Page created by Warren Sharp

             AUGUST 2021

  ICN UK | Unit 2b, Stoney House, 26-30 Stoney Street, Nottingham, NG1 1LL

                    PHP Web & iOS/Android Apps Developer Role

About the Company
ICN has been headquartered in Nottingham’s Creative Quarter since the summer of 2013,
and currently has a team of 6 employees, a number it is planning to increase to 10 or 11
during the remainder of 2021. There are three parts to ICN: ICN Apps, ICN Media and ICN

The 3 areas can function as separate disciplines while also helping and cross fertilising each
other. Employees work across all three at different times of their role and to varying levels,
applying their levels of specialisation and knowledge as they are required.

ICN Apps
ICN Apps have received 15 accreditations on Apple iTunes, Google Play and Windows
Marketplace, two of its Apps have featured in the Sunday Times ‘Top 500 Apps in the World’
list, as well as numerous award nominations. ICN Apps has published products aimed at
American, Indian and Chinese consumers as well as for a UK audience. ICN has an App
ready for publication on iOS ITunes called ‘Boxing Buddy’. This is designed to be part of a
‘second screen sports’ App series, and is being used as a prototype to secure funding for
marketing scalability. It will be published once elite boxing launches again. ICN has also just
launched a digital media platform for model agencies called Platform Metis, which focuses
on SEO, social media, web support, video and Apps again.

ICN Media
ICN Media started a digital marketing agency in September 2017 and now has over 35
clients, 12 of which are on retainer. The client list includes the likes of Helly Hansen and
Nottingham Forest FC, and ICN now wants to expand its team with very specific job roles so
that each member of the team has a clear role/responsibility, a ‘specialism’ going forward.
ICN Media has 17 digital products to offer clients, and the company has also just invested in
upgrading state of the art kit such as new software, upgraded hardware, new lights, mics
and cameras, including a drone camera to help enhance the quality of its offering to clients.
Clients on retainer will invariably use 4-5 regularly of the 17 regularly, and others episodically.
A lot more insight can be gained by looking at the website:

ICN SQUID was started in 2015 – although only really now in 2021 is it becoming a publicly
facing part of the ICN brand. SQUID stands for ‘Searchable Queryable User Information
Database’ and it helps ICN and client brands understand the effectiveness of their digital
marketing. It looks at both customer acquisition costs and effectiveness and customer
loyalty/lifetime value. On the basic level, SQUID enables clients to see a dashboard of their
Digital Media activity in real time in one place (Google Analytics, SEMrush SEO data, Social

               ICN UK | Unit 2b, Stoney House, 26-30 Stoney Street, Nottingham, NG1 1LL
Media information) and then uses ‘assignation algorithms’ to establish the most likely source
of each new user of an App install, new subscriber or visitor and looks at how frequently they
return and what they do/spend on each platform. The algorithms get better/more accurate
with more data and more learnings and examples going through them.

The Team
ICN’s CEO is a former magazine publishing director and website publisher, and spent 20
years working for media companies in London (as well as stints in Europe and the US) before
taking investment in ICN and agreeing to expand the business. ICN has employees who are
graduates from Nottingham Trent (7 years with ICN, graduated in 2014), University of
Nottingham (5 years with ICN, 3 years post graduate – and now is a mentor part time), De
Montfort University (joined us this year) and the University of Loughborough (3 years with ICN).

Job Role, Purpose, Duties, Output, Process & Future Plan

ICN has a packed schedule of deliverables over the remainder of 2021 and into 2022 from a
product and technical development. This includes the release of 3 different Apps in its Sports
Buddy series (iOS, Android and ideally tablet versions), major planned upgrades to its
proprietary technology (ICN SQUID, including algorithm AI work), development of Apps and
web templates for its Platform Metis product, and onboarding and facilitation of clients,
expected to be across 2 or possibly even 3 continents.

So short term, there is the opportunity for the successful candidate to gain experience across
multiple web environments, learn about complex SEO delivery, work on multi platform App
developments, and play a significant role in proprietary software development projects.

Job Duties
   •   Working directly with product managers to conceptualise, build, test and deploy
   •   Supporting websites – ICN Media looks after a range of different websites and sites
       have a quarterly quality control check on 3 different browsers, with corrections and
       updates made, as well as anything ad hoc that crops up between tests.
   •   Delivering SEO site health and page speed performance - as part of a team of 3,
       looking after the back end (CSS/Java side) of a website to ensure strong SEO Health
       scores. Each site ICN looks after is tested every Monday for SEO site health and any
       corrections made as part of a framework of constant quality control.
   •   Updating, repairing, modifying and developing existing software and generic
   •   Keep up to date on the latest industry trends in mobile and web technologies.

    • Relevant training necessary will be provided to support the job role and your
        activities, but this is very much a ‘learning on the job’ role, with mentoring and
        technical expertise also available and to hand.
    • Our team are highly skilled and will give you all the right knowledge to start producing
        valuable work.

               ICN UK | Unit 2b, Stoney House, 26-30 Stoney Street, Nottingham, NG1 1LL
Reporting & Key Interfaces

This role reports to the CEO.

• Negotiable from a minimum of initially 32.5 hours per week with scope to increase to 37.5
   or 40 hours per week over time. A weekly schedule of hours is somewhat flexible and can
   be agreed with the CEO. The number of hours will be reviewed and agreed monthly to
   give the successful candidate the chance to increase their hours as soon as the
   company has the visibility on demand.

• Negotiable depending on age and experience though this will be reviewed every 4
    months, rather than every year, as ICN believes that young people develop fast, and this
    deserves to be recognised and rewarded.
• Depending on wider progress with the business, Share Options in ICN will be made
    available as a reward for loyalty once an employee has been with the company for 2

Start Date

Skills, qualifications & cultural fit

Given the platforms you would be working with on these projects, any evidence and
knowledge of working on some or all of the following platforms would be helpful:
• Android: Javascript
• iOS: Objective C
• Web Development: Wordpress, Woocommerce, Joomla, Laravel
• Database: MySQL

We are looking for a candidate with a keen interest in both Web and App Development.
Someone who wants to expand on their experience and expertise with the aid of a well
structured team but also bring forth their own ideas and showcase them. Someone who has
a strong ability in problem solving and ability to pitch multiple solutions to their manager, to
seek guidance on the best solution, not someone who brings forth a problem and awaits for
the solution.

Degree in computer science preferred. Must have evidence of working with app or web
development project (Both preferred).

ICN is looking for hunger, a desire to do more than ‘just enough’, to want to help make
something ‘excellent’, a pro-active nature but a team player too. ICN has an ambitious and
exciting business plan, with good investors. There is more than enough scope for someone to
become a valued member of the team with the associated rewards and status without it
being about the individual! ICN is looking to see if the right long term team can built through
a possible internship starting point, and ICN will then invest in the right people.

                 ICN UK | Unit 2b, Stoney House, 26-30 Stoney Street, Nottingham, NG1 1LL
Next steps
• Email Geoff Baker, ICN CEO detailing the job title of the role you are
   interested in (we are currently hiring across 4 roles), you CV & contact details, and a short
   cover note as to why you are interested in the role.
• Geoff will then contact ALL respondents with an answer on whether ICN would like to
   move forwards – though please note that all applications will be acknowledged and ICN
   are enormously grateful for your time taken to read more about the company and on
   the application process.

               ICN UK | Unit 2b, Stoney House, 26-30 Stoney Street, Nottingham, NG1 1LL
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