With heated indoor and outdoor swimming pools - January to December 2019 - The Doric Hotel, Blackpool

Page created by Peggy Chan
With heated indoor and outdoor swimming pools - January to December 2019 - The Doric Hotel, Blackpool
January to December 2019

...with heated indoor and outdoor swimming pools
With heated indoor and outdoor swimming pools - January to December 2019 - The Doric Hotel, Blackpool
Situated on the more popular Queens
Promenade with breath taking views over
the Irish Sea, the Doric Hotel has fast become
popular with young families and guests of
all ages for offering superb facilities with
exceptional customer care and great value

All of the 103 en suite bedrooms are comfortable
and well maintained, each with television,
radio and tea/coffee making facilities. Two
passenger lifts service all floors with car parking
surrounding the hotel.

Entertainment is provided in the Hotel each
evening and caters for all tastes. Guests have
unlimited use of our leisure facilities which
include heated outdoor pool, sauna and a large
sun bathing patio area (open during the summer
months) the indoor facilities that are open all year
round consist of a heated plunge pool, steam
room and spa, ideal for those relaxing moments.

…to our award winning hotel
With heated indoor and outdoor swimming pools - January to December 2019 - The Doric Hotel, Blackpool
FOR RESERVATIONS       Freephone 0800 4582383
Entertainment and Dining...
                                                                                                  SAMPLE MENU
A pool of highly professional
                                                                FREE                                        r
                                                                                                 Sticky Chilli King Prawns
                                                             child places              (Served on a bed of linguini with sesame seeds)
entertainers awaits you at                                  when sharing
                                                                           with               Tomato, Pesto and Cheddar Tart

The Doric Hotel.                                              2 adults!                    (Finished with a red balsamic chutney)
                                                                                            Chilled Fruit Juices or Tomato Juice
                                                                                          Chef’s Homemade Tomato & Basil Soup
A full all year round entertainment programme with                                           (Served with a Soft Roll & Butter)
dancing, bingo and fabulous vocal talent all waiting in
the spotlight to entertain the whole family.
                                                                                                Slow Cooked Lamb Leg Steak
                                                                                   (Lamb leg steak in a redcurrant rosemary red wine sauce)
For the children our video secured games room with                                                              Or
pool table and many arcade style games for their                                                         Pork Alabama
enjoyment.                                                                        (Pork Loin Steak marinated with Cajun Spices with a Sweet
                                                                                                 Pepper and Tomato Ragout)
In our restaurants - enjoy fabulous food prepared                                                               Or
and cooked to perfection by our kitchen brigade and                                                       Fillt of Cod
                                                                                      (Poached Cod Fillet with a Creamy Parsley Butter)
superbly served by our restaurant team.
                                                                                                         Served with
Special dietary requirements catered for upon request                                       Braised Sliced Potatoes & Onion
and an alternative children’s menu available. All of this                                       Butter Glazed Baby Corn
                                                                                    Medley of Greens (Peas, Mangetout, Sugar snaps)
complemented by a creative wine list and well stocked
bars.                                                                                                       Or
                                                                                                    Fresh Garden Salad

                                                                                          Cookie Dough Crunch Pie with Fresh Cream
                                                                                        Red Velvet Cheesecake served with Fresh Cream
                                                                                          Clotted Cream Strawberry Shortcake Torte
                                                                                       Various Ice Creams/Sorbets with a Chocolate Flake
                                                                                                 Selection of Cheese & Biscuits

                                                                                                    Tea/Coffee with Mints

                                                                                             …all year round
With heated indoor and outdoor swimming pools - January to December 2019 - The Doric Hotel, Blackpool
Cabaret & Tribute Weekends 2019

   Friday                                                      Upgrade
                                                                 pgrade your accommodation to one     e
   Arrive for dinner in our restaurant then                    off our suites for a small supplementt
   take your seats in either the Doric or
   Cumberland Suites for an evening of
   entertainment.                                             January
                                                                nuary - February                        £90.00
                                                                                                          0.00 pp

   Saturday                                                   March
                                                               arch - Ap
                                                                        rill                            £92.00
                                                                                                         92.00 pp
   Start the morning with Breakfast. Day                      May
                                                               ay - Ju
                                                                     une                                £
                                                                                                        £96.00 pp
   at your leisure, to relax and pamper
   yourself in our Leisure facilities before                  Julyy - A
                                                                       ugust                            £98.00 pp
   dinner, then back into the Doric or
   Cumberland for a fun packed evening.                       September
                                                                pttember - October                     £110.00 pp

   Sunday                                                     November
                                                                 ember - December                       £98.00 pp
   Breakfast, served in our Restaurant
   before your departure.                                     Add
                                                               dd Sunday
                                                                  S d night
                                                                         i ht for
                                                                              f only
                                                                                  l £30.00
                                                                                     £30 00 pp DBB.

Excludes Bank Holidays and Special Weekends. Management reserve the right to alter the programme
                                                                                             mme without prior notice.
With heated indoor and outdoor swimming pools - January to December 2019 - The Doric Hotel, Blackpool
                                 phone 0800 4582383

 p             Tribute
     12th January            8th June
     Dean as                 Sherry 4 - Tribute to
     Freddie Mercury         Frankie Valli & the
                             Four Seasons
     9th February
     Bradley Johnson as 13th July
     Ultimate           Cat Diva as
     Ed Sheeran         Kylie
     9th March               30th November
     Tameka as               Jimmy Jermain as
     Diana Ross              Cliff Richard
     18th May                7th December
     Mark Andrew as          ABBA Again

        12 m
           monthss o
                   of Cabaret Weekends!
With heated indoor and outdoor swimming pools - January to December 2019 - The Doric Hotel, Blackpool
Winter 2019

Winter Warmers 2019
January and February
                                                                                                                  Special Weekends
                                                                                                                    Mothers Day
                      Dinner followed by Bingo and
  Sunday                                                                                                            Friday 29th - Sunday 31st March 2019
                                                                                                                    2 Nights £102.00 pp DBB
                      Breakfast, A Day at the Races, Bubbly
                      Reception, Dinner and Entertainment
                                                                                                                       The above weekends include:
                      Breakfast, ½ Day Coach Trip, Dinner and                                                          • Bubbly Reception
                      Entertainment                                                                                    • Entertainment each
                      Breakfast, Full Day Coach Trip, Dinner and                                                       • Sunday Lunch before
                      Entertainment                                                                                      departure
                                                                                                                       • Gift for every Mum
                      Breakfast, Afternoon Tea Dance, Dinner
                      and Entertainment
  Friday              Breakfast

4 Nights £150.00 pp 5 Nights £180.00 pp

Supplements            Suites £25.00                 Junior Family Suite   £20.00   Child Places            One Child FREE of charge.
per room, per night    Double/Twin as a Single £10.00 Front/Side Sea View £10.00    sharing with 2 adults   Other Children £30.00 per day. 15 yrs and under.
No Single Room Supplements
With heated indoor and outdoor swimming pools - January to December 2019 - The Doric Hotel, Blackpool
FOR RESERVATIONS   Freephone 0800 4582383

Spring 2019

Spring Specials 2019                                                                                  Special Weekends
March                                       April and May                                               Easter Weekend
Monday - Friday                             Monday - Friday                                             Friday 19th - Monday 22nd April 2019
4 Nights £160.00 pp DBB                     4 Nights £164.00 pp DBB                                     3 Nights £150.00 pp DBB
Sunday - Friday                             Sunday - Friday
5 Nights £185.00 pp DBB                     5 Nights £190.00 pp DBB
                                                                                                        May Bank Holiday
                                                                                                        Friday 3rd - Monday 6th May 2019
                                                                                                        Friday 24th - Monday 27th May 2019
   The above midweeks
                                                                                                        3 Nights £135.00 pp DBB
   • Bubbly Reception                                                                                   2 Nights £112.00 pp DBB
   • 2 Midweek Coach Trips
   • 1 x Full Day/1 x Half Day
     Numbers Permitting                                                                                        The above weekends include:
   • Entertainment Each                                                                                        • Bubbly Reception
     Evening                                                                                                   • Entertainment Each Evening

                                                   Weekdays   Weekends                   Weekdays   Weekends
                                 January     DBB   £38.00     £46.00     January    BB   £35.00     £43.00
Rack Rates                       February    DBB   £38.00     £46.00     February   BB   £35.00     £43.00
                                 March       DBB   £39.50     £47.00     March      BB   £37.00     £43.00
per person, per night            April       DBB   £43.00     £48.00     April      BB   £38.00     £45.00
                                 May         DBB   £43.00     £48.00     May        BB   £38.00     £45.00
With heated indoor and outdoor swimming pools - January to December 2019 - The Doric Hotel, Blackpool
Summer 2019
                                                                                                                                          child places
                                                                                                                                        when sharing
                                                                                                                                             2 adults!

Summer Sizzler
7 Nights Special
                                   Summer Madness                                                                  August Bank Holiday
                                         July and August 2019                                                      Treat the family before they go
March - June                                                                                                       back to school!
ONLY £280.00 pp DBB                      Monday - Friday 4 Nights £190.00 pp DBB
                                                                                                                   Friday 23rd - Monday 26th August 2019

July - October                           Sunday - Friday 5 Nights £210.00 pp DBB                                   ONLY £150.00 pp DBB

ONLY £308.00 pp DBB

Early Bird Breaks - June
Monday - Friday
4 Nights £172.00 pp DBB

Sunday - Friday
5 Nights £195.00 pp DBB

Supplements              Suites £25.00                    Junior Family Suite   £20.00   Child Places            One Child FREE of charge.
per room, per night      Double/Twin as a Single £10.00   Front/Side Sea View £10.00     sharing with 2 adults   Other Children £30.00 per day. 15 yrs and under.
No Single Room Supplements
With heated indoor and outdoor swimming pools - January to December 2019 - The Doric Hotel, Blackpool
FOR RESERVATIONS         Freephone 0800 4582383

Illuminations 2019
                                                                                        Enquire about our
                                                                                        Celebration Packs
                                                                                     Package 1                   Package 3
   Illumination Breaks                                                                    Flowers                     Flowers
                                                                                 Bottle of Sparkling Wine    Bottle of Sparkling Wine
   September and October                                                            Box of Chocolates
                                                                                      Basket of Fruit
                                                                                                                Box of Chocolates

                                                                                     Package 2                   Package 4
   Monday - Friday                                                                        Flowers                     Flowers
   4 Nights £198.00 pp DBB                                                       Bottle of Sparkling Wine    Bottle of Sparkling Wine
                                                                                      Basket of Fruit
   Sunday - Friday                                                                                 Gift Vouchers
   5 Nights £228.00 pp DBB                                                             Why not buy a gift voucher for that
                                                                                               special occasion
                                                                                   Birthday - Anniversary - Christmas
                                                                                Purchase a gift voucher for anyy specifi
                                                                                                                  p      c amount.
                                                                                                           h requirements and
                                                                                  Call the Hotel direct with
                                                                                                           h rest!
                                                                                               we will do the

                                                  Weekdays   Weekends                                 Weekdays   Weekends

Rack Rates              June                DBB   £45.00     £50.00     June                  BB      £38.00     £47.00
                        July/August         DBB   £48.00     £53.00     July/August           BB      £43.00     £48.00
per person, per night   September/October   DBB   £50.00     £62.00     September/October     BB      £44.00     £52.00
                        November/December   DBB   £48.00     £60.00     November/December     BB      £43.00     £49.00
With heated indoor and outdoor swimming pools - January to December 2019 - The Doric Hotel, Blackpool
November and December 2019

Turkey & Tinsel Breaks
• Bubbly Reception                       Fri 27th - Mon 30th December 2019
• Afternoon Tea Dance
                                         3 Nights, with Xmas Party on Fri 28th.
• Christmas Banquet with hat, crackers
                                         ONLY £162.00 pp DBB
   and all the fun of Christmas
• Afternoon at the Races and Bingo
• A Visit from Santa Claus
                                         Arrive for dinner in our restaurant then take your seats in either
                                                                                                        her the Doric
                                         or Cumberland Suites for an evening of entertainment.
10th Nov - 14th Dec 2019
Monday - Friday
                                         Start the morning with Breakfast. Day at your leisure, to relaxx and pamper
4 Nights £186.00 pp DBB                  yourself in our Leisure facilities before dinner, then back into     Doric or
                                                                                                        o the Do
                                         Cumberland for a fun packed evening.
Sunday - Friday
5 Nights £220.00 pp DBB                  Breakfast served. Enjoy the rest of your day to visit the manyy attractions,
                                         returning for dinner, once again back into the Doric or Cumberland for a
                                         fun packed evening.

                                         Breakfast, served in our Restaurant before your departure.
FOR RESERVATIONS          Freephone 0800 4582383

Christmas 2019                                                               23rd December 2019
                                                                             3.00pm        Afternoon tea and biscuits
                                                                                                                             Christmas Day 2019
                                                                                                                             8.30am    Your Doric breakfast is served.
                                                                                                                                                                               3.00pm    Afternoon of
                                                                                           is served.                                                                          5.30pm    Drinks reception.
                                                                                                                             10.30am   Christmas melodies & your favourite
                                                                             5.00pm        Meet your hosts, staff &                     singalong in our Cumberland Suite.      6.00pm    Gala six course farewell
                                                                                           management with a glass of                                                                    banquet is served
                                                                                                                             12.30pm Bubbly Reception.                                   followed by your
                                                                                                                             1.00pm    Traditional Christmas Luncheon is                 entertainment.
                                                                             6.00pm        Dinner is served followed by
                                                                                           your evening’s entertainment.
                                                                                                                             3.00pm    Sherry, Queen’s speech, bingo and       27th December 2019
                                                                             Christmas Eve 2019                                        afternoon fun.                          8.30am    Your farewell breakfast
                                                                             8.30am        Your Doric breakfast is served.   6.00pm    Gala Buffet is served followed by your             is served.
                                                                                                                                       evening’s entertainment.
                                                                             10.30am       Fun & Games in our
                                                                                           Cumberland Suite.
                                                                                                                             26th December 2019
                                                                             1.00pm        Lunch is served.
                                                                                                                             8.30am    Your Doric breakfast is served.
                                                                             3.00pm        Afternoon entertainment
                                                                                                                             10.30am   Have a flutter with our morning of
                                                                                           including bingo.
                                                                                                                                       horse racing.
                                                                             6.00pm        Dinner is served followed by
  4 Nights                                                                                 your evening’s entertainment.
                                                                                                                             1.00pm    Light lunch is served.

30th December 2019
3.00pm    Afternoon tea & biscuits are
          served followed by a game of
          bingo in our Cumberland Suite.
                                             till late
                                                         Comedy, cabaret, the piper &
                                                         dancing as we see in the New
                                                         Year. HAPPY NEW YEAR!
                                                                                                                               New Year Party
          Bubbly reception.
          Dinner is served followed by
          your evening’s entertainment.
                                             New Year’s Day 2020
                                             9.30am      Your Doric breakfast is served.
                                             11.00am     “Place your bets”, horse racing
New Year’s Eve 2019                                      in our Cumberland Suite.
8.30am    Your Doric breakfast is served.    3.00pm      Afternoon’s entertainment in
10.30am   Win a bottle of sparkling in our               our Cumberland Suite.
          “Doric Quiz” and a game of         5.30pm      Drinks reception.
          bingo.                             6.00pm      Dinner is served followed by                                                                                                     Stay
3.00pm    Afternoon’s entertainment in                   your evening’s entertainment.                                                                                            Thurs
          our Cumberland Suite.
                                                                                                                                                                                 2nd Ja day
5.30pm    Bubbly reception served in our     2nd January 2020                                                                                                                          nuary
          Doric Bar Lounge.                  8.00am      Your farewell breakfast is served.
6.00pm    The Doric Hotel Gala eight                                                                                                                                              £35.00
          course banquet is served.                                                                                                                                                            pp
The Management, staff and entertainers would like to wish you a                                                                         3 Nights
very prosperous New Year and look forward to seeing you in 2020.                                                                       £345.00pp
Club Programmes 2019                                                                        held as
Gold Club           at the Doric Hotel
                                                  Platinum Club
                                                          at the Park House Hotel                    Membership Benefits
 Sun 27th Jan - Fri 1st Feb     £175.00 pp         Sun 20th - Fri 25th Jan    £175.00 pp
                                                                                                     • Free Membership             • Complimentary
 Sun 17th - Fri 22nd Feb        £175.00 pp                                                                                           drinks reception
                                                   Sun 10th - Fri 15th Feb    £175.00 pp
 Sun 17th - Fri 22nd Mar        £180.00 pp                                                           • Porter assistance on
                                                   Sun 24th - Fri 29th Mar    £180.00 pp               arrival/departure           • 5 course dinners
 Sun 7th - Fri 12th Apr         £190.00 pp                                                                                           (including coffee)
                                                   Sun 14th - Fri 19th Apr    £190.00 pp             • Buffet Lunch                   with excellent choice
 Sun 12th - Fri 17th May        £200.00 pp
 Sun 9th - Fri 14th June        £200.00 pp         Sun 2nd - Fri 7th June     £200.00 pp             • Free Cash Draw and Free
                                                                                                       Holiday Draw                • Complimentary glass
 Sun 30th June - Fri 5th July   £205.00 pp         Sun 7th - Fri 12th July    £205.00 pp                                             of wine with dinner
 Sun 8th - Fri 13th Sept        £225.00 pp                                                           • Day and Half-day trips
                                                   Sun 1st - Fri 6th Sept     £225.00 pp               to various locations
 Sun 13th - Fri 18th Oct        £225.00 pp                                                             (depending on time of
                                                   Sun 6th - Fri 11th Oct     £225.00 pp               year, weather conditions
 Sun 14th - Fri 22nd Nov        £190.00 pp
                                                                                                       and numbers permitting)
 Sun 1st - Fri 6th Dec          £190.00 pp         Sun 8th - Fri 13th Dec     £190.00 pp

When you book a consecutive Gold and Platinum Club Break, you can stay for the weekend, Friday to Sunday, at the hotel of your choice, FREE OF CHARGE!
FOR RESERVATIONS       Freephone 0800 4582383

Murder Mystery                                                        Saturday 22nd June
Weekend 2019                                                          Are You Being Severed?
                                                                      There’s been a made to measure murder in menswear and it’s
                                                                      up to you to get your pants on and solve this mystery. Has someone been tampering
Murder Mystery Dinner                                                 with Mr Humphries Trousers? Is Mrs Slocombe’s pussy relevant to the crime? Will the
                                                                      killer be free or will you crack the case… and all do very well?
Looking for a little mystery with your meal?
                                         all?                         Friday to Sunday 21st-23rd June
Need a little mystery with your meal? Then After Dark’s criminal
cabarets are the perfect solution. You’re invited to an evening of    2 Nights £110.00 pp DBB
comedy and murder as you witness the scenes of evidence come to
life and the mystery unfold around your dining table. Interrogate
the suspects as you dine and play detective in order to solve this
dastardly crime. Will you discover which of these larger than life
characters committed the deadly deed?
                                                                      ‘Happy Hour’ Served Daily
Each mystery has its own unique set pieces and plot, you can expect   Sample our wide range of Drinks,
the unexpected as After Dark presents an evening of entertainment     Cocktails and Our Fabulous New Gin Menu
the likes of which you have never seen before.
Theme example:

Saturday 23rd March
Von Trapp Family Murderr
The Hills may be alive but the baroness is dead     and
it’s up to you to solve a problem like a murder.
Was it a villainous Von Trapp or a Nefariousus Nun
who committed the crime?
You’ll have to climb every mountain and
ford every stream to find the clues to
catch the killer before it’s time to say So
Long, Farewell, Auf Wiedersehen , Goodnight! ight!

Friday to Sunday 22nd-24th Ma
2 Nights £110.00 pp DBB
You’re here in Blackpool; here is our Top 10
                            1             There’s
                                           h      something for everyone att
                                          Britain’s favourite amusement park.                   4                                                 6
                                                                                                                                                                                              With its Art Deco
                                          FFrom white-knuckle rollercoasters, to                                                                                                             Café, boating lakes,
                                           sspectacular shows and the UK’s only                                                                                                              modal village, water
                                            N              Land, there are plenty of                                                                                                        fountains, bandstand,
                                             exciting attractions to make your visit to                                                                                                    Italian gardens,
                                             B          a day to remember.                                                                                                                sporting facilities
                                                                                                                                                                                         including a 18 hole
                                                                                                                                                                                        golf course, this 390
                                                                                                                                                                                        acre area is a landmark

                                              2                                           With the only Gorillas in the North Westt &
                                                                                          the best sea lion display in the U.K. get up
                                                                                                                                                                                       in its own right.

    The UK’s largest Indoor waterpark
    has over 18 slides and plenty
                                                                                          close and personal with over a 100 animals
                                                                                          in 32 acres of beautiful parkland.
                                                                                                                                   m  ls
                                                                                                                                               7                                          8
    of exciting attractions in an
    8 tropical climate. There is
                 to entertain the
                                         This iconic feature on Blackpool’s
                                         seafront is a true British
                                         institution, with the Tower
                                         Eye, Tower Circus, the Tower
                                                                                                                                           This Victorian auditorium not only offers the wow
                                                                                                                                           factor its incredibly ornate, gilded plasterwork,
                                                                                                                                                                                                         FUN FO
                                         Dungeon, Jungle Jims and the                                                                                                                                      ALL TH
                                                                                                                                                                                                     FAMIL       E
                                                                                     From national treasures to new kids on                baroque ceiling, cavorting cherubs and cantilevered
                                        world renowned Tower Ballroom,
                                                                                     the block, Madame Tussauds offers you a                balconies but it’s all year round programme showcases
                                        whatever the weather the really is           celebrity experience like no other.                   some of the best shows, concerts and visiting theatre
                                        something for everyone.                                                                            company productions the country has to offer.
FOR RESERVATIONS        Freephone 0800 4582383

 list of things to do!                                                             Local surroundings areas
      9                                     Showcasing over 1,000 spectacular
                                           aquatic creatures across 50 dazzling
                                           displays, SEA LIFE Blackpool is sure
                                          to excite visitors of all ages as you
                                          experience the secrets of the deep sea
                                         and examine these spectacular species
                                         up close and personal.

                                                                                                                                                    ST. ANNE’S
                                                                   10              Situated three miles north of the Doric Hotel, this
                                                                                   beautiful Fylde coast town offers the shopping facilities of
                                                                                                                                                   Away from the hustle and bustle this coastal gem offers
                                                                                                                                                   some of the best beaches in the North West with its white
                                                                                   Victoria Road West, the Vue cinema complex, many a café         sand dunes, Victorian Pier and some award winning
                                                                                   for afternoon tea or you may even get to see the Ogre of        restaurants & boutique stores, this part of the Fylde coast
                                                                                   Cleveleys, as long as he is not hiding!                         has something to offer for all.
 Whether you’re at the north,
 c       or south piers, there
 i something for all with
  bars, shows, rides,
                                                                                                FLEETWOOD                                                                              GARSTANG
  attractions and
   a        views.

                                 Hounds hill shoppingng Centre is situated
                                 in the heart of Blackpool just behind
                                 the world famous Blackpool Tower, the
                                 centre has a fantastic line up of retailers
                                 including Debenhams, Primark, Next and                                                       LYTHAM
                                 River Island to name but a few and offers
 OR                              the very best in fashion and lifestyle            Fleetwood is a beautiful Victorian        A little further down from      Whether you visit its weekly market,
E                                shopping for the whole family. With an            seaside resort with a stunning            St Anne’s is Lytham, visit      the cheese shop at Dewley or you
Y!                               excellent selection of restaurants and
                                 cafes including the Food Court (Burger
                                                                                   promenade and see some of
                                                                                   the most magnificent views in
                                                                                                                             Fairhaven saltwater lake,
                                                                                                                             the Lowther Pavilion
                                                                                                                                                             fancy walking round some of the
                                                                                                                                                             most picturesque areas of beauty with
                                 King, El Taco Loco, Roosters & Café Real),        Lancashire, visit the Marine Hall,        Gardens & Theatre or join       Forest of Bowland Area of Outstanding
                                 Hounds hill Shopping Centre is the                enjoy some locally sourced fish and        in with Lytham festival         Natural Beauty & Brock Bottom on its
                                 perfect place to indulge in retail therapy        chips or go shopping at the famous        every July, Lytham truly is     doorstep this local market town and
                                 in glorious modern surroundings.                  Fleetwood Market of Freeport              another hidden gem of the       surrounding area must surely be on
                                                                                   shopping outlet.                          Fylde coast.                    your list of places to visit.
Designed and printed by MG Creative Media Ltd. Tel: 0755 1005797 www.mgcreativemedia.co.uk
    For bookings please contact our
    Reservations Department on              Freephone 0800 4582383
Finding us                                                                                                                               Our Sister Hotel - The Park House Hotel

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Thank you Lisa Pool for use of your photographs of Blackpool
From the M6, take junction 32 onto the M55. Exit the M55 at junction 3 and turn right at the                                             308 North Promenade,
roundabout signposted Fleetwood A585. At the first set of lights turn left following signs for
Blackpool. At the next set of lights go straight ahead following signs for Blackpool A586.                                               Blackpool, Lancs FY1 2HA
At the first roundabout turn right signposted Fleetwood A587. Continue over the railway                                                   Tel: 01253 620081
bridge then turn left at the lights signposted Promenade B5265. Continue forward at the                                                                                                                                                                   Certificate
                                                                                                                                         Fax: 01253 290181                                                                                                    of
roundabout. At the next roundabout turn right onto the promenade.
                                                                                                                                         Email: enquiries@blackpoolparkhousehotel.com                                                                     Excellence
We are approximately 0.5 miles on the right.                                                                                             Website: www.blackpoolparkhousehotel.com

                                                The Doric Hotel, 48 - 52 Queens Promenade, Blackpool, Lancs FY2 9RP
                                                 Enquiries Tel: 01253 351751 Fax: 01253 596842 Email: info@dorichotel.co.uk Website: www.dorichotel.co.uk

Terms and Conditions: Insurance
We strongly recommend that you take out Holiday Insurance against cancellation. An        No reduction is made for temporary absence, meals not taken, premature departure for     Car Park spaces cannot be reserved. Vehicles are left at owners/customers risk. The Hotel
Insurance form will be enclosed with your booking confirmation. Guest First Services has   any reason nor for accommodation not required after confirmation of booking. In the       does not accept responsibility for loss or damage.
been selected by the Hotel to offer guests peace of mind when booking their holiday        event of cancellation for whatever reason the deposit paid is non-refundable. Subject
                                                                                                                                                                                   It is considered unreasonable to make any criticism in writing upon your return home,
customers must deal direct with the Insurance Company.                                    to the accommodation being re-let no further charges will be made. In the event of the
                                                                                                                                                                                   should the Hotel not first have been given the opportunity to attend to matters arising
                                                                                          accommodation not being re-let then a charge of 2/3rds of the total account is payable
We cannot reserve specific room numbers but will do our utmost to comply with your                                                                                                  during your stay.
                                                                                          within 10 days.
request for position, floor facilities etc. Rooms are available from 3.00pm and must be
                                                                                                                                                                                   The management reserves the right to alter or amend the tariff and/or entertainment
vacated by 10.30am on the day of departure. The Hotel will store luggage although no      The management reserve the right to alter the programme without notice. The Hotel
                                                                                                                                                                                   programme without prior notice.
responsibility for theft, loss or damage to stored luggage will be accepted.              reserves the right to charge any individual causing wilful damage to Hotel property.
                                                                                          Unfortunately pets (except guide dogs) cannot be accommodated.                           We regret that the Hotel policy does not allow Single Sex Group Bookings.
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