Carew Peel Forest School - Carew Peel Forest ...

Page created by Marc Graves
Carew Peel Forest School - Carew Peel Forest ...
Carew Peel
Forest School
1051 Ealing-Montalto Road, Carew, RD5,            Weekly Newsletter
               Ashburton 7775
Phone: 03 696 3556 Fax: 03 696 3793             Thursday 24th February email:                                 2022

   Kia ora Carew Families

   Recently we have had a few essen al visitors to our school. We were pleased to welcome Joanna
   Gordon, who is our contact person from the Ministry of Educa on. She was just touching base with
   us to see if there is any way we need support. She was very impressed with our school ground and
   the posi ve school culture we have at our lovely school.

   Dianne from SwimSafe has been here today, talking and teaching the students about how to be
   safe in and around water. Dianne has complimented me on the politeness and manners of our
   students as she has worked with them. It is nice to know that our school is modelling and
   maintaining these important life skills.

   We con nue as ‘business as usual’ at school as we monitor the covid situa on in the country.
   Informa on is being updated con nuously and we follow the guideline as we get them. Please feel
   free to contact us if you have any ques ons, and be assured we will contact you immediately we
   are informed of any change of status in our school.

   The swimming fes val (for students only) will be going ahead (at this stage) on Friday 4
   March. We con nue to try and o er as many events and experiences as possible for students.

   Ngā mihi
   Jayne and the Carew Team

                                                   Swimsafe with

         Kia ora all students and families. My name is Helen Cunningham and I am really excited
         to be teaching in Korimako on Thursdays. I completed my teaching degree through the
         University of Canterbury and also studied Agriculture in the UK. Currently I live on a dairy
         farm with my family in Rangitata, along with our many pets! I enjoy cycling, walking and
         reading in my spare time. A huge passion of mine is science and I love to engage the
         students in hands-on experiments to deepen their understanding of the world around
Carew Peel Forest School - Carew Peel Forest ...
   Our 14 student leaders for 2022 came together last week for their first leadership
 training. They all identified someone who they thought was a great leader and what
 made them a great leader, a number of the children identified their parents, teachers,
 peers and sports idols as leaders that they look up to (these children are privileged to
 have such amazing role models to look up to). We then looked at the characteristics
           that makes a leader including communication and body language.

I look forward to working with our Physical Activity Leaders (PALs) and Care Crew
Leaders throughout the year, especially with Covid restrictions not allowing the usual
             Sports Canterbury PALs training to take place at this stage.

PALs Leaders                                       Care Crew Leaders
George   Wintrow                                   Totara: Andrew Atkinson
Casey    Jett                                      Lancewood: Kylie Fitzpatrick
Maisie    Mitchell                                 Kowhai: Nia Pasalo
Maddie    Breanna                                   Kahikatea: Fletcher Wilson
Mila      Savanna

Fiona Peck
Sports Coordinator

                                       TERM DATES 2022

                                    Term 1: 2 Feb - 14 April

                                     Term 2: 2 May - 8 July

                                   Term 3: 25 July - 30 Sept

                                    Term 4: 17 Oct - 16 Dec
Carew Peel Forest School - Carew Peel Forest ...

  Incredible Years Parenting Programme                                                                                                Tuning Into Kids™
 Date, Time & Location*                           Course Details
15 week programme                                 Incredible Years is a parenting programme                         1 March – 5 April (6 weeks)          Be better at talking with, and
22 February – 12 April                            for parents of 3-8 year old children who
3 May – 14 June                                                                                                     6pm – 8pm                            understanding your child.
                                                  would love to connect with other parents
Evening sessions
                                                  and learn some new parenting strategies.                          Sinclair Centre                      » Help your child learn to
Sinclair Centre
74 Park Street, Ashburton                                                                                           74 Park Street, Ashburton              manage their emotions
                                                  Outcomes you should expect                                                                             » Help teach your child
 Registration                                     » Building a closer bond between you and                                                                 emotional intelligence skills
                                                    your child/children.
Erin Sturman                                      » Growing your child’s social and                                 Please refer through
Ministry of Education                               emotional skills so that they can                                                                      your child’s development
E.                                                            or visit
                                                    make friends and manage those BIG
                                                    emotions!                                                       Presbyterian Support to complete
Presbyterian Support
P. 03 261 6907                                    » Understand your child’s learning and                            a referral form.
E.                             help them persist with challenging tasks.
                                                                                                                    NB: Changes can occur depending on
                                                                                                                    registration numbers. Our Services   * Spaces are limited, however, you can request to
                            Our Services          NB: Spaces are limited and bookings are essential.                                                       be placed on the waitlist
                                                  Waitlist and referrals are managed by the

                                                  Ministry of Education.

              The Auckland based Editor of an outdoor magazine 'Wilderness' has initiated a challenge called
              'walk 1200km within 12 months . This is for anyone to take up with a total daily walk of 3.3km this
              equals approx 45 minutes walk per day. If you miss one day then make up another day.

              So far 1500 people throughout New Zealand have signed up, I one of them. Most people are doing
              it for mental and physical health reasons. Many are also adding on to raise money for a particular
              charity. Thus, I have decided to raise money for the Air Rescue Trust as they help people of all
              ages. I want people to give what they feel comfortable with.

              I wonder if one day within the year, the school would like to walk, part of the daily distance, or all
              as part of the fundraiser and hopefully get a 'post' in the magazine.

              Kind regards
              Sharon Boulton
Carew Peel Forest School - Carew Peel Forest ...
Geraldine JAB registration 2022 14x1qxp.qxp 19/02/22 6:22 AM Page 1

Trials For Geraldine Old Girls Teams To Play In
           The Timaru Competitions
(Currently have 1 team in Premier, 2 in Premier Plate, looking for a
                   Saturday Social team as well)

  WEDNESDAY 16th MARCH 6.30pm
   MONDAY 21ST MARCH 6.30pm
                                                                            Geraldine JAB Registrations 2022
                                                                                 Calling all 5-13-year-old girls and boys
                                                                                for the 2022 season, please come along
 For Any Information Or To Register                                                    to one of our sign-up days

                                                                            Friday 4 March | Monday 7 March
    Your Interest Please Contact                                                   At GRFC Clubrooms on George St
 Kim Andrews By Friday 11th March                                                       3pm-5.30pm both days
                                                                                   ALL PLAYERS THIS YEAR RECEIVE
           Ph 0273722334                                                                Rugby Ball and Mouthguard
                                                                             $60.00 sub | EFTPOS available on registration days
      Email                                             Please email for
                                                                           further information or if you can’t make it to either day
         With Name, Positions for trials and
          also an indication if you want to play                                     BOOT SWAP/DONATE
                                                                         Bring your old boots, make them go another season
         Competitive/Social Competitive/Social
                    ALL WELCOME                                          IMPORTANT NOTE: THERE IS A REGISTRATION CUT-OFF
                                                                         SUNDAY 27 MARCH - FINAL DAY TO REGISTER
Carew Peel Forest School - Carew Peel Forest ... Carew Peel Forest School - Carew Peel Forest ... Carew Peel Forest School - Carew Peel Forest ... Carew Peel Forest School - Carew Peel Forest ... Carew Peel Forest School - Carew Peel Forest ... Carew Peel Forest School - Carew Peel Forest ...
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