Mindfulness And The Leader Of The Future - David Johnson, Principal Analyst April 6, 2021 - Headspace

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Mindfulness And The Leader Of The Future - David Johnson, Principal Analyst April 6, 2021 - Headspace
Mindfulness And The Leader Of
The Future

David Johnson, Principal Analyst

April 6, 2021

Mindfulness And The Leader Of The Future - David Johnson, Principal Analyst April 6, 2021 - Headspace
Meet our speakers

     Jason       David Johnson        Megan Jones Bell       Clif Smith,
    Lauritsen    Principal Analyst,   Chief Science and      Global EY
   HR Industry       Forrester         Strategy Officer,    Mindfulness
     Expert                              Headspace         Network Leader
Mindfulness And The Leader Of The Future - David Johnson, Principal Analyst April 6, 2021 - Headspace
Why is mindful          Future-ready, innovation-centered
                        organizations will require leaders that
leadership important?
                        are inspired, curious, creative, and
                        boldly tolerant of failure.
Mindfulness And The Leader Of The Future - David Johnson, Principal Analyst April 6, 2021 - Headspace
Why is mindful          Traditional leadership skills need to
                        be complemented with intrapersonal
leadership important?
                        traits such as self-awareness, self-
                        regulation, and emotional maturity.
Mindfulness And The Leader Of The Future - David Johnson, Principal Analyst April 6, 2021 - Headspace
Engaged workers

81% higher customer

Half the employee

 Source: James K. Harter, Frank L. Schmidt, and Theodore L. Hayes, "Business-Unit-Level Relationship Between Employee Satisfaction, Employee Engagement, and Business
 Outcomes: A Meta-Analysis," Journal of Applied Psychology, April 2002
 © 2021
   2016 Forrester Research, Inc. Reproduction Prohibited   Photo: Pexels.com                                                                                            5
Mindfulness And The Leader Of The Future - David Johnson, Principal Analyst April 6, 2021 - Headspace
High wellness
 employees give
 and get more from
 their work

                                                  Base: US workers, ages 18-65, employed part- or full-time
© Forrester Research, Inc. All rights reserved.   Source: Q3 2020 US Future of Work Survey, n=1239
Mindfulness And The Leader Of The Future - David Johnson, Principal Analyst April 6, 2021 - Headspace
They also perceive
 their organizations
 more favorably
 along important

                                                  Base: US workers, ages 18-65, employed part- or full-time
© Forrester Research, Inc. All rights reserved.   Source: Q3 2020 US Future of Work Survey, n=1239
Mindfulness And The Leader Of The Future - David Johnson, Principal Analyst April 6, 2021 - Headspace
Conventional wisdom about what engages
  employees … is wrong

  Key Insight #1:
  What makes people                          Key Insight #2: The
  happiest and                               key to performance, is
  engaged at work isn’t                      the ability to self-
  just recognition, pay-                     regulate attention, and
  for-performance or                         stay focused on the
  free pizza. It’s                           work that matters most.
  making progress.
© 2019 FORRESTER. REPRODUCTION PROHIBITED.                         8
Maximum Human Performance Happens in “Flow”

                          I often continue to
                          think about work
                          outside of office
                                                                                          I find it difficult to
                                                                                         separate my work
                                                                                               and personal

Many business leaders                      33%
are struggling to                          I find it difficult to be

disconnect from work...                    present and focused
                                           while working.

                                Base: 477 business and people leaders in large enterprises (>3,500 employees) in North America, Europe & APAC
                                Source: A commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of Headspace, February 2021
KEY FINDINGS        “Please rate how effective each of the following methods are in helping you
                                          cope with work-related stress.”

                                Getting more sleep                                                                           54%

                                                  Meditation                                                                53%
… even though the
“distance” away         Taking personal time off                                                                     47%

from work helps     Speaking with a professional                                                               41%

them cope with           Talking to friends/family                                                           39%

stress.                     Talking to colleagues                                                        36%

                             Taking a sick day off                                                     34%

                            Talking to a manager                                                  30%

                              Base: 477 business and people leaders in large enterprises (>3,500 employees) in North America, Europe & APAC
                              Source: A commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of Headspace, February 2021
KEY FINDINGS                                        “How much improvements have you observed in employees or teams who
                                                         are part of these mindfulness programs with regard to their…?”
                                                                (% showing significant + moderate improvement)

                                                         Attitude towards work                                                                                85%

Mindfulness In                                         Employee engagement                                                                            74%

Individuals                                       Teamwork and collaboration                                                                       70%

Improves                                           Communication with others                                                                  64%

Teamwork And                                                 Absenteeism rates                                                             60%

Collaboration Too                                                          Work quality                                                    60%

                                                             Time management                                                           55%
                                                              Interpersonal work

© Forrester Research, Inc. All rights reserved.           Base: 477 business and people leaders in large enterprises (>3,500 employees) in North America, Europe & APAC
                                                          Source: A commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of Headspace, February 2021

            Employees who meditate more frequently report more benefits, but…

            of those who meditate, 40% do
               so less than once a week.

                  Start with self-leadership.
How can           Promote a failure-tolerant culture.
build a mindful   Reframe how employees and leaders
leadership and    view meditation and mindfulness.
workforce?        Socialize your corporate mindfulness

                   Develop self-awareness – of your strengths,
                   weaknesses, emotional state, and how they
                   affect your thoughts and behaviors.
Start with self-
leadership.        Mindfulness promotes a process of self-
                   reflection that gives leaders a safe, personal
                   space to non-judgmentally assess
                   themselves and others.

                   Create an environment that promotes risk-
                   taking and innovation.

Promote a          Stigma around mental health remains,
failure-tolerant   although its prevalence varies by culture
                   and organization. Executives need to reject
                   the age-old, cutthroat virtues that once
                   dominated the corporate culture.

                  Most people are already aware of how
Reframe how       meditation can help improve stress and
employees (and    sleep, but its role in leadership
                  development is lesser known.
leaders) view
meditation and    Incorporate mindfulness and mental
mindfulness.      training in all leadership development

                  Help employees stay engaged on their
Socialize your    own mindfulness journey.
mindfulness       Organize events (talks or group
program.          meditation sessions) and gamification
                  or challenges to keep employees
                  engaged and motivated.
How can mindfulness help prepare your organization
     to take on the challenges of the future?
         Read the full study to learn more.
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