Bradwell News - Bradwell Community Website

Page created by Joel Reyes
Bradwell News - Bradwell Community Website
Bradwell News   Supported by Local Businesses
                                                                                                                   Issue 237
                                                                                                                  March 2022

                           EVENTS                                                              A SKYDIVE FOR DAVID
Sat 5: Community Coffee Morning: Methodist Hall: 10 to                                                              David Harrison worked
1130am: All proceeds to Bradda Dads. All welcome.                                                                   as a firefighter in Shef-
Tue 15: Historical Society: 8pm in the Methodist Hall: “A Tour                                                      field for nearly 30
Through 900 Years of Sheffield History” by Marcus Newton                                                            years. Despite the dan-
                                                                                                                    gers that he regularly
                         BRADDA LOTTO                                                                               faced, he was com-
The Winning Numbers for the February Draw were:                                                                     pletely devoted to the
£60 winning number - 120                                                                                            job. A non-smoker,
£30 winning number - 33                                                                                             David was diagnosed
£15 winning number - 155                                                                                            with incurable small
Congratulations to our winners and many thanks to our hosts                                                         cell lung cancer in
The White Hart.                                                           January 2019 and underwent chemotherapy and radiotherapy
If you haven't taken out your membership for the Lotto's 3rd              throughout 2019 but this made him very unwell. He was diag-
year, commencing in April, time is running out! You need to               nosed as terminal in January 2020 and was referred to Ash-
be in it to win it, and our closing date for applications is 31st         gate Hospice in Chesterfield for end-of-life care, shortly before
March. Remember it is only £25 per membership for 12                      the first Covid Lockdown hit the UK. David died aged 72 on
monthly draws which take place on the 1st Wednesday each                  Friday, June 5, 2020.
month. Although the BIG MONEY December Draw will be on                    Unfortunately, the funeral was also a small affair - as it was
Saturday 3rd December, and on that occasion we are hoping                 during the first lockdown - but this did not stop the whole vil-
to hold a community event in the Memorial Hall.                           lage from turning out in force. Which the family were very
Thank You All for your Continued Support                                  grateful and overwhelmed. Bradda was at it’s best as there
                                                                          were hundreds of people lining the streets as the hearse went
                     COMMUNITY CAFÉ
                                                                          past, he was very liked, loved and respected. He was so
The Community Café, held on 5th February was a roaring
                                                                          charming and funny and would do anything for anyone.
success with £271 being raised for the Centenary Players.
                                                                          Ryan and Fran, are now taking on a mammoth fundraising
Grateful thanks to all who baked and helped on the morning
                                                                          challenge for Ashgate Hospice, in memory of their dad. The
and many thanks to the Co-Op for their donation of tea, cof-
                                                                          duo will be jumping 15,000ft out of an aeroplane on Sunday,
fee and biscuits.
                                                                          March 6. It's not going to be an easy feat for both of them as
The next Community Coffee morning will be on 5th March, in
                                                                          heights are their worst fear and they are absolutely terrified
the Methodist School Room between 10am and 11.30am.
                                                                          about it.
We look forward to seeing you there.
                                                                          Please visit their Just Giving Page to donate:
                   THE MOBILE LIBRARY                           
Please be aware that the mobile library continues to provide
a service to Bradwell. They come at four weekly intervals, on
a Thursday, and park in Dick Morley’s yard by the Bridge.                 SEND US YOUR NEWS
They are there between 2 pm and 4.45 pm. Their March visit                The views expressed in this Newsletter are not necessarily
will be on Thursday 24th. This service nicely complements the             those of the editorial team. Please send news by e-mail to:
book service provided by the Bradwell Community Library          or call Paul (623941), Andy (623483) or
(BLC) in that they have a selection of newly-released editions            Debbie (621731). You can also leave hand written copy at the
which are not usually available from the BCL. So you have a               Post Office. For questions on advertising please call Caroline
wider choice and both enterprises, when used together can                 (623485) or e-mail
offer you an extensive choice of reading material.                        Copy Deadline for April Edition: 19th March

                                                SHOULDER OF MUTTON
                                                                01433 620427

                                              Due to Unforeseen Circumstances the February
                                              Curry Night will now happen in March.

                                              Friday 25: CURRY NIGHT
                                              Choose from (served with rice and naan bread):
                                              • Vegetable Balti or Chicken Tikka Masala
                                              • Beef Madras, Thai Style Prawn Curry or
                                                  Chickpea and Spinach.

                                              Prices from £8.50. Booking Essential.

Bradwell News - Bradwell Community Website
Bradwell News                                                                                  Page 2

                     PARISH COUNCIL NEWS                                               FROM FACTORY TO HOUSING
Annual Parish Meeting: The Annual Parish Meeting is the                It hardly seems true that development of the former Newburgh
opportunity each year for the parish council to report to resi-        Engineering site has been underway for four years. During
dents on the past year. The APM this year is on Tuesday 26th           that time a drone has been flown over the site to chart pro-
April in the Methodist Hall, Town Gate starting at 7pm. If your        gress on a monthly basis. Our apologies to those who have
group would like an opportunity to raise any issues with the           spotted the drone and weren’t aware that it was all in the inter-
village then please contact the Parish Clerk. This is a village        ests of capturing the changes as a historical record for the
meeting for Bradwell residents, so all are invited to attend.          village. We thought you might interested to see how the site
Waste collection: District Councillor (DC) Furness advised             has changed with these photos taken in January 2018, De-
council that the company who collect the food waste have had           cember 2018 and December 2021.
a fire at their premises and are closing their business. Derby-
shire Dales District Council (DDDC) will speak to Derbyshire
County Council about removal of the food waste and whether
their facilities could be used for its disposal. DC Furness ad-
vised that DDDC are taking legal action against Serco, who
have the waste contract and are issuing fines for failing to
provide a satisfactory service. DC Furness also advised the
results of an independent enquiry into the performance of
Serco are not yet available but will be discussed at a special
meeting of DDDC.
Play equipment: Work is continuing to identify new play
equipment for Beggars Plot playing field. The next step is to
meet with the school and share some of the options available
to the pupils so they can help with choosing the equipment.
Any installation will be after the summer holidays as the in-
stallers are already fully booked for the summer holidays.
Drinking water facility: A fresh drinking water supply will be
fitted outside the toilet block at Town Bottom Playing Field.
This will happen in the coming weeks.
Jubilee celebrations: Council have formed a committee to
review how we can help the village celebrate the Platinum
Jubilee in June. The first meeting is in February and any deci-
sions will be shared on the village notice boards. If anyone
has any ideas on what you would like to see happen in the
village please contact the parish clerk.
CCTV: Council are investigating installing CCTV in the village
to help deter crime. We will be consulting with the police and a
local company to see what, if anything, can be achieved.
Bridge from Bradwell Springs to Softwater Lane: Peak
District National Park Authority have approved plans for a new
footbridge from Bradwell Springs to Softwater Lane. The
bridge will be between Bradwell Springs and the land recently
purchased by the parish council. Camstead, who are respon-
sible for installation of the bridge will pay the parish council for
use of the council owned land.
Public Participation: We welcome members of the public at
both the main council and all committee meetings. Council
meetings are generally held at 7:30 p.m. on the first Tuesday.
See the parish notice boards (on the side of the Memorial Hall
and in the Peace Gardens bus shelter) for meeting announce-
ments and agendas.
Contacts: Parish Clerk (623485) or
Council Chair (623941) or
Bradwell News - Bradwell Community Website
Bradwell News                                                                   Page 3

                      ALAN HEARSUM                                                       ST BARNABAS CHURCH
                                Alan was born on 1st September,        The St Barnabas Spring Fayre will be in church on Satur-
                                1942 in Hayfield and grew up with      day 2nd April from 10 o'clock onwards. Refreshments will
                                his two older brothers on a farm.      be on sale, including delicious home-made cakes, together
                                His father, a cattle farmer, man-      with stalls and a raffle. Lots for all the family to enjoy!
                                aged to run the farm despite hav-                                  ***********
                                ing been blinded in a factory acci-                            Can You Help?
                                dent at the age of fifteen. On leav-   We need your help as our Treasurer and Secretary are both
                                ing Spring Bank Secondary Mod-         retiring. These are roles which are of great importance to
                                ern in New Mills, Alan did an ap-      us, and we are anxious to fill them. You would not need to
                                prenticeship at Hawthorne Engi-        be a regular churchgoer and we are able to provide training
                                neering in New Mills and went on       and support. If you would like to help us and are willing to
                                to work for Calico Printers Asso-      give us a few hours of your time each month we would be
                                ciation as an engineer. He then        very grateful to hear from you. Please contact Jane Dalrym-
                                joined Blue Circle Cement, work-       ple on 621172 or
                                ing in the HR Department at their      Thank you.
                                factories in Kent and Nigeria.
Later in his career, he became CEO for the Glass Training in-                        BRADWELL METHODIST CHURCH
dustry in Sheffield. He achieved a Doctorate in Education from         Bradwell Methodist Church, will be holding their Spring Fair
the University of Sheffield. He was a Fellow of the Institution of     on March 19th, at the Methodist Hall. Admission is £2 per
Mechanical Engineers (FI Mech I) and a member of the Char-             head which includes coffee/tea and a piece of simnel cake.
tered Institute of Personnel Development (CIPD). Alan moved            Stalls will include Cakes, Produce, Raffle, Bran Tubs, Kids
to Bradwell approximately 35 years ago. In his spare time he           Corner and many more. Please come along and enjoy the
was a water colour painter and many people in Bradwell and             fair. Everyone is welcome.
beyond will have examples of his artwork in their homes. In                                COMMUNITY LIBRARY
Wakes Week he would sometimes display his work as part of              Bradwell Community library has been up and running suc-
the exhibitions in the Methodist or St Barnabas Churches, do-          cessfully for several months now, but we’re always welcom-
nating most of the proceeds from the sales to church funds. In         ing new members. For a minimum donation of £1 you can
recent years he has held Watercolour Courses in the studio in          become a member, borrow books, jigsaws and DVDs, enjoy
his back garden. These weekend workshops were designed to              a cup of tea and relax in our calming space. Come and visit
help students develop their painting knowledge and skills.             us in the Memorial Hall.
For the last two years of his life Alan underwent chemo and            We are open every day and our hours are:
radiotherapy treatment for oesophageal cancer. He died on 16th         Monday, Wednesday and Friday 10-12am, Tuesday and
January, 2022 and a funeral service was held at St Barnabas            Wednesday 7-9pm and Thursday 3:30-5:30pm. We have
Church on 2nd February. He leaves a stepdaughter and two               lots of exciting fundraising planned, our first being a book
granddaughters. His wife, Anne predeceased him.                        sale with cakes and coffee at the Spring Fair on 12 March
                                                                       10am until 2pmLAnd if you’d like to join us behind the
                 YOUR SMART NEW CHIPPIE                                scenes, our next meeting is on Monday 14th March at
                         By now you can’t have missed the              7:30pm. Keep up to date on Facebook for all the latest infor-
                         excellent and resplendent refur-              mation from your local village library!
                         bished chippy on Netherside. After
                         a few teething problems on open-
                         ing day things seem to have set-
                         tled down nicely and we look for-
                                                                                      BRADDA DADS
                         ward to many years of being able
                         to enjoy the variety of fish based            Wolfspit Fell Race: Bradda Dads are looking forward to
                         meals provided.
                                                                       hosting the Wolfspit Fell Race on March 20th after a two
                                                                       year break. We’d like to say a big “Thank You” to all the
                                                                       land owners that allow us to cross their land for this event,
Regretfully, HADIT have had to postpone their March produc-
                                                                       so that we can raise money for the community. Your kind-
tion of Blithe Spirit due to Covid affecting rehearsals. We plan to
                                                                       ness is very much appreciated.
put this on at a future date so watch this space or ring Carolyn
                                                                       We hope to see you there.
on 620665 for further information.
Bradwell News - Bradwell Community Website
Bradwell News                                                                      Page 4

         Personal announcements                                                                       1959 and was a full time Mum
                                                                                                      until her three children had grown
                        THOMAS KIRWIN                                                                 up. She then decided to go into
                  Born on 6th August 1922, in Kilkee, County                                          the care profession and worked
                  Clare Ireland, Tom was one of six children                                          night shifts at Dale House Nurs-
                  born to Michael and Mary Kirwin. He came to                                         ing Home in Eyam. In the early
                  England and worked around the country as a                                          1990s Diane started work in the
                  steel erector. After finding work at G&T Earle                                      canteen at Bradwell Junior
                  Cement, Hope and having met Bradwell girl                                           School, where she spent many
                  Audrey Mabbott he decided to stay in the                                            happy years until her retirement.
                  area. The couple set up home in The Cres-                                           In her spare time, she loved gar-
                  cent, Bradwell and remained there for 70                                            dening and knitting was also a
happy years. Tom continued to work at Earle’s until retire-                                           passion. Diane and Rodger en-
ment. He died on 17th December 2021, a few months short of                                            joyed researching their family
his 100th birthday. He leaves wife Audrey, six children, eight                                        tree together and this took them
grandchildren and one great grandchild.                                                               all over the country.
Audrey and family would like to send many thanks to relatives,          Diane didn’t have a big wish list but her two main wishes
friends and neighbours for all the kind words, cards and gifts          were firstly to go to Paris, which she managed to do in 2000.
following Tom’s death, to the wonderful staff at Valley Lodge           Secondly, she wanted to fly. This happened in 2009 when
Care Home where he spent his final days, to Rev John Met-               she flew to Prague with daughter Lorraine and daughter-in-
calfe and Paul Tanfield for their help in organising the funeral        law Bev, a trip which she loved. She was pleased to be able
which was at Grenoside Crematorium on 10th January 2022.                to say that she had accomplished her wishes before becom-
                                                                        ing ill in 2013.
                      DIANE BROWN                                       A service to celebrate Diane’s life was held at St Barnabas
Diane passed away peacefully at home on 18th January 2022               Church on 4th February 2022.
aged 81. She was a quiet, caring lady and loving wife, mother
and grandmother. Her heart was never far away from Eyam                           HOPE VALLEY RAIL USERS GROUP
where she was born on 2nd January 1941 and where she grew              The User Group AGM is to be held on Thursday 31st March
up. She left Eyam school at the age of 14 and went to work at          at 7:30pm in Hathersage Memorial Hall. The guest speaker is
A.F.Hancock’s until 1959.                                              Sir Peter Hendry, Chair of Network Rail and all are welcome
Diane moved to Bradwell after marrying Rodger in March                 to attend.

    2021            Weds 2nd March           6th March              13th March               20th March                27th March
ST BARNABAS        ASH WEDNESDAY       1100 All Age Worship    1000 Benefice Com-      0930 Communion           MOTHERING SUNDAY
MARCH                                  Clergy/Lay Led          munion Service                                   1100 Service in Bradwell
SERVICES                                                                                                        (outdoor element:Zoom)
Please check     1530 Communion with                                                                            1600 Said Communion
the church       Ashing
notice board
for changes.
                                                                     IN HOPE

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 Telephone Gary on: 01433 208347
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