DEER VALLEY SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION - Student must be a senior with a total accumulated GPA requirement of 3.0 for 7 semesters.

Page created by Walter Rodriguez
Last Name:                        First Name:                       SID#                .

       Student must be a senior with
   a total accumulated GPA requirement
            of 3.0 for 7 semesters.
             Applications are due to the DV Main Office
                 on January 7th, 2022 at 3:00 p.m.
               Late applications will not be accepted.
                        Scholarship Recipients must attend:
 Scholarship Night Rehearsal on Wednesday, May 18th at 3:00 PM in the West Cafeteria.

                         Scholarship recipients must attend:
                  Scholarship Night on Monday, May 23rd at 7:00 PM.
                  (Students must arrive early to room 590 at 6:30 PM)

Submission Check List:

     Did you:
            Write legibly or type
            Attach proper photo
            Student sign and date application
            Parent/Guardian sign and date application
            Attach 1040 Federal Tax Form (if applicable)
            Attach essay

                                                   Date Received:
Last Name:                                                First Name:                                     SID#                              .

                                          Deer Valley High School
                                     Scholarship Application – Class of 2022

Deadline:                      January 7, 2022 - Return application to the DV Main Office
                               Applications will not be accepted after 3:00 p.m. on January 7th

Requirements:                  Total GPA minimum requirement of 3.0 after 7th Semester
                               Member of Deer Valley High School Class of 2022
                               Must attend the Scholarship Program Night, Monday, May 23 at 7:00 pm

This Application will be kept on file at Deer Valley High School for review by the DVHS
      Scholarship Committee and various community scholarship committees.
                      Copies may be sent to Community Organizations/Donors.

                                 Please return this application to the DV Main Office
                                     All parts of the application must be completed.

                               Part I- Personal Information
                               Attach a current photograph of yourself (2x3 full-face, non-selfie, placed inside photo box).
                               Complete required information and obtain signatures.
                               Include a copy of your SAT and/or ACT scores if you have taken them.

                               Part II- Composite Sheet
                               Complete all information, items 1 through 16.

                               Part III- Essay
                               Submit a typed one-page statement about yourself, your future plans, and why you believe
                               you are qualified for this scholarship.
                               Attach your essay to this application.
                               (FORMAT: 12 pt. font; Times New Roman; Double Spaced; 1 in. Margin)
                               Essays not following the specified format will not be considered.

                               Part IV- Earnings (Optional)
                               Attach a copy of your parents 2020 Federal Income Tax 1040 form showing adjusted gross
                               Please note: If earnings information is not included with the application or is incomplete, the student is
                               automatically excluded from consideration by the committee or donor who lists “financial need” as
                               all or part of their selection criteria. Student exclusion prevents their eligibility for numerous
                               scholarships that are offered.

                In order to be considered for a scholarship, complete entire application.

Deer Valley High School Scholarship Application – 2022
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PART I – PERSONAL - Print legibly or type

Last Name: _______________________                                          First Name:

Student ID# __________________

Address: ___________________________

City: _______________ State/Zip Code: _________ Telephone# ___________

Email: ____________________________

Age                                                                        Sex: M         F

Attach Photo:

                                                     Paste Photo in this
                                                           Photo Box.

                                   (Photo of student only, ie. school/graduation picture)

             In keeping with the student rights and privileges act, it is necessary
                                   to have the following consent:
     ❖ I hereby give my consent to release scholarship information to those ind ividuals who
       sponsor scholarships for students.
     ❖ I understand that all information given is subject to verification.

Date:                                               Applicant Signature:


Deer Valley High School Scholarship Application – 2022
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Please answer all fields to the best of your ability. Note that the information below may be
required to be considered for certain scholarships and is optional.
          Last Name                                                   First Name                                       M.I.

          Nationality, Ethnic Background, and/or religion (list all)

3.        Total number of dependents/persons in household:

4.        Number of family members (including student) attending college full-time in fall 2022:

5.        Career Plans
                                          First Choice                        Second Choice

6.        College Choice
                                          First Choice                        Second Choice

7.        College Major
                                          First Choice                        Second Choice

8.        I have taken the SAT/ACT: circle YES or NO               SAT Score: __________ ACT Score:__________

9.        List up to eight achievements, awards, or activities which occurred within the last 6 years, ranked in
          the order of importance to you. These may include school, community or faith-related items. List the
          years you received the awards and/or participated in the activities.

          1.                                                                  5.

          2.                                                                  6.

          3.                                                                  7.

          4.                                                                  8.
10.       List AUSD elementary school(s) and the number of years you attended each:

11.       List AUSD middle high school(s) and the number of years you attended each:

12.       Are you (the student) a member of Antioch Schools Federal Credit Union for at least 6 months? _____Yes   _____ No

13.       I have a parent who is a member of the Antioch Schools Food Service Association.           _____Yes      _____

14.       I have a family member who is a member of the Antioch Woman’s Club.                        _____Yes      _____ No

15.       My parent/guardian is a member of the Deer Valley PTSA.                                    _____Yes      _____

16.       My parent/ guardian works in the AUSD as a classified/certificated (circle) employee        _____Yes     _____ No
             (Location and position: _________________________________________)

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17.       I have a family member who has served in the U.S. Armed Services.                   _____Yes _____ No
              (Family member- state parent, grandparent, brother,etc.): ____________ / Branch served: ___________)


   Provide a typed one-page statement about yourself, your future plans,
         and why you believe you are qualified for this scholarship.

                                  Attach your essay to this application.

 (FORMAT: 12 pt font; Times New Roman; Double Spaced; 1 in. Margin)
  Essays not following the specified format will not be considered.

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NOTE: Completion of the financial statement is mandatory for those scholarships requiring
financial need. If financial information is not included with the application or is incomplete, the
student will automatically be excluded from consideration by the committee or donor who list
financial need as all or part of their selection criteria. Exclusion will prevent their eligibility for
certain scholarships.

___ Attach a copy of the front of your 2020 Federal Tax form in addition to completing Part II.

___ I decline to disclose my financial statement. Parent/Guardian: ________________________
                                                                                (please sign)
2020 Income, Earnings and Benefits

1. The following 2020 U.S. income tax figures are from: (Please indicate with an X)

                                                                     PARENT/S                   STUDENT

          A completed 2020 Federal Income Tax 1040 form

                                         Reminder: Attach a copy of your 2020
                                            Federal Income Tax 1040 form
                                           (Showing adjusted gross income)
                                            at the end of this application.

Please note: If financial information is not included with the application or is incomplete, the student is
automatically excluded from consideration by the committee or donor who lists “financial need” as all or
part of their selection criteria. Student exclusion prevents their eligibility for certain scholarships.

          •    I understand that only applications that attach a financial statement
                   will be considered for need-based scholarships.
          •    I realize that my student must attend the Scholarship Awards
                   Night Rehearsal and Scholarship Awards Night if selected for a scholarship.

          Parent/Guardian Signature: _________________________________________

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