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Best IAS Coaching in Bangalore                                                     Daily News Articles/Editorials 31st March 2021
Shiksha IAS                            https://iasshiksha.com/daily-news-article/daily-news-articles-editorials-31st-march-2021/

                                 Posted on April 1, 2021 by admin

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Best IAS Coaching in Bangalore                                                           Daily News Articles/Editorials 31st March 2021
Shiksha IAS                                  https://iasshiksha.com/daily-news-article/daily-news-articles-editorials-31st-march-2021/

                  Remoteness is no hindrance to academic excellence

        The recent decision of UGC to permit select IITs under the ‘Institutions of Eminence’ category
        to set up campuses abroad that could weaken these institutions
        Excellence in education depends on the quality of mentorship; not on the quality of
        mentorship; not on the size or location of campuses. To improve, faculties should be made
        bigger and recruitment yardsticks should focus on quality and not quantity.

Core functions:
The core functions of an engineering school are to:

        Guide students along as they inquire and discover their interests in science and engineering
        Engage students with the interactions between technology, society, economics and the
        Prepare students for working careers as designers and gadget makers, nut also as
        Invent new gadgets and discover new science, and enmesh all of these activities with local
        developmental needs.


        A lack of language and study skills causes some students to falter
        About a quarter of the incoming undergraduates need extra training and confidence building
        measure in using the English language.
        Admission process is a testocracy and almost all the incoming students need to be dissuaded
        away from a mindset that focuses on MCQs and instead need to be goaded toward free inquiry
        and whole-problem tackling
        Students should not only become skill engineers bit should also train to speak and write

IIT Mandi Model:

        A five week induction programme gently welcomes students into the academic setting and
        helps them feel at home. This helps in breaking ice between students and faculty.
        Curriculum includes courses from a design and innovation stream which includes a socio-
        technical practicum. This particular course has seen insignificant enrolment of visiting
        international students.
        This IIT project developed a landslide warning system that won the SKOCH award.

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Best IAS Coaching in Bangalore                                                           Daily News Articles/Editorials 31st March 2021
Shiksha IAS                                  https://iasshiksha.com/daily-news-article/daily-news-articles-editorials-31st-march-2021/

Recruitment and Retention:

        2 problems with recruiting and retaining faculty members -
             First- Hired researchers are burdened with non-academic responsibilities such as-running
             the canteen, managing the placement cell and managing tenders for various campus
             building works.
             Second- Inconsistency and group think in the hiring committees.
        Problem in Recruitment Process,
             Recruitment has 2 stages- Short listing and interview in front of a panel that consists of
             mostly professors from outside the hiring institute.
             If short listing is done mechanically and is done on basis of number of papers, size of
             grants won then those hired may be the mediocre, paper manufacturing mills.
             Reversing the existing two stages in recruitment and explicitly flagging quality as a merit.

A wanning fantasy is that only large companies and organizations can invent new technologies. This
belief has been demolished by so many start ups in the past few decades and even our PM preach
the virtues of a start up culture.

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Best IAS Coaching in Bangalore                                                          Daily News Articles/Editorials 31st March 2021
Shiksha IAS                                 https://iasshiksha.com/daily-news-article/daily-news-articles-editorials-31st-march-2021/

Remoteness is not a hindrance to excellence as many examples are available globally. E.g Cornell
University, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University. These universities are
located at remote corners within the territory but even then provide world class infrastructure and
excellent opportunities for students to excel in their respective fields.

                                      A road to progress

        The achievements of women dairy farmers (owning small landholding) in contributing to India’s
        ‘White Revolution’ is a testament to the success of the dairy cooperative models that were at
        the heart of Operation Flood.
        Women Contribution in Dairy Value chains:
        According to latest data, there are more than 1,90,000 dairy cooperative societies across the
        country, with approximately 6 million women members.
        Study by International Development Research Centre indicates that 93% of women farmers
        who receive training alongside financial support succeed in their venture, compared to the 57%
        success rate of those who receive financial aid alone.
        Institutionalizing such inputs, the National Dairy Development Board (NDDB) now organizes
        farmer’s orientation programme across the country, under which women farmers are trained in
        scientific best practices on animal health, fodder quality, clean milk production and account

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Best IAS Coaching in Bangalore                                                           Daily News Articles/Editorials 31st March 2021
Shiksha IAS                                  https://iasshiksha.com/daily-news-article/daily-news-articles-editorials-31st-march-2021/

Enhanced Incomes

        A study conducted on Women Dairy Cooperative Society (WDCS) members across rajasthan
        showed that with the income generated through dairying, 31% of the women had converted
        their mud houses to cement structures, while 39% had constructed concrete sheds for their
        Women led cooperatives also provide fertile ground for grooming women from rural areas for
        leadership positions.


        Information Assymetry- Statics indicates that small and marginal farmers have access to only
        50-70% of the resources that large and marginal farmers have.
        The presence of collectives in the form of cooperatives and milk unions plays a significant role
        in enhancing the knowledge and bargaining power of women.

Women led Companies

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Best IAS Coaching in Bangalore                                                         Daily News Articles/Editorials 31st March 2021
Shiksha IAS                                https://iasshiksha.com/daily-news-article/daily-news-articles-editorials-31st-march-2021/

        NDDB has played a proactive role in setting up women-led producer enterprises like Shreeja
        Mahila Milk Producer Company with an annual turnover of approximately 450 crore.
        Last year, Amul Dairy released a list of 10 women dairy farmers who became millionaires by
        selling milk to the company.

Innovation in organizational structures has also spurred consistent growth in this sector. Many of
female dairy farmers have not had a formal education, but through the process of dairying and
working with larger collectives, such as milk unions and cooperatives, they have mastered the
nuances of finance and marketing.

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Best IAS Coaching in Bangalore                                               Daily News Articles/Editorials 31st March 2021
Shiksha IAS                      https://iasshiksha.com/daily-news-article/daily-news-articles-editorials-31st-march-2021/

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