DIMITROVA Associate Professor Anna - ESSCA

Page created by Yvonne Romero
Associate Professor Anna

Main department: Strategy,                          Email: anna.dimitrova@essca.fr
Entrepreneurship and International Business
Nationality: France

  - Transatlantic relations, US foreign policy analysis
  - Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Determinants in Emerging Countries
  - International Management
  - Country Risk Analysis and Geopolitics
  - Globalisation

  - International Trade
  - Country-risk Analysis Applied to International Business
  - International Relations
  - Geopolitics

Highest degree :
  2005        PhD in Organisational Behavior, Université de Nice Sophia -Antipolis,

  2006            Post-Doctoral research in Political Studies, LAIOS, France
  2002            Master of Advanced European and International Studies, Institut Européen
                  - European Institute, France
  2000            Master in Intercultural Management, Sofia University "St. Kliment
                  Ohridski", Bulgaria

Academic experience
  Since 2017      Associate Professor, ESSCA School of Management, France
  2014 - 2014 Lecturer, Sciences Po, France
  2012 - 2014 Visiting Professor, Université internationale de Casablanca, Morocco
  2011 - 2016 Associate Professor, ESCE, France
  2008 - 2011 Lecturer, France
  2008 - 2008 Visiting Professor, University for Business and Technology (UBT), Kosovo

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Academic experience
  2007 - 2012 Lecturer, EDHEC Business School, France
  2007 - 2010 Director of studies, Professor,         Institut   Européen   de   Management
              International (IEMI), France
  Since 2007   Associate researcher, Institut Européen - European Institute, France
  2006 - 2007 Postdoctoral Researcher, LAIOS, France
  2005 - 2006 Faculty, Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski", Bulgaria

Editorial activities
  Active editorship with academic / professional publication
  2019 - 2019 Ad-hoc reviewer, International Social Science Journal
  Since 2018   Ad-hoc eviewer, Management Decision
  Since 2014   Ad-hoc reviewer, Journal of Politics and Law
  Since 2013   Ad-hoc reviewer, Journal of Common Market Studies
Service to the academic discipline
  Leadership positions in recognized academic associations/societies
  Since 2015   Member of the Board of Trustees,           Centre International de Formation
               Européenne (CIFE), France
  Participation in the scientific committee of a conference
  2019 - 2019 Session Chair: Populism and the Far Right - Consequences for the Health
              of Democracy. 49th International Conference, Academic Association for
              Contemporary European Studies (UACES), Portugal
  2019 - 2019 Session chair, Brics and International Business, 2019 Annual Meeting,
              Academy of International Business (AIB), United States of America
  Since 2016   Ad-hoc reviewer, Academy of International Business (AIB)
  Scientific association membership
  Since 2013   Member, Academic Association for Contemporary European Studies
               (UACES), United Kingdom
Supervision of thesis/HDR
  décembre     Les "tensions marocaines" de 1905 à 1911: une lutte pour la
  2016         reconnaissance? les filtres identitaires de la sécurité et leur impact sur les
               origines de la gestion de crise internationale et sa théorie, PhD jury
               member / examiner, Université Panthéon-Sorbonne - Paris 1 , France


  2020         Best Reviewer Award 2020, Academy of International Business (AIB),
               United States of America
  2006         Post-doctoral research grant, Maison des Sciences de l'Homme (MSH),
  2005         Returning Scholars Grant, Open Society Institute, Bulgaria
  2002         French government grant, French Government, France
  2001         Grant, Haniel Stiftung, France

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Peer-reviewed Articles
  DIMITROVA, A., "The State of the Transatlantic Relationship in the Trump Era",
  Fondation Robert Schuman - European Issues, February 2020, vol. 545
  DIMITROVA, A., T. ROGMANS, D. TRIKI, "Country-specific determinants of FDI inflows to
  the MENA region", Multinational Business Review, March 2020, vol. 28, no. 1, pp. 1-38
  FOUGIER, E., A. DIMITROVA, "Contestation de la mondialisation : vingt ans après la
  « bataille de Seattle »", Politique étrangère, November 2019, vol. Automn, no. 3, pp.
  DIMITROVA, A., M. BRKAN, "Balancing National Security and Data Protection: The Role
  of EU and US Policy-Makers and Courts before and after the NSA Affair", Journal of
  Common Market Studies, May 2018, vol. 56, no. 4, pp. 751-767
  DIMITROVA, A., D. TRIKI, "Does State Fragility Matter for Foreign Direct Investment?
  Evidence from Southern and Eastern Mediterranean Countries", Management Decision,
  August 2018, vol. 56, no. 8, pp. 1787-1803
  DIMITROVA, A., "European Foreign Policy and the Challenges of Balkan Accession (book
  review)", Journal of Common Market Studies, July 2014, vol. 52, no. 4
  DIMITROVA, A., "The Politics of Recognition in International Conflicts", Millennium
  Journal of International Studies, 2013, vol. 41, no. 3, pp. 663-668
  DIMITROVA, A., "Le débat sur la politique étrangère d’Obama: quelle nouvelle « grande
  stratégie » pour les États-Unis ?", Revue Etudes internationales, 2012, no. 2, pp. 231-
  DIMITROVA, A., "Public Opinion in Bulgaria with Regard to the EU Membership in the
  Context of the Economic Crisis: Towards a “Bulgarian Exception”?", L’Europe en
  formation, 2012, no. 364, pp. 289-304
  DIMITROVA, A., "Y a-t-il une doctrine Obama en matière de politique étrangère ?",
  L’Europe en formation, 2011, no. 360, pp. 21-43
  DIMITROVA, A., "Libye, Ben-Laden, Afghanistan : la doctrine Obama en débat", La note
  de l'Institut des Relations Internationales et Stratégique, July 2011
  DIMITROVA, A., E. FOUGIER, "Les illusions perdues de la « mondialisation heureuse",
  L'Europe en formation, 2009, pp. 121-151

Books and Book Editor
  DIMITROVA, A., E. FOUGIER, Introduction aux relations internationales, Ellipses, 2014

  DIMITROVA, A., E. FOUGIER, La Géopolitique en 1000 QCM, Ellipses, 2011

  DIMITROVA, A., La mondialisation en débat : perceptions comparées franco-bulgares,
  Editions Universitaires Européennes, 2010

Chapters in book
  DIMITROVA, A., "The Risks of Trumpism" in Europe – Against the Tide., Marhold M.,
  Waechter M. Eds, Nomos, pp. 139-147, 2018

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DIMITROVA, A., "Transatlantic relations under Obama’s Presidency: Between Dream
  and Reality" in Europe under Stress: Internal and External Challenges for the EU and its
  Member States., H. Marhold Ed., Nomos, 2016
  DIMITROVA, A., "Troubled Times for Transatlantic Relations", Hartmut Marhold Ed.,
  Europe in Trouble: Developing under the Constraint of Crises, pp. 151-159, 2016

Research / consulting reports
  DIMITROVA, A., E. FOUGIER , "Les grandes entreprises face au risque sociétal en
  France", Les risque sociaux en entreprise, Fondation Concorde, 2020

Non-Peer Reviewed Articles
  DIMITROVA, A., E. FOUGIER, "Les entreprises face au risque de contestation radicale",
  Sécurité et stratégie, 2018, vol. 29, no. 1, pp. 64-70
  DIMITROVA, A., "Introduction", L'Europe en formation, March 2017, vol. 382, no. 1, pp.
  DIMITROVA, A., "Trump’s “America First” Foreign Policy: The Resurgence of the
  Jacksonian Tradition?", L'Europe en formation, March 2017, vol. 382, no. 1, pp. 33-46
  DIMITROVA, A., "Victoire des Républicains lors des « midterms » : Obama deviendra-t-il
  un président « lame duck » en matière de politique étrangère ?", La note de l'Institut
  des Relations Internationales et Stratégique, November 2014
  DIMITROVA, A., "Politique étrangère : quel impact sur la présidentielle américaine ?", La
  note de l'Institut des Relations Internationales et Stratégique, October 2012
  DIMITROVA, A., "Romney vs. Obama : la politique étrangère au cœur de la campagne
  présidentielle après les émeutes anti-américaines ?", La note de l'Institut des Relations
  Internationales et Stratégique, September 2012

Presentation at a conference with proceedings
  DIMITROVA, A., D. TRIKI, A. VALENTINO, "Terrorism-prone countries and FDI inflows:
  Evidence from the MENA region" in EIBA-IBR, 10ème conférence Atlas AFMI, 2020
  DIMITROVA, A., "Trust and Mistrust in the Transatlantic Alliance in the Context of
  Trump’s 'America First' Agenda. 49th" in 49th UACES Annual Conference, 2019,
  Lisbonne, Portugal
  DIMITROVA, A., D. TRIKI, T. ROGMANS, "What Determines Inbound FDI to the MENA
  Region? A Systematic Evidence-Based Review and Research Agenda" in AIB Annual
  Meeting, 2019, Copenhagen, Denmark
  NIELSEN, K., A. DIMITROVA, "The Return of Jacksonianism in US Foreign Policy under
  the Trump Presidency : A Risk or an Opportunity for Europe ?" in Biennial conference of
  the ECPR Standing Group on the European Union, 13-15 June, 2018, Paris
  DIMITROVA, A., T. ROGMANS, D. TRIKI, "Drivers of FDI inflows to the MENA Region : A
  critical Literature Review of Empirical Studies between 2000 and 2017" in AIB Annual
  Conference, 25-28 June, 2018, Minneapolis (USA)
  DIMITROVA, A., K. L. NIELSEN, "Risks and Opportunities for Europe under a "Jacksonian"
  Trump Presidency" in 48th UACES Annual Conference, 2018, Bath (UK)

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DIMITROVA, A., J. GAMSO, "Are Foreign direct Invesment inflows to developing
  Countries affected by State fragility and environmental Performance ?" in International
  Business Review Development Workshop at the 44th EIBA, 2018, Poznan, Poland
  DIMITROVA, A., D. TRIKI, "The Impact of State Fragility on FDI Inflows: Empirical
  Investigation in the Mediterranean Region" in AIB Annual Conference, 1-5 July, Dubai
  (UAE), 2017
  DIMITROVA, A., "The Surveillance Triangle : Authorities, Data Subjects and Means" in
  Atlantic Series Policy Conference, 25-26 September, 2017, Brussels
  DIMITROVA, A., "Troubled Times for the Transatlantic Relationship" in UACES Annual
  Conference, 4-6 September, 2016, London
  DIMITROVA, A., K. NIELSEN, "Transatlantic Relations Under Obama’s Presidency:
  Between Dream and Reality ?" in 22nd International Conference of Europeanists,
  Sciences Po Paris, 6-8 July, 2015, Paris
  DIMITROVA, A., "National Security versus Data Protection: A Transatlantic Gap?" in
  UACES Annual Conference, 2014, Cork
  DIMITROVA, A., "Understanding the US Strategic Downgrade of Europe: Time for a
  “Post-American Europe”?" in UACES Annual Conference, 2013, Leeds, United Kingdom
  DIMITROVA, A., "L'européanisation après l'accession à l'Union européenne :
  transformation, réforme et respect des règles dans les nouveaux États membres de
  l'Union européenne : le cas de la Bulgarie" in CIFE International conference, 2012, Nice,
  DIMITROVA, A., "Obama’s Foreign Policy: Between Pragmatic Realism and Smart
  Diplomacy ?" in Institute for Cultural Diplomacy (ICD) Academy, 2011, Berlin

Presentation at Other Conference
  DIMITROVA, A., "Trump's "Amercia First" Foreign Policy: What Challenges for Europe?"
  in EU-Asia Institute research seminar, 2018

Invited in Academic Conferences
  DIMITROVA, A. - "Balancing National Security and Data Protection : the role of EU and
  US Policy-makers and Courts before and after the NSA Affair" - 2017, Bruxelles,

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