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If your browser does not render page correctly, please read the page content below Data assimilation of volcanic ash retrievals using the new generation of geostationary satellite sensors Andrew Prata (1), Leonardo Mingari (1) and Arnau Folch(1) (1) Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC), Barcelona IUGG 2019 General Assembly, Session JAV02 Montreal, 8-18 July 2019 Center of Excellence for Exascale in Solid Earth
Space-based remote sensing of volcanic clouds • Satellites are the major source of information for fine ash cloud components (i.e. “away” from the source) • Circumpolar satellite observations have obvious limitations in terms of data frequency/coverage 2
New generation of geostationary satellites Satellite Sensor Coverage Spatial res. Temporal res. Ash/SO2 bands Lifetime (μm) Meteosat-11 SEVIRI Europe/Africa 3 km 15 min 7.35, 8.7, 10.8 & 2015-2022 12 FY-4A AGRI S Asia/Oceania 4 km 15 min 8.5, 10.7 & 12 2016-2021 Himawari-8 AHI S Asia/Oceania 2 km 10 min 7.35, 8.6, 10.45, 2014-2029 11.2 & 12.35 GOES-17 ABI W America 2 km 10 min 7.4, 8.5, 10.3, 2018-2029 11.2 & 12.3 GOES-16 ABI E America 2 km 10 min 7.4, 8.5, 10.3, 2016-2027 11.2 & 12.3 Meteosat-11 FY-4A Himawari-8 GOES-17 GOES-16 3
Volcanic ash retrieval process Set of effective Set of optical Satellite data radii (re) depths (τ) Ash 1. Pre-compute LUTs detection 3. Retrieved physical 2. Detect ash and search LUTs parameters Single-scattering properties Radiative Look-up Refractive Mie Qext, SSA transfer tables LUT search ml, re,t index data program code (LUTs) Errors in physical (retrieved) parameters generally estimated to be 50% Ts and Tc Major sources of uncertainty: 1. On microphysical model and LUTs 2. On volcanic ash detection itself a. Composition (e.g. andesite, rhyolite, basalt) a. Setting the BTD threshold is a balance between false b. Size distribution (e.g. uniform, lognormal) positives and true negatives c. Shape (spherical as Mie calculations are exact) b. Underlying meteorological cloud affects optical depth in d. Cloud surface (Ts) and cloud-top temperatures (Tc) ash-detected pixels 4
FALL3D selected as a European flagship code in ChEESE Center of Excellence for Exascale in Solid Earth @ChEESECoE • ChEESE is a Center of Excellence (CoE) for Solid Earth hazards and High Performance Computing (HPC) • 10 open source European codes will be prepared for the upcoming Exascale machines (2020-2022) o 2 codes in volcanology (FALL3D and ASHEE) o FALL3D-8.0 solves atmospheric transport of particles and aerosols • 12 Pilot Demonstrators (PDs) and enabling of services oriented to society: o FALL3D-8.0 is on ChEESE PD#12: high-resolution volcanic ash dispersal forecast using ensembles o Ensemble ash cloud modelling (beyond embarrassing parallelism) • ChEESE will integrate codes/workflows in EPOS and EUDAT 5
ChEESE PD#12: high-resolution volcanic ash dispersal forecast using ensembles • PD#12 will increase resolution of present operational ash dispersal model setups by one order of magnitude • The pilot will develop an ensemble-based data assimilation system combining an Ensemble Transform Kalman Filter (ETKF) and the FALL3D ash dispersal model in order to produce: o A joint estimation of 4D ash concentration forecasts and, simultaneously, an optimization of the eruption source term (column height and vertical mass distribution) o An ensemble containing a minimum 30 ensemble members • Build on Parallel Data Assimilation Framework (PDAF;, an open-source software environment for ensemble data assimilation providing fully implemented and optimized data assimilation algorithms, in particular ensemble-based Kalman filters like LETKF and LSEIK. 6
Data assimilation cycles • Data assimilation in FALL3D: o Step 1: Data insertion from satellite retrievals (this talk) o Step 2: Ensemble Transform Kalman Filter (EnTKF) modelling in the frame of ChEESE 7
Example 1: Puyehue 2011 (ash) FALL3d-8.0 model setup phase 4 June 2011 at 21:00 UTC phase duration continuous emission run duration 120h column h 9 km (a.v.l.) meteorological WRF model at 4km resolution model 100 vertical levels FALL3D 0.1º, 60 vertical layers resolution (660x350x60) TGSD estimated from h and viscosity µ • METEOSAT-10 (SEVIRI) retrievals every 1 hour • Good dataset but with substantial cloud interference at some time intervals 8
Example 1: Puyehue 2011 ash data insertion Datainsertion Data Data insertion insertion at557June at at June23:00z June 07:00z 15:00z (36h (8h(18h after afterafter to) insertion) to) 9
Example 2: Raikoke 2019 (SO2) FALL3d-8.0 model setup phase 21 June 2019 at 18:00 UTC phase duration 14h emissison run duration 90h column h varying, 4 to 15 km meteorological GFS model at 0.25º resolution model 37 vertical levels FALL3D 0.1º, 80 vertical layers resolution (600x350x80) TGSD estimated from h and viscosity µ • HIMAWARI-8 (AHI) SO2 retrievals every 10 min • Very good signal with (little) cloud and water vapour interference (?) 10
Example 2: Raikoke 2019 SO2 data insertion Datainsertion Data insertion atat23 22June June03:00z 09:00z 22:00z (18h(15h (36h afterafter to) insertion) 11
Conclusions 1. New generation of geostationary satellites provides unprecedented space-time data resolution 2. Data assimilation in FALL3d-8.0 is under development: o Data insertion improves notably “short-term” model forecasts (up to 24/36h) o Less-dependency on source term uncertainties o On-going implementation of on-line assimilation cycles build on PDAF library 3. ChEESE PD#12 targets at HPC-based products/services with: o Unprecedented resolution o High-frequency assimilation 12
Conclusions THANK YOU 13
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