Landmark M5 Corridor Investment & Development Opportunity

Page created by Rene May
Landmark M5 Corridor Investment & Development Opportunity
Intersection House, 110-120 Birmingham Road, West Midlands B70 6RP

Landmark M5 Corridor Investment & Development Opportunity

Landmark M5 Corridor Investment & Development Opportunity
Intersection House, 110-120 Birmingham Road, West Midlands B70 6RP

Investment Summary
•    Located on a gateway site at Junction 1 of the M5 Motorway             •   Approximately 320 car parking spaces                                 •   Substantial redevelopment opportunity for commercial or residential
                                                                                                                                                         uses (STP)
•    Prominent landmark building extending to ten storeys in total          •   1.95 acres in total, including 1.15-acre main site with 0.8-acre
                                                                                undeveloped land                                                     •   Offers in excess of £3,750,000 exclusive, reflecting a low capital value
•    Over 108,000 sq ft gross area, including 75,000 sq ft of internal
                                                                                                                                                         of £35 per sq ft overall, Subject to Contract
     accommodation over eight floors above a 33,000 sq ft two-storey        •   Freehold
     car park

    HOME       INVESTMENT SUMMARY          LOCATION       CONNECTIVITY   DESCRIPTION        ACCOMMODATION, SITE & TENURE            PLANNING CONSIDIRATIONS       TERMS                                                        ←    2   →
Landmark M5 Corridor Investment & Development Opportunity
Intersection House, 110-120 Birmingham Road, West Midlands B70 6RP

                                                   Birmingham: The UK’s second city and a leading European business destination      Coventry: Globally recognised for manufacturing and engineering excellence             Dudley: Home to multi-million-pound business, transport and retail developments        Sandwell: 9,000 dynamic businesses employing around 140,000 people

                                                  Solihull: A world-class destination for business, investment and exhibition               Walsall: An established destination for regeneration and economic development                         Wolverhampton: A young and vibrant city with £4.4bn of regeneration projects

The West Midlands is a major area of the UK,                 The region has a fantastic vibrancy and is                                                the region boasts the fastest growing economy of any
representing one of nine regions of England, a               benefiting from major inward investment,                                                  city region in the UK, with population growth of half a
metropolitan county and combined authority.                  including the 2022 Commonwealth Games, the                                                million forecast in the next 20 years.
                                                             £700 million mixed-use Paradise project, the £1.9
With a population of over 2.9m, it is the                                                                                                              The region’s success is rooted in its core strengths
                                                             billion Smithfield Regeneration, the West Midlands
second largest county in the UK and is actively                                                                                                        of advanced manufacturing and engineering, with
                                                             Metro and HS2.
represented by the West Midlands Combined                                                                                                              several growing sectors including tech, creative and
Authority, providing strategic direction                                                                                                               life sciences playing a significant role in its economic
                                                             Local Economy
for transport, economic development and                                                                                                                diversity.
regeneration.                                                The West Midlands economy is home to hundreds
                                                                                                                                                       This strong long-term growth is supported by a
                                                             of globally competitive businesses such as Jaguar
The area also forms part of the Midlands Engine,                                                                                                       robust Strategic Economic Plan and Local Industrial
                                                             Land Rover and Cadbury and is a UK leader for
a dynamic partnership combining public and                                                                                                             Strategy, backed by an £8bn 30-year investment
                                                             inward investment.
private sector stakeholders to generate added                                                                                                          programme, making the West Midlands the most
value through important transport, enterprise,               With total GVA of £105bn and the number of new                                            exciting investment proposition in the UK.
connectivity and trade projects.                             and active enterprises exceeding the UK average,

HOME        INVESTMENT SUMMARY           LOCATION               CONNECTIVITY                            DESCRIPTION               ACCOMMODATION, SITE & TENURE                                        PLANNING CONSIDIRATIONS                                     TERMS                                                                                                           ←     3   →
Landmark M5 Corridor Investment & Development Opportunity
Intersection House, 110-120 Birmingham Road, West Midlands B70 6RP

                                                                                                                                                                                                               M6 J6       Birmingham (5 miles)
                                                                                    M5                                                                                  M42

Connectivity                                                             West
                                                                       Bromwich              Handsworth
                                                                                                           A34               Erdington

                                                                                                                                         M6                                               M5 J1
Intersection House is located on a gateway site at                                                  A41
Junction 1 of the M5 Motorway.                                                                                              Saltley
The property is situated on the A41 Expressway          Regis                                             Birmingham
(Birmingham Road), which links nearby West                                                                                                                  Fordbridge

Bromwich with Wolverhampton, Birmingham                                                    A456

and Solihull.
                                                                                    Harborne                                                               Birmingham Airport
                                                           A458                                                                                     A45
                                                                                                            Balsall Heath
                                                                              California                                                      A41
Birmingham is approximately 5 miles east via the                  M5
A41 (or M6 and A38M), London 120 miles south-                                                                A435                                                                                 West Bromwich (1 mile)
east via the M40, Bristol 87 miles south-west via
the M5 and Manchester 80 miles north via the M6.

Road communications are therefore excellent as
the property is located at the centre of the UK
motorway network.


National rail services are available from
Birmingham New Street, Snow Hill and Moor
Street. Together, these stations provide
connections to all regions of the UK, with fast
journey times of 1 hour 13 minutes to London
(reducing to 49 minutes via HS2), 1 hour 27
minutes to Manchester, 1 hour 56 minutes to          Birmingham Airport is approximately 20 miles
Leeds, 1 hour 50 minutes to Cardiff and 3 hours 55   east via the M6 and M42 and offers international
minutes to Glasgow.                                  flights to destinations in Europe, the Middle East,
                                                     the Indian subcontinent, North America and
In addition, the West Midlands Metro links
                                                     the Caribbean.
the property to West Bromwich town centre,
Wolverhampton and Birmingham City Centre.            With over 12.6m passengers in 2019, making
The Metro line is currently being extended to        it the seventh busiest airport in the UK, it is
Edgbaston, due to be completed in 2021, with two     an operating base for, Ryanair and
new lines planned for service in 2022 and 2023-26.   TUI Airways.

HOME        INVESTMENT SUMMARY           LOCATION     CONNECTIVITY                DESCRIPTION             ACCOMMODATION, SITE & TENURE                     PLANNING CONSIDIRATIONS    TERMS                                           ←    4      →
Landmark M5 Corridor Investment & Development Opportunity
Intersection House, 110-120 Birmingham Road, West Midlands B70 6RP

Intersection House comprises a substantial, prominently
positioned multi-storey building overlooking Junction 1 of the
M5 Motorway, situated on a secure gated site.

Сonstructed in the 1970s and extensively refurbished in 1999,
the building comprises a reinforced concrete frame with ribbon
double glazed aluminium framed windows beneath a flat roof.

The building extends over ten storeys in total, comprising two
storeys of under-croft parking and ground floor reception with
eight above-ground storeys of commercial accommodation.

The building is currently configured as office accommodation
of mainly open plan layout, taking advantage of its “T” shaped
floorplates, with the following internal specification:

•   3,300 sq ft to 8,853 sq ft floorplates (NIA)

•   Suspended ceilings with recessed LG-compliant lighting

•   Carpeted floors

•   Air conditioning

•   Perimeter trunking

•   At least 3.3m floor to ceiling heights

•   3 x 8-person passenger lifts

Landmark M5 Corridor Investment & Development Opportunity
Intersection House, 110-120 Birmingham Road, West Midlands B70 6RP

                                                                                              Typical Floor Plan

Accommodation, Site & Tenure
Accommodation                                                            Site

The property comprises the following approximate floor areas:            The property is situated on an immediate site area of 1.15 acres
                                                                         (0.47 hectares), extending to 1.95 acres (0.79 hectares) in total
 Floor                      Net (Sq Ft)              Gross (Sq Ft)       including the adjacent land. The site is broadly level and regular in
 Ground to Eighth           65,279                   75,347              shape with a tapered north-eastern boundary to Birmingham Road.

 Car Parking                                         33,368
 Total                      65,279 Sq M              108,715 Sq Ft
                                                                         The property is held Freehold with title absolute comprising three
The site includes approximately 320 car parking spaces in total.         titles in total.

Landmark M5 Corridor Investment & Development Opportunity
Intersection House, 110-120 Birmingham Road, West Midlands B70 6RP

Planning Considerations
The property occupies a gateway site adjacent the M5                                                                   The property has most recently been used as office            utilising the presumption in favour of sustainable
Motorway at the entrance to West Bromwich.                                                                             accommodation (Class B1 of the Use Classes Order              development or via Permitted Development Rights.
                                                                                                                       1987, now reflected by Class E), it is not located within a
The vicinity comprises a variety of uses including                                                                                                                                   Alternative Markets: Considering the excellent
                                                                                                                       Conservation Area or Listed and is identified as having
industrial, commercial and residential, together with                                                                                                                                connectivity and prominent location of the property,
                                                                                                                       low risk of flooding by the Environment Agency.
extensive local amenities.                                                                                                                                                           it may also be suitable for use as a hotel, serviced
                                                                                                                                                                                     accommodation or a student residence, among other
Local Plan                                                                                                             Alternative Uses
                                                                                                                                                                                     uses including in combination.
The Local Authority is Sandwell Metropolitan Borough                                                                   Due to the results of the Sandwell Housing Delivery
                                                                                                                                                                                     The proximity of the site to the M5 Motorway, Sandwell
Council, whose Development Plan includes the Black                                                                     Test 2020, the NPPF presumption in favour of
                                                                                                                                                                                     College and General Hospital, the West Midlands Metro,
Country Core Strategy (2011), Site Allocations and                                                                     sustainable development would be enacted for any
                                                                                                                                                                                     West Bromwich and Birmingham all contribute to its
Delivery DPD and the West Bromwich Area Action Plan                                                                    future development of the property and it is considered
                                                                                                                                                                                     viability for a variety of alternative uses (STP).
(2012).                                                                                                                that it could be suitable for a variety of uses.

The West Bromwich AAP defines local land allocations                                                                   Office: The current Local Plan identifies the property as
and development management policies in line with                                                                       a landmark building for high quality office uses at the
the Core Strategy. The property is situated within         Material Considerations                                     gateway to West Bromwich and the M5 Motorway. The
WBPr20 which covers a 7.9ha area intended for                                                                          M5 Corridor office market has a diverse occupier base
                                                           The Local Plan policies highlighted above are out of        with largely consistent take-up (5-year average of circa
employment uses, with Intersection House identified
                                                           date according to the current National Planning Policy      215,000 sq ft per annum) and a gradually diminishing
as a “significant landmark building on the motorway
                                                           Framework, which places a presumption in favour of          level of supply, especially above 10,000 sq ft. These
                                                           sustainable development and states that planning            dynamics have resulted in rental levels and lease
Included in the AAP for delivery by 2026 is 220,000        permission should therefore be granted unless “any          lengths increasing and this is expected to continue with
sq m of office space, 65,000 sq m of retail, 4,800 sq      adverse impacts of doing so would significantly and         the growing popularity of city fringe and out of town
m of convenience and up to 4,600 new homes, with           demonstrably outweigh the benefits”.                        locations, with current headline rents in West Bromwich
improved transport and public realm.                                                                                   of circa £16 per sq ft reflecting scope for uplift relative
                                                           The NPPF is also of significance where a Housing
Specific policies of relevance to the property include:    Delivery Test demonstrates that delivery is significantly   to other M5 Corridor locations.
                                                           below (75%) a Local Authority’s stated requirements,        Residential: Due to current housing shortages in the
•   WBP5 Housing: with a density requirement of
                                                           which for Sandwell was 59% of the 3-year target in
    45-60 dph                                                                                                          area, there is a strong potential case for residential
                                                           February 2020. The NPPF presumption in favour of            development of the site. There are several examples
•   WBP15 Car Parking: whereby a flexible approach         sustainable development is therefore a significant          of office buildings being converted to residential
    may be taken for residential use                       material consideration in this case.                        accommodation in the immediate and wider vicinity,
•   WBP17 NPPF: whereby there will be a presumption        A new Core Strategy is currently being produced             resulting in extremely limited stock of this scale
    in favour of Sustainable Development                   subject to an evidence base and “call for sites”, with      still available for development. The building would
                                                           a Draft Plan expected to be available for consultation      therefore lend itself to conversion to a relatively high-
The AAP also states that “gateways to the town will        in Summer 2021. It is therefore now an ideal time           density scheme of apartments and starter homes to
be defined by development that provides a high             for representations to be made to the Local Authority       assist with local housing needs. It is expected that
degree of visual impact and interest” and identifies the   regarding the future uses of the site.                      this could be achieved by formal planning application
property as being within an “Opportunity Area”.

HOME         INVESTMENT SUMMARY           LOCATION         CONNECTIVITY       DESCRIPTION        ACCOMMODATION, SITE & TENURE             PLANNING CONSIDIRATIONS           TERMS                                                         ←   7   →
Landmark M5 Corridor Investment & Development Opportunity
Intersection House, 110-120 Birmingham Road, West Midlands B70 6RP


An EPC has been commissioned and will be made available to
interested parties on request.


The property is elected for VAT.


Offers in excess of £3,750,000 exclusive for the freehold
interests with vacant possession, reflecting a low capital value
of £35 per sq ft overall.

Leasehold enquiries will also be considered.

On behalf of the LPA Receiver, Subject to Contract.


For further information, please visit the dataroom or contact:

               Nick Hammond
               0121 265 7587
               07717 652 778

               Peter Vass
               0121 265 7593
               07584 521 252

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                                                                         Colliers International gives notice that these particulars are set out as a general outline only for the guidance of intending Purchasers or Lessees and do not constitute any part of an offer or contract. Details are given without any responsibility and any intending
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                                                                         authority to make any representation or warranty whatsoever in relation to this property. March 2021.

                                                                         Colliers International is the licensed trading name of Colliers International Valuation UK LLP which is a limited liability partnership registered in England and Wales with registered number OC385143. Our registered office is at 50 George Street, London W1U 7GA.

 HOME        INVESTMENT SUMMARY           LOCATION        CONNECTIVITY           DESCRIPTION                   ACCOMMODATION, SITE & TENURE                                   PLANNING CONSIDIRATIONS                              TERMS                                                                                             ←      8
Landmark M5 Corridor Investment & Development Opportunity Landmark M5 Corridor Investment & Development Opportunity
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