Children and Adolescents with Disabilities: Managing Beyond the School - Learning

Page created by Ida Barnes
Children and Adolescents with Disabilities: Managing Beyond the School - Learning

Children and Adolescents with Disabilities: Managing
                Beyond the School
 (Prof. Mariateresa Cairo, Dr. Maria Grazie Francia, Dr. Caterina Martinazzoli and Dr. Erika Terenghi – Università
Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano in collaboration with Centro riabilitativo per il bambino e la famiglia Imparole,
                                       Cernusco s. Naviglio, Seveso, Milano)

Children and Adolescents with Disabilities: Managing Beyond the School - Learning
Schedule for meeting/webinar
My name is Mariateresa Cairo and I’m professor in Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan
(Italy). I’m a partner with my staff and dr. Maria Concetta Carruba of ASuMIE - project.
To realize the research I am going to tell you about I collaborated with Imparole - Centro
Riabilitativo per il bambino e la famiglia in Cernusco S. Naviglio, Seveso and Milan, hereinafter
called Imparole Centre.
I’m very happy to partecipate in this meeting with you. I hope we’ll spend a good hour togheter.
The ASuMIE partnership, consisting of support providers and universities from Italy, Norway,
Portugal, the Czech Republic, Slovenia and Belgium, aims to create a learning network on
inclusive education support in Europe and to exchange knowledge and good practice. The
project is aimed at everyone involved in supporting pupils, teachers and/or school teams in an
inclusive education context. The 3-years project has been funded by Erasmus + KA2.

Children and Adolescents with Disabilities: Managing Beyond the School - Learning
Project goals
                  To improve the whole classroom team by ENRICHING THE
                               SKILLS of support professionals

            To enhance the SELF-EFFICACY in (cognitive – social – emotional)
                    inclusive learning in those children experiencing
                                   barriers to learning

                To develope materials that improve a good understanding of the
                 bridge between transversal COGNITIVE COMPETENCIES and
                              KEY COMPETENCIES for learning

Children and Adolescents with Disabilities: Managing Beyond the School - Learning
The Aim of the Research:
The present research was an exploratory survey, aimed at understanding better the
relationship between school, family and rehabilitation services in situations of a child with
Particular attention was paid to mild intellectual disabilities and autism, which includes those
delicate situations when families do not normally ask for a support teacher, because the
heterochrony of the child's development permits an acceptable attendance and presence of a
child in the school. Parents are often unaware of what is best for their child, going so far as to
deny a child’s difficult situation with the risk of neglecting the child and his/her real needs.
The subjects of this research not only include the children with intellectual disabilities or
autism, but also include the environment that surrounds them, which consists of family,
school, rehabilitation centres and other significant relationships (Bronfenbrenner, 1979).
Children and Adolescents with Disabilities: Managing Beyond the School - Learning
The Participants of the research:
The participants of the research were divided into two groups:
1. Sample group: consisted of 20 parents (19 mothers and 1 father) (1 parent of a child in
    nursery school, 9 parents of children in primary school, 7 parents of children in lower
    secondary school and 3 parents of adolescents in upper secondary school) who have
    turned to Imparole Rehabilitation Center in the last 5 years, asking for support to their child
    with mild intellectual disability or autism.

2.   Control group consisted of 20 parents (18 mothers and 2 fathers of children without
     disability) (10 parents of children in primary school and 10 parents of children in lower
     secondary school).

The age of children with a disability (sons and daughters of the parents of sample group) was
from 5 to 16 years old.
Children and Adolescents with Disabilities: Managing Beyond the School - Learning
The Duration of the Research

The timing of preparation and bibliography of the research took place from December 2018 to
June 2019, lasting 6 months. Another 6 months to conduct the interviews and collect the data,
from September 2019 to February 2020. A pause was taken for 4 months. Finally, the analysis of
data and drafting of the final research lasted 6 months from May 2020 to September 2020.
Children and Adolescents with Disabilities: Managing Beyond the School - Learning
The Research Tools used:

Questionnaire with 23 items given out to parents of sample group and to parents of control

Interview with 21 questions given out to only for parents of sample group.
Children and Adolescents with Disabilities: Managing Beyond the School - Learning
The subjects of the questionnaire were
influenced by Quality of Family Life
(Family Quality of Life Scale - Beach Center
on Disability, University of Kansas, 2012).
The questionnaire paid attention to 23
items divided into five domains of family
quality of life in the presence of a disabled

▪   Family Relationship

▪   Parenting

▪   Emotional Well-being

▪   Physical /Material Well-being

▪   Specialized Support for the Children
    with Disability
Children and Adolescents with Disabilities: Managing Beyond the School - Learning
Definition of Family that has been used in our research can be defined:
«a family includes the people who think of themselves as part of the family, whether related by
blood or marriage or not, and who support each other on a regular basis» (Brown I. and Brown
R.I., Quality of Life and Disability, 2006, p. 176)

Definition of Family Quality of Life used in our research can be defined as:
«Family Quality of Life can be thought of in two ways – as a meeting place of individual family
members’ quality of life, and a meeting place of factors/aspects [individual well – being +
advocacy + enrichment + productivity] that affect the whole family. In our view, it is better
thought of as a combination of the two» (p. 177)
Children and Adolescents with Disabilities: Managing Beyond the School - Learning
                                                                                                       BEING                        WELL - BEING              PERSON WITH DISABILITY

23 items: indicate the degree of satisfaction   My family enjoys
                                                spending time together.
                                                                          My family members help
                                                                          the children learn to be
                                                                                                       My family has the
                                                                                                       support we need to
                                                                                                                                    My family members
                                                                                                                                    have transportation to    My family member with a disability
                                                                          independent.                 relieve stress.              get to the places they    has support to accomplish goals at
                                                                                                                                    need to be.               school or at workplace.

                                                My family members talk    My family members teach My family members have My family gets medical
                                                openly with each other.   the children how to get friends or others who  care when needed.                    My family member with disability has
                                                                          along with others.      provide support.                                            support to accomplish goals at home.

                                                Our family solves         Adults in our family teach My family members have My family gets dental
                                                problems together.        the children to make good some time to pursue our care when needed.
                                                                                                                                                              My family has good relationships with
                                                                          decisions.                 own interests.
                                                                                                                                                              the service providers who provide
                                                                                                                                                              services and support to our family
                                                                                                                                                              member with a disability.

                                                My family members         Adults in my family know     My family has outside        My family feels safe at   My family member with a disability
                                                support each other to     other people in the          help avaiilable to us to     home, work, school,       has support to make friends.
                                                accomplish goals.         children’s lives (friends,   take care of special needs   and in our
                                                                          teachers, etc…).             of all family members.       neighborhood.

                                                My family members         My family members help
                                                show that they love and   the children with
                                                care for each other.      schoolwork and activities.

                                                My family is able to
                                                handle life’s ups and
General perception of quality family life. The average
well-being of families.
Family Relationship
                      My family is able to handle life’s ups
                      and downs.
            My family members help the children learn to be
Emotional Wellbeing
My family has the support we need to   My family has outside help availble to us to take
relieve stress.                        care of special needs of all family members.
Physical/Material Wellbeing
My family members have transportation to   My family gets dental care
get to the places they need to be.         when needed.
Specialized Support for the Child with a Disability
My family has a good relationship with the service providers who give services and support to our family
member with a disability.
Some points of interest about the results of the
The Interview to the parents


 How old is your child?

 What class is he/she attending?


 How would you define your relationship (as parents) with the school and teachers?

 In your opinion, is your child followed well at school? Do you feel that the teachers are
 working hard to help your child? How do you understand this?

 Did the school ask for the presence of a support teacher for your child’s class? If so, in
 your opinion, has this helped your child develop? Why and how?

 Do you feel that your child is helped more by the support teacher or by curricular
 teachers? (to be omitted if there is no support teacher)

 Does your child like going to school? How do you know this?

 How long have you been attending the Imparole Rehabilitation Centre?

 For which activities is the child supported?

 Are there other services in the area where you live that you could turn to for
 assistance? Why did you choose Imparole Centre?

 Does the Centre offer advice to your child’s teachers? Do you think the work done by
 Imparole staff with the child and with the school is effective?

 Has your child changed since he started attending the Centre? In what way? Can you
 describe any attitudes or behaviors that have changed?

 Can you tell me three main factors that facilitate the inclusion in school
 of your child? (facilitators – positive)

 Can you please tell me three main factors that hindered your child in
 the inclusion of school (barriers - negative)?


 What do you think you can do as a family to overcome these obstacles?

 What do you think the school should do?

 What do you think Imparole Centre should do?

 Do you have trust in the support system that surrounds your son/daughter and in the people who are helping him/her?

 Do you think your child is learning about the important things they will need when he/she is an adult ?

 Do you think that your personal and/or religious values, your cultural beliefs as a family are affecting the way you manage your child’s disability?

 If you were to give suggestions to a parent who is in a similar situation as yours, what would you say to him/her?
The School Environment in the Words
   of the Mothers:

“Abbiamo trovato due brave insegnanti, molto attente alle esigenze dei bambini, a lavorare in modo differenziato, dando il
tempo ai bambini di imparare e approfondire. Le insegnanti sono abbastanza collaborative con noi anche nel raccogliere
le segnalazioni che avevamo fatto … Le insegnanti [hanno cercato] di relazionarsi con noi genitori.” (mother of T., 7
years old, dislexia and other learning difficulties)
«Il tipo di scuola è una scuola comunità, dove all’interno si svolge molta vita, dove c'è molto coinvolgimento delle
famiglie…Anche prima che iniziasse la scuola le insegnanti ci hanno coinvolto ad andare a fare dei lavori…Ci sono delle
giornate di cura della scuola a cui partecipano anche i bambini e questa cosa crea relazioni…” (mother of C., 7 years old,
dislexia and other learning difficulties)
“Le insegnanti avevano costruito un lombricaio, avevano portato l'acquario con i pesciolini, avevano costruito con il
cartongesso un'astronave perché hanno fatto una telefonata a Luca Parmisano dalla stazione della NASA…Sono tutte
attività diverse dallo scrivere alla lavagna…ci sono tante attività…” (mother of D., 7 years old, autism syndrom)
Socialization with Classmates in the Words of the Mothers:

•   “Mio figlio sta imparando a vivere. Sono lezioni di vita … anche quella di litigare col compagno è una lezione di vita,
    cominciano adesso ad averle e lui è molto consapevole delle sue difficoltà eh…, non è che non capisce, capisce e sa di
    avere delle difficoltà. Però non si arrende. E’ molto positivo il bambino in queste cose.” (Mother of R. 14 years old,
    mild intellectual disability)
•   “Gli altri bambini la salutano e poi finisce tutto lì. Quindi lei è più attratta dal mondo ‘adulto’ perché quando
    ...quando ha bisogno va là... dagli insegnanti di sostegno e dal suo educatore e loro se la tirano dietro e basta.”
    (Mother of S. 11 years old, mild intellectual disability)
•   “…ma sicuramente la condizione della classe e il tipo di classe è fondamentale. La fortuna di capitare in una classe
    dove ... Dove il bambino non è discriminato, dove un bambino non venga lasciato nell'angolo. E’ assolutamente
    fondamentale questo per facilitare il tutto, perché se il bambino è sempre da solo e sempre nessuno lo considera
    sfiderei chiunque… […] ... Tutto fa l’ambiente ...l'ambiente in cui si vive. L’ ambiente è assolutamente modificabile e ti
    modifica. Se tu sei in un ambiente ostile, come fai?” (Mother of L. 12 years old, down syndrom)
Collaboration between School, Family and
      Rehabilitation Services in the Words of the Mothers:

Le insegnanti hanno fatto il colloquio con le terapiste di L., gli si è aperto un mondo perché evidentemente avevano
difficoltà con L. non sapevano bene come comportarsi e quindi quando [le insegnanti] hanno fatto il colloquio con la
logopedista e la psicomotricista lui è cambiato, insomma è migliorato, per cui effettivamente ci vuole un…. diciamo un
lavoro a quattro ecco...” (Mother of P., 8 years old, a adoplted child)
“A più persone ho suggerito il Centro Imparole. Più di una mamma è venuta qua tramite me. Eh si, questo è il consiglio che
darei … parlarne e farsi aiutare. Di chiedere, non bisogna chiudersi, di chiedere. Perché ci sono tante persone che possono
aiutare, questo sì.” (Mother of B., 10 years old, mild learning disability)
“non so se l'aveva sentito da qualche altro bambino-, ma ha sempre detto di no. Lui diceva: ‘Chi ha il sostegno è perché è
stupido!’ Eh no ...nel senso ‘Tu sai che ci sono diversi modi di imparare...chi impara in un modo e chi ha più bisogno’ ...cioè
noi l’abbiamo sempre messa così e secondo me questa cosa lo aiuta...” (Mother of F., 11 years old, mild learning
“Si volendo ci sarebbero altre UONPIA sul territorio, però ci avevano dato una lista d'attesa molto, molto lunga, Ci
sarebbero voluti due anni per iniziare una terapia” (Mother of D., 7 years old, autism syndrom)
            Four Considerations to be Made
            from the Interviews:

    The analysis of the questionnaires and the interviews show the importance of making certain improvements:
     The personal resources and the experience gained by every family.

     Particular attention needs to be given during a family stressful events like a parent’s separation.

     The Centre as a support network: it gives extra guidance and support for the family and school.

     The school as an inclusive and useful environment.
«The inclusion isn’t an exceptional event,
but a simple event and a process in every day school life»
                     (Ainschow M.)
Thank you for your attention!

Please refer to online the Website for more details about our results.
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