Making Better Decisions - Crops Testing - Colorado State University
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Technical Report TR21-4 Ag ricultural Experiment Station College of Agricultural Sciences Department of Soil & Crop Sciences Extension Making Better Decisions 2021 Colorado Winter Wheat Variety Performance Trials Crops Testing
Table of Contents Authors...........................................................................................................................................3 Overview of 2020-2021 Eastern Colorado Winter Wheat Trials.............................................5 Irrigated Variety Performance Trials..........................................................................................8 Summary of 2021 Dryland Winter Wheat Variety Performance Results..............................9 Summary of 2-Yr (2020 and 2021) Dryland Variety Performance Results..........................11 Summary of 3-Yr (2019, 2020, and 2021) Dryland Variety Performance Results...............12 Head-to-Head Yield Comparisons...........................................................................................13 2021 Collaborative On-Farm Test (COFT) Variety Performance Results............................16 CSU Fall 2021 Dryland Winter Wheat Decision Tree............................................................18 Summary of 2021 Irrigated Winter Wheat Variety Performance Results...........................19 Summary of 2-year (2020 and 2021) Irrigated Variety Performance Results......................20 CSU Fall 2021 Irrigated Winter Wheat Decision Tree............................................................22 Important Variety Selection Considerations............................................................................23 Description of Winter Wheat Varieties in Eastern Colorado ...............................................24 Acknowledgments......................................................................................................................28 Disclaimer: **Mention of a trademark or proprietary product does not constitute endorsement by the Colorado Agricultural Experiment Station.** Colorado State University is an equal opportunity/affirmative action institution and complies with all Federal and Colorado State laws, regulations, and executive orders regarding affirmative action requirements in all programs. The Office of Equal Opportunity is located in 101 Student Services. In order to assist Colorado State University in meeting its affirmative action responsibilities, ethnic minorities, women, and other protected class members are encouraged to apply and to so identify themselves. 2
Authors Sally Jones-Diamond - Research Associate - Crops Testing, CSU Dept. of Soil & Crop Sciences, Phone: 970-214-4611, E-mail: Dr. Jerry Johnson - Professor & Extension Specialist - Crop Production, CSU Dept. of Soil & Crop Sciences, Phone: 970-491-1454, E-mail: Dr. Esten Mason - Associate Professor & Wheat Breeder, CSU Dept. of Soil & Crop Sciences, E-mail: Ed Asfeld - Research Associate - Crops Testing, CSU Dept. of Soil & Crop Sciences, Phone: 970-554-0980, E-mail: Roger Tyler - Graduate Research Assistant, Crops Testing, CSU Dept. of Soil & Crop Sciences, E-mail: Ron Meyer - Extension Agent - Agronomy, CSU Extension, Phone: 719-346-5571 ext. 302, E-mail: Dr. Wilma Trujillo - Area Agronomist, CSU Extension, Phone: 719-688-9168, E-mail: Dennis Kaan - Regional Director - Northeast Region, CSU Extension, Phone: 970-345- 2287, E-mail: Todd Ballard - Area Agronomist, CSU Extension, Phone: 970-474-3479, E-mail: Bruce Fickenscher - Regional Director - Southeast Region, CSU Extension, E-mail: Kevin Larson - Superintendent & Research Scientist, CSU Plainsman Research Center, Phone: 719-324-5643, E-mail: Dr. Kyle Douglas-Mankin - Research Leader, USDA-ARS, Central Great Plains Research Station, Phone: 970-492-7401, E-mail: Brett Pettinger - Research Associate, CSU Plainsman Research Center, Phone: 719-324- 5643, E-mail: 3
Additional Resources Colorado State University Crop Variety Testing Program: Colorado State University Wheat Breeding Program: Colorado Wheat Variety Performance Database: Colorado Wheat Administrative Committee (CWAC), Colorado Association of Wheat Growers (CAWG), and Colorado Wheat Research Foundation (CWRF): www. 4
Overview of 2020-2021 Eastern Colorado Winter Wheat Trials Jerry Johnson and Sally Jones-Diamond Colorado State University researchers provide current, reliable, and unbiased wheat variety information to Colorado producers. Support of our research keeps public variety testing thriving in Colorado. Farmer support of public variety testing is our hope for the future. Our work in Colorado is possible due to the support and cooperation of the entire Colorado wheat industry, the Colorado Wheat Administrative Committee, the Colorado Wheat Research Foundation, seed companies who enter varieties, and Colorado farmers who donate their resources to host wheat variety trials. We test under a broad range of environmental conditions to best determine expected performance of new varieties. We have a uniform variety testing program, meaning that all dryland varieties are tested in all eleven dryland test locations and all irrigated varieties are tested in all three irrigated trials. There were 44 varieties including experimental lines in each of the 11 dryland trials. The three irrigated trials each had 28 varieties. The variety trials included a combination of public and private varieties and experimental lines. Seed companies with entries in the variety trials included AgriPro Syngenta, Allegiant by CHS, CROPLAN by WinField United, Indigo Ag, Limagrain Cereal Seeds, and WestBred Bayer. There were entries from the Colorado marketing organization PlainsGold, the Kansas Wheat Alliance, Montana State University, and Oklahoma Genetics, Inc. All dryland and irrigated trials were planted in a randomized complete block design with three replicates. Plot sizes were approximately 150 ft2 (except the Fort Collins irrigated trial, which was 80 ft2) and all varieties were planted at 700,000 seeds per acre for dryland trials and 1.2 million seeds per acre for irrigated trials. Plot sizes for the Collaborative On-Farm Test (COFT) ranged from 0.10 to 1.5 acres per variety in side-by- side strips with seeding rates conforming to the seeding rate used by the collaborating farmer. Yield is corrected to 12% moisture. Variety trial plot weight, test weight, and grain moisture content information was obtained from a Harvest Master H2 weighing system on a plot combine. General conditions affecting the 2021 Colorado wheat crop Fall 2020 was drier than normal at all locations, but moisture received in early-mid September allowed for some wheat to be planted into moisture. Precipitation at CSU wheat trial locations varied from 20% of normal (Sheridan Lake) to 87% of normal (Genoa). Plant stands suffered in some areas, leading to above-average chiseling and field abandonment, especially in Southeast Colorado. Little precipitation was received during the winter months. Most of eastern Colorado received moisture in a March 12- 14 event, helping to alleviate some drought conditions. Above-average precipitation in May helped pull eastern Colorado out of drought conditions, however yield and test weight were hurt by an unusually hot string of days in June during grain-fill. Growing 5
degree-days were normal in fall 2020 and below-average in spring and summer of 2021, resulting in summer conditions that were cooler than normal. Some parts of the state sprayed wheat for Russian wheat aphid, but damage did not reach epidemic proportions. Stripe rust disease was favored by the cool and wet springtime conditions, but got stopped in its tracks by the June hot spell and lack of spore showers from Texas, Oklahoma, and Kansas. Loss of wheat due to hail was minimal in 2021. Wheat stem sawfly (WSS) was devastating and widespread in 2021, reducing wheat yields in Weld, Morgan, Washington, Phillips, and Yuma counties. 6
2021 Dryland Wheat Trial Management and Characteristics Akron Arapahoe Burlington Genoa Julesburg Lamar Orchard Roggen Sheridan Lake Walsh Yuma Average Yield (bu/ac) 106 Abandoned 54 30 61 54 51 42 38 Abandonded 66 40.1492 38.8992 39.3152 39.3561 40.8991 38.0124 40.4513 40.0692 38.5353 37.4342 40.1851 GPS Coordinates (Lat/Long) -103.1436 -102.3027 -102.2578 -103.4921 -102.2288 -102.6179 -104.0700 -104.2815 -102.4357 -102.3193 -102.6612 Location County Washington Cheyenne Kit Carson Lincoln Sedgwick Prowers Morgan Weld Kiowa Baca Yuma Keith-Ulysses silt Kuma-Keith silt Fort Collins sandy Soil Type Rago Silt Loam Weld silt loam Richfield loam Manvel silt loam Platner Sandy Loam Weld loam Wiley loam Rago loam loam loam loam Soil Organic Matter 1.7 % 1.3 % 1.9 % 1.7 % 1.7 1.2 % 1.1 % 1.4 % 1.2 % 1.9 % 1.2 % Soil Soil pH 7.4 8.3 7.3 7.9 6.5 8.1 7.6 7.8 8.3 8 7.3 Soil Nutrients at planting 137 - 16 81 - 1 449 - 37 159 - 11 79 - 19 68 - 8 98 - 31 92 - 10 48 - 2 204 - 6 156 - 40 (N-P lb/ac) Applied Fertilizer in Dairy manure pre- Season* 78 - 28 - 0 - 1S - 88 - 48 - 0 - 3S 38 - 28 - 0 - 5S 43 - 28 - 0 48 - 34 - 0 - 13S 58 - 28 - 0 58 - 28 - 0 - 6S 32 - 28 - 0 - 4.3 S - plant and 8 - 28 - 0 (N-P-K lb/ac) Sprayed for aphids Dual-Action end of 2 oz propiconazole Fungicide for stripe Pesticide Applied none - Prosaro Lorsban Propiconazole none - and rust early June May April 10 rust Management Tillage No-Till Vertical Tillage Tilled Tilled No-Till No-Till No-Till No-Till No-Till No-Till Tilled v Proso millet / Previous Crop 2019/2020 Corn / Fallow Corn / Fallow - Corn / Fallow Wheat / Fallow Proso millet / Fallow Wheat / Fallow Corn / Fallow Wheat / Fallow Wheat / Fallow Fallow Planting Date 15-Sep-2020 1-Sep-2020 14-Sep-2021 17-Sep-2020 16-Sep-2020 14-Sep-2020 16-Sep-2020 17-Sep-2020 11-Sep-2020 18-Sep-2019 18-Sep-2020 Harvest Date 12-Jul-2021 - 8-Jul-2021 9-Jul-2021 10-Jul-2021 7-Jul-2021 6-Jul-2021 6-Jul-2021 9-Jul-2021 - 5-Jul-2021 Heading Date (Avg) 31-May-2021 - - - - - 30-May-2021 - - - - Days from Planting to Development 258 - - - - - 256 - - - - Heading (Avg) Cephalosporuim Moderate sawfly Biotic Stress Severe sawfly - - - - - Severe sawfly Brown wheat mites - stripe light pressure pressure April. Hail mid-May Drought through Hot and dry in June Abiotic Stress - Drought High heat during Drought April - - Hot in June and July Severe Drought - and July grain fill Soil Compaction Environment Total Rain: 14.5 in 11.0 12.5 in 11.0 in 11.6 in 11.0 in 9.8 14.3 11.0 12.9 in 11.2 in January 1 to Harvest GDD (Jan 1 - Harvest, 3277 - 3422 3102 3480 3768 3160 3214 3617 - 3166 32°F base) * 8 - 28 - 0 applied at planting by Crops Testing. 7
Irrigated Variety Performance Trials Fort Collins, Larimer County: Planted on September 24, 2020 and harvested July 20, 2021. Planted into moisture. Excellent stands and good fall growth. No diseases noted in mid-June. Irrigation started on June 3rd due to wet spring, total of 5" applied in June, none applied in July. Radar estimates showed the trial received 9.6" of precipitation and 3518 growing degree-days (GDD) (base 32°F) from Jan. 1st through July 20th, which was 0.3" above and 200 GDD below the 10-year averages, respectively. GPS: 40.652947, -104.99922 Holyoke, Phillips County: Planted October 13, 2020 following corn harvest and harvested on July 10, 2021. Planted after corn harvest, to a depth of about 2.5" into tilled ground. Uniform stands but little fall growth due to late date of planting. Trial on limited-irrigation pivot, no lodging noted at harvest. Radar estimates showed the trial received 11.8" of precipitation and 3493 growing degree-days (GDD) (base 32°F) from Jan. 1st through July 10th, which was 0.9" and 33 GDD below the 10-year average, respectively. GPS: 40.91638, -102.04747 Burlington, Kit Carson County: Planted October 10, 2020 after corn harvest and harvested on July 20, 2021. Planted about 2” deep into good moisture and tilled corn residue. Visited mid-winter and moisture plentiful down to 4”. Average fall growth but excellent stands. Good moisture throughout the spring. Radar estimates showed the trial received 13.8" of precipitation and 3878 growing degree-days (GDD) (base 32°F) from Jan. 1st through July 20th, which was 1.2" above and 240 GDD below the 10-year average, respectively. GPS: 39.35587, -102.16538 8
Summary of 2021 Dryland Winter Wheat Variety Performance Results 2021 Individual Trial Yielda 2021 Multi-Location Average Sheridan Test Brand/Source Varietyb Akron Burlington Genoa Julesburg Lamar Orchard Roggen Lake Yuma Yield c Yield Weight Proteinc Headingd bu/ac bu/ac % of avg lb/bu % days from avg. Kansas Wheat Alliance KS Silverado 97 69 37 58 50 58 47 40 85 60 109% 59 13 -3 PlainsGold Langin 93 65 33 71 53 60 44 42 77 60 109% 56 13 -2 PlainsGold Snowmass 2.0 92 63 32 66 54 56 48 36 89 59 108% 56 13 -2 Kansas Wheat Alliance KS Dallas 92 55 29 62 54 59 47 41 82 58 105% 56 14 1 Kansas Wheat Alliance KS Hamilton 90 54 30 68 53 55 43 42 83 58 105% 55 13 0 Indigo Ag *Langin Trt 2 95 55 29 65 55 53 45 35 80 57 104% 56 12 -3 PlainsGold Byrd 91 54 29 64 57 55 42 41 78 57 103% 56 13 -2 Limagrain Cereal Seeds LCS Atomic AX 90 66 35 54 50 54 41 39 81 57 103% 56 13 -3 PlainsGold Monarch 88 59 31 63 56 50 45 35 80 56 103% 56 12 1 PlainsGold Canvas 91 53 30 66 60 51 40 41 75 56 102% 55 13 1 PlainsGold Crescent AX 87 46 34 71 56 51 43 40 78 56 102% 56 13 -2 Indigo Ag *Langin Trt 1 97 63 27 55 54 49 44 38 75 56 101% 56 13 -3 PlainsGold Kivari AX 88 47 33 63 62 52 42 41 74 56 101% 54 13 0 AgriPro AP Solid 88 58 28 61 50 53 43 37 81 56 101% 57 13 3 CROPLAN by WinField United CP7017AX 86 69 31 62 51 49 38 38 76 55 101% 56 13 -1 WestBred WB4595 89 63 30 59 52 50 42 40 70 55 100% 56 14 2 PlainsGold Avery 84 49 33 61 59 53 41 41 74 55 100% 55 13 0 PlainsGold Amplify SF 91 53 29 60 57 50 48 35 69 55 100% 57 13 1 PlainsGold Fortify SF 86 52 31 63 54 54 43 36 72 54 99% 57 13 -1 AgriPro AP Roadrunner 87 57 29 59 60 44 40 37 78 54 99% 54 14 1 Limagrain Cereal Seeds LCS Julep 92 52 29 57 50 54 39 37 78 54 99% 57 14 0 Limagrain Cereal Seeds LCS Helix AX 92 61 29 56 53 52 38 33 71 54 98% 56 13 -1 PlainsGold Breck 87 53 30 57 56 45 41 38 78 54 98% 57 14 0 PlainsGold Denali 85 52 30 63 51 47 39 41 73 54 97% 56 13 2 PlainsGold Brawl CL Plus 88 56 33 56 48 49 41 34 76 54 97% 57 13 -2 PlainsGold Byrd CL Plus 82 45 31 65 57 48 43 40 70 53 97% 55 14 0 CROPLAN by WinField United CP7050AX 82 62 34 53 41 52 42 34 78 53 97% 59 13 -4 PlainsGold Whistler 92 41 27 64 63 49 38 39 63 53 96% 54 13 3 WestBred WB4418 89 48 27 59 52 51 41 39 69 53 96% 56 13 -1 PlainsGold Hatcher 81 43 24 60 52 47 40 42 70 51 93% 54 13 1 PlainsGold Guardian 81 35 28 62 51 48 38 41 69 50 92% 56 14 0 Oklahoma Genetics Inc. Lonerider 84 53 21 54 42 41 33 28 69 47 86% 56 14 3 Montana State University Warhorse 75 34 21 56 43 37 37 30 60 44 80% 55 15 5 Experimentals Allegiant EXP 301 88 67 36 63 51 58 43 41 80 59 107% 57 12 -3 Colorado State University exp. CO16D402W 96 56 35 62 60 53 45 41 79 59 106% 55 13 -1 Allegiant EXP 303 94 69 30 60 53 49 42 46 77 58 105% 58 12 2 Colorado State University exp. CO18D007W 85 58 29 67 57 55 40 39 87 57 105% 56 14 -2 Colorado State University exp. CO16D1487 91 50 30 65 57 53 45 42 83 57 104% 57 12 1 Colorado State University exp. CO18D297R 86 56 33 62 53 50 44 44 80 57 103% 57 13 0 Colorado State University exp. CO18D076W 94 47 33 60 55 55 45 35 78 56 102% 56 13 -1 Colorado State University exp. CO13007-F6R 88 59 30 64 54 53 39 39 76 56 101% 57 12 0 Colorado State University exp. CO16SF032 91 50 29 60 60 49 45 35 77 55 100% 56 13 0 Colorado State University exp. CO16SF070 79 50 28 61 57 47 40 37 72 52 95% 54 14 -1 Colorado State University exp. CO16SF067 84 37 22 59 56 50 39 36 67 50 91% 56 14 1 Average 88 54 30 61 54 51 42 38 76 55 56 13 May 31, 2021 e LSD (0.30) 4 5 2 3 3 3 2 2 4 e LSD (0.05) 8 9 5 5 5 6 4 4 8 a Varieties in the top LSD yield group in each location are in bold. b Varieties ranked according to released varieties or experimentals, and then by average yield across nine trials in 2021. c Yield and protein adjusted to 12% moisture content. Protein averaged across six trials in 2021. d Varieties with positive values headed later than the trial average and varieties with negative values headed earlier than the trial average of May 31st. e Farmers selecting a variety based on yield should use the LSD (0.30) to protect from false negative decisions. Companies or researchers may be interested in the LSD (0.05) to avoid false positive conclusions. *The Langin seed used in the Indigo Ag treatment was from a different seed source/lot than the Langin seed by PlainsGold. The data included in this table may not be republished without permission. Contact Jerry Johnson ( or Sally Jones-Diamond ( 9
Rank of Variety Yield in 2021 Trials 2021 Multi-Location Average 2021 Individual Trial Rank Akron Yuma Julesburg Burlington Lamar Orchard Roggen Sheridan Lake Genoa Avg Yield Rank Variety 88 76 61 54 54 51 42 38 30 (bu/ac) Varieties Ranked By Yield 1 KS Silverado 62 KS Silverado Snowmass 2.0 Crescent AX CP7017AX Whistler Langin Snowmass 2.0 EXP 303 KS Silverado 2 Langin 62 Langin Trt 1 CO18D007W Langin KS Silverado Kivari AX KS Dallas CO16SF027 CO18D297R EXP 301 3 Snowmass 2.0 61 CO16D402W KS Silverado KS Hamilton EXP 303 Canvas EXP 301 KS Silverado KS Hamilton CO16D402W 4 CO16D402W 61 Langin Trt 2 CO16D1487 CO18D007W EXP 301 CO16D402W KS Silverado KS Dallas Langin LCS Atomic AX 5 EXP 301** 61 CO18D076W KS Hamilton Canvas LCS Atomic AX AP Roadrunner Snowmass 2.0 CO18D076W CO16D1487 Crescent AX 6 KS Dallas 60 EXP 303 KS Dallas Snowmass 2.0 Langin CO16SF032 CO18D007W CO16D402W Hatcher CP7050AX 7 EXP 303** 60 Langin AP Solid Langin Trt 2 WB4595 Avery CO18D076W CO16D1487 Canvas Avery 8 KS Hamilton 60 KS Dallas LCS Atomic AX Byrd CL Plus Langin Trt 1 Byrd Byrd Langin Trt 2 EXP 301 Langin 9 CO18D007W 59 Snowmass 2.0 CO18D297R CO16D1487 Snowmass 2.0 CO16SF027 KS Hamilton CO16SF032 KS Dallas Kivari AX 10 Langin Trt 2* 59 LCS Helix AX Monarch Byrd CP7050AX Byrd CL Plus LCS Atomic AX Monarch Avery CO18D076W 11 Byrd 59 Whistler Langin Trt 2 CO13007-F6R LCS Helix AX CO16D1487 Fortify SF CO18D297R Byrd CO18D297R 12 CO16D1487 59 LCS Julep EXP 301 Whistler Monarch CO16SF070 LCS Julep Langin Denali Brawl CL Plus 13 CO18D297R 59 CO16SF032 CO16D402W EXP 301 CO13007-F6R CO18D007W AP Solid Langin Trt 1 Guardian Snowmass 2.0 14 LCS Atomic AX 58 Byrd AP Roadrunner Denali AP Solid Monarch Avery EXP 301 Kivari AX Monarch 15 Monarch 58 CO16SF027 Crescent AX Kivari AX CO18D007W Breck CO13007-F6R Crescent AX CO16D402W Fortify SF 16 Canvas 58 Canvas LCS Julep Monarch AP Roadrunner CO16SF067 Langin Trt 2 KS Hamilton WB4595 CP7017AX 17 Crescent AX 58 KS Hamilton Byrd Fortify SF CO18D297R Crescent AX CO16D402W Fortify SF KS Silverado Byrd CL Plus 18 CO18D076W 58 LCS Atomic AX CO18D076W Guardian CO16D402W Langin Trt 2 CO16D1487 AP Solid Byrd CL Plus WB4595 19 Langin Trt 1* 58 EXP 301 CP7050AX CO16D402W Brawl CL Plus CO18D076W LCS Helix AX Byrd CL Plus Crescent AX CO16D1487 20 Kivari AX 58 Kivari AX Breck CO18D297R Langin Trt 2 KS Dallas CP7050AX WB4595 WB4418 Denali 21 CO13007-F6R 57 Brawl CL Plus Langin KS Dallas KS Dallas CO13007-F6R Kivari AX EXP 303 LCS Atomic AX Canvas 22 CP7017AX 57 WB4418 CO16SF032 CP7017AX KS Hamilton Langin Trt 1 Crescent AX CP7050AX CO18D007W EXP 303 23 AP Solid 57 Crescent AX EXP 303 AP Solid Byrd Snowmass 2.0 WB4418 Byrd Whistler Breck 24 CO16SF032 57 Breck Brawl CL Plus Avery Lonerider Fortify SF Canvas Kivari AX CO13007-F6R CO13007-F6R 25 Avery 57 Monarch CP7017AX CO16SF070 Breck CO18D297R CO18D297R Avery Langin Trt 1 KS Hamilton 26 CO16SF027 57 CO13007-F6R CO13007-F6R CO18D076W CO16SF027 EXP 303 WB4595 Breck Breck CO18D007W 27 WB4595 57 CO16D1487 Langin Trt 1 EXP 303 Canvas Langin CO16SF027 Brawl CL Plus CP7017AX Byrd 28 Fortify SF 56 CO18D297R Canvas CO16SF032 Denali LCS Helix AX CO16SF067 LCS Atomic AX AP Solid CO16SF032 29 AP Roadrunner 56 Fortify SF Avery Hatcher LCS Julep KS Hamilton Monarch WB4418 CO16SF070 KS Dallas 30 LCS Julep 56 AP Roadrunner Kivari AX CO16SF027 Fortify SF WB4595 Brawl CL Plus CO18D007W LCS Julep LCS Helix AX 31 LCS Helix AX 56 CP7017AX Denali WB4595 CO16SF070 WB4418 CO16SF032 Canvas AP Roadrunner CO16SF027 32 Breck 56 WB4595 Fortify SF CO16SF067 CO16D1487 Hatcher EXP 303 AP Roadrunner CO16SF067 AP Roadrunner 33 Brawl CL Plus 55 AP Solid CO16SF070 AP Roadrunner CO16SF032 Denali Whistler Hatcher Fortify SF Langin Trt 2 34 Denali 55 Denali LCS Helix AX WB4418 Avery Guardian CP7017AX CO16SF070 Snowmass 2.0 LCS Julep 35 Byrd CL Plus 55 CO18D007W Byrd CL Plus KS Silverado WB4418 CP7017AX Langin Trt 1 CO13007-F6R Monarch AP Solid 36 CP7050AX 55 Avery WB4595 LCS Julep CO18D076W EXP 301 Guardian Denali CO16SF027 Guardian 37 Whistler 55 CO16SF067 Hatcher Breck Kivari AX LCS Julep Byrd CL Plus LCS Julep CO16SF032 CO16SF070 38 WB4418 54 Lonerider CO16SF027 Warhorse Crescent AX AP Solid Denali CO16SF067 CO18D076W Langin Trt 1 39 CO16SF070 54 CP7050AX Guardian LCS Helix AX Byrd CL Plus KS Silverado Hatcher Guardian Langin Trt 2 WB4418 40 Hatcher 53 Byrd CL Plus WB4418 Brawl CL Plus Hatcher LCS Atomic AX CO16SF070 Whistler Brawl CL Plus Whistler 41 Guardian 52 Hatcher Lonerider Langin Trt 1 Whistler Brawl CL Plus Breck CP7017AX CP7050AX Hatcher 42 CO16SF067 52 Guardian CO16SF067 Lonerider CO16SF067 Warhorse AP Roadrunner LCS Helix AX LCS Helix AX CO16SF067 43 Lonerider 49 CO16SF070 Whistler LCS Atomic AX Guardian Lonerider Lonerider Warhorse Warhorse Warhorse 44 Warhorse 45 Warhorse Warhorse CP7050AX Warhorse CP7050AX Warhorse Lonerider Lonerider Lonerider Table illustrates the stability of variety performance across the 2021 dryland trial locations. Follow any variety (top 10 avg yield are color-coded) from the left multi-location average column across to the right to see how each variety ranked at each location. Locations are listed left to right by decreasing average yield by location. * Langin Trt 1 & 2 are the variety Langin with a proprietary seed treatment from Indigo ** Exp 301 and 303 are experimental varieties from Allegiant *** Varieties beginning in CO## are experimental CSU Wheat Breeding Varieties 10
Summary of 2-Yr (2020 and 2021) Dryland Variety Performance Results 2-Year Averagea Market Test Plant Varietyb Brand/Source Classc Yield Yield Weight Test Weight Height bu/ac % trial average lb/bu % trial average in Snowmass 2.0 PlainsGold HWW 57 110% 56 100% 29 Langin PlainsGold HRW 56 109% 56 100% 29 KS Silverado Kansas Wheat Alliance HWW 55 106% 59 104% 28 *Langin Trt 2 Indigo Ag HRW 54 104% 56 100% 29 KS Dallas Kansas Wheat Alliance HRW 54 104% 56 100% 29 Byrd PlainsGold HRW 53 103% 56 100% 31 Avery PlainsGold HRW 53 103% 56 98% 32 CP7017AX CROPLAN by WinField United HRW 53 102% 56 100% 29 Monarch PlainsGold HWW 53 102% 56 100% 29 *Langin Trt 1 Indigo Ag HRW 53 102% 56 100% 29 Kivari AX PlainsGold HRW 52 102% 55 98% 31 Whistler PlainsGold HRW 52 101% 55 97% 32 EXP 303 Allegiant HRW 52 101% 58 102% 30 Canvas PlainsGold HRW 52 100% 56 99% 30 Breck PlainsGold HWW 51 99% 57 101% 32 Byrd CL Plus PlainsGold HRW 51 99% 56 99% 32 Brawl CL Plus PlainsGold HRW 51 99% 57 101% 32 LCS Helix AX Limagrain Cereal Seeds HRW 51 99% 57 101% 30 Crescent AX PlainsGold HRW 51 98% 57 100% 31 Fortify SF PlainsGold HRW 51 98% 57 102% 31 CO16SF070 Colorado State University exp. HRW 51 98% 55 97% 30 Denali PlainsGold HRW 51 98% 57 100% 32 WB4595 WestBred HRW 50 97% 57 100% 30 CO16SF032 Colorado State University exp. HRW 50 97% 57 100% 32 Guardian PlainsGold HRW 49 96% 57 101% 32 CP7050AX CROPLAN by WinField United HRW 49 96% 59 104% 30 Amplify SF PlainsGold HRW 49 95% 57 100% 32 Hatcher PlainsGold HRW 48 92% 55 98% 29 CO16SF067 Colorado State University exp. HRW 46 89% 56 100% 31 Average 52 56 31 a The 2-year average yield and test weight are based on 18 trials (nine 2021 and nine 2020 trials). Plant heights are based on 16 trials (eight 2021 and eight 2020 trials). b Varieties ranked according to average 2-year yield. c Market class: HRW=hard red winter wheat; HWW=hard white winter wheat. *The Langin seed used in the Indigo Ag treatment was from a different seed source/lot than the Langin seed by PlainsGold. The data included in this table may not be republished without permission. Contact Jerry Johnson ( or Sally Jones-Diamond ( 11
Summary of 3-Yr (2019, 2020, and 2021) Dryland Variety Performance Results 3-Year Averagea Market Test Plant b Variety Brand/Source Classc Yield Yield Weight Test Weight Height bu/ac % trial average lb/bu % trial average in Langin PlainsGold HRW 65 107% 58 99% 30 Snowmass 2.0 PlainsGold HWW 64 105% 58 100% 31 Avery PlainsGold HRW 62 103% 57 99% 33 Whistler PlainsGold HRW 62 102% 57 97% 33 Byrd CL Plus PlainsGold HRW 61 101% 58 99% 33 Monarch PlainsGold HWW 61 101% 58 100% 29 Byrd PlainsGold HRW 61 101% 58 100% 32 Canvas PlainsGold HRW 60 100% 58 100% 30 Breck PlainsGold HWW 60 100% 59 102% 33 Crescent AX PlainsGold HRW 60 99% 59 101% 32 Denali PlainsGold HRW 60 99% 59 101% 33 WB4595 WestBred HRW 60 99% 59 101% 31 Guardian PlainsGold HRW 60 98% 59 101% 33 Fortify SF PlainsGold HRW 59 98% 59 101% 32 Brawl CL Plus PlainsGold HRW 57 95% 59 102% 33 Hatcher PlainsGold HRW 57 93% 57 99% 31 Average 61 58 32 a The 3-year average yield and test weights are based on 29 trials (nine 2021, nine 2020, and eleven 2019 trials). Plant heights are based on 27 trials (eight 2021, eight 2020, and eleven 2019 trials). b Varieties ranked according to average 3-year yield. c Market class: HRW=hard red winter wheat; HWW=hard white winter wheat. The data included in this table may not be republished without permission. Contact Jerry Johnson ( or Sally Jones-Diamond ( 12
Head-to-Head Yield Comparisons These regressions are used to compare the predicted performance of one variety relative to another variety. The regressions use results from multiple Dryland Variety Performance Trials and Collaborative On-Farm Test results over the past five years (2017 through 2021). These (or any other) yield comparisons can be made online at, which uses the Dryland Variety Performance Trial data. The equation shown in each graph can be used to predict the yield of a variety given a yield of the variety listed on the bottom (x-axis) of the graph. The R2 value of the regression is a statistical measure that represents how well a regression line fits the actual data. An R2 value equal to 1.0 means the regression line fits the data perfectly. It is important to point out that the comparisons are expected to be more reliable when they include results over multiple locations from different years. The first graph compares three hard white wheat varieties with a premium at harvest. Monarch, Breck, and Snowmass 2.0 (2018 and 2017 releases). Across all of the yield levels shown, Snowmass 2.0 is expected to yield higher than Breck and Monarch. Breck and Monarch have very similar yields, even in high-yielding conditions. If Breck yielded 60 bu/ac, it is predicted that Snowmass 2.0 would yield 62 bu/ac and Monarch would yield 60 bu/ac. Yield Regression of Breck, Monarch, and Snowmass 2.0 Dryland Variety Trial Results (46 location-years, 2017-21) 110 Snowmass 2.0 (dash-dot) Avg. Yield = 66.7 100 y = 1x + 2.135 R2 = 0.91 90 Monarch (dashed) Avg. Yield = 64.1 Yield (bu/ac) 80 y = .975 + 1.896 R2 = 0.97 Breck (solid) 70 Avg. Yield = 63.8 60 50 40 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 Breck Yield (bu/ac) 13
Yield Regression of Byrd CL plus and Brawl CL Plus from Dryland Variety Trial Results (46 location-years, 2017-21) 110 100 90 Byrd CL Plus (solid) Yield (bu/ac) 80 Avg. Yield = 63.7 70 Brawl CL Plus (dashed) Avg. Yield = 59.3 60 y = 0.862x + 4.44 R2 = 0.87 50 40 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 Byrd CL Plus Yield (bu/ac) The graph above compares two double-gene Clearfield varieties, Brawl CL Plus and Byrd CL Plus. The regression line of Brawl CL Plus (dashed) is below the Byrd CL Plus line at all yield levels shown and is consistently expected to yield lower than Byrd CL Plus. Yield Regression of Guardian and Canvas Dryland Variety Trial and COFT Results (62 location-years, 2017-21) 100 90 80 Canvas (solid) Yield (bu/ac) Avg. Yield = 59.9 70 60 Guardian (dashed) Avg. Yield = 58.5 50 y = .958x + 1.072 R2 = 0.93 40 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Canvas (bu/ac) The graph above compares two HRW wheats, Canvas and Guardian. At all yield levels shown, Guardian (dashed) is below the Canvas line. If Canvas is expected to yield 60 bu/ac, Guardian is predicted to yield 59 bu/ac. 14
Yield Regression of WB4418 and Fortify SF Dryland Variety Trial Results (29 location-years, 2018, 2019, 2021) 100 90 80 Fortify SF (solid) Yield (bu/ac) Avg. Yield = 61.5 70 60 WB4418 (dashed) Avg. Yield = 56.2 50 y = .972x + 0.254 R2 = 0.83 40 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Fortify SF Yield (bu/ac) The final graph above shows the comparison of two varieties that show tolerance to wheat stem sawfly, Fortify SF (semi-solid stem) and WB4418 (hollow stem). The regression line of WB4418 (dashed) is below the Fortify SF line at all yield levels shown and is expected to yield lower than Fortify SF. If Fortify SF is expected to yield 60 bu/ac, WB4418 is expected to yield 59 bu/ac. 15
2021 Collaborative On-Farm Test (COFT) Variety Performance Results Jerry Johnson, Sally Jones-Diamond, Wilma Trujillo, Dennis Kaan, Ron Meyer, Todd Ballard, and Bruce Fickenscher In the fall of 2020, twenty-four eastern Colorado wheat producers received seed of the six varieties and planted them in side-by-side strips under the same conditions as the wheat in the rest of the field. Seventeen viable harvest results were obtained due to drought conditions and hail that occurred during the growing season. The objective of our on-farm testing program is to compare the performance of wheat varieties that are of most interest to Colorado farmers under farmer conditions. Six varieties were included in all tests. All varieties were HRW class and included Byrd CL Plus, Canvas, Crescent AX, Fortify SF, Guardian, and Whistler. Byrd CL Plus is a two-gene Clearfield® version of Byrd, but it is slightly taller and has better straw strength than Byrd. It is an early maturing, high-yielding, and popular variety in CO. Canvas is a medium maturity variety with good stripe rust resistance and wheat curl mite resistance. Crescent AX is a CoAXium® variety to be used in that production system based on Aggressor® herbicide. Crescent AX is an early maturity variety with wheat curl mite resistance from its Byrd parent. Fortify SF is the first Colorado-bred semi-solid wheat to help combat the wheat stem sawfly. The yield performance of Fortify SF is greatly improved over many solid-stemmed varieties bred in the northern plains. Guardian is a medium maturity variety with superior resistance to wheat viruses, including WSMV and good resistance to all three predominant rusts (stripe, leaf, and stem). Whistler is a later-maturing variety with good stripe rust resistance and wheat curl mite resistance. Colorado State University Extension agents oversaw all aspects of the program. The COFT program is in its 25th year and the majority of Colorado’s winter wheat acreage is planted to varieties that have been tested in the program. On-farm testing leads to more rapid replacement of older inferior varieties and wider and faster adoption of improved varieties. The varieties tested in COFT this year fit different farmer needs and readers are encouraged to study the tables in the Description of Winter Wheat Varieties in Eastern Colorado and the Dryland Decision Tree for more information. Summary of 2021 COFT Variety Results (17 tests included) Variety Yielda Test Weight Protein bu/ac lb/bu percent Crescent AX 49 59 12 Whistler 49 57 12 Canvas 48 58 12 Fortify SF 47 58 12 Byrd CL Plus 46 57 12 Guardian 45 59 12 Average 47 58 12 LSD(0.30) 1.3 a Yield corrected to 12% moisture. 16
2021 Collaborative On-Farm Test (COFT) Variety Performance Results 2021 Collaborative On-Farm Test (COFT) Variety Performance Results 2021 Varieties (ranked left to right by highest yield) Crescent AX Whistler Canvas Fortify SF Byrd CL Plus Guardian COFT Average Test Test Test Test Test Test Test a a a a a a a County/Nearest Town Yield Weight Protein Yield Weight Protein Yield Weight Protein Yield Weight Protein Yield Weight Protein Yield Weight Protein Yield Weight Protein bu/ac lb/bu percent bu/ac lb/bu percent bu/ac lb/bu percent bu/ac lb/bu percent bu/ac lb/bu percent bu/ac lb/bu percent bu/ac lb/bu percent Adams/Bennett N 51 60 12 46 58 13 51 59 12 44 58 12 47 59 11 40 58 12 47 59 12 Adams/Prospect Valley 36 58 13 46 59 12 37 58 13 34 59 12 36 58 13 36 59 12 38 59 13 Bent/Lamar SW 33 60 13 34 58 13 34 61 13 38 59 12 33 59 13 32 60 14 34 60 13 Kit Carson/Bethune 51 62 13 56 59 13 49 62 13 52 61 13 56 60 12 49 61 14 52 61 13 Kit Carson/Burlington E 65 59 12 57 56 13 63 58 13 60 57 12 55 56 12 58 58 13 60 58 12 Kit Carson/Burlington S 85 61 9 80 61 9 84 61 10 80 60 9 84 59 9 79 62 10 82 61 9 Kit Carson/Seibert 25 59 - 28 58 - 27 60 - 26 57 - 19 57 - 29 60 - 26 58 - Lincoln/Karval 33 55 8 33 52 9 37 56 9 38 54 9 39 54 9 30 55 9 35 54 9 Logan/Fleming 54 64 11 60 64 9 60 62 10 62 62 10 57 63 9 58 65 10 58 63 10 Logan/Leroy 57 64 13 68 63 11 59 62 12 54 64 12 52 64 12 66 63 12 59 63 12 Phillips/Haxtun 66 57 14 61 52 14 57 54 14 62 55 14 61 54 14 60 56 15 61 55 14 Phillips/Holyoke 64 60 14 47 56 16 51 56 15 51 59 14 47 56 15 46 57 15 51 57 15 Prowers/Holly 14 48 14 17 44 14 14 48 14 17 49 14 11 45 13 13 45 15 14 47 14 Sedgwick/Julesburg 49 60 12 52 59 12 54 62 12 51 61 12 55 60 12 50 60 12 52 60 12 Sedgwick/Julesburg S 31 58 12 33 57 12 31 57 12 36 59 12 29 54 13 34 58 12 32 57 12 Washington/Akron 56 63 9 58 63 9 56 63 8 46 61 11 55 61 10 - 62 9 54 62 9 Yuma/Yuma 56 57 11 50 54 12 56 57 11 54 56 12 47 54 12 47 58 12 52 56 11 Average 49 59 12 49 57 12 48 58 12 47 58 12 46 57 12 45 59 12 48 58 12 b Yield Significance A A A A,B B,C C LSD (P
CSU Fall 2021 Dryland Winter Wheat Decision Tree CSU Fall 2021 Dryland Winter Wheat Decision Tree 18
Summary of 2021 Irrigated Winter Wheat Variety Performance Results 2021 Individual Trial Yielda 2021 Multi-Location Average Fort Test Brand/Source VarietybBurlington Collins Holyoke Yield Yield Weight Protein Height bu/ac bu/ac % of avg lb/bu % in WestBred WB4595 118 119 59 99 110% 60 13 34 PlainsGold Snowmass 2.0 110 104 76 97 108% 59 11 34 PlainsGold Brawl CL Plus 110 108 66 95 106% 60 14 37 PlainsGold Monarch 109 110 65 94 105% 59 12 34 Kansas Wheat Alliance KS Silverado 108 99 72 93 104% 60 13 34 PlainsGold Canvas 101 105 70 92 102% 60 12 33 CROPLAN by WinField United CP7017AX 105 102 67 91 102% 59 14 33 PlainsGold Crescent AX 105 92 74 90 100% 60 13 38 WestBred WB4418 99 112 58 90 100% 59 13 34 CROPLAN by WinField United CP7050AX 102 103 64 90 100% 61 14 38 Kansas Wheat Alliance KS Hamilton 99 99 69 89 99% 58 13 32 PlainsGold Breck 106 95 65 88 98% 60 13 35 Oklahoma Genetics Inc. Lonerider 104 105 55 88 98% 60 14 33 PlainsGold Amplify SF 101 90 66 86 96% 59 13 35 Oklahoma Genetics Inc. Breakthrough 102 91 62 85 95% 60 14 33 PlainsGold Kivari AX 92 83 67 81 90% 57 13 35 PlainsGold Guardian 88 80 68 79 88% 59 13 35 Experimentals Colorado State University exp. CO18D007W 120 114 70 101 113% 59 13 35 Allegiant EXP 303 116 112 68 99 110% 62 13 34 Allegiant EXP 301 110 100 73 95 105% 59 14 36 Colorado State University exp. CO16D1487 105 108 67 93 104% 60 12 36 Colorado State University exp. CO18D297R 112 91 70 91 102% 58 13 36 Colorado State University exp. CO16D402W 108 95 67 90 100% 57 11 33 Colorado State University exp. CO13007-F6R 108 92 69 90 100% 59 13 37 Colorado State University exp. CO16SF032 106 96 67 90 100% 59 14 38 Colorado State University exp. CO16SF070 98 97 60 85 95% 56 13 34 Colorado State University exp. CO16SF067 91 82 64 79 88% 59 13 37 Colorado State University exp. CO18D076W 99 58 67 75 83% 57 13 36 Average 105 98 67 90 59 13 35 c LSD (0.30) 5 5 4 c LSD (0.05) 9 10 8 a Varieties in the top LSD yield group in each location are in bold. b Varieties ranked according to released varieties or experimentals, and then by average yield across three trials in 2021. c Farmers selecting a variety based on yield should use the LSD (0.30) to protect from false negative decisions. Companies or researchers may be interested in the LSD (0.05) to avoid false positive conclusions. The data included in this table may not be republished without permission. Contact Jerry Johnson ( or Sally Jones-Diamond ( 19
Summary of 2-year (2020 and 2021) Irrigated Variety Performance Results 2-Year Averagea Market Test Plant Varietyb Brand/Source Classc Yield Yield Weight Test Weight Lodging Height bu/ac % trial average lb/bu % trial average avg score (1-9)d in WB4595 WestBred HRW 91 110% 60 101% 2 33 EXP 303 Allegiant HRW 90 110% 61 103% 1 32 Snowmass 2.0 PlainsGold HWW 87 105% 59 99% 5 33 KS Silverado Kansas Wheat Alliance HWW 87 105% 61 103% 4 33 Canvas PlainsGold HRW 86 104% 59 100% 4 32 Monarch PlainsGold HWW 86 104% 59 99% 3 32 Brawl CL Plus PlainsGold HRW 84 102% 60 101% 2 34 Crescent AX PlainsGold HRW 84 102% 60 101% 8 35 CP7017AX CROPLAN by WinField United HRW 83 101% 59 100% 7 32 Breck PlainsGold HWW 81 98% 60 101% 5 34 CP7050AX CROPLAN by WinField United HRW 80 97% 61 102% 4 35 CO16SF032 Colorado State University exp. HRW 80 97% 59 100% 7 36 Kivari AX PlainsGold HRW 79 96% 58 97% 9 34 CO16SF070 Colorado State University exp. HRW 79 96% 57 96% 3 32 Amplify SF PlainsGold HRW 77 93% 59 99% 4 34 Guardian PlainsGold HRW 76 92% 59 100% 7 34 CO16SF067 Colorado State University exp. HRW 73 88% 59 99% 8 35 Average 83 59 5 33 a The 2-year average yield and test weight are based on six trials (three 2021 and three 2020). Plant heights are based on four trials (two 2021 and two 2020 trials). Lodging scores based on three trials (two 2021 and one 2020 trials). b Varieties ranked according to average 2-year yield. c Market class: HRW=hard red winter wheat; HWW=hard white winter wheat. d Lodging score: 1 equals no lodging and 9 is severe lodging 20
v a 3-Year Average Market Test Plant b Variety Brand/Source Classc Yield Yield Weight Test Weight Height bu/ac % trial average lb/bu % trial average in WB4595 WestBred HRW 87 106% 60 101% 32 Monarch PlainsGold HWW 85 103% 59 99% 32 Snowmass 2.0 PlainsGold HWW 84 102% 59 99% 32 Canvas PlainsGold HRW 83 101% 60 100% 31 Crescent AX PlainsGold HRW 83 100% 60 100% 35 Breck PlainsGold HWW 82 98% 60 101% 33 Guardian PlainsGold HRW 79 95% 60 100% 32 Brawl CL Plus PlainsGold HRW 78 95% 60 100% 33 Average 83 60 32 a The 3-year average yield and test weight are based on nine trials (three 2021, three 2020, and three 2019 trials). Plant heights are based on six trials (two 2021, two 2020, and two 2019 trials). b Varieties ranked according to average 3-year yield. c Market class: HRW=hard red winter wheat; HWW=hard white winter wheat. 21
CSU Fall 2021 Irrigated Winter Wheat Decision Tree CSU Fall 2021 Irrigated Winter Wheat Decision Tree 22
Important Variety Selection Considerations Jerry Johnson and Sally Jones-Diamond It is not possible to accurately predict which variety will perform best in each field every year. However, there are some selection guidelines to improve the ability to select superior varieties. The variety performance summary tables and decision trees in this report provide useful information to farmers for improving variety selections. Other guidelines that improve selections are below. Focus on multi-year and location yield summary results when selecting a variety – use results from the three-year variety performance trials and from the collaborative on-farm tests. Pay attention to ratings for maturity, plant height, coleoptile length, disease and insect resistance, and end-use quality characteristics. Refer to the Description of Winter Wheat Varieties in Eastern Colorado Dryland and Irrigated Trials (2021) for variety-specific information. Use the wheat variety database, a great resource to aid in variety selection. Individual variety information is available in addition to multiple methods of comparing varieties: Some other factors that influence the success of a wheat crop that should not be neglected: Control volunteer wheat and weeds to avoid loss of valuable soil moisture and to avoid creating a green bridge that could lead to serious virus disease infections vectored by the wheat curl mite (wheat streak mosaic virus, high plains wheat mosaic virus, and triticum mosaic virus) or vectored by aphids (barley yellow dwarf virus and cereal yellow dwarf virus). Be aware of current ratings for stripe rust resistance as well as the potential of new races of stripe rust to develop unexpectedly. If variety susceptibility, market prices, expected yield, and fungicide and application costs warrant an application, consult the North Central Regional Committee on Management of Small Grain Diseases (NCERA-184) fungicide efficacy chart. Updates to this chart can be found on the CSU Wheat Breeding Program “Wheat Links” page ( Plant treated seed for protection against common bunt (stinking smut) and other seed- borne diseases. Information on seed treatments is available from Kansas State University at: Soil sample to determine optimum fertilizer application rates. Sampling should be done prior to planting. Information on fertilizing winter wheat is available from Colorado State University Extension at: Plant seeds per acre and not pounds per acre. Different varieties and seed lots can vary widely in seed size. Refer to How to Calibrate Your Drill available online at (click on the winter wheat tab) or at this URL: 23
Description of Winter Wheat Varieties in Eastern Colorado Dryland and Irrigated Trials (2021) Name/Class/Pedigree Origin HD HT SS COL** YR LR SR WSMV+ TW PRO++ MILLBAKE Comments AP Roadrunner Agripro 2020 7 6 5 2 2 3 8 4 6 -- 2 1 Agripro release (2020). First entered in CSU variety trials in 2020. Medium- late variety with good winter hardiness and resistance to WSMV. Good leaf Hard red winter and stripe rust resistance. Undisclosed AP Solid Agripro 2021 7 5 4 -- 6 6 5 6 3 -- 3 4 Agripro release (2021). First entered in CSU variety trials in 2020. Medium- late semi-solid stem variety for use in managing wheat stem sawfly. Very good Hard red winter test weight and straw strength. Undisclosed Avery CSU 2015 5 7 5 5 8 8 8 2 5 7 4 3 CSU release (2015), marketed by PlainsGold. Doubled haploid-derived line, similar to Byrd with higher yield potential, larger kernels and slightly improved Hard red winter quality. Carries wheat curl mite resistance from TAM 112 parent. Susceptible TAM 112/Byrd to stripe rust. Brawl CL Plus CSU 2011 2 6 1 8 6 6 7 5 4 1 3 3 CSU release (2011), marketed by PlainsGold. Two-gene Clearfield wheat. Excellent test weight, straw strength, milling and baking quality. Early maturity, Hard red winter medium height, long coleoptile. Intermediate reaction to both stripe rust and Teal 11A/Above//CO99314 leaf rust. Certified seed only. Breakthrough OK 2020 4 4 3 - 5 5 3 3 2 4 2 3 OSU release (2020). Good resistance to WSMV and stem rust. Very good test weight and milling quality, and above-average protein. Hard red winter Wsm1-Overley/Fuller//CO050270/3/CO050337-8 Breck CSU 2017 4 6 3 7 3 5 2 4 1 1 2 3 CSU release (2017), marketed by PlainsGold in CWRF-Ardent Mills UltraGrain Premium Program. Good stripe rust resistance, sprouting tolerance, straw Hard white winter strength, grain protein deviation, and quality. Very high test weight, lower Denali/HV9W07-482W//Antero polyphenol oxidase (PPO) activity for improved whole grain bread and noodle quality. Certified seed only. Byrd CSU 2011 3 6 7 5 8 7 8 2 4 7 4 3 CSU release (2011), marketed by PlainsGold. Excellent drought tolerance and quality. Average test weight and straw strength. Moderately susceptible to Hard red winter stripe rust. Carries wheat curl mite resistance from TAM 112 parent. TAM 112/CO970547-7 Byrd CL Plus CSU 2018 5 7 5 4 8 5 8 5 5 7 5 5 CSU release (2018), marketed by PlainsGold. Two-gene Clearfield wheat in Byrd background. Highly similar to Byrd with exception of tolerance to Beyond Hard red winter herbicide. Has shown some non solid-stem based tolerance to wheat stem CO06072/4*Byrd sawfly. Certified seed only. Dryland and Irrigated Trials (2021) Canvas CSU 2018 5 3 1 6 3 6 2 3 3 5 3 3 CSU release (2018), marketed by PlainsGold. Hard red winter, medium maturing, medium-short, good straw strength. Good stripe and stem rust Hard red winter resistance and carries wheat curl mite resistance from Byrd parent. Good test Denali/Antero//Byrd weight and milling and baking quality. CO16SF027 CSU EXP 5 6 5 6 4 -- -- -- 3 6 4 6 CSU release (2021), marketed by PlainsGold. Medium height, medium- maturity. Carries semi-solid stem trait for partial resistance to the wheat stem Hard red winter sawfly. Certified seed only. Bearpaw/Antero//Antero Description of Winter Wheat Varieties in Eastern Colorado Column Key - heading date (HD), plant height (HT), straw strength (SS), coleoptile length (COL), stripe rust resistance (YR), leaf rust resistance (LR), stem rust resistance (SR), wheat streak mosaic virus tolerance (WSMV), test weight (TW), protein (PRO), milling (MILL) and baking quality (BAKE). Rating scale: 1 - very good, very resistant, very early, or very short to 9 - very poor, very susceptible, very late, or very tall/long. ** Coleoptile length ratings range from 1=very short (~ 50 mm or ~2 in) to 9=very long (~100 mm or ~4 in). Coleoptile lengths should be interpreted for relative variety comparisons only. + WSMV ratings are based on field evaluations in Colorado under pressure from wheat curl mite transmitted viruses. Scores may reflect both resistance to the wheat curl mite and resistance to mite- transmitted viruses. ++ PRO ratings represent “grain protein deviation” (relative grain protein level accounting for differences in grain yield). 24
Description of Winter Wheat Varieties in Eastern Colorado Dryland and Irrigated Trials (2021) Name/Class/Pedigree Origin HD HT SS COL** YR LR SR WSMV+ TW PRO++ MILLBAKE Comments CO16SF032 CSU EXP 5 8 5 6 5 -- -- -- 3 5 4 6 CSU experimental line, on increase for potential release. Semi-solid stem for partial resistance to the wheat stem sawfly. Hard red winter Bearpaw/Antero//Antero CO16SF067 CSU EXP 6 7 5 8 2 -- -- -- 3 1 5 4 CSU experimental line, on increase for potential release. Semi-solid stem for partial resistance to the wheat stem sawfly. Hard red winter Antero/Judee//Antero CO16SF070 CSU EXP 3 4 5 4 5 1 4 -- 5 4 5 6 CSU experimental line, on increase for potential release. Semi-solid stem for partial resistance to the wheat stem sawfly. Hard red winter Antero/Judee//Antero CP7017AX Croplan 2020 5 5 3 4 3 4 1 -- 7 6 5 7 CROPLAN by WinField United release (2020). First entered into CSU trials in 2020. CoAXium wheat for winter annual grassy weed control. Strong yield Hard red winter potential, strong drought tolerance, tolerates acid soils and resistant to Undisclosed soilborne mosaic virus. Certified seed only. CP7050AX Croplan 2020 1 5 3 6 1 3 7 -- 3 1 3 5 CROPLAN by WinField United release (2020). First entered into CSU trials in 2020. CoAXium wheat for winter annual grassy weed control. Excellent yield Hard red winter potential, early maturity, strong straw, good test weight, tolerance to acid soils, Undisclosed good resistance to stripe rust and soilborne mosaic virus. Certified seed only. Crescent AX CSU 2018 2 6 5 5 4 6 -- 2 3 8 3 3 CSU release (2018), marketed by PlainsGold. CoAXium wheat for winter annual grassy weed control. Approximately 66% Byrd and 34% Hatcher Hard red winter parentage. Earlier and much improved yield and test weight relative to Incline (AF28/Byrd)//(AF10/2*Byrd) AX. Intermediate reaction to stripe rust and carries wheat curl mite resistance from Byrd parent. Certified seed only. Denali CSU 2011 7 7 2 5 7 6 3 4 4 8 4 6 CSU release (2011), marketed by PlainsGold and Kansas Wheat Alliance in Kansas. Excellent test weight. Medium tall, medium-late, medium-long Hard red winter coleoptile. Good straw strength and average quality. Moderate susceptibility to CO980829/TAM 111 stripe and leaf rust. Fortify SF CSU 2019 4 6 8 4 7 7 4 2 4 6 5 6 CSU release (2019), marketed by PlainsGold. Medium height, medium maturity. Carries wheat curl mite resistance from Byrd parent and semi-solid Hard red winter stem trait for partial resistance to the wheat stem sawfly. Certified seed only. Byrd/Bearpaw//Byrd Guardian CSU 2019 5 5 7 5 3 4 2 1 2 1 4 3 CSU release (2019), marketed by PlainsGold. Medium height, medium maturity. Excellent resistance to WSMV due to combination of resistance to Hard red winter wheat curl mite and the virus itself. Good combined resistance to all three Antero/Snowmass//Byrd rusts, good test weight, good milling and baking quality, high grain protein deviation. Certified seed only. Hatcher CSU 2004 5 4 7 5 4 7 3 6 5 8 5 4 CSU release (2004), marketed by PlainsGold. Medium maturing semidwarf. Good test weight, moderate resistance to stripe rust, good milling and baking Hard red winter quality. Develops “leaf speckling” condition. Yuma/PI 372129//TAM-200/3/4*Yuma/4/KS91H184/Vista Column Key - heading date (HD), plant height (HT), straw strength (SS), coleoptile length (COL), stripe rust resistance (YR), leaf rust resistance (LR), stem rust resistance (SR), wheat streak mosaic virus tolerance (WSMV), test weight (TW), protein (PRO), milling (MILL) and baking quality (BAKE). Rating scale: 1 - very good, very resistant, very early, or very short to 9 - very poor, very susceptible, very late, or very tall/long. ** Coleoptile length ratings range from 1=very short (~ 50 mm or ~2 in) to 9=very long (~100 mm or ~4 in). Coleoptile lengths should be interpreted for relative variety comparisons only. + WSMV ratings are based on field evaluations in Colorado under pressure from wheat curl mite transmitted viruses. Scores may reflect both resistance to the wheat curl mite and resistance to mite- transmitted viruses. ++ PRO ratings represent “grain protein deviation” (relative grain protein level accounting for differences in grain yield). 25
Description of Winter Wheat Varieties in Eastern Colorado Dryland and Irrigated Trials (2021) Name/Class/Pedigree Origin Comments HD HT SS COL** YR LR SR WSMV+ TW PRO++ MILLBAKE Kivari AX CSU 2020 4 5 7 5 8 8 5 3 5 8 5 3 CSU release (2020), marketed by PlainsGold. CoAXium wheat for winter annual grassy weed control. Higher yielding and slightly later maturing than Hard red winter Crescent AX. Intermediate reaction to stripe rust and carries wheat curl mite (AF28/Byrd)//(AF10/2*Byrd) resistance from Byrd parent. Certified seed only. KS Dallas KS-Hays 2019 6 4 6 6 4 2 1 2 6 6 3 3 KSU-Hays release (2019), marketed by the Kansas Wheat Alliance. First entered in CSU variety trials in 2020. Medium maturity, medium height, Hard red winter average straw strength, medium-long coleoptile, moderate to intermediate KS08HW112-6//TX03A0148/Danby TR resistance to stripe rust, good leaf rust resistance, very good wheat streak mosaic virus resistance, good quality. KS Hamilton KS-Hays 2020 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 3 4 4 5 5 KSU-Hays release (2020), marketed by the Kansas Wheat Alliance. First entered in CSU variety trials in 2020. Medium maturity, medium height, and Hard red winter good resistance to WSMV. Intermediate reaction to stripe rust and leaf rust. KS08HW176-4//Bill Brown/KS08HW61-2 KS Silverado KS-Hays 2019 2 3 3 5 4 2 2 3 2 2 3 3 KSU-Hays release (2019), marketed by the Kansas Wheat Alliance. First entered in CSU variety trials in 2020. Early maturity, medium-short, good straw Hard white winter strength, good to moderate resistance to stripe rust, leaf rust, and wheat streak KS05HW122-5-2//KS05HW15-2-2/KS06HW46-3 mosaic virus. Good test weight, good milling and baking quality, good pre- harvest sprouting tolerance. Langin CSU 2016 2 3 7 4 3 6 8 6 5 6 5 2 CSU release (2016), marketed by PlainsGold. Early maturing semidwarf. Good drought stress tolerance and winterhardiness, stripe rust resistance, and Hard red winter quality. Medium coleoptile. Carries wheat curl mite resistance from Byrd CO050270/Byrd parent. Very high yield potential for irrigation, but straw strength requires use of growth regulator. LCS Atomic AX Limagrain 2019 2 5 1 5 1 2 9 -- 4 -- 7 9 Limagrain release (2019), first entered in CSU Variety Trials in 2021. CoAXium wheat for winter annual grassy weed control. Excellent straw Hard red winter strength and resistance to stripe rust. Certified seed only. Undisclosed LCS Helix AX Limagrain 2019 4 4 3 6 7 4 2 -- 3 8 4 2 Limagrain release (2018), first entered in CSU Variety Trials in 2020. CoAXium wheat for winter annual grassy weed control. Broad adaptation, good Hard red winter resistance to stem rust and Fusarium head blight. Certified seed only. Undisclosed LCS Julep Limagrain 2020 5 7 7 5 2 4 4 -- 4 -- 5 4 Limagrain release (2020). First entered in CSU variety trials in 2020. Medium maturity variety with very good stripe rust resistance and intermediate stem Hard red winter and leaf rust resistance. Certified seed only. Undisclosed Lonerider OK 2017 1 3 2 2 5 5 8 9 4 5 4 5 Oklahoma State University release (2017) and marketed by Oklahoma Genetics Inc. Dual-purpose variety, but better intended for grain-only, under Hard red winter intensive management. Very early maturity and good standability. Billings/OK08328 Monarch CSU 2018 5 3 1 4 5 5 2 4 4 8 5 4 CSU release (2018), marketed by PlainsGold. Hard white winter with excellent straw strength and very high irrigated yield potential. Good stripe rust Hard white winter resistance. Quality more similar to Breck, but very low PPO. Certified seed CO07W722-F5/Snowmass//CO07W722-F5 only. Column Key - heading date (HD), plant height (HT), straw strength (SS), coleoptile length (COL), stripe rust resistance (YR), leaf rust resistance (LR), stem rust resistance (SR), wheat streak mosaic virus tolerance (WSMV), test weight (TW), protein (PRO), milling (MILL) and baking quality (BAKE). Rating scale: 1 - very good, very resistant, very early, or very short to 9 - very poor, very susceptible, very late, or very tall/long. ** Coleoptile length ratings range from 1=very short (~ 50 mm or ~2 in) to 9=very long (~100 mm or ~4 in). Coleoptile lengths should be interpreted for relative variety comparisons only. + WSMV ratings are based on field evaluations in Colorado under pressure from wheat curl mite transmitted viruses. Scores may reflect both resistance to the wheat curl mite and resistance to mite- transmitted viruses. ++ PRO ratings represent “grain protein deviation” (relative grain protein level accounting for differences in grain yield). 26
Description of Winter Wheat Varieties in Eastern Colorado Dryland and Irrigated Trials (2021) Name/Class/Pedigree Origin Comments HD HT SS COL** YR LR SR WSMV+ TW PRO++ MILLBAKE Snowmass 2.0 CSU 2018 3 4 3 5 4 5 1 3 4 4 4 1 CSU release (2018), marketed by PlainsGold in CWRF-Ardent Mills Ultragrain Premium Program. Hard white wheat, quality profile very similar to Snowmass Hard white winter but low PPO and better grain protein deviation. Good stripe and stem rust CO07W722-F5/Snowmass//Brawl CL Plus resistance and wheat streak mosaic virus resistance. Good straw strength, good test weight. Certified seed only. Warhorse MT 2013 9 4 3 5 3 7 4 -- 5 5 7 2 Montana State University release (2013). First entered in CSU Variety Trials in 2014. Carries solid stem trait conferring some protection against wheat stem Hard red winter sawfly damage. High stem solidness rating (21.6). High PPO variety. MT9908//Nuplains/MTS9862 WB4418 Westbred 2017 4 2 1 2 4 4 -- 5 6 6 8 4 Westbred release (2017), first entered in CSU trials in 2018. Medium short plant height, medium maturity, with excellent straw strength. Average to above Hard red winter average fungal and viral disease package. Has shown some non solid-stem XA4402 based tolerance to wheat stem sawfly. Grower Agreement requires no saved seed. Certified seed only. WB4595 Westbred 2018 5 5 3 4 4 4 -- 4 3 9 4 9 Westbred release (2018), first entered in CSU trials in 2019. Medium plant height, medium maturity, with very good drought tolerance and standability, so Hard red winter a good fit for either irrigated or dryland acres. Very good fungal and viral Undisclosed disease package. Very poor baking quality. Grower Agreement required, no saved seed. Certified Seed Only. Whistler CSU 2018 8 7 9 5 3 6 1 2 6 5 7 3 CSU release (2018), marketed by PlainsGold. Hard red winter, later maturing, tall, marginal straw strength. Good stripe and stem rust resistance and carries Hard red winter wheat curl mite resistance from Byrd parent. Very good milling and baking CO08W218/Snowmass//Byrd quality. Column Key - heading date (HD), plant height (HT), straw strength (SS), coleoptile length (COL), stripe rust resistance (YR), leaf rust resistance (LR), stem rust resistance (SR), wheat streak mosaic virus tolerance (WSMV), test weight (TW), protein (PRO), milling (MILL) and baking quality (BAKE). Rating scale: 1 - very good, very resistant, very early, or very short to 9 - very poor, very susceptible, very late, or very tall/long. ** Coleoptile length ratings range from 1=very short (~ 50 mm or ~2 in) to 9=very long (~100 mm or ~4 in). Coleoptile lengths should be interpreted for relative variety comparisons only. + WSMV ratings are based on field evaluations in Colorado under pressure from wheat curl mite transmitted viruses. Scores may reflect both resistance to the wheat curl mite and resistance to mite- transmitted viruses. ++ PRO ratings represent “grain protein deviation” (relative grain protein level accounting for differences in grain yield). 27
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