NOTICE TO STUDENTS - Woodland Campus Colusa County Campus - Yuba ...

Page created by Janice Hamilton
NOTICE TO STUDENTS - Woodland Campus Colusa County Campus - Yuba ...
Woodland Campus Colusa County Campus

A Federally Designated Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI)

                                    Paula Johnston

                                                            SUMMER/FALL 2019

                             NOTICE TO STUDENTS

NOTICE TO STUDENTS - Woodland Campus Colusa County Campus - Yuba ...

                                                           

        Apply for Summer/Fall 2019 Classes at

    Woodland Community College Mission Statement


                                        


                 1       2                        3


                                      8       9   10


     Colusa County


   

Steps to Enrolling - Pasos Para Inscribirse







                             Loss of California College Promise Grant and Enrollment Priority
                            California Community College’s Chancellor Office
                             SB 1456 establishes the Student Success Act of 2012 and requires any college or district receiving funds to provide support services
                             including orientation, assessment, counseling and education planning. Students qualifying for a California College Promise Grant (CCPG)
                             are required to identify, upon enrollment, a degree, certificate, or transfer goal and meet Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)

                                        Loss of Enrollment Priority Effective Now                  Loss of California College Promise Grant Effective Now
 What Can You Do Now?
                                             Students with over 90 degree applicable units
 Enroll in a course-load in which                                                                    Student with two consecutive semesters of not meeting academic
                                                completed will lose priority registration
                                                                                                               and/or progress standards will lose their CCPG
  you can be successful
 Maintain at least a 2.0 GPA
  each semester                           Loss of eligibility will become effective at the first
                                                                                                       Not meeting academic           Not meeting progress standards
                                                                                                      standards means having           means completing less than
                                          registration opportunity after 90 completed units                                              50% of your coursework
 Seek appropriate student and                                                                           less than a 2.0 GPA
  academic support services,
  when needed
                                         An appeal process will be available at Admissions and                      Loss of eligibility will become effective at the first
                                              Records for students who have extenuating                            registration opportunity after the loss of eligibility is
 See a counselor for an up-to-                                                                                    determined when Spring 2019 standing is updated.
                                            circumstances or contact Counseling if close to
  date educational plan                             graduating and/or transferring

                                                                                                                  An appeal process will be available at Admissions and
                                                                                                                Records for students who have extenuating circumstances






                WCC Smoking Policy
              In the interest of public health, Woodland Community College
              became a tobacco-free campus effective August 18, 2003.
              Use of any form of tobacco is prohibited at all times in the following
              areas:
                1.1   On all grounds and in all buildings of the Woodland Community College Campus
                      and the Colusa County Campus.
                 1.2   In or on any space, building, or classroom leased or rented by the college.
                1.3   In all vehicles owned or leased by the college.
           
               This policy and these regulations apply to employees, students, visitors, and other
               persons who enter any Woodland Community College facility as described in paragraph
              one.
               Smoking, or other use of tobacco, is prohibited within all Yuba Community College District
               buildings, including restrooms, dining areas, classrooms, laboratories, library, gymnasium,
                offices, and the theatre, along with any other interior building area, including quads.

                                        YUBA COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT

       
       
       
       
                                        Student Health Services Hours
                                             Tuesday 5:00pm-7:00pm
                                             Wednesday & Thursday
                                             Counseling Services:
                                           Wednesday 11:00am-1:00pm
                                                Walk-ins Welcome!
                                               Or call (530) 661-7758
Message from the WCC Vice President, Phillip King:
                                                       Students!! Welcome back to fall 2019 semester at Woodland Community College (WCC). Remember that we are all part of a three-campus
                                                       network that includes our Woodland Campus, our Lake County Campus, and our Colusa County Campus. As you embark on your journey this
                                                       year, please review all the schedules for offerings at all three sites . . . we may have just what you need to start a program of study, keep moving
                                                       through your program, or finish your degree. Just like last year - we increased online and point-2-point offerings to ensure that students had
                                                     ; multiple options for their busy lives (see our DE page).
                                                       The College continues to increase dual enrollment and concurrent enrollment offerings for students still in high school. Working closely with all of
                                                       our high school partners we will soon be launching more dual enrollment offerings at Williams Junior/Senior High School, through Woodland
                                                       Joint Union School District, and through Konocti Middle College. WCC is excited to provide these enhanced offerings to ensure that high school
                                                       students can get an early start on their college career
                                                       Lastly, we are excited about the array of student support services and student engagement opportunities we will have for all of you. The college is
                                                       embarking on a new round of strategic action plans and a major portion of them will include a focus on serving our community through a lens of
                                                       diversity and equity. Look for enhanced student activities, a cultural diversity series of lectures, and more course offerings to support equity for
                                                       our students and our community.
                                                       We are looking forward to seeing you all in fall 2020 and remember, "Your College, Your Future"!
Bienvenidos de nuevo al semestre de otofio 2019 del colegio comunitario de Woodland. Recuerde que todos somos parte de una red de tres planteles que incluye nuestro plantel principal en
Woodland, nuestro plantel en el Condado de Lake, y nuestro plantel en el Condado de Colusa. Al embarcarse en su viaje estudiantil este afio, por favor revise todos los horarios de clases que ofrecemos
en los tres sitios... podemos ofrecer justo lo que necesita para iniciar un programa de estudio, seguir avanzando a traves de su programa, o terminar su tftulo. Al igual que el afio pasado, aumentamos la
cantidad de clases que ofrecemos en linea para asegurarnos de que nuestros estudiantes tengan multiples opciones para tomar clases (vea nuestra pagina de opciones de clases en lfnea).
El Colegio continua aumentando las oportunidades para estudiantes que estudian en la preparatoria. Hay oportunidades para que ellos tomen clases en el colegio mientras estan inscritos en la
preparatoria. Estamos trabajando continuamente con todas nuestras instituciones educativas para incrementar este tipo de programas y pronto lanzaremos mas oportunidades de doble inscripci6n en
varias escuelas como las preparatorias de Williams (Junior y Senior), a traves del distrito escolar de Woodland, y a traves de Konocti Middle College. El colegio se complace en proporcionar estas clases
para asegurar que los estudiantes de secundaria puedan comenzar pronto en su carrera universitaria. Tambien, estamos entusiasmados con la variedad de servicios para apoyar a que nuestros
estudiantes se matriculen sin problemas.
Por ultimo, el colegio se esta embarcando en un nuevo proceso de planeamiento estrategico y una parte importante de ellos incluira un enfoque en servir a nuestra comunidad con equidad. En el
futuro, les ruego que busquen actividades estudiantiles, una serie de conferencias para promover la cultura y mas ofertas de cursos para apoyar la equidad para nuestros estudiantes y nuestra
Estamos deseando verlos a todos en el otofio 2019 y recordar que este es "su colegio, su futuro"!

Important Dates - Fechas lmportantes
                                                                                                    New & Continuing Student Registration
10          Instruction begins for Summer 2019
12          ** Last day to add a class/register without special permission for 6-                   Day 1       Monday, April 22, 2019
            week Summer courses                                                                                 CalWORKs, DSPS, EOPS, Former Foster Youth and Veterans
17          Census Date
                                                                                                    Day 2       Tuesday, April 23, 2019
17          **Last day to drop class(es) without a "W" grade on permanent                                       Continuing students near graduation or transfer (verified by a
            record for 6-week Summer courses                                                                    counselor using a special priority form), Athletes, TRiO, Student
17          Refund Deadline for 6-week Summer courses                                                           Government
JULY                                                                                                Day 3       Wednesday, April 24, 2019
3           Deadline to apply for Summer 2019 Graduation                                                        Continuing students in Good Standing with 50-89.5 YCCD units
3           **Last day to drop class(es) with a "W" grade on permanent record                       Day 4       Thursday, April 25, 2019
            for 6-week Summer courses
                                                                                                                Continuing students in Good Standing with 30-49.5 YCCD units
18          Regular 6-wk Summer courses end
                                                                                                    Day 5       Friday, April 26, 2019
                                                                                                                Continuing students in Good Standing with 12-29.5 YCCD units
            8-wk Summer courses end                                                                             Jump Start Students
19          Instruction begins for Fall 2019
                                                                                                    Day 6       Monday, April 29, 2019
23          ** Last day to add a class/register without special permission                                      Continuing students in Good Standing with fewer than 12 YCCD
30          ** Last day to be eligible for a refund of enrollment, parking, health                              units and first-time students who are fully matriculated
            services fees, and nonresident tuition
                                                                                                    Day 7      Tuesday, April 30, 2019
SEPTEMBER                                                                                                      Students with more than 90 YCCD units (who are not near
6           **Last day to drop class(es) to prevent a "W" grade(s) on permanent                                graduation/transfer) and Students on Probation
            record for full semester courses
                                                                                                    Day8       Wednesday, May 1, 2019
9           Census Date
                                                                                                               Students who have not fully matriculated (completed orientation,
17          Constitution Day (observance) - Activities to be announced                                         placement, and student educational plan); Transfer Students
20          **Last day to elect Pass/No Pass grading option
                                                                                                    Day 9       Monday, May 13, 2019
NOVEMBER                                                                                                        High School Students (Dual Enrolled students)
15          **Last day to drop class(es) with a "W" grade on permanent record
15          Deadline to apply for Fall 2019 Graduation
DECEMBER                                                                                                       LATE REGISTRATION FOR SUMMER/FALL 2019
1           Closing date for international student application for Spring 2020                                    Students may add open Summer session classes on
9-18        Limited extracurricular student activities                                                                      WebAdvisor through June 12.

12-18       Final Examination Period                                                                                  Students may add open Fall session classes on
18          Conclusions of Fall 2019 semester                                                                               WebAdvisor through August 23.
23          Grades due from instructors for Fall 2019 semester                                               Students may add open Fall session "short-term" classes on
                                                                                                                    WebAdvisor before the first day of the class.
                   SHORT-TERM CLASS DATES WILL VARY.                                                         Closed classes require permission from the instructor to register.

Holidays/Closures                                                                                       No importa de donde eres,
July 4 - Academic and Administrative Holiday­                                                           estamos contentos que seas
Independence Day (Thursday)
                                                                                                             nuestro vecino.
September 2 - Academic & Administrative Holiday -
Labor Day (Monday)                                                                                  No matter where you are
November 11 - Academic & Administrative Holiday -
                                                                                                     from, we're glad you're
Veterans Day - Observed (Monday)                                                                          our neighbor.
November 28-29 - Academic & Administrative Holiday -
Thanksgiving (Thursday-Friday)

December 24-January 1 - Winter Recess
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