DESERT MOUNTAIN COURSE SELECTION - 2022-2023 SCHOOL YEAR Registration Information for your Sophomore Year

Page created by Joshua Hale
DESERT MOUNTAIN COURSE SELECTION - 2022-2023 SCHOOL YEAR Registration Information for your Sophomore Year
Information for your
  Sophomore Year
DESERT MOUNTAIN COURSE SELECTION - 2022-2023 SCHOOL YEAR Registration Information for your Sophomore Year
This Power Point was created for current 9th Grade Students moving to 10th grade next year.

   • The purpose of this presentation is to familiarize students and parents with the
                registration process and assist with course selection.

• The goal at the end of the presentation is to select your 10th grade courses and to list
  course selections on the course selection form provided in class or available on our
                                 Guidance website page
DESERT MOUNTAIN COURSE SELECTION - 2022-2023 SCHOOL YEAR Registration Information for your Sophomore Year
High School Counselors
What we do: help students with academics, personal/social, and
college/career guidance

Jonathan Brechner (A-Del)

Leslie Jones (Dem-I)

Michelle Okun (J-Me)

Veva Pacheco (Mi-She)

J. Marie Cooper (Shi-Z)
DESERT MOUNTAIN COURSE SELECTION - 2022-2023 SCHOOL YEAR Registration Information for your Sophomore Year
                   4 Math
                   4 English
REQUIREMENTS   •   3 Lab Science
               •   3 Social Studies
               •   1 Fine Art or CTE
               •   1 PE
               •   6 Electives

               • 22 CREDITS TOTAL

                   Recommendation for AZ Universities:
                    • 2 years of same Foreign Language
                    • Must have completed Alg 2 and 1
                      additional higher-level math
DESERT MOUNTAIN COURSE SELECTION - 2022-2023 SCHOOL YEAR Registration Information for your Sophomore Year
▪ Honors Classes
                                  CLASS OPTIONS
  ▪ Placement based on teacher recommendation
  ▪ Weighted on 5.0 scale
  ▪ Require 1 semester commitment and Honors Contract

▪ Advanced Placement
  ▪   Year long commitment
  ▪   Test in Spring – fee associated with testing
  ▪   Test score determines college credit
  ▪   Weighted on 5.0 scale
▪ Dual Enrollment
  ▪ Earn community college credit while in high school
  ▪ Fee associated with course payable to Scottsdale Community College Dual Enrollment

  ▪ EVIT is an AdvanceED accredited career and technical school
  ▪ Earn elective credit and attend EVIT while in high school (Junior/Senior Years)

                    **Note Honors and AP classes will require summer assignments**
           (Please remember to fill out the honors agreement on the back of your course selection form)
DESERT MOUNTAIN COURSE SELECTION - 2022-2023 SCHOOL YEAR Registration Information for your Sophomore Year
High School Planning Guide provides
detailed course descriptions and
course prerequisites. It also provides
information on graduation
requirements, college admission,
fees, as well as critical information
on deadlines, withdrawal dates and
class rank.
DESERT MOUNTAIN COURSE SELECTION - 2022-2023 SCHOOL YEAR Registration Information for your Sophomore Year

All 10th grade students take English. Here are a few things to consider when
selecting your English Class:

• What is your current grade in English?
• If you are currently making an A or B in your current English class, would
  you like to challenge yourself with Honors English next year?
• What placement does your teacher recommend?
• Honors classes are taught at a faster pace and require more in-depth work.
DESERT MOUNTAIN COURSE SELECTION - 2022-2023 SCHOOL YEAR Registration Information for your Sophomore Year

                                 Sample Math Progression
Current Class                    Next Class                            Recommendations

Algebra I                        Geometry or Honors Geo/Trig           Teacher Recommendation
Foundations of Math/Algebra I    Algebra I/Foundations                 Required for Honors Geo/ Trig
Geometry                         Algebra II                            Teacher Recommendation for
Honors Geo/Trig                  Algebra II Honors                     Algebra II Honors
Algebra II                       Trig/Pre Calc or                      Teacher Recommendation Required
Algebra II Honors                Honors Trig/Pre-Calculus              for Honors Trig/Pre-Calculus

      Unsure which math class to take? Talk to your current teacher about placement for next year.
DESERT MOUNTAIN COURSE SELECTION - 2022-2023 SCHOOL YEAR Registration Information for your Sophomore Year

  PREREQUISITES for Science Courses:

  •   Honors Biology- Placement is by teacher
  •   Chemistry- Grade of C or better in Algebra I for both semesters
  •   Chemistry Honors –Grades of A or B in Algebra I
  •   Physics I- Completion of or concurrently enrolled in Algebra II or higher
  •   Honors Physics I- Same as Physics I
DESERT MOUNTAIN COURSE SELECTION - 2022-2023 SCHOOL YEAR Registration Information for your Sophomore Year

SUSD requires three (3) credits in Social Studies, consisting of all of the

•   Two (2) semesters of World History/World Geography(10th grade)
•   Two (2) semesters of American and Arizona History (11th grade)
•   One (1) semester of American and Arizona Government (12th grade)
•   One (1) semester of Economics/Free Enterprise (12th Grade)
                                                *Grade levels are recommendations
When it comes to Electives
                                                   you have a MANY OPTIONS:
    ELECTIVE                                            ▪ World Language
                                                             ▪ Fine Arts

    OPTIONS:                                                     ▪ PE
                                                                ▪ CTE
                                                       ▪ Interdepartmental

When you register for English, Math, Science and Social Studies you will have 2 elective spaces
• You must have completed both
  semesters of a Language
  before moving on to the next

• All Level III Classes are
  considered Honors Courses

• Arizona Universities require 2
  years of the same language

• Highly competitive colleges
  and universities prefer 3 or
  more years of the same foreign

• Some Language classes are
  eligible for Dual Enrollment
• Fine Arts Classes follow a
  progression and should be
  taken sequentially
• Studio Art I is a prerequisite for
  all Art Classes
• Band Auxillary, Marching Band
  and Jazz Ensemble are ZERO
  hour classes (an additional
  morning class )

Before taking an PE electives you must have completed
and passed both semesters of Introductory Physical
To prepare today’s students for
the new global economy, SUSD-
CTE courses provide students
with opportunities to engage in
learning activities that teach
academic and 21st Century
Skills standards taught through
relevant project-based learning
tasks using current industry
standard technology.
Completion of certain CTE
courses lead to industry-
recognized certification.         For detailed information regarding CTE certifications and
                                  course descriptions visit the High School Planning Guide.
Ex. Sports Medicine: CPR and
First Aid Certification           Note: AZ Universities will accept CTE credit in lieu of Fine Art
• Student Government requires an
• Robotics is a 8th-hour class
  (additional course after school)
• Yearbook is a sequential class
• All classes with eL listed after the
  course number are LAB classes.
  Lab classes are taken on campus
  but taught online in a modular
Fill out                   Review            Sign & Save                   Synergy
  Fill out the Grade          Go over your course    Have your parent SIGN     Use this sheet to enter
  specific colored course     selections with your   the colored selection     your selections into
  selection sheet that was    parent.                sheet and place it in a   Synergy
  passed out in your class.                          SAFE SPOT!
                                                     This sheet WILL BE        Need Help? Links
                                                     COLLECTED by              Synergy Power Point
                                                     counselors when we do     AND Direction Sheet
                                                     one-on-one meetings       available on Guidance
                                                     with you.                 Website under course

PLEASE NOTE: If you do not select classes, counselors will select courses for you and will not
be able to make changes.
▪ Not sure which classes you have taken? Review your Course History in
 Student Vue.
▪ There will be NO COURSE CHANGES at the start of the school year
 except for classes completed in summer school.
▪ Failed (F) core courses needed for graduation will need to be
 retaken either during the school year or during summer school and
 may result in course selection adjustments.
▪ By registering for an Honors course, you agree to abide by the Honors
 Contract. Make sure you and your parent have signed the honors
 agreement contract for all honors, IB, and AP courses.
▪ No courses will be switched to eL classes because you do not like your
 teacher or schedule.
▪ Non-SUSD courses must be approved by your counselor.

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