Page created by Brandon Padilla




         766-778 Sandringham Road Extension,
               Mount Roskill, Auckland


                     October 2020

1.     NOTICE OF REQUIREMENT DETAILS ................................................................................................... 1

2.     INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................. 3

3.     SITE DESCRIPTION AND LOCALITY ...................................................................................................... 3
 3.1       Existing site and surrounds ............................................................................................................ 3
 3.2       Zoning and Designation ................................................................................................................. 3

4.     PROPOSED ALTERATION TO THE DESIGNATION ................................................................................ 4
 4.1       Description of proposal ................................................................................................................. 4
 4.2       Purpose of the proposal ................................................................................................................ 4

5.     STATUTORY ASSESSMENT .................................................................................................................. 5
 Statutory Assessment .............................................................................................................................. 5

6.     ASSESSMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL FFECTS ....................................................................................... 5
 6.1       Visual, character and amenity effects ........................................................................................... 6
 6.2       Noise effects .................................................................................................................................. 7
 6.3       Traffic effects ................................................................................................................................. 7
 6.4       Natural hazards effects .................................................................................................................. 7
 6.5       Infrastructure effects ..................................................................................................................... 8
 6.6       Cultural effects............................................................................................................................... 8
 6.7       Social / Community effects ............................................................................................................ 9
 6.8       Positive effects ............................................................................................................................... 9
 6.9       Effects conclusion .......................................................................................................................... 9

7.     OTHER NECESSARY RESOURCE CONSENTS ........................................................................................ 9

8.     CONSULTATION .................................................................................................................................. 9

9.     CONCLUSION .................................................................................................................................... 10

Appendix 1     Form 18
Appendix 2     Record of Title(s)
Appendix 3     Site Plan
Appendix 4     Geotechnical Engineering Report                          KGA Geotechnical
Appendix 5     Transportation Assessment                                Commute Transportation
Appendix 6     Record of Consultation
Appendix 7     Draft Designation

Prepared by

 Title                          Notice of Requirement for an Alteration of Designation at
                                Wesley Intermediate
 Client                         Minister of Education

 Job No.                        715896

 Prepared by                    Natasha Rivai (BPlan, MLS, Int. NZPI), Senior Planner


Requiring Authority:           Minister of Education (refer to Form 18 at Appendix 1)

Territorial Authority:         Auckland Council

Address for Service:           The Property Group Limited

                               PO Box 104 Shortland Street, Auckland 1140

                               Attention: Natasha Rivai

Current Designation Site Details

Site address:                  766-788 Sandringham Road Extension, Mount Roskill

Legal Description:             Lot 142 DP 39105 (refer to Appendix 2)

Registered Owner:              Her Majesty the Queen

Gazette Notice:                General Education Reserve New Zealand Gazette 1953 p 594

Designation Site Area:         4.4667 hectares

Designation Purpose:           4795 Educational purposes – primary school (Years 0-8) and may
                               include early childhood education (preschool)

Additional Site Details

 Site address:                     17 William Blofield 59 Denny Avenue             61 Denny Avenue

 Legal Description:                Lot 147 DP 39104        Lot 5 DP 49519          Lot 4 DP 49519

 (refer to Appendix 2)

 Registered Owner:                 Her Majesty the         Her Majesty the         Her Majesty the
                                   Queen                   Queen                   Queen

 Site Area:                        706m²                   658m²                   668m²

Overall Location:              Refer to Appendix 3 for Area Plan and Additional Sites

Auckland Unitary Plan

(Operative in Part) (AUP OP)

                     Zoning:       Residential – Terrace Housing and Apartment Building

Figure 1 – AUP OP Site Aerial and Zoning; existing Designation boundary in blue.

Natural Hazards:   Overland Flow Paths
                   Flood Prone Area
                   Flood Plain

                   Figure 2 – AUP OP Natural Hazards Overlay


The Minister of Education (the Minister) seeks a minor alteration to the designation for Wesley
Intermediate School (Wesley Intermediate) located at 766-788 Sandringham Road Extension, Mount
Roskill. This current designation area is 4.5667 hectares and is held in Lot 142 DP 39105 (refer to
Appendix 2). The current designation purpose provides for students from Years 0 – 8, however the
School currently operates as an intermediate school (Years 7 – 8) only.

There are two components to this proposed alteration to the designation:

      1. The existing designation boundary will be altered to include the three residential parcels of 17
         William Blofield Avenue and 59 & 61 Denny Avenue; and

      2. The Designation will be amended to refer to the Central Auckland Specialist School (CASS).

The proposal is detailed further in Section 4.0 below.


3.1       E x i s ti n g s i t e a n d s u r r o u n d s

The subject site and existing Designation area is situated at 766-788 Sandringham Road Extension,
Mount Roskill. It is bounded by residential properties to the west, south and east. The War Memorial
Park adjoins the sites’ northern boundary. The Oakley Creek runs through War Memorial Park.

The site has a main frontage and access to Sandringham Road Extension (adjoining the western
boundary) and a secondary (vehicle and pedestrian) access to William Blofield Avenue (to the south).

The Wesley Intermediate school buildings (some two storey) are located towards the western side of
the site, car parking areas and hard courts to the southeast and playing fields to the east. Further east
on the site is a community nursery managed by Te Whangai Trust, which will not be affected by this

Vehicular access to the site is from two vehicle crossings located on Sandringham Road Extension and
William Blofield Avenue.

3.2       Zoning and Designation

Under the Auckland Unitary Plan: Operative in Part (AUP OP), the subject site’s underlying zoning and
immediate surrounding residential zone is Residential – Terrace Housing and Apartment Building
(THAB). The underlying zoning anticipates high density residential development.

The current Designation is for education purposes for a school for Years 0 – 8, and allows for an ECE, if
required. Of note is that the site currently only accommodates Wesley Intermediate for Years 7 and 8.
There are no site-specific conditions and the standard (AUP OP) Ministry conditions apply to this

The Designation for education purposes encompasses the entire site. The Minister of Education is the
requiring authority for this Designation.

Natural site features across the site include two overland flow paths which enter the western part of the
site where the existing school buildings are located. Overland flow paths also run along the boundary
of the school site with War Memorial Park and through to Denny Avenue. There is also a flood prone
area and flood plain towards the north eastern corner of the site, as identified in Figure 2 above.


4.1     D e s c r i p ti o n o f p r o p o s a l

The Ministry intends to alter the existing designation to include the three residential parcels of land
identified above and include reference to the Central Auckland Specialist School (CASS) (Years 1 – 13) to
be established on the site. No other alterations to the Designation are proposed. The altered wording
of the Designation has been included in Appendix 7.

4.2     Purpose of the proposal

The purpose of this minor Alteration to the Designation is to allow for additional vehicle access to and
from the School site (off William Blofield Avenue and Denny Avenue), and to establish the CASS on the
site. The CASS accommodates the relocation of the Carlson School in Three Kings and the Sunnydene
School in Mt Roskill to the Wesley Intermediate site. The CASS will cater for Years 1 to 13 students and
will occupy the northern portion of the Wesley Intermediate site (adjacent to War Memorial Park).

Specifically, the extension of the Designation over 17 William Blofield Avenue will allow the existing
Wesley Intermediate vehicle access to be upgraded to a wider and safer vehicle and pedestrian access,
as well as opportunities for onsite car parking and ancillary buildings for the School.

The main vehicle access for CASS will be from Sandringham Road Extension. The extension of the
Designation over the properties at 59 and 61 Denny Avenue will allow for a one-way traffic flow during
the morning and afternoon school pick-up and drop-off times. Cars will access the site from
Sandringham Road Extension and exit the site at Denny Avenue during these times. Outside of these
times, access to and from CASS will be via Sandringham Road Extension only. This is detailed further
and assessed in the Transportation Assessment prepared by Commute (refer to Appendix 5). A staff
and visitor car park area will be constructed alongside the Denny Avenue exit to provide additional off-
street parking for the school.

The CASS has an expected opening date of Term 3, 2022. The Ministry will submit an Outline Plan of
Works (OPW) in due course which will detail the proposed site development including building locations
and associated accesses and parking, to meet the schools’ roll requirements. The OPW will be submitted
as per the requirements of s176A of the RMA, once the Minister’s altered Designation is confirmed.


S t a t u t o r y A s s e s s m e nt

The subject site is designated for education purposes (Designation 4795) and the standard Ministry of
Education conditions apply.

Section 181 of the Resource Management Act 1991 (the Act) relates to an Alteration of Designation.
Specifically, section 181(3) states the following:

     3) A territorial authority may at any time alter a designation in its district plan or a requirement in
        its proposed district plan if—
           (a) the alteration—
                 (i)     involves no more than a minor change to the effects on the environment
                         associated with the use or proposed use of land or any water concerned; or
                 (ii)    involves only minor changes or adjustments to the boundaries of the
                         designation or requirement; and
           (b) Written notice of the proposed alteration has been given to every owner or occupier of the
               land directly affected and those owners or occupiers agree with the alteration; and
           (c) Both the territorial authority and the requiring authority agree with the alteration—
               and sections 168 to 179 and 198aa to 198ad shall not apply to any such alteration”.

The proposed Alteration involves no more than a minor change to the effects on the environment
associated with the use or proposed use of land concerned.

Outlined in Section 6 of this Report is an assessment of any potential effects on the environment that
are applicable to the site as a result of the Alteration. The assessment of effects also considers effects
on any persons. As the subject site has been designated and used for educational purposes for many
years now, it is considered that the minor alteration will have no affected parties or landowners.

Pursuant to Section 181(3)(c) Council has confirmed that the territorial authority agrees that this
Alteration to Designation is considered minor.

As sections 168 to 179 of the Act shall not apply to this Alteration to Designation, an assessment of Part
2 of the Act is not required. In addition, it should be noted that by virtue of section 176(2) of the Act,
the provisions of the AUP OP (including rules, policies or objectives) shall not apply in relation to any
land subject to a designation.


The Alteration to the Designation boundary and provision for the Central Auckland Specialist School
(CASS) will allow the Ministry to efficiently manage the use of the site for educational purposes.

We consider the following potential effects to be relevant to the minor Alteration to Designation.

6.1        V i s u a l , c h a r a c t e r a n d a m e n i t y e f f e c ts

The inclusion of the three residential parcels into the Designation area will enable improved and safer
vehicle accesses for both CASS and existing Wesley Intermediate. The additional site on William Blofield
Avenue will provide the opportunity for a wider vehicle accessway than currently exists, as well as extra
on-site car parking and ancillary school buildings. The two additional and adjoining sites on Denny
Avenue will allow for vehicles to exit the CASS during pick-up and drop-off times and also provide access
to an overflow staff and visitor car parking alongside the Denny Avenue exit. The use of these two sites
for vehicle access and car parking will not have adverse visual amenity effects from the adjacent
residential properties.

We note the three residential parcels are zoned THAB and could readily accommodate the scale, bulk
and intensity of 4-5 storey terrace housing or apartment building development. The provision of vehicle
access, car parking and ancillary school uses for the existing Designation is unlikely to have adverse visual
amenity effects beyond this anticipated baseline on the adjoining residential properties.

The CASS will be located adjacent to the northern boundary of the Designation with War Memorial Park.
The purpose-built buildings will be single storey in height which will avoid any risk of building dominance,
overshadowing or privacy / overlooking effects onto the adjoining public space or residential properties.
The Ministry’s standard conditions in the AUP OP include a height in relation to boundary control that
applies on residential and open space boundaries, which CASS’s design and construction will also be
subject to. This will ensure building separation from the property boundaries and maintain the amenity
of the adjoining properties.

Any use of screening and security fencing along the Designation boundary will provide privacy and safety
for both the school and its adjoining neighbours, and be implemented in a way that maintains the
residential appearance and streetscape amenity along William Blofield and Denny Avenue. Details of
any boundary screening would be provided at OPW stage. The AUP OP THAB zoning fencing standard 1
can be used as a guide to maintain privacy and the anticipated residential amenity.

The scale of the proposed alteration to the existing designation area and establishment of the CASS on
the existing Wesley Intermediate site, in the context of the surrounding environment, will not interfere
or detract from the character or amenity of the surrounding visual environment. We consider the visual,
character and amenity effects of the designation alteration will be less than minor, and no persons will
be adversely affected.

    H6.6.16 Front, side and rear fences and walls

6.2     N o i s e e f f ec t s

Given the nature of (existing) education facilities, the school activities will continue to generate some
degree of noise, particularly during school play and lunch time and outdoor activities. The timing and
levels of noise emitted from the CASS are anticipated to be similar to that of Wesley Intermediate. Given
that the CASS will be of a much smaller scale and student numbers than Wesley Intermediate, and its
proximity to the Council Reserve any noise effects are considered to be less than minor.

Noise from vehicle movements along William Blofield Avenue is expected to be similar to the current
environment. Vehicle movements onto Denny Avenue will be limited to the staff and visitor carpark
area, and the CASS drop off and pick up times. Given the low speed vehicle environment and low
frequency of vehicles, we consider the noise effects of the designation alteration will be less than minor
on the adjoining residential properties, and no persons will be adversely affected.

6.3     Traffic effects

Commute Traffic Engineers (Commute) completed a Transportation Assessment for the required CASS
on the Designated site (refer to Appendix 5), which was submitted to Auckland Transport. Following
discussions with Auckland Transport on 12 June and 23 July a redesign of the CASS site access was
completed and will be included in the Ministry’s future OPW submission.

The main vehicle access to the CASS will be from Sandringham Road Extension. The Denny Avenue exit
for will only be available during the CASS’s drop off and pick up times, and at other times vehicles will
only be able to exit onto Sandringham Road Extension. This will limit the volume and effects of traffic
on Denny Avenue and the adjoining residential streets. Staff and visitors will be able to use the Denny
Avenue parking area at any time during the day.

The Ministry’s preliminary concept plans indicate there will be sufficient area to provide safe vehicle
access, sufficient car parking onsite for CASS’ requirements, and safe pedestrian access through the site.
Further details will be provided at OPW stage.

There are no anticipated adverse traffic effects from the continued use of the William Blofield Avenue
access for Wesley Intermediate. Instead the addition of the property at 17 William Blofield Avenue will
allow for the exiting accessway onto William Blofield Avenue to be upgraded and provide opportunities
for off-street parking and ancillary school buildings. No other changes are proposed to the access and
parking arrangements for Wesley Intermediate.

We consider the traffic related effects of the designation alteration to be less than minor, and no persons
will be adversely affected.

6.4     N a t u r a l h a z ar d s e f f e c t s

As identified above, there are few natural features across the site. Two overland flow paths enter the
western part of the site where the existing school buildings are located. Overland flow paths also run
along the boundary of the School site with War Memorial Park and through to Denny Avenue. There is
also a flood prone area and flood plain located to the north eastern corner of the site. There is sufficient
land area outside of these natural hazard areas for the development of the CASS, however investigations

will be undertaken at OPW stage to confirm the extent of the effects and any appropriate mitigation
measures required (i.e. specific building foundation and stormwater management).


Preliminary geotechnical investigations have been completed by KGA Geotechnical (refer to Appendix
4) across the full school site and includes geotechnical considerations that could impact on site
development. Specifically, the desktop investigation and site observations have determined that:

      -   Non-engineered fill identified around the northern areas of the site are unsuitable for building
          foundations and will need to be replaced with engineered materials,

      -   The depth and extent of rock is unknown until further investigations are completed, and
          excavation across the site should be limited,

      -   The site is gently sloping and there is no visible evidence of slope instability,

      -   Further detailed investigations are required to determine foundation design,

      -   Any requirement for retaining is unknown at this stage but should be minimised,

      -   Unlikely that there will be any effects on existing neighbouring structures, however this will be
          considered at design and construction phase,

      -   Appropriate stormwater controls and drainage will need to be assessed at detailed design,

      -   Public and private services that traverse the site will need to be avoided or engineered around.

These matters will be further assessed during the OPW and building consent stage.

Overall, the potential for natural hazards effects can be adequately managed at OPW stage and will be
less than minor with no persons being adversely affected.

6.5       I n f r a s tr u c t u r e e f f e c ts

Infrastructure services (three waters, power and telecommunications) for CASS are available from the
site boundaries. Investigation into connectivity to the public networks will be undertaken as part of the

6.6       C u l t u r a l e f f e c ts

The Ministry initiated consultation on 11 June 2020 with the 14 Iwi groups having interests over the
area, as identified by Auckland Council. No responses have been received as at the date of this Notice
of Requirement. The site is not subject to any cultural overlays in the AUP OP. Given the scale of the
proposed alteration and the nature of the activities which are carried out within the designation, we
consider there will be less than minor cultural effects of the designation alteration and no persons will
be adversely affected.

6.7       S o c i a l / C om m u n i ty ef f e c t s

The Alteration to the Designation is considered to have the following social effects:

      •   The relocation of the two Special Schools to an integrated purpose-built facility on the subject
          site will support the educational requirements of the students, their families and wider
          community and act as a focal point of the local area by providing further educational utility of
          the site.
      •   Allows the subject site to continue to act as an important physical resource for various
          educational needs of the community and provide for their wellbeing.

6.8       P o s i ti v e e f f ec t s

In addition to those positive social and community effects in 6.7 above, the provision of the CASS on the
site provides for additional and integrated educational opportunities for the community. The purpose-
built special education facility will be increasing diversity and educational support to the community
through the relocation of CASS to the site.

6.9       Effects conclusion

For the reasons discussed above, the minor alteration to the Designation boundaries to include three
parcels for vehicle access and the provision for a Special School on the site will have no more than minor
effects on the environment and no persons will be adversely affected. Overall, the Alteration presents
positive effects for the school and the local community. Specific detailed design and engineering
matters will be addressed at OPW and building consent stage.


There are no other necessary resource consents required to be renewed or obtained as part of this


Under section 181(3)(b) of the Act - “written notice of the proposed alteration should be given to every
owner or occupier of the land directly affected and those owners or occupiers agree with the alteration”.
As described in the assessment of effects in Section 5 of this NoR, no persons (owners or occupiers) are
deemed to be directly affected by the alteration.

The Ministry have undertaken consultation with Auckland Council, Auckland Transport (12 June 2020
and 23 July 2020), Kāinga Ora (meeting on 30 July 2020), and the Puketāpapa Local Board (meeting on
30 July 2020). An email was sent (on 11 June 2020) to the 14 Iwi groups identified by Auckland Council
as having interest over the area, and none had responded by the time this Notice was submitted to
Auckland Council. In relation to those who responded to consultation, no adverse reaction or concerns

have been raised specific to the Alteration. At the same time this Notice is served to Auckland Council,
it is also submitted to Auckland Transport and the Puketāpapa Local Board.

Further, as sections 168 to 179 of the Act do not apply to a minor alteration of a designation, the
territorial authority shall not notify the notice of requirement / alteration to designation.


The Minister requests that Council proceed to process this NoR as a minor alteration to Designation
4597. This NoR addresses all the relevant matters under section 181 of the Act and confirms that the
effects of the minor alteration to this designation have been assessed to have less than minor effects on
the environment, with no persons being adversely affected.

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