BUSINESS MEMBER BENEFITS 2019 - Be part of the South West Coast Path Business Community

Page created by Kristen Hayes
BUSINESS MEMBER BENEFITS 2019 - Be part of the South West Coast Path Business Community
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                             BUSINESS MEMBER BENEFITS 2019
                                    Be part of the South West Coast Path Business Community

Promote your business to the visitors of this 630 mile National Trail -
One of the World’s most popular walks   @southwestcoastpath   @swcoastpath   @southwestcoastpath

Reg. Charity no. 1163422
BUSINESS MEMBER BENEFITS 2019 - Be part of the South West Coast Path Business Community
About the South West Coast Path
The South West Coast Path attracts 8.7 million tourists a year and these visitors spend over
£500 million with local businesses. Its 630-mile route runs from Minehead in Somerset to Poole
in Dorset and is considered to be ‘One of the Best Walk’s in the World’.

                                                                                                                                                                                                About the South West
                                                                                                                                                                                                Coast Path Association
                                                                                                                                                                                                The Association works to ensure that
                                                                                                                                                                                                visitors to the Path are informed about
                                                                                                                                                                                                the best ways to enjoy it. This includes
                                                                                                                                                                                                promoting the wealth of places to stay,
                                                                                                                                                                                                eat and visit along the length of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                route. The Association is a registered
                                                                                                                                                                                                charity working to protect and
                                                                                                                                                                                                conserve the Coast Path. Supporting
                                                                                                                                                                                                the charity and adding a voice as a
                                                                                                                                                                                                member helps the Association to
                                                                                                                                                                                                improve the Path and keep the way
                                                                                                                                                                                                open to beautiful coastal places.

                                                                                                                                                                                                The Complete Guide to

                                                                                                                                                                                                The South West

                                                                                                                                                                                                  Coast Path
                                                                                                                                                              The Complete Guide to

                                                                                                        The South West Coast Path
                                                                                                               Minehead to Poole
                                                                                                                        Written by all of us at the
                                                                                                           South West Coast Path Association,
                                                                                                                                         with all
                                                                                                               this guide is jam packed
                                                                                                              the details you need to plan
                                                                                                               South West Coast Path 630
                                                                                                                                       view for a
                                                                                                            adventure, find a perfect
                                                                                                             picnic or decide on a shorter
                                                                                                                                                                    The South West Coast Path

                                                                                                                   The Path is divided into
                                                                                                            manageable sections with
                                                                                                                                  for planning an
                                                                                                                experience you will never

                                                                                                                       You will find B&Bs, hotels,
                                                                                                             youth hostels, holiday cottages
                                                                                                            campsites all shown by their
                                                                                                                                         times and
                                                                                                            of Path, together with tide

Whether you want to attract more domestic visitors or those from abroad,
                                                                                                                     useful transport information.

we can help. From involving you in educational trips for journalists and tour
operators, to offering discounts on digital promotion/marketing opportunities
                                                                        ww w.southwe
                                                                                    stcoastp at h.                                                                                                               2017-2018

we are always thinking of news way you can leverage the value of the Path to
                                                                                                                             Registered Charity No: 1163422
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            05/12/2016 09:00

                                                                                                                              FINAL.indd   1
                                                                                             SWCPA   Cover+Spine_2017 130X210

make your business grow.

BUSINESS MEMBER BENEFITS 2019 - Be part of the South West Coast Path Business Community
Why join our business community?
 	Over half of visitors take a two mile plus walk during any visit. The Coast Path
 doesn’t just appeal to ‘serious’ walkers 2016 Visit Cornwall Visitor Survey
 	56% of people walking the Coast Path will eat out at a pub, café or restaurant
 that day South West Coast Path Association face to face survey 2016
 	Reduce the seasonality of your business. Walkers favour the quieter spring and summer
 months to visit 2016 Visit Cornwall Visitor Survey
 	Main motivation of 38% of visitors to Cornwall in the autumn is to go walking
 2016 Visit Cornwall Visitor Survey
 	The South West Coast Path is the UK’s most popular walk. Voted Britain’s
 ‘Best Walking Route’ and rated ‘One of the World’s Greatest Walks’ Lonely Planet

“We’ve been involved with                           “The Truth is all of              Alex Foley at Guardhouse Café,
                                                                                      Berry Head, Brixham enjoys meeting
The Association for several years, and              us need to contribute
                                                                                      Path users...
business membership has helped improve              towards the Path. It is
our exposure to Path users. We have found           to the benefit of your            “We enjoy meeting walkers,
that Path users are more likely to support          business to join the              usually when they are
those who also have an interest in what             business membership               coming to the end of the
the Coast Path offers, and who actively             scheme.”                          exhilarating (and at times
support the ongoing maintenance and                 Alex Polizzi, Channel 5’s Hotel
                                                                                      exhausting!) walk from
development of the Path.”                           Inspector                         Kingswear to Brixham - a
Greg Dolan at Three Tees Guesthouse,
                                                                                      welcome cup of tea and slice of
Lusty Glaze, Newquay, says being a member helps                                       cake (or a local beer…) is well
their bookings in the quieter times of the season                                     deserved after this day-long

BUSINESS MEMBER BENEFITS 2019 - Be part of the South West Coast Path Business Community
Digital marketing
      Website advertising
      We offer access to a targeted Coast Path audience of
      almost 1.4 million a year through our website at who are looking for
      places to stay and eat and for ideas of things to do.

        Our business membership includes a listing
        on the website, the official website for all
        users of the South West Coast Path. Your
        listing will be shown on all walks pages
        within five miles of your location.
      Your entry on the website can be found through a
      variety of ways providing multiple opportunities for
      your business to be discovered. Your business can
      be found through our ‘short walk’ pages, using the
      accommodation finder tool and through themed walk
      itineraries like ‘easy access walks’, ‘family walks’ found
      easily through the home page ‘ Walk the Path’ section.

      Social media exposure
      We have a combined following on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram in excess of 30,000. We post lots of engaging content,
      including a wealth of information about our business members, whilst also sharing any of your content that is relevant to our
      audiences. You can send us any special news you’d like to share, unique offers or particular stories that we can promote.

                                                                          Amazing views from the
                        My footprints. Another
                                                                          top and below!
                        day, another hike...                                                       Clear signs by #SWCP
                        #view #gooddayforit                                                        #viewpoint
                        #love #freedom #saltair                                                    #bestofbritish
                        Dutch visitor
                                                                          Dutch visitor

The Port William at                               Love spending                                                           Evening #Dorsethour
Trebarwith Strand for                             weekends walking                                                        We are now real pleased
great food and drink,                             around the South West                                                   to be supporting an
plus uber-friendly                                coast path.                                                             association that makes
staff and very dog                                #seascape #coast                                                        a difference on the
friendly!                                         #waves #Devon                                                           Jurassic Coast!
Another happy                                     #beach@swcoastpath                                                      @swcoastpath
customer                                          Plymouth based fan                                                      Jurassic Coast Guides

                   @southwestcoastpath          @swcoastpath          @southwestcoastpath

      Direct marketing to hot leads
      The Association has a growing database of over 20,000 contacts, an engaged audience who visit the Coast Path, that have
      asked to be sent more information on a regular basis. We promote our business members to this audience on a regular basis.
      We send monthly e-newsletters to our 6,500 individual members. You can opt in for inclusion in the members only offer page
      to reach our most committed Coast Path visitors.

BUSINESS MEMBER BENEFITS 2019 - Be part of the South West Coast Path Business Community
Other business membership benefits
As well as the digital marketing aspects of our membership we are also able to offer other more
traditional methods.
 	A listing in 2018/2019 Complete Guide to the South West Coast Path which has a 10,000 publication distribution
 	A quarterly business e-newsletter focused on helping you to promote your business
 	An individual membership (includes a Complete Guide, two magazines a year, monthly e-newsletter, sticker,
   member offers including a 15% Cotswold Outdoor and shop offers)
 	Extra copies of The Complete Guide to the South West Coast Path at a much reduced price
   (currently £6.00 rrp £15 – inc p&p) for retail
 	Association business sticker to show your support
 	Offer incentives to our members through member magazine
 	Opportunities to get involved with the South West Coast Path Association’s business activities and events
 	Help to repair and improve the Coast Path – a proportion of membership fees are allocated to Path
   improvement projects
 	Contribute to our promotion of the Coast Path to increase visitors from domestic
   and international
                  .00 visitors

                                            The South We
                                                         st Coast
                                                   Minehead to Path
                                                                                                                 The Complete
                                                                                                                The South W  e
                                                                                                                           ide to                                                                                                                                                                                              630 mile
                                                                                                                  Coast Path st
                                                                                                 The Complete

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Association M emb ers
                                                       Written by all                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          West Coast Path
                                                                       of us at the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ine for South
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ar ly magaz
                                           South West Coas                                                                                                                                        iation               PL21 9EF, Engla
                                                                                                                                                                                 Coast Path Assoc          dge, Devon,
                                                              t Path Associatio                                                                                                                                                                                       e
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 The h a l f y
                                                                                  n,                                                                                  South West , Lee Mill Bridge, Ivybri                   www.southwestc
                                               this guide is jam                                                                                                      Bowker House                    
                                                                  packed with all                                                                                                             southwestcoastp
                                             the details you                                                                                                                       7 hello@
                                                                                                                                                                       01752 89623
                                                               need to plan                                                                                                           no. 1163422
                                              South West Coas                 your                                                                                     Reg. charity
                                                                 t Path 630 mile
                                          adventure, find
                                                                                             Guide to The

                                                            a perfect view
                                          picnic or decid                    for a
                                                           e on a shorter
                                                The Path is divid          walk.
                                         manageable secti          ed into eight
                                                            ons with esse
                                                 information for            ntial
                                                                   planning an
                                           experience you
                                                             will never forge
                                                                                        South West Coa

                                                You will find B&B
                                      youth hostels,              s, hotels,
                                                      holiday cotta
                                     campsites all                  ges and
                                                   shown by their
                                    of Path, together               section
                                                      with tide time
                                            useful transport          s and
                                                                                       st Path

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                7      No. 96
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Autumn 201

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       d paper
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Printed on recycle

                                          Registered Charit
                                                            y No:   1163422

         SWCPA Cover+
                                  130X210 FINAL.
                                                indd 1


                                                                                                                                            Supporting the South West Coast Path

                                                                                                                                                   www.southwestc oastp at                 Reg charity no. 1163422

BUSINESS MEMBER BENEFITS 2019 - Be part of the South West Coast Path Business Community
International Marketing
Long distance trails like the Coast Path are well understood in Germany and the Netherlands, and a strong walking and hiking
culture already exists. Research shows that the most sought after information on the South West Tourism Growth Fund
website was on the countryside of the South West, with the majority of traffic coming from Germany and the Netherlands.
In addition to this, research carried out by Visit Cornwall showed on foot was the most popular way to enjoy the countryside
with 83% of visitors to Cornwall undertaking a short walk during their stay. It was for these reasons, that we focused our
international marketing efforts in these two well established markets. We can help you maximise this potential customer
base and have a range of resources available to help you service them.

                                                                            Our complete guide is now available in German
                                                                            and Dutch and we have six, 3-5 day themed
                                                                            itineraries, also available in these languages on
                                                                            our website, SWCP app and in Z card format.
                                                                            Our itineraries are available in many tourist
                                                                            information centres across the South West and
                                                                            elsewhere in the country, as well as distributed
                                                                            on the popular passenger ferries that operate
                                                                            between here and France. In the future we hope
                                                                            to expand our international promotion to markets
                                                                            such as France and the USA.


                                                                                                        The Nautical Trail

                                                                                                  ON Nautical

BUSINESS MEMBER BENEFITS 2019 - Be part of the South West Coast Path Business Community
+14,500                              +92%                            +190%                        £2.9 million
                                                                                                           worth of PR and
                                        German visitors                   Dutch visitors
     itinerary downloads                to the website                    to the website                    media value

Educational trips
To support our domestic and international resources, we are always looking for opportunities to
run educational trips so that travel operators and journalists alike can help us make it even easier
by offering tour packages, tips and advice to their audiences. Here at the Association, we like to
think we know the Path pretty well, but it’s taken us more than 40 years! For people who don’t
know the area or aren’t from the UK, it can be daunting to know where to start.
Educational trips (also known as press and fam trips) are a way of promoting your products or services. An educational
trip is a paid-for visit usually offered to travel consultants, tour operators and/or journalists. The aim is to familiarise
travel operators with a trip in the hope they will recommend it to their customers, generating new business for you. For
journalists, there is a chance to have your product or service written about, which opens up access to new and varied
audiences. Editorial is deemed much more valuable than advertising as people trust recommendations from top travel
writers and will often follow in their footsteps.

We recently hosted journalists from Germany’s biggest selling woman’s magazine ‘Brigitte’ and saw nearly 20 businesses
we’d worked with to organise the trip mentioned in the coverage. That’s editorial space worth over €400,000 going out to
around 3 million readers!

How to get involved
We want to offer you, our business members the first opportunity to get involved in any educational trips
we’re organising. It’s our way of saying thank you for supporting us and is one of the many benefits you
receive by being part of our growing business network.
If you want to get involved simply email with details of your business
and whether you are able to offer anything complimentary or at a discounted rate and we’ll get in touch
when the next opportunity comes up in your area.

BUSINESS MEMBER BENEFITS 2019 - Be part of the South West Coast Path Business Community
      Pricing is based on the size of your business so that we can offer it at an affordable
      price to large and small businesses on the Path:
      Small business (turnover £0-£20k pa)                                                        £65 (inc. VAT)
      Medium business (turnover £21-£81k pa)                                                    £195 (inc. VAT)
      Large business (turnover over £81k pa)                                                    £330 (inc. VAT)

      We also ask that you show that you are part of the SWCPA business community
      to your customers by:
         Having an embedded logo link on your website
         Display the business member window sticker (provided)
         Offer a water bottle refill service for walkers
         Have leaflets about the Association and the Path available for your customers
         Offering guide books for sale
         Consider offering a member only offer

      Your Membership Team
      For more information or to arrange your business membership please visit call us on 01752 896 237 or email

      Photography credits: Hiker resting at Bedruthan Steps, Cornwall by Richard Taylor. Boat Cove, Dawlish Photographer
      by Rosie Spooner, Golden light at the golden hour at Wheal Coates by Jen Rogers, November Sunrise at Portland Bill
      by Kerry Roberts, Durdle Door Golds by Damien Davis, Porthcurno by Peter Batson                   @southwestcoastpath                 @swcoastpath              @southwestcoastpath

7 Charity no. 1163422
BUSINESS MEMBER BENEFITS 2019 - Be part of the South West Coast Path Business Community BUSINESS MEMBER BENEFITS 2019 - Be part of the South West Coast Path Business Community
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