CHRISTMAS CATALOG 2021 - Jesus in Haiti Ministries

Page created by Nancy Barrett
CHRISTMAS CATALOG 2021 - Jesus in Haiti Ministries
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CHRISTMAS CATALOG 2021 - Jesus in Haiti Ministries

                                                                            ON THE COVER: KIMBERLY FROM LIGHTHOUSE
                                                                                                                     CHELTON & WADENSKY

    With a new year upon us once again, we must say that your
    faithfulness to this ministry—which is your faithfulness to
    your brothers and sisters in Haiti—continues to bless our
    hearts and theirs as well. Just like the Macedonian church
    (2 Cor. 8:9), you give freely and willingly when we ask,
    exemplifying the ultimate work of Christ.
    Whether it is COVID, kidnappings, political unrest, or natural
    disaster, we continue to ask ourselves when peace and rest
    will come. It seems that heartache has become the norm,
    especially in Haiti, with the oft-heard question, “Can Haiti
    ever catch a break?”
    The Scripture theme from Psalm 62 for this year’s Christmas
    catalog reminds us that none of the events of this world can
    ever shake us as we silently rest in Him. Even if He calls us
    home, we are secure in the ultimate salvation of our souls by
    an all-powerful God.                                                                                                 GIVE A GIFT TO BLESS

                                                                                                                     GRACE EMMANUEL SCHOOL
      "Truly my soul finds rest in God;
       my salvation comes from him.
      Truly he is my rock and my salvation;
       he is my fortress; I will never be shaken."                                                                         Grace Emmanuel School, which opened in 2004, provides an education for
                                                                                                                           375 students in grades Pre-K through 13.
    As we focus on the birth of Christ, we pray that you really
    ponder what an incredible gift Emmanuel (God with us) is

    for these times.
                                                                                                                     Lunch for a Month               SUGGESTED
                                                                                                                                                        GIFT        School Uniform
                                                                                                                      Provide a hot lunch for a                      Provide a new
                 Sincerely,                                                                                           month for one student at                       school uniform for
                                                                                                                      Grace Emmanuel School. S1                      one of 50
                                                                                                                                                                     students in    SUGGESTED
                 Steven J Mooibroek                                                                                                                                  need this        $25
                 Board Chair, JiHM                                                                                   Food for the                    SUGGESTED
                                                                                                                                                                     year. S3
                                               Giving a gift in                                                       Help students in need
                                                                                                                      keep hunger at bay during
                                                                                                                                                                    Care for a                      SUGGESTED
                                               honor of a                                                                                                                                            $50
                                                                                                                      the weekend by filling                        Sick Student
                                               loved one?
                                               Find a special card to                                                 their backpacks with food                      From broken bones to
                                               print and give YOUR
                                                              at: GIFTS
                                                              PROVIDED                                                through Grace Emmanuel's                       malaria, the school nurse stays
                                                              FOOD THIS
                                               christmas      SUMMER TO                                               Backpack Buddies                               busy helping students who need
                                                              HUNDREDS OF
                                                            STUDENTS IN                                               program. S2                                    medical intervention. Help provide
                                                                                                                                                                     this important service. S4

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CHRISTMAS CATALOG 2021 - Jesus in Haiti Ministries

                                                                                                                                GIVE A GIFT TO BLESS

                                                                                                                           VICTORY BIBLE CHURCH
                                                                                                                                Victory Bible Church, founded in 2003, exists to provide solid,
                                                                                                                                gospel-centered teaching for people from all walks of life.

                                                                                                                                                    Haitian Creole Bible                                 GIFT

                                                                                                                                                     “For the word of God is alive and active...”
                                                                                                                                                     Help supply Victory Bible Church with
                                                                                                                                                     Bibles to give to anyone who seeks to
                                                                                                                                                     know God through His Word. V1

                                                                                                                                                    Marriage Retreat                                  SUGGESTED
                             BLESS THE                                  The Lighthouse, once home to 11                                              Marriage is an important part of God’s       $150

                                                                        kids, now provides a family for 6                                            plan, but a strong marriage takes work.
                                                                        high schoolers while supporting
                                                                        others who have transitioned back                                            Come alongside a couple at VBC by providing
                                                                        to live with biological family.                                              them an opportunity to attend the church's first
                                                                                                                                                     marriage retreat. The event will feature a two-
                                                                                                                                                     night stay at a local resort where couples will work
                         Soccer Ball                                     Clothes &                                                                   to make their marriages stronger while taking a
                                                            SUGGESTED                             SUGGESTED
                                                               GIFT                                  GIFT                                            break from their everyday lives. V2
                          On any afternoon at the           $10          Shoes                  $50
                          Lighthouse, there is bound to                    From head to                                  PASTOR DERSON WITH
                                                                                                                         HIS WIFE, THONISE.
                          be a pick-up game of soccer                      toe, the teenagers at
                          taking place in the courtyard.                   the Lighthouse love to
                          Keep this beloved game going by                  express themselves by
                          providing this essential item. L1                picking out their own
                                                                           clothing and footwear.
                                                                                                                           Church Bench              SUGGESTED

                                                                                                                            Victory Bible          $170
                                                                           Make this special treat
                         A Full Tummy                       SUGGESTED
                                                                                                                            Church's simple
                                                                           possible. L4
                          As the kids continue to grow,     $30                                                             wooden benches have
                          so do their appetites! Your
                                                                                                            ANNE MARIE

                                                                                                                            fallen into disrepair. Buy
                          gift will provide one nutritious meal                                                             a beautiful and sturdy
                          for everyone at the Lighthouse. L2                                                                replacement bench for
                                                                                                                            the church and school
                                                                                                                            to use when they gather
                         A Safe Place                       SUGGESTED
                                                                                                                            in fellowship. Fifty
                         to Call Home                        $40
                                                                                                                            benches are needed.
                          The Lighthouse is protected by a                                                                  A great gift to give
                          security guard around the clock.                                                                  in honor of someone
                          It is a costly expense, but worth it                                                              special in your life. V3
                          for the peace of mind it provides.                                                                                                                                         Buy a metal-framed
                          Cover one day of this service. L3                                                                                                                                           bench to replace a
                 4                                                                                                                                                                                wooden bench for VBC.
CHRISTMAS CATALOG 2021 - Jesus in Haiti Ministries
Gift Catalog                                 Save a stamp! Order online at

           GIFTS TO WRAP
                                                               FOR CHRISTMAS                                                                          
                                                               D E L I V E R Y, O R D E R
                                                               BY DECEMBER 13.
                                                                                                                    Order Form
                                                               While supplies last.
                                                                                                    Name                                                 Email or Phone
                                                                                                    Mailing Address
    Ornaments are handmade at Haiti Mama, earrings are provided by artisans at Petite
    Palm, and greeting cards are created at Rosie’s Boutique. These businesses provide
    employment opportunities for mothers and fathers in Haiti. Proceeds from these gifts,
    as well as T-shirts, help provide meaningful jobs for over 90 employees at JiHM.                               ITEM DESCRIPTION                       SUGGESTED GIFT             YOUR GIFT   CODE
                                                                                                    Where Most Needed                                          $100                               –

                                                                                                    Staff Support (NAME:                             )         $100                               –
                                 Hand-Stitched Cards                     $10
                                                                                                    GIFTS TO BLESS GRACE EMMANUEL SCHOOL.
                                  These greeting cards are embroidered
                                                                                                    Lunch for a Month                                           $15                               S1
                                  with love by mamas in Haiti. Send
                                                                                                    Food for the Weekend                                       $25                                S2
                                  joy this Christmas or encouragement
                                  throughout the year while providing                               School Uniform                                             $25                                S3

                                  a job in Haiti. $10 for a pack of 4                               Care for a Sick Student                                    $50                                S4
                                  assorted designs. See all designs at
                                                                                                    GIFTS TO BLESS THE LIGHTHOUSE.
                                                                                                    Soccer Ball                                                 $10                               L1
                                  G1 – CHRISTMAS PACK
                                                                                      + many more
                                  G2 - ENCOURAGEMENT PACK                                 designs
                                                                                                    A Full Tummy                                               $30                                L2

                                                                                                    A Safe Place to Call Home                                  $40                                L3

                                                                                                    Clothes & Shoes                                            $50                                L4
    $14                              $20                            $95
                                                                                                    GIFTS TO BLESS VICTORY BIBLE CHURCH.
                                                                                                    Haitian Creole Bible                                        $15                               V1

                                                                                                    Marriage Retreat                                           $150                               V2

                                                                                                    Church Bench                                               $170                               V3

    Minimalist Hoops                                                                                                       (DON'T FORGET SHIPPING
                                  Ornament Set                  Nativity Set                        GIFTS TO WRAP.          FOR THESE ITEMS ONLY.)       QUANTITY     x   COST       = AMOUNT    CODE
     These lightweight
     statement earrings                                                                             Hand-Stitched Christmas Card Pack                                     $10*                    G1
                                   Made in Haiti from a           This exquisite, 10-piece
     feature delicate gold         recycled steel drum,           nativity set is hand              Hand-Stitched Encouragement Card Pack                                 $10*                    G2

     hoops highlighted             this set of three              carved from wood in               Minimalist Hoops                                                      $14*                    G3
     with black glass seed         snowflake ornaments            Haiti and brings to life          Ornament Set                                                          $20*                    G4
     beads. Handcrafted in         will add a little Haitian      a moment of worship               Nativity Set                                                          $95*                    G5
     Haiti at Petite Palm. G3      flair to your tree. G4         at Jesus’ birth. G5
                                                                                                    "If God Wills" Tee                                                    $16*                    G6
                                                                                                    *SHIPPING For 1 item, add $4. For 2–3, add $7. For 4+, add $10.                              SHIP

                            "If God Wills" Tee                                                                                                                      TOTAL        $

                             This dark gray tee features a       FIND MORE ITEMS
                                                                                                    Mail this form with your check, made
                             popular Haitian Creole phrase,      & ORDER ONLINE:
                                                                     payable to Jesus in Haiti Ministries, to:
                             Si Dye Vle, and its translation,
                                                                    christmas/                        JiHM Christmas
     $16                     If God Wills. A comforting
                                                                                                      PO Box 82
                             reminder from James 4:15 that God                                        Becker, MN 55308
6                            is in charge. Adult XS-2XL, Bella+Canvas. G6
CHRISTMAS CATALOG 2021 - Jesus in Haiti Ministries
             6066 E. State Blvd.
             Fort Wayne, IN 46815

    Cele bra t e th  e
          h o  S A VE  S !               E S P E C I A L LY F O R :
   GOD w

NEW GIFTS!        Haitian-made
                  items that
                  provide jobs
                  in Haiti
CHRISTMAS CATALOG 2021 - Jesus in Haiti Ministries CHRISTMAS CATALOG 2021 - Jesus in Haiti Ministries CHRISTMAS CATALOG 2021 - Jesus in Haiti Ministries CHRISTMAS CATALOG 2021 - Jesus in Haiti Ministries CHRISTMAS CATALOG 2021 - Jesus in Haiti Ministries
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