Climate Change Risk Management from a (Re-)Insurance Perspective - Ernst Rauch Global Head Climate & Public Sector Business Development Chief ...

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Soure: Munich Re “Expect the Picture: Shutterstock
                                                                                        Unexpected”   (2015)

Climate Change Risk Management from a
(Re-)Insurance Perspective
Ernst Rauch
Global Head Climate & Public Sector Business Development
Chief Climate and Geo Scientist

July 2018
Role of the (re-)insurance industry in the natural catastrophe and
climate change and resilience context

                Munich Re facts                       (Re-)Insurance
  Founded 1880 in Munich
  Gross premiums written (2017):                                           transfer
   € 49.1bn
                                         risk               risk
  Consolidated result (2017):       identification    measurement
                                                        „price tag“
   € 392m
                                                                         knowledge /
                                                                         data transfer
  Staff Munich Re Group (2017):
   42,410 (thereof 28.6% in                                            reduction
   Reinsurance)                       knowledge
                                                                       resilience building
  Website:          risk capital

Source: Munich Re                                                                             2
1   Knowledge & Data
    Natural Catastrophes –
    worldwide and in Australia
Relevant loss events from natural hazards worldwide 1980 – 2017
Increasing frequency of weather related events

                                                                     Geophysical events
                                                                     (Earthquake, tsunami,
                                                                     volcanic activity)

                                                                     Meteorological events
                                                                     (Tropical storm,
                                                                     extratropical storm,
                                                                     convective storm,
                                                                     local storm)

                                                                     Hydrological events
                                                                     (Flood, mass movement)

                                                                     Climatological events
                                                                     (Extreme temperature,
                                                                     drought, forest fire)

                                                                  Accounted events have caused at least
                                                                  one fatality and/or produced normalized
                                                                  losses ≥ US$ 100k, 300k, 1m, or 3m
                                                                  (depending on the assigned World Bank
                                                                  income group of the affected country).

Relevant loss events from natural hazards worldwide 1980 – 2017
Increasing economic losses (after inflation adjustment)

 US$ bn

                                                                     Overall losses
                                                                     (in 2017 values)
                                                                     Insured losses
                                                                     (in 2017 values)

                                                                  Inflation adjusted via country-specific
                                                                  consumer price index and consideration
                                                                  of exchange rate fluctuations between
                                                                  local currency and US$.

Relevant loss events from natural hazards in Australia 1980 – 2017
Weather-related events are dominating

                                                                                         Geophysical events
                                                                                         (Earthquake, tsunami,
                                                                                         volcanic activity)

                                                                                         Meteorological events
                                                                                         (Tropical storm,
                                                                                         extratropical storm,
                                                                                         convective storm,
                                                                                         local storm)

                                                                                         Hydrological events
                                                                                         (Flood, mass movement)

                                                                                         Climatological events
                                                                                         (Extreme temperature,
                                                                                         drought, wildfire)

                                                                                      Accounted events have caused at least
                                                                                      one fatality and/or produced normalized
                                                                                      losses ≥ US$ 100k, 300k, 1m, or 3m
                                                                                      (depending on the assigned World Bank
                                                                                      income group of the affected country).

© 2018 Münchener Rückversicherungs-Gesellschaft, NatCatSERVICE – As at January 2018                                      6
Relevant loss events from natural hazards in Australia 1980 – 2017
Increasing insured losses (after inflation adjustment)

  US$ bn

                                                                                         Overall losses
                                                                                         (in 2017 values)
                                                                                         Insured losses
                                                                                         (in 2017 values)

                                                                                      Inflation adjusted via country-specific
                                                                                      consumer price index and consideration
                                                                                      of exchange rate fluctuations between
                                                                                      local currency and US$.

© 2018 Münchener Rückversicherungs-Gesellschaft, NatCatSERVICE – As at January 2018                                      7
Natural catastrophe loss events in Australia 1980 – 2017
Percentage distribution by peril

Number of relevant events: 570                                                    Overall losses: US$ 85bn

                                                                                                             Geophysical events
                                                                                                             (Earthquake, tsunami, volcanic activity)
                                                                                                             Meteorological events
                                                                                                             (Tropical storm, extratropical storm,
                                                                                                             convective storm, local storm)
                                                                                                             Hydrological events
                                                                                                             (Flood, mass movement)
                                                                                                             Climatological events
                                                                                                             (Extreme temperature, drought, wildfire)
                                                                                  Insured losses: US$ 31bn
                                                                                                             Accounted events have caused at least one fatality
                                                                                                             and/or produced normalized losses ≥ US$ 100k,
                                                                                                             300k, 1m, or 3m (depending on the assigned World
                                                                                                             Bank income group of the affected country).

                                                                                                             Inflation adjusted via country-specific consumer
                                                                                                             price index and consideration of exchange rate
                                                                                                             fluctuations between local currency and US$.

© 2018 Münchener Rückversicherungs-Gesellschaft, NatCatSERVICE – As at January 2018                                                                               8
Drivers for globally increasing losses from natural hazards

 Global increase in population         From 4 billion (1975) to 7.6 billion (2018)
                                                                                                       Not necessarily
                                                                                                       problematic for
 Improved standard of living           Middle class is growing rapidly worldwide
                                                                                                       (premiums grow
 Concentration of people / assets      Share of urban population is increasing continually:            with risk)
 in urban areas                        37% (1975) - 50% (2010) - 57% (2025)

 Settlement and industrialization of
                                       Especially coastal areas, areas close to rivers
 vulnerable areas
                                                                                                       Problematic for
                                                                                                       insurers, if risk
 Increase of complexity and            Increasing complexity of value chains (i.e. production
                                                                                                       models are not
 interdependencies                     cycles) in industrial facilities
                                       Intensification and accumulation of extreme weather events in
Climate Change
                                       certain areas

The NatCat Insurance Gap by income group:
still a serious issue not only in low-income countries

 Insurance gap in high- (left) and low-income* (right) countries 1980-2017 based on MR NatCatSERVICE

 Since 1980 the insurance gap (uninsured losses as a share of overall losses) has significantly decreased
 in high-income countries (below 60%), while in low-income countries it is still >95%.
Source: Munich Re (2018)   *Income classification defined by World Bank: high-income countries GNI ≥ 12,736 US$; low-income countries GNI ≤ 1,045 US$   10
The NatCat Insurance Gap for Australia:
uninsured losses as a percentage of overall losses in Australia 1980 – 2017

Insurance gap decreasing esp. since the beginning of the 21st century

2   How does climate change influence
    weather conditions in Australia?
Global temperature anomaly 1880-2017
17 of the 18 warmest years fall in the period 2001-2017

                                                                                                         warmer than the
                                                                                                         average over the
                                                                                                         period 1901-2000
                                                                                                                            increase according
                                                                                                                            to the linear trend

Source: Munich Re, January 2018, based on data of National Centers for Environmental Information/NOAA.
Trends in hot weather in Australia

The trend in annual number of days per year >35 °C from 1957–2015. An increase of 0.2 days/year since
1957 means, on average, that there are almost 12 more days per year over 35 °C.
                                                                                Source: CSIRO amd BoM: State of the Climate 2016 14
Rainfall deciles for the growing season (Apr-Oct)
in Australia (1996-2015)

                                                    Growing season (April–October)
                                                    rainfall deciles for the last 20 years
                                                    (1996–2015). A decile map shows
                                                    where rainfall is above average,
                                                    average or below average for the
                                                    recent period, in comparison with
                                                    the entire rainfall record from 1900.

                                                    Source: CSIRO amd BoM: State of the Climate 2016

Global sea level rise 1900 - 2017

Source: Columbia University
3   Adaptation to increasing risks from
    climate change: the role of the
    (re-)insurance industry
Knowledge + data: key to develop adaptation measures
1: historical loss events and (potential) trends, e.g. NatCatSERVICE Tool

         Start Analysis

© 2018 Münchener Rückversicherungs-Gesellschaft, NatCatSERVICE – As at January 2018
Knowledge + data: key to develop adaptation measures
2: Making use of hazard data – Munich Re’s NATHAN / digital intelligence

Improving economic resilience through financial adaptation mechanisms
-> impact of natcat insurance systems on GDP development

Countries without a natcat insurance system                                                         With a comprehensive natcat insurance system

        1%                                                                                             2%

            0                                                                                            1
                               2                4                 6               8      10 years
          -1                                                                                             0
                                                                                                                2       4      6     8      10 years
          -2                                                                                            -1

          -3                                                                                            -2

                Economic recovery faster in jurisdictions with adequate risk management / risk transfer solutions

Source: Munich Re, based on von Peter et al., Bank for International Settlements, 2012                                                             20
NatCat Public Private Insurance Partnerships in OECD countries
with long track record – in non-OECD countries growing

Source: Munich Re / Safir (04/2017)                              21
Best practices for ex ante disaster risk insurance schemes
governments play a pivotal role in enhancing resilience

                          Protection for households/private sector                     Sovereign risk protection

                                       Middle class                             Low income & governments

 Policyholder       Private households or companies
                                                                         (often the Ministry of Finance)

 Funding /                                                               Part of the federal budget
                    Governments creates legal and regulatory framework
 Government                                                              government decides about allocation of resources in
                    for compulsory insurance
 role                                                                    cases of nat. disasters

 Insured                                                                 Public assets and/or ex-ante financing of
                    Private property
 interest                                                                emergency response

                    •   TCIP (EQ, fire, explosion, landslide; Turkey)    • CCRIF (emergency response)
 Examples           •   NFIP (United States)                             • PCRIC (emergency response)
                    •   Flood Re (United Kingdom)                        • FONDEN (public assets)

Source: Munich Re                                                                                                              22
Munich Re's activities relating to climate change

              RISK ASSESSMENT               RISK TRANSFER SOLUTIONS                 ASSET MANAGEMENT

                                           Realizing business growth areas
                                                                               Supporting the expansion of
Detecting and assessing climate             as a leading provider of risk
                                                                                 renewable energies and
 change impacts on frequency                transfer solutions for
                                                                                 infrastructure projects with our
 and intensity of natural                   renewable energies and
                                                                                 sustainable investment
 hazards                                    climate change-related
                                            adaptation products

                                            Carbon neutrality of Munich Re
                Munich: since 2009, reinsurance worldwide: since 2012, Munich Re (Group): since end 2015
                                   Initiating innovative climate adaptation projects
                                    such as Munich Climate Insurance Initiative (MCII)

Source: Munich Re                                                                                                   23
Munich Re's Australia & New Zealand Publication and Web Portal


© 2018 Münchener Rückversicherungs-Gesellschaft Aktiengesellschaft in München ("Munich Re").
All rights reserved.

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Munich Re has used its discretion, best judgement and every reasonable effort in compiling the information
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this to conform with future events or developments.

Soure: Munich Re “Expect the Unexpected” (2015)

Thank you for your attention!

Ernst Rauch

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