BAY TIMES - San Francisco Bay Times

Page created by Angela Shelton
BAY TIMES - San Francisco Bay Times
2021 Media Kit

 S   A    N   F   R   A   N   C   I   S   C   O

 LGBTQ News & Calendar for the Bay Area

         The first LGBT newspaper
             jointly and equally produced
         		 by men and women

                                                                   CHLOE JACKMAN PHOTOGRAPHY

         Raising visibility,
              building community
            and celebrating diversity
         		    for over four decades
BAY TIMES - San Francisco Bay Times
   S   A   N     F   R   A   N   C   I   S   C   O

   LGBTQ News & Calendar for the Bay Area

Reasons for Pride
Thank you for your interest in the San Francisco Bay Times.
Founded in 1978, the Bay Times was the first LGBT publication
to be jointly and equally created by men and women. We value
our community’s heritage and the role that the Bay Times has
played for over four decades.
The Bay Times is proud to be the oldest and largest paper for our
community in the San Francisco Bay Area that has been, and
always will be, 100% funded and owned by LGBT individuals.
You can also take pride in the Bay Times, knowing that it is used
as a teaching tool by educators in the San Francisco Unified
School District, City College, San Francisco State University and
other local colleges and universities. Free of sexually explicit ads
and content, the Bay Times is proudly displayed at businesses,
community centers, schools, cafés and more, as well as in news-
stands in central Bay Area locations.
We are additionally proud to be a verified publication that is

                                                                                            CHLOE JACKMAN PHOTOGRAPHY
designated as a certified LGBT-owned business by the National
LGBT Chamber of Commerce. We are members of the National
Lesbian and Gay Journalist Association and the International
Gay & Lesbian Travel Association.

                                                                                               CHLOE JACKMAN PHOTOGRAPHY
                                                                    PHOTO BY SANDY MORRIS
BAY TIMES - San Francisco Bay Times
  S   A   N     F   R   A   N   C   I   S   C   O

  LGBTQ News & Calendar for the Bay Area

Multimedia Innovators
In 1996, San Francisco Bay Times Co-Publisher Dr. Betty Sullivan
founded “Betty’s List,” which preceded popular online services
such as Craigslist. Even then, during the early years of modern
digital networks and the growth of the global internet, she and Co-
Publisher Jennifer Viegas recognized the power of digital media’s
potential. The San Francisco Bay Times has since grown to become
a multiplatform media company with local, national and interna-
tional reach.
                                                                         San Francisco Bay Times Castro Street Cam

Website and Digital Archive
According to Google Search Console and the Amazon website
tracking service Alexa, has frequently
ranked among the top 25,000 websites in the entire U.S. Unique
visitor metrics have shown traffic at between 600,000 and over
1,000,000 annually, depending on the content topic. This does not
even include traffic related to the paper’s digital archive.
Castro Street Cam
The live-streaming 24/7 Castro Street Cam—comprised of multiple
cameras—offers anyone with an internet connection the ability            Homepage of
to view Harvey Milk Plaza, Jane Warner Plaza and Castro Street,
capturing its rainbow flags, Rainbow Honor Walk, rainbow cross-
walks and many historic locations associated with renowned LGBT
activists, artists and others of the past and present. It is the first
live-streaming media of its kind for the epicenter of the worldwide
LGBTQ community.
E-Blast System
Now comprised of not only “Betty’s List,” but also Harvey’s List
for men and the Bay Times List, our E-blast system includes tens         Full Text of Current and Past Issues is
of thousands of subscribers who opt-in to receive our messages and       at

are therefore inclined to open them, welcoming the information.
Social Media
The San Francisco Bay Times for years has ranked either first or
second for engagement at Facebook among all comparable LGBT
media companies in the U.S. Engagement in 2020 frequently went
over 181K, ranking the Bay Times over 5 times higher than the sec-
ond listed company. Since our social media offerings are tied to the
Bay Times website, content and advertising at the site are boosted.          Bay Times List and Betty’s List E-blasts
BAY TIMES - San Francisco Bay Times
  S   A   N    F   R   A   N   C   I   S   C   O

 LGBTQ News & Calendar for the Bay Area

A Personal Approach to Advertising
San Francisco Bay Times advertisers include some of the nation’s
largest companies as well as local landmark small businesses.
Customized plans help to match and connect advertisers to
consumers. Valued relationships within networks built over
decades are essential.
You will rarely hear another media company say that they turn
down advertising, but in our case that is true because we do not
run sexually explicit ads and content. Distribution hubs are
therefore potentially limitless.
Here are just some of our advertisers:
BAY TIMES - San Francisco Bay Times
     S   A    N     F   R   A   N   C   I   S   C   O

    LGBTQ News & Calendar for the Bay Area

Community Leaders                                           Beth Greene: From directing photo shoots to design-
                                                                         ing massive outdoor billboards, graphic
San Francisco Bay Times columnists and journalists                          designer Beth Greene has an extensive
bring more than 50 years of experience working for                           background in all aspects of art direc-
Pulitzer Prize-winning media outlets. They include                           tion, design, layout and production. Her
                                                                            clients have included museums, interna-
some of the Bay Area’s most respected and talented
                                                                          tional clothing companies and more. She
leaders who cover a wide array of topics including
                                                                      brings her impressive experience and award-
politics, finance, sports, entertainment, health and
                                                            winning skills to the San Francisco Bay Times.
fitness, auto, books, philanthropy, food and wine,
pets and much more.                                         Robert Holgate: A humanitarian, as well as a designer,
                                                            Robert Holgate is dedicated to critical social issues. With
         Dr. Marcy Adelman: The Co-Founder of
                                                                       his hands-on approach to philanthropy and
           the organization Openhouse, Dr. Adelman
                                                                          social justice, he supports the advance-
            serves on the Alzheimer’s Prevention and
                                                                            ment of local and national social causes.
            Preparedness Task Force, California Com-
            mission on Aging, the Board of the Al-                           Jennifer Kroot: A filmmaker, known for
          zheimer’s Association of Northern California                      her acclaimed LGBTQ-themed documen-
       and Northern Nevada and the San Francisco                          taries, including The Untold Tales of Ar-
Dignity Fund Oversight and Advisory Committee.                      mistead Maupin and To Be Takei, Jennifer Kroot
                                                            is a Bay Area native. She studied filmmaking at the San
             Derek Barnes: Derek Barnes is CEO of the
                                                            Francisco Art Institute, where she has also taught. She is
              East Bay Rental Housing Association and a
                                                            a member of The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and
              Co-Founder at g-dii Enterprises. He serves
              on the boards of the Horizons Foundation
             and Homebridge CA.                                           Michele Karlsberg: Winner of the Lamb-
                                                                           da Literary Foundation Publishing Pro-
             John Chen: Sports columnist John Chen has
                                                                           fessional Award and many other honors,
              competed in, as well as coached,
                                                                           Michele Karlsberg is now celebrating 33
              tennis, volleyball, softball and football.
                                                                           years of successful book campaigns.
             Lou Fischer: Louise (Lou) Fischer is a For-
                                                                         Councilmember-at-Large Rebecca
           mer Co-Chair of the Board of Directors of the
                                                                           Kaplan: Elected in 2008 to serve as
            Alice B. Toklas LGBT Democratic Club and
                                                                           Oakland’s citywide Councilmember,
             has served as an appointed and elected Del-
                                                                           Rebecca Kaplan was re-elected in 2016
             egate for the State Democratic Party. She is
                                                                           and 2020. She also serves on the Alam-
             a proud graduate of the Emerge California
                                                                          eda County Transportation Commission.
            Women’s Democratic Leadership program,
          was a San Francisco Commissioner, and has                        Kate Kendell: The former Executive
served in leadership positions in multiple nonprofit and                    Director of the National Center for
community-based organizations.                                              Lesbian Rights, Kate Kendell now
                                                                            works with Take Back the Court and the
Stuart Gaffney and John Lewis: Together for over
                                                                           Southern Poverty Law Center.
         three decades, Stuart Gaffney and John
           Lewis were plaintiffs in the California case               David Landis: The “Gay Gourmet,” David
            for equal marriage rights decided by the                     Landis, in addition to being a foodie is also
             California Supreme Court in 2008. Their                       President of San Francisco-based Landis
            leadership in the grassroots organization                      Communications, Inc. (LCI), named
          Marriage Equality USA contributed in 2015                        America’s best Public Relations Firm
      to making same-sex marriage legal nationwide.                       (Small Firm) by Ragan’s Ace Awards.
BAY TIMES - San Francisco Bay Times
      S    A    N      F   R   A   N   C   I   S   C   O

      LGBTQ News & Calendar for the Bay Area

LCI has 50 affiliate agency offices worldwide and is the    Commissioner Andrea Shorter:
winner of the Bulldog Award for social media and for                   Commissioner Shorter is the former Presi-
public education.                                                         dent of the historic San Francisco Com-
                                                                           mission on the Status of Women. She
               Dr. Bill Lipsky: Noted historian Dr. Bill                   is a longtime advocate for criminal and
                Lipsky is the author of Gay and Lesbian                    juvenile justice reform, voter rights and
                 San Francisco (2006) and is a member                     marriage equality. A Co-Founder of the
                 of the Rainbow Honor Walk board of                     Bayard Rustin LGBT Coalition, she was
                directors.                                  a 2009 David Bohnett LGBT Leadership Fellow at the
                                                            Harvard Kennedy School of Government.
          Liam Mayclem: Emmy Award-winning radio
             and television personality Liam Mayclem        Dr. Betty Sullivan: San Francisco Bay Times Co-Pub-
               is regularly featured on KPIX as well as                   lisher Dr. Betty Sullivan is the Founder of
                KCBS, where he is the popular Foodie                         “Betty’s List,” the Co-Founder of the
                Chap. Born in London, Mayclem is now                          Use the News Foundation and a found-
               at home in the Bay Area, where he lives                        ing member of the World Association of
             with his husband, photographer Rick Ca-                         Newspapers’ Youth & Education Com-
margo.                                                                     mittee. She received the Distinguished
                                                                        Alumni Award in 2001 from Columbia
          Dennis McMillan aka Sister Dana: Longtime         University in New York. Dr. Sullivan brings more than
             contributor Dennis McMillan, also known as     35 years of newspaper industry experience with The New
              Sister Dana van Iquity, is familiar to most   York Times, USA Today, New York Newsday, San Fran-
               San Franciscans. A member of the Sisters     cisco Chronicle and others in the U.S. and abroad.
              of Perpetual Indulgence since June 1985,      Assemblymember Phil Ting:
             Sister Dana has emceed holiday events,                   Assemblymember Ting represents the 19th
           modeled during fashion shows and much more.                 Assembly District, which includes the
                                                                        Westside of San Francisco along with
            Rink: Photographer Rink has been captur-                    the communities of Broadmoor, Colma
              ing iconic images related to San Francisco                and Daly City.
               and the city’s LGBT community for five
               decades. Admired by groundbreaking                         Jennifer Viegas: As a founding member
              former San Francisco Supervisor and                          of the Discovery Channel News team,
            human rights leader Harvey Milk (1930–                           San Francisco Bay Times Co-Publisher
1978), Rink has taken historic images that are now                           Jennifer Viegas worked on iconic proj-
known and displayed nationwide.                                              ects such as Shark Week, Planet Earth
                                                                            and Blue Planet. An award-winning
               Dr. Tim Seelig: Dr. Seelig is the highly                  senior journalist for the National Acad-
                acclaimed Artistic Director of the San      emy of Sciences, she wrote the world’s first detailed
                Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus.                 reports linking climate change to environmental and
                                                            human health effects.
               Donna Sachet: Renowned actor, singer,
             community activist, fundraiser and writer      Jan Wahl: Multiple Emmy Award-winner Jan Wahl is
             Donna Sachet was the first drag performer                 a Hollywood historian, film critic on vari-
               to sing the National Anthem at a Major                    ous broadcast outlets, and has her own
               League Baseball game. Sachet is a San                     YouTube channel series, “Jan Wahl
               Francisco legend whom former California                   Showbiz.” She has earned numerous
              State Senator Mark Leno has referred to as                 honors for her longtime work on behalf
            “the First Lady of the Castro.”                            of film buffs and the LGBTQ community.

   Our team has also included legendary LGBT activists Cleve Jones, Phyllis Lyon, Del Martin and others.
BAY TIMES - San Francisco Bay Times
 S   A    N    F                                     R   A   N   C   I   S   C   O

 LGBTQ News & Calendar for the Bay Area


                                                                                       PHOTO BY SANDY MORRIS

                                                                                                               PHOTO BY JANE HIGGINS
     Gender Identity:
              40% Female                                                             60% Male
     Relationship Status: *
       40% Single                                                                    30% Married
     Median Age: 45
     Bachelor’s Degree or Higher: 74%
     Income Greater than $75,000: 48%
     Homeowners: 49%
     Children or Grandchildren: 26%
     *   30% other or no response.
BAY TIMES - San Francisco Bay Times
       S   A   N     F   R   A   N   C                    I   S   C   O

       LGBTQ News & Calendar for the Bay Area

                                                                                                                                                      PHOTO BY PAUL MARGOLIS
Seasonal Events Marketing
The San Francisco Bay Times has a long tradition of                       Frameline
supporting annual Pride festivals and benefit events                      Sonoma International Film Festival
of Bay Area LGBT organizations. Specific issues                           MARCUM Food & Beverage Summit
of the paper are planned with related content, often
including Front Page treatments. Our advertisers                          Summer
work with us so that their visibility is maximized on                     Black Brothers Esteem Gala
a brand specific basis.
                                                                          Pink Triangle Ceremony
Below are just some of these events from our 2019                         Annual Pride Brunch
calendar. (Many of these events also took place in                        San Francisco Pride Festival & Parade
2020, but in a virtual format due to the coronavirus
pandemic.)                                                                San Francisco Jewish Film Festival
                                                                          Silicon Valley Pride
                                                                          Oakland Pride
San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus Holiday Shows
Bay Area American Two Spirits Pow-Wow                                     Fall
Women’s March                                                             HRC-SF Annual Gala
Bayard Rustin Birthday Celebration                                        Golden State Warriors Night Out
Krewe de Kinque Mardi Gras Ball                                           Celebrity Soirée on the Bay
Academy of Friends                                                        Out Town SF Nonprofit Expo
Dance-Along Nutcracker                                                    Castro Street Fair
Songs of the Season                                                       Horizons Foundation Gala
                                                                          REAF (Richmond/Ermet Aid Foundation)
Spring                                                                    Help Is on the Way
GGBA Power Lunch and Monthly Make Contacts                                Castro Merchants Association
Openhouse Spring Fling                                                    Annual Tree Lighting Ceremony
Maitri Gala                                                               SF Lesbian/Gay Freedom Band -
National Center for Lesbian Rights Gala                                   Dance-Along Nutcracker
Oakland A’s Pride Night
SF Giants LGBT Night
                                                                                                                              PHOTO BY SANDY MORRIS
                                         PHOTO BY ALI BIGGS

                                                                                                         PHOTO BY ALI BIGGS
BAY TIMES - San Francisco Bay Times
2021 Layout

  S    A    N      F    R   A   N     C   I    S   C   O

 LGBTQ News & Calendar for the Bay Area

Print Ad Layout                 Note: Interested in customized ad sizes?
                                Please inquire at:

Back Cover or Inside
                                1/2 Page
       Full Page

                                                                                                         PHOTO BY RINK
                                     social                      Leaderboard
      Web Ad


       1/2 Page
                                                           Website Content                   Scraper



                                              Website Content

 1/4                   BC
 4x8                Page
BAY TIMES - San Francisco Bay Times
2021 Details

                              BAY TIMES
                              S   A   N      F   R   A    N   C   I   S   C   O

                              LGBTQ News & Calendar for the Bay Area
                            CELEBRATING FOUR DECADES (1978–2021)

                        Print Technical Requirements:
                        • No bleeds are permitted.
                        • All fonts should be outlined.
                        • Color ads should be saved as CMYK color
                        • Please do not create 4-color blacks; it uses

                                                                                                                                           PHOTO BY BILL WILSON
                          more ink.
                        • Black and White ads should be saved in grayscale
                        • We prefer print-ready ads as TIFF files. We also
                        accept PDF, EPS, and JPEG files—however, the              Agency Discounts Rates are gross and agency
                        resolution for these must be at least 300 dpi. If         commissionable.
                        sending a JPEG, please save at the maximum qual-
                        ity setting.                                              Non-Profit Discounts 25% discount for non-profit
                                                                                  organizations—IRS 501(C)3 letter required.
                        Email artwork to co-publisher Betty Sullivan at
                        both                                   Editorial and non-commercial advertising must
                        and                                   include sponsor’s name.
                        Please compress all artwork to press quality.             Terms All single-issue advertising must be paid in
                        Direct email to Betty can be sent to                      advance by the advertiser. To secure credit for the
                                                       first month’s issues of 6x and greater frequency,
                        Contracts and Discounts Frequency discounts are           contracts must be paid in advance. Bay Times
                        based on signed contracts. Additional space may be        reserves the right to secure all ads with a credit
                        ordered at already contracted rates. Ad copy and art      card that will be charged if balance is 30 days past
                        may be changed during the life of the contract. It is     due. Bay Times reserves the right to pull any adver-
                        the advertiser’s responsibility to deliver any altered    tisement that is not secured. Invoices over 30 days
                        ad copy to the Bay Times by the posted deadline.          past due are subject to 1.5% interest per month. If
                        Unless new copy is delivered, the previously in-          the advertiser makes fewer placements than stated
                        serted ad will run.                                       in the agreement, the advertiser will be billed and
                                                                                  must immediately pay the difference between the
                                                                                  rate it was contracted to receive, and the rate appro-
                                                                                  priate to the number of advertisements placed.
                                                                                  National Advertising Contact Rivendell Media,
                                                                                  Mountainside, New Jersey, 908-232-2021.
2021 Editorial Calendar

        BAY TIMES
        S   A   N    F   R     A   N   C   I   S   C   O

        LGBTQ News & Calendar for the Bay Area

2021 Editorial Calendar
January                                    May
14 Presidential Inaugural                  6  Mother’s Day
   Fitness & Health                           National Real Estate
   Specialty Food LIVE                        Day
   Women’s March 2021 - 		                 20 National Center for
   Power Up Democracy                         Lesbian Rights
28 Virtual Arts                               Oakland A’s Pride
   Winter Sports                              Travel
   Valentine’s Gift Guide I                   Frameline
                                              San Francisco Pride
11 Valentine’s Gift Guide II               June
   Chinese New Year                        10 San Francisco Pride
25 Imperial Council of                        SF Giants Pride
   San Francisco                              Father’s Day
   Coronation                              24 San Francisco Pride
   Financial/Tax Planning
March                                      15 Summer in the City
11 Home & Garden                           29 Summer Travel            November
   Spring Arts Preview                        Pets                     4  Holiday Foods
25 Wedding Planning                                                       Holiday Gift Guide I
   Transgender Visibility                  August                      18 Holiday Gift Guide II
                                           12 Back to School              Holiday Music &
April                                         Silicon Valley Pride        Performing Arts
8  Spring Real Estate                      26 Fall Arts Preview I         Preview
   Golden Gate Business 		                                                World AIDS Day
   Association                             September                      Hanukkah
   Earth Day                               9  Fall Arts Preview II
22 Environmental                              Oakland Pride            December
   Awareness                               23 Fall Real Estate         2 Holiday Gift Guide III
   SF LGBT Center                                                      16 Year in Review
   Cinco De Mayo                           October                        Holiday Gift Guide IV
                                           7  Castro Street Fair          Kwanzaa
                                              Horizons Foundation
                                              Warriors LGBT Night      This Calendar is based on recurrent themes
                                                                       from previous years but is subject to change
                                           21 Halloween                based on current news.
2021 Publication Schedule
      S   A   N     F   R   A   N   C     I   S   C   O

     LGBTQ News & Calendar for the Bay Area

                                        Ad Space Reservation
  Publication Date                                                   Art Due Deadline
  Thursday, January 14                  Friday, January 8            Monday, January 11
  Thursday, January 28                  Friday, January 22           Monday, January 25
  Thursday, February 11                 Friday, February 5           Monday, February 8
  Thursday, February 25                 Friday, February 19          Monday, February 22
  Thursday, March 11                    Friday, March 5              Monday, March 8
  Thursday, March 25                    Friday, March 19             Monday, March 22
  Thursday, April 8                     Friday, April 2              Monday, April 5
  Thursday, April 22                    Friday, April 16             Monday, April 19
  Thursday, May 6                       Friday, April 30             Monday, May 3
  Thursday, May 20                      Friday, May 14               Monday, May 17
  Thursday, June 10*                    Friday, June 4               Monday, June 7
  Thursday, June 24                     Friday, June 18              Monday, June 21
  Thursday, July 15                     Friday, July 9               Monday, July 12
  Thursday, July 29                     Friday, July 23              Monday, July 26
  Thursday, August 12                   Friday, August 6             Monday, August 9
  Thursday, August 26                   Friday, August 20            Monday, August 23
  Thursday, September 9                 Friday, September 3          Monday, September 6
  Thursday, September 23                Friday, September 17         Monday, September 20
  Thursday, October 7                   Friday, October 1            Monday,October 4
  Thursday, October 21                  Friday, October 15           Monday, October 18
  Thursday, November 4                  Friday, October 29           Monday, November 1
  Thursday, November 18                 Friday, November 12          Monday, November 15
  Thursday, December 2                  Friday, November 26          Monday, November 29
  Thursday, December 16                 Friday, December 10          Monday, December 13

* This publication date represents an adjustment to the Bay Times schedule.
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