Page created by Jessie Chan


The University of Queensland’s                WHY PARTICIPATE
Young Scholars Program                        Students selected for the UQ Young Scholars Program benefit from:

(YSP) provides high-achieving                 Discovery
                                              • early familiarisation with university, campus and college life
secondary school students
                                              • gaining valuable insights into fields of study they may not have
with a unique and inspiring                       encountered as part of the school curriculum.
opportunity to discover,                      Engagement
learn and engage with UQ’s                    • challenging discussions, led by some of Australia’s leading
                                                  teaching and research academics
academic community and
                                              •   information sessions and hands-on experiences covering many
like-minded students from                         interesting study and career possibilities
across Queensland.                            •   engaging in activities that broaden their perspectives and
                                                  challenge them to think more deeply about today’s global society
                                              •   opportunities to build valuable networks and lasting friendships
                                                  with like-minded students
YSP is designed to nurture and develop        •   mentoring and support from current UQ students
our future leaders. The program presents      •   igniting motivation to make a positive and lasting difference
students with an exciting opportunity             through leadership and community endeavours.
for academic extension and enrichment,
and is centred around igniting young          Learning
change makers’ passions for leadership,
                                              • early information on new programs, scholarship opportunities
academic achievement and community
                                                  and forthcoming events
development in today’s global society.
                                              • learning about employability.
The pinnacle experience for students is the
five-day residential camp. This               Opportunities
on-campus experience challenges UQ Young
                                              • personal, professional and leadership development
Scholars to think critically about some of
today’s major global issues and exposes       • a range of social, sporting and cultural activities.
them to a wide range of potential study
areas and career opportunities. Through
guidance from YSP staff and student
mentors, UQ Young Scholars are able to
grow their networks and broaden their
perspectives from high school and beyond.
YSP encourages students to be active
                                                                         “I was completely blown away by the YSP
participants in their learning through
                                                                         experience! It was a thrilling, upbeat way to
involvement in team building, public
speaking, critical thinking, communication,                              learn about the opportunities available at UQ
and goal establishment. Our specially                                    and personally helped me decide my areas of
trained and passionate team of YSP staff                                 study. More than that though, YSP connected
and student mentors support UQ Young                                     me with inspiring friends who I have the
Scholars through their learning journey,                                 pleasure of catching up with to this day.”
and prepare students for their future

                                                                         MADELEINE JOHNSTON
                                                                         Tannum Sands State High School
“The YSP experience is like no other
                                                                                                      high school camp. Hearing from
                                                                                                      inspiring speakers, getting involved
                                                                                                      with UQ’s culture and getting to
                                                                                                      know all the other scholars was
                                                                                                      an exciting, humbling and frankly
                                                                                                      awesome experience. YSP showed
                                                                                                      me all the things that UQ had on
                                                                                                      offer but also taught me to just
                                                                                                      jump in and give things a go!”

                                                                                                      JEREMY GORDON
                                                                                                      Iona College, Brisbane

                                                                                                    SAMPLE PROGRAM
                                                                                                    TIME         ACTIVITY

                                                                                                   7.00–         Breakfast

                                                                                                   8.15–         Keynote speaker

                                                                                                   9.00–         In the Loop (logistics session)
      2018 UQ YSP involves:                                                                        10.00am–      Academic taster session:
      • a five-day (four-night) residential camp at UQ’s St Lucia campus                           12.00pm       • Great chemical disasters
                                                                                                                 • Materials Engineering
        (Sunday 25–Thursday 29 November)
                                                                                                                 • Debating the politics of asylum
      • a YSP reunion at UQ Open Day (Sunday 4 August 2019)                                                        in Australia
                                                                                                                 • An insight into a career
      • online engagement activities and networking through the exclusive                                          in medicine
        YSP Facebook group.                                                                                      • What is psychology?

                                                                                                   12.00–        Lunch in the Great Court

                                                                                                   1.15–         Academic workshop session:
                                                                                                   2.45pm        • Leadership in action
STAYING AT UQ                                    Fee waivers and travel bursaries are                            • Robotics
                                                 available to assist students who would not                      • Digital video editing
While on campus, students are housed in                                                                          • Powering cities
                                                 otherwise be able to participate due to
individual rooms in one of UQ’s residential                                                                      • Music performance
                                                 their financial circumstances.                                  • Architecture speed design
colleges. YSP staff and student mentors
reside on campus for the duration of the                                                           2.45–         Afternoon tea
residential camp and can be called on at         STAFF AND STUDENT                                 3.00pm
any time for assistance or pastoral care. All    MENTORS                                           3.00–         Standing tall:
UQ residential colleges are secure facilities,                                                     4.00pm        • What does it mean to be a leader
                                                 Our Student Mentor team are friendly,                              in your generation?
protected by 24-hour security.
                                                 high-achieving university students who are
                                                                                                   4.00–         Sports and the Arts:
                                                 specifically trained for their role. Along with
COST OF THE PROGRAM                              our team of dedicated staff, it is our aim to
                                                                                                   5.00pm        • Zumba
                                                                                                                 • Beach volleyball
The program cost of $615 includes all            ensure each student feels supported during                      • Debating
activities, meals and accommodation              their stay at UQ and for the duration of the                    • Ultimate Disc

(four nights in total) for the camp*.            program. Our experience in, and passion           5.30–         Twilight gathering and formal dinner
Transportation is not included in the            for, providing high-quality educational and       7.30pm        at residential college
program cost.                                    hands-on experiences allows each student          8.00–         Dance night/movie night/
                                                 to discover and learn about the endless           10.00pm       trivia night
                                                 opportunities available to them.                  The full five-day residential camp program is
* Program terms and conditions apply
                                                                                                   supplied to successful applicants prior to camp
                                                                                                   to allow them to select their preferred sessions.
                                                                                                   The program is revised annually.
APPLY NOW                                     • a statement from the school to support
                                                                                      student nomination
                                      We welcome applications for the
                                                                                    • evidence of financial hardship
                                      UQ Young Scholars Program from current
                                                                                      (if applicable).
                                      Year 11 students. To ensure diversity in
                                      the program and to allow each student         To apply, visit young-scholars.uq.edu.au.
                                      to make their special contribution, the       Before applying, students are encouraged
                                      selection panel will choose nominees          to read the YSP application guidelines
                                      from a wide range of schools,                 available on the Young Scholars Program
                                      backgrounds and interest areas.               website.
“Being a part of the Young                                                          Applications must be received by UQ
                                      To be eligible for selection, applicants
Scholars Program leadership team                                                    no later than 4.00pm Friday 10 August
                                      must be:
has been the most incredible                                                        2018. Late applications will not be
                                      • enrolled in Year 11 at a Queensland
experience of my life. It’s surreal                                                 considered.
                                        secondary school
to be surrounded by the most          • OP eligible and intending to pursue
passionate, energetic, and caring       university studies on completion of
team of mentors and staff, working      Year 12.                                   CONTACT US
towards the common goal of            Selection will be based on:                  UQ Young Scholars Program Coordinator
inspiring a phenomenal group of       • academic excellence                        Phone (07) 3365 2835
young leaders, and to walk away       • leadership achievements                    Email youngscholars@uq.edu.au
from camp each year being just as     • significant contribution to their school   Web young-scholars.uq.edu.au
inspired in return. I recommend the     or community.
Young Scholars Program to every       Applicants are required to complete

                                                                                                                                MAR18 CRICOS PROVIDER NUMBER 00025B
student I encounter – it’s            an online application form and submit
life-changing.”                       appropriate supporting documentation,
                                      • copy of Semester 1, Year 11
KRISTY ARMITAGE                         school report
YSP Senior Mentor                     • 300-word personal statement
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