RACQ Foundation Natural Disasters - AWS
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RACQ Foundation Guidelines and Application Form Natural Disasters Table of Contents • with a preference for small and medium sized organisations (annual turnover of less than $5m); Introduction...................................................................................................... 2 • delivered by Queensland community organisations either Funding Priorities – Natural Disasters............................................. 2 with or without DGR status; and Eligibility Criteria........................................................................................... 2 • for amounts up to $50,000, with funding for amounts up Mitigation Works........................................................................................... 3 to $200,000 considered in exceptional circumstances only. Application Process.................................................................................... 3 As a general guide, the RACQ Foundation will not consider RACQ Foundation Application for Funding.................................... 4 funding programs for: • political purposes; Introduction • fundraising events or appeals (for example, charity auctions, dinners); The RACQ Foundation was established following a series of natural disasters that wreaked devastation on lives and • sponsorships or scholarships; property across Queensland in late 2010 and early 2011. • that duplicate existing local, state and federal Established in early 2011, the Foundation helps impacted government programs and will fund expenses that ought community organisations to recover from flooding, weather to be the primary responsibility of government; events and other natural disasters. • damage or works that arise because of a poor history or The Foundation’s priorities are to help affected community lack of maintenance; organisations rebuild after these events and help charitable organisations provide assistance to victims of floods, • government bodies; cyclones and other natural disasters. • foundations that are grant making bodies; and Please read the guidelines below prior to completing an • organisations which have received funding from the RACQ application form. Foundation in the last 12 months. Funding Priorities – Natural Disasters Eligibility Criteria The RACQ Foundation’s priorities are to assist: To be eligible for funding your organisation must meet each 1. Queensland community organisations that have been of the criteria outlined below: significantly affected by natural disasters to help them 1. Your organisation must be either: regain their position prior to the disaster; and a. a small to medium community organisation; or 2. Queensland community organisations mitigate the b. a charity or other organisation with a charitable impact of future natural disasters on buildings and other purpose. capital works; and 3. Deserving charities or other organisations with a 2. The project must benefit Queenslanders who have been charitable purpose that help Queenslanders who have significantly affected by flood, other weather event or been impacted by a natural disaster. natural disaster or seek to prevent such events from negatively impacting on Queensland communities. As a general guide, the RACQ Foundation will consider funding for programs: 3. The project must be completed within 12 months of funding. • that will directly benefit people located only within Queensland; • that include minimal overhead costs and salaries which are directly related to the programs; Page 2
RACQ Foundation Guidelines and Application Form Natural Disasters 4. The funding must be used to: Application Process a. pay for material items or something tangible; or All applications received by 5pm on the due date will be reviewed, though further information may be requested. b. have a positive community impact; or The RACQ Foundation will consider all proposals that meet c. cover the costs incurred by the organisation in the criteria and guidelines. All successful and unsuccessful relation to the cleaning and restoration of property applicants will be advised in writing as soon as practicable. with any disaster mitigation works forming a Send the completed application and all supporting component of the overall funding. documents by email to: racqfoundation@racq.com.au 5. Applications to the RACQ Foundation are expected to Or, by mail to: be for amounts of up to $50,000, with funding up to $200,000 considered in exceptional circumstances only. Foundation Administrator RACQ Foundation 6. Applicants may only apply for funding once every 12 PO Box 4 months. Springwood QLD 4127 7. Organisations that have not considered their insurance The Application Form and supporting documentation must be requirements to ensure their assets have adequate received no later than 5pm on the application due date. insurance covered (or the available level of insurance) may not be able to obtain funding for these assets. Photographs or drawings of any damage or the proposed project are welcome, especially if they assist with explaining 8. Where a third party is responsible for repairing or building the project. infrastructure and items and not the organisation (for We encourage double-sided printed copies of documents and example a landlord under lease or a local government for documents not to be stapled or permanently bound. authority), the third party is responsible for making these repairs or constructions, whether or not covered by insurance, and the organisation is not eligible to make a Important Dates claim for assistance from the Foundation for these items. Please contact the Foundation Administrator via racqfoundation@racq.com.au. 9. The RACQ Foundation Trustee Board may, in its absolute discretion, resolve to provide funding to organisations that do not strictly meet the above criteria and may Contact Us provide funding in addition to the cap. For more information, please contact the RACQ Foundation to discuss your project. Mitigation Works Contact can be made via racqfoundation@racq.com.au Funding support is available for disaster-affected community organisations for projects which will mitigate the effect of future disaster events on infrastructure. Mitigation support may include aspects such as drainage and materials, surfaces and fixtures that are more resilient to damage. A clear rationale for improving the infrastructure will need to be established in the application to be eligible for mitigation support. Page 3
RACQ Foundation Guidelines and Application Form Natural Disasters RACQ Foundation Application for Funding Name of applicant Street address Postal address (if different to above) Contact person Title Email address Telephone number Fax number ABN Total annual income (organisation only) Is the organisation registered for GST and/or DGR? Project name Brief description of project Does your organisation (or third party such as a landlord) have insurance that covers the damage that is being claimed (If relevant)?* Please explain why insurance is not available / does not cover the damage (If relevant) Details of any existing mitigation works undertaken prior to the natural disaster (If relevant) Page 4
RACQ Foundation Guidelines and Application Form Natural Disasters Value of funds requested (up to $50,000, exceptional Value of funds ex GST circumstances up to (if applicable) $200,000) Total budget of project How did you hear about the RACQ Foundation Full name of authorised representative Position of authorised representative Signature of authorised representative * Please attach details of any policies or advice from your insurance company that relates to the damage being claimed. RACQ Foundation Application for Funding 1. ORGANISATION BACKGROUND Provide a description of your organisation’s background and purpose: 2. CURRENT ACTIVITIES Summarise the current key programs and achievements of your organisation: Detail the characteristics of your target beneficiaries (for example age, geographic location, socio-economic status, etc.): Provide numbers of paid staff and/or volunteers: Page 5
RACQ Foundation Guidelines and Application Form Natural Disasters RACQ Foundation Application for Funding 3. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT OR ACTIVITY A. BACKGROUND Detail how the flood, weather event or natural disaster impacted your organisation and your community: For new mitigation works: detail the underlying requirement for the works, how this was identified and any relevant history of natural disasters that highlight the need for the works: B. MAIN PURPOSE Set out the main purpose of the project and details of any equipment or materials to be purchased and/or works to be conducted. If relevant, include whether the property or equipment was insured and details of any claims made in relation to the damage: For new mitigation works: detail how the works will mitigate the impact of future weather events or natural disasters: C. BUDGET Provide an itemised budget (income and expenditure) for the project and where the Foundation’s funds will be used: Income Identify under ‘Income’ the source of all funds, for example, organisation contribution, government, other Foundations/Trusts, sponsors, supporters etc and indicate if any of these funds are ‘unconfirmed’ at the date of applying. Page 6
RACQ Foundation Guidelines and Application Form Natural Disasters RACQ Foundation Application for Funding 3. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT OR ACTIVITY Unconfirmed funding For all items of ‘unconfirmed’ funding, please include a note outlining the implications for the project or activity if applications for such funding are not successful. Expenditure Are three quotes for any Yes No equipment or materials to be purchased as part of the project attached? If No, please include explanation: D. OUTCOMES AND ANTICIPATED BENEFITS Outcomes and benefits: Number and location of people who will benefit detailing the characteristics (for example age, geographic location, socio-economic status, etc.): Impact on local community: Details of any other organisations doing similar work and what makes this project different (if applicable): Page 7
RACQ Foundation Guidelines and Application Form Natural Disasters RACQ Foundation Application for Funding E. SUSTAINABILITY How the project will be sustained once the funds have been expended (if applicable): F. CONSEQUENCES IF APPLICATION NOT APPROVED What would happen if the funding was not approved? 4. PROJECT TIMELINE AND DIRECTOR Estimated time to complete the project: Name and brief description of project director, including qualifications and experience to manage the project: Implementation plan: Page 8
RACQ Foundation Guidelines and Application Form Natural Disasters 5. EVALUATION MEASURES Explain how and by whom the effectiveness and benefits of your project will be measured, monitored and reported: 6. PARTNER ORGANISATIONS List any partner organisations associated with the proposed project or activity and briefly outline their role/contribution and contact details: 7. REFEREES Provide the names and contact details of two individuals or organisations outside of your organisation, who would be willing to speak or write to the RACQ Foundation in support of your application: 8. ANNUAL REPORT Yes No Has a copy of your most recent Annual Report been attached? If not, please include explanation: Page 9
RACQ Foundation Guidelines and Application Form Natural Disasters Attachments Privacy 1. ANNUAL REPORT - A copy of your most recent annual The Applicant consents to its information being collected report (preferably audited). and stored for the purposes of administering, managing and promoting the funding services provided by the 2. GST AND/OR DGR STATUS - If your Organisation has RACQ Foundation. As required for this purpose, the RACQ Deductable Gift Recipient status, attach either a copy of Foundation may disclose such information to The Royal the letter of endorsement from the Australian Taxation Automobile Club of Queensland Limited and its associated Office or a copy of your status. Please also include entities (RACQ Group) and to third parties, including but details if your Organisation is registered for GST. not limited to contractors, service providers, suppliers and 3. PROOF OF TENURE - If your application relates to the Australian regulatory authorities. Such information may also reconstruction, replacement or repair of real estate, be disclosed to third parties for the purpose of undertaking please provide proof of tenure (e.g. copy of certificate reference checks or making informal enquiries in relation to of Title, Lease and Licence Agreement). If you do not the Applicant and their application. own the land, please provide copies/details of the Land The Applicant agrees that where it provides the personal Owner’s consent to the works. information of any of its members or associated individuals, 4. INSURANCE - If your project is in relation to equipment the Applicant does so with the full and proper consent of and/or property to be replaced or repaired, please those persons. provide evidence of any insurance in relation to the The Applicant consents to the RACQ Foundation and the RACQ equipment and/or property. Please provide copies of any Group using the Applicant’s name and other identifying marks correspondence in relation to claims relating to the repair (such as the Applicant’s logo) and other material provided by and replacement of the equipment or property. the applicant as part of their application or at a later date, 5. QUOTES - Where appropriate, successful applicants will on RACQ Foundation and RACQ Group promotional material need to provide multiple quotes to demonstrate that the including media releases, annual reports, brochures and project or works represents value for money. on the RACQ Group website for an unlimited period without remuneration. 6. APPROVALS - Please provide copies of all Local Authority and other approvals required to conduct any works. All applications are the property of the RACQ Foundation. 7. GRANTS & GOVERNMENT ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS For further information please refer to the RACQ Privacy Policy - Please provide details of any successful grant available at www.racq.com.au/about_us/privacy applications or government assistance received. If appropriate to your application, please attach any relevant graphs, photographs or drawings. Page 10
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