United in Christ - World Communion Sunday Christ Church United Methodist

Page created by Lloyd Gomez
United in Christ - World Communion Sunday Christ Church United Methodist
    in Christ

World Communion Sunday
Christ Church United Methodist   October 3, 2021
United in Christ - World Communion Sunday Christ Church United Methodist
Order of Worship
                                           October 3, 2021
                   *Denotes when congregation is invited to stand, in body or spirit.
                          Bold type denotes congregation speaking aloud.
                  UMH: United Methodist Hymnal            TFWS: The Faith We Sing

Gathering Music                                                                   Anne Hunter, Guest Organist
                                    Andante (from 1st Symphony for Organ)
                                               by Louis Vierne

The Light of Christ Enters                  Dave Ramsey, Director of Music; Bobby Fitzgerald, guitar
                                    The Church’s One Foundation
                     Words by Samuel J. Stone; Music by Samuel Sebastian Wesley

Welcome and Opening Prayer                                                                            Kat Harrell

*Call to Worship
       We gather today as people of God, a community of Christ followers.
             We gather to share Word and Sacrament, to discern the ways of faithful service.
       Where in the world shall we serve our God?
             At home and school, in businesses and in communities, throughout every land.
       How in the world shall we serve our God?
             By working toward justice where there is oppression, by offering comfort where there is
             pain, by sharing love where there is hatred.
       And why in the world shall we serve our God?
             Because the Spirit beckons us, and Jesus calls us to enact our faith. Let us now worship
             the one who calls us!
                                    (by Ana & Tod Gobledale, Global Ministries Associates serving in United Kingdom)

*Opening Hymn                                                        UMH 344 vs. 1 English then Spanish
                                                                                    Glenn Ray, Cantor
                                    Lord, You Have Come to the Lakeshore

All-Age Story and Koins for Kids Offering                                               Rev. Elizabeth Endicott

Scripture Readings                       Acts 2:42-47 NRSV                                            Kat Harrell
                                       Galatians 3:26-27 NRSV
       This is a Word of God for the people of God.
               Thanks be to God, Amen.

Sermon                                       “United in Christ”                         Rev. Elizabeth Endicott

Sacrament of Holy Communion

Communion Song                        Make Me a Channel of Your Peace                                TFWS 2171

Invitation to Respond and Give                                                                        Kat Harrell

Pastoral Prayer and Lord’s Prayer                                                       Rev. Elizabeth Endicott
*Closing Hymn                         TFWS 2235b English then Zulu           Please tear along crease and place
                             We are Marching                                        in the offering plate.

*Benediction                                  Rev. Elizabeth Endicott           PRAYER REQUESTS
   May God prosper you. May your days be long and your nights
 serene. May your friendships honor you, and your family love you.                 Week of October 3rd
  May you eat at your table, and may you be gathered into to God’s
                        embrace with a smile.                                   Please share in newsletter.
      A Blessing from Cuba by Elena Huegel, published Sept 25, 2018
                                                                                For staff prayer only
Postlude                                                   Anne Hunter          (do not share in worship).
                          Allegro Energio
           Christian Cappelen arr. by Mark L. Williams
    **Please remain in your pew until the Light of Christ exits.**

Many thanks to today’s volunteers:
        Welcome Team
        Larry and Rebecca Bourgeois, Worship Technology
        Louise Gunderson and John Buckle, Financial Counters

BYOB2 meets Sundays at 5:30pm in the south parking lot. Contact Kat
Harrell, keharrell89@comcast.net, for details. Currently reading about the
effects of solitary confinement in prisons.

Birthdays and anniversaries will be celebrated monthly beginning in
October in our newsletter, News and Notes. Please update the church
office with your special dates or email address to be included.

Rev. Emily Flemming will be at home September 30- October 12 after hip
replacement surgery. Please direct any questions or concerns to the church
office or Pastor Jordan Vermeer, who will be preaching on October 10th.

Seminar, our adult education class, meets Sundays at 9:00am in the Chapel
downstairs and on Zoom. Topics vary each week. Email Don Smith,
dbsmd1@gmail.com, for more info.

Social Justice Committee is restarting. If you are passionate about hands-
on ministry in our community and beyond, please join the kick-off
Tuesday, October 19 at 7:00pm on Zoom.

Advent Seasonal Planning Team begins 5:30pm Thursday, October 14 on
Zoom and in-person. This short-term group will plan worship, small
groups, mission, education and decorations to honor our 150th Christmas
Please complete the connections                              Welcome to Worship
slip and place in offering plate.
        October 3, 2021              Welcome to Christ Church United Methodist. This faith community works
                                     to be R.E.A.L. (to help you Relate, Engage, Advocate, and Learn). We
Name(s):                             share a deep connection to God and one another, loving across differences.
                                     We want you to know how excited we are that you are here! We hope that
                                     you will feel welcome, relaxed, and comfortable. Please reach out to the
                                     pastors or staff if you have any questions. No matter who you are, where
                                     you are from, or what you believe, ALL are welcome here!
Children in attendance:
                                     Children at Christ Church
                                     We love and welcome children of all ages in worship. If your kids need a
                                     break, there is a comfortable Children’s Library in the lobby.
Street:                              Color Dots = Social Distance Comfort
                                     Please choose either a red, yellow or green sticker to wear during worship
                                     to help others know your comfort level.
                                             Red = Please maintain 6’ distance.
City/State/Zip:                              Yellow = some closer contact ok (i.e. elbow bumps).
                                             Green = High fives and handshakes welcome.

                                     Electronic Giving
                                     Please text “CCUM” to “77977” which generates a link to our giving site.
Home Phone:
Cell Phone:
Email(s):                                                      Connect With Us
                                     Senior Pastor, Rev. Emily S. Flemming (she/her)
                                                  Cell: 720-445-1905; EFlemming@ChristChurchColorado.org
      My contact info has changed.
                                     Pastoral Discipleship Intern, Jordan Vermeer (he/him)
I am/We are                                                              JVermeer@ChristChurchColorado.org
    Member/s                         Music Director, Dave Ramsey (he/him)
   Regular Attender                  Church Administrator, Rebecca Bourgeois (she/her)
    First-Time Visitor                                 Office: 303-322-0784; office@ChristChurchColorado.org
                                          Office is closed Mondays (Sabbath), open Tuesday-Friday 9am-3pm.
Visitors, how’d you hear about us?
    Banners                          Website: www.ChristChurchColorado.org
   Friend: ___________________
                                     Social Media: www.facebook.com/CCUMDenver
   Facebook                          You Tube: search for Christ Church Colorado to Subscribe to our channel,
                                     and view livestreamed worship services and events (upcoming and past).
What drew you to our community?

                                                Photo on cover by Mohamed Hassouna on Unsplash.

The church office needs to know:
   I would like to receive emailed
   I would appreciate a nametag.
   Please help connect me to:
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