COVID Update and Spring 2021 In-Person Learning - February 9, 2021 - BoardDocs

Page created by Martin West
COVID Update and Spring 2021 In-Person Learning - February 9, 2021 - BoardDocs
COVID Update and Spring
2021 In-Person Learning
     February 9, 2021
COVID Update and Spring 2021 In-Person Learning - February 9, 2021 - BoardDocs
Local Metrics
 The DuPage County Health Department reports either
 Minimal or Moderate Community Tra ns mis s ion ris k
 unde r its COVID S chool Me trics Guide :
       February 5, 2021            January 29, 2021
      Substantial Community      Substantial Community
          Transmission               Transmission
     (Bolded Metrics Indicate   (Bolded Metrics Indicate
           Substantial)               Substantial)

        Positivity – 5.7%           Positivity – 7.0%
    New Cases Per 100K - 168    New Cases Per 100K - 232
       New Cases – 1,564           New Cases – 2,152
       Youth Cases - 341           Youth Cases - 425
COVID Update and Spring 2021 In-Person Learning - February 9, 2021 - BoardDocs
Local Metrics
Local Metrics
 ●   The Dis trict 205 seven ‐day average for COVID cases per 100,000 is below 100                 a nd the
     Dis trict 205 seven ‐day average positivity rate is below 8% . For purpos e s of a pplying this
     me tric, the a ve ra ge s will be ba s e d on the rolling a ve ra ge numbe r of pos itive COVID te s ts
     pe r da y a nd the rolling a ve ra ge COVID pos itivity ra te da ta from the Northwe s te rn Me dicine
     COVID Da s hboa rd for Unite d S ta te s P os ta l S e rvice zip code s 60126, 60106, 60101 a nd
     60523, we ighte d to re fle ct the proportion of Dis trict 205 within s uch zip code s .

               February 5, 2021                                     January 26, 2021
            Positivity Rate – 3.65%                              Positivity Rate – 5.30%
         New Cases Per 100K – 123.57                          New Cases Per 100K – 217.47
     Town                 Positivity   New Cases/        Town                 Positivity    New Cases/
                                       100K                                                 100K

     Elmhurst (91.5%)         3.54%        121.8         Elmhurst (91.5%)         5.09%         215.2

     Bensenville (6.5%)       4.82%        143.9         Bensenville (6.5%)       7.96%         253.0

     Oak Brook (1.1%)         2.37%        133.3         Oak Brook (1.1%)         4.08%         188.8

     Addison (0.9%)           7.90%        158.8         Addison (0.9%)           9.15%         226.5
Local Metrics
Local Factors
              Factor                    February 5, 2021   January 22, 2021

Positive student COVID tests
or diagnoses‐numbe r pe r
we e k a nd pe rce nta ge a s a                8                 21
whole a nd a ga ins t pre vious
we e k.
P os itive s ta ff COVID te s ts or
dia gnos e s ‐numbe r pe r we e k
                                               2                  5
a nd pe rce nta ge a s a whole
a nd a ga ins t pre vious we e k.
Numbe r of outbre a ks a t
s chool pe r we e k a nd a s                   0                  0
compa re d to pre vious we e k.
Numbe r of ca s e s with
tra ns mis s ion linke d to Dis trict
                                               0                  0
pe r we e k a nd a s compa re d to
pre vious we e k.
Local Factors
                  Factor                       February 5, 2021       January 29, 2021

Student absenteeism trend.                      93.85% Student         93.77% Student
                                                  Attendance             Attendance

Staff absenteeism trend.                    93.11% Staff Attendance     93.28% Staff

Ability to contact trace, given the then     Two contact tracers on   Offers made to two
current contact tracing employment level.
                                                   boarded.             contact tracers
Local Factors
             Factor                      February 5, 2021                    January 29, 2021

                                  The District has been able to implement and comply with safety
                                  measures at our schools including:
                                  ● We a ring of fa ce cove rings while on Dis trict prope rty
                                  ● P roviding P P E for te a che rs a nd s ta ff
                                  ● S ocia l dis ta ncing ma inta ine d whe ne ve r pos s ible
Implementation and compliance     ● Ha nd wa s hing a nd s a nitizing throughout the da y
with safety measures at school.   ● Da ily s e lf-ce rtifica tion by s tude nts a nd s ta ff
                                  ● Vis itor he a lth s cre e ning including te mpe ra ture s cre e ning
                                  ● Tra ve l s cre e ning
                                  ● He a lth monitoring a nd inte rve ntions for s tude nts or s ta ff
                                       e xpe rie ncing s ymptoms
                                  ● Ea rly Childhood s a fe ty guide line s
Local Factors
          Factor                      February 5, 2021                                January 29, 2021

                            The size of the instructional groups in the District’s hybrid model allows for social
Size of instructional
                            distancing. Specifically, student groups are of a size that allows for student desks to be
groups.                     spaced six feet apart from each other.

                            Under the current hybrid plan, general education students attend school in-person two
Characteristics and needs
                            days per week for 5 hours per day. Students with the most significant disabilities attend
of instructional groups.    school in-person four or five days per week for five hours per day.

Testing Data on students
and staff if testing is                           NA                                              NA

Illinois Department of
                                                                                  Regular Level, one surrounding at
Health regional                            Regular Level
classification for DuPage               Phase 4 of Reopening
                                                                                     Tier I Mitigations in Effect.
● K-1 February 16 (asynchronous remote day on February 12)
● 2nd Grade February 22 (asynchronous remote day on February
● 3-5th Grade March 1 (asynchronoous remote day on February
● A and B students returned to school on Wednesdays beginning
  February 3 and will continue attending on Wednesdays until their
  grade level is full in-person
● Families will receive a communication the week of March 22 and
  have a second opportunity to declare their intent for in-person or
  remote instruction after spring break from April 12 through the
  end of the year.
● Terminology:
   ● 3-ft. social distancing: measuring desks from center to center
   ● Section: number of students scheduled to be in a classroom at a given time
         (1 section = 25-30 students, 5 sections of Math = 120-150 students)

● Challenges:
   ● To achieve 3-ft. distance (center to center), many of the class section sizes
         do not fit into the available classroom spaces
     ●   Limited alternative classroom locations exist (even to level off sections)

● Key Questions & Answers:
   ● Q1: Can all students attend 5 days in-person and maintain 3-ft. distance?
   ● A1: No. Significant capacity challenges remain in order to maintain 3-ft.
   ● Q2: Can students return to A/B in-person hybrid and maintain 3-ft.?
   ● A2: Yes, 3-ft. social-distancing can be achieved to fullest extent possible in
         all three middle schools in the A/B in-person hybrid model.

Arrangement for
3-feet Social

(center-to-center of desk)
Middle (D205 Overview of Class “Section” Sizes)
                       Total Sections                Average Class
    School(s)        (English, Math, Sci, Social
                     Studies, World Language)         Section Size

Elementary Schools              n/a                          21.7

    Bryan MS                   129                           24.9

                                                        Note: Specialized
  Churchville MS               115                   programming such as
                                                   bilingual contribute to the
                                                     discrepant class size.

  Sandburg MS                  124                           22.6

 York High School             1062                           24.7
Middle (D205 Learning Space Square Footages)
                       Median Square
                                                        % of Students
    School(s)        Footage of Learning
                           Spaces                     Enrolled In-Person
                               * 767
Elementary Schools   (*Not Including Edison, Field,               85%

    Bryan MS                     760                              90%

  Churchville MS                 830                              71%

  Sandburg MS                    706                              86%

 York High School                831                              79%
                                   Above information is based on approximate estimations.
Middle (D205 Middle School
                       -Ft. Capacity
                             3       Challenges)
                                                                       Daily Student
                            % Sections           % Sections
          Total                                                       Interactions of
                          Over Capacity        Over Capacity
         Sections                                                     Less Than 3-Ft.
School                   if A/B Students       if All Students        if All Students
         (Average # of
         Students Per
                         (In-Person Hybrid)     (In-Person 5 Days)
           Section)                                                   (In-Person 5 Days)

 BMS        290               0.7%                    7%                    505
            (24.9)                                                       (20 Sections)

 CMS        223               1.8%                    2%                     79
            (17.8)                                                       (5 Sections)

 SMS        308               12%                    34%                   2,367
            (22.6)                                                      (105 Sections)

                                        Above information is based on approximate estimations.
Middle (continued)
● Review of Planning & Preparation (high-level):
   ● Reviewed every classroom “section”
   ● Collaborated with neighboring districts (schedules, etc.)
   ● Analyzed each learning space in each MS building to identify possible
         alternative classroom locations
          ● (cafeteria, library, makerspace, auditorium, art room, gyms, etc.)
     ●   Engaged Wight Co. to model possible class layouts and configurations
     ●   Walked and measured classrooms and other possible learning spaces
     ●   Setup mock desk configurations at 3-ft
     ●   Compared class “section” sizes to 3-ft class layouts
     ●   Attempted to level sections (to meet capacity) and find alternative
         learning locations for students
     ●   Revisited adjusting individual student schedules
     ●   Revisited the 13+ previously-designed schedule considerations
Middle (continued)
● Maintain A/B hybrid model to ensure 3-ft. social distancing at
  each Middle School
● Eliminate C rotation at Bryan and Sandburg when teachers
  are vaccinated when all eligible school employees have had
  the opportunity to receive their second vaccine
    ● Estimated elimination of C rotation March 15
● Churchville will continue to have A and B students in person
  on Wednesdays on an alternating basis, Bryan and Sandburg
  beginning on March 17
    ● Future Possibility: Data will be monitored for BMS and SMS. If the
         number of students enrolled in remote learning at Churchville remains
         as-is, there is a possibility of Churchville achieving 5 days of in-person
         learning for all students enrolled in the in-person model (this
         determination, and any other opportunities, will be made after families select any
         upcoming change in their student’s instructional delivery model for Spring, 2021)
● All students return to school four days per week in the current block
● All students participate remotely in an eight period day on
● The change will be effective when all eligible school employees
  have had the opportunity to receive their second vaccine
● The target date for implementation is March 15
Health and Safety Considerations all levels
●   Face coverings will be required
●   All other additional health and safety measures remain in place
●   3-ft. social distancing between students to the greatest extent
●   6-ft. social distancing between teachers and students to the
    greatest extent possible
●   Plexiglass barriers will be provided for teacher work stations
●   Double masking is recommended and may be required at a future
    point in time
Additional Health and Safety Considerations by Level

Elementary                 Middle                   York

Snacks—outside when        Snack and breaks--same   Surveillance Screening
possible, large spaces
indoors during inclement
weather, classrooms when
                           Surveillance Screening
Additional Considerations
•   Self-certification will be completed by 7:15 a.m. each morning
•   Designation of in-person or remote will be for the remainder of the
    year; however, families will have an opportunity to change their
    designation once prior to the end of the year.
•   In-person students who do not maintain regular attendance will be
    designated as remote
•   More quarantines are likely
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