Grigsby Intermediate School Return to Learn Plan 2020-2021 - 5th/6th Grade

Page created by William Tucker
Grigsby Intermediate School Return to Learn Plan 2020-2021 - 5th/6th Grade
Grigsby Intermediate School
       5th/6th Grade
   Return to Learn Plan
Grigsby intermediate School is committed to the health and safety of our
students, staff, and their families. Families have two options going forward.
Option 1 is to continue with the fully remote model and Option 2 is the Return to
Learn Plan, which is an in-person model, also included below. The in-person plan
includes specific guidelines for our staff and students to follow with the health
and safety of everyone in mind. Each member of the school community must
ensure their own health and safety by adhering to these guidelines and reporting
any issues or safety concerns immediately to the Grigsby Administration.
Building administration will continuously review all health and safety information
as it relates to our Return to In-Person Learning Plan. Updates regarding our
physical distancing requirements, face coverings, hand hygiene procedures, daily
maintenance procedures, and the specific guidance for a symptomatic staff
member, student, or visitor in our building will come directly from health experts.

                 Option1 – Fully Remote (Current Model)
    Monday          Tuesday         Wednesday        Thursday           Friday
 Synchronous      Synchronous      Synchronous     Synchronous         Teachers
 eLearning via    eLearning via    eLearning via   eLearning via     available for
  live Google      live Google      live Google     live Google         online
     meets            meets            meets           meets          assistance

All students entered the 2020-2021 school year in a remote learning model.
Grigsby students have had the ability to become comfortable and familiar with
utilizing the appropriate technology platforms, Google Classroom and Google
Meets, to communicate, learn, and complete assignments with their teachers and
support staff.
 An assigned teacher will provide instruction to students who choose remote
learning. Students will be required to log in daily at a certain time for
contact/instruction/questions. Assignments/Assessments will be given and used
for grades/standards and treated accordingly with each grade level (due
dates/late grades, etc.).
Teachers will not be available when they are providing instruction to students in
attendance Monday-Thursday, according to the Return to Learn model below.
Appointments must be made in advance. These appointments would preferably
be scheduled for Fridays or at an agreed upon time between the teacher and the

Food distribution for all students on Remote days may be picked up at any school
at the designated times:
       Granite City High School - 8:00 AM - 10:30 AM & 12:00PM - 2:30 PM
        Coolidge Junior High - 8:00 AM -10:30 AM & 12:00 PM - 2:30 PM
       Grigsby Middle School - 8:45 AM - 11:15 AM & 12:30 PM - 2:30 PM
                   Mitchell 3-4 Center - 9:30 AM to 12:00 PM
                   Forhardt 3-4 Center - 9:30 AM to 12:00 PM
                   Maryville 1-2 Center - 9:30 AM to 12:00 PM
                    Wilson 1-2 Center - 9:30 AM to 12:00 PM
                  Prather Pre-K/K Center - 9:30 AM to 12:00 PM
                       Lake School - 9:30 AM to 12:00 PM

                   OPTION 2 – Hybrid (In-Person Model)
Students will attend in-person two days a week. The other two days, students are
required to be logged in to their classroom and participate, or view the recorded
lessons later that same day.
      ● Mondays & Wednesdays (Group A): Students whose last names begin
      with the letters A-K will attend in-person
      ● Tuesdays & Thursdays (Group B): Students whose last names begin with
      the letters L-Z will attend in-person
      ● Fridays: Remote learning day for all students
Monday           Tuesday       Wednesday         Thursday          Friday
   In-Person        In-Person       In-Person        In-Person
  Instruction      Instruction     Instruction      Instruction
    Group A          Group B         Group A          Group B        Teachers
      (A-K)            (L-Z)           (A-K)            (L-Z)       available for
 Synchronous      Synchronous     Synchronous      Synchronous     assistance via
 eLearning via    eLearning via   eLearning via    eLearning via   Google Meets
  Live Google      Live Google     Live Google      Live Google          ALL
     Meets            Meets           Meets            Meets
    Group B          Group A         Group B          Group A
      (L-Z)            (A-K)           (L-Z)           (A-K)

                    Monday through Thursday Schedule
    8:10am – 12:10pm
    8:10am-8:30am – Breakfast in the classroom
    8:30am-12:10pm Instruction Time
Students receiving IEP services will have the option to attend school Monday,
Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Friday will be a remote learning day.
“Students with speech only IEP’s will attend on the regular two-day hybrid

Breakfast and lunch will be provided to students on days they are in the building.
    Breakfast will be served in the classroom.
    Lunch will be provided as a Grab and Go and sent home with students as
     they leave for the day.
    All food selections will be pre-wrapped.
       Monday’s breakfast will be in the classroom. Monday’s lunch and
        Tuesday’s breakfast/lunch will be distributed for the student to take
        home on Mondays.
       Wednesday’s breakfast will be in the classroom. Wednesday’s lunch,
        Thursday’s breakfast/lunch and Friday’s breakfast/lunch will be
        distributed for the student to take home on Wednesday’s.

       Tuesday’s breakfast will be in the classroom. Tuesday’s lunch and
        Wednesday’s breakfast/lunch will be distributed for the student to take
        home on Tuesdays.
       Thursday’s breakfast will be in the classroom. Thursday’s lunch, Friday’s
        breakfast/lunch and Monday’s breakfast/lunch will be distributed for
        the student to take home on Thursday’s.

Arrival/Dismissal Procedures

Walkers are encouraged to time their departure so that they arrive as close to
7:55am as possible. They will enter the building at the 5th grade door, 6th grade or
circle drive door. If students are self-certified they will continue on to their
rooms. Student temperatures will be taken immediately upon entering the
building if they are exhibiting symptoms or are not self-certified.

Car Riders
Parents are encouraged to wait to drop off students as close to 7:55am as
possible. Students should be dropped off after parents pull through the circle
drive or adjacent streets off of Cargill Rd. There will be an adult to direct students
where to go to get to their designated room or quarantine area (café, circle drive
room or 5th grade room). No cars will be allowed in the bus lanes at the front of
the building and are discouraged from dropping off students on residential streets
in front of the building. Crossing Cargill Rd. can be a dangerous situation.

Bus Riders
Buses will drop students off at the main entrance. 6th grade students will enter
the doors by the cafeteria. 5th grade students will enter the doors into the 5th
grade hallway.

Walkers will be dismissed last when called via the PA system. They will leave out
of the door they entered through at the beginning of the day – 5th grade door, 6th
grade door and circle drive door.

Car Riders
Car riders will be called to the gym hallway maintaining social distancing as
indicated by the red tape on the floor. They will be dismissed after bus riders.
direct them to the gym to wait for their ride. The gym will be marked where
students will wait so that social distancing will be observed.

Bus Riders
Bus riders will be dismissed via the PA system, two buses at a time as they arrive.
Staff will be in their classroom doorway and hallways to facilitate dismissal and
help maintain social distancing among students.

Health certification will be done via a lanyard process:
    Parents must screen their student daily by completing the COVID-19
     symptoms checklist printed on the lanyard before sending them to school.
    Upon entering the building, staff will be checking temperatures.
    Students will report directly to their classrooms.
 The nurse will determine if a student needs to be placed in the designated
     quarantine area to await parent pick up.

Masks are required to be worn by all staff and students upon entering the
building and throughout the day. Masks need to have your student’s name on it.
If it is found during the day and no name is on it, it will be thrown away.

Hand sanitizer is available throughout the building. There are stations in the
hallways and in every classroom. Students will be taught and reminded about
proper and frequent handwashing.

    High touch areas will be cleaned routinely throughout the day.
    Each classroom will have disinfecting wipes and spray, in addition to the
     hand sanitizer, that may be used to clean tables/desks.
    Building custodial crew will clean all areas each evening in accordance with
     CDC/IDPH Protocols.

    There will be no cloth/carpets in rooms.
    Unnecessary furniture will be removed to allow for maximum space and
     social distancing
    Each student will use the same Chromebook throughout the school year
     and will self-clean as directed by teachers.
    Students are expected to bring their Chromebook charged each day.
    There will be no recess, however, if weather permits, teachers are
     encouraged to take students outside for a quick mask break. They will
     ensure social distancing is observed.

    Breakfast will be served in the classroom.
    Lunch will be provided as a Grab and Go and sent home with students as
       they leave for the day.

    Hallways are marked with social distancing and walking direction
    No lockers will be utilized. Students will keep their belongings in their area
     in the classroom.
    Water fountains will not be utilized. Students should not bring water from
     home. Individual water packets will be provided by the school district.

Each classroom will be given a specific break time for use and teachers will
monitor numbers to preserve social distancing. Emergency use will be allowed,
but will be tracked. Bathrooms will be sanitized by the custodial staff after
regular classroom breaks.

The nurse will determine if a student needs to be placed in the designated
quarantine area to await parent pick up.

    Visitors will not be allowed in the building.
    2-way wireless communication will let visitors explain to the office staff, in
     the breezeway entry, the purpose of their visit
    Will pick up/drop off materials in the office breezeway.
    Masks are required to enter the building.

   Any adjustment to our plan will be in accordance with the CDC (Center for
 Disease Control), IDPH (Illinois Department of Public Health), MCHD (Madison
  County Health Department), ISBE (Illinois State Board of Education), and the
                                Governor’s Office.
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