Climate modelling - future developments and challenges in southern Africa

Page created by Richard Newman
Climate modelling - future developments and challenges in southern Africa
Climate modelling – future developments
    and challenges in southern Africa
    Mavhungu Muthige1,3 and Francois Engelbrecht1,2,3,4
         1. CSIR Natural Resources and the Environment
    2. NWU - Unit for Environmental Sciences and Management
 3. School of Geography, Archaeology and Environmental Sciences,
      University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa
 4. Centre for Coastal Paleosciences – Nelson Mandela Metropolitan
Climate modelling - future developments and challenges in southern Africa
Climate modelling in and for Africa: key
            issues and opportunities
• CORDEX ensemble: largest set of detailed projections ever generated
  for Africa – new opportunities for uncertainty analysis

• More process-based studies are needed (e.g. changes in tropical
  cyclone tracks, East African monsoon system)

• Data processing and bias-correction for an enhanced application
  modelling effort (e.g. crop modelling, hydrological modelling)

• Estimation of climate change costs (using regional projections – e.g.
  new WFP project)

• Model development: cloud-resolving models

• Model development: coupled regional models (e.g. VRESM at CSIR)

• Supercomputing and connectivity in Africa
Climate modelling - future developments and challenges in southern Africa
Climate Change and

                               Model projected change
                               in tropical cyclone and
                               tropical low frequencies
                               over the southwestern IO
                               and southern Africa, for
                               2071-2100 relative to

                               Malherbe et al. (2012)
                               Climate Dynamics

© CSIR 2007
Climate modelling - future developments and challenges in southern Africa
Zooming in over African countries using CSIR
     climate modelling: Mozambique
                                                  CCAM applied in
                                                  stretched-grid mode
                                                  Strong stretching
                                                  (s=0.133) provides a
                                                  resolution of about 8 km
                                                  over the high-resolution
                                                  8 km simulations nudged
                                                  in lower resolution
                                                  CORDEX simulations
                                                  1 km resolution
                                                  simulations over of 200 x
                                                  200 km^2 nudged within
                                                  8 km res simulations

     C160 stretched-grid with 8 km horizontal
  resolution over a domain of about 1500 x 1500
            km^2, centered over Beira
Climate modelling - future developments and challenges in southern Africa
Simulated 1961-1990
                               climate over
                               Mozambique (8 km

© CSIR 2007
Climate modelling - future developments and challenges in southern Africa
Projected futures
                               for Mozambique (8
                               km resolution) 2021-
                               2050 relative to

                               New CSIR NRE-BE project
                               on climate change and rural
                               road infrastructure makes
                               use of these projections

                               Engelbrecht, Le Roux et al.
                               (2016) In preparation

© CSIR 2007
Climate modelling - future developments and challenges in southern Africa
Detailed CCAM projections over Cape Town
                                                 CCAM applied in
                                                 stretched-grid mode
                                                 Strong stretching
                                                 (s=0.133) provides a
                                                 resolution of about 8 km
                                                 over the high-resolution
                                                 8 km simulations nudged
                                                 in lower resolution
                                                 CORDEX simulations
                                                 1 km resolution
                                                 simulations over of 200 x
                                                 200 km^2 nudged within
                                                 8 km res simulations

    C160 stretched-grid with 8 km horizontal
 resolution over a domain of about 1500 x 1500
         km^2, centered over Cape Town
Climate modelling - future developments and challenges in southern Africa
Detailed CCAM projections over Cape Town
                                                 CCAM applied in
                                                 stretched-grid mode
                                                 Strong stretching
                                                 (s=0.017) provides a
                                                 resolution of about 1 km
                                                 over the high-resolution
                                                 1 km res simulations
                                                 nudged in 8 km res
                                                 1 km resolution
                                                 simulations over of 200 x
                                                 200 km^2 nudged within
                                                 8 km res simulations

    C160 stretched-grid with 8 km horizontal
 resolution over a domain of about 1500 x 1500
         km^2, centered over Cape Town
CCAM simulated 1000
hPa streamlines and 10 m
wind speed (top) for 1971-
1981 (top) and projected
changes in wind speed
for 2071-2080 relative to
1971-1981 (bottom) for
the ACCESS1-0 and
CCSM4 downscalings,
over the 1 km resolution
domain centred over
Cape Town. Units are m/s.

(New CSIR+partners
project on climate change
over African cities –
African Development
Bank funded)
CCAM 8 km resolution
                 simulations over Cape

                 Simulated low-level winds
                 are shown for June 1986

                 Analysis of projected
                 changes in monthly
                 averages as well as
                 extreme wind events to
                 be presented in CSIR

© CSIR 2007
Development of the first African-based ESM
                           •   Development of a CGCM based in South
                               Africa with world-leading skill in
                               representing African and southern
                               hemisphere climate processes

                           •   Application of the new model to perform
                               novel studies of African climate dynamics,
                               processes and variability

                           •   An original African-led contribution to
                               CMIP6 and AR6 of the IPCC, using a
                               CGCM never applied in CMIPs before

                           •   High-resolution global model projections for
                               the 21st century for impact analysts,
                               regional climate modellers (CORDEX),
                               application modellers and decision-makers
The Variable-resolution        in Africa.
Earth System Model: A      •   The generation of a world-class cadre of
CSIR-CSIRO collaboration       earth system modellers, living and working
                               in Africa.
VRESM component models
• Atmosphere: Variable-
  Cubic Atmospheric Model
  (VCAM) of the CSIRO
  (same physics as CCAM)
• Ocean: Variable-cubic
  Ocean Model (VCOM) of
  the CSIR
• CSIR Sea-ice: Based on
  Petit and Norro (2000)    Plot of the equi-angular gnomonic-cubic grid used by
                            both VCAM and VCOM. The common grid simplifies
• Land: CSIRO Atmosphere    coupling    and    improves       efficiency for eddy
  Biosphere Land Exchange   permitting/resolving spatial scales
  System (CABLE)
• Dynamic river routing:
  CSIRO-CSIR                • Ocean Biochemistry: PISCES from France
Towards VRESM: ocean model
     development – MPI, mixing and sea-ice

                         More extensive VCOM tests to
                         follow – MPI version for massive
                         parallel processing is underway.

                         Focus on the parameterisation of
                         sub-mesoscale eddies in the
                         southern Ocean.

                         Stretched-grid regional coupled
                         version to focus on Benguela
                         upwelling and the Agulhas
                         current under climate change.

Towards VRESM: dynamic river routing and
          fresh water fluxes
                     CSIR is further developing the
                     CSIRO river routing scheme.

                     Coupled dynamic hydrology
                     based on Manning’s formula for
                     river widths.

                     Fresh-water fluxes into VCOM is
                     the main VRESM objective.

                     Figure shows river water depth
                     (m) in a 50 km resolution

Conclusions and some near-future plans:
•   VRESM (VCOM-VCAM-CABLE-CSIR_ice_rivers) under development towards AR6
    and CMIP6
•   Stretched-grid mode offers flexible regional-coupled model
•   Benguela upwelling + Sc cloud decks + biomass burning aerosols (~ 20% of global
    emissions) + tree-grass-fire dynamics in the African savannah + climate change and
    feedbacks + climate sensitivity + CMIP5 SST biases = potential CORDEX
    FLAGSHIP project. This has been proposed within CORDEX Africa and by a 7-
    institute consortium.

Meteosat IR
satellite image
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