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St. Patricks Day historic roots run deep i FEATURE,P.4                                                                                                                     Wine rules explained I HIATUS, P. 12

                                   St. Patty's in SAM                                                                                                                                    Softball splits double
                                  Read our guide to a great green                                                                                                                        header against N. Fla.
       Volume 78
       Number 83                  time in Savannah | HIATUS, p. 10                                                                                                                       I SPORTS, p. 8


                                                                                                                   THURSDAY, MARCH          9, 2006

Two men                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Lecture
running                                                                                                                                                                                                                    to talk on
for SGA                                                                                                                                                                                                                    troubled
president                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Ireland
Elections for                                                                                                                                                                                                               'Southern Speaks Irish'
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            lecture March 21 to
executive board,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           focus on Irish murals
senate set for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Compiled by staff
March 27-29
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Don't miss "Images from a Troubled
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Land: Murals of Northern Ireland"
By Adam Crisp                                                                                                                                                                                                              Tuesday after spring break. The third
Managing editor                                                                                                                                                                                                            presentation in the "Southern Speaks
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Irish" lecture series will be held at 12:30
     .Two current members of Georgia                                                                                                                                                                                       p.m. in room 1004 in the College of
Southern's Student Government As-                                                                                                                                                                                          Information Technology Building. The
sociation are vying for the boards                                                                                                                                                                                         talk will present a history of the murals
top job.                                                                                                                                                                                                                   of Northern Ireland and incorporate the
      Seniors Sean Bethune and Chris                                                                                                                                                                                       social and political contexts with which
Ford are running for SGA president.                                                                                                                                                                                        the works are associated.
A third candidate,                                                                                                                                                                                                             Bob Frigo, assistant director of the
Claudia Segovia,                                                                                                                                                                                                           University Honors Program, will speak
said Wednesday                                                                                                                                                                                                             on the giant murals that have emerged
she was dropping                                                                                                                                                        Grayson Hoffman/STAFF                              on gable-walls in ghettoized districts of
out of the race.                                   The cast of The Elixir of Love' picture front row, left to right: Pedro Carreras, Jonathan Murphey. Second row: Liz Zettler, Sally Hawkins,                             Derry, Belfast and other northern Irish

                                                        Opera to perform
                                                   and Sarah Furse. Back: Dan Scofield and John Walters. The opera will be performed at the Averitt Center March 21 and 22.                                                towns. The murals are both pro-British
      The election
is scheduled for                                                                                                                                                                                                           Unionist and pro-Irish. Frigo will use a
March 27-29 on                                                                                                                                                                                                             wide range of high-quality images, many
WINGS, and a Sean                                                                                                                                                                                                          he took himself, to tell their story.
debate is tenta- Bethune                                                                                                                                                                                                       "Over the course of the past century,
tively scheduled                                                                                                                                                                                                           the mural has served as an outward ex-

                                                       'The Elixir of Love'
for March 27.                                                                                                                                                                                                              pression of cultural identity and political
      Both Bethune                                                                                                                                                                                                         affiliation in Northern Ireland," said
and Ford say                                                                                                                                                                                                               Frigo. "This artistic manifestation has
their campaigns                                                                                                                                                                                                            played an unprecedented role in marking
for president will                                                                                                                                                                                                         territory and has provided a unique com-
go into full swing                                                                                                                                                                                                                               see IRELAND, page 9
when students re-
turn from spring
break March 20.
                                                        Student cast says the show will be a dose of strong medicine
Though banners
and groups on already                  By Kevin Bell                             who is playing coy and hard to        a small, gossipy town in Georgia         of the instrument."
advertise the two men's tickets, both               Staff writer                              get. When a traveling salesman        during the 1950s. While the piece            The lead role of Nemorino
say larger scale campaigning will                                                             arrives in the town selling various   was originally written in Italian,       will be played by both Pedro Car-
blanket the campus in the coming                    The Georgia Southern                      goods, Nemorino buys an "elixir       the students will be performing          reras and Jonathan Murphy. Sally
weeks.                                                       Opera will be presenting         of love" from him in the hopes of     the opera in English.                    Hawkins will be playing the role of
      Both men say their campaigns will                      the "Elixir of Love" on          winning Adina's heart. However,           "I wanted to challenge the           Adina,thewomanNemorino. The
focus on informing students about                   March 21 and 22 at 8 p.m. The             the elixir turns out to be a bottle   students," said Harper of choos-         cast will be played by Sarah Furse
how SGA can help represent their                    performance will be held at the           of wine and Nemorino, having          ing the "Elixir of Love" as their        and Liz Zetder as the Giannetta
views. The association serves in an                 Averitt Center for the Arts on East       never experienced alcohol before,     performance. "It's so much fun to        twins, John Wolters as Belcore, and
advisory role. The SGA's decisions                  Main Street in Statesboro. Tickets        becomes convinced that it's work-     seethe singers grow and hear their       Daniel Scofield as Dulcamara.
 are presented to administrators for                will be $ 10 for general admission,       ing when all the women begin to       voices rise to the occasion."                "It's really fun - very strenu-
 review, but the administration also                $5 for faculty and staff, and $2 for      pine for him - not realizing it's         The "Elixir of Love" is known        ous. The singing is difficult - a
 seeks the SGA's opinion.                           students.                                 because he inherited a fortune        as a "Bel Canto", which means            bit higher than I'm use to," said
      "Every year SGA moves further                     The "Elixir ofLove" is an opera       from his deceased uncle.              "Beautiful Singing". "The com-           Hawkins. "Adina is one of those
 away from the students," said Ford, a              written by Gaetano Donizetti. It              Adapted by Tamara Harper,         posers arranged the music so             girls who knows what she wants.
 marketing and graphic design major                 is a story about a hapless hero           an assistant professor at GSU and     singers could show off their sing-       Every girl wants to have that
 from Suwanee. "I want SGA's sena-                  named Nemorino and how he                 the director of the performance,      ing," said Harper. "It's all about       confidence."                                                            Bob Frigo/SPECIAL
 tors and executive board to go to our              wishes to be with the lovely Adina,       the "Elixir of Love" takes place in   the voice - showing the beauty                           see ELIXIR, page 9             Murals like this one in Derry, Northern
 school's 250 organizations and let                                                                                                                                                                                         Ireland, will be the topic of a lecture.
 them know they are represented on
 SGA... I want them to know they still
 have a voice."

                                                    Enjoy your spring break safely
      "I embody the average student," said
 Bethune, a political science and second-
 ary education major from Decatur.
 Tm going to be able to reach out to all
 students... and appeal to everyone."
      Both Bethune and Ford are run-                By Angela Byrd                              Florida beaches like Miami beach,       plans, there is one thing that every-
 ning with a slate of candidates they'd             Staff writer                                which is one ofthe most sought-after    one should have in common, spring
 like to sit on the association's executive                                                     spring break and vacation spots in      break safety.
 board. Ford is running as "The Ford                    Many students began making              the nation.                                 In the midst of visiting different
 Ticket" and Bethune's is called "The               preparations as early as last year, but         "My friends and I are heading       travel destinations, shopping, hang-
 All American Team."                                for some, spring break plans were           down to Miami for the break. We         ing out, and shopping, problems
       Bethune said he selected his                 unknown until just a few days ago.          made these plans last year around       and obstacles could arise and put a
  ticket from a wide range of groups                    "We just decided to travel to           December," said Joi Reed, a junior      damper on your time off. Experts at
  that represent the diversity of GSU's             Boston about three days ago," said          political science major from Snell- list a few precautions to
  campus. Ford said his ticket is equally           Larnecia Almond, a biology student          vilie, GA.                              take when preparing for your spring                                                           Michael Laughlin/KRT
  diverse.                                          from Moultrie, GA.                              Whether you knew a year ago,        break destination.                           HeatherMyles,center,ofOhioUniversity,dancesthenightawaywithfriends
                         see SGA, page 9                Many students are attracted to          or are still in the process of making                     see BREAK, page 9          at Zubar in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

  TODAY                                 FRIDAY                              SATURDAY                                SUNDAY '                                     Campus          2      Classifieds        6        GET YOUR COOKIES, COOKIE!
         1 High: 80 I Low: 60                    High: 84 I Low: 58                    High: 85 I Low: 59            n High: 85 I Low: 58                        News            3      OIA                7        Girl Scouts are selling their delicious cookies
                                                                                                                                                                 Features        4      Sports         .-. 8        around town. Find out how you can score a box
          I Partly cloudy                        Scattered t'storms                    Partly cloudy                   Mostly sunny                              Briefs          5      Hiatus ... 9,10,11,12       of the delicacies |see BOTTOM LINE, p. 6                                                                                                   K K             y                          "                                      Covering the campus like a swarm of gnats, fu
Digital Commons@Georgia Southern - Georgia Southern University
PAGE 2 I CAMPUS NEWS                                                                                                                                                                                                          THURSDAY, MABCH 9,2006 I THE GEORGE-ANNE DAILY

E-Z Go Schenkel Golf Tournament comes to Statesboro
By Brittany Hall                                                                                    Schenkel called play-by-play for nu-                              premier intercollegiate tournaments                "We love doing the tournament,"               The GSU golf team has an upper
Staff Writer
                                                                                                    merous sports on television and radio,                            in the East.                                  said the Schenkel Coordinator for Phi          hand on the competition because of
    Fifteen teams, 18 holes and one                                                                 becoming known for his smooth                                         The tournament has attracted              Mu, Summer Ivie. "We look forward              the home course advantage.
national championship. The stakes                                                                   delivery and baritone voice.                                      tourism to Statesboro each year, and          to it ali year long and it's an honor that         Head coach Larry Mays hopes that
are high as 15 universities across                                                                      Schenkel was hired by ABC in                                  due to the prestige of the E-Z Go             they choose us."                               the momentum from the past weeks
the nation send their golf teams to                                                                  1965, and he broadcast college foot-                             Schenkel Championship, new univer-                The players will arrive in Statesboro      will help the GSU golfers triumph in
Statesboro to compete in the E-Z Go                                                                 ball, NBA basketball, golf and tennis                             sities want to participate each year.         on Thursday, March 16 to check into            the Schenkel tournament.
Schenkel Golf lournament on March                                                                   tournaments, boxing, auto racing, the                                 The University of Toledo, Uni-            their hotel rooms and attend the an-               "This will give us some positive
17, at Forest Heights Country Club.                                                                 Summer and Winter Olympic Games,                                  versity of Michigan and University            nual Phi Mu dinner that takes place            momentum heading into the next few
    The Schenkel golf tournament                                                                    and professional bowling.                                         of Alabama are three teams entering           at the Phi Mu house.                           tournaments," said Mays. "This is the
has been a favorite among university                                                                    In 1971, Statesboro businessman                               the tournament for the first time                  On Friday, the teams and coaches          round we have been waiting for."
teams for years because of the atmo-                                                                Charlie Robbins honored Schenkel                                  this year.                                    will have an opportunity to go to                  Mays and the 11 teammates are
sphere of the weekend.                                                                              by developing a scholarship for golf                                  Each year golfers are welcomed            Forest Heights and have a practice             preparing oh the course for the up-
    Chris Schenkel was an American                                                                  at GSU in his name and developing                                 to Statesboro with smiles and gifts           round to get their bearings on the             coming national competition.
sportscaster who received a lifetime                                                                the Chris Schenkel Intercollegiate                                provided by local families and the            foreign course.                                   The tournament is open to the
achievement Emmy and the Jim                                                    Special Photo       Golf Tournament, which features                                   members of Phi Mu Sorority.                       On Saturday, March 18, the tour-           public and admission is free. For
Thorpe Lifetime Achievement Award               Chris Schenkel announced boxing,                    some of the nation's top college golf                                 Phi Mu has been chosen since 1972         nament begins with tee-off at 8 a.m.           more information, contact Forest
for his broadcast excellence.                   football, NASCAR races. Masters golf                teams. Statesboro's golf tournament                               to host this tournament and members           and play will continue until all teams         Heights County Club at 912-764-
    Over the course of five decades             tournaments and other events.                       is regarded as one of college golf's                              enjoy the opportunity.                        have completed the course.                     9817.

College students arrested
for Alabama church arsons
By Jay Reeves
Associated Press                        the University of Alabama at Bir-                              Three arrested in                                               with his client and declined comment
                                        mingham, were charged in the rash                                                                                              on the charges, but added: "This is not
    Week after week, federal agents of church fires last month.
                                                                                                       Ala. church fires                                               a hate crime. This is not a religious
                                                                                                       Authorities on Wednesday arrest-
pored over hundreds of leads in the         Federal agents said Moseley ad-                                                                                            crime."
                                                                                                       ed three college students in nine
Alabama church arson investigation, mitted to the arsons after his arrest                              rural Alabama church arsons.                                        The three were jailed on federal
but again and again they led to dead Wednesday, the day after a tire track,                            Churches                                                        charges of conspiracy and setting fire
ends. A month went by, and no arrest picked up as evidence in the probe,                               ■ Destroyed           a Damaged                                 to a single church in Bibb County,
seemed imminent.                        was traced to Cloyd. DeBusk also                                                                                               Ashby Baptist. Each count carries a
                                                                                                            ;                                    \                     mandatory minimum sentence of five
    Then in a frenzied few hours agents confessed, court documents show.                                                                                 GA.

capped a month of tedious police work       According to court filings, the                                          ALABAMA                         \                 years in prison if convicted.
Wednesday when they arrested apair first arsons started as "a joke" that                                                                                                   Additional charges are possible,
                                                                                                          !                       Brierfield             \
of campus actors and a third college got out of hand and the next were an                                 :Aliceville             "P9                    \             authorities said, but the three were
student in the string of nine church _ attempt to throw off the massive arson                            ! a                                                 \         not believed linked to a 10th church
                                                                                                         ■ Panola        *tf          Antioch >,
arsons that had spread fear through investigation that had formed.                                                                                                     fire that was investigated by a task
                                                                                                        P.      :       .: Lawley                                t
rural Alabama.                              All the.burned churches were                                ;Emelle j         j     *                                 \    force of dozens of state, federal and
    After talking to a secret witness   isolated  and Baptist, but Gov. Bob                             I Boligel        !     M nt
                                                                                                                                 ° 9°mery                        /     local officers.
and matching tire tracks on Tuesday     Riley  said the arsons did not appear                                                                                              U.S. Rep. Artur Davis, whose
                                                                                                                Centrevilie       o            so mi ')
that authorities say pointed them to be "any type of conspiracy against                                                           0     50 km                    >     district includes some of the burned
toward the three students, investiga- organized religion" or the Baptist                                                                                               churches, said he was hopeful "that
tors-worked through the night. They faith.                                                                                              3RIDA                          this is the end to the fear that has been
reported getting an admission from          With the arrests, he said, "the                                                                                            rampant in West Alabama."
                                                                                                     SOURCE: Alabama
one suspect to go with allegations faith-based community can rest a                                  Department ot Insurance                                               Jim Parker, pastor of Ashby
it all began as "a joke" before filing little easier."                                                                                                                 Baptist Church at Brierfield, a Bibb
charges in the string of arsons that        The three suspects rode with Cloyd                      "too spontaneous" after they saw fire                              County church destroyed in the Feb.
began Feb. 3.                           to shoot deer in Bibb County the night                      trucks rushing by.                                                 3 arson^said he had spoken to federal
    "We pushed, and pushed and the first fire was set, according to a                                   Four days after burning five                                   agents and understood the suspects
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Special Photo
pushed until we could make the sworn statement by a federal agent                                   churches in Bibb County, Moseley                                   were promising students from good
break," said Jim Cavanaugh, regional who investigated the fires, Walker                             and Cloyd traveled to west Alabama                                 families.                                        The Hofwyl-Broadfield Plantation State Historic Site peeks out from
                                                                                                    and set fire to four more churches "as                                 "We really are concerned about               the Spanish moss hanging in a front yard oak tree. It was large rice
head of the Bureau of Alcohol, To- Johnson.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        plantation until after the Civil War, with over 350 slaves working there.
bacco, Firearms and Explosives. "This       Cloyd told a witness they set fire                      a diversion to throw investigators off,"                           them as people," he said. "I would
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Rice was the primary agricultural product of the coast during all of the
is a very difficult case."              to a church "as a joke and it got out                       according to Johnson's statement.                                  just like to know what they were
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        19th century.
    Benjamin Nathan Moseley and of hand," according to Johnson, who                                     "Moseley said the diversion                                    thinking."

                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Author of book on
Russell,Lee DeBusk Jr., both 19 and works for the Bureau of Alcohol, To-                            obviously did not work," said the                                      Moseley and DeBush are theater
theater students at Birmingham- bacco, Firearms and Explosives.                                     affidavit.                                                         students at Birmingham-Southern, a
Southern College, and Matthew Lee           Moseley later told agents that                              An attorney for Cloyd, Tommy                                   small liberal arts school affiliated with

                                                                                                                                                                                                                       plantation life visits
Cloyd, 20, a friend and student at burning additional churches became                               Spina, said he had spent little time                               the United Methodist Church. Cloyd
                                                                                                                                                                      formerly attended the same school but
                                                                                                                                                                      transferred to UAB.
                                                                                                                        n I. Vb Swtf- Danttwc itMmn                        All three are from upscale suburbs
                                                                                                                                                                      around Birmingham.
                                                                                                                                                                           Former Birmingham-Southern
                                                                                                                                                                      student Jana Wright said she knew
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        GSUseries continues with "Dwell-
                                                                                                                                                                      both Moseley and DeBusk, but only
                                                                                                                                                                      as acquaintances. Wright, 19, said
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        ing Place: The Midway Commu-
                                                                                                                                                                      neither ever expressed any political or
                                                                                                                                                                      religious views to make anyone think              nity in Black and White'
                                                                                                                                                                      they could be involved in something
                                                                                                                                                                      like burning churches.                            GSU News Service                             understood its stories in very dif-
                                                                                                                                                                           Two current Birmingham-South-                                                             ferent ways, i
                                                                                                                                                                      ern' students, speaking on condition                                                               Clarke is professor of American
                                                                                                                                                                      of anonymity because they didn't                       Georgia Southern's lecture series,      Religious History and director of
                                                                                                                 TRY AFREE CLASS                                       want their names associated with the             'Race and the American South,'               International Programs at Columbia
                                                                                                                     912596-3322                                       suspects, said Moseley, DeBusk and               will continue the Wednesday after            Theological Seminary, and is the
                                                                                                                                                                       Cloyd had a reputation for pranks                spring break with a talk by Erskine          author of four books, including the
                                                                                                                                                                       and vandalism, although nothing                  Clarke, author of "Dwelling Place:           award-winning "Wrestlin Jacob:
                                                                                                                                                                       serious. .                                       A Plantation Epic."                          A Portrait of Religion in the Old
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             The talk will take place in the GSU     South."
  STATEMENT                       Readers may access the           ty ads to be run in the G-A      contact: LindseyTreadwell,             and submitted in writing,               NOTICE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Museum on Sweetheart Circle from                 In a review, Justine Kurland
                                  newspaper and its archives       must have a NAME, P.O. BOX       Marketing Director, ADS,               with the name of the
  OF OPERATIONS                   staff by visiting our web        and PHONE NUMBER. Ads            (912) 681 -5418, ads@georgia-          sender, local address, and
                                                                                                                                                                                   Readers may pick up one              4 to 5 p.m., and it and open         said, "The author of this Pulitzer-
                                                                                                                                                                                   free copy, and a second for a
                                  site at http://www.stp.          will be rejected if they do; or Bill Neville,         phone number. No free
                                                                                                                                                                                   roommate or acquaintance,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        to the public.                               nominated book has thoroughly
  The George-Anne is the
                                     not have this information.       Student Media Coordinator,             ads taken via telephone
  official student newspaper                                                                                                                                                       at distribution sites. Addi-              Clarke's lecture will center on the     researched and beautifully written
                                                                   NO EXCEPTIONS.                   (912)681-0069,onew7fe@                 - at this price we don't take
   of Georgia Southern Univers-   SUPPORT
                                                                                                              dictation. One free ad per
                                                                                                                                                                                   tional copies are 50 cents            Liberty County community of Mid-            this true story," said Kurland.
                                                                   OFFICES, MAIL, PHONES                                                                                           each and are available at the
   ity, owned and operated by     The G-A is funded primarily
                                                                   Room 2023, F. I.Williams Cen-    PROOFING/ERRORS/OMIS-
                                                                                                                                           person per week. Commer-
                                                                                                                                                                                   Williams Center. However,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         way and its history. His presentation           "The story moves the reader
   GSU students and utilizing     through revenue from                                                                                     cial classified are available
   the facilities provided by     advertisements placed            ter.The George-Anne, P.O.        SIONS: Jbe newspaper                                                           unauthorized removal of               is planned in conjunction with the          through the history of families on
                                                                                                                                           only from our online site
   GSU. The newspaper is          in the paper and receives        Box 8001, Georgia Southern       makes every reasonable
                                                                                                                                                                                   additional copies from a              current Georgia Southern Museum             several plantations in the Georgia
   the oldest continuously                                         University, Statesboro, Ga.      effort to present correct and                                                  distribution site constitutes
                                  additional support, in part,
                                                                   30460. 912/681-5246 (News)
                                                                                                                                           price of commercial ads                                                       exhibit, "Midway: Between Slavery           low country, and takes place from
   published newspaper in         from the Student Activities                                       complete information in                                                        theft under Georgia law,
   Bulloch County and States-     Budget Committee.                or912/681-5418(Advertis-         advertisements. However,
                                                                                                                                           is $7 for 200 characters
                                                                                                                                                                                   a misdemeanor offense                 and Self Sufficiency."                      Darien and Midway, Georgia, to
                                                                                                                                           for line ads. Ads must be
   boro, Ga.The newspapei is      STUDENTS BEWARE
                                                                   ing) or 912/486-7113 (Fax);      the advertiser is responsible
                                                                                                                                           paid for using a major
                                                                                                                                                                                   punishable by a fine and/or               The exhibit is curated by Peggy         Savannah, Atlanta, Marietta and
   a designated public forum                                       912/681-0069 (adviser).          for proofing the ad upon                                                       jail time. Editors will seek
                                  The G-A screens all advertise-                                                                           credit card. For classified                                                   Hargis, professor of sociology at           Roswell, Georgia.
   for the Georgia Southern                                        EMAIL DIRECTORY                  publication and should                                                         to have any person(s) who
   University community. The
                                  ments prior to publication.
                                                                                                    notify the newspaper imme-
                                                                                                                                           display ads, contact ads@
                                                                                                                                                                                    removes more than the                Georgia Southern, who also devel-               The book occurs from 1805
                                  The newspaper strives to         Editor in Chief                                               
   ideas expressed herein are
                                                                                                    diately in the event of an                                                      authorized number of cop-            oped the speaker series.                    through the end of the Civil War,
                                  accept ads for legitimate
   those of the editor or the                                                                       error. The newspaper is not                CIRCULATION INFORMA-                 ies from distribution sites
                                  products and services only.      Managing Editor                                                                                                                                           In researching the history of,          with the end of a way of life for the
   individual authors and do                                     responsible for any errors in              TION: Mail subscriptions are         prosecuted to the full extent
   not necessarily represent
                                  Students are urged to exer-.
                                                                   News Editor                      advertisements and its liabil-             not available at this time.          of the law.                          Midway's two communities, black             plantation owners and the dawn of
                                  cise caution when replying
   the views of the Student                                   ity for adjustments is limited             However, readers may visit
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         and white, Clarke found their experi-       a new freedom for the slaves.
                                  to ads — particularly those                                       to the amount of space the                 our web site for free access
   Media Advisory Board,
                                  which require card
                                                                                                                                                                                    We gratefully acknowledge            ences so different that his book, of            Support for the series is provided
   the administration, the                                         error occupied in the ad.                  to current and past issues.
   faculty and staff of Georgia
                                  number, other personal
                                                                                                    Further, the newspaper is                  Visit www.stp.geo rgia-              the theft of one of our              necessity, became two histories of          by the Campus Life Enrichment
   Southern University, or the
                                  information, or money in
                                                                   ADVERTISING                      not responsible for any dam-      It is the goal         slogans -'"Liked by Many,            one place and one time.                     Committee (CLEC), the Department
                                  advance of the delivery                                                                                                                           Cussed by Some, Read by
                                                                                                    ages caused due to an ad's                 of the newspaper to have
   University System of Geor-
                                  of a product or service.
                                                                   The George-Anne reserves
                                                                                                                                                                                    them All"-from Robert
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Clarke studied two families, one        of Sciology and Anthropology, the
   gia. The George-Anne is                                         the right to refuse any adver-   omission from a particular                 its edition placed on-line
   published four times weekly
                                  Students are also urged to
                                                                   tisement.                        edition and its responsibil-               within 24 hours of publica-          Williams of the Blackshear           black and one white, butboth part of        Department of History, the Center
                                  report to the newspaper
                                                                   DISPLAY AD DEADLINE:Jbe
                                                                                                    ity solely is to reschedule                tion. Breaking news will be          Times. Call Bob and he               the dense networks of relatives and         for Africana Studies, the Georgia
                                  any suspicious offers which                                                                                                                       can tell you who he stole
   day-Thursday) during most
                                  they might see in an ad.         deadline for reserving space
                                                                                                    the ad in the next regular                 placed on-line as warranted.
                                                                                                                                                                                    it from originally. Credit
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         friends who constituted significant          Southern Museum, and the College
   of the academic year and                                                                         edition at the regular adver-              The G-A is distributed free
   six times during summers.
                                  Remember, if an offer seems      and submitting advertising
                                                                                                    tising rates.                              of charge on the Georgia             for the other - "Covering            parts of each family's history.             of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences.
                                                                    copy is Noon, one week
   Any questions regarding
                                  too good to be true, it prob-
                                                                    prior to the intended publi-
                                                                                                                                               Southern University campus           Campus like A Swarm of                   Both families, with their own               For additional information about
                                   ably is.                                                         CLASSIFIED ADS: Free                                                            Gnats - goes to G-A alum
    content should be directed                                      cation date.                    classified ads from students,
                                                                                                                                               through delivery sites lo-
                                                                                                                                                                                    Mike Mills.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         diversity and peculiarities, saw the        the series, call 912-681-5443 or the
    to the edi'or at by phone      FREEBIEINFO                                                                                                 cated in campus buildings,
                                                                    FOR MORE INFO, rate             faculty and staff must be
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THURSDAY, MARCH 9,2006                (THE GEORGE-ANNE DAILY                                                                                              EAlUK! ! PAGE 3

Glass and stone museum puts
a modern spin on Savannah
By Russ Bynum
Associated Press

     SAVANNAH - Hired to design
 an annex to the Souths oldest public
 art museum, architect Moshe Safdie
 envisioned a marriage of contempo-
 rary style and antebellum grandeur
 — a 21st-century twist on Scarlett
 O'Hara's Tara.
     The $24.5 million Jepson Center
for the Arts, which opens Friday, is a
shockingly modern addition to both
the historic downtown of Georgia's
oldest city as well as the annex's 138-
year-old sister museum.
     Across Telfair Square from the
white-columned English Regency
mansion that's housed the Telfair
Museum of Art since 1868, the new
annex faces oak trees andparkbenches
with a three-story facade of transpar-
ent glass.
     Passers-by on the street get a clear
view inside of the sweeping atrium
with white walls of Portuguese lime-
stone and the curving grand staircase
that ascends through its center to the
main galleries.
     Not everybody in Savannah saw
Safdie's design as romantic, nor did
they celebrate, when the Telfair Mu-
seum pitched his 64,000-square-foot
annex to city leaders in 1999.
    The Historic Review Board,
guardians of the 2.5-mile National                                                                 AP Photo/Stephen Morton
Historic Landmark District where            Fourth graders from May Howard Elementary School tour the Hands-On
Savannah was founded in 1733, saw           Art Experience Gallery at the Jepson Center for the Arts, Tuesday, March 7,
the glass-and-stone structure as a jar-     in Savannah. The $24.5 million museum is a modern addition to both the
ring intrusion on the city's Old South      historic downtown of Georgia's oldest city as well as the 138-year-old sister
landscape.                                  museum the Telfair Museum of Art.
    "The Telfair will be the loser if it
builds a new museum that is detested        columns across the glass facade to add    A glass facade wouldn't do that.
because it violates the town plan," the     a sense of mass, seem simple consider-        In a tourism-driven city visited
late Mills B. Lane, a prominent pres-       ing the controversy.                      by about 6 million people annually,
ervationist and review board member             The columns solved concerns           the Telfair in 2005 had only 150,000
during the Telfair proposal, told the       over how the museum annex would           visitors — many drawn to see the
Savannah Morning News in 1999.              complement Telfair Square, one of the     Bird Girl, the cemetery statue photo-
    It took the museum a year and a         22 small parks considered the master-     graphed for the cover of the popular
half to win approval for construction.      pieces ofSavannah's city planning. City   book "Midnight in the Garden ofGood
Compromises made to the design,             guidelines call for the squares to be     and Evil," on display at the museum
namely construction of six concrete         framed by solid buildings on all sides.   since 1997.

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Digital Commons@Georgia Southern - Georgia Southern University
PAGE 41 FEATURE                                                                                                                                                                       I THE GEORGE-ANNE DAILY

   Behind the shamrock
                 Looking at the
                                                                                                      PATTY PARTY PLANNER                                                         BEVERAGES
                                                                                          Here are a few quick                            rechaun look: green blaz-            Forget the green beer, here are
                                                                                      tips for planning your                              er, a green scarf and a          some real Irish beers to help you cele-
                                                                                      own St. Patrick's Day                               green bowler hat with a          brate this St. Patrick's Day:

                history, myths
                                                                                      celebration from                                    shamrock, of course.                 ■ Guinness: Brewed in Dublin
                                                                                                                          ■ Fun games: In              since 1759, rich and dark. See if your
                                                                                          ■ Decorations: Go                               addition to singing Irish        bartender can draw a shamrock in the
                                                                                      green simply with                                   folk songs and other pub         head of your Guinness. Guinness also
                                                                                      streamers, or more elabo-                           tunes, try giving your           makes Smithwick's Irish Ale and Harp

                 and traditions                                                       rately with green light                             guests five minutes to           Lager.
                                                                                      bulbs, green balloons and                           write a limerick, then               ■ Murphy's:
                                                                                      shamrock-shaped party                               have them read it out            Brewing Irish
                                                                                      lights.                          WILLIAM GRATZ/KRT  loud in their best Irish         Stout in Cork,
                                                                                                                                                                           Ireland, since

                                                                                          ■ On the table: Gold Get decked out in accents.
                                                                                      foil-wrapped chocolate       green attire for           ■ Eats: Go for the           1856. Murphy's
                                                                                      coins and/or Lucky           your Si Patrick's      traditional Irish grub (see      also makes an
                                                                                      Charms cereal make           Day party.             list below); or just go         Irish Red (a
                                                                                      good table decorations.                             green with some mashed          lighter alterna-

                St. Patricks Day
                                                                                          ■ For entertainment: Make a          potatoes and green food coloring, or       tive).
                                                                                      Styrofoam "Blarney Stone" to sit         some green M&Ms.                               ■ Beamish:
                                                                                      near the door and have people kiss it       ■ Drinks: For the adults, serve         Also brewed in
                                                                                      as they enter.                           up Irish beer or Irish coffee; for non-    Cork, since
                                                                                          ■ Attire: Green, of course. Best     alcoholic options, try mint-chocolate       1792. Along           JEFFREY WASHINGTON/KRT
                                  BY WENDY ZANG
                                                                                      with a "Kiss Me I'm Irish" pin and       milkshakes, Gatorade or green              with Murphy's         Murphy's beer
                                Knight Ridder/Tribune                                 a green leprechaun hat. For real         Kool-Aid.                                  and Guinness, it is brewed in
                                                                                      effect, go for the Lucky Charms lep- SOURCE: WWW.EVITE.COM                          makes up what         Ireland.
                                                                                                                                                                          calls the Blessed Trinity.
                                                                                                                                                                              ■ O'Hara's Celtic Stout: Made by
                                                                                                                                                                          Carlow Brewing Company in Carlow,
                                                                                                                                                                          Ireland, a microbrew that started up in
     WHO IS ST PATRICK?                                                                                                                                                    1998. The stout has won international
                             St. Patrick is the patron                                                                                                                    awards.
                         saint of Ireland. Born in                                                                                                                            ■ D'Arcy's Dublin stout: Made
                         the late fourth century in                                                                                                                       by Dublin Brewing Company, another
                         Scotland, he was kid-                                                                                                                            newcomer to the scene, founded in
                         napped as a teenager and                                                                                                                          1996.
                         shipped to Ireland as a                                                                                                                              Or opt for some other Irish drinks:
                         slave. He was sent to the                                                                                                                            ■ Irish coffee: Legend has it the
                         mountains as a shepherd,                                                                                                                         drink of coffee, Irish whiskey, cream
                         where he spent his time in                                                                                                                       and sugar was invented at Shannon
                         prayer. After six years, he                                                                                                                      Airport in Ireland.
                         had a dream in which God                                                                                                                             ■ Irish whiskey: Barley malt
                         told him to leave Ireland.                                                                                                                       whiskey made in Ireland. Similar to
         CURRIER 8, IVES
                         Walking nearly 200 miles,                                                                                                                        Scotch whiskey, except for where it's
      St. Patrick        he escaped to Great                                                                                                                              made.
                         Britain, where he reported-                                                                                                       BOB FILA/KRT       ■ Bailey's Irish Cream: A
 ly had a second vision, telling him to return to                                     Cabbage, potatoes and Canadian bacon are elements of our quick                      whiskey and cream-based liquor made
 Ireland as a missionary. Soon after, he joined the                                   Irish "Boiled" Dinner recipe.                                                       by Bailey & Co. of Dublin.
 priesthood and did just that. He is credited with                                                                                                                            ■ Irish Car Bomb: This one man-
 converting much of Ireland to Christianity. He                                                    TRADITIONAL IRISH FOOD                                                 dates directions: Pour a half a pint of       1
 died in the mid-fifth century, on March 17.                                                                                                                              Guinness into a beer mug; let settle.
                                                                                         You may wan., u ^lebrate with         • 5 sprigs fresh thyme, tied together
                                                                                      some traditional Irish grub:             • >/2 teaspoon salt                        Meanwhile, prepare a shot with lh
     WHY A SHAMROCK?                                                                     ■ Bacon and cabbage (or               • Freshly ground pepper                    ounce Irish whiskey and xh ounce
     St. Patrick used the shamrock to explain the                                     corned beef and cabbage)                 » 2 tablespoons Dijon mustard, or          Bailey's (or other Irish cream). Drop
 Trinity. It has been associated with him and the                                        ■ Champ: A mixture of mashed          more to taste                              the shot glass into the mug and chug.
 Irish ever since. The shamrock's color is also                                       potatoes, eggs and scallions             « 1 tablespoon flour                       SOURCES: EPICURIOUS.COM, WIKIPEDIA.

 one of the reasons why people wear green for St.                                        ■ Colcannon: A dish of mashed         • l'/3 cup whipping cream

 Patrick's Day. Green is also a symbol of spring                                      potatoes, cabbage, butter, salt and                   DIRECTIONS                                  SONGS
 and of Ireland itself.                                                               pepper                                        1. Heat butter over medium heat
                                                                                         ■ Irish stew: Usually made with       in large skillet or Dutch oven. Add            Here are a few lyrics from some
                                                                                                                                                                          popular Irish folk songs:
     CELEBRATIONS                                                                     lamb, potatoes, onions and parsley
                                                                                         ■ Irish breakfast: Pork
                                                                                                                               Canadian bacon; cook until lightly
                                                                                                                                                                                          DANNY BOY
                                                                                                                               browned on one side, 1 minute.
 (AND A LITTLE HISTORY)                                                               sausages, bacon, eggs, black and         Turn; cook 1 minute. Remove to a           Oh Danny boy, the pipes, the pipes are
     The Irish have celebrated St. Patrick's Day as                                   white puddings (sausages), toast or      plate; set aside.                          calling
 a religious holiday for centuries. Irish families                                    soda bread                                    2. Add onion to skillet; cook 2       From glen to glen, and down the
 would spend the morning in church and the                                               ■ Irish soda bread: Quick             minutes. Add coleslaw mix; cook,           mountain side
 afternoon celebrating. Since the holiday usually                 QUIZ                bread that substitutes baking soda       stirring often, until onions begin to      The summer's gone, and all the flow-
 fell during Lent, the Catholic Church waived the        How much do you              for yeast                                brown and cabbage wilts, about 5           ers are dying                          ,j
 usual Lenten restrictions on the consumption of         know about Ireland?             ■ Dublin coddle: A casserole of       minutes. Increase heat to medium-          'tis you, 'tis you must go and I must
 meat, and people would dance, drink and feast                                        bacon, pork sausages, potatoes and       high. Add potatoes, broth, thyme,          bide.
 (often on the traditional Irish meal of bacon and       1. Size?                     parsley                                  salt and pepper to taste. Heat to boil;
 cabbage).                                               a. Slightly larger than                                               reduce heat to simmer. Cover; cook         But come you back when summer's in
     It was the Americans who turned it into a sec-      California                     Here's one recipe from the             until potatoes are tender, about 15        the meadow
 ular holiday of Irish nationalism. The first St.        b. Slightly larger than      Chicago Tribune to get you started:      minutes.                                   Or when the valley's hushed and white
 Patrick's Day parade took place in 1762, when           Canada                                                                     3. Mix mustard and flour in a         with snow
 Irish soldiers serving in the English military          c. Slightly larger than                  QUICK IRISH                  small bowl; stir in a small amount of       'tis I'll be there in sunshine or in shad-
 marched through the streets of New York City.           West Virginia                         'BOILED' DINNER                 the cream until smooth. Stir in            ow
 During the mid-1800s, St. Patrick's Day parades         d. Slightly larger than                                               remaining cream. Add cream mix-            Oh Danny boy, oh Danny boy, I love
                                                                                          WITH MUSTARD SAUCE                                                              you so.
 became a show of strength for Irish Americans           Rhode Island                     Preparation time: 10 minutes         ture and Canadian bacon to skillet.
 (most of them poor, Catholic and the targets of                                                                               Cook, stining, until broth is slightly
                                                                                          Cooking time: 30 minutes                                                         WHEN IRISH EYES ARE SMILING
 discrimination). In 1948 President Truman               2.   Population?                 Yield: 4 servings                    thickened, about 2 minutes. Serve in
                                                                                                                                                                          When Irish eyes are smiling,
 attended New York City's St. Patrick's Day              a.   More than 4 million                                              wide bowls.
                                                                                                  INGREDIENTS                                                             Sure, 'tis like the morn in Spring.
 parade. It was, according to The History                b.   More than 7 million     • 2 tablespoons butter                        Nutrition information per serv-
                                                                                                                                                                          In the lilt of Irish laughter
 Channel, "a proud moment for the many Irish             c.   More than 1 million     • 1 package (5 ounces) Canadian          ing: 595 calories, 26 percent of
                                                                                                                                                                          You can hear the angels sing.
                                                         d.   More than 14 million    bacon or ham, cut into strips            calories from fat, 17 g fat, 9 g satu-
                                                                                                                                                                          When Irish hearts are happy,
                                                                                      • 1 small sweet onion, diced             rated fat, 55 mg cholesterol, 89 g         All the world seems bright and gay.
                                                         3. Capital?                  • 1 package (6 ounces) coleslaw mix      carbohydrates, 21 g protein, 1,585
                                                                                                                                                                          And when Irish eyes are smiling,
                                                         a. Cork                      •12 baby red potatoes, halved            mg sodium, 9 g fiber
                                                                                                                                                                          Sure, they steal your heart away.
                                                         b. Dublin                                                                                  — Chicago Tribune
                                                                                      • 2 cans (14'/2 ounces each) chicken
                                                         c. Donegal                   broth                                    SOURCES: EPICURIOUS.COM, WIKIPEDIA
                                                                                                                                                                          SOURCES: WWW.THEBARDS.NET, WWW.IRELAND-
                                                                                                                                                                          INFO R M AT IO N. C 0 M
                                                         d. Limerick

                                                         4. Percent Roman
                                                         a. 55
                                                         b. 77
                                                         C. 12
                                                         d. 88

                                     WILLIAM GRATZ/KRT   5. Patron saint?
 A band of bagpipers marches down New                    (Come on, people!)
 York's Fifth Avenue during the 2005 St.                 a. St. Ursula
 Patrick's Day parade.                                   b. St. David
                                                         c St. Patrick
 whose ancestors had to fight stereotypes and            d. Bono
 racial prejudice to find acceptance in America."
     It wasn't until 1995, however, that the Irish
 government began a national campaign to use
 St. Patrick's Day to drive tourism and showcase
 Ireland to the rest of the world.
     Now, you can find the biggest celebrations in:
     ■ Dublin: Billed as Ireland's largest annual
 party, Dublin hosts a multi-day festival that
 draws more than 1.5 million spectators and
 4,000 performers.
     ■ New York City: The tradition continues in
 New York with more than 200,000 marchers and                   SEVERIN NOWACKt/KHT

 more than 2.2 million spectators.                                  Bono
     ■ Chicago: They've been dyeing the
 Chicago River green since 1962 for their famous                     •o-g
 parade.                                                             P>
     There are hundreds more parades and cele-                       q*S
 brations in towns from Sea Isle City, N.J., to                      8"S
 Hermosa Beach, Calif. And internationally, look                     O'l
  for parades in London, Sydney and Tokyo.
  WWW.CATHOLIC-FORUM.COM, WWW. S Al NTPATRICKS DAY PA-    SOURCE: WWW.CIA.GOV                                                                                                                       WILLIAM GRATZ/KRT
  RADE. COM                                                                           Many people celebrate St. Patrick's Day by donning Irish-themed garb and attending parades.
                                                                                                                                                                                         I PAGE 5

    Statue of Christ beheaded
       OREM, Utah — A statue of Jesus
   Christ was vandalized at a Timpano-
   gos Memorial Gardens cemetery in
   Orem, Utah.
       The head of the seven foot tall
   marble statue was smashed off, likely
   with a sledge hammer, then stolen.
       The statue was hand carved in Italy
   and has stood as the center piece of
   the cemetery for over 50 years.
      Cemetery Caretaker Dave Condon
  says people often sit at the foot of the
  statue seeking a moment ofpeace, "It's
  a sad thing to see a piece of art ruined
  just for no reason at all."
      The statue is valued at between
  $20,000 to $40,000.
      Cemetery owners are offering a
  $1,000 reward for any information
  leading to the arrest and conviction
  of the vandals.
      Without the missing head the                                                                                                  \ too!!!—--—TTTufe to life Den»»
  statue will not be repairable.

  A statue of Christ, right, overlooks
  Timpanogos Memorial Gardens
  Cemetery in Orem on Monday,
  March 6. The $50,000 statue was
  vandalized and its head is still
                                                                                                      AP Photo/Stephen Morton     Chris is a youn9 guy™ . h friends, cetera
                                                                                                                                  Uu enjoy- a 9«^ *"^L, to a football or ba*
  Alleged victim testifies in Naval Academy rape case
  By Stephen Manning                          from Savannah, Ga., was charged for rape on Jan. 31 and reported the                W"16' fdoS of                     a
                                                                                                                                                  u those thiog;d "^and drWing Cnns « 1
  Associated Press                            last month under the military code attack to criminal investigators on              he can't ao any        . around dnnwny
                                              of justice, with raping the female Feb. 6. The taped conversation oc-
                                                                                                                                       ded5 ,0
      WASHINGTON - A midship-                 midshipman in her dormitory room curred shortly after.                              Hserving a' mandate
                                                                                                                                               Sory"  f
                                                                                                                                                        V 5 year **«^
                                                                                                                                                                    institute £ ***>*"
  man who says she was raped by the           on Jan. 29.                               Under cross-examination, the                                       ional                    t
 Naval Academy's starting quarter-
 back testified Wednesday that with
                                                  The alleged victim testified at woman acknowledged she was very
                                              the beginning of Owens' Article 32 drunk on the night of the assault and
                                                                                                                                    maximum **%X* *** of sever a °f *<             ^^

                                                                                                                                    vz*^^*"**"!^                                        -»
 her help academy investigators               hearing at the Washington Navy Yard. that her memory of events was spotty.
 secretly taped an apparent admission         Described by the academy as roughly When defense attorney Wroble asked
 of the assault.                             equivalent to a civilian grand jury her if it was possible that she had
     The woman, who has not been             proceeding, the hearing will deter- consented to sex, she answered, "I
 publicly identified, said that she          mine if there is sufficient evidence to suppose."
 called Lamar Owens on the phone             go ahead with a court-martial, Navy        Later, however, she said, "I

                                                                                                                                  It Can
 and an investigator listened as he          officials said.                         wouldn't define it as consent if I can't
 told her he felt distraught about what          Owens' lawyer, Steven F. Wroble, remember it happening."
 he had done and considered killing          has predicted that his client will be      Still later, she said, "I don't believe
 himself.                                    cleared by a military court.            I would have consented."

                                                                                                                                             Save Your Life...
     "I didn't do it for that long, you          The alleged victim testified the       Both Owens and the woman are
 weren't even awake," said the mid-          assault occurred after she had been attending classes at the academy, but
 shipman quoting Owens.                      out drinking at an Annapolis bar with officials say they have taken steps to
    Owens, a 22-year-old senior              friends. She said she was examined ensure their paths do not cross.

  Quick, what's new
                                                                                         Top your St. Patty's Day off
                                                                                         with an evening of live music at

 Bush presses Congress for billions for La.
   NEW ORLEANS —President Bush, visiting a still-suffering Gulf
 Coast, said Wednesday that Congress must help this ravaged

                                                                                                                                    MGC-Dublin Center's 10th Annual
 city recover from Hurricane Katrina by approving billions he has
 requested to repair levees and compensate Louisianans who lost

                                                                                                                                              Battle of
 homes. "I'm getting a view of the progress that is being made,"
 Bush said after a tour by air and on the ground offered a chilling
 portrait of the pain-that lingers six months after Katrina struck.
 "There's still a lot of work to be done, no question about it."

                                                                                                                                             the Bands

 GOP house panel votes to block ports deal
   WASHINGTON — A House panel dominated by Republicans
voted overwhelmingly Wednesday to block a Dubai-owned

                                                                                                                                             Saturday, March 18
firm from taking control of some U.S port operations in an
election-year repudiation of President Bush. By 62-2, the Ap-
propriations Committee voted to bar DP World, run by the
government of Dubai in the United Arab Emirates, from holding
                                                                                                                                                                               7:00 p.m.
leases or contracts at U.S. ports. Bush has promised to veto any
such measure passed by Congress, but the vote underscored

                                                                                                         Five bands will compete for
widespread public opposition to the deal and the GOP's fears
of losing its advantage on the issue of national security in this
fall's elections.

Top U.S. bishop accused of sex abuse                                                                    top prize of recording time in
                                                                                                           a studio and a cash prize
 SPOKANE, Wash. —A woman has filed a claim that she was
sexually abused more than 40 years ago by Bishop William
Skylstad, president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic bishops
and leader of the Spokane Diocese. Skylstad issued a statement

                                                                                                          in front of judges who are
Wednesday categorically denying the accusation, saying he has
not violated the vow of celibacy he took 47 years ago.

 THE WORLD                                                                                                 music industry veterans.
Iran makes threats; U.N. to take up issue                                                                 Show starts at 7 p.m.
                                                                                              Tickets are $3 advanced and $5 at the gate.
  VIENNA, Austria — Iran warned the United States on Wednes-
day it would feel the "pain" if tough measures were imposed
against the Islamic republic for its nuclear program by the U.N.

                                                                                            Tickets can be purchased at the Dublin Center.
Security Council. International Atomic Energy Agency chief Mo-
hamed ElBaradei also said the United States should negotiate
directly with Iran if talks reach the stage of focusing on security
guarantees to Tehran in exchange for concessions on its nuclear
program.                                                                                       Call 478-274-7808 for more information.
      PAGE 6
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                              Covering the Campuslike a Swatm-of Gnats                                                                   Mystic Arts Horoscope
                              The George-Anne Daily                                                                                   Today's Birthday (03-09-06). This is a lucky year for you. Travel             advertise, convince others to do what you want. They're waiting             Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
                              Monday * Tuesday • Wednesday • Thursday                                                                 and romance are favored. Old familiar destinations are best.                  for you to give them inspiration, motivation and ideas!                     - Today is an 8 - Listen carefully,
                                                                                                                                      Rediscover a treasure. And yes, do make a commitment, even if                                                                                             and continue to ask questions.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) - Today is a 4 - Continue to clean out
       THElPennvPressl                                                       CROSSWORD PUZZLE                                         it leads to more work.                                                        closets, files, the garage and the back yard. You're finally able to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Be respectful and encourage
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                a shy but very wise person to
            ACROSS                 42. Hoagie                                             s                                           To get the advantage, check the day's rating: 10 is the easiest               pitch worthless stuff you've been holding onto for years.
                                                                                            L O G        S    A G E           A R T                                                                                                                                                             teach you.
        1. Make a faux                 source                                             T U N A        A    T O     z       B 1 O   day, 0 the most challenging.                                                  Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) -Today is an 8 -You're learning quickly,
           pas                     43. Recycled                                           A L E M        M    A H R       1   A G E
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)-
        4. Etna output             45. Hoodwink                                           B U R E A      U      S A       T           Aries (March 21-April 19) -Today is a 5 -You know all that                    and that's a blessing. Don't think about it too hard, just soak up
       .8. Tor                     49. Wall Street                                              S C      R    E E         E T A S                                                                                                                                                               Today is a 5 - Be just as efficient
                                                                                          P A R T I      A    L   S       M E L L     mushy stuff you feel, but don't get around to saying? Go ahead                the information.
       12. Drink for                   word                                                                       N                                                                                                                                                                             as you can. This is your big chance to make an enormous profit.
           O-lan                   52. Musical bit
                                                                                          A N I   D       I   A   E         S E 1     and say some of it now. Share one of your dreams. Appropri-                   Libra (Sept. 23-0ct. 22) -Today is a 5 - Creative work pays well
       13. Kaffiyeh cord
       14. Overhaul
                                   55. Oahu
                                       menu item
                                                                                          Y O L K S
                                                                                          S A L     ■    O
                                                                                                              N E G
                                                                                                              D I U       ;.:■
                                                                                                                          A T E D
                                                                                                                                      ately, of course, to family.                                                  now. Let people know what you've got and-or what you can do
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Do the best job you can, quickly.

       15. Witchy woman
                                                                                                E\M      U      1 E       E M E D                                                                                                                                                               Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) -Today is a 10 - Decide you're going
                                   56. Girasol                                            D I S PA       T    C H         N O S E     Taurus (April 20-May 20) -Today is an 8 - Ask those questions                 for them. Advertise.
       16. Expressway              57. Hoosegow                                           A R K   T      R    u E         D 1 N E                                                                                                                                                               to do what you've been thinking about. Then get to work. Clean
       17. Edible root                                                                                                    s           you've been wondering about secretly. Not to everybody, obvi-                 Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) -Today is a 10 - Listen carefully. A
                                   58. Killer whale                                       B E Y   S      E    E R           L E D                                                                                                                                                               up old messes.
       18. Criticism               59. Cube                                                             Yesterday's Solution          ously, just to a good sympathetic friend.                                     child could provide the clue you're seeking. It's something
       20. Smidgen
                                   60. Beginner                                   6. Carry-on,                21. Fez
       22. Priests'
                                   61. Born                                                                                           Gemini (May 21-June 21) -Today is a 5 - Let people know what                  you've heard before.
           garments                                                                  perhaps                      dangler
                                                                                  7. Tenor's                                          you can do, and also what you need. They can use your help,                                                                                               (c) 2006, TRIBUNE MEDIA SERVICES INC.
       25. Famed violin                                                                                       23. Optical                                                                                           Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) - Today is a 5 - Use what you've
       29. Unabashed                           DOWN                                  counterpart                                      and will pay for it.
                                         1.   Old English                                                         parts                                                                                             been saving along with a few new things you buy to upgrade                  Distributed by Knight Ridder-Tribune Information Services.
       33. Legal thing                                                            8. Elite                    24. Utter
       34. Bathhouse                          letters                             9. Carmine                                          Cancer (June 22-July 22) -Today is a 10 - Start new projects,                 your living situation. You deserve some luxury.
                                     2.       Unaffected                                                        ■ loudly
       35. Bonelike                                                              10. Tot up
                                     3.       Sitar music                        11. Maudlin                  26. Environs
       37. Molokai
           instrument                4.       Chemist's                              sentimentality           27. Doleful
       38. Pottery                            milieu                             19. Michelle                     drop
                                     5.       Period                                 Phillips, e.g.           28. Cay                                                                                                                                                                          George-Anne Daily
       40. Photo finish
                                                                                                              29. Pond film                    ' SO GeT THl'5... SWe ASfcS Me To                                                                Easy                                                                             SUD0KU
                                                                                                              30. Maori
                                                                                                                                                 BALANce HeR e6G ow N1) Feer                                                                                                                                                     To play: Complete the grid so
                                                                                                                  Assist a
                                                                                                              32. Loudness
                                                                                                                                                foR MONTHS WHfLe SHe
I THE GEORGE-ANNE DAILY                                                                                                                                                   I PAGE 7

                                                                                                                                        LOOKING FOR AN
                                          ONLY M AMERICA
                                                  stories by The Associated Press

                                                                                                                                          EXCITING JOB?
Six-year-old found
with six bags of pot
 O Bloomfield, Conn. - A six-

                                                                                                                                         GOOD. BECAUSE
year-old girl had something to
share with her teachers: six bag-
gies of pot.
   Police in Hartford, Connecticut,

                                                                                                                                           RED BULL IS
report the girl found the weed in
her jacket pocket and reported it
to the staff at the Noah Webster
Elementary School.
   The girl's mother, Lisa Phillips,

                                                                                                                                         LOOKING FOR A
was busted after police say they
found a-half pound of pot in the
home. Phillips was ordered held on
$10,000 bond on marijuana-deal-

                                                                                                                                        STUDENT BRAND
ing charges.The girl is in the care
                                           The Girl Scouts Pacific Peaks                 It's also possible they were
of a relative.
                                        Council will make up the loss                  overwhelmed with noxious gases
                                        after receiving the police report,             emanating from the mixture.
                                        said Dorothy Nelson, the council's

                                                                                                                                          MANAGER ON
                                        communication and marketing
Fake $100 bill fools                    director.
                                                                                       Masked man tells
Girls Scouts                                                                           bank: just kidding'
                                        Father, son die in

                                                                                                                                         YOUR CAMPUS!
 0 TENINO, Wash. —A woman                                                               0. WILLISTON, N.D. — A man
used a phony $ 100 bill to pay for      pit of cow manure                              wearing a ski mask walked into a
Girl Scout cookies and made off                                                        bank and demanded money, then
with the change before the Scout's        0 GRANGEVILLE, Calif. — A                    told tellers, "just kidding," authori-
mother determined the currency          dairy worker and his 8-year-old                ties said.
was counterfeit, police said.           son died in a manure pit on the                    Ryan Wright, 20, surrendered
   Katie Lundquist's delight at         farm where they lived, authorities             to police Monday night, said Sgt.
selling 10 boxes of cookies quickly     said Tuesday.                                  Mark Hanson, a Williston police
turned to disappointment.                   Luis Gutierrez, 27, and Luis               detective. Wright was formally
   "Sometimes you can't trust just      Armando Gutierrez went to feed                 charged Tuesday.
anybody," the 10-year-old told The      calves Saturday night and appar-                  Judge David Nelson set his bail
Olympian for Monday's editions.         ently stumbled upon the manure                 at $1,000 and ordered Wright to
   Michelle Lundquist said she and      pit in the dark, investigators said.           stay away from alcohol and bars.
her daughter were about to finish           Footsteps near the edge of the             A preliminary hearing was set for
selling cookies at Dave's Market        10-foot deep pit seem to suggest               March 21, court officials said.
Place on Sunday when a woman            one of them fell in, said Kings                    "He never showed a weapon,
asked to buy $40 worth. The             County Sheriff Allan McClain.                  but the tellers got quite scared and
woman handed Katie a $100 bill              When Gutierrez and his son                 concerned and thought the worst,"
and her mother made change with         didn't return, family members                  Hanson said.
some $20 bills from her pocket.         called the dairy's owners and the                  No customers were in the bank
   "I was just being nice," Michelle    sheriff's department for help.                 at the time of the Feb. 17 incident,
Lundquist said. "It's the Girl Scouts       Investigators found Luis                   he said. Wright then went about
thing to do."                           Gutierrez's stalled pickup with its            his banking business, taking some
   She suspected the bill might be      hood up. They said the Gutierrezes             money from his checking account
fake and asked the grocery man-         probably got out of the truck and              and then leaving.
ager for help, but the woman left       tried to take a shortcut home.                     If convicted, Wright faces up to
while it was being checked with a
counterfeit-detector pen.
                                            The county coroner is still work-
                                        ing on the autopsy, but investi-
                                                                                       five years in jail and a $5,000 fine.
                                                                                          "You don't walk into a bank with
                                                                                                                                              To find out more and to apply go to
   Surveillance tapes from video        gators don't suspect foul play.                a ski mask and say'Give me all your     or text the word SBM to 72855
cameras outside the store were          McClain said the pair may have                 money,'" Hanson said. "It's just like
being examined, police Lt. Robin        drowned in the thick, foul-smelling            going on an airplane and saying                                             ©}0&6R«S Ball North Awtrii-i. 5n^-. Aii
Ayerssaid.                              sludge.                                        you have a bomb."

         CRI JOBS - Think Different!
                                                                                                                                i mmm

     ii?ivu?4jecrgia$tiuthernaMlu/$eruices/cri                                                                                               CRI Office Phone: 681-5436

                                                                                    Positions Available at CRI:
                                   Office Assistant                                                                                       Group Exercise Instructor
                               Maintenance Assistant                                                                                     Web & Multimedia Assistant
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                             Graphic Design Assistant                                                                                        Facility Supervisor
                             Public Relations Assistant                                                                                       Personal Trainer
                               intramural Supervisor                                                                                      Southern Adventures Staff
                                Recreation Assistant                                                                                       Climbing Wall Attendant
                                Equipment Assistant                                                                                            Facility Manager

                                                                                      CRI Job Fair Dates:
                                                                February 27, 2006 - March 10, 2006

                                                                  USA loses to Canada in World Baseball Classic                                                                          UK has something to prove in SEC tourney
                                                                     Adam Stern hit an inside-the-park homer, drove in four runs and made two sensa-                                        LSU coach John Brady says his team has already proven itself this sea-
                                                                  tional catches in center Wednesday, leading Canada to an surprising 8-6 victory over                                   son as the Southeastern Conference regular-season champion. The Tigers
                                                                  the United States in the inaugural World Baseball Classic.                                                             have already locked up a trip to the NCAAs, and they have some injured
                                                                     Adam Loewen, a 21 -year-old left-hander, gave up three hits and walked three but                                    players who need to rest. Other teams like Kentucky are in a different
                                                                  didn't allow a run in 3 2-3 innings and got the victory for Canada (2-0).                                              position, needing games to either get into the NCAAs or enhance their
                                                                     The United States (1-1) must beat South Africa on Friday, when 43-year-old Roger                                    seeding. The first round of the tournament begins Thursday.
                                                                  Clemens starts for the Americans, or have Mexico lose one of its remaining games to
                                                                  stay alive in the 16-nation tournament.

                                                   Softball splits with North Florida
Chad Bishop

Whose                                           By Mike Anthony
                                                Staff writer                                   Game 1
                                                                                                                                                        ««&; ik-M
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            JEWS I PAGE 9

                         e pays $90 M to settle 'click fraud' case Elixir                                                                                                                                                                              each other. "It's good because we can
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       watch each other an^get ideas from
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       each other - looking at the character
By Michael Liedtke                           distributed by Google.                           Mountain View, Calif-based                   The lawsuit alleged Google
Associated Press
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  from page 1          from two different perspectives," said
                                                 The total value of the credits           Google makes virtually all of its            had conspired with its advertising                                                                              Carreras.
                                             available to advertisers will be lower       money from text-based advertising            partners to conceal the magnitude                                      "It's a lot different than a lot of          Francis Graffeo, the director of
                                             than $90 million because Google              links that trigger commissions each          of click fraud to avoid making                                     us are use to since it is a Bel Canto        the Knoxville Opera from 2000 to
    Google Inc. has agreed to pay            has earmarked part of that amount            time they are clicked on. Besides            refunds.                                                           style performance," notes Scofield,          2005, will be acting as the conductor
$90 million to settle a lawsuit alleg-       to cover fees of lawyers who filed           enriching Google, the system                     The frequency of click fraud                                   who plays the role of the traveling          for the performance.
ing the online search engine leader          the case last year in Arkansas state         has been a boon for advertisers,             hasn't been quantified, causing                                    salesman Dulcamara. "It's a real blast           "There's a lot of valuable experi-
overcharged thousands of advertisers         court. The proposed settlement still         whose sales have been boosted by             some stock market analysts to worry                                playing Dulcamara. Some things we            ence working with Frank. He's tough,
who paid for bogus sales referrals           requires final court approval.               an increased traffic from prospec-           Google's profits will falter if it turns                           share in common, but sometimes it's          but you learn a lot," said Carreras.
generated through a ruse known as                The lawsuit, filed by Lane's Gifts       tive buyers.                                 out to be a huge problem.                                          a real stretch being that cheesy'                For more information on how
"click fraud."                               and Collectibles on behalf of all                But sometimes mischief-makers                Google executives have repeat-                                     Carreras, who plays one of the           to purchase tickets, contact the
 i The proposed settlement,' an-             Google advertisers, revolves around          and scam artists repeatedly click            edly said the level of click fraud on                              two Nemorinos, said that having              Averitt Center for the Arts at (912)
nounced by the company Wednes-               one of the most sensitive subjects           on specific advertising links even           its ad network is minuscule, a con-                                two actors helped them work off              212-2737.
day, would apply to all advertisers          facing Google and Yahoo Inc., which          though they have no intentions of            tention that the proposed settlement
in Google's network during the past          runs the Internet's second largest           buying anything: The motives for             amount seems to support.

four years. Any Web site showing             marketing network.                           the malicious activity known as click            The $90 million translates into
improper charges dating back to 2002             Yahoo, which is also named in the        fraud vary widely, but the net effect is     less than 1 percent of Google's $11.2                                                                               Murals can portray battles from
will be eligible for an account credit       suit, said Wednesday that it intends         the same: advertisers end up paying          billion in revenue during the past                                                                               1690 alongside a street conflict from
that could be used toward future ads         to fight the lawsuit's allegations.          for fruitless Web traffic.                   four years.                                                                                                      1972. Frigo has interviewed several
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  from page 1          well-known muralists, including

Former Atlanta mayor heads to court
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Tom Kelly of the so-called Bogside
                                                                                                                                                                                                          munication mechanism for individ-            Artists of Derry. Frigo recently
                                                                                                                                                                                                          uals and groups whose sentiments             served as a Rotary International
                                                                                                                                                                                                          have not normally been welcomed              Ambassadorial Scholar at Queen's
                                                                                                                                                                                                          by the mainstream media."                    University in Belfast, Northern
By Errin Haines                              prosecutors asked the jury to consider       something illegal or just a high-rolling,    before becoming mayor.                                                 Nationalists create "Conflict            Ireland.
Associated Press                             the big picture, drawing on testimony        jet-setting, womanizing lifestyle.               For two and a half hours, his                                  Murals," that are not only a tourist              "Southern Speaks Irish" provides
                                             and bank, phone and travel records to            Campbell's supporters were faithful      defense attorneys attacked the prose-                              must-see, but also a high-visibility         accessible, informative lunchtime
    Federal prosecutors on Wednesday         make their decision.                         onlookers during the trial, and packed       cution's claim that the two-term mayor                             form ofpolitical protest. Frigo's field      talks at Georgia Southern by faculty
told jurors their case has proven that           "Your verdict is the final piece of      the courtroom for the attorneys' final       was the head of a loose-knit enterprise                            studies of these colorful, symbol-rich       from across the disciplines. The lec-
former Atlanta mayor Bill Campbell ran       the puzzle," Assistant U.S. Attorney         address to jurors. Campbells wife, Sha-      of city corruption, saying instead their                           paintings have yielded important in-         ture, which is free and open to the
his office with a "what's-in-it-for-me"      Russell Vineyard told jurors. "Let           ron, and his three siblings sat a few feet   case sought to make Campbell guilty                                sights into modern constructions of          public, is sponsored by the Univer-
attitude that benefited himself and his      your verdict speak the truth about the       behind him.                                  by association.                                                    group identity in a corner of Europe         sity's Center for Irish Studies.
friends, not the citizens of Atlanta.        mayor's conduct."                                The trial tarnished Campbell's long          "They can't pound the puzzle to-                               that has experienced sectarian vio-              For more information, visit http://
    For more than two and a halfhours,           Wednesday's closing arguments            record of public service, beginning at       gether. The pieces have to fit," defense                           lence for more than 400 years.     
prosecutorspainstakinglyreviewedthe          brought to an end seven weeks of tes-        age 7, when he became the lone black         attorney Jerry Froelich told jurors.'
seven counts of racketeering, bribery        timony from more than 60 witnesses.          child to integrate the Raleigh, N.C.,            Attorney Billy Martin told jurors
and fraud against Campbell. Using a          Beginning Thursday morning, jurors           public school system. A former federal       it was not Campbell who bilked city
dramatic puzzle analogy and court-
room props to summarize their case,
                                             will debate whether Campbell's years in
                                             office from 1994 to 2002 amounted to
                                                                                          prosecutor, Campbell also served as an
                                                                                          Atlanta city councilman for 12 years
                                                                                                                                       contactors, but those who surrounded
                                                                                                                                       him without his knowledge.                                         SGA                                          five from each of GSU's six colleges
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       and five senators for freshmen and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       undeclared students.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                from page 1                SGA's current president, Shri
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Davis, was elected to the SGA with

                                                                                                                                                                                                              Bethune has served one term as           no opposition, and fewer than five
                                             levels before leavinghome. Also, when            Don't drink too much and decide          avoid being drugged, never leave your                              senator, representing the College            percent of students voted in the
                                             traveling either by bus, train, or plane,    in advance what you will drink and           drink unattended and don't accept                                  of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences          contest. This year, both candidates
                                             remove names, addresses and anyother         how much. Have a friend take the             drinks from others.                                                on the SGA. Ford has served three            say they're enthused by the competi-
                          from page 1        personal information from magazines,         wheel or call a taxi for assistance, but         Spring break is a time for fun. A                              years as a senator from the College          tion and hope for a vigorous debate
                                             books, and other materials.                  when moving about, remember the              relaxation period from the day to                                  of Business Administration.                  on the issues.
    For those ofyou planning to hit the           For those who do plan on partying       'buddy system.' Never allow yourself         day, mundane schedule of being a                                       During the March 27-29 elec-                 "It shows the American way," said
open road, make sure you complete a          all ofnext week, pay close attention to a    to be alone, under any circumstances,        student. The key to getting the most                               tions, students will not only name           Bethune, of his competition.
full inspection of your vehicle. Check       few rules and regulations that are sure      especially if you are in an unknown          out of your break is to be smart and                               a president, but they will select four           "I'm really looking forward to a
all hoses, belts, tires, filters and fluid   to keep you safe for the break.              area. Watch for 'date rape' drugs. To        stay safe.                                                         vice presidents, five at-large senators,     good campaign," said Ford.

                            This Week at
                                                                                         ItfYOli            laP! Htk                                  tl.l FrWaf'
                                                                                                            Heat Franks
                                               Fresh                                                                                                                                                                 Ceml
                                               Ground Chucl                                                        tm Etei":
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           Statesboro, GA
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