Page created by Alfredo Carroll
C Y C L I N G   L I N E
SAXE entra nel mondo del ciclismo con una selezione di capi ad alto contenuto tecnico, realizzati con tessuti 100% made in Italy, studiati appositamente per atleti che ogni giorno
praticano questo meraviglioso sport su strada o su percorsi sterrati, vestendo capi comodi e performanti.
I capi SAXE si possono personalizzare con la tecnica della sublimazione, quindi con una infinita gamma di colori e design, oppure si possono avere nelle grafiche dedicate SAXE
proposte nel nostro catalogo dove basta aggiungere i loghi degli sponsor.
Disponiamo di un team di grafici a disposizione dei nostri clienti per concretizzare le idee e i concetti in un design grafico che verrà riproposto sui capi finiti.
Il rapporto qualità/prezzo offerto da SAXE è ottimo.
I tempi di consegna SAXE sono garantiti da una gestione ordini automatizzata.
Sarebbe un grande piacere per Noi se anche Voi faceste parte del mondo SAXE.

SAXE bietet ab sofort auch professionelle Radsportbekleidung an, welche zu 100% aus Stoffen Made in Italy hergestellt wird und speziell für Athleten entwickelt wurde, die diesen
wunderbaren Sport täglich auf den Straßen oder Feldwegen ausüben und dabei auf bequeme und hochfunktionelle Kleidung setzen.
SAXE-Kleidung kann durch unsere hochwertige Sublimationsdrucktechnik in praktisch allen Farben und Designs individuell gestaltet werden. Alternativ kann eine unserer spe-
ziellen SAXE-Grafiken aus unserem Katalog gewählt werden, zu der lediglich die Sponsoren-Logos hinzufügt werden müssen.
Unsere professionelle Inhouse-Grafikabteilung unterstützt unsere Kunden bei der Umsetzung und Realisierung der individuellen Designideen.
Unser Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis ist ausgezeichnet.
Unsere Lieferzeiten sind durch die automatisierte Auftragsabwicklung bindend.
Wir würden uns daher sehr freuen, Sie schon bald in unserer SAXE-Welt begrüßen zu dürfen!

SAXE enters the world of cycling with a selection of garments with high technical content, made of 100% fabrics made in Italy, specially designed for athletes who practice this
wonderful sport every day on the roads or tracks, wearing comfortable and high-performance garments.
SAXE clothing can be customized using the technique of sublimation, offering an infinite range of colors and designs, or you can choose one of our SAXE graphics proposed in
our catalog, to which you only need to add the sponsor logos.
We have a team of graphic designers at our clients’ disposal to concretize their ideas in a graphic design that will be later transferred to the finished garments.
The value for money of SAXE products is outstanding.
SAXE delivery times are guaranteed by an automated order process.
It would be a great pleasure for us to welcome you in our SAXE world.

SAXE entre dans le monde du cyclisme avec une sélection de vêtements à haut contenu technique, réalisés avec des tissus 100% made in Italy, conçus spécialement pour les
athlètes qui pratiquent ce merveilleux sport tous les jours sur la route ou sur les pistes de terre battue, en s‘habillant de vêtements confortables et performants.
Les vêtements SAXE peuvent être personnalisés grâce à la technique de la sublimation, donc avec une gamme infinie de couleurs et de dessins, ou vous pouvez les avoir dans
les graphiques SAXE dédiés proposés dans notre catalogue où il suffit d‘ajouter les logos des sponsors.
Nous mettons à la disposition de nos clients une équipe de graphistes pour concrétiser des idées et des concepts dans un graphisme qui sera reproposé sur les vêtements finis.
Le rapport qualité/prix offert par SAXE est excellent.
Les délais de livraison de SAXE sont certifiés par une gestion automatisée des commandes.
Ce serait un grand plaisir pour nous si vous faisiez également partie du monde de la SAXE.
                                     BIOBACK FABRICS               4
                                     BIO DUST/ CLAY                5

                                     RACE PLUS WOMEN
                                     SS RACE PLUS WOMEN            8
                                     GILET RACE PLUS WOMEN         9
                                     JACKET RACE PLUS WOMEN       10
                                     BIB SHORT RACE PLUS WOMEN     11

                                     COMPETITION WOMEN
                                     SS COMPETITION WOMEN         12
                                     BIB SHORT COMPETITION        13
                                     BIB TIGHT COMPETITION        14

                                     RACE PLUS MEN
                                     SS RACE PLUS MEN             16
                                     GILET RACE PLUS MEN           17
                                     LS RACE PLUS MEN             18
                                     JACKET RACE PLUS MEN         19
                                     BIB SHORT RACE MEN           20
                                     BIB SHORT RACE PLUS MEN      21
                                     BIB TIGHT RACE PLUS MEN      22
                                     SS BODY RACE PLUS            23
FOTO MANUELA MÖLGG                   LS BODY RACE PLUS            24

                                     COMPETITION MEN
                                     SS COMPETITION MEN           26
                                     BIB SHORT COMPETITION        27
                                     BIB SHORT COMPETITION PLUS   28

                                     ARM WARMERS                  30
                                     LEG WARMERS                  31
                                     KNEE WARMERS                 32

                                     PADS                         34
                                     PRODUCT HANDLING             36

                     Manuela Mölgg

                           BIOBACK FABRICS

    LA NOSTRA RISPOSTA ALLA “SMART SUSTAINABILITY”                                                      OUR ANSWER TO SMART SUSTAINABILITY

    BIOBACK low impact technology è la nuova tecnologia che SAXE utilizza e che si inserisce a          BIOBACK low impact technology is the new technology SAXE uses and which is totally ali-
    pieno titolo nella filosofia Greenperforming 2.0. Questa tecnologia impiega filati a biodegra-      gned with the Greenperforming 2.0 philosophy. This technology, based on accelerated bio-
    dabilità accelerata e si propone come valida risposta al tema del fine vita dei prodotti tessili.   degradable yarns provides a punctual response to the end-of-life issue of textile products.

    Le materie prime                                                                                    Raw materials
    I principali componenti di questa tecnologia sono due: Poliammide Amni SOUL Eco® ed Ela-            There are two main components of this technology: Polyamide Amni SOUL Eco® and Elastane
    stomero RoicaTM V550. Proposti nella nostra tecnologia in combinata o solo nella formulazio-        Roica™ V550. With our technology, they may be used in combination or uniquely in the Nylon
    ne Nylon. SAXE utilizza tutti e due i filati nella propria collezione.                              formulation. SAXE uses both yarns for their collection.

    Biodegrabilità                                                                                      Biodegradability
    La biodegradabilità accelerata è stata testata in laboratorio tramite test di sotterramento         Accelerated biodegradability has been laboratory tested using the burial test in compliance
    seguendo gli standard ASTM 05511* (Standard Test method for Determining Anaerobic Biode-            with the ASTM D5511* standard (Standard Test method for Determining Anaerobic Biodegra-
    gradation of Plastic Materials under High Solids Unaerobic Digestion Conditions). Una volta in      dation of Plastic Materials under High Solids Anaerobic Digestion Conditions). Once in the
    discarica, entrando a contatto con i microorganismi esistenti in questo ambiente anaerobico,        landfill, the contact with the micro organisms of this anaerobic environment triggers a pro-
    si innesca un processo che fa degradare il filato entro 5 anni contro i circa 50-100 anni di una    cess which makes the yarn degrade in 5 years rather than the 50-100 years required for a
    fibra sintetica classica.                                                                           traditional synthetic fibre.

    TESSUTI BIOBACK                                                                                     BIOBACK FABRICS

    BIO-DUST                                                                                            BIO-DUST
    • Tessuto circolare ad armatura interlock, peso leggero a rapida asciugatura.                       • A lightweight interlock circular knit fabric, quick-drying properties.
    • Composizione: 100% PA biodegradabilità accelerata.                                                • Composition: 100% PA with accelerated biodegradability.
    • Peso: 105 g/m²                                                                                    • Weight: 105 g/m²
    • Adatto a t-shirt e maglie leggere                                                                 • Suitable for tops/ t-shirts and lightweightknitted garments.

    DUAL CLAY-BIO                                                                                       DUAL CLAY-BIO
    • Fibra elastica prodotta con tecnologia circolare, peso medio e ottime caratteristiche di          • Medium weight elastic jersey whose production is based on circular knitting technology,
      asciugatura rapida. Alta resistenza alle usure e alle abrasioni.                                    endowed with excellent quick-drying properties. Elevated abrasion resistance.
    • Composizione: 74% PA biodegradabilità accelerata - 26% EA zero impatto ambientale.                • Composition: 74% PA accelerated biodegradability - 26% EA zero environmental impact.
    • Peso: 210 gr/m²                                                                                   • Weight: 210 g/m²

SS BIO DUST: 791161
                                    BIOBACK                                                                                              SS DUAL CLAY BIO: 791162

Maglia manica corta                       Kurzarmtrikot
• Tessuto biodegradabile                  • Biologisch abbaubarer Stoff
• Cerniera lunga coperta camlock          • Langer verdeckter Camlock Reißverschluss                                    SS BIO DUST: 791161
• 3 tasche aperte posteriori              • 3 offene Rückentaschen

Short sleeve jersey                       Mailot manches courtes                                                                                            Tessuto biodegradabile
• Biodegradable fabric                    • Tissu biodégradable
• Long covered camlock zipper             • Fermeture éclair divisible                                                                                         Biodegradable fabric
• 3 open back pockets                     • 3 poches arrière ouvertes

                                                                                                                                                          3 tasche aperte posteriori
791161: Bio-Dust                                                                                                                                               3 open back pockets
100% Polyamide (105g/m²)

791162: Dual Clay-Bio
74% Polyamide / 26% Elasthane (210g/m²)

                                                                                       Cerniera lunga coperta camlock

                                                                                       Long covered camlock zipper

                                                                                                                                                                                       3 tasche aperte
                                                                                                                  Tessuto biodegradabile
                                                                                                                                                                                          3 open back
                                                                                                                  Biodegradable fabric                                                        pockets

                                                                                                                  Cerniera lunga coperta camlock

                                                                                                                  Long covered camlock zipper
                                                                                                                                                     SS DUAL CLAY BIO: 791162                 5
Manuela Mölgg
SS RACE PLUS WOMEN: 791074                                                        RACE PLUS WOMEN
                                                                            Maglia manica corta                            Kurzarmtrikot
                                                                            • Cerniera lunga coperta camlock               • Langer verdeckter Camlock Reißverschluss
                                                                            • Elastico fine maniche con grip interno       • Elastischer Ärmelabschluss mit Silikon innen
                                                                            • Sovracuciture ornamentali                    • Flachnähte
                                                                            • 3 tasche aperte posteriori                   • 3 offene Rückentaschen

                                                                            Short sleeve jersey                            Mailot manches courtes
                                                                            • Long covered camlock zipper                  • Couvert longue fermeture éclair camlock
                                                                            • Elastic sleeve cuffs with inner grip         • Extrémités des manchons élastiques avec
                                                                            • Flat cover stitching                           grip interne
                                                                            • 3 open back pockets                          • Coutures plates
                                                                                                                           • 3 poches arrière ouvertes

                                                                            100% Polyester (130g/m²)
                                                                            86% Micropolyester / 14% Elasthane (140g/m²)
                                                                            100% Polyester (120g/m²)
                                                   Elastico fine maniche
Cerniera lunga
                                                         con grip interno
coperta camlock
                                                     Elastic sleeve cuffs
Long covered
                                                          with inner grip
camlock zipper

                                               3 tasche aperte posteriori

                                                    3 open back pockets

                                               Sovracuciture ornamentali

   8                                                 Flat cover stitching
                       RACE PLUS WOMEN
Gilet antivento                           Weste
• Cerniera lunga divisibile camlock       • Langer teilbarer Camlock Reißverschluss
• Piping riflettente                      • Reflektierendes Piping
• Fianchetti in tessuto elastico          • Seiteneinsätze in elastischem Stoff
• Parte della schiena in tessuto rete     • Teil des Rückens in Netzstoff

Vest                                      Vest
• Long divisible camlock zipper           • Fermeture éclair divisible camlock
                                                                                                                                                   Piping riflettente
• Reflective piping                       • Tuyaux réfléchissants
• Side panels in elastic fabric           • Inserts latéraux en tissu élastique
                                                                                                                                                   Reflective piping
• Mesh fabric on part of the back         • Mesh sur le part de dos

fabrics:                                                                              Cerniera lunga
Sushi                                                                                 divisibile camlock
100% Polyester Microfibre (85g/m²)
+                                                                                     Long divisible
Lycra Shield                                                                          camlock zipper
80% Polyester / 20% Elasthane (240g/m²)

                                                                                                                                  Parte della schiena in tessuto rete

                                                                                                                                     Mesh fabric on part of the back

JACKET RACE PLUS WOMEN: 791080                                                        RACE PLUS WOMEN
                                                                                   Giubbino                                       Jacke
                                                                                   • Cerniera lunga coperta camlock               • Langer verdeckter Camlock Reißverschluss
                                                                                   • Piping riflettente                           • Reflektierendes Piping
                                                                                   • 3 tasche posteriori aperte                   • 3 offene Rückentaschen
                                                                                   • Taschino laterale con cerniera riflettente   • Seitliche Rückentasche mit Reißverschluss
                                                                                   • Fianchetti in tessuto elastico                 und Reflektorband
                                                                                                                                  • Seiteneinsätze aus elastischem Stoff

                                                                                   Jacket                                         Veste
Piping riflettente
                                                                                   • Long covered camlock zipper                  • Couvert longue fermeture éclair camlock
                                                                                   • Reflective piping                            • Piping réfléchissants
Reflective piping
                                                                                   • 3 open back pockets                          • 3 poches arrière ouvertes
                                                                                   • Side pocket with reflective zipper           • Poche latérale arrière avec fermeture éclair et
                                                                                   • Side panels in elastic fabric                  bande réfléchissante
                                                                                                                                  • Inserts latéraux en tissu élastique

                                                                                   Antiwind 190
                                                                                   90% Polyester / 10% Polyurethane (190g/m²)
Cerniera lunga                                                                     Lycra Shield
coperta camlock                                                                    80% Polyester / 20% Elasthane (240g/m²)
Long covered
camlock zipper

                                                         Taschino laterale con
                                                           cerniera riflettente

                                                              Side pocket with
                                                              reflective zipper

                                                      3 tasche posteriori aperte

                                                           3 open back pockets

                       RACE PLUS WOMEN
Pantaloncino corto                             Kurze Hose
• Bretelle in rete                             • Mesh-Träger
• Sovracuciture ornamentali                    • Flachnähte
• Morbido elastico fine gambe 70mm             • Weicher elastischer Beinabschluss 70mm mit
  con grip interno                               Silikon innen
• Fondello con filo di carbonio                • Sitzpolster mit Karbonfasern

Bib shorts                                     Pantalon court
• Mesh braces                                  • Bretelles en mesh                                                                                              Bretelle in rete
• Flat cover stitching                         • Coutures plates
• Soft elastic leg ends 70mm with inner grip   • Brassard élastique pour les jambes 70mm                                                                          Mesh braces
• Pad with carbon fibre                          avec grip interne
                                               • Chamois avec fibre en carbon

Lycra Power
80% Polyamide / 20% Lycra (210g/m²)
Lycra Shield
80% Polyester / 20% Elasthane (240g/m²)
JL-047B Mesh
92% Polyester / 8% Lycra (104g/m²)

                                                                                              Sovracuciture ornamentali
Carbon Women                                                                                  Flat cover stitching

                                                                                              Morbido elastico fine gambe
                                                                                              70mm con grip interno

                                                                                              Soft elastic leg ends 70mm
                                                                                              with inner grip

SS COMPETITION WOMEN: 791075                                                                       COMPETITION WOMEN
                                                                                                       Maglia manica corta                            Kurzarmtrikot
                                                                                                       • Cerniera lunga coperta camlock               • Langer verdeckter Camlock Reißverschluss
                                                                                                       • Inserto sottomanica in rete                  • Einsatz unter den Ärmeln in Netzstoff
                                                                                                       • 3 tasche posteriori con piping orizzontale   • 3 Rückentaschen mit horizontalem Piping
                                                                                                       • Taschino laterale con cerniera riflettente   • Seitliche Rückentasche mit Reißverschluss
                                                                                                       • Maniche a taglio vivo con grip interno         und Reflektorband
                                                                                                       • Elastico con filo di carbonio sul davanti    • Raw-cut Ärmel mit Silikon innen
                                                                                                       • Elastico siliconato dietro                   • Elastischer Abschluss mit Karbonfasern vorne
                                                                                                                                                      • Silikonabschluss hinten

                                                                                                       Short sleeve jersey                            Mailot manches courtes
                                                                                                       • Long covered camlock zipper                  • Fermeture éclair Camlock couvert
                                                                                                       • Insert under sleeves in mesh                 • Insertion en dessous le manches en mesh
                                                                                                       • 3 back pockets with horizontal piping        • 3 poches arrière ouvertes
                                                                                                       • Side pocket with reflective zipper           • Poche latérale avec fermeture éclair
                                                                                                       • Raw cut sleeves with inner grip                réfléchissante latéraux
                                                                                                       • Elastic with carbon fibre at the front       • Manchons bruts avec poignée intérieure
                                                                                                       • Silicon elastic at the back                  • Élastique avec fibre de carbone sur le devant
                                                                                                                                                      • Élastique en silicone sur le dos

Inserto sottomanica
in rete
                                                                                                       100% Polyester (120g/m²)
Insert under sleeves
in mesh
                                                                                                       86% Micropolyester / 14% Elasthane (140g/m²)
                                                                                                       95% Polyester / 5% Elasthane (83g/m²)

Cerniera lunga
coperta camlock                                        3 tasche posteriori con piping orizzontale

Long covered                                               3 back pockets with horizontal piping
camlock zipper

                                                          Taschino laterale con cerniera riflettente

                                                                  Side pocket with reflective zipper

Elastico in filo di
carbonio sul davanti

Elastic with carbon fibre
at the front

                     COMPETITION WOMEN
Pantaloncino corto                               Kurze Hose
• Bretelle in rete                               • Mesh-Träger
• Sovracuciture ornamentali                      • Flachnähte
• Elastico fine gambe 45mm con grip interno      • Elastischer Beinabschluss 45mm mit
• Fondello con filo di carbonio                    Silikon innen
                                                 • Sitzpolster mit Karbonfasern

Bib shorts                                       Pantalon court
                                                 • Bretelles en mesh                                                                                           Bretelle in rete
• Mesh braces
• Flat cover stitching                           • Coutures plates
                                                 • Brassard élastique pour les jambes 45mm                                                                       Mesh braces
• Elastic leg ends 45mm with inner grip
• Pad with carbon fibre                            avec grip interne
                                                 • Chamois avec fibre en carbon

Lycra Power
80% Polyamide / 20% Lycra (210g/m²)
Lycra New Monica
86% Micropolyester / 14% Elasthane (190g/m²)
Antigua Mesh
white: 75% Polyester / 25% Elasthane (135g/m²)
black: 78% Polyamide / 22% Elasthane (135g/m²)

                                                                                             Sovracuciture ornamentali

                                                                                             Flat cover stitching

Carbon Women

                                                                                             Elastico fine gambe
                                                                                             45mm con grip interno

                                                                                             Elastic leg ends 45mm
                                                                                             with inner grip

BIB TIGHT COMPETITION WOMEN: 791078                                         COMPETITION WOMEN
                                                                           Calzamaglia                                      Lange Hose
                                                                           • Bretelle in rete                               • Mesh-Träger
                                                                           • Sovracuciture ornamentali                      • Flachnähte
                                                                           • Fondello con filo di carbonio                  • Sitzpolster mit Karbonfasern
                                                                           • Cerniere fine gamba con elemento riflettente   • Reißverschluss am Beinabschluss mit
                                                                                                                              reflektierendem Element

                                                        Bretelle in rete
                                                                           Bib tight                                        Pantalon lounges
                                                          Mesh braces
                                                                           • Mesh braces                                    • Bretelles en mesh
                                                                           • Flat cover stitching                           • Coutures plates
                                                                           • Pad with carbon fibre                          • Chamois avec fibre en carbon
                                                                           • Leg end zipper with reflective element         • Fermenture éclair d‘extrémité de jambe
                                                                                                                              avec élément réfléchissant

                                                                           84% Polyamide / 16% Lycra (245g/m²)
                                                                           83% Polyester / 17% Elasthane (250g/m²)
                                                                           Antigua Mesh
                                                                           white: 75% Polyester / 25% Elasthane (135g/m²)
                                                                           black: 78% Polyamide / 22% Elasthane (135g/m²)
Sovracuciture ornamentali

Flat cover stitching

                                                                           Carbon Women

Manuela Mölgg
SS RACE PLUS MEN: 791081                                                                         RACE PLUS
                                                                          Maglia manica corta                            Kurzarmtrikot
                                                                          • Cerniera lunga coperta camlock               • Langer verdeckter Camlock Reißverschluss
                                                                          • Elastico fine maniche con grip interno       • Elastischer Ärmelabschluss mit Silikon innen
                                                                          • Sovracuciture ornamentali                    • Flachnähte
                                                                          • 3 tasche aperte posteriori                   • 3 offene Rückentaschen

                                                                          Short sleeve jersey                            Mailot manches courtes
                                                                          • Long covered camlock zipper                  • Couvert longue fermeture éclair camlock
                                                                          • Elastic sleeve cuffs with inner grip         • Extrémités des manchons élastiques avec
                                                                          • Flat cover stitching                           grip interne
                                                                          • 3 open back pockets                          • Coutures plates
                                                                                                                         • 3 poches arrière ouvertes

                                                                          100% Polyester (130g/m²)
                                                                          86% Micropolyester / 14% Elasthane (140g/m²)
                                                                          100% Polyester (120g/m²)

                                                 Elastico fine maniche
Cerniera lunga                                         con grip interno
coperta camlock
                                                   Elastic sleeve cuffs
Long covered                                            with inner grip
camlock zipper

                                             3 tasche aperte posteriori

                                                  3 open back pockets

                                             Sovracuciture ornamentali

   16                                              Flat cover stitching
                                     RACE PLUS
Maglia manica lunga                       Langarmtrikot
• Cerniera lunga divisibile camlock       • Langer teilbarer Camlock Reißverschluss
• Fianchetti in tessuto elastico          • Seiteneinsätze in elastischem Stoff
• Inserti sottomanica                     • Elastische Unterarmeinsätze
• Elastico siliconato sul fondo maglia    • Elastischer Silikonabschluss
• 3 tasche posteriori aperte              • 3 offene Rückentaschen

Long sleeve jersey                        Maillot avec manches longues
• Long divisible camlock zipper           • Fermeture éclair divisible camlock
• Elastic side panels                     • Inserts latéraux en tissu élastique
• Underarm inserts                        • Inserts d‘avant-bras
• Elastic silicone at the waist           • Élastique en silicone à la taille
• 3 open back pockets                     • 3 poches arrière ouvertes

                                                                                                                                      Inserti sottomanica
                                                                                                                                        Underarm inserts
Warm Sport
100% Polyester (200g/m²)
83% Polyester / 17% Elasthane (250g/m²)

                                                                                      Cerniera lunga                                      3 tasche aperte
                                                                                      divisibile camlock                                        posteriori

                                                                                      Long divisible                                  3 open back pockets
                                                                                      camlock zipper

GILET RACE PLUS MEN: 791088                                                                      RACE PLUS
                                                                             Gilet antivento                           Weste
                                                                             • Cerniera lunga coperta camlock          • Langer verdeckter Camlock Reißverschluss
                                                                             • Fianchetti in tessuto elastico          • Seiteneinsätze in elastischem Stoff
                                                                             • Fondo gilet con elastico silicone       • Elastischer Silikonabschluss
                                                                             • Schiena in tessuto rete                 • Rücken im Netzstoff
                                                                             • 3 tasche aperte posteriori              • 3 offene Rückentaschen

                                                                             Vest                                      Vest
                                                                             • Long covered camlock zipper             • Fermeture éclair camlock couverte et séparable
                                                                             • Elastic side panels                     • Parties latérales élastiques
                                                                             • Elastic silicone at the waist           • Élastique en silicone à la taille
                                                                             • Mesh back                               • Unité d‘alimentation électrique
                                                                             • 3 open back pockets                     • 3 poches arrière ouvertes

Cerniera lunga                                                               Vega
coperta camlock                                                              80% Polyamide / 20% Lycra (210g/m²)
Long covered                                                                 Performance Mesh
camlock zipper                                                               100% Polyester (190g/m²)
                                                                             Lycra Shield
                                                  Schiena in tessuto rete    80% Polyester / 20% Elasthane (240g/m²)
                                                               Mesh back

                                                3 tasche aperte posteriori

                                                     3 open back pockets

                                       RACE PLUS
Giubbino antivento                             Jacke
• Cerniera lunga divisibile camlock            • Langer teilbarer Camlock Reißverschluss
• Fianchetti in tessuto elastico               • Seiteneinsätze in elastischem Stoff
• Piping riflettente                           • Reflektierendes Piping
• 3 tasche posteriori aperte                   • 3 offene Rückentaschen
• Taschino laterale con cerniera riflettente   • Seitliche Rückentasche mit Reißverschluss
                                                 und Reflektorband

                                                                                                                                                       Piping riflettente
Jacket                                         Veste
• Long divisible camlock zipper                • Fermeture éclair divisible                                                                            Reflective piping
• Elastic side panels                          • Inserts latéraux en tissu élastique
• Reflective piping                            • Piping réfléchissants
• 3 open back pockets                          • 3 poches arrière ouvertes
• Side pocket with reflective zipper           • Poche latérale arrière avec fermeture éclair

Antiwind 190
90% Polyester / 10% Polyurethane (190g/m²)
83% Polyester / 17% Elasthane (250g/m²)

                                                                                                Cerniera lunga                                          3 tasche aperte
                                                                                                divisibile camlock                                            posteriori

                                                                                                Long divisible                                      3 open back pockets
                                                                                                camlock zipper

BIB SHORT RACE MEN: 791113                                                                                    RACE
                                                                                            Pantaloncino corto                               Kurze Hose
                                                                                            • Bretelle in rete con taschino dietro           • Mesh-Träger mit kleiner Rückentasche
                                                                                            • Sovracuciture ornamentali                      • Flachnähte
                                                                                            • Elastico fine gambe 45mm con grip interno      • Elastischer Beinabschluss 45mm mit
                                                                                            • Fondello con filo di carbonio                    Silikon innen
                                                                                                                                             • Sitzpolster mit Karbonfasern

                                                                                            Bib shorts                                       Pantalon court
                                                                                            • Mesh braces with small back pocket             • Bretelles en mesh avec poche arrière
                                                                                            • Flat cover stitching                           • Coutures plates
                                                                                            • Elastic leg ends 45mm with inner grip          • Brassard élastique pour les jambes 45mm
                                                                                            • Pad with carbon fibre                            avec grip interne
                                                                                                                                             • Chamois avec fibre en carbon

                                                     Bretelle in rete con taschino dietro
                                                    Mesh braces with small back pocket      Lycra Power
                                                                                            80% Polyamide / 20% Lycra (210g/m²)
                                                                                            Lycra Shield
                                                                                            80% Polyester / 20% Elasthane (240g/m²)
                                                                                            Sole Mesh
                                                                                            white: 78% Polyester / 22% Elasthane (155g/m²)
                                                                                            black: 80% Polyamide / 20% Elasthane (155g/m²)

Sovracuciture ornamentali
                                                                                            Carbon Men
Flat cover stitching

Elastico fine gambe 45mm
con grip interno

Elastic leg ends 45mm
with inner grip

                                   RACE PLUS
Pantaloncino corto                            Kurze Hose
• Bretelle in rete                            • Mesh-Träger
• Sovracuciture ornamentali                   • Flachnähte
• Elastico fine gambe 70mm con grip interno   • Elastischer Beinabschluss 70mm mit
• Fondello cucito                               Silikon innen
                                              • Genähter Sitzpolster

Bib shorts                                    Pantalon court
• Mesh braces                                 • Bretelles en mesh
• Flat cover stitching                        • Coutures plates
• Elastic leg ends 70mm with inner grip       • Brassard élastique pour les jambes 70mm
• Sewed pad                                     avec grip interne
                                              • Chamois cousu

fabrics:                                                                                                                                                Bretelle in rete
Lycra Power
80% Polyamide / 20% Lycra (210g/m²)                                                                                                                       Mesh braces
Lycra Shield
80% Polyester / 20% Elasthane (240g/m²)
JL-047B Mesh
92% Polyester / 8% Lycra (104g/m²)

                                                                                          Sovracuciture ornamentali
Performance                                                                               Flat cover stitching

                                                                                          Elastico fine gambe 70mm
                                                                                          con grip interno

                                                                                          Elastic leg ends 70mm
                                                                                          with inner grip

BIB TIGHT RACE PLUS MEN: 791087                                                                                        RACE PLUS
                                                                                                          Calzamaglia                                      Lange Hose
                                                                                                          • Bretelle in rete con taschino dietro           • Mesh-Träger mit kleiner Rückentasche
                                                                                                          • Sovracuciture ornamentali                      • Flachnähte
                                                                                                          • Fondello cucito                                • Genähtes Sitzpolster
                                                                                                          • Cerniere fine gamba con elemento riflettente   • Reißverschluss am Beinabschluss mit
                                                                                                                                                             reflektierendem Element

                                                  Bretelle in rete con taschino dietro

                                                 Mesh braces with small back pocket
                                                                                                          Bib tights                                       Pantalon lounges
                                                                                                          • Mesh braces with small back pocket             • Bretelles en mesh avec poche arrière
                                                                                                          • Flat cover stitching                           • Coutures plates
                                                                                                          • Sewed pad                                      • Chamois cousu
                                                                                                          • Leg end zipper with reflective element         • Fermenture éclair d‘extrémité de jambe
                                                                                                                                                             avec élément réfléchissant

                                                                                                          84% Polyamide / 16% Lycra (245g/m²)
                                                                                                          83% Polyester / 17% Elasthane (250g/m²)
                                                                                                          Sole Mesh
Sovracuciture ornamentali                                                                                 white: 78% Polyester / 22% Elasthane (155g/m²)
                                                                                                          black: 80% Polyamide / 20% Elasthane (155g/m²)
Flat cover stitching


                                                          Cerniere fine gamba con elemento riflettente

    22                                                           Leg end zipper with reflective element
                                   RACE PLUS
Body ciclismo                                 Radsport Body
• Cerniera ¾ camlock                          • ¾ Camlock Reißverschluss
• Maniche corte                               • Kurze Ärmel
• Inserti altamente traspiranti               • Atmungsaktive Einsätze
• Tasca posteriore centrale                   • Hintere Mitteltasche
• Elastico fine gambe 75mm con grip interno   • Elastischer Beinabschluss 75mm mit
• Sovracuciture ornamentali                     Silikon innen
• Fondello cucito                             • Flachnähte
                                              • Genähtes Sitzpolster

Cycling body                                  Body cyclisme
• ¾ camlock zipper                            • ¾ fermenture éclair camlock
• Short sleeves                               • Manches courtes
• Highly breathable inserts                   • Inserts trés respirant
• Rear center pocket                          • Poche arrière centrale
• Elastic leg ends 75mm with inner grip       • Brassard élastique pour les jambes 75mm
• Flat cover stitching                          avec grip interne
• Sewed pad                                   • Coutures plates
                                              • Chamois cousu                             Cerniera ¾ camlock

                                                                                          ¾ camlock zipper
Lycra Power                                                                                                                                     Tasca posteriore centrale
80% Polyamide / 20% Lycra (210g/m²)
+                                                                                                                                                      Rear center pocket
Lycra Shield
80% Polyester / 20% Elasthane (240g/m²)
100% Polyester (147g/m²)

                                                                                                                                                Sovracuciture ornamentali
Performance                                                                                                                                           Flat cover stitching

                                                                                          Elastico fine gambe 75mm
                                                                                          con grip interno

                                                                                          Elastic leg ends 75mm
                                                                                          with inner grip
LS BODY RACE PLUS MEN: 791090                                                                      RACE PLUS
                                                                                      Body ciclismo                                 Radsport Body
                                                                                      • Cerniera ¾ camlock                          • ¾ Camlock Reißverschluss
                                                                                      • Maniche lunghe                              • Lange Ärmel
                                                                                      • Inserti altamente traspiranti               • Atmungsaktive Einsätze
                                                                                      • Tasca posteriore centrale                   • Hintere Mitteltasche
                                                                                      • Elastico fine gambe 75mm con grip interno   • Elastischer Beinabschluss 75mm mit
                                                                                      • Sovracuciture ornamentali                     Silikon innen
                                                                                      • Fondello cucito                             • Flachnähte
                                                                                                                                    • Genähtes Sitzpolster

                                                                                      Cycling body                                  Body cyclisme
                                                                                      • ¾ camlock zipper                            • ¾ fermenture éclair camlock
Cerniera ¾ camlock                                                                    • Long sleeves                                • Manches longues
                                                                                      • Highly breathable inserts                   • Inserts trés respirant
¾ camlock zipper                                                                      • Rear center pocket                          • Poche arrière centrale
                                                                                      • Elastic leg ends 75mm with inner grip       • Brassard élastique pour les jambes 75mm
                                                                                      • Flat cover stitching                          avec grip interne
                                                                                      • Sewed pad                                   • Coutures plates
                                                                                                                                    • Chamois cousu

                                                                                      Lycra Power
                                                                                      80% Polyamide / 20% Lycra (210g/m²)
                                                                                      Lycra Shield
                                                                                      80% Polyester / 20% Elasthane (240g/m²)
                                                                                      100% Polyester (147g/m²)


                                                       Tasca posteriore centrale

Sovracuciture ornamentali                                     Rear center pocket

Flat cover stitching

                                                       Elastico fine gambe 75mm
                                                                  con grip interno

   24                                                      Elastic leg ends 75mm
                                                                    with inner grip
SS COMPETITION MEN: 791082                                                                                COMPETITION
                                                                                                 Maglia manica corta                              Kurzarmtrikot
                                                                                                 • Collo basso aderente                           • Schmaler enganliegender Kragen
                                                                                                 • Cerniera lunga coperta camlock                 • Langer verdeckter Camlock Reißverschluss
                                                                                                 • Maniche corte a giro, taglio vivo              • Kurze „raw-cut“ Rundärmel
                                                                                                 • 3 tasche posteriori con elemento riflettente   • 3 Rückentaschen mit reflektierendem Element
                                                                                                 • Taschino centrale in tessuto antivento         • Mittlere Tasche mit Antiwind Stoff
                                                               Maniche a giro                    • Taschino laterale con cerniera invisibile      • Seitentasche mit unsichtbarem Reißverschluss
                                                                                                 • Elastico esposto siliconato sul fondo maglia   • Elastischer Silikonabschluss im Hüftbereich
Collo basso aderente                                           Set-in sleeves

Tight fit low collar
                                                                                                 Short sleeve jersey                              Mailot manches courtes
                                                                                                 • Tight fit low collar                           • Collier bas bien ajusté
                                                                                                 • Long covered camlock zipper                    • Couvert longue fermeture éclair camlock
                                                                                                 • Short raw cut set-in sleeves                   • Manches courtes montées avec finition
                                                                                                 • 3 open back pockets with reflective element      sans coutures
                                                                                                 • Middle pocket in antiwind fabric               • 3 poches arrière avec élément réfléchissant
                                                                                                 • Side pocket with invisible zipper              • Elément réfléchissant sous la poche centrale
                                                                                                 • Elastic gripper around the waist               • Poche latérale avec fermeture éclair invisible
                                                                                                                                                  • Serrage élastique sur la partie inférieure

                                                                                                 100% Polyester (120g/m²)
                                                                                                 81% Polyester / 19% Elasthane (155g/m²)
                                                                                                 95% Polyester / 5% Elasthane (120g/m²)
Maniche a taglio vivo                                                                            Twenty
                                                                                                 100% Polyester (37g/m²)
Raw cut sleeves                                                   3 tasche posteriori con
                                                                      elemento rflettente

                                                                      3 back pockets with
Cerniera lunga                                                          reflective element
coperta camlock

Long covered
camlock zipper                                       Taschino laterale con cerniera invisibile

                                                            Side pocket with invisible zipper

                                                                  Elastico esposto siliconato
                                                                             sul fondo maglia

                                                                Elastic gripper around waist

Pantaloncino corto                            Kurze Hose
• Bretelle speciali altamente traspiranti     • Spezielle Träger mit hoher Atmungsaktivität
• Elastico fine gambe 75mm con grip interno   • Elastischer Beinabschluss 75mm mit
• Tessuto speciale Vega                         Silikon innen
• Fondello con filo di carbonio               • Spezieller Vega Stoff
                                              • Sitzpolster mit Karbonfasern

                                                                                                                                                Bretelle speciali altamente traspiranti
Bib shorts                                    Pantalon court
• Special braces highly breathable            • Avec bretelles spéciaux très respirant                                                               Special braces highly breathable
• Elastic leg ends 7mm with inner grip        • Brassard élastique pour les jambes 75mm
• Special Vega fabric                           avec grip interne
• Pad with carbon fibre                       • Tissu spéciaux Vega
                                              • Chamois avec fibre en carbon

80% Polyamide / 20% Lycra (210g/m²)
Lycra Shield                                                                                  Tessuto speciale Vega
80% Polyester / 20% Elasthane (240g/m²)
                                                                                              Special Vega fabric

Carbon Men

                                                                                              Elastico fine gambe 75mm
                                                                                              con grip interno

                                                                                              Elastic leg ends 75mm
                                                                                              with inner grip

BIB SHORT COMPETITION PLUS MEN: 791086                                                              COMPETITION PLUS
                                                                                            Pantaloncino corto                             Kurze Hose
                                                                                            • Bretelle in rete                             • Mesh-Träger
                                                                                            • Fine gamba a taglio vivo con grip interno    • Raw-cut Beinende mit Silikon innen
                                                                                            • Elementi riflettenti posteriori              • Reflektierende Elemente auf Rückseite
                                                                                            • Ampio spazio di personalizzazione in basso   • Großer Bereich zur Personalisierung unten
                                                                                            • Fondello cucito                              • Genähtes Sitzpolster

                                                                                            Bib shorts                                     Pantalon court
                                                                                            • Mesh braces                                  • Bretelles en mesh
                                                           Bretelle in rete                 • Raw cut leg endings with inner grip          • Extrémité de la jambe avec finition sans couture
                                                                                            • Reflective elements at the back                avec grip interne
                                                             Mesh braces                    • Large space for customisation at bottom      • Elément réfléchissant arrière
                                                                                            • Sewed pad                                    • Grand espace de personnalisation en bas
                                                                                                                                           • Chamois cousu

                                                                                            Lycra Topazio
                                                                                            80% Polyamide / 20% Lycra (210g/m²)
                                                                                            Lycra Shield
                                                                                            80% Polyester / 20% Elasthane (240g/m²)
                                                                                            95% Polyester / 5% Elasthane (120g/m²)


                                                        Ampio spazio di personalizzazione
Fine gambe a taglio vivo
                                                           Large space for customisation
Raw cut leg endings

ARM WARMER RACE PLUS: 791092                                     ACCESSORIES
                                                   Bracciali                                 Ärmlinge
                                                   • Sovracuciture ornamentali               • Flachnähte
                                                   • Elastico interno con grip               • Elastischer Silikonabschluss oben
                                                     nella parte superiore

Elastico interno con grip nella parte superiore

Elastic silicone gripper at the top
                                                   Arm warmers                               Manchettes
                                                   • Flat cover stitching                    • Coutures plates
                                                   • Elastic silicone gripper at the top     • Élastique en silicone au sommet

                                                   83% Polyester / 17% Elasthane (250g/m²)

Gambali                                        Beinlinge
• Sovracuciture ornamentali                    • Flachnähte
• Elastico esposto parte superiore             • Elastischer Abschluss oben
• Cerniere laterali con elemento riflettente   • Seitlicher Reißverschluss mit reflektierendem

                                                                                                                        Elastico esposto parte superiore

                                                                                                                               Elastic gripper at the top
Leg warmers                                    Jambiéres
• Flat cover stitching                         • Coutures plates
• Elastic gripper at the top                   • élastique au sommet
• Zipper on the side with reflective element   • Fermenture éclair avec élément réfléchissant

83% Polyester / 17% Elasthane (250g/m²)
+                                                                                                                            Sovracuciture ornamentali
84% Polyamide / 16% Lycra (245g/m²)                                                                                                  Flat cover stitching

                                                                                                                                        Cerniere laterali
                                                                                                                                con elemento riflettente

                                                                                                                                       Zipper on the side
                                                                                                                                 with reflective element

KNEE WARMER RACE PLUS: 791094                                  ACCESSORIES
                                                       Ginocchiere                               Knielinge
                                                       • Sovracuciture ornamentali               • Flachnähte
                                                       • Elastico esposto parte superiore        • Elastischer Abschluss oben

                                                       Knee warmers                              Genouière
Elastico esposto parte superiore                       • Flat cover stitching                    • Coutures plates
                                                       • Elastic gripper at the top              • Dessus élastique exposé
Exposed elastic on top

                                                       83% Polyester / 17% Elasthane (250g/m²)
                                                       84% Polyamide / 16% Lycra (245g/m²)

Sovracuciture ornamentali

Flat cover stitching

Manuela Mölgg

            CARBON PAD - WOMEN: 2005324

            Tipo di fondello: termo formato
            Parte superiore: 95% Poliamide 5% Carbonio, 170 g/m²
            Schiuma: 10 mm
            Densità: 7 mm/80 - 3 mm/120
            Parte inferiore: 100% Poliestere
            Misure: 19 cm x 28 cm
            Peso complessivo: 38 gr
            Tempo medio in sella: + di 5 ore / 6 ore max

            Benefici del tessuto: tessuto a rapida asciugatura, il filato in Carbonio ha delle caratteristiche tecniche uniche. È performante
            perché durante l’attività fisica diminuisce la concentrazione di acido lattico, migliorando la circolazione sanguigna e l’ossigena-
            zione delle cellule. Schermante/Antistatico perché le sue speciali fibre conduttive assorbono e disperdono le cariche elettriche
            accumulate durante l’attività fisica. Batteriostatico perché rispetta la pelle e la protegge dai batteri, eliminando il rischio di fa-
            stidiose allergie irritazioni durante l’uso. Traspirante e termoregolatore perché accelera il processo di evaporazione del sudore,
            rallenta la formazione di umidità sulla pelle e mantiene costante la temperatura. Il filamento in Carbonio aumenta il rendimento
            tecnico dei capi sportivi aumentando la performance muscolare dell’atleta. Il filamento in Carbonio è altamente performante,
            in particolare, nelle discipline che richiedono sforzo fisico prolungato nel tempo e in condizioni ambientali ad alta temperatura.

            Permeabilità all’aria: i poliuretani usati per le schiume sono a cellule aperte: in questa tipologia di schiume l’aria passa liberamente
            tra le cellule e il sudore viene assorbito ed espulso più velocemente. Grazie alla libera circolazione dell’aria, la pelle respira di più e
            resta più asciutta; il risultato perciò è maggiore comfort, minor sudore e minori irritazioni

            Type of pad: thermo-formed
            Top layer: 95% Polyamid 5% Carbon, 170 g/m²
            Foam: 10 mm
            Density: 7 mm/80 - 3 mm/120
            Bottom Layer: 100% Polyester
            Measurement: 19 cm x 28 cm
            Total weight: 38 gr
            Average riding time: + 5 / 6 hours max

            Benefits of the fabric: quick-drying fabric, the Carbon yarn has unique technical characteristics. It is performing because during
            physical activity the concentration of lactic acid decreases, improving blood circulation and cell oxygenation. Shielding / Antista-
            tic because its special conductive fibers absorb and disperse the electrical charges accumulated during physical activity. Bacte-
            riostatic because it respects the skin and protects it from bacteria, eliminating the risk of annoying allergies irritations during use.
            Breathable and thermoregulatory because it accelerates the sweat evaporation process, slows down the formation of moisture
            on the skin and keeps the temperature constant. The carbon filament increases the technical performance of sportswear by
            increasing the athlete’s muscle performance. The carbon filament is highly performing, in particular, in disciplines that require
            prolonged physical effort over time and in high temperature environmental conditions.

            Air permeability: the polyurethanes used for the foams are open cell: in this type of foam the air passes freely between the cells
            and sweat is absorbed and expelled faster. Thanks to the free movement of air, the skin breathes more and remains drier; the
            result is therefore greater comfort, less sweat and less irritation.


       CARBON PAD - MEN: 2005323

       Tipo di fondello: termo formato
       Parte superiore: 95% Poliamide 5% Carbonio, 170 g/m²
       Schiuma: 10 mm
       Densità: 7 mm/80 - 3 mm/120
       Parte inferiore: 100% Poliestere
       Misure: 21 cm x 36 cm
       Peso complessivo: 40 gr
       Tempo medio in sella: + di 5 ore / 6 ore max

       Benefici del tessuto: tessuto a rapida asciugatura, il filato in Carbonio ha delle caratteristiche tecniche uniche. È performante
       perché durante l’attività fisica diminuisce la concentrazione di acido lattico, migliorando la circolazione sanguigna e l’ossigena-
       zione delle cellule. Schermante/Antistatico perché le sue speciali fibre conduttive assorbono e disperdono le cariche elettriche
       accumulate durante l’attività fisica. Batteriostatico perché rispetta la pelle e la protegge dai batteri, eliminando il rischio di fa-
       stidiose allergie irritazioni durante l’uso. Traspirante e termoregolatore perché accelera il processo di evaporazione del sudore,
       rallenta la formazione di umidità sulla pelle e mantiene costante la temperatura. Il filamento in Carbonio aumenta il rendimento
       tecnico dei capi sportivi aumentando la performance muscolare dell’atleta. Il filamento in Carbonio è altamente performante,
       in particolare, nelle discipline che richiedono sforzo fisico prolungato nel tempo e in condizioni ambientali ad alta temperatura.

       Permeabilità all’aria: i poliuretani usati per le schiume sono a cellule aperte: in questa tipologia di schiume l’aria passa liberamente
       tra le cellule e il sudore viene assorbito ed espulso più velocemente. Grazie alla libera circolazione dell’aria, la pelle respira di più e
       resta più asciutta; il risultato perciò è maggiore comfort, minor sudore e minori irritazioni

       Type of pad: thermo-formed
       Top layer: 95% Polyamid 5% Carbon, 170 g/m²
       Foam: 10 mm
       Density: 7 mm/80 - 3 mm/120
       Bottom Layer: 100% Polyester
       Measurement: 21 cm x 36 cm
       Total weight: 40 gr
       Average riding time: + 5 / 6 hours max

       Benefits of the fabric: quick-drying fabric, the Carbon yarn has unique technical characteristics. It is performing because during
       physical activity the concentration of lactic acid decreases, improving blood circulation and cell oxygenation. Shielding / Antista-
       tic because its special conductive fibers absorb and disperse the electrical charges accumulated during physical activity. Bacte-
       riostatic because it respects the skin and protects it from bacteria, eliminating the risk of annoying allergies irritations during use.
       Breathable and thermoregulatory because it accelerates the sweat evaporation process, slows down the formation of moisture
       on the skin and keeps the temperature constant. The carbon filament increases the technical performance of sportswear by
       increasing the athlete’s muscle performance. The carbon filament is highly performing, in particular, in disciplines that require
       prolonged physical effort over time and in high temperature environmental conditions.

       Air permeability: the polyurethanes used for the foams are open cell: in this type of foam the air passes freely between the cells
       and sweat is absorbed and expelled faster. Thanks to the free movement of air, the skin breathes more and remains drier; the
       result is therefore greater comfort, less sweat and less irritation.


            CARBON PAD - WOMEN: 2005324
            Tipo di fondello: cucito
            Parte superiore: 82% Poliamide 18% Elastane, 170 g/m²
            Schiuma: 10mm +
            Densità: 1) 60
                       2) 80
            Parte inferiore: 100% Poliestere
            Misure: 22 cm x 35 cm
            Peso complessivo: 44 gr
            Tempo medio in sella:
            1) Densità 60: + di 3/4 ore max
            2) Densità 80: + di 5/6 ore max

            Benefici del tessuto e della costruzione tecnica del fondello: tessuto a rapida asciugatura grazie alla presenza dei fori inferiori su tutta
            la superficie del fondello, anatomico, si adatta ad ogni corporatura per l’assenza di cuciture o sezioni ad altezza differenziata. La parti-
            colare conformazione delle schiume di sostegno fa si che il fondello offra la giusta protezione esattamente la dove serve, non esistono
            zone di schiuma superflua che potrebbero creare problemi di adattamento dell’atleta alla superficie della sella durante l’attività spor-
            tiva. Questa è la caratteristica peculiare di questo fondello che ne fa uno dei migliori in circolazione. Questo fondello è stato studiato
            per supportare l’anatomia maschile durante la pedalata, per assicurare vestibilità e stabilità perfette. Inoltre, il canale centrale è stato
            sviluppato grazie ad apposite misurazioni antropometriche. In questo modo, la pressione a carico dell’uretra diminuisce e si favorisce la
            circolazione sanguigna.

            Permeabilità all’aria: i poliuretani usati per le schiume sono a cellule aperte. In questa tipologia di schiume l’aria passa liberamente tra
            le cellule e il sudore viene assorbito ed espulso più velocemente. Grazie alla libera circolazione dell’aria, la pelle respira di più e resta più
            asciutta; il risultato perciò è maggiore comfort, minor sudore e minori irritazioni.

            Type of pad: sewn
            Top layer: 82% Polyamid 18% Elasthan, 170 g/m²
            Foam: 10mm +
            Density: 1) 60
                       2) 80
            Bottom Layer: 100% Polyester
            Measurement:22 cm x 35 cm
            Total weight: 44 gr
            Average riding time: + 5 / 6 hours max

            Benefits of the fabric and technical construction of the pad: quick-drying fabric thanks to the presence of the lower holes on the entire
            surface of the pad, anatomical, it adapts to any body size due to the absence of seams or sections at different heights. The particular
            conformation of the support foams means that the pad offers the right protection exactly where it is needed, there are no areas of
            superfluous foam that could create problems for the athlete to adapt to the surface of the saddle during sports activities. This is the
            special feature of this pad that makes it one of the best in circulation. This pad has been designed to support the male anatomy while
            pedalling, to ensure perfect fit and stability. In addition, the central channel has been developed thanks to special anthropometric mea-
            surements. In this way, the pressure on the urethra decreases and blood circulation is improved.

            Air permeability: the polyurethanes used for the foams are open cell. In this type of foam the air passes freely between the cells and swe-
            at is absorbed and expelled faster. Thanks to the free movement of air, the skin breathes more and remains drier; the result is therefore
            greater comfort, less sweat and less irritation.


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- EVITARE di entrare in contatto con velcro, che è causa di pilling                                          - Lassen Sie die Produkte NICHT lange im Wäschekorb - waschen Sie sie gleich nach dem Gebrauch
- L‘uso di zaini può deteriorare il tessuto a causa di attrito                                               - Lassen Sie die Artikel NICHT an feuchten Orten oder in Plastiktüten liegen
                                                                                                             - Vermeiden Sie den Kontakt mit Klettverschlüssen, welche Pilling verursachen können
6. Tutti i capi tecnici devono essere usati esclusivamente nella disciplina per cui sono concepiti, questo   - Das Tragen von Rucksäcken kann Reibung erzeugen und somit den Stoff beschädigen
per utilizzare al meglio le caratteristiche tecniche dei tessuti con cui sono realizzati
                                                                                                             6. Alle technischen Kleidungsstücke dürfen nur in der Disziplin verwendet werden, für die Sie konzipiert sind,
                                                                                                             um eine bessere Nutzung der technischen Materialien zu gewährleisten

To ensure a long life of our high quality fabrics, please consider the following:                            Afin de garantir une longue vie aux tissus et à la technologie d’impression et de fabrication, nous vous de-
                                                                                                             mandons de bien vouloir suivre les conseils suivants:
1. Do not wash our products with temperatures above 30 degrees, use mild detergents, and avoid fabric
softener and bleaching agents                                                                                1. Ne lavez pas vos produits à une température supérieure à 30 degrés, utilisez des lessives douces et évitez
                                                                                                             d’utiliser d‘assouplissants et d’agents blanchissants
2. Do not use a dryer! Let our products preferably dry naturally. Please note that direct sunlight and
direct heat may cause deterioration of the fabrics                                                           2. Ne faites pas sécher au sèche-linge! De préférence faites sécher à l‘air libre. L’exposition directe au soleil
                                                                                                             ou à une source de chaleur peut détériorer les tissus
3. Do not iron our products
                                                                                                             3. Ne repassez pas nos produits
4. If you are unsure of your own size when trying on one of our size samples, choose the slightly larger
size, as fit can vary depending on body weight and build – please note that our sizes are just an indica-    4. Si ne vous êtes pas sûr de votre taille quand vous essayez un des nos modèles d’essayage, choisissez une
tion                                                                                                         taille légèrement plus grande, étant donné que la taille peut varier en fonction du poids et de la constitution –
                                                                                                             notez que nos indications de la taille sont indicatives
5. To avoid fabric deterioration:
- Do not leave shorts in your laundry bag for a week - wash them straight after use                          5. Pour éviter toute détérioration du tissu:
- Do not leave our shorts in humid places or plastic bags                                                    - Ne laissez pas les pantalons dans le sac à linge pendant une semaine – lavez tout de suite
- Avoid contact with velcro fasteners, which can cause pilling                                               - Ne laissez pas les pantalons dans des endroits humides ou dans des sacs en plastique
- The wearing of backpacks can generate friction and thus damage the fabric                                  - Evitez le contact avec attaches velcro, ce qui peut provoquer boulochage
                                                                                                             - Le port de sacs à dos peut générer friction et donc endommager le tissu
6. All technical garments must be used exclusively in the discipline for which they are designed in order
to best use the technical features of the materials with which they are made                                 6. Afin d‘assurer une meilleure utilisation des tissues techniques, tous les vêtements techniques doivent
                                                                                                             être utilisés exclusivement dans la discipline pour laquelle ils sont conçus

SAXE SPORTS S.R.L. - via Zuegg, 38 - 39100 Bolzano (BZ) - Tel. 0471 060935 - -
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