Running the Census and Frequently Asked Questions

Running the Census and Frequently Asked Questions
Supplementary Guide to
               Running the School Census
              Primary (Primary Age Range)

                   1st October 2020
                 Running the Census
             Frequently Asked Questions

         Author                  : Alex Dickin

         Version                 : 7.0
         Date                    : 03/08/2020

Document description: A supplementary guide to use with the Capita guidance on
                   running the School census with FAQ’s.
Running the Census and Frequently Asked Questions
ICT Procedure – Running the Autumn Census

                                                             Table of Contents

1     INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................................... 3
    1.1       PURPOSE......................................................................................................................................................... 3
    1.2       SCOPE ............................................................................................................................................................. 3
2     PREREQUESITS ................................................................................................................................................... 4
    2.1       VERSION .......................................................................................................................................................... 4
    2.2       PERMISSIONS .................................................................................................................................................. 4
    2.3       ACCESS TO FOLDERS ...................................................................................................................................... 4
    2.4       IMPORTING THE LATEST DFE VALIDATION FILESET ........................................................................................ 4
3     CHANGES TO THE 2019 AUTUMN CENSUS ................................................................................................. 5
    3.1       EXCLUSIONS.................................................................................................................................................... 5
4     RUNNING THE CENSUS ..................................................................................................................................... 6
    4.1       CREATING THE PRIMARY CENSUS .................................................................................................................. 6
    4.2       PANEL 1 – CENSUS DETAILS .......................................................................................................................... 7
    4.3       PANEL 2 – SCHOOL INFORMATION ................................................................................................................. 8
    4.4       PANEL 3 – EARLY YEARS................................................................................................................................ 8
    4.5       PANEL 4 – CLASS TYPE ................................................................................................................................ 10
    4.6       PANEL 5 – TOP-UP FUNDING ........................................................................................................................ 11
    4.7       PANEL 6 – POST LOOKED AFTER ARRANGEMENTS ..................................................................................... 13
    4.8       PANEL 7 – SCHOOL DINNER TAKEN ............................................................................................................. 13
    4.9       PANEL 8 – ATTENDANCE............................................................................................................................... 14
    4.10      RUNNING CREATE AND VALIDATE................................................................................................................. 15
    4.11      PRODUCING THE DETAILED REPORTS.......................................................................................................... 17
    4.12      AUTHORISING THE CENSUS ........................................................................................................................... 18
5     FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS .............................................................................................................. 20
    5.2       HOW DO I CHECK WHICH VERSION OF SIMS.NET I AM USING? .................................................................... 21
    5.3       HOW DO I CHECK/UPDATE MY PERMISSIONS IN SIMS.NET? ........................................................................ 21
    5.4       HOW DO I IMPORT THE LATEST FILESET INTO SIMS.NET? ........................................................................... 22
    5.5       WHY CARRY OUT A DRY RUN? ...................................................................................................................... 22
    5.6       HOW DO I ACCESS/USE THE COLLECT WEBSITE? ........................................................................................ 23
    5.7       WHO DO I CONTACT FOR FURTHER ASSISTANCE? ....................................................................................... 23
6     DOCUMENT CONTROL .................................................................................................................................... 24

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Running the Census and Frequently Asked Questions
ICT Procedure – Running the Autumn Census


    1.1   Purpose

This document provides additional guidance for producing the school census and answers
common frequently asked questions, to be used in conjunction with the Capita guidance in
your documentation centre.

    1.2   Scope

The document can be used to assist the Returns Manager in completing and returning the
school census.

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    2.1    Version

You must be running the Summer 2020 release, version 7.194.

    2.2    Permissions

You will need to be part of the following group within

    •     Returns Manager
    •     School Administrator

    2.3    Access to folders

You will need to have full read/write access to the folder in which your Census Return is
stored (this will normally be on the S drive see 4.1).

    2.4    Importing the latest DfE validation Fileset

The DfE will sometimes make changes to the census after Capita have released the
upgrade, therefore if a file set is released it is vital that it is imported before trying to create
the school census. Please check Schools’ choice website for the most recent file set
information, (Currently Fileset 1600).

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    3.1    Exclusions

The collection period for Exclusions has been extended to two terms rather than one term.
This will be any exclusion with a start date within Spring and Summer Terms (01/01/2019
to 31/08/2019). In addition to this Lunchtime exclusions are no longer collected. Here are
the data items collected from an exclusion:

    •     Exclusion Type
    •     Exclusion Reason
    •     Exclusion Start Date
    •     Actual number of sessions
    •     SEN Provision

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    4.1   Creating the Primary Census

In go to Routines | Statutory Returns | School Census.
If you receive an error stating that the return file location is unavailable, don’t panic.

Click on OK.
                                                                     Click here to browse to the
                                                                     folder where you wish to save
                                                                     the census files.

                                                                 Locate the folder in your network
                                                                 drives, click on OK.
                                                                 Please note that due to the
                                                                 sensitive data contained within
                                                                 the return, the folder you
                                                                 choose should have restricted

    If the folder doesn’t exist,
    select Make New Folder to
    create a new Census folder.

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ICT Procedure – Running the Autumn Census

                                                       Click Yes to this message.

Back in, click on New.

   4.2   Panel 1 – Census Details

This screen is already populated with the dates the census is using to collect data, see
screenshot below:

                                                                          You can change the
                                                                          description if required.

Before proceeding any further click on Calculate all Details (circled above).
                                                                                     This warning appears
                                                                                     because once you have
                                                                                     altered data in your Census,
                                                                                     pressing “Calculate All
                                                                                     Details” will overwrite the

                                                                                     If this is being done for the
                                                                                     first time click on Yes

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   4.3   Panel 2 – School Information

Your school details page will load, ensure that this shows the correct information for your

Ensure the School e-mail address is present and is a Generic Address i.e. office@ or
head@. NOT a named person’s account.

If you have become an Academy you will need to complete the Previous School Name
and the date of the name change, the Previous Establishment Number and the date of the
number change, and the Previous URN Number and the date of this number change as

   4.4   Panel 3 – Early Years

This panel will only appear for schools with nursery pupils (aged 3 or 4 on 31/08/2020).

Click on Edit.

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                                                                      Click on each of the cells to
                                                                      add or amend the data.

Hours at Setting is the amount of time the child spends at your school during a normal

Funded Hours are the hours the pupil is funded for at your school. This column has a
maximum of 15 hours. This means if the pupil is funded over 15 hours, the remaining
hours are recorded within the Extended Funded Hours column. When Extended Funded
Hours are recorded, the parent/guardian provided 11-digit 30 Hour Code will need to be

Disability Access Fund indicator provides the ability to record whether three and four-
year olds are in receipt of the Disability Access Fund. If a pupil is in receipt of child
disability living allowance and receives free early education the disability access fund
(DAF), the indicator will need to be recorded in SIMS as ‘Yes’. Any other student will need
to be recorded as ‘No’ rather than leaving this box blank.

Save your changes and then click on OK to continue.

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   4.5   Panel 4 – Class type

The data for the Class Type table should pull through from the last census. However, as a
new academic year it is likely that you will have some new students. To record the new
students class type, click on edit.

Click in one of the boxes for each student depending on what type of class they are in.
Once you have made your changes click on save and then on OK.

Pupils taught in a dedicated Nursery Class regardless of what age they are should be in
Class Type ‘Nursery’. Pupils taught in any other class including a mixed nursery and
reception class should be in Class Type ‘Other’.

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ICT Procedure – Running the Autumn Census

   4.6   Panel 5 – Top-up Funding

This may appear blank or may have the pupils in receipt of top up funding at the last
Census, your Bursar will know which pupils are currently in receipt of Top-up Funding.
Click on Edit.

                                                                  If any pupils show in the lower box
                                                                  who are not currently in receipt of Top-
                                                                  up Funding, highlight their name, and
                                                                  click on Remove.

If any pupils who are currently in
receipt of Top-up Funding do not show
in the lower box, use the search criteria
in the upper box, highlight the pupil’s
name in this box, and click on Add.

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ICT Procedure – Running the Autumn Census

Once the lower box correctly reflects the pupils currently in receipt of Top-up Funding,
click on Update, then on OK.

When a new pupil has been allocated Top-up funding during the year, the database can
be kept up to date through the following route.

The Census Top-up funding panel will update this area, and this area will also update the

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   4.7   Panel 6 – Post Looked After Arrangements

'Adopted from Care' is renamed to PLAA (Post Looked After Arrangements) to better
describe the information required. This panel is edited in exactly the same way as the Top-
Up Funding panel. The data recorded is parent driven, they will have approached the
school with documentary evidence to show the pupil has been adopted from care and you
will need to keep a copy of this. OFSTED may ask to see it when looking at how the
associated Pupil Premium has been put to use.

   4.8   Panel 7 – School Dinner Taken

This is showing the take up on Universal Free School Meals on census day. If sickness or
anything else unusual reduces the figure significantly the DfE would like the school to look
at a “normal” day from Census week to complete this panel.

You can either enter the meals taken manually by ticking the box under School Dinner
Taken for each student that had a school meal on census day. Alternatively, you can use
either the ‘Calculate from Attendance or ‘Calculate from Dinner Money’ to populate this

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   4.9   Panel 8 – Attendance

If the attendance panel
has “some attendance
marks are missing”
you will have to go to
the “Deal with Missing
Marks” routine.

                                                  This is opened through Focus | Attendance |
                                                  Deal with Missing Marks

Change the date range, ensure that you select a date range slightly longer than the
collection date range (suggested range 01/04/2020 – 31/08/2020).

                                                               Change the group type to Whole School
                                                               and click on Search.

Either double click on “Whole school
selected” or click on Open at the top.

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                                                          This will display all missing marks for the
                                                          collection period.

                                                          Add the correct attendance codes.

Click on Save.

Next time you open the School
Census you should find panel 8
states that the attendance
codes are DfE compliant.

   4.10 Running Create and Validate

                                                      Click on the                   button to begin the
                                                      validation process.

                                                      This may take some time depending on the
                                                      number of pupils in your school.

                                                       If you get this warning you have not
                                                       thoroughly dealt with missing marks
                                                       see 4.9.
                                                       Click on Yes to continue.

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You will see a list of errors and queries that need to be resolved before authorising and
uploading your census return.

   Print a copy of the errors and                      Click here to filter by a
   queries by clicking on Report.                      particular error number.

 There is a new filter facility to search for errors pertaining to a particular pupil.
 Start typing the surname, DOB or UPN to locate a particular pupil.

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Most Error and Query Solutions which begin with a # can be accessed and corrected by
clicking on the solution (this should open the appropriate area of SIMS), correcting or
adding the required data and saving the screen before closing back to the Census. The
Error or Query will remain until you have Created and Validated the return again.

Errors are displayed in red and must be resolved, if it is impossible to resolve them a
detailed note can be uploaded to the census return. Please note however that the DfE
might not authorise your census return if they believe this could have been resolved or if
they are not satisfied with the explanation.

Queries are displayed in black. If this can be resolved, the school is expected to do so,
however there are some instances where a note to explain the query is sufficient.

The errors listed will not disappear from the list until they are corrected, saved and create
and validate is run again.

   4.11 Producing the Detailed Reports

Detailed reports should be used to check the data that is used to generate the census.

                   The return will have to be authorised by your head teacher
                   or an appropriate member of the SMT using the summary,
                   however we strongly recommend that you use the detailed
                   reports in conjunction with the summary which on its own
                   makes less sense.

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The selected reports will display in separate Internet Explorer web pages and will look
similar to the example below:

   4.12 Authorising the census

On Census day, Thursday 1st October, you must create and validate the census one final
time then authorise the census before uploading it onto the collect website, click on
            when ready.

                                                                                     Click on Yes to continue.

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                                                                             Before proceeding you must tick to
                                                                             confirm that the head teacher has
                                                                             seen and is satisfied with the
                                                                             summary and detailed reports.

                                                                             Add any applicable notes (these
                                                                             cannot be seen by the DfE, they are
                                                                             for your School’s benefit alone).

                                                                             Click on continue.

A copy of the summary, detailed reports and authorisation reports will populate, print these
reports if required.

You are now ready to upload the return to the collect website:

Once you have logged in using your DFE Sign-in username and password, Click on

Choose the School Census 2020 Autumn, then follow the instructions.

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    5.1   Can Academies rely on the Local Authority to highlight data clashes after
          the census?

No, unfortunately the Local Authority will only have sight of clashes between yourselves
and LA maintained schools, so if there is a clash between yourselves and another
academy this would remain hidden from them.

As you will be aware unresolved clashes mean that the DfE will not fund the pupil at either
establishment, so it is in your interest to resolve the issue with the other establishment,
and check that it has been resolved in the COLLECT Website the following day.

The Duplicate reports for "same person different UPN" and "Same UPN" are available on
the COLLECT website at the foot of the screen once you have Selected Data Collection.
We also anticipate new reports in relations to the new areas collected in the ‘Early Years’
panel. After Census day we will update the Schools Choice website with information about
any new reports.

Use the dropdown to pick the report.

The Same UPN report shows enrolment status clashes, and occasionally errors in name
spelling or date of birth, and the Different UPN report shows where temporary or new
UPNs need to be updated to the original UPN in your system and in COLLECT.

It is not always necessary to resubmit your Census return, it is possible to make
amendments in the COLLECT website once your MIS system has been updated, and the
SIMS team are happy to talk you through this procedure.

Whilst we appreciate that the DfE issue a deadline for submitting your census, that
deadline does include completion of resolving enrolment status clashes, and any other
amendments the DfE request, this is why it is essential to have your Autumn Census
submitted within a week of Census day to ensure no loss of funding is incurred.

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   5.2   How do I check which version of I am using?

To check which version you are running open and go to Help | About

   5.3   How do I check/update my permissions in

You will need your System Manager to add these permissions as follows:
In go to Focus | System Manager | Manager Users, search for the user and
open the users record. Go to panel 3 Groups;

                                                                             Click on add.

                                             Select the group you need
                                             to grant the user access
                                             (Returns Manager and
                                             School Administrator), click
                                             on OK and then save the
                                             users record.

                                        Please note that the user will be required to log off
                               and back on again for the new permissions to

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   5.4   How do I import the latest fileset into

When a new fileset is released, the fileset will be sent to all schools via anycomms.

First of all, locate the file set in S:\Other\In\Misc, if this is a zipped file you will need to
save this to an appropriate folder and unzip the file (this can be done by right-clicking on
the file and selecting ‘Extract All’).

In go to Tools | Setups | Import Fileset, click on the yellow folder next to
‘Choose Fileset’, navigate to where the unzipped file has been saved and select the mfs
file. You will need to wait whilst validates the file.

                                                                                     When this file has
                                                                                     finished validating
                                                                                     click Import

When the file set has finished importing you will see the following message:

Close out of and re-open it to see the changes.

   5.5   Why carry out a dry run?

The purpose of a dry run is to produce the validation errors summary, which details the
corrections that need to be made to your data. We strongly recommend that a dry run is
carried out as early as possible, even if you know that your data has not yet been fully
prepared or checked. If there is a problem that needs to be referred to Capita, the sooner
we do this the better.

You can carry out a dry run as soon as you have upgraded to the SIMS Summer 2020
release (version 7.194).

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   5.6   How do I access/use the Collect website?

Please ensure you have registered for the new DfE Secure Access prior to the Census. If
you have recently converted to Academy status you will need to check that you still have
access for the Academy, if your Establishment number has changed you will definitely
need to re-register.

Secure Access is a DfE managed website and unfortunately the process of obtaining
access to this site is beyond our control, if you are having problems please contact the
DfE directly using their on-line request form

You can access Collect by clicking on the following link:

   5.7   Who do I contact for further assistance?

LA maintained Primary Schools and Academies purchasing SIMS Support can contact us
as follows:

On 01473 260666 - Between 28/09/2020 and 02/10/2020 the Census Helpline will be
open between 08:30 -17:00 Mon – Thurs and 08:30 – 16:30 Fri.

All other times please contact the IT Service Desk on 01473 265555 or email

Please note Academies not purchasing support from the SIMS Support team will need to
contact the DfE direct for advice.

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Changes History

Version        Date                 Amended By                         Change
1.1            02/01/2013           Lizzie Winter                      Amendments made to 4.10 & 4.11
2.0            07/05/2015           Alex Dickin                        Amendments for next Census
3.0            02/08/2016           Alex Dickin                        Amendments for next Census
4.0            28/07/2017           Alex Dickin                        Amendments for next Census
5.0            04/09/2018           Richard Conium                     Amendments for next Census
6.0            07/08/2019           Alex Dickin                        Amendments for next Census
7.0            03/08/2020           Alex Dickin                        Amendments for next Census

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