CHICAGO Epicenter of May 28-June 2, 2022 - National Trust Tours

Page created by Bobby Mcgee
CHICAGO Epicenter of May 28-June 2, 2022 - National Trust Tours
May 28—June 2, 2022

             Epicenter of
         American Architecture
                    with Rolf Achilles

Cloud Gate (Sir Anish Kapoor, 2006, Millennium Park) / Robert Lowe
CHICAGO Epicenter of May 28-June 2, 2022 - National Trust Tours
                                                            May 28—June 2, 2022

                                                            National Trust Tours returns to
                                                            Chicago—a quintessential destination
                                                            for architecture lovers—brought to you
                                                            as only the National Trust can. Take an
                                                            architectural cruise along the Chicago
                                                            River, highlighting the many innovative and
                                                            historically important architectural designs
                                                            that were born in Chicago. See several
                                                            Frank Lloyd Wright-designed buildings,
                                                            including his own home and studio in Oak
                                                            Park, Unity Temple, and the iconic Robie
                                                            House. Enter Ludwig Mies van der Rohe’s
                                                            Farnsworth House, a masterpiece of
                                                            design and elegant Modernist simplicity.
                                                            Enjoy one of the finest private collections
                                                            of decorative arts from the American
                                                            and English Arts and Crafts Movements,
                                                            showcased in the renovated farm
                                                            buildings of a private estate. And take
                                                            guided explorations of some of Chicago’s
                                                            most intriguing and dazzling sites.

                                                            (left) Chicago Vertical / Mobilus In Mobili

Experience the iconic
architectural spaces of
Frank Lloyd Wright and
Mies van der Rohe.
(above) Frank Lloyd Wright Home and Studio / Esther
Westerveld; (right) Farnsworth House by Mies van der Rohe
CHICAGO Epicenter of May 28-June 2, 2022 - National Trust Tours
Robie House by Frank Lloyd Wright, Hyde Park, IL / Naotake Murayama

HOTEL ACCOMMODATIONS:                          SUNDAY, MAY 29                     young draftsman into one of
Enjoy five nights in the heart of                                                 America’s most promising
the Loop at the legendary Palmer               The Gilded Age &                   and influential architects.
House Hilton, a member of                      Millennium Park                    Tour Wright’s home and
Historic Hotels of America.                                                       studio, a National Trust
                                               Begin the day at the Driehaus
                                               Museum and take a docent-          Historic Site, and see where
SATURDAY, MAY 28                               led tour of its fabulous           the Prairie style was born.
Welcome                                        collection of Gilded Age-era       Then take a stroll through the
                                               decorative arts, all housed in     surrounding neighborhood
to Chicago                                     the Nickerson Mansion, one         to see the exteriors of
Upon arrival in Chicago,                       of the grandest residential        several Wright-designed
transfer independently to                      buildings of 19th-century          residential properties and
the Palmer House Hilton, a                     Chicago. Drive along the           end at the recently renovated
revered landmark in the heart                  city's famed Magnificent           Unity Temple, one of the
of Chicago’s Loop and a                        Mile and, following lunch at       most significant projects
member of Historic Hotels of                   a local restaurant, enjoy a        from Wright’s early career
America. The Palmer House                      specially arranged visit to        and an icon of Modern
boasts a fascinating history                   a private home designed            architecture. Following
and an excellent location                      by Edgar Miller, a prolific        lunch at a local restaurant,
within walking distance of                     Chicago artist, craftsman,         drive through the charming
the Art Institute of Chicago                   and architect who strove to        Hyde Park community en
and Millennium Park. At 4:00                   create a “total environment”       route to the University of
p.m., join study leader and                    including works in stained         Chicago campus, studded
architectural historian Rolf                   glass, tile, fresco painting,      with remarkable architecture
Achilles, a longtime Chicago                   wood carving, and sculpture.       including Wright’s Robie
resident, and walk to the                      This afternoon, take a guided      House. Tour the Robie House
Chicago River to spend                         stroll through Millennium          with a docent and learn why
the afternoon marveling at                     Park, an urban space               the American Institute of
Chicago’s soaring towers                       combining cutting-edge             Architects designated it as
aboard a special 90-minute                     architecture, art installations,   one of the 10 most significant
architectural riverboat cruise.                and landscape design. (B, L)       structures of the 20th
An expert guide highlights                                                        century. (B, L)
more than 50 architecturally                   MONDAY, MAY 30
                                                                                  TUESDAY, MAY 31
significant sites, including                   In the Footsteps
numerous landmarks
                                               of Wright                          Arts & Crafts
of Modern American
architecture. Return to the                    Drive to Oak Park, the             and Mies
hotel for a convivial welcome                  Chicago suburb where Frank         Spend the morning at
reception with your fellow                     Lloyd Wright lived for two         Crab Tree Farm, a privately
travelers. (R)                                 decades and grew from a            owned farm on Lake
CHICAGO Epicenter of May 28-June 2, 2022 - National Trust Tours
Michigan, and examine one         tour of its renowned
of the most important private     collection of American Art
collections of Arts and Crafts    and see the sleek Modern
furniture and decorative arts,    Wing designed by Pritzker
highlighting major works of       Prize-winning architect
Gustav Stickley. Enjoy lunch      Renzo Piano. The remainder
at a local restaurant and then    of the afternoon is free
continue to Plano, Illinois,      to continue exploring the
for an exclusive viewing          museum or city on your own.
of Ludwig Mies van der            In the evening, gather at one
Rohe’s Farnsworth House,          of Chicago’s most popular
an icon of 20th-century           restaurants for a festive
Modern architecture and           farewell dinner.
a National Trust Historic         (B, D)
Site. Experience its elegant
                                  THURSDAY, JUNE 2
simplicity and compelling
coexistence with the              Landmarks
surrounding landscape. (B, L)     of the Loop
WEDNESDAY, JUNE 1                 Spend the morning on a
                                  walking tour of the historically
The Art Institute                 significant architectural
Walk to the Auditorium            gems surrounding the hotel,
Theatre known internationally     including the Rookery, the
for its innovative architecture   Marquette Building, the
and beautiful design              Monadnock Building, and
flourishes, and as the last       the Chicago Federal Center.
surviving building to which       Return to the hotel for check-
architects Louis Sullivan,        out before noon and take
Dankmar Adler, and Frank          independent transportation
Lloyd Wright contributed.         to the airport for return flights
Continue to the Art Institute     home. (B)
of Chicago for a highlights
                                  (right) Chicago (Tiffany glass window at the
                                  Driehaus Museum) / Jason Raia

                                          Travel with Rolf Achilles
                                          Rolf Achilles is an independent art historian, curator
                                          of the Smith Museum of Stained Glass Windows,
                                          and adjunct faculty member at the School of the Art
                                          Institute of Chicago. A writer and lecturer on various
                                          topics related to preserving American artistic heritage,
                                          Mr. Achilles is the author of several books on Chicago
                                          architecture and commerce.
CHICAGO Epicenter of May 28-June 2, 2022 - National Trust Tours
                                   Epicenter of American Culture
                                         May 28–June 2, 2022

Tour Information
CHICAGO:                                               Terms and Conditions: Upon receipt of
Epicenter of American Culture                          registration, ISDI will send registrant a
                                                       Participant Tour Agreement detailing the
Dates: May 28–June 2, 2022                             full terms and conditions for this tour. This
Tour Cost:                                             document must be signed and returned
                                                       to ISDI before participant’s registration is
Land Package.......... $3,495                          considered complete and any arrangements
Single Supplement......$595                            can be confirmed.
*Tour price is per person based on double occupancy,   Cancellations & Refunds: Cancellation by
with a minimum of 15 paying participants.              participant must be made in writing to ISDI
Activity Level: Moderate, good overall                 and is effective only upon acknowledged
mobility required.                                     receipt by ISDI. There is a non-refundable
                                                       registration and planning fee of $500 per
Deposit & Final Payment: A deposit of $1,000           person regardless of cancellation date.
per registrant is required to reserve space on         Written cancellation received by ISDI on or
the tour, of which $500 is nonrefundable for           before February 14, 2022: full refund minus
ISDI’s registration and planning fee unless the        $500 per person registration and planning
tour is cancelled due to low enrollment. This          fee. Written cancellation received by ISDI
deposit may be paid by check or by Visa or             between February 15 and April 11, 2022: full
MasterCard. Final balance will be invoiced             refund minus $1,600 per person cancellation
and is due on February 14, 2022 and must               fee (includes registration and planning fee).
be paid by check to International Seminar              Written cancellation received by ISDI on
Design, Inc. Registrations are accepted after          or after April 12, 2022: no refund. Tour
this date on a space-available basis with              registration is non-transferable. In the case of
payment in full by check only.                         cancellation, substitutions are not allowed.
Flights: Airfare is not included in the tour           After the tour has commenced, no refunds
price. Participants are responsible for their          will be issued for any reason including, but
own air arrangements. Please do not purchase           not limited to, unused portions of tour. If the
airline tickets until the operation of the tour is     tour is cancelled by ISDI or National Trust
confirmed by ISDI.                                     Tours due to low enrollment, active registrants
                                                       will receive a full refund of all tour payments.
Tour Inclusions: 5 nights at the Palmer House
Hilton; breakfast daily, 3 lunches, 1 dinner,          Travel Insurance: Travel Insurance is not
1 reception; coffee, tea, and soft drinks with         included in the tour cost, but participants
meals and 2 glasses of wine with included              are strongly encouraged to purchase a travel
reception and dinner; land transportation              protection plan in conjunction with this
by private coach; entrance fees to sites               tour, including coverage of trip cancellation,
and private visits listed in the itinerary;            trip interruption, emergency evacuation/
leadership of Rolf Achilles; services of ISDI          repatriation, medical expenses, lost or
Tour Manager; expert local guides; gratuities          damaged baggage, and other expenses and/or
for guides and drivers and at included meals;          losses incurred due to unexpected situations.
bottled water on coach; service charges and            Cancel for any Reason policies, which offer
taxes.                                                 up to 70% of non-refundable pre-paid trip
                                                       costs if purchased within a predetermined
Tour Exclusions: Airline tickets, airline taxes        window, are also available. Should a
and surcharges, and baggage fees; airport              participant cancel at any time after registering
porterage; airport transfers; meals other than         for the tour, ISDI must strictly abide by the
those specified in the itinerary; gratuities for       cancellation policy outlined herein. Travel
hotel housekeeping; personal items such as             insurance information will be sent upon tour
telephone calls, room service, valet service,          registration. For additional information, please
à-la-carte orders, specialty wines and liquors,        contact National Trust Tours at 888-484-8785.
laundry charges, travel extensions, or tour
deviations; travel insurance; any other items          © 2021-2022 International Seminar Design,
not specifically included in the itinerary.            Inc., CST 2072963-40
CHICAGO Epicenter of May 28-June 2, 2022 - National Trust Tours
                                 Epicenter of American Culture
                                      May 28–June 2, 2022

Registration Form

Full Name                                                                      Birth Date

Full Name                                                                      Birth Date


City                                                                           State Zip

Home Phone                                                                     Mobile Phone

E-mail Address (Participant 1)                                                 E-mail Address (Participant 2)

ROOMING OPTIONS: (please select)
c Double Occupancy; I will share a room with _________________________________________________
  c We prefer separate beds
c Single Occupancy ($595 single supplement)
  c I would like a roommate but will pay the single supplement if one cannot be found

ISDI will send all documents pertaining to the tour by email to the email address listed above.
   c If you wish to receive hardcopy versions of the tour documents by post as well, please check this
        circle. Paper documents will not be sent to your home address unless this circle is checked.

DEPOSIT ($1,000 per person):
__________ # of persons __________ Amount Enclosed
™ Visa ™ MasterCard ™ Check (make check payable to International Seminar Design, Inc.)

Card Number                                                                    Exp. (mm/yy)

Name as it appears on card                                                     Billing Zip Code

Each participant must sign.
Registration invalid without signature
By registering and paying the deposit for this tour, registrant acknowledges that he/she has carefully read
and understands all information contained in the tour brochure, recognizes and accepts any risks therein,
and agrees to be bound by the terms and conditions outlined above.

Signature 1 / Date                                                             Signature 2 / Date

                              FOR QUESTIONS OR TO REGISTER, CONTACT
                                       National Trust Tours at
                                           or by email at
CHICAGO Epicenter of May 28-June 2, 2022 - National Trust Tours CHICAGO Epicenter of May 28-June 2, 2022 - National Trust Tours
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