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Weekly Compilation of


                                                                      Monday, April 21, 2008
                                                                      Volume 44—Number 15
                                                                      Pages 517–551
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with MISCELLANEOUS

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                                                                      Addresses and Remarks                                             Joint Statements
                                                                         See also Appointments and Nominations;                            Joint Statement by the United States of
                                                                           Meetings With Foreign Leaders                                      America and the Holy See—523
                                                                         America’s Small Business Summit—542
                                                                         Cabinet meeting—518                                            Letters and Messages
                                                                         Commander in Chief’s Trophy, presentation                         Passover, 5768, message—549
                                                                           to the U.S. Naval Academy Midshipmen—
                                                                           518                                                          Meetings With Foreign Leaders
                                                                         Energy and climate change—524
                                                                         Holy See, welcoming ceremony for Pope                             Holy See, Pope Benedict XVI—522, 523
                                                                           Benedict XVI—522                                                United Kingdom, Prime Minister Brown—529
                                                                         National Catholic Prayer Breakfast—539
                                                                         President’s Environmental Youth Awards                         Proclamations
                                                                           ceremony—527                                                    Education and Sharing Day, U.S.A.—521
                                                                         President Thomas Jefferson’s 265th                                National Park Week—521
                                                                           birthday—520                                                    Small Business Week—539
                                                                         Radio address—517                                                 To Take Certain Actions Under the African
                                                                      Appointments and Nominations                                           Growth and Opportunity Act and the
                                                                                                                                             Generalized System of Preferences and for
                                                                         Homeland Security Department, Coordinator
                                                                          of Gulf Coast Region Recovery and                                  Other Purposes—537
                                                                          Rebuilding, statement—548                                     Statements by the President
                                                                         Housing and Urban Development
                                                                          Department, Secretary, remarks—547                               See also Appointments and Nominations
                                                                                                                                           American Embassy in Beirut, Lebanon, 25th
                                                                      Communications to Congress
                                                                                                                                             anniversary of terrorist attack—536
                                                                         Solomon Islands, message on extending                             Death of John A. Wheeler—519
                                                                           Generalized System of Preferences                               Virginia Tech, anniversary of shootings in
                                                                           benefits—539                                                      Blacksburg, VA—521
                                                                      Executive Orders
                                                                                                                                        Supplementary Materials
                                                                         Amending Executive Orders 13389 and
                                                                          13390—549                                                        Acts approved by the President—551
                                                                                                                                           Checklist of White House press releases—551
                                                                      Interviews With the News Media                                       Digest of other White House
                                                                         News conference with Prime Minister Brown                           announcements—549
                                                                          of the United Kingdom, April 17—529                              Nominations submitted to the Senate—550

                                                                      Editor’s Note: The President was at Camp David, MD, on April 18, the closing date of this
                                                                      issue. Releases and announcements issued by the Office of the Press Secretary but not received
                                                                      in time for inclusion in this issue will be printed next week.

                                                                      WEEKLY COMPILATION OF
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                                                                      PRESIDENTIAL DOCUMENTS                                            The Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents will be
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                                                                          Published every Monday by the Office of the Federal Reg-      ($137.00 for mailing first class) and to foreign subscribers for
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rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with MISCELLANEOUS

                                                                      ments contains statements, messages, and other Presidential       charge for a single copy is $3.00 ($3.75 for foreign mailing).
                                                                      materials released by the White House during the preceding           The Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents is also
                                                                      week.                                                             available on the Internet on the GPO Access service at http://
                                                                          The Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents is pub-
                                                                      lished pursuant to the authority contained in the Federal Reg-       There are no restrictions on the republication of material
                                                                      ister Act (49 Stat. 500, as amended; 44 U.S.C. Ch. 15), under     appearing in the Weekly Compilation of Presidential Docu-
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                                                                      1 CFR Part 10).

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rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with MISCELLANEOUS


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Week Ending Friday, April 18, 2008
                                                                      The President’s Radio Address                                   rity and its own destiny. So what would this
                                                                      April 12, 2008                                                  transition look like? On the security front,
                                                                                                                                      we will stay on the offense, continue to sup-
                                                                         Good morning. Fifteen months ago this                        port the Iraqi security forces, continue to
                                                                      week, I announced the surge. And this week                      transfer security responsibilities to them, and
                                                                      General Petraeus and Ambassador Crocker                         move over time into an overwatch role.
                                                                      gave Congress a detailed report on the re-                         On the economic front, Iraq’s economy is
                                                                      sults.                                                          growing. Iraq is assuming responsibility for
                                                                         Since the surge began, American and Iraqi                    almost all the funding of large-scale recon-
                                                                      forces have made significant progress. While                    struction projects, and our share of security
                                                                      there’s more to be done, sectarian violence,                    costs is dropping as well. On the political
                                                                      civilian deaths, and military deaths are down.                  front, Iraq is planning to hold elections that
                                                                      Improvements in security have helped clear                      will provide a way for Iraqis to settle disputes
                                                                      the way for political and economic progress.                    through the political process instead of
                                                                      The Iraqi Government has passed a budget                        through violence.
                                                                      and three major benchmark laws. And many                           All our efforts are aimed at a clear goal:
                                                                      economic indicators are now pointed in the                      a free Iraq that can protect its people, sup-
                                                                      right direction.                                                port itself economically, and take charge of
                                                                         Serious and complex challenges remain in                     its own political affairs. And no one wants
                                                                      Iraq. Yet with the surge, a major strategic                     to achieve that goal more than the Iraqis
                                                                      shift has occurred. Fifteen months ago, ex-                     themselves.
                                                                      tremists were sowing sectarian violence.
                                                                                                                                         The turnaround that our men and women
                                                                      Today, many mainstream Sunni and Shi’a are
                                                                                                                                      in uniform have made possible in Iraq is a
                                                                      actively confronting the extremists. Fifteen
                                                                                                                                      brilliant achievement. And we expect that as
                                                                      months ago, Al Qaida was using bases in Iraq
                                                                                                                                      conditions on the ground continue to im-
                                                                      to kill our troops and terrorize Iraqis. Today,
                                                                      we have put Al Qaida on the defensive in                        prove, they will permit us to continue the
                                                                      Iraq, and now we are working to deliver a                       policy of return on success.
                                                                      crippling blow. Fifteen months ago, Ameri-                         I’m confident in our success because I
                                                                      cans were worried about the prospect of fail-                   know the valor of the young Americans who
                                                                      ure in Iraq. Today, thanks to the surge, we’ve                  defend us. This week I commemorated the
                                                                      revived the prospect of success in Iraq.                        sacrifice of Michael Monsoor, a Navy SEAL
                                                                         This week General Petraeus reported that                     who gave his life in Iraq and became the
                                                                      security conditions have improved enough to                     fourth Medal of Honor recipient in the war
                                                                      withdraw all five surge brigades. By July 31st,                 on terror. On September 29th, 2006, Mike
                                                                      the number of U.S. combat brigades in Iraq                      and two teammates had taken a position on
                                                                      will be down 25 percent from the year be-                       a rooftop when an insurgent grenade landed
                                                                      fore. Beyond that, General Petraeus says he                     on the roof. Mike threw himself onto the gre-
                                                                      will need time to assess how this reduced                       nade. One of the survivors put it this way:
                                                                      American presence will affect conditions on                     ‘‘Mikey looked death in the face that day and
                                                                      the ground before making recommendations                        said, ‘You cannot take my brothers. I will go
                                                                      on further reductions. I’ve told him he’ll have                 in their stead.’ ’’
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with MISCELLANEOUS

                                                                      time he needs to make his assessment.                              It is heroism like Michael Monsoor’s that
                                                                         Our job in the period ahead is to stand                      pays the cost of human freedom. Our prayers
                                                                      with the Iraqi Government as it makes the                       remain with Michael’s family and with all the
                                                                      transition to responsibility for its own secu-                  men and women who continue this noble

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518                                                     Apr. 12 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2008

                                                                      fight. We look forward to the day when they                     there’s constructive things Congress can do
                                                                      return home in victory.                                         that will encourage the housing market to
                                                                         Thank you for listening.                                     correct quickly by encouraging—helping
                                                                                                                                      people stay in their homes. I don’t think we
                                                                      NOTE: The address was recorded at 8 a.m. on                     ought to be bailing out lenders or specu-
                                                                      April 11 at the Bush Ranch in Crawford, TX, for                 lators. I think we need to be helping hard-
                                                                      broadcast at 10:06 a.m. on April 12. The transcript             working Americans who are creditworthy
                                                                      was made available by the Office of the Press Sec-              stay in their homes.
                                                                      retary on April 11 but was embargoed for release                   And I do want to say something about
                                                                      until the broadcast. In his address, the President
                                                                      referred to Gen. David H. Petraeus, USA, com-
                                                                                                                                      trade. There’s big disappointment around
                                                                      manding general, Multi-National Force—Iraq.                     this table about the action that the Speaker
                                                                      The Office of the Press Secretary also released                 took on the Colombia free trade agreement.
                                                                      a Spanish language transcript of this address.                  This free trade agreement is good for Amer-
                                                                                                                                      ican workers, and it’s good for American con-
                                                                                                                                      sumers. And this free trade agreement is in
                                                                      Remarks Following a Cabinet                                     our national interests. Yet that bill is dead
                                                                      Meeting                                                         unless the Speaker schedules a definite vote.
                                                                      April 14, 2008                                                  This is a unprecedented move, and it’s not
                                                                                                                                      in our country’s interest that we stiff an ally
                                                                         I want to thank members of my Cabinet                        like Colombia and that we don’t encourage
                                                                      for joining me this morning. We discussed                       our goods and services to be sold overseas.
                                                                      a variety of subjects, including the progress                      Congress recently has been working on
                                                                      being made in the freedom agenda around                         legislation for beach monitoring and land-
                                                                      the world. But we also are reminded that to-                    scape conservation. And those are important
                                                                      morrow is tax day, and our fellow citizens                      issues, but not nearly as important as FHA
                                                                      will be paying taxes during a time of eco-                      modernization or the Colombia free trade
                                                                      nomic uncertainty. These are tough eco-                         agreement or making the tax cuts permanent.
                                                                      nomic times.                                                       Thank you very much.
                                                                         This administration anticipated these
                                                                      times. We worked with Congress to pass a                        NOTE: The President spoke at 10:14 a.m. in the
                                                                      progrowth package that incensed businesses                      Cabinet Room at the White House.
                                                                      to invest and a progrowth package that will
                                                                      be sending some of your taxpayers’ money
                                                                      back to you. And the Secretary mentioned                        Remarks on Presenting the
                                                                      again that the second week of May, checks                       Commander in Chief’s Trophy to the
                                                                      and/or credits to your account will start com-                  United States Naval Academy
                                                                      ing to you. And that’s going to be an impor-                    Midshipmen
                                                                      tant part of making sure this economy begins                    April 14, 2008
                                                                      to recover in a way that will add confidence
                                                                      and hope.                                                          Sit down, please. Welcome to the Rose
                                                                         One way Congress can act is to make the                      Garden. Of course, this is an old habit for
                                                                      tax cuts permanent. If they really are that                     a lot of the players standing behind me. After
                                                                      concerned about economic uncertainty, they                      all, this is the fifth year in a row that the
                                                                      ought to create certainty in the Tax Code.                      mighty Navy football team won the Com-
                                                                         The other thing we’ve been very active on                    mander in Chief’s Trophy. And we’re here
                                                                      is helping people stay in their homes, wheth-                   to congratulate them on that amazing
                                                                      er it be the HOPE NOW Alliance or                               achievement. As a matter of fact, coming to
                                                                      FHASecure. Over a million people have                           the Rose Garden is as familiar a place as Ban-
                                                                      been helped to renegotiate and/or to find                       croft Hall. [Laughter]
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with MISCELLANEOUS

                                                                      ways to stay in a home that they own.                              We welcome you here, and we congratu-
                                                                         Now, Congress can help. Congress needs                       late you. Coach, thanks for coming. Proud
                                                                      to modernize FHA; they need to modernize                        you’re here. This team has had an historic
                                                                      Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. I mean,                             season. For the third year in a row, had the

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Administration of George W. Bush, 2008 / Apr. 14                                                               519

                                                                      most rushing yards in the Nation, as well as                    think I’m only going to talk about Texans,
                                                                      the Nation’s highest graduation rate. You                       don’t you—[laughter]—had an interception
                                                                      went to your fifth straight bowl game, and                      in each of the first four games. He’s the first
                                                                      of course you accomplished your most im-                        player in school history to accomplish that
                                                                      portant goal: You beat Army.                                    feat.
                                                                         I want to thank the House majority leader,                      Zerbin Singleton—now there’s an inspira-
                                                                      Steny Hoyer, strong supporter of the Naval                      tional story for all. He faced great challenges
                                                                      Academy, for joining us. Congressman                            growing up. He overcame injuries from a car
                                                                      Hoyer, thanks for being here. Secretary Don                     accident to make it to the Naval Academy.
                                                                      Winter, Secretary of the Navy, and Linda;                       And during the season, he received the Dis-
                                                                      John Dalton, former Secretary of the Navy                       ney Wide World of Sports Spirit Award as
                                                                      and a fine Texan, as well as Margaret—                          college football’s most inspirational figure.
                                                                      thanks for coming. Vice Admiral Jeff Fowler,                    He’s the brigade commander of all 4,200
                                                                      thanks for being here, sir. Proud you’re here.                  midshipmen at the Naval Academy. He’ll
                                                                      Coach—just Coach—[laughter]—like, you                           soon begin flight training as a Marine aviator.
                                                                      call me George; I’ll call you Ken. [Laughter]                      Proud to welcome all the individual stars
                                                                      Glad you all are here. [Laughter]                               here. But no question, this team played well
                                                                         This team set a school record by scoring                     because you played as a unit. I want to thank
                                                                      511 points. And with your sixth straight win                    every football player for agreeing to put on
                                                                      over Army, you established the longest win-                     the uniform of the finest military ever. You’ve
                                                                      ning streak against Army in history. You beat                   signed up after 9/11. You knew the stakes
                                                                      Notre Dame for the first time since 1963.                       involved in the war against extremists and
                                                                      I’m probably not going to spend much time                       radicals. You knew that your country de-
                                                                      talking to the Pope about it. [Laughter] You                    pended on you, and you didn’t hesitate to
                                                                      had an interesting game in the great State                      wear the uniform.
                                                                      of Texas against North Texas, when you won                         I welcome you as stars on the football field,
                                                                      74 to 62—136 combined points were the                           and I welcome you as soon to be sailors and
                                                                      most scored in a regulation game in the his-                    marines who have a major responsibility to
                                                                      tory of NCAA’s top division. You earned an                      protect the United States from harm and
                                                                      invitation to play in the Poinsettia Bowl. For-                 spread the great blessings of liberty so we
                                                                      get the score, but you made an exciting fin-                    can have peace. I cannot wait to be able to
                                                                      ish. In other words, you brought great credit                   say to you someday, I’m proud to be your
                                                                      to a fabulous place of higher institute—of                      Commander in Chief.
                                                                      learning.                                                          And so I welcome you to the Rose Garden.
                                                                         And I want to thank your head coach and                      I congratulate you on being fine football play-
                                                                      welcome him. He’s been a big part of the                        ers. More importantly, I congratulate you on
                                                                      success over the past 6 years, and no doubt                     being patriotic Americans. May God bless
                                                                      in my mind—more importantly, no doubt in                        you.
                                                                      the superintendent’s mind—that he’s going
                                                                      to be a fabulous head coach for years to                        NOTE: The President spoke at 1:16 p.m. in the
                                                                                                                                      Rose Garden at the White House. In his remarks,
                                                                      come. Congratulations.
                                                                                                                                      he referred to Ken Niumatalolo, head coach, U.S.
                                                                         I’ve been reading about some of the stand-                   Naval Academy football team; and Vice Adm. Jef-
                                                                      out performers on the team, starting with slot                  frey L. Fowler, USN, superintendent, U.S. Naval
                                                                      back Reggie Campbell, team captain on of-                       Academy.
                                                                      fense. He holds—he owns eight school
                                                                      records. He was the MVP of the Army-Navy
                                                                      game. Linebacker Irv Spencer, team captain                      Statement on the Death of
                                                                      on defense—he led the team with 95 tackles.                     John A. Wheeler
                                                                      Adam        Ballard,      Texan—[laughter]—                     April 14, 2008
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with MISCELLANEOUS

                                                                      Lewisville, Texas—he came back from a bro-
                                                                      ken leg in 2006 to score Navy’s first touch-                       Laura and I are saddened by the death
                                                                      down of the season. He’s a bruiser. Corner-                     of John Archibald Wheeler, one of America’s
                                                                      back Ketric Buffin, Rowlett, Texas—you                          greatest physicists.

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520                                                     Apr. 14 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2008

                                                                         During his distinguished career, Dr.                         ferson proclaimed as a self-evident truth that
                                                                      Wheeler collaborated with scientists such as                    liberty was a right given to all people by an
                                                                      Albert Einstein and Niels Bohr on projects                      Almighty.
                                                                      that changed the course of history. His early                      Here in America, that truth was not fully
                                                                      work with Bohr on how nuclei split apart,                       realized in Jefferson’s own lifetime. As he ob-
                                                                      his vision of the possibilities of Einstein’s                   served the condition of slaves in America,
                                                                      curved space, and his work on quantum the-                      Jefferson said, quote, ‘‘I tremble for my
                                                                      ory demonstrated his innovation and bril-                       country when I reflect that God is just [and]
                                                                      liance. And he will always be remembered                        that His justice cannot sleep forever.’’ Less
                                                                      for giving the phenomenon of black holes its                    than 40 years after his death, justice was
                                                                      name.                                                           awakened in America and a new era of free-
                                                                         Dr. Wheeler was also a great teacher who                     dom dawned.
                                                                      understood that educating young minds                              Today, on the banks of the Tidal Basin,
                                                                      would be one of his most significant con-                       a statue of Thomas Jefferson stands in a ro-
                                                                      tributions. As a professor at Princeton Uni-                    tunda that is a memorial to both the man
                                                                      versity and the University of Texas—Austin,                     and the ideas that built this Nation. There,
                                                                      Dr. Wheeler inspired generations of stu-                        on any day of the week, you will find men
                                                                      dents, such as the late Nobel Prize winning                     and women of all creeds, colors, races, and
                                                                      physicist Richard Feynman, to transform                         religions. You will find scholars, school-
                                                                      their curiosity into scientific discoveries.                    children, and visitors from every part of our
                                                                         Today our thoughts and prayers are with
                                                                                                                                      country. And you will find each of them look-
                                                                      the Wheeler family.
                                                                                                                                      ing upward in quiet reflection on the liturgy
                                                                                                                                      of freedom, the words of Thomas Jefferson
                                                                      Remarks Honoring President                                      inscribed on the memorial’s walls.
                                                                      Thomas Jefferson’s 265th Birthday                                  The power of Jefferson’s words do not stop
                                                                                                                                      at water’s edge. They beckon the friends of
                                                                      April 14, 2008                                                  liberty on even the most distant shores.
                                                                         Thank you all. Thanks for coming. Please                     They’re a source of inspiration for people in
                                                                      be seated. Welcome to the White House.                          young democracies like Afghanistan and
                                                                      Laura and I are so honored you are here.                        Lebanon and Iraq. And they are a source of
                                                                      I welcome members of my Cabinet, Mem-                           hope for people in nations like Belarus and
                                                                      bers of the United States Senate, folks who                     Burma, Cuba, Venezuela, Iran, Syria, North
                                                                      work in the White House, the Governor of                        Korea, and Zimbabwe, where the struggle for
                                                                      Virginia and Anne Holton. Thank you all for                     freedom continues.
                                                                      coming. We’re really happy you’re here.                            Thomas Jefferson left us on July 4th, 1826,
                                                                         We’re here tonight to commemorate the                        50 years to the day after our Declaration of
                                                                      265th birthday of Thomas Jefferson, here in                     Independence was adopted. In one of the
                                                                      a room where he once walked and in a home                       great harmonies of history, his friend and
                                                                      where he once lived. In this house, President                   rival John Adams died on the very same day.
                                                                      Jefferson spread the word that liberty was                      Adams’s last words were, ‘‘Thomas Jefferson
                                                                      the right of every individual. In this house,                   survives.’’ And he still does today, and he will
                                                                      Jefferson sent Lewis and Clark off on the                       live on forever, because the desire to live in
                                                                      mission that helped make America a conti-                       freedom is the eternal hope of mankind.
                                                                      nental nation. And in this house, Jefferson                        And now it’s my pleasure to welcome
                                                                      was known to receive guests in his bathrobe                     Wilfred McClay to the stage.
                                                                      and slippers. [Laughter] Laura said, ‘‘No.’’
                                                                      [Laughter] I don’t have a bathrobe. [Laugh-                     NOTE: The President spoke at 6:05 p.m. in the
                                                                      ter]                                                            East Room at the White House. In his remarks,
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with MISCELLANEOUS

                                                                         With a single sentence, Thomas Jefferson                     he referred to Gov. Timothy M. Kaine of Virginia
                                                                      changed the history of the world. After                         and his wife, Anne Holton; and Wilfred M.
                                                                      countless centuries, when the powerful and                      McClay, SunTrust Bank chair of excellence in hu-
                                                                      the privileged governed as they pleased, Jef-                   manities and professor of history, University of

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Administration of George W. Bush, 2008 / Apr. 16                                                               521

                                                                      Tennessee at Chattanooga. The transcript re-                       On this day and throughout the year, we
                                                                      leased by the Office of the Press Secretary also                encourage our children to set high goals,
                                                                      included the remarks of the First Lady.                         make the right choices, and put character
                                                                                                                                      first. By instilling respect, responsibility, civic
                                                                                                                                      duty, compassion, and honesty in our youth,
                                                                      Statement on the Anniversary of the
                                                                                                                                      we can help more of our citizens realize the
                                                                      Virginia Tech Shootings in                                      great promise of America.
                                                                      Blacksburg, Virginia                                               Now, Therefore, I, George W. Bush,
                                                                      April 15, 2008                                                  President of the United States of America,
                                                                                                                                      by virtue of the authority vested in me by
                                                                         April 16, 2007, brought the deadliest day                    the Constitution and laws of the United
                                                                      of violence on a college campus in our Na-                      States, do hereby proclaim April 16, 2008,
                                                                      tion’s history. The horrific crimes committed                   as Education and Sharing Day, U.S.A. I call
                                                                      at Virginia Tech University filled our souls                    upon government officials, educators, volun-
                                                                      with sadness. One year later, we remember                       teers, and all the people of the United States
                                                                      the victims murdered and wounded that day.                      to reach out to young people and work to
                                                                         We join our fellow Americans in praying                      create a better, brighter, and more hopeful
                                                                      for the families and friends whose hearts                       future for all.
                                                                      ache for their lost loved ones. We continue                        In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set
                                                                      to be amazed by the extraordinary Hokie                         my hand this fifteenth day of April, in the
                                                                      spirit and inspired by the survivors of this                    year of our Lord two thousand eight, and of
                                                                      tragedy. Students, teachers, and alumni have                    the Independence of the United States of
                                                                      overcome evil with good by supporting each                      America the two hundred and thirty-second.
                                                                      other with love and compassion. We are
                                                                      humbled by their resilience and confident in                                                 George W. Bush
                                                                      the university’s bright future.
                                                                         We pray that God will continue to comfort                    [Filed with the Office of the Federal Register,
                                                                      and heal the people of the Virginia Tech                        8:45 a.m., April 17, 2008]
                                                                                                                                      NOTE: This proclamation was released by the Of-
                                                                                                                                      fice of the Press Secretary on April 16, and it was
                                                                      Proclamation 8238—Education and                                 published in the Federal Register on April 18.
                                                                      Sharing Day, U.S.A., 2008
                                                                      April 15, 2008                                                  Proclamation 8239—National Park
                                                                                                                                      Week, 2008
                                                                      By the President of the United States
                                                                      of America                                                      April 15, 2008
                                                                                                                                      By the President of the United States
                                                                      A Proclamation                                                  of America
                                                                         A hopeful society helps ensure that its citi-
                                                                      zens develop the character, knowledge, and                      A Proclamation
                                                                      skills they need to succeed. On Education                          President Franklin D. Roosevelt once said,
                                                                      and Sharing Day, we underscore our dedica-                      ‘‘There is nothing so American as our Na-
                                                                      tion to encouraging our Nation’s youth to                       tional Parks.’’ During National Park Week,
                                                                      build a solid foundation for a lifetime of ac-                  we underscore our commitment to con-
                                                                      complishment.                                                   serving these magnificent places and recog-
                                                                         Education and Sharing Day pays tribute                       nize the many employees and volunteers who
                                                                      to the unique efforts of Rabbi Menachem                         give their time and energy to keep them
                                                                      Mendel Schneerson, the Lubavitcher Rebbe.                       beautiful for all Americans to enjoy.
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with MISCELLANEOUS

                                                                      The Rebbe helped create numerous edu-                              This year’s theme for National Park Week,
                                                                      cation and outreach centers, which continue                     ‘‘Kids In Parks,’’ highlights youth programs
                                                                      to provide social service programs and hu-                      and initiatives offered by the National Park
                                                                      manitarian aid at home and around the globe.                    Service to encourage children to be good

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522                                                     Apr. 16 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2008

                                                                      stewards of the land. The Junior Ranger pro-                    [Filed with the Office of the Federal Register,
                                                                      gram is one such program that encourages                        8:58 a.m., April 17, 2008]
                                                                      America’s youth to explore, protect, and                        NOTE: This proclamation was released by the Of-
                                                                      learn about our national parks. Today, many                     fice of the Press Secretary on April 16, and it was
                                                                      national parks have active Junior Ranger pro-                   published in the Federal Register on April 18.
                                                                      grams. By visiting, young
                                                                      people can sign up to become WebRangers,
                                                                      enabling them to learn about different parks,                   Remarks at a Welcoming Ceremony
                                                                      monuments, and historic sites right from                        for Pope Benedict XVI
                                                                      their homes.                                                    April 16, 2008
                                                                         Across the United States, the Federal Gov-
                                                                      ernment plays a vital role in protecting our                       Holy Father, Laura and I are privileged
                                                                      natural and historical treasures. My Adminis-                   to have you here at the White House. We
                                                                      tration launched the National Park Centen-                      welcome you with the ancient words com-
                                                                      nial Initiative to preserve and enhance these                   mended by Saint Augustine: Pax tecum.
                                                                      scenic wonders and to prepare for the 100th                     Peace be with you.
                                                                      anniversary of the National Park Service in                        You’ve chosen to visit America on your
                                                                      2016. Serving as the Honorary Chair of the                      birthday. Well, birthdays are traditionally
                                                                      National Park Foundation, First Lady Laura                      spent with close friends, so our entire Nation
                                                                      Bush has also played a significant role in pre-                 is moved and honored that you’ve decided
                                                                      serving our national parks. The First Lady                      to share this special day with us. We wish
                                                                      is actively involved in programs such as First                  you much health and happiness today and
                                                                      Bloom, which teaches children how to pre-                       for many years to come.
                                                                      serve native plants across America. In addi-                       This is your first trip to the United States
                                                                      tion, this past Christmas, the White House                      since you ascended to the Chair of Saint
                                                                      highlighted our national parks with the                         Peter. You will visit two of our greatest cities
                                                                      theme ‘‘Holiday in the National Parks.’’                        and meet countless Americans, including
                                                                         Our National Parks belong to each of us,                     many who have traveled from across the
                                                                      and they are natural places to learn, exercise,                 country to see with you and to share in the
                                                                      volunteer, spend time with family and                           joy of this visit. Here in America, you’ll find
                                                                      friends, and enjoy the magnificent beauty of                    a nation of prayer. Each day, millions of our
                                                                      our great land. During National Park Week                       citizens approach our Maker on bended
                                                                      and throughout the year, Americans of all                       knee, seeking His grace and giving thanks
                                                                      ages can pledge to help maintain and en-                        for the many blessings He bestows upon us.
                                                                      hance America’s national treasures for future                   Millions of Americans have been praying for
                                                                      generations.                                                    your visit, and millions look forward to pray-
                                                                         Now, Therefore, I, George W. Bush,                           ing with you this week.
                                                                      President of the United States of America,                         Here in America, you’ll find a nation of
                                                                      by virtue of the authority vested in me by                      compassion. Americans believe that the
                                                                      the Constitution and laws of the United                         measure of a free society is how we treat
                                                                      States, do hereby proclaim April 19 through                     the weakest and most vulnerable among us.
                                                                      April 27, 2008, as National Park Week. I in-                    So each day, citizens across America answer
                                                                      vite all my fellow citizens to join me in cele-                 to the universal call to feed the hungry and
                                                                      brating America’s national parks by visiting                    comfort the sick and care for the infirm.
                                                                      these wonderful spaces, discovering all they                    Each day, across the world, the United States
                                                                      have to offer, and becoming active partici-                     is working to eradicate disease, alleviate pov-
                                                                      pants in park conservation.                                     erty, promote peace, and bring the light of
                                                                         In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set                      hope to places still mired in the darkness of
                                                                      my hand this fifteenth day of April, in the                     tyranny and despair.
                                                                      year of our Lord two thousand eight, and of
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with MISCELLANEOUS

                                                                                                                                         Here in America, you’ll find a nation that
                                                                      the Independence of the United States of                        welcomes the role of faith in the public
                                                                      America the two hundred and thirty-second.                      square. When our Founders declared our
                                                                                                George W. Bush                        Nation’s independence, they rested their

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                                                                      case on an appeal to the laws of nature and                     Office of the Press Secretary also released a Span-
                                                                      of nature’s God. We believe in religious lib-                   ish language transcript of these remarks.
                                                                      erty. We also believe that a love for freedom
                                                                      and a common moral law are written into
                                                                      every human heart and that these constitute                     Joint Statement by the United States
                                                                      the firm foundation on which any successful                     of America and the Holy See
                                                                      free society must be built.                                     April 16, 2008
                                                                         Here in America, you’ll find a nation that
                                                                      is fully modern, yet guided by ancient and                         His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI and
                                                                      eternal truths. The United States is the most                   President George W. Bush met today in the
                                                                      innovative, creative, and dynamic country on                    Oval Office of the White House.
                                                                      Earth. It is also among the most religious.                        President Bush, on behalf of all Ameri-
                                                                      In our Nation, faith and reason coexist in har-                 cans, welcomed the Holy Father, wished him
                                                                      mony. This is one of our country’s greatest                     a happy birthday, and thanked him for the
                                                                      strengths and one of the reasons that our land                  spiritual and moral guidance, which he offers
                                                                      remains a beacon of hope and opportunity                        to the whole human family. The President
                                                                      for millions across the world.                                  wished the Pope every success in his Apos-
                                                                         Most of all, Holy Father, you will find in                   tolic Journey and in his address at the United
                                                                      America people whose hearts are open to                         Nations, and expressed appreciation for the
                                                                      your message of hope. And America and the                       Pope’s upcoming visit to ‘‘Ground Zero’’ in
                                                                      world need this message.                                        New York.
                                                                         In a world where some invoke the name                           During their meeting, the Holy Father and
                                                                      of God to justify acts of terror and murder                     the President discussed a number of topics
                                                                      and hate, we need your message that God                         of common interest to the Holy See and the
                                                                      is love. And embracing this love is the surest                  United States of America, including moral
                                                                      way to save men from falling prey to the                        and religious considerations to which both
                                                                      teaching of fanaticism and terrorism.                           parties are committed: the respect of the dig-
                                                                         In a world where some treat life as some-                    nity of the human person; the defense and
                                                                      thing to be debased and discarded, we need                      promotion of life, matrimony and the family;
                                                                      your message that all human life is sacred                      the education of future generations; human
                                                                      and that each of us is willed, each of us is                    rights and religious freedom; sustainable de-
                                                                      loved—[applause]—and your message that                          velopment and the struggle against poverty
                                                                      each of us is willed, each of us is loved, and                  and pandemics, especially in Africa. In re-
                                                                      each of us is necessary.                                        gard to the latter, the Holy Father welcomed
                                                                         In a world where some no longer believe                      the United States’ substantial financial con-
                                                                      that we can distinguish between simple right                    tributions in this area. The two reaffirmed
                                                                      and wrong, we need your message to reject                       their total rejection of terrorism as well as
                                                                      this dictatorship of relativism and embrace                     the manipulation of religion to justify im-
                                                                      a culture of justice and truth.                                 moral and violent acts against innocents.
                                                                         In a world where some see freedom as                         They further touched on the need to con-
                                                                      simply the right to do as they wish, we need                    front terrorism with appropriate means that
                                                                      your message that true liberty requires us to                   respect the human person and his or her
                                                                      live our freedom not just for ourselves but                     rights.
                                                                      in a spirit of mutual support.                                     The Holy Father and the President de-
                                                                         Holy Father, thank you for making this                       voted considerable time in their discussions
                                                                      journey to America. Our Nation welcomes                         to the Middle East, in particular resolving
                                                                      you. We appreciate the example you set for                      the Israel-Palestinian conflict in line with the
                                                                      the world, and we ask that you always keep                      vision of two states living side-by-side in
                                                                      us in your prayers.                                             peace and security, their mutual support for
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with MISCELLANEOUS

                                                                      NOTE: The President spoke at 10:38 a.m. on the                  the sovereignty and independence of Leb-
                                                                      South Lawn at the White House. The transcript                   anon, and their common concern for the situ-
                                                                      released by the Office of the Press Secretary also              ation in Iraq and particularly the precarious
                                                                      included the remarks of Pope Benedict XVI. The                  state of Christian communities there and

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                                                                      elsewhere in the region. The Holy Father                        veloping nations reduce greenhouse gases,
                                                                      and the President expressed hope for an end                     reduce our dependence on oil, and keep our
                                                                      to violence and for a prompt and comprehen-                     economies vibrant and strong for the decades
                                                                      sive solution to the crises which afflict the                   to come.
                                                                      region.                                                            I’ve put our Nation on a path to slow, stop,
                                                                         The Holy Father and the President also                       and eventually reverse the growth of our
                                                                      considered the situation in Latin America                       greenhouse gas emissions. In 2002, I an-
                                                                      with reference, among other matters, to im-                     nounced our first step: to reduce America’s
                                                                      migrants, and the need for a coordinated pol-                   greenhouse gas intensity by 18 percent
                                                                      icy regarding immigration, especially their                     through 2012. I’m pleased to say that we re-
                                                                      humane treatment and the well being of their                    main on track to meet this goal even as our
                                                                      families.                                                       economy has grown 17 percent.
                                                                                                                                         As we take these steps here at home, we’re
                                                                      NOTE: The Office of the Press Secretary also re-                also working internationally on a rational
                                                                      leased a Spanish language version of this joint
                                                                      statement. An original was not available for
                                                                                                                                      path to addressing global climate change.
                                                                      verification of the content of this joint statement.            When I took office 7 years ago, we faced
                                                                                                                                      a problem. A number of nations around the
                                                                                                                                      world were preparing to implement the
                                                                      Remarks on Energy and Climate                                   flawed approach of Kyoto Protocol. In 1997,
                                                                      Change                                                          the United States Senate took a look at the
                                                                      April 16, 2008                                                  Kyoto approach and passed a resolution op-
                                                                                                                                      posing the approach by a 95-to-nothing vote.
                                                                         Thank you. Welcome. I thank you all for                         The Kyoto Protocol would have required
                                                                      coming. I particularly want to thank mem-                       the United States to drastically reduce green-
                                                                      bers of my Cabinet for joining me here today                    house gas emissions. The impact of this
                                                                      in the Rose Garden.                                             agreement, however, would have been to
                                                                         Tomorrow represents—representatives of                       limit our economic growth and to shift Amer-
                                                                      the world’s major economies will gather in                      ican jobs to other countries while allowing
                                                                      Paris to discuss climate change. Here in                        major developing nations to increase their
                                                                      Washington, the debate about climate                            emissions. Countries like China and India are
                                                                      change is intensifying. Today I’ll share some                   experiencing rapid economic growth, and
                                                                      views on this important issue to advance dis-                   that’s good for their people, and it’s good for
                                                                      cussions both at home and abroad.                               the world. This also means they’re emitting
                                                                         Climate change involves complicated                          increasingly large quantities of greenhouse
                                                                      science and generates vigorous debate. Many                     gases, which has consequences for the entire
                                                                      are concerned about the effect of climate                       global climate.
                                                                      change on our environment. Many are con-                           So the United States has launched, and the
                                                                      cerned about the effect of climate change                       G–8 has embraced, a new process that brings
                                                                      policies on our economy. I share these con-                     together the countries responsible for most
                                                                      cerns, and I believe they can be sensibly rec-                  of the world’s emissions. We’re working to-
                                                                      onciled.                                                        ward a climate agreement that includes the
                                                                         Over the past 7 years, my administration                     meaningful participation of every major
                                                                      has taken a rational, balanced approach to                      economy and gives none a free ride.
                                                                      these serious challenges. We believe we need                       In support of this process, and based on
                                                                      to protect our environment. We believe we                       technology advances and strong new policy,
                                                                      need to strengthen our energy security. We                      it is now time for the United States to look
                                                                      believe we need to grow our economy. And                        beyond 2012 and to take the next step. We’ve
                                                                      we believe the only way to achieve these                        shown that we can slow emissions growth.
                                                                      goals is through continued advances in tech-                    But today I’m announcing a new national
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with MISCELLANEOUS

                                                                      nology. So we’ve pursued a series of policies                   goal: to stop the growth of U.S. greenhouse
                                                                      aimed at encouraging the rise of innovation,                    gas emissions by 2025.
                                                                      as well as more cost-effective clean energy                        To reach this goal, we will pursue an econ-
                                                                      technologies that can help America and de-                      omy-wide strategy that builds on the solid

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                                                                      foundation that we have in place. As part of                    in the power generation sector. To reach our
                                                                      this strategy, we worked with Congress to                       2025 goal, we’ll need to more rapidly slow
                                                                      pass energy legislation that specifies a new                    the growth of power sector greenhouse gas
                                                                      fuel economy standard of 35 miles per gallon                    emissions so they peak within 10 to 15 years
                                                                      by 2020 and requires fuel producers to sup-                     and decline thereafter. By doing so, we’ll re-
                                                                      ply at least 36 billion gallons of renewable                    duce emission levels in the power sector well
                                                                      fuel by 2022. This should provide an incen-                     below where they were projected to be when
                                                                      tive for shifting to a new generation of fuels,                 we first announced our climate strategy in
                                                                      like cellulosic ethanol, that will reduce con-                  2002.
                                                                      cerns about food prices and the environment.                       There are a number of ways to achieve
                                                                         We also mandated new objectives for the                      these reductions, but all responsible ap-
                                                                      coming decade to increase the efficiency of                     proaches depend on accelerating the devel-
                                                                      lighting and appliances. We’re helping States                   opment and deployment of new tech-
                                                                      achieve their goals for increasing renewable                    nologies.
                                                                      power and building-code efficiency by shar-                        As we approach this challenge, we face a
                                                                      ing new technologies and providing tax in-                      growing problem here at home. Some courts
                                                                      centives. We’re working to implement a new                      are taking laws written more than 30 years
                                                                      international agreement that will accelerate                    ago, to primarily address local and regional
                                                                      cuts in potent HCFC emissions. Taken to-                        environmental effects, and applying them to
                                                                      gether, these landmark actions will prevent
                                                                                                                                      global climate change. Clean Air Act, the En-
                                                                      billions of metric tons of greenhouse gas
                                                                                                                                      dangered Species Act, and the National En-
                                                                      emissions from entering the atmosphere.
                                                                                                                                      vironmental Policy Act were never meant to
                                                                         These objectives are backed by a combina-
                                                                                                                                      regulate global climate. For example, under
                                                                      tion of new market-based regulations, new
                                                                                                                                      a Supreme Court decision last year, the
                                                                      government incentives, and new funding for
                                                                      technology research. We’ve provided billions                    Clean Air Act could be applied to regulate
                                                                      of dollars for next generation nuclear energy                   greenhouse gas emissions from vehicles.
                                                                      technologies. Along with the private sector,                    Now, this would automatically trigger regula-
                                                                      we’ve invested billions more to research, de-                   tion under the Clean Air Act of greenhouse
                                                                      velop, and commercially deploy renewable                        gases all across our economy, leading to what
                                                                      fuels, hydrogen fuel cells, advanced batteries,                 Energy and Commerce Committee chairman
                                                                      and other technologies to enable a new gen-                     John Dingell last week called, quote, ‘‘a glo-
                                                                      eration of vehicles and more reliable renew-                    rious mess.’’
                                                                      able power systems.                                                If these laws are stretched beyond their
                                                                         In 2009 alone, the Government and the                        original intent, they could override the pro-
                                                                      private sector plan to dedicate nearly a billion                grams Congress just adopted and force the
                                                                      dollars to clean coal research and develop-                     Government to regulate more than just pow-
                                                                      ment. Our incentives for power production                       erplant emissions. It could also force the
                                                                      from wind and solar energy have helped to                       Government to regulate smaller users and
                                                                      more than quadruple its use. We worked                          producers of energy, from schools and stores
                                                                      with Congress to make available more than                       to hospitals and apartment buildings. This
                                                                      $40 billion in loan guarantees to support in-                   would make the Federal Government act like
                                                                      vestments that will avoid, reduce, or seques-                   a local planning and zoning board. It would
                                                                      ter greenhouse gas emissions or air pollut-                     have a crippling effect on our entire econ-
                                                                      ants. And our farmers can now compete for                       omy.
                                                                      substantial new conservation incentives to re-                     Decisions with such far-reaching impact
                                                                      store land and forests in ways that help cut                    should not be left to unelected regulators and
                                                                      greenhouse gases.                                               judges. Such decisions should be opened—
                                                                         We’re doing a lot to protect this environ-                   debated openly. Such decisions should be
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with MISCELLANEOUS

                                                                      ment. We’ve laid a solid foundation for fur-                    made by the elected representatives of the
                                                                      ther progress, but these measures—while                         people they affect. The American people de-
                                                                      these measures will bring us a long way to                      serve an honest assessment of the costs, ben-
                                                                      achieving our new goal, we’ve got to do more                    efits, and feasibility of any proposed solution.

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                                                                         This is the approach that Congress prop-                        The wrong way is to threaten punitive tar-
                                                                      erly took last year on mandatory policies that                  iffs and protective—protectionist barriers,
                                                                      will reduce emissions from cars and trucks                      start a carbon-based global trade war, and
                                                                      and improve the efficiency of lighting and                      to stifle the diffusion of new technologies.
                                                                      appliances. This year, Congress will soon be                    The right way is to work to make advanced
                                                                      considering additional legislation that will af-                technology affordable and available in the de-
                                                                      fect global climate change. I believe that con-                 veloping world by lowering trade barriers,
                                                                      gressional debate should be guided by cer-                      creating a global free market for clean energy
                                                                      tain core principles and a clear appreciation                   technologies, and enhancing international co-
                                                                      that there is a wrong way and a right way                       operation and technology investment.
                                                                      to approach reducing greenhouse gas emis-                          We must all recognize that in the long run,
                                                                      sions. Bad legislation would impose tremen-                     new technologies are the key to addressing
                                                                      dous costs on our economy and on American                       climate change. But in the short run, they
                                                                      families without accomplishing the important                    can be more expensive. And that is why I
                                                                      climate change goals we share.                                  believe part of any solution means reforming
                                                                         The wrong way is to raise taxes, duplicate                   today’s complicated mix of incentives to
                                                                      mandates, or demand sudden and drastic                          make the commercialization and use of new,
                                                                      emissions cuts that have no chance of being                     lower emission technologies more competi-
                                                                      realized and every chance of hurting our                        tive. Today, we have different incentives for
                                                                      economy. The right way is to set realistic                      different technologies, from nuclear power
                                                                      goals for reducing emissions, consistent with                   to clean coal to wind and solar energy. What
                                                                      advances in technology, while increasing our                    we need to do is consolidate them into a sin-
                                                                                                                                      gle, expanded program with the following
                                                                      energy security and ensuring our economy
                                                                      can continue to prosper and grow.
                                                                                                                                         First, the incentive should be carbon-
                                                                         The wrong way is to sharply increase gaso-                   weighted to make lower emission power
                                                                      line prices, home heating bills for American                    sources less expensive relative to higher
                                                                      families, and the cost of energy for American                   emissions sources, and it should take into ac-
                                                                      businesses. The right way is to adopt policies                  count our Nation’s energy security needs.
                                                                      that spur investment in the new technologies                       Second, the incentive should be tech-
                                                                      needed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions                       nology-neutral, because the Government
                                                                      more cost effectively in the longer term with-                  should not be picking winners and losers in
                                                                      out placing unreasonable burdens on Amer-                       this emerging market.
                                                                      ican consumers and workers in the short                            Third, the incentive should be long-lasting.
                                                                      term.                                                           It should provide a positive and reliable mar-
                                                                         The wrong way is to jeopardize our energy                    ket signal not only for the investment in a
                                                                      and economic security by abandoning nu-                         technology but also for the investments in
                                                                      clear power and our Nation’s huge reserves                      domestic manufacturing capacity and infra-
                                                                      of coal. The right way is to promote more                       structure that will help lower costs and scale
                                                                      emission-free nuclear power and encourage                       up availability.
                                                                      the investments necessary to produce elec-                         Even with strong new incentives, many
                                                                      tricity from coal without releasing carbon                      new technologies face regulatory and polit-
                                                                      into the air.                                                   ical barriers. To pave the way for a new gen-
                                                                         The wrong way is to unilaterally impose                      eration of nuclear powerplants, we must pro-
                                                                      regulatory costs that put American busi-                        vide greater certainty on issues from licens-
                                                                      nesses at a disadvantage with their competi-                    ing to responsible management of spent fuel.
                                                                      tors abroad, which would simply drive Amer-                     The promise of carbon capture and storage
                                                                      ican jobs overseas and increase emissions                       depends on new pipelines and liability rules.
                                                                      there. The right way is to ensure that all                      Large-scale renewable energy installations
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with MISCELLANEOUS

                                                                      major economies are bound to take action                        are most likely to be built in sparsely popu-
                                                                      and to work cooperatively with our partners                     lated areas, which will require advanced
                                                                      for a fair and effective international climate                  interstate transmission systems to deliver this
                                                                      agreement.                                                      power to major population centers. If we’re

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                                                                      serious about confronting climate change,                       greenhouse gas emissions. To be economi-
                                                                      then we have to be serious about addressing                     cally sustainable, this approach must foster
                                                                      these obstacles.                                                the economic growth necessary to pay for in-
                                                                         If we fully implement our new strong laws,                   vestments in new technology and to raise liv-
                                                                      adhere to the principles I’ve outlined, and                     ing standards. We must help countries in the
                                                                      adopt appropriate incentives, we will put                       developing world gain access to technologies
                                                                      America on an ambitious new track for                           as well as financing that will enable them to
                                                                      greenhouse gas reductions. The growth in                        take a lower carbon path to economic growth.
                                                                      emissions will slow over the next decade, stop                      And then there will be the major econo-
                                                                      by 2025, and begin to reverse thereafter, so                    mies leader meeting in July—that’s the one
                                                                      long as technology continues to advance.                        I’ll be going to—where we will seek agree-
                                                                         Our new 2025 goal marks a major step for-                    ment on a long-term global goal for emissions
                                                                      ward in America’s efforts to address climate                    reductions, as well as an agreement on how
                                                                      change. Yet even if we reduced our own                          national plans will be a part of the post-2012
                                                                      emissions to zero tomorrow, we would not                        approach. We’ll also seek to increase inter-
                                                                      make a meaningful dent in solving the prob-                     national cooperation among private firms and
                                                                      lem without concerted action by all major                       governments in key sectors such as power
                                                                      economies. So in connection with the major                      generation, auto manufacturing, renewable
                                                                      economies process we launched, we’re urg-                       fuels, and aluminum and steel.
                                                                      ing each country to develop its own national                        We will work toward the creation of an
                                                                      goals and plans to reduce greenhouse gas                        international clean technology fund that will
                                                                      emissions.                                                      help finance low emissions energy projects
                                                                         Like many other countries, America’s na-                     in the developing world. We’ll call on all na-
                                                                      tional plan will be a comprehensive blend of                    tions to help spark a global clean energy revo-
                                                                      market incentives and regulations to reduce                     lution by agreeing immediately to eliminate
                                                                      emissions by encouraging clean and efficient                    trade barriers on clean energy goods and
                                                                      energy technologies. We’re willing to include                   services.
                                                                      this plan in a binding international agree-                         The strategy I have laid out today shows
                                                                      ment, so long as our fellow major economies                     faith in the ingenuity and enterprise of the
                                                                      are prepared to include their plans in such                     American people, and that’s a resource that’s
                                                                      an agreement. We recognize that different                       never going to run out. I’m confident that
                                                                      nations will design different strategies, with                  with sensible and balanced policies from
                                                                      goals and policies that reflect their unique                    Washington, American innovators and entre-
                                                                      energy resources and economic cir-                              preneurs will pioneer a new generation of
                                                                      cumstances. But we can only make progress                       technology that improves our environment,
                                                                      if their plans will make a real difference as                   strengthens our economy, and continues to
                                                                      well.                                                           amaze the world.
                                                                         The next step in the major economies                             Thanks for coming.
                                                                      process is a meeting this week in Paris, and
                                                                      I want to thank my friend President Sarkozy                     NOTE: The President spoke at 2:45 p.m. in the
                                                                      for hosting it. There representatives of all                    Rose Garden at the White House. In his remarks,
                                                                      participating nations will lay the groundwork                   he referred to President Nicolas Sarkozy of
                                                                      for a leaders’ meeting in conjunction with the                  France.
                                                                      G–8 summit in July. Our objective is to come
                                                                      together on a common approach that will
                                                                      contribute to the negotiations under the U.N.                   Remarks at the President’s
                                                                      framework convention of global climate once                     Environmental Youth Awards
                                                                      the Kyoto Protocol expires in 2012. This ap-                    Ceremony
                                                                      proach must be environmentally effective                        April 17, 2008
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with MISCELLANEOUS

                                                                      and economically sustainable.
                                                                         To be effective, this approach will require                    Thanks for coming. Please be seated, and
                                                                      commitments by all major economies to slow,                     welcome to the Rose Garden. And thanks for
                                                                      stop, and eventually reverse the growth of                      bringing such good weather. [Laughter]

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                                                                         Laura and I are thrilled you’re here, and                    lion dollars by encouraging teachers to re-
                                                                      we are thrilled to honor young Americans                        duce their energy use in the classroom.
                                                                      who are helping their communities by safe-                         These are practical ways to help protect
                                                                      guarding the environment. I’m really pleased                    our environment. And one way to thank you
                                                                      that Steve is with us too. Thanks for coming.                   is to have the Administrator present awards
                                                                      Debbie, thanks for being here.                                  to you. You set a great example for people
                                                                         I want to welcome your parents and your                      around the country, and you set a great exam-
                                                                      sponsors, and I know they’re incredibly                         ple for the Government. We’re focused on
                                                                      proud of you. I appreciate the dedication that                  conserving and protecting our environment.
                                                                      you’ve shown to improve neighborhoods. I                        I don’t know if you know this or not, but
                                                                      really thank the fact that you’re a person                      in—we created the Northwestern Hawaii Is-
                                                                      who’s willing to be a responsible citizen and                   land Marine National Monument, which is
                                                                      take action.                                                    the largest single conservation area in our
                                                                         I’m pleased to have all the regional admin-                  Nation’s history and the largest protected
                                                                      istrators here. It’s good to see friends from                   marine area in the world. And we did so be-
                                                                      around the country. Thanks for coming.                          cause there are more than 7,000 species in
                                                                      Thanks for serving the country.                                 the monument, and a quarter of them exist
                                                                         I appreciate the fact that you know that                     nowhere else on the Earth. And the good
                                                                      we live in a country of unbelievable splendor                   news is, Laura went over to dedicate the
                                                                      and beauty. And no matter which State we                        monument and did a fabulous job.
                                                                      call home, we can always find the work of                          We’re working hard to protect our wildlife.
                                                                      the Almighty in our State. And today we                         Through the principle of cooperative con-
                                                                      honor 36 young men and women who have                           servation, which means we bring together
                                                                      devoted their time, energy, and creativity to                   different stakeholders—conservationists and
                                                                      being good stewards of that creation. And we                    sportsmen and local leaders and Federal,
                                                                      appreciate the work you’re doing to preserve                    State, and tribal authorities—to protect spe-
                                                                      our beauty for generations to come.                             cies that are at risk.
                                                                         Students here today come from all across                        We’re protecting our—and strengthening
                                                                      the country. And your accomplishments are                       our National Park System. One way to dedi-
                                                                      as diverse as your home States. Steve will                      cate ourselves to conservation is to take that
                                                                      read out the accomplishments, but I’ll just                     which is already in existence and make it bet-
                                                                      touch on a few.                                                 ter. And so last year, I announced the Na-
                                                                         First, for the people from New York who                      tional Park Centennial Initiative, which is a
                                                                      collected used books that would have ended                      great plan to enhance our national parks dur-
                                                                      up in landfills and donated them to schools                     ing the decade leading up to the 100th anni-
                                                                      and nursing homes and homeless shelters.                        versary in 2016. This is an initiative that’s
                                                                         Got people here from Massachusetts who                       going to allow the Park System to hire more
                                                                      worked with local fishermen to switch from                      park rangers and to increase the use of tech-
                                                                      using lead weights to using substances that                     nology and upgrade its facilities and its his-
                                                                      didn’t have the potential to poison local birds.                toric buildings. I’m looking forward to work-
                                                                         Virginia—the good folks from Virginia                        ing with Congress to make sure this effort’s
                                                                      used—recycled electronic equipment so it                        fully funded.
                                                                      wouldn’t end up polluting the environment.                         And finally, we’re working to ensure that
                                                                      Makes a lot of sense; it’s a rational plan.                     America can develop alternative energy
                                                                         Good people from Tennessee who led                           sources and develop new technologies so we
                                                                      hundreds of members of the community to                         can address global climate change without
                                                                      switch to more energy-efficient light bulbs,                    harming the economy. And I believe we can
                                                                      just like Laura insisted we did here at the                     do both. I believe we can be good stewards
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with MISCELLANEOUS

                                                                      White House. [Laughter]                                         of the environment, and I believe we can
                                                                         How about the good folks from Wash-                          grow our economy, which we’re going to
                                                                      ington State who worked with the school dis-                    have to do to be able to afford the tech-
                                                                      trict and helped save more than a half a mil-                   nologies necessary to change.

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Administration of George W. Bush, 2008 / Apr. 17                                                               529

                                                                         So yesterday I announced an important na-                    days after the Prime Minister took office, his
                                                                      tional goal, which is stopping the growth in                    country was attacked by murderers and ex-
                                                                      U.S. greenhouse gases emissions by 2025. It’s                   tremists, and he handled the situation bril-
                                                                      a goal we can achieve. It’s important to set                    liantly. Prime Minister Brown understands
                                                                      realistic goals and then work hard to achieve                   our enemies remain determined to strike our
                                                                      those goals.                                                    countries and to kill our people. He and I
                                                                         The key to keeping the—making this work                      share a determination, a fierce determination
                                                                      is to unleash the entrepreneurial spirit of the                 that these evil men must be stopped and that
                                                                      country and to develop the new technologies                     we can defeat their hateful ideology by the
                                                                      that will allow us to utilize cleaner, more effi-               spreading of liberty and freedom.
                                                                      cient energy sources, which, by the way, will                      We’re working together in Iraq. I want
                                                                      have the beneficial effect of becoming—                         to—appreciate the sacrifice of the British
                                                                      making us less dependent on oil, particularly                   troops, their families, and the British people.
                                                                      oil that comes from parts of the world where                    During the recent fighting in the Basra Prov-
                                                                      the people may not exactly like us. So in                       ince, our nations coordinated our support for
                                                                      other words, we’re working on our national                      the Iraqi security forces as they took on ex-
                                                                      security and our economic security and, at                      tremists and criminals. I was most thankful
                                                                      the same time, having the beneficial effect                     for the brilliance of the British helicopter
                                                                      of being wise stewards of the environment.                      crews that fired under courage and helped
                                                                         But today you’re tired of hearing about an                   evacuate wounded Iraqi soldiers.
                                                                      old guy speak. We want to hear the stories                         I talked to the Prime Minister about my
                                                                      of young people—young people who will be                        meetings with General Petraeus and Ambas-
                                                                      the future leaders of the country, young peo-                   sador Crocker and why I made the decision
                                                                      ples who have laid out a strategy as to how                     I made about our troop levels in Iraq. I ap-
                                                                      to protect their local communities and have                     preciate the fact that the Prime Minister
                                                                      done so.                                                        briefed me on what the British commanders
                                                                         And so I welcome you here. I ask Laura                       are saying about Iraq. The key thing there
                                                                      and Steve to join me here on the podium                         is that we’re working very closely together
                                                                      to present the awards. Congratulations. Wel-                    and that we’re making progress.
                                                                      come to the Rose Garden, and thanks for                            I also talked about Afghanistan with the
                                                                      coming.                                                         Prime Minister. Appreciate the 7,900 British
                                                                                                                                      troops that are serving bravely in that coun-
                                                                      NOTE: The President spoke at 10:03 a.m. in the
                                                                                                                                      try. We talked about the very successful
                                                                      Rose Garden at the White House. In his remarks,
                                                                      he referred to Environmental Protection Agency                  NATO summit that we just concluded in Ro-
                                                                      Administrator Stephen L. Johnson and his wife,                  mania. We talked about our commitment to
                                                                      Debbie.                                                         see to it that we succeed in Afghanistan.
                                                                                                                                         Spent some time on Iran. Our position is
                                                                                                                                      clear, that we’re going to work together,
                                                                      The President’s News Conference                                 along with other nations, to make it abun-
                                                                      With Prime Minister Gordon Brown                                dantly clear to the Iranian regime that they
                                                                      of the United Kingdom                                           must not have the capability of developing
                                                                      April 17, 2008                                                  a nuclear weapon.
                                                                                                                                         We talked about Zimbabwe, and I appre-
                                                                         President Bush. Thank you all. Mr. Prime                     ciate Gordon Brown’s strong position on that
                                                                      Minister, welcome to the Rose Garden. Glad                      issue. And I appreciate the fact that he went
                                                                      you’re here. It’s a beautiful day. I’m—been                     to the United Nations and made it abun-
                                                                      a pleasure to welcome a good friend to the                      dantly clear that which I feel as well, which
                                                                      Oval Office and had a good discussion.                          is, you can’t have elections unless you’re will-
                                                                         Appreciate our special relationship with                     ing to put the results out. What kind of elec-
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with MISCELLANEOUS

                                                                      Britain, and I believe that the actions we’ve                   tion is it if you not let the will of the people
                                                                      taken are making it stronger. We spent time                     be known?
                                                                      talking about the terrorists and extremists. I                     I appreciate those in the region who have
                                                                      would remind my fellow citizens that just                       spoken out on this issue. Appreciate the fact

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