     MEET THE BOARD: PRITH
The Population-based Urban and Rural                ROYCHOWDHURY AND
Community Health (PURCH) track is the newest
addition to UMass. This track allows students to    KATHRYN NORMAN
learn primary and sub-specialty care of patients
within a population health framework. PURCH         Prith Roychowdhury is an MS1
students have their all clinical experiences,       medical student. His favorite thing
including LPP and DCS, at Baystate Health           about UMass so far is undoubtedly the
Center in Springfield. The PURCH curriculum         convivial community of learners and
prepares students to practice medicine in diverse   faculty both within the PURCH
urban and rural communities, with a focus on        program and the medical school overall!
underserved populations.                            In his spare time he enjoys tasting
                                                    coffee roasts, craft beers, and hot
                                                    sauces. He also enjoys reading non-
                                                    fiction and shooting some basketball
                                                    outside the school.

                                                    Kathryn Norman is an MS1. While
                                                    she spends most of her free time talking
                                                    to anyone who will listen about why
                                                    PURCH is the greatest thing in the
                                                    history of the world, she also enjoys
                                                    playing violin in the UMass orchestra,
                                                    hanging out with her cat, and being

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DOMUS DOCTRINARUM - UMass Medical School

 v Assembled the Annual
   Time Capsule for first
   year students
 v Hosted a study break
   for students with pizza
   and coloring books
 v Attended the annual
   Burncoat Cookie Swap
   with faculty
 v Developed a new legacy
   project: Burncoat Baby

                                    MEET THE CHAIRS: VICKI PODSIADLO
                                    AND BLAKE FOSTER
                                    Vicki Podsiadlo was born and raised in Chicopee, which
COMMUNITY                           is right outside of Springfield, Massachusetts. After
INVOLVEMENT                         graduating from UMass Amherst in 2014, she was a
                                    nursing assistant in a nursing home and did some
Burncoat is proud to soon be        scheduling for the radiology department at Baystate
working alongside the               Hospital in Springfield. Burncoat is ready to turn up the
Worcester Healthy Baby              heat this year, and Vicki is excited to be a part of it!
Collaborative in their efforts to
bring baby boxes to Worcester       Blake Foster grew up in Newton, MA. He knew from the
as their new legacy project!
                                    day he was born that he was meant to be in Burncoat.
These baby boxes will contain
                                    After attending UMass Amherst he matriculated to
supplies and informational
                                    UMass Medical School, where he has proudly earned the
materials for new mothers in
Worcester while also doubling       title of Burncoat co-chair. When he’s not studying, Blake
as a temporary bed. As this is      can be found rock climbing, skiing, riding his motor
still in its preliminary phases,    cycle, and playing ping pong in the student lounge.
Burncoat is determining how to
best assist this project in the
future. They are excited to
support the baby boxes for
many years to come!

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DOMUS DOCTRINARUM - UMass Medical School
                               KELLEY GIVES BACK: KELLEY BACKPACKS
                               Kelley Backpacks is a
  v Hosted a very successful   community service program run
    Kelley Pizza and Puppy     by students at UMass Medical
    Therapy Night              School. Kelley Backpacks
  v Sponsored a Specialty      provides a backpack packed with
    Advisor Dinner with        essentials to each pediatric patient
    Kelley and Brightwood      going directly into foster care or
    House                      DCF Custody from the UMass
  v Had Annual Kelley          Memorial Medical Center
    House Bowling Night        Emergency Department, Pediatric
  v Working on Kelley          Unit, or Foster Care Evaluation
    House Calendar             Clinic. Recently, Kelley
                               Backpacks has garnered support
                               from several other companies and       Donations include swaddles
                               received some wonderful                from Milk Barn Kids and safe
                               donations.                             rattles from Chewheads.

                                              MEET THE CHAIRS: AILISH
                                              HANLY AND GRANT
                                              Ailish Hanly truly BLEEDS GREEN - you may
                                              even know her as the MS2 who wore a kangaroo
                                              costume for the entirety of MOE 2017. She went to
                                              Cornell University where she studied Human
                                              Development and was captain of the track team.
                                              After graduating, she worked at the MGH Center
                                              for Addiction Medicine. She has recently taken up
                                              golfing in her spare time.

                                              Grant Lewandrowski is an MS2 from Lexington,
                                              MA. He attended Washington and Lee University,
                                              then worked in neuro- oncology genetics research
                                              for three years, and completed a Master's degree at
                                              the Tufts University. His career interests involve
                                              expanding Veteran's healthcare in the private sector
                                              and pursuing military medicine in Army Reserve.
                                              His proudest achievement to date is being a part of
                                              Kelley's 2017 House Cup championship.
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DOMUS DOCTRINARUM - UMass Medical School

 v Hosted a tie-dye party where
   students made t-shirts to wear at
   all future house events
 v Painted canvases for the dialysis
   unit with Community Canvases
   and children from WRAP
 v Challenged the children in WRAP
   in a volleyball tournament
 v Organized a Halloween costume
   drive and a Christmas toy drive to
   benefit WRAP

                                                 MEET THE CHAIRS: BRIAN
                                                 TASHJIAN AND DAVID PETERS
                                                 Brian Tashjian is from San Jose, CA, and yes,
                                                 the winters here are unbearable for a California
KELLEY GIVES BACK:                               boy like him. He is a tennis player by training,
                                                 but he loves to play all different kinds of
WRAP: QUINSIGAMOND                               sports. Despite the cold weather, he absolutely
                                                 loves it here at UMass. His favorite part about
COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT                            UMass is how the faculty make the students feel
                                                 important and value feedback.
Worcester Refugee Assistance Project
(WRAP) provides mentoring, advocacy, and         David Peters is from Gloucester, MA and went
material support to Burmese refugees in          to Boston College for undergrad. He loves
Worcester to help them achieve                   spending time at the beach and staying active by
independence and self-reliance.                  playing sports, especially basketball. His
Quinsigamond supports WRAP by collecting         favorite part of medical school is learning
costumes for Halloween and toys for              pathology, and his favorite part about UMass is
Christmas for the children. This year,           the compassion of everyone in the community.
Quinsigamond also hosted them at UMass
for a night of pizza and painting canvases for
the dialysis unit, and for a volleyball game.
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                                       TATNUCK FLU SHOT CLINIC INITITATIVE
                                                                                  The Flu Clinics
      v Hosted pick-up
        volleyball events with a
                                                                                  in Worcester
        picnic in summer, and                                                     Public Schools
        with fall snacks and                                                      promote the
        apple cider in the fall                                                   health of the
      v Had student-led                                                           Worcester
        mindfulness and                                                           community and
        meditation session                                                        prevent disease
      v Trained all first year                                                    among
        students to give flu                                                      Worcester’s
        shots to elementary                                                       youth by leading
        school children
                                      groups of interprofessional volunteers. This year, all Tatnuck
                                      MS1s were injection trained, and many lead clinics on their
                                      own. As team leaders, students are responsible for
                                      transporting materials to and from schools, setting up
                                      vaccination stations, overseeing screening for parental
                                      consent, administering shots, and more.
Pawan Mathew is an MS2 from Winchester, MA.
He attended Duke University for his undergraduate
studies, where he majored in neuroscience. After
graduation, he worked in a neuroscience lab at the
NIH in Maryland. He has always been excited about
school community and knew that he wanted to be a
Tatnuck co-chair from the moment he was placed in
Tatnuck. He is also involved in research at UMass.

Rachel Silverman is an MS2 from Marlborough,
MA and went to Saint Anselm College. After
graduating, she spent time as a live-in volunteer at a
shelter for women and children refugees in Houston,
TX and then taught high school Spanish in Franklin,
MA. Ever since applying to UMass, she was excited
about the community that the LCs foster and knew
that she wanted to be involved.

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LCxB Thanks You!

The Learning Communities Executive Board
would like to thank the student body for
outstanding participation in each one of this
semester’s LC-wide events and charities. From
Thanks-Advice-Giving to the various charity
drives, your enthusiasm has been
unprecedented. This semester alone the
Learning Communities have managed to collect
over 1500 donations for the New Citizens
Center School for refugee children. We also
had a record-breaking year with the Department
of Family Medicine’s Holiday Basket Toiletry
Drive benefiting mothers in homeless shelters
and community health centers.

We appreciate your passion and can’t wait to
see where it takes us. Have a happy and healthy
new year!

     MEET THE PUBLICIST:                                     YOUR LEARNING
     UKPONG UTTEH                                             COMMUITIES
     Meet Ukpong Etteh, our publicist.                      EXECUTIVE BOARD
     If you haven’t spotted her in a dark
     lipstick around the library with a                     Brittany Berk • Senior Co-Chair
     coffee and BRS book in hand,                          Danielle Kerrigan • Junior Co-Chair
     you’ve probably seen her on social                         Jason Yang • Treasurer
     media promoting LC events. She                         Christine Motzkus • Leadership
     runs the UMass Learning                                          Development
     Communities Instagram account                              Ukpong Utteh • Publicity
     and is currently working on
                                                            Max Hoffman • House Cup Chair
     updating the Learning
                                                             Arnav Chandra • Mentorship
     Communities website. She loves
     event planning and instagramming
     her way through each event of


 Facebook:Story    Headline

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