Covid token -

Page created by Mitchell Powell
Covid token -
Covid token
Covid token -
Table of Contents

                    01   Legal Disclaimer

                    02   Introduction

                    03   Vision

                    04   Ecosystem

                    05   STAKING

                    06   Core Values

                    07   Charity

                    08   Why Covid token?

                    09   Tokenomics

                    10   Road Map
Covid token -
It is required that you read this legal disclaimer section carefully. If you have any doubts, get advice from legal,
financial, taxation, or other competent law practitioners. All of the information provided here is not intended to be

complete, and it should never be construed as a part of different contractual arrangements.

It is our firm conviction that the information provided in this white paper is accurate and up to date and that all
products, services, technical architecture, token distribution, and company timelines are accurate and up to date.
Furthermore, all of these materials may have changed without notice, and they can never be considered a signatory

agreement of advice.

No Advice:
This white paper does not obligate anybody to sign a contract or make a legally enforceable commitment to

contribute. This white paper also does not constitute any form or part of any opinion that can be construed as advice,

or that can be used to sell or solicit any offer by Trillions to purchase our token, nor shall it be construed as a part of
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Users of the Website are entirely responsible for determining what, if any, taxes, if any, apply to their transactions. The

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Covid token shall not be held liable for any loss or harm resulting from the use of this website's material, including

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Trading cryptocurrencies have a high level of risk and is not suited for all investors. You should carefully evaluate your
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                                        No Liability                   Investment
                                                                                                     No Advice
Covid token -
WHAT IS Covid token ?

Covid token has been built with one purpose to build the best-decentralized technology available to

for the people to earn bitcoin as a reward. Covid Token, a Binance smart Chain, is a decentralized

cryptocurrency platform of the modern world based on the Binance smart Chain. Covid Token will be
a ecosystem that will provide features like Staking , and charity donation to support charity

organizations that help affecties of pandemic through Covid Token. It will develop its own unique
community where People will be able to help those charity organizations that help people.

Staking and will allow users to earn yield in a form of Covid Token. We are revolutionizing the market
with a more open, accessible, and fair global financial system.
Covid Token also has integrated charity system where a part of transaction fee is donated to charity

organization to help charity organizations in running their operational programs of charities. we have
a Token by the community for the community so your vote will decide that charity is donated to
which charity organization.

    Key Features:

           BEP-20                         CHARITY                        STAKING
Covid token -

We aspire to put “cryptocurrency in every portfolio.” We envision a world where
wealth-building strategies that were once only accessible to affluent individuals
become available to everyone, transferring the power over our financial systems back
to the people. Covid token is going to create a revolutionary ecosystem to bring more
people into digital assets, helping to earn a passive income through reditribution /
reflection, by holding the Covid token along term, along with maintaining their
privacy, security, power, and autonomy. We strive to create an ecosystem based on
sound monetary policies, with a sound and solid decentralized foundation, that
should be expected with the Covid token digital asset.


                  Project Done
Covid token Staking and its Benefits

 Staking is advantageous in cryptocurrency as it generates rewards by Staking the Token on any exchange and
 generates passive income. When an investor stakes a Token and staking the pool, it is the easiest method to do,
 in a decentralized world. There is very sufficient energy consumption and stumpy probabilities of risks while
 staking than any crypto mining. Covid token is here for you.

 There are a few quantifiable benefits of Staking token with Covid token Blockchain ecosystem:

  COMPLETE                              PASSIVE INCOME                         EASE OF USE
                                        Holders earn incentives
                                                                               Ease of use is the reason why
  Covid token is a                      by staking and controlling             Covid token has more value. All
  decentralized token                   their digital wealth.                  you need is a smart device and
  with a charity focus.                 Passive income for the                 an internet connection. User can
                                        beneficiary is the reward              easily use this token to buy their
                                        of staking.                            desired product.

  ECO-FRIENDLIER                      SAFE & SECURE                            DECENTRALIZATION

  One of the major benefits for       Covid token is a safe and secure         Data is replicated in a distributed
  Covid token is that it removes      platform that is continuously           network of nodes, thus eliminating
  the need for continuously           improving the security of the           several present risks when data is
  purchasing expensive                system to ensure the safety of          stored centrally. There is no single
  hardware and consuming              the platform.                           point of failure in the case of
  energy.                                                                     Covid token.
Core Values

TRANSPARENCY                           COMMUNITY

Covid token is decentralized and       Covid token is one of the fastest
supported by its community of          growing and most loved
enthusiasts. We encourage open         communities in crypto we believe
communication and believe trust,       that only together we are strong.
transparency, and community are        Community is everything and Covid
the 3 pillars to building longevity.   token strives to include everyone
                                       from around the globe. We have
                                       telegram channels dedicated to our
                                       international communities.

In cryptocurrency market trust is
paramount. That means full
transparency not only in the           LONGEVITY
community and development but
also in security e orts. Covid token   Covid token is in for the long haul.
has been audited by a third party No   The decentralized community is
rug pulls here...                      fostering and adopting long term
                                       development of the ecosystem and
                                       foundation in e orts to drive real use
                                       cases, and greater rewards beyond
                                       any temporary trends.

We motivate our token holders to create better lives for the pandemic affectives
who have faced serious economic recession. Covid token wants to encourage and
inspire humanity and support people around the Globe. We expect to help our
impoverished community members in our country and worldwide. Our vision is to
create a world in which every time you give money to charity and good causes you
can have total trust that your funds are going exactly where you want them to. Our
platform is outside the pandemic process during the pandemic process; aims to
increase cooperation and solidarity on a universal scale. Our platform will primarily
help the communities of people and people who need the most help. We would like
to thank our valued users around the world who have made purchases and
supported us in our assistance project.

Contribute to our support project with a small investment.

Corona virus entered our life at December 1st, 2019, with the first case in Wuhan, China. Our world has been
trying to cope with Covid-19 for more than a year
Unfortunately, even water problems have not been solved in Africa yet, it does not seem possible for them to
deal with Covid-19.The aim of our project has been started to provide mask, disinfectant, food and beverage for
African poor people.


Every transfer and trade you make with Covid Token 1% will be sent to our aid fund automatically, With the
Covid Tokens accumulated in the fund wallet, aid packages are sent to Africa. Our help packages are delivered
to those in need regularly every month.
You can add the products you want to be sent in the surveys we make from our social media account.More
transfers more HELP

ONLY 1 billion TOKEN

Covid Token is limited to 1 billion units.2% tokens will be burned in every 1000 wallets.When 10000 wallets are
reached, 5% token burn will be made every 2 months.In this process, 50% of 1 billion pieces will be burned.

Binance Blockchain compliant

Covid token is an binance-compliant token means that it supports.






80 % of token are burn in order to maintain the price fluctuation and 10.5% funds are allocated to charity as it is charity
focused token. 6% are fixed for rewards to stake.

                                             Airdrop and Reference Program
                                            Charity Fund

                       STAKE                  10.46%



   10% of total tax is charged on every transaction and
   which is divided into followings:
   5% of each transaction will go to the investor Wallet.
   4% of every transaction contribute to the liquidity pool.
   1% of every transaction is distributed to African charity.

                                                              African charity.

                                                                                       Investor Wallet
                                             Liquidity pool
                                 Phase 1
                                  APRIL 2021
                                  Publishing Website

  Phase 2                         Pre-Sell

  MAY 2021
  Start of ICO Sale
  Listing at Pancakeswap
                                 Phase 3
                                 MAY 2021
                                  Listing at XT Exchange
                                  Listing at INDOEX

   Phase 4
   JUN 2021
   Burning %80 of Covidtoken     Phase 5
                                  JULY 2021
                                   Installing STAKE Function
                                   Listing at Vindax
  Phase 6                          Helping 2000 Families

   August 2021
    Listing at CMC
    Listing at Coingecko
                                 Phase 7
                                  September 2021
                                   Helping to 5000 Families
   Phase 8
    October 2021
     Hand over Team Wallets to
     Helping Wallet

                                 Phase 9
                                  November 2021
                                   Listing at Huobi
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