1910 W. WABANSIA AVENUE - Properties
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1910 WE S T WABANSIA AVENUE This is an iconic Bucktown house! Once a former sewing factory, now an amazing single family home, this house is in the perfect location for all the neighborhood offers. Situated on a corner-like lot, and featuring a total of 41 windows for tremendous natural light, the home is happy and lives well. Completely renovated in 2004, then the main floor renovated again in 2015, there is ample space to relax or entertain in the open, loft-like living spaces. The main level offers a custom kitchen with high end stainless appliances, Vicostone countertops, marble backsplash, and an oversize island with huge counter seating. A wood burning fireplace with a gas starter is the focal point of the living room in addition to the wall of west-facing windows. There is a huge pantry and a powder room that complete the main level. The bedroom level features a spacious suite with a luxurious spa-like bath with heated flooring, dual sinks, an over-sized steam shower with bench seating, and a jetted tub. Two additional bedrooms, a well appointed hall bath, laundry room, and a family room complete this level. The penthouse level sunroom with a wet bar is a true retreat and is perfect for indoor/outdoor living and entertaining on the rooftop terrace that is accessed through large French doors. A full bar area with a 250 bottle wine closet, two recreational/family room spaces, a full bath, and a huge storage room complete the lower level of the home. There is an exterior parking spot for one car. This home is in a walk-to-it-all Bucktown location near Damen Ave shopping and dining! Price: $1,490,000 3 Beds | 3.1 Baths 2019 Taxes: $19,512.55 Lot Size: 24.2 x 80 1910wWabansiaAve.info
5'-5" X 13'-2" W.I.C . DN PRIMARY B E DR OOM 14'-9" X 17'-0" DINING R OOM PRIMARY B AT H 19'-6" X 13'-1" 7'-3" X 20'-5" B E DR OOM 9'-0" X 13'-5" W/D B E DR OOM K IT C HE N 9'-0" X 12'-0" 19'-6" X 21'-2" UP DN DN LIV ING R OOM 16'-0" X 19'-1" F AMILY R OOM UP 20'-6" X 14'-6" DN First Floor Second Floor N 1910 W. Wabansia Ave. MAIN LEVEL N 1910 W. Wabansia Ave. SECOND LEVEL Floor plans are for general marketing purposes only. Measurements representative but have not been verified. Floor plans are for general marketing purposes only. Measurements representative but have not been verified.
S T OR AG E 10'-1" X 9'-7" UP DE C K 19'-8" x 30'-8" R E C R E AT ION R OOM 18'-0" X 22'-0" S UN R OOM 13'-6" X 20'-6" E NT E R T AINME NT R OOM 15'-3" X 32'-11" UP THIRD LEVEL Lower Floor LOWER LEVEL Third Floor N 1910 W. Wabansia Ave. N 1910 W. Wabansia Ave. Floor plans are for general marketing purposes only. Measurements representative but have not been verified.
De ta che d Single M LS #: 1 0 7 5 4 8 8 2 List P rice: $ 1 ,4 9 0 ,0 0 0 S tatus: NEW List D ate: 0 6 /2 9 /2 0 2 0 O rig List P rice: $ 1 ,4 9 0 ,0 0 0 A rea: 8 0 2 4 List D t Rec: 0 6 /2 9 /2 0 2 0 A ddress: 1 9 1 0 W Wa ba nsia A v e , C hica go, I L 6 0 6 2 2 S old P rice: ABOUT THE NEIGHBORHOOD: D irections: Da m e n to Wa ba nsia , e a st to 1 9 1 0 . S old by : M kt. T im e (Lst./T ot.): 1 /1 C losed: C ontract: C oncessions: O ff M arket: F inancing: C ontingency : Y ear B uilt: 1 8 8 8 B lt B efore 78: Y e s C urr. Leased: No D im ensions: 2 4 .2 X 8 0 O w nership: F e e Sim ple S ubdiv ision: M odel: C orp Lim its: C hica go T ow nship: Nor th C hica go C ounty : C ook C oordinates: N:1 7 0 0 W:1 9 1 0 # F ireplaces: Room s: 1 0 B athroom s 3 / 1 P arking: Ex te r ior Spa ce ( s) (full/half): B edroom s: 3 M aster B ath: F ull # S paces: Ex t:1 B asem ent: F ull, English B sm nt. B ath: Y e s P arking Incl. Y e s In P rice: U tility C osts: M obility S core: 6 9 - Good M obility ! BUCKTOWN Rem arks: I conic B uck town house ! O nce a for m e r se wing fa ctor y , now a m a zing single fa m ily hom e , this house is in the pe r fe ct loca tion for a ll the ne ighbor hood offe r s. Situa te d on a cor ne r -lik e lot, a nd fe a tur ing a tota l of 4 1 windows for tr e m e ndous na tur a l light, the hom e is ha ppy a nd liv e s we ll. C om ple te ly r e nov a te d in 2 0 0 4 , the n the m a in floor r e nov a te d a ga in in 2 0 1 5 , the r e is a m ple spa ce to r e la x or e nte r ta in in the ope n, loft-lik e liv ing spa ce s. T he m a in le v e l offe r s a custom k itche n with high e nd sta inle ss a pplia nce s, V icostone counte r tops, m a r ble ba ck spla sh, a nd a n ov e r size isla nd with huge counte r se a ting. A wood bur ning fir e pla ce with a ga s sta r te r is the foca l point of the liv ing r oom in a ddition to the wa ll of we st-fa cing As an artists’ community, nightlife hotspot, foodie destination and shopping mecca, windows. T he r e is a huge pa ntr y a nd a powde r r oom tha t com ple te the m a in le v e l. T he be dr oom le v e l fe a tur e s a spa cious suite with a lux ur ious spa - lik e ba th with he a te d floor ing, dua l sink s, a n ov e r -size d ste a m showe r with be nch se a ting, a nd a j e tte d tub. T wo a dditiona l be dr oom s, a we ll a ppointe d ha ll ba th, la undr y r oom , a nd a fa m ily r oom com ple te this le v e l. T he pe nthouse le v e l sunr oom with a we t ba r is a tr ue r e tr e a t a nd is pe r fe ct for Bucktown is undisputedly one of Chicago’s trendiest neighborhoods. indoor /outdoor liv ing a nd e nte r ta ining on the r ooftop te r r a ce tha t is a cce sse d thr ough la r ge F r e nch door s. A full ba r a r e a with a 2 5 0 bottle wine close t, two r e cr e a tiona l/fa m ily r oom spa ce s, a full ba th, a nd a huge stor a ge r oom com ple te the lowe r le v e l of the hom e . T he r e is a n e x te r ior pa r k ing spot for one ca r . T his hom e is in a wa lk -to-it-a ll B uck town loca tion ne a r Da m e n A v e shopping a nd dining! School Da ta A sse ssm e nts T ax M isce lla ne ous E lem entary : B ur r ( 2 9 9 ) A m ount: A m ount: $ 1 9 ,5 1 2 .5 5 Waterfront: No Junior H igh: B ur r ( 2 9 9 ) H igh S chool: ( 2 9 9 ) F requency : Not A pplica ble S pecial A ssessm ents: No P IN : 1 4 3 1 4 1 7 0 3 8 0 0 0 0 M ult P IN s: No A ppx S F : 5 0 0 0 S F S ource: Estim a te d Bucktown’s restaurant scene is diverse and local friendly. Residents also enjoy S pecial S erv ice A rea: No T ax Y ear: 2 0 1 9 B ldg. A ssess. S F : a unique mix of independent bookstores, shops, bars, galleries and theaters. M aster A ssociation: T ax E xm ps: H om e owne r A creage: S quare F ootage C om m ents: Room Na m e Size Level F loor ing Win T r m t Room Na m e Size Level F loor ing Win T r m t Liv ing Room 1 9 X 1 6 D ining Room 1 9 X 1 3 M a in L e v e l M a in L e v e l H a r dwood H a r dwood M aster B edroom 1 5 X 1 7 2nd B edroom 0 9 X 1 3 2 nd L e v e l 2 nd L e v e l H a r dwood H a r dwood Meanwhile, upscale retailers have made the neighborhood a designer destination K itchen 1 9 X 2 1 M a in L e v e l H a r dwood 3rd B edroom 0 9 X 1 2 2 nd L e v e l H a r dwood F am ily Room 2 0 X 1 5 2 nd L e v e l H a r dwood Not A pplica ble with Damen Avenue emerging as a must-shop destination. 4th B edroom Laundry Room Recreation Room 1 8 X 2 2 L owe r O the r S un/F lorida Room 1 3 X 2 0 3 r d Level H a r dwood H eated F am ily Room - 1 5 X 3 2 L owe r O the r S torage 1 0 X 1 0 L owe r O the r D ow n Interior P roperty F eatures: V a ulte d/C a the dr a l C e ilings, B a r -We t, H a r dwood F loor s, 2 nd F loor L a undr y , B uilt-in F e a tur e s, Wa lk -I n C lose t( s) E xterior P roperty F eatures: A ge: 1 0 0 + Y e a r s, Re ha b in 2 0 0 4 Laundry F eatures: I n Unit Roof: Overlooking the six corners intersection, a stunning Art Deco skyscraper is now a T y pe: 3 Stor ie s A dditional Room s: Re cr e a tion Room , Sun/F lor ida S ew er: Se we r -P ublic S ty le: E xterior: B r ick Room H e a te d, F a m ily Room - Down, Stor a ge G arage O w nership: Water: L a k e M ichiga n C onst O pts: modern boutique hotel with a rooftop bar and amazing views. A stately historic G arage O n S ite: bank building on the corner is now home to a pharmacy with stunning archways A ir C ond: C e ntr a l A ir G eneral Info: None H eating: Ga s, F or ce d A ir G arage T y pe: A m enities: K itchen: Ea ting A r e a -B r e a k fa st B a r , I sla nd, G arage D etails: A sm t Incl: None and stained-glass ceilings that embody happy and healthy. P a ntr y -Wa lk -in P arking O w nership: O wne d H E RS Index S core: A ppliances: P arking O n S ite: Y e s G reen D iscl: D ining: Se pa r a te P arking D etails: O ff A lle y G reen Rating S ource: A ttic: D riv ew ay : G reen F eats: B asem ent D etails: F inishe d F oundation: S ale T erm s: B ath A m n: Whir lpool, Se pa r a te Showe r , Ste a m E xst B as/F nd: P ossession: C losing Located a few miles northwest of The Loop, Bucktown has a variety of housing Showe r , Double Sink D isability A ccess: No O cc D ate: F ireplace D etails: D isability D etails: Rural: F ireplace Location: E xposure: V acant: E lectricity : E quipm ent: Lot S ize: Sta nda r d C hica go L ot Lot D esc: Relist: including modern new construction, stately brownstones, loft apartments and Zero Lot Line: O ther S tructures: B roker P riv ate Rem arks: I f y ou wish to sche dule a n in-pe r son showing, y ou a nd a ny clie nts tha t will be pr e se nt a r e r e que ste d to sign a C ov id Disclosur e . T ha nk y ou for unde r sta nding. condominiums. Getting around couldn’t be easier for homeowners – from walking, Internet Listing: Y e s Rem arks on Internet?: Y e s A ddr on Internet?: Y e s V O W A V M : No Listing T y pe: Ex clusiv e Right to Se ll V O W C om m ents/Rev iew s: No H olds E arnest M oney : Y e s B roker N otices: Lock B ox: None running and biking The 606 Trail, to riding the CTA’s Blue Line and numerous buses. C oop C om p: 2 .5 % - $ 3 7 5 ( on Ne t SP ) A ddl. S ales Info.: L ist B r ok e r M ust S pecial C om p Info: None S how ing Inst: Em a il ESWshowings@ a tpr ope r tie s.com C ont. to S how ?: A ccom pa ny E xpiration D ate: 0 6 /1 9 /2 0 2 1 Drivers appreciate that they can hop on the Kennedy Expressway for easy access to M gm nt. C o: C ontact N am e: P hone: O w ner: O f Re cor d B roker: @ pr ope r tie s ( 8 5 7 7 4 ) / ( 7 7 3 ) 4 7 2 -0 2 0 0 P h #: B roker O w ned/Interest: No The Loop and the suburbs. List B roker: Em ily Sa chs Wong ( 1 2 8 6 3 2 ) on be ha lf of Em ily Sa chs Wong, I NC . ( T 1 4 6 1 9 ) / ( 3 1 2 ) 2 8 6 -0 8 0 0 / e sw@ a tpr ope r tie s.com C oList B roker: M ore A gent C ontact Info: C opyright 2 0 2 0 M RE D L L C - T he ac c urac y of all information, regardles s of s ourc e, inc luding but not limited to s quare footages and lot s izes , is deemed reliable but not guaranteed and s hould be pers onally verified through pers onal ins pec tion by and/or with the appropriate profes s ionals . N O T I C E : M any homes c ontain rec ording devic es , and buyers s hould be aware that they may be rec orded during a s howing. M LS #: 10754882 P repared B y : E m ily S achs Wong | @properties | C ell: (312) 286-0800 | E m ail: esw @atproperties.com | 06/29/2020 03:45 P M
1910 W Wabansia Ave, Chicago, IL 60622 Map data ©2020 Google RESTAURANTS Oiistar COFFEE SHOPS Pottery Barn Kids 1385 NORTH MILWAUKEE AVENUE, 2111 NORTH CLYBOURN AVENUE 0.4 MI SUITE B, 0.9 MI Blue Fin Japanese Restaurant The Goddess and Grocer 1952 WEST NORTH AVENUE, 0.1 MI 1649 NORTH DAMEN AVENUE, 0.1 MI Emporium Wicker Park Piece Brewery 1366 NORTH MILWAUKEE AVENUE, Mindy’s Bakery HEALTH CLUBS 0.5 MI 1927 WEST NORTH AVENUE, 0.2 MI 1747 NORTH DAMEN AVENUE, 0.1 MI Pure Barre Handlebar 1837 WEST NORTH AVENUE, 0.2 MI Big Star 2311 WEST NORTH AVENUE, 0.5 MI Starbucks Reserve 1531 NORTH DAMEN AVENUE, 0.2 MI 1588 NORTH MILWAUKEE AVENUE, 0.2 MI Global Yoga & Wellness Irazu Costa Rican Restaurant Center Inc Blue Line Lounge & Grill 1548 NORTH DAMEN AVENUE, 0.2 MI & Catering 1823 WEST NORTH AVENUE, 0.2 MI 1865 NORTH MILWAUKEE AVENUE, SHOPPING 0.5 MI Shred415 Wicker Park Bongo Room 1470 NORTH MILWAUKEE AVENUE, Benefit Cosmetics Boutique & 1444 NORTH MILWAUKEE AVENUE, 0.3 MI Coast Sushi Bar 0.3 MI 2045 NORTH DAMEN AVENUE, 0.5 MI BrowBar Lounge 1616 NORTH DAMEN AVENUE, 0.1 MI Native Foods 1484 NORTH MILWAUKEE AVENUE, Antique Taco Wicker Park SCHOOLS 1360 NORTH MILWAUKEE AVENUE, Quimby's Bookstore 0.3 MI 0.5 MI 1854 WEST NORTH AVENUE, 0.1 MI Burr Elementary School Sultan's Market Jewel-Osco 1621 WEST WABANSIA AVE, 0.4 MI 2057 WEST NORTH AVENUE, 0.3 MI Smoke Daddy BBQ - Wicker 1341 NORTH PAULINA STREET, 0.5 MI Park Wells Community Academy Le Bouchon 1804 WEST DIVISION STREET, 0.6 MI Barnes & Noble High School 1958 NORTH DAMEN AVENUE, 0.4 MI 936 NORTH ASHLAND AVE, 1.0 MI WEBSTER PLACE, 0.8 MI Bangers and Lace 1670 WEST DIVISION STREET, 0.7 MI The Home Depot 1232 WEST NORTH AVENUE, 0.8 MI Emily Sachs Wong OFFICE: (773) 472-0200 MOBILE: (312) 286-0800 esw@atproperties.com NOTES
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