Final race information - sunday 3RD march 2019 - race start 09:30 - PLEASE ENSURE YOU ARRIVE AT THE EVENT NO LATER THAN 08:30 - Cambridge Half ...

Page created by Micheal Watts
Final race information - sunday 3RD march 2019 - race start 09:30 - PLEASE ENSURE YOU ARRIVE AT THE EVENT NO LATER THAN 08:30 - Cambridge Half ...
final race information
      sunday 3RD march 2019 - race start 09:30

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Final race information - sunday 3RD march 2019 - race start 09:30 - PLEASE ENSURE YOU ARRIVE AT THE EVENT NO LATER THAN 08:30 - Cambridge Half ...
Thank you to our sponsors & charity partners

                                                                                                    Council Partners - Cambridge City council & Cambridgeshire County Council

                                                                                                                       I’m pleased to support the Saucony Cambridge Half Marathon. No
                                                                                                                           matter what the speed, it is good for your health and wellbeing.
                                                                                                                       Please take a look at the event information, which includes timings
                                                                                                                             and road closures. I wish all the runners and their supporters
                                                                                                                                                                 the best of luck on the day.
                                      Get your                                                                                                                            Cllr Peter Hudson -

                     Free Race day photos
                                                                                                                                                                              Chairman of the
                                                                                                                                                                          Health Committee.

                          on your facebook page courtesy of                                                                      It is a real pleasure to welcome the return of the Saucony
                                                                                                                       Cambridge Half Marathon for the eighth time in its current format.
                                                                                                                       The half marathon is one of the most important events in our city's
                                                                                                                        sporting calendar, and the strong partnership between Cambridge
                                                                                                                          City Council and OSB events has been a vital factor in its growth
                                                                                                                        and success. My team in Streets and Open Spaces works hard all
                                                                                                                        year to keep Cambridge clean and beautiful, and it is always great
                                                                                                                                                    to see so many people enjoying the city.
                                                                                                                           As a runner myself I know what a great way it is to stay fit and get
                                                                                                                           motivated, and of course it is also an excellent way to raise money
                                                                                                                                 for a host of good causes, big and small, local and national.

                                                                                                                                                                      Cllr Katie Thornburrow -
                                                                                                                                                                       Executive Councillor for
                                                                                                                                                                     Streets and Open Spaces

                                                                                                Headline Charity Partner                                       National Charity Partner

                                                                                                                                 Local Charity Partners

                                            *Images from Saucony Cambridge Half Marathon 2018

1   SAucony Cambridge Half Marathon                    @CambridgeHalfUK                                                                                  Sunday 3RD March 2019             2
Final race information - sunday 3RD march 2019 - race start 09:30 - PLEASE ENSURE YOU ARRIVE AT THE EVENT NO LATER THAN 08:30 - Cambridge Half ...
Event Partners                                                                                                                                  Event Partners

    You’re talented and ambitious.                                                                                                             REFRESHMENT
    And you want employable skills.                                                                                                            AWAITS
    That’s where we come in.                                                                                                                   YOU AT THE
    We have places available for                                                                                                               FINISH LINE . . .
    September 2019.

    made for you
    Find out more visit                            #madeforaru
                                                                                   TCD CDG AD JAN 2019.pdf   1   07/01/2019   14:08
                                                                            RACEBOOK AD CHM19.indd 1                                                    22/11/2018 20:54



    WORLD.                                                             Y


    Join us and be part of                                            MY

    something exceptional                                             CY




CHM.indd 1                                         11/01/2019 15:48

3         SAucony Cambridge Half Marathon       @CambridgeHalfUK                                                                      Sunday 3RD March 2019         4
Final race information - sunday 3RD march 2019 - race start 09:30 - PLEASE ENSURE YOU ARRIVE AT THE EVENT NO LATER THAN 08:30 - Cambridge Half ...
Event Partners                                                                             Event Partners

PLS-PI-0269-AD-Cambridge Half Marathon Advert 2019.indd 1     07/01/2019 15:13

5       SAucony Cambridge Half Marathon                     @CambridgeHalfUK     Sunday 3RD March 2019   6
Final race information - sunday 3RD march 2019 - race start 09:30 - PLEASE ENSURE YOU ARRIVE AT THE EVENT NO LATER THAN 08:30 - Cambridge Half ...
Event Partners                                                                                                                               Event Partners & PRE-RACE

                                                                               Official Club
                                                                                                                      C&C has around 900 members, including 400 young athletes.
                                                                                                                           Over 350 of our athletes focus on road running and other
                                                                                                                           endurance events such as cross country and fell running.

                                                                                                                             (Yes - fell running. There may be no fells anywhere near
                                                                                                                         Cambridge - there aren’t even any decent hills - but we poor
                                                                                                                   flatlanders occasionally do take to the fells.) We have groups of

                                                                                                                   all standards and all ages. Why not come along - you’ll be made
                                                                                                                          very welcome. If you would like to know more please go to

    Visit                                             Media Partners
    and find out how you can help                                                                                  The Cambridge News is a daily newspaper covering Cambridge

    make breakthroughs possible
                                                                               CAMBRIDGE                           and the wider Cambridgeshire area. The paper was founded by
                                                                                                                  William Farrow Taylor as the Cambridge Daily News in 1888. The
                                                                               NEWS&MEDIA              EST.1888     paper won Regional Newspaper of the Year at The Newspaper
                                                                                                    Awards held in 2009 and 2013 and is edited
                                                                                                                                                                by David Bartlett.

                                                                                                                    BBC RADIO CAMBRIDGESHIRE – WITH YOU EVERY STEP OF THE WAY
                                                                                                                      Wishing everyone a great half marathon from all of us at BBC
                                                                                                                     Radio Cambridgeshire. We are very proud to be supporting the
                                                                                                                   Saucony Cambridge Half Marathon in 2019 once again and we’ll
                                                                                                                    be highlighting the runners, the charities and the champions on
                                                                                                                      air, online and on social media. Join us on DAB, BBC Sounds,
                                                                                                                               Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and on 96FM & 95.7FM.
                                                                                                                                                                      Happy running!

                                                                               PRE-RACE EXPO AND PACK COLLECTION
                                                                               This year we will once again be hosting a pre-race expo at Anglia Ruskin University Cambridge
                                    Good luck to all our                       Campus (East Road), where visitors will have the opportunity to meet our partners and attend
                                                                               talks from industry experts.
                                    EACH runners!                              The expo will be open to everyone, even if they are not running.
                                    Supporting local children                  We would love to see you there, between the hours of 10:00 – 16:00 on Saturday 2 March.
                                    and young people with                      If you selected to collect your race pack, these are the times you can pick up your pack.
                                    life-threatening conditions                  ×× Friday 1 March		              16:00 - 18:30

                                                                                 ×× Saturday 2 March              10:00 - 16:00

                                                    Reg. charity no. 1069284

7      SAucony Cambridge Half Marathon                 @CambridgeHalfUK                                                                       Sunday 3RD March 2019              8
Final race information - sunday 3RD march 2019 - race start 09:30 - PLEASE ENSURE YOU ARRIVE AT THE EVENT NO LATER THAN 08:30 - Cambridge Half ...
Welcome                                                                                                                                                                   Welcome & Pre-Race

Congratulations on securing your place in the 2019 Saucony Cambridge Half Marathon! We               RACE RULES & APPEALS
hope your training has gone well and you’re excited to run with us on Sunday 3 March. This
                                                                                                     The event will be held under the rules of UK Athletics. Under these rules it is mandatory that all
guide contains everything you need to know about race day, so please take the time to read it
                                                                                                     competitors are insured by third party civil liability insurance. Members are insured as part of
thoroughly ahead of the big day. From key timings and transport info right through to what you
                                                                                                     their affiliation package, and all other competitors will be required to pay a £2 non-affiliation fee
can expect out on the route, we’ve got you covered.
                                                                                                     (when entering the event) to ensure that they have the relevant civil liability insurance. If you
The route will be identical to 2018, starting on Victoria Avenue with Midsummer Common as the        require further information please visit:
event base, heading along King’s Parade and out of the City via Trumpington Street/Road. After
a beautiful loop around Trumpington & Grantchester you will head back through the City to the
finish on Victoria Avenue.                                                                           WITHDRAWALS & transfers
Please note this information is subject to change on the grounds of safety. Good luck and see        The date for transfers passed on the 20 January and withdrawals on the 3 February, therefore
you at the start line!                                                                               no further transfers or withdrawals are permitted. For further information please read our
                                                                                                     Terms & Conditions, which can be found on the event website.
All successful entrants will have received an email direct from our entry providers – Active. This
                                                                                                     AGE RESTRICTIONS
is your confirmation of entry. If you are unsure of anything please get in touch                     In line with UKA rules, to be eligible to take part in this race, competitors must be at least 17
via:                                                                             years old on or before the event date. In addition, anyone under 18 years old must have parental
                                                                                                     permission to take part in the event.
                                                                                                     EVENT OFFICE CLOSURE
Visit Cambridge will be able to handle all your enquiries on what to do and where to stay when       The Event Office will be closed from Thursday 28 February at 16:00. Please do not send emails
visiting Cambridge.                                                                                  regarding the event after this time, as we will be on site and unable to answer. Please use our
                                                                                                     social media channels and we’ll do our best to respond.

                                                                                                     RACE VOLUNTEERS – PLEASE HELP
                                                                                                     No event like this can run smoothly without the help of many marshals. If you have friends or
                                  EMAIL CONTACT:                             family that will be supporting you at the event, why not ask them if they would be willing to
                                  TELEPHONE CONTACT: 01223 791500 (general enquiries)                give up a couple of hours to help marshal. All marshals will receive an exclusive half marathon
                                                                                                     lightweight jacket and memento, plus food and drink. If you would like further information about
                                                                                                     becoming a race marshal please email
RACE PACKS                                                                                           WHAT WILL YOU NEED TO BRING WITH YOU
All packs will be sent out during February, except for overseas addresses (see below) and those
who selected to collect their race packs. If you have not received yours by the 21 February            ×× Race Number with Timing Chip attached
please email
                                                                                                       ×× x 4 safety pins or a number band to ensure your race number is visible at all times
Enclosed within your race packs you should find:
                                                                                                       ×× Park & Ride token – if using this service
  ××   Race Number with Timing Chip attached
                                                                                                       ×× Bag Tag - if using this service
  ××   Bag Storage Tag
                                                                                                       ×× Appropriate clothing to stay warm/dry pre race
  ××   Park & Ride Token (if purchased online)

Overseas entrants should collect their race packs from the Race Expo at Anglia Ruskin
University Cambridge Campus (East Road) either on Friday 1 March between 16:00 – 18:30,
Saturday 2 March between 10:00 - 16:00 or on the morning of the race before 08:30 from the
enquiries tent on Midsummer Common.

  9       SAucony Cambridge Half Marathon                                      @CambridgeHalfUK                                                                     Sunday 3RD March 2019             10
Final race information - sunday 3RD march 2019 - race start 09:30 - PLEASE ENSURE YOU ARRIVE AT THE EVENT NO LATER THAN 08:30 - Cambridge Half ...
On the morning of the Race                                                                                                                             On the morning of the Race (CONT)

GETTING TO THE EVENT                                                                                   FACILITIES AT MIDSUMMER COMMON
The main HQ for the event will be Midsummer Common, Victoria Avenue (CB4 1EH). This is                   ×× Enquiries Area                                   ×× Pre & Post Race Massage
where the stage, enquiries area, bag storage, toilets, first aid and coffee vendors will be located.
                                                                                                         ×× Bag Storage Area                                 ×× Toilets
Please note– there is no parking at the starting venue.
                                                                                                         ×× Bike Storage Area                                ×× Coffee Vendors
We have 3 ways we would like competitors to travel to the event:                                         ×× Medical                                          ×× Saucony Hub
Walk – If you are local please walk to the event, as this will greatly assist the flow of traffic
                                                                                                       Please note no food vendors will be on site this year, just a great selection of coffee and cake.
around the city.
Cycle – We will have a secure free bike park for competitors, this will close at 14:00.
                                                                                                       ENQUIRIES AREA / SECURE BAG STORAGE / BIKE STORAGE
                                                                                                       There will be enquiries, secure bag storage and bike storage areas at the event HQ on
Park & Ride                                                                                            Midsummer Common. It is essential that you attach your bag tag before you put your bag into
Please arrive at 07:30 - do not leave it until the last minute as we cannot delay the start if         storage. Bags will only be returned when competitors present their race number post event.
competitors are late.                                                                                  Likewise your bike frame label must be attached to your bike before you check it in, these will be
  ×× Anyone who purchased tokens before the 3 February will receive these in your pre race             issued from the Bike Check In Point. Please remember this is for your safety and our marshals
     envelope. For anyone else you will be required to pay £8.00 on the day of the event.              will be strict!
     Please note that Children under 5 years old can travel for free with a fee paying adult, but
     concessionary passes are not valid on this special service.                                       WELFARE
                                                                                                       Please report all welfare issues, including lost/ found children to the staff in the
  ×× Your Park & Ride token will include both journeys to and from the event site. Parking
                                                                                                       enquiries area.
     charges no longer exist on Park & Ride sites, please do not attempt to insert money into
     the machines. The buses will run from 07:30 from Milton, Trumpington, Newmarket Road
     and Madingley Road and you must use the site which matches your token. Please note                MUSIC / I-PODS
     Babraham Road is not in use.                                                                      The wearing of headphones is not permitted, as set out by the governing body on the 1 April
                                                                                                       2016; “The wearing of headphones, or similar devices, (other than those medically prescribed),
  ×× The Milton site is located just off the A10 to the south of Butt Lane, near Milton. Milton is     is not permitted in races on any single carriageway road that is not wholly closed to the traffic."
     ideally situated if you are coming from the North/A10/A14, (CB24 6DQ).                            The only exception to this is bone conducting headphones that do not go in or cover ears, which
  ×× The Trumpington site is situated to the south of Cambridge on the Hauxton Road. Access            will be permitted.
     to the site is either via a dedicated access lane from junction 11 on the M11, or a traffic
     signal controlled junction on Hauxton Road (CB2 9FT).
  ×× The Newmarket Road site is situated to the east of Cambridge and is accessible from               RACE NUMBERS
     Junction 35 on the A14, head towards Cambridge on the A1303. At the first roundabout              Your Race Number must be worn on your front during the event at all times.
     take the second exit signposted Airport, the Park & Ride site is on the right (CB5 8AA).
                                                                                                       NB: Please do not forget to bring your own safety pins or number band.
  ×× The Madingley Road site is situated to the west of Cambridge and is accessible from the
     A14 via Huntingdon Road/A1303, turn right onto Eddington Avenue and then right onto               RACE ANNOUNCEMENTS & WARM UP
     Madingley Road and follow the sign posts
                                                                                                       Race Announcements will begin on the stage from 08:30. Any emergency messages will be
  ×× Once the race has finished the buses will return to the Park & Ride sites from the same           made between 08:30 – 08:50, there will be a warm up from 08:55 with competitors invited to the
     locations you were dropped off at until 15:00. Please note that Milton & Madingley Road           start line from 09:10 (see beginning of Route section for detailed information).
     will be using different drop off collection point in 2019, north of Chesterton Road.
  ×× Participants and supporters wishing to travel back to the Park & Ride sites after the final
     15:00 departure can use their tokens on the scheduled Park & Ride services.

  11      SAucony Cambridge Half Marathon                                          @CambridgeHalfUK                                                                 Sunday 3RD March 2019            12
Final race information - sunday 3RD march 2019 - race start 09:30 - PLEASE ENSURE YOU ARRIVE AT THE EVENT NO LATER THAN 08:30 - Cambridge Half ...
On the morning of the Race (CONT)                                                                                                                      On the morning of the Race (CONT)

ELECTRONIC TIMING                                   TIMING POINTS                                      CUT OFF TIMES
To ensure accurate times and results every          You will be recorded at numerous points            The event has a cut off time of 3hr 30minutes; the organisers have the right to stop a competitor
competitor will have an electronic timing chip      along the route, the approximate distances         at any point if they feel they are not going to make the cut off time.
attached to the back of their number. Please        are:
do not remove this.
                                                       ×× 0.0 Miles       Gun & Chip time
                                                       ×× 2.3 Miles       Round Church
                                                                                                       DRINKS STATIONS
                                                                                                       There will be 4 drink stations along the route.
                                                       ×× 6.2 Miles       Grantchester
                                                       ×× 10.7 Miles      Round Church                 Each station will be laid out as shown below.
                                                                                                       WATER - GELS - WATER - GELS.
                                                       ×× 13.1 Miles      Finish Line
                                                                                                       Approximately 20 marshals will be manning each station.
TOILETS                                                                                                All drinks stations will have Water Bottles and High 5 Isotonic Gels.
There will be a large number of toilets & urinals available in the centre of Midsummer Common.
In addition you will pass 24 toilets, 6 at each of the 4 drinks stations along the route, the          The bottles will have a sports cap.
permanent toilets in Jesus Green, Midsummer Common & on Chesterton Road will also be                   There will be a number of bins after each drinks station, please discard your bottles into
available on the morning of the event.                                                                 the bins.

MEDICAL COVER                                                                                          Outlined below are the approximate distances / locations for the drinks stations, they are
                                                                                                       positioned so you are never more than 2.9 miles away from a station.
The safety of our competitors is paramount. Onsite during the event there will be Immediate
Care Medical, a specialist company set up to supply the highest calibre of comprehensive
medical cover to sporting events such as this. On the day there will be a team of specialist
medical practitioners and support vehicles which can transfer directly to hospital should the          Drink Stations
need arise. If before, during or after the event you feel that you require any type of medical care,     ×× Drink Station 1                                  ×× Drink Station 3
please do not hesitate to contact an event marshal.                                                         2.3 Miles, Bridge Street                            8 Miles, Barton Road

MEDICAL CONDITIONS                                                                                       ×× Drink Station 2                                  ×× Drink Station 4
                                                                                                            5.1 Miles, Trumpington                              10.8 Miles, Bridge Street
We request that all competitors write their next of kin and contact details on the back of their
race number using a waterproof pen. If you have any type of medical conditions or are taking
any type of medication please write a large ‘MC’ on the bottom left of your race number (front).
Please write your medical condition fully on the back of your number. This will only be used in
the event of you being involved in an accident.

  13      SAucony Cambridge Half Marathon                                        @CambridgeHalfUK                                                                   Sunday 3RD March 2019           14
Final race information - sunday 3RD march 2019 - race start 09:30 - PLEASE ENSURE YOU ARRIVE AT THE EVENT NO LATER THAN 08:30 - Cambridge Half ...
Site Map                                                                                                                                                                                         Site Map


                R CA

                                                                 FINISH 1
                                       4                                                  ER              BAG STORAGE
                                                                 FINISH 2

                                              2                  FINISH 3   MA                                                                                                                              AU
                                                  GATE                                                                                                                                                                  RO
                                                  1                                                                                          EP                                                                           AD

                                                         3                  STAGE




                                                                                                                                    LLS                                    UN
                                                                                                                                 STA                                         SW
                                                                                      VI                                                                                        IC


                   SAUCONY HUB




           ER      ERDINGER

           MA      MASSAGE

           EN      ENQUIRIES

15   SAucony Cambridge Half Marathon                @CambridgeHalfUK                                                                                                  Sunday 3RD March 2019            16
Final race information - sunday 3RD march 2019 - race start 09:30 - PLEASE ENSURE YOU ARRIVE AT THE EVENT NO LATER THAN 08:30 - Cambridge Half ...
The Route                                                                                                                                                                             the course

                                                                                                     The following text provides an overview of the route, highlighting key safety areas and their
 Please pay particular attention to the ‘start’ section as                                           approximate location on route. Please make sure you read this information so that you can
                                                                                                     enjoy your race and not go wrong on the day.
 this is critical in enabling us to start the event on time.                                         The flat, single loop 13.1 mile course will take you on a tour of the beautiful city of Cambridge.
                                                                                                     Starting and finishing on Victoria Avenue / Midsummer Common, the route winds through
                                                                                                     the centre of this historic university city, passing the Round Church, Kings College, Fitzwilliam
The Course – See course map on page 19-20                                                            Museum and The Backs, to name just a few iconic Cambridge landmarks.
So, this is what you can expect from the course: closed roads/partially closed roads, over 500
event marshals, 4 drinks station points, UKA Certified Mile markers and music hot spots lining       The event is on fully closed roads, however please note that due to the number of adjoining
the route.                                                                                           junctions and the fact that the opposite carriageway is often open to live traffic, you will still
                                                                                                     need to be aware of what is going on around you.
Before race day view the interactive map at
                                                                                                     Below are a few safety areas we need you to be aware of. For further information on the course,
                                                                                                     please visit our website.
The course is fully accessible for wheelchair use, however please be aware there are a number        ××   After approximately 0.7 miles you will be filtered from Newmarket Road into the bus lane
of tight turns and some cobbles through the City Centre.                                                  on Elizabeth Way. Please be aware that the field may ‘bunch’ at this point, where the course
                                                                                                          goes from 10 metres down to 6 metres in width. Please be careful and keep the cones on
PACERS                                                                                                    your right-hand side - traffic will be flowing in the same direction as you on Elizabeth Way.
If you are looking to secure a set time for your half marathon why not run with one of our pacers.
They will have clearly identifiable running kit on and a timing backpack with flag. We have pacers   ××   At 2.6 miles you will make a tight right turn onto Market Street and then a left at 2.8 miles
running at 1hr 30mins, 1hr 45mins, 2hr, 2hr 15mins and 2hr 30mins based on Chip Time.                     onto King’s Parade. The second turn is on cobbles so please take extra care.

                                                                                                     ××   At 3.2 miles you will reach two small roundabouts taking you out of the city. You will head
RACE START - 4 SEPARATE STARTS FROM 09:30                                                                 through a small filter lane of cones taking you onto the left-hand side (normal City bound
Please make sure that you arrive on site a minimum of 1 hour prior to the start of the race. Get          carriageway) of Trumpington Road. Please take extra care at this section, as vehicles will
there early and get yourself prepared. As in 2018 there will be 4 wave starts, based on the time          be travelling on the opposite side of the road in an unfamiliar contraflow system.
you submitted when entering the event. You will be allocated a coloured race number. This
colour will determine which start pen you enter from and which wave you are in, see table below:     ××   5 – 6 miles is a fantastic part of the course; however it is also the most residential. Despite
                                                                                                          the road being closed in both directions, please be aware that there may be a number of
                                                                                                          parked cars on the road and we cannot legislate for members of the public exiting their
                Colour      Approx. to the
 Start wave                                Notes                                                          properties during the race.
                race no.      Start time

                                            Blue numbers will be invited to enter through gate       ××   At 9.6 miles you will turn left onto Silver Street. The road is closed in both directions but
1               Blue       09:10                                                                          please be careful of cyclists coming into the City. As Garret Hostel Bridge is closed for the
                                            1 and will be fed onto the road.
                                                                                                          event, there will be more cyclists using Silver Street.
                                            Red numbers will be invited to enter through gate 2
1               Red        09:10
                                            and will be fed onto the road.                           ××   At 10.2 miles you will turn right onto Garret Hostel Bridge. Although closed, please beware
                                            Pink numbers will be invited to enter through gate            of cyclists approaching from the opposite direction. The bridge leads into the narrowest
2               Pink       09:15            3 and will be walked to start line as the final Red           section of the course, where you will wind your way along Trinity Lane onto St John’s
                                            runners pass over.                                            Street. From this point the course will once again have barriers on both sides of the road
                                            Green numbers will be invited to enter through                until you reach the Round Church.
3               Green      09:20            gate 4 and will be walked to start line as the Pink
                                            runners pass over.                                       ××   After turning right back onto Elizabeth Way bridge at 11.7 miles please take extra care -
                                                                                                          there will be traffic flowing in both directions. Just prior to the 12-mile mark you will be
                                            Orange numbers will be invited to enter through
                                                                                                          filtered onto the pavement for approximately 100 meters. The curb is dropped both at point
4               Orange     09:25            gate 5 and will be walked to start line as the Green
                                                                                                          of entry and exit but be careful as you are filtered back into the bus lane.
                                            runners pass over.
                                            Black numbers will be invited to enter through the
VIP             Black
                                            VIP gate and can filter into any start wave

 17      SAucony Cambridge Half Marathon                                      @CambridgeHalfUK                                                                       Sunday 3RD March 2019                18
the course                                                                                                                                   Post Event

                                                          On the day presentation
                                                          Presentation will take place on the stage area between 12:00-12:15; prizes will be issued to the
                                                          top 3 male and female competitors.

                                                          Prize categories
                                                          All age group prizes will be issued in the week following the event and will be posted out to the
                                                          address given when entering the event. Please ensure we have the correct address for you.

                                                          Top 3 males and females in the following age categories:

                                                                          17 - 19                       40 - 44                        65 - 69
                                                                          20 - 24                       45 - 49                        70 - 74
                                                                          25 - 29                       50 - 54                        75 - 79
                                                                          30 - 34                       55 - 59                        80 - 84
                                                                          35 - 39                       60 - 64

                                                          We will be supplying live to web results. Tell your friends and family we will be displaying instant
                                                          results via the live tracker on our website.

                                                          Unlock Cambridge
                                                          We have teamed up with a number of businesses around Cambridge to offer you some
                                                          exclusive deals in the lead up to and over the race weekend. For more information

                                                          We have some great coffee and cake stalls on the common, however there will be no larger
                                                          catering units so why not book yourself a meal in Cambridge for after the event.

19   SAucony Cambridge Half Marathon   @CambridgeHalfUK                                                                 Sunday 3RD March 2019             20
sunday 3RD march 2019

   All the information here is believed to be true at the time of going to press. Changes may be required to ensure that the event is organised
safely and within the law, these changes maybe made without notification. The organiser has the final decision. This information is the Copyright
                                          of OSB Events, reproduction of this text or style is forbidden.

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