Covid-19 Catch up Premium Report 2020-2021 - Kingsbury Academy

Page created by Mitchell Mcdonald
Covid-19 Catch up Premium Report 2020-2021
COVID-19 catch-up premium spending: summary


Total number of pupils:                           64                                Amount of catch-up premium received per pupil:             £240

Total catch-up premium budget:                    £20,160


Kingsbury Academy is a Primary Special school serving learners with ASC, SLD and MLD. It is these disabilities which are the primary barrier to progress and
achievement that we must support our pupils to overcome. As such, our approach is designed to ensure that we are able to provide an education that is evidence
informed and tailored to the educational requirements of each individual pupil. We want our learners to gain every opportunity to develop the skills they need for
life. We are committed to providing the highest quality education for all our learners, regardless of background or barriers to learning, in all aspect of school life.
Our priority is to ensure that pupils maximise their individual progress, in order to ensure that the impact of the time lost due to Covid-19 is minimised.
As such, our focus for the expenditure will be:
       Curriculum development (including implementing improved blended/remote learning strategy.)
       The enhancement of classroom-based resources to ensure that we can focus on current educational priorities.
       Resources to maintain continuity of learning in the event of sustained covid-19 related non-attendance.
     Additional specialist support – Speech and Language, Music & OT Therapy.
  The Intended outcome is:
       To reduce the attainment gap between disadvantaged learners and their peers.
       To close the gap between pathways in English and Maths end of year progress.
       To raise the attainment of all learners and close the gaps created by non-attendance COVID-19 school closures.
       To provide enhanced Communication and Occupational therapy strategies, opportunities and resources for pupils.
Barriers to learning
There are many barriers that can prevent our learners from achieving their full potential. The most obvious are; cognition and learning, social, emotional and mental health
issues, speech and language issues, behaviour and deprivation. Regression in learning during their time away from school, due to the COVID 19 pandemic, is also a barrier
for our learners. Kingsbury Academy has thought about the most effective way to support our learners’ ability to learn and close the gaps. The principles of our catch-up
strategy is based on educational evidence and parental, staff and learner views. The EEFs covid-19 support guide for schools alongside the DfEs catch up premium guidance
has been used to make evidence based decisions on how best to utilise catch up funding for our learners.


 Academic barriers:

 A          Low levels of progress in Literacy and Maths for Semi and Formal pathway pupils

 B          Access to additional specialist support, including Speech and Language, Music and Occupational therapies.

 C          Learners re-establishing routines and expectations at school and accessing curriculum and teaching and learning support.


 External barriers:

 D          Supporting parents/carers – Pastoral package to support reintegration of learners to school. Attendance, wellbeing, communication.

 E          Home learning and access to technology and resources.
Planned expenditure for current academic year
Quality of teaching for all

Action                        Intended outcome                  What’s the evidence and rationale for         How will you make sure it’s   Cost     When will you
                                                                this choice?                                  implemented well?                      review this?

Appointment of Speech         Communication strategies are      Teachers are best placed to know              Action plans are in place.    £9,360   Summer 2021
and Language                  in place to ensure the majority   learners weaknesses and gaps on return         Observations of teaching
therapist to upskill          of pupils do not require any      to school. They will put in place classroom   and learning and pupil
teachers to provide           long-term interventions to        based support and plan specific actions to    progress through evidence
bespoke                       catch up.                         support learners.                             for learning for each
communication                                                                                                 pathway. Assessment data.
strategies for all pupils.
Communication Audit
and Action plans for all

Literacy support              Pupil’s knowledge of phonics,                                                   Phonics assessment data,
enabling pupils to            ability to write, decoding,                                                     learning walks and lesson
retain literacy skills        reading and comprehension                                                       observations.
during periods of covid-      will be assessed using
19 related absence.           reading tests and teacher
                                                                                                              CPD for teachers, parental
                              assessment giving accurate
                                                                                                              & Pupil feedback
                              Home learner access to                                                                                        £500
                              library of appropriate texts to                                                 Literacy coordinator audit
                              develop phonic/reading skills
                              (Rising Stars)
Curriculum              Pupils will access a specific    Recovery curriculum embedded to                 Pupils will have increased     £1000        Termly
development including   curriculum                       improve the quality of teaching across the      opportunities to rebuild
implementing a          Focusing on four key areas in    whole academy having an impact on               relationships, understand
bespoke recovery        order to restore learners’       teaching and learning beyond Covid-19.          their emotions and manage
curriculum for all      mental wealth.                                                                   their feelings. Re-establish
learners and                                                                                             routines and structures, re-
purchasing additional   Additional resources                                                             learn and engage with self-
resources to ensure     purchased for pupils to access                                                   regulation strategies. Close
risk of sharing         curriculum.                                                                      gaps in lost learning and
equipment is                                                                                             skills and support learners
minimized.                                                                                               to re-engage with their
                                                                                                         physical health and

                                                         Resources used to support curriculum            Pupils have access to          £700         Termly
The enhancement of      Pupils will have access to       delivery and revisit any areas needed           resources that support the
classroom-based         learning resources that          after Covid-19 related absence. Literacy        learning and ensure that
resources to ensure     engage and enthuse teaching      and Numeracy resources replenished to           classrooms are equipped
that we can focus on    and learning.                    ensure gaps in communication and                well to meet learner’s
current educational                                      cognition skills are prioritised for Learning   needs.
priorities.                                              for Life.
                                                         Cognition resources for Foundations for
                                                         life to ensure robust teaching of induvial
                                                         cognition targets.

The enhancement of      Learners will benefit from       Hardware with additional accessories            Pupils receive enhanced        £3000        Summer ‘21.
ICT resources to        enhanced home learning           (cases headphones) will be purchased to         home learning package.
support home learning   offer.                           support delivery of home learning.              Parental and pupil
and teaching.                                                                                            feedback.

                                                                                                                              Total budgeted cost:
Targeted support

Action                   Intended outcome                 What’s the evidence and rationale for        How will you make sure it’s    Cost         When will you
                                                          this choice?                                 implemented well?                           review this?

Additional specialist
Therapy support.

Music therapy support    Professional Music therapist     Learners require additional support during   Working alongside therapist    £4600        Termly
implemented to access    in place at Academy.             the Covid-19 Pandemic and the direct         to implement a bespoke
professional arts                                         impact of this on their mental Health and    package of support for our
therapy half a day per                                    wellbeing, impacts within the family         learners needs.
week for targeted                                         context and impacts within the role of
groups of pupils.                                         education.

Sensory intergration     Support and plans for targeted   Learners require additional Occupational                                    £1000        Termly
specialist support       pupils in order to understand                                                 Working alongside
                                                          Therapy support to re-establish needs
services for sensory     and support individual pupils                                                 Occupational services to
                                                          and plans to regulate and engage in
processing.              needs.                                                                        access sensory profiling for
                                                          learning. (ready to learn behaviours)

                                                                                                                            Total budgeted cost:   £ 5,600

                                                                                                       Overall Total cost                          £20,160

In this section you could annex or refer to additional information which you’ve used to support the sections above. For example:
Results of staff and parental consultation
Recent school Ofsted guidance

Evidence from the EEF Covid-19_support_guide_for_schools.pdf (
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