The Sewing Machine Buzz By Jeff Vogel

Page created by Peggy Robbins
The Sewing Machine Buzz By Jeff Vogel
Hi Fashion Sewing Machines Newsletter
                                                                                                                 April-June, 2020

The Sewing Machine Buzz                            By Jeff Vogel

Hello everyone! I am enjoying the warmer weather                   Please check out my YouTube Channel
and getting a chance to play a few holes of golf.                  and subscribe to BERNINA Jeff. My
I just returned from VDTA Convention where I                       videos give you tips on how to oil
found some new products to carry. We will debut                    your machine, needles and various
them at the Sew Savvy meetings. So, if you are not                                         other subjects. Just search
a member, you can come once for free to see what                                           BERNINA Jeff to find me
they are about; the $60 annual fee is totally worth                                        and start watching and
the value you receive. Check with the shop and                                             learning. I try to post a
website ( for details.                                                     new video every couple of
June 12th and 13th is our two-day OESD                                                     weeks. I will do requests; if
Embroidery Event and we still have room for you                                            you have an idea for a new
to attend.                                                                                 video, let me know.
                                                                    As always, thank you for your continued support!

Hi Fashion’s Quilters’ Quarter Inch...                              by Trista Pike
I am so happy to be writing for Spring, I am ready for a little    Angela has all types of classes from large quilt BOMs to the
more sunshine! In May I will be meeting up with the Baby           little zip bag class that potentially could be finished within a
Lock Folks including Pam Mahshie for some great Serger             couple hours.
Class Projects. Get ready, Serger Peeps, for some fun with
                                                                   Julie has the embroidery people happy with another round
Baby Lock Sergers.
                                                                   of Edge to Edge Quilting and continues to find great in-the-
These ladies here in the store sure do a lot on a daily basis      hoop projects for Embroidery Workshop.
to keep every type of sewing person going strong!
                                                                   Lynn is even jumping in with some classes, watch for her
Lorraine has some great Calendar Club classes with different       Hanging Towels and Patchwork “Beginning Piecing” class.
techniques. She also has many open sewing times for you to         It is always fun to hear a story of how she fell in love with
work on anything you choose.                                       quilting!          Happy Spring!

2584 Patterson Rd., Unit B
Grand Junction, CO 81505                    970-256-1293
Open Mon-Fri 9:30-5:30              
Sat 9:30-2:00                
The Sewing Machine Buzz By Jeff Vogel
April 2020                                                             CLASS SKILL KEY
                                                                       GREEN: Very beginners, for your first lessons after purchasing a machine
                                                                       BLUE: Intermediate Classes (You know how to use your machine)
         Monday                            Tuesday                         Wednesday                            Thursday                            Friday                           Saturday
                                                                                                1                                    2                                 3                                  4
                                                                    BOMA - Block of the Month            RFC - Ruler Foot Class           OSF - Open Sew Friday             EYW - Embroidery Your Way
                                                                    Anonymous                            9:30am-12:30pm                   10:00am-4:00pm                    10:00am-4:00pm
                                                                    10:00am-4:00pm                       WGC - Wool Gatherers Club        TGIF - TGIF
                                                                                                         1:00pm-4:00pm OR                 5:30pm-11:30pm

                             6                                 7                                8                                    9 SSR - Sew Savvy Retreat 10                                         11
MB - My Bernina Class 1                                                                                                                   8:00am-5:00pm
                                  BOMWT - BOM Work Time             RPQC - Ruler Project Quilting        BLS - Baby Lock Serger                                             S&S - Sip & Serge
9:30am-12:30pm                    9:30am-1:30pm OR                  Club (BOM)                           10:00am-12:00pm                  BLB - Baby Lock Basics            10:00am-2:00pm
BACC - Bernina Accessories (1)    1:30pm-5:30pm                     10:00am-4:00pm                                                        10:00am-12:00pm
                                                                                                         COMP - Computers 101 w/ Jeff
1:30pm-4:30pm                                                                                            2:00pm-4:00pm                    EB - Embroidery Basics

                             13                                14                               15                                   16                                17                                 18
MB - My Bernina Class 2           ABU - All Bottled Up              CLC - Calendar Club                  MMF - Mixed Media Flowers        FWR - Fun With Rulers             FOS - Flipping Out Saturday
9:30am-12:30pm                    9:30am-12:30pm                    Anything Goes                        10:00am-4:00pm                   10:00am-4:00pm                    9:30am-1:30pm
BOMWT - BOM Work Time             MW - Making Waves                 10:00am-4:00pm                                                        Movie Night
1:00pm-5:00pm                     1:00pm-5:00pm                                                                                           5:00pm-8:00pm

                             20                                21                               22                                   23                                24                                 25
BP - Beginning Piecing (1)        BP - Beginning Piecing (2)        FLC - Floral Chenille                EEHQ - Edge to Edge Hoop         FTCU - Floriani Embroidery        ASG - American Sewing Guild
10:00am-4:00pm                    10:00am-4:00pm                    10:00am-4:00pm                       Quilting                         Software                          10:00am-12:00pm
                                                                                                         10:00am-4:00pm                   10:00am-12:00pm
                                                                                                                                          IQC - IQ Club                     QFK - Quilts for Kids
                                                                                                                                          1:00pm-4:00pm                     1:00pm-4:00pm

                             27                                28                               29                                   30

RSB - Ruler Skill Builder         AOM - Apron & Oven Mitt           CZSW - One Crazy Sister Club         AGD - Embroidery Workshop
10:00am-4:00pm                    10:00am-4:00pm                    Work Day                             10:00am-1:00pm OR
                                                                    10:00am-4:00pm                       2:00pm-5:00pm
                                                                    BOMWT - BOM Work Time

                                   Call       or     Stop In             to    Sign Up              for       Your Lessons                   or     Classes!

May 2020                                                               CLASS SKILL KEY
                                                                       GREEN: Very beginners, for your first lessons after purchasing a machine
                                                                       BLUE: Intermediate Classes (You know how to use your machine)
         Monday                            Tuesday                         Wednesday                             Thursday                           Friday                           Saturday
                                                                                                                                                                       1                                  2

                                                                                                                                          OSF - Open Sew Friday             JB - Janome Basics
                                                                                                                                          10:00am-4:00pm                    10:00am-1:00pm
                                                                                                                                          TGIF - TGIF

                             4                                 5                                6                                    7                                 8                                  9
BOMA - Block of the Month                                                                         EBB - Embroidery Beyond
                                  OAB - Out & About Backpack        BPP - Beginning Paper Piecing Basics                                  OSF - Open Sew Friday             MB - My Bernina Black 1 & 2
Anonymous                         10:00am-4:00pm                    10:00am-4:00pm                                                        10:00am-4:00pm                    9:30am-4:30pm
10:00am-4:00pm                                                                                    10:00am-12:00pm
BOMWT - BOM Work Time                                                                             WGC - Wool Gatherers Club
4:30pm-8:30pm                                                                                     1:00pm-4:00pm OR
                             11                                12                               13                                   14                                15                                 16
B235 - My Bernina SILVER          BOMWT - BOM Work Time             CLC - Calendar Club                  RPQC - Ruler Project Quilting    FWR - Fun With Rulers             QFK - Quilts for Kids
2, 3, 5                           9:30am-1:30pm OR                  High Steppin’ Hexies                 Club (BOM)                       10:00am-4:00pm                    10:00am-2:00pm
9:30am-12:30pm                    1:30pm-5:30pm                     10:00am-4:00pm                       10:00am-4:00pm                   Movie Night
PAB - Panel Bag                                                                                                                           5:00pm-8:00pm

                             18                                19                               20                                   21                                22                                 23
HAC - Happy Camper             MBL - My Bernette Lesson             CZSW - One Crazy Sister Club         BLB - Baby Lock Basics           FTCU - Floriani Embroidery
10:00am-1:00pm                                                                                                                                                              RSB - Ruler Skill Builder
                               10:00am-12:00pm                      Work Day                             10:00am-12:00pm                  Software                          10:00am-4:00pm
IHNC - In the Hoop Needle Case                                      10:00am-4:00pm                       JEFF - Basics with Jeff          10:00am-12:00pm
2:00pm-5:00pm                  BOMWT - BOM Work Time
                               1:00pm-5:00pm                                                             3:00pm-5:00pm                    IQC - IQ Club

                             25                                26                               27                                   28                                29                                 30
CLOSED                            MQWF - More Quilting with         MQWF - More Quilting with            AGD - Embroidery Workshop        SSPM - Seasonal Swirl             ASG - American Sewing Guild
                                  Your Walking Foot (1)             Your Walking Foot (2)                10:00am-1:00pm OR                Placemats                         10:00am-12:00pm
                                  10:00am-4:00pm                    10:00am-4:00pm                       2:00pm-5:00pm                    10:00am-4:00pm

The Sewing Machine Buzz By Jeff Vogel
June 2020                                                              CLASS SKILL KEY
                                                                       GREEN: Very beginners, for your first lessons after purchasing a machine
                                                                       BLUE: Intermediate Classes (You know how to use your machine)
          Monday                           Tuesday                        Wednesday                            Thursday                           Friday                          Saturday
                             1                                2                                3                                   4                                 5                              6
QFK - Quilts for Kids             TAS - Take a Stand Bag           RPQC - Ruler Project Quilting       B578 - Bernina Settings 5,7,8    OSF - Open Sew Friday             PHD - Project Half Done
9:30am-1:30pm                     10:00am-4:00pm                   Club (BOM)                          10:00am-12:00pm                  10:00am-4:00pm                    10:00am-4:00pm
SBC - Serger Boot Camp                                             10:00am-4:00pm                      WGC - Wool Gatherers Club        TGIF - TGIF
2:00pm-4:00pm                                                                                          1:00pm-4:00pm OR                 5:30pm-11:30pm
                             8                                9                               10                                   11                                12                             13
BOMWT - BOM Work Time             BLB - Baby Lock Basics           GMG - Grandmothers Garden           FWR - Fun With Rulers            OESD EVENT                        OESD EVENT
9:30am-1:30pm                     10:00am-12:00pm                  10:00am-4:00pm                      10:00am-4:00pm                   9:00am-4:00pm                     9:00am-4:00pm
MB - My Bernina Class 1           EB - Embroidery Basics
2:00pm-5:00pm                     2:00pm-4:00pm

                            15                                16                              17                                   18                                19                             20
BACC - Bernina Accessories (2)    BOMWT - BOM Work Time            CLC - Calendar Club                 SSC - Sew Savvy Club                                               SSC - Sew Savvy Club
10:00am-1:00pm                    9:30am-1:30pm OR                 Fireworks Flag                      5:30pm-7:30pm                                                      9:30am-11:30am
MB - My Bernina Class 2           1:30pm-5:30pm                    10:00am-4:00pm

                             22                               23                              24                                  25                                 26                             27
 BOMWT - BOM Work Time            BOMA - Block of the Month        CZSW - One Crazy Sister Club        AGD - Embroidery Workshop        FTCU - Floriani Embroidery        ASG - American Sewing Guild
 9:30am-1:30pm                    Anonymous                        Work Day                            10:00am-1:00pm OR                Software                          10:00am-12:00pm
                                  10:00am-4:00pm                   10:00am-4:00pm                      2:00pm-5:00pm                    10:00am-12:00pm
 HGT - Hanging Towels
 2:00pm-5:00pm                    BOMWT - BOM Work Time                                                                                 IQC - IQ Club
                                  4:30pm-8:30pm                                                                                         1:00pm-4:00pm
                            29                                30
RSB - Ruler Skill Builder         BW - Bag Workout
10:00am-4:00pm                    10:00am-1:00pm OR

                                    Call      or     Stop In            to    Sign Up              for       Your Lessons                   or    Classes!

Tech Corner
                                                                            By Jeff Vogel
Machine Maintenance
Customers often ask me about how often they                                                               Sewing machines like to be exercised to keep the
should have their sewing machine serviced. I                                                              oil moving inside them, even if you don’t sew on
explain to them that it is a matter of how much                                                           fabric please run your machine for a few minutes
time has passed and how much you use your                                                                 every month or two. Use the straight and zig zag
machine. If you are an enthusiastic sewist, I                                                             modes to prevent gumming up parts.
recommend you have your machine cleaned,                                                                  Also, keep a fresh needle in your machine;
oiled and serviced once a year. If you use your                                                           the newer the needle the less force it takes to
machine just a few times a month or less and you                                                          penetrate the fabric.
keep the lint cleaned out, then you can go 18
months to two years between maintenance. The                                                              Happy Sewing!
reason my maximum is two years is because this
dry climate will evaporate the oils inside your
machine. The oil gets old and will actually turn to
a varnish gummy consistency.
The new models of sewing machines are not
designed for the consumer to open and oil
yourself, plus the electronics inside the machine
need to be properly grounded and static shock
eliminated. Just like your vehicle, the owner’s
manual will provide a schedule, or you can just
call the shop to see if your machine is ready for a
The Sewing Machine Buzz By Jeff Vogel
Learn Basic Skills:
                                                                Get Started with Bernina Classes
My BERNINA Black Classes                                                mb           Bernina 5, 7, 8 Settings			                                      b578
This class is for BLACK BOBBIN Machines. Classes are included                        Get the full potential out of your new machine. Jeff gets into all the
with your new BERNINA. We want you to enjoy your new machine                         internal settings to get your machine best set for the things you want to
and we encourage you to take advantage of classes and learn all the neat             accomplish. Also, this is a great time for questions and answers.
functions that your BERNINA has to offer. Registration is required; a kit            Date: Thursday, June 4
fee does apply. BERNINAS purchased from elsewhere may also attend                    Time: 10:00am-12:00pm
                                                                                     Fee: Free w/ Purchase
classes for a fee of $30.00 per session.
                                                                                     Instructor: Jeff Vogel
Class Fee: Free w/ Purchase
Kit fee: $20.00                                                                      BERNINA Accessories (session 1)                                      bacc
Instructor: Angela Jones                                                             Angie is starting a new series of classes using a new BERNINA Workbook
Class 1                                                                              and various BERNINA feet and accessories. Session one will include
The Basics! This class covers basic information on the machine, needles              different methods of couching. You’ll be making samples of Basic
and thread. Learn the basic functions and features of your BERNINA.                  Couching, Attaching a Strand of Beads, Flat Couching, and Free-Motion
Everything from sewing a seam to perfect button holes will be covered in             Couching.
this class.                                                                          Note: This
Class 2                                                                              is a repeat
Explore functions further! Different types of decorative stitches,                   class from
embellishments, and other techniques with your BERNINA.                              last quarter.
Class Dates are as follows:                                                          We will be
Class 1		             Monday, April 6, 9:30am-12:30pm                                using feet 21,
                                                                                     12/12C, 22,
		                    Monday, June 8, 2:00pm-5:00pm
                                                                                     25, and 43.
Class 2		             Monday, April 13, 9:30am-12:30pm                               Skill Level:
		                    Monday, June 15, 2:00pm-5:00pm                                 Beginner
Class 1 & 2           Saturday, May 9, 9:30am-4:30pm                                 Date: Monday,
                                                                                     April 6
My Bernina Silver 2, 3, 5			                                    b235                 Time: 1:30pm-
This class is for SILVER BOBBIN Machines. Enjoy your new                             4:30PM
machine. We encourage you to take advantage of classes and learn all the             Fee: $20.00
neat functions that your BERNINA has to offer. Registration is required;             Instructor:
a kit fee does apply. BERNINAS purchased elsewhere may also attend                   Angela Jones
classes for a fee of $30.00 per session.
Class Fee: Free w/ Purchase
                                                                                     BERNINA Accessories (session 2)                                      bacc
                                                                                     Angie is continuing her series of classes using the new BERNINA
Kit fee: $20.00                                                                      Accessories Workbook and various BERNINA feet and accessories.
Date: Monday, May 11                                                                 Session two will include TWO different topics: Sewing Specialty Fabrics,
Time: 9:30am-12:30pm                                                                 and Applique & Decorative Stitches. You’ll be making samples of how to
Instructor: Angela Jones                                                             sew Jeans/Denim, Leather, Vinyl and Plastic; and Blanket Stitch, Invisible
                                                                                     Appliqué and Decorative Stitches. We will be using feet 8/8D, 51,
My Bernette Lesson				                                          mbl                  52/52C/52D, 56, 20/20C/20D, 39/39C.
Jump in and get to know all the buttons on your New Machine. Bernette                Skill Level: Beginner
machines are Swiss Designed by BERNINA.                                              Date: Monday, June 15
Class Fee: Free w/ Purchase                                                          Time: 10:00am-1:00pm
Kit Fee: $10.00                                                                      Fee: $20.00
Date: Tuesday, May 19                                                                Instructor: Angela Jones
Time: 10:00am-12:00pm
Instructor: Angela Jones

                                                                     Class Policies
 1. Pre-registration and payment required to hold space in class.
 2. No refunds if student cancels less than seven days prior to class start date. No refunds are given for classes missed.
 3. Full refund will be made if class is cancelled by Hi Fashion. A full week’s notice will be given.
 4. A student is expected to have all required supplies as per class supply list prior to first session of class. 5. Supplies purchased for a cancelled class
    may be returned as long as they were not cut items. Receipt required.
 6. Please make arrangements for your children.

Baby Lock and Janome Classes

Baby Lock Basics                                               blb         Janome Basics Class                                                jbc
Hands-on entry level to your new machine; we dive right in with            Are you new to Janome? Or have you missed out on training with
functions and features on these great machines. We want you to             your Janome machine? We are happy to help! We feel you should
be comfortable with your new machine and get full potential.               be confident in what your machine can do for you. Fee is $30.00,
This lesson, we feel, is very important so we offer it monthly. Fee        FREE if machine was purchased at HFSM.
is $30.00, FREE if machine was purchased at HFSM. “LOVE OF                 Date: Saturday, May 2
SEWING," CONVENIENT ONLINE CLASSES! Get direct access to                   Time: 10:00am-1:00pm
the Baby Lock Educators, only available with select models.                Fee: $10.00 (Kit)
Dates: Friday, April 10                                                    Instructor: Lorraine Prinster
Time: 10:00am-12:00pm
Date: Thursday, May 21
Time: 10:00am-12:00pm                                                      IQ Club                                                            iqc
Date: Tuesday, June 9                                                      Get to know your Baby Lock IQ Designer with Jeff and Trista. Making
Time: 10:00am-12:00pm                                                      the most of our Endless Creativity on these wonderful machines. Bring
Fee: $10.00 (Kit)                                                          your machine for a play-date with others; we often learn more in groups,
Instructor: Trista Pike                                                    sharing ideas and techniques.
                                                                           Dates: Fridays; April 24, May 22, June 26
Baby Lock Serger Mastery                                     bls           Time: 1:00pm-4:00pm
Congratulations on your new serger! This lesson is especially fun          Fee: No Charge, Must have machine with IQ Designer
with the impressive air threading. We will get to know all the parts       Instructors: Jeff Vogel & Trista Pike
of the machine and how to set up for different stitches. You will
leave confident in how to read your threading chart. We will touch
a bit on a few techniques. Online classes available for a limited
time at:
Date: Thursday, April 9
Time: 10:00am-12:00pm
Fee: $30.00 or FREE if purchased at HFSM
Kit Fee: $5.00
Instructor: Trista Pike

Informative, Fun Sewing Times
Computers 101 with Jeff			                                       comp             Embroidery Workshop                                                  agd
This class is for those of you who love to embroider, but struggle with           New machine owners or those wanting practice with the basics in
computers. The class will teach skills needed to enhance your embroidery          machine embroidery, this class is for you. Cost is $30.00 for the quarter
software experience such as drop and drag, transfer designs, finding saved        including designs and class kit. Don’t want to transport your machine?
projects, and whatever else comes up. Bring your laptop, or with advance          Borrow one of ours, just $60.00 for the quarter. We only have room
notice we can provide one if you use a desktop PC.                                for 9 participants each session, morning or afternoon. Design packets
Date: Thursday, April 9                                                                                           are available to purchase from Anita
Time: 2:00pm-4:00pm                                                                                               Goodesign, Pickle Pie, Smith Street or
Fee: $20.00                                                                                                       others depending upon availability.
Instructor: Jeff Vogel                                                                                            Dates: Thursday; April 30, May 28, June 25
                                                                                  Times: 10:00am-1:00pm Or 2:00pm-5:00pm
BASICS with Jeff                                                      jeff
                                                                                  Instructor: Julie Wright
Do you need help threading, winding a bobbin, simple maintenance
and just knowing how to use your sewing machine? Jeff will help you               Wool Gatherers Club                                                 wgc
with your “tension” issues and get you started. Even if your machine is           Lots of wool projects, but no time to work on them? Come join Lorraine,
40 years old, bring it in and learn how to use it! This is not intended to        she is here for you. Bring any wool or hand projects to work on during
replace the My Bernina or Baby Lock Basics classes, but rather a quick            meeting times. This class is a members “club," sign-up anytime and we
start or review until you can attend them. All machine brands welcome.            will pro-rate the price for the remainder of the year.
Sorry no sergers.                                                                 Dates: Thursdays: April 2,
Date: Thursday, May 21                                                            May 7, June 4
Time: 3:00pm-5:00pm                                                               Times: 1:00pm-4:00pm OR
Fee: $25.00 (FREE if purchased at HFSM)                                           5:00pm-8:00pm
Instructor: Jeff Vogel                                                            Fee: 12 month membership
Open Sew Friday                                                       osf
                                                                                  Instructor: Lorraine Prinster
Join us for a fun filled day of Open Sewing! You bring whatever project
you would like to work on. We provide assistance if needed, lunch, and            Sew Savvy Club             ssc
a space to work without any distractions. Bring your friends for a “retreat       Our Sew Savvy Club
style” day, or make new friends each month. One sign-up per person, per           welcomes everyone who has
month.                                                                            an interest in sewing. The
Dates: Fridays; April 3, May 1, May 8, June 5                                     annual membership is $60.00. Members will receive 15% off on their
Time: 10:00am-4:00pm                                                              loyalty card qualified purchases. We meet four times a year; your choice
Fee: $25.00 each session                                                          of Thursday evenings at 5:30p.m., or Saturday at 9:30 a.m. On Sew Savvy
                                                                                  meeting dates, Thursday thru Saturday, members receive Double Boxes on
Instructor: Lorraine Prinster
                                                                                  their loyalty cards. You will receive two coupons for $25.00 each toward
Thank Goodness It’s Friday                                            tgif        any class for twelve months. We encourage show and tell at the meetings
Come in for a fun filled time with Lorraine on Friday Nights! Work on             and you can receive extra drawing tickets for bringing your finished
your projects without any interruptions and dinner is included. Bring your        projects. We have two exclusive sewing retreats per year and members
group of girlfriends, or come in and make new friends! Space is limited,          are first to see the new fabrics and gadgets at the meetings. On top of
so sign up early!                                                                 all that, you receive $10.00 off our events where we bring in national
Dates: Fridays; April 3, May 1, June 5                                            educators or presenters. At our year end party, we draw for an annual
Time: 5:30pm-11:30pm                                                              grand prize worth over $600.00.
Fee: $25.00 each session                                                          Sew Savvy Dates:			                        Retreat:
Instructor: Lorraine Prinster                                                     Date: Thursday, June 18		                  Date: Friday, April 10
                                                                                  Time: 5:30pm-7:30pm		                      Time: 8:00am-5:00pm
Block-of-the-Month Anonymous                                        boma          Date: Saturday, June 20
Did you start a block of the month and not finish it? Maybe it was Plain          Time: 9:30am-11:30am
& Fancy, Monthly Minis or Mistletoe Lane, or maybe even an old Simple
Whatnots block of the month??? Well, how ‘bout we get together and                American Sewing Guild & Friends                                      asg
finish them! That’s what Block-of-the-Month Anonymous is all about                This is a great opportunity to sew together with other local sewing ladies.
moral support and group therapy to finish up some of those old block-             Contact Charlene Knoll: 970-241-2913 or email gmesaemb@acsol. com
of-the-month projects. By finishing them, we are making room for new              for more information.
projects, right?!?! Lunch is included.                                            Dates: Saturdays; April 25, May 30, June 27
Dates: Wednesday, April 1; Monday, May 4; Tuesday, June 23                        Time: 10:00am-12:00pm
Time: 10:00am-4:00pm                                                              Movie Night                                                          mvn
Fee: $25.00 each session                                                          A fun relaxing evening of hand work and a movie. Bring goodies to share,
Instructors: Angela Jones or Lorraine Prinster                                    if you would like. Remember, only 10 of us in class, so you don’t need to
                                                                                  bring a lot.
Serger Boot Camp                                                       sbc
                                                                                  Dates: Fridays; April 17, May 15
Does your serger keep breaking threads? Does it create tension for you or
                                                                                  Time: 5:00pm-8:00pm
just need tension adjustments? Or, do you just have questions in general
                                                                                  Fee: $10.00 per session
about how to use your serger more effectively? This is the class for you!
                                                                                  Instructor: Lorraine Prinster
ALL BRANDS of sergers WELCOME! This class is very limited in space, so
please sign up early.                                                             Project Half Done                                                    phd
Date: Monday, June 1                                                              Need another open sew option? We thought so! Come join Lorraine for
Time: 2:00pm-4:00pm                                                               another day of getting your projects completed.
Fee: $30.00                                                                       Date: Saturday, June 6
Instructor: Jeff Vogel                                                            Time 10:00am-4:00pm
                                                                                  Fee: $25.00 each session
                                                                                  Instructor: Lorraine Prinster

Quilting and Embroidery Basics
Ruler Foot Class 101                                                  rfc          Embroidery Basics                                                             eb
Learn to quilt like a pro! Bring your new rulers and quilting gloves, we           This lesson, offered monthly, is meant for new Embroidery Machine
will help you get the hang of how to get the best finished product with            owners, ALL BRANDS. You will learn the basics of how to hoop your
these wonderful tools.                                                             fabric, transfer a design, basic editing, and stitch out the design. Fee is
Date: Thursday, April 2                                                            $35.00, FREE if machine was purchased at HFSM.
Time: 9:30am-12:30pm                                                               Date: Friday, April 10
Fee: $10.00                                                                        Time: 1:00pm-3:00pm
Instructor: Shanna Rendon                                                          Date: Tuesday, June 9
                                                                                   Time: 2:00pm-4:00pm
                                                                                   Fee: $35.00 (FREE if purchased at HFSM)
                                                                                   Instructor: Jeff Vogel
                                                                                   Embroidery Beyond Basics                                                 ebb
                                                                                   A continuation of Embroidery Basics. Jeff will show perfect positioning,
                                                                                   getting to know different stabilizers and expand your general embroidery
Fun With Rulers                                                      fwr           Date: Thursday, May 7
Playing with Sew Steady Rulers and the side effect produces amazing                Time: 10:00am-12:00pm
looking quilts. Shanna is our Westalee Certified instructor. This is Open          Fee: $35.00 (FREE if purchased at HFSM)
Work time, a great opportunity to work side by side with Shanna and                Instructor: Jeff Vogel
learn from the best. Bring your own project.
Prerequisite Class: Rulers 101.
                                                                                   Embroidery Your Way                                                     eyw
                                                                                   Bring a machine embroidery project you are working on and stitch it out
Dates: Fridays; April 17, May 15; Thursday, June 11
                                                                                   with friends! This class is similar to our other “Open Sew” days, but just for
Time: 10:00am-4:00pm
                                                                                   embroiderers. And, also like our other “Open Sew” days, lunch is on us!
Fee: $25.00 per session
                                                                                   Skill Level: Confident Beginning Embroiderer
Instructor: Shanna Rendon
                                                                                   Date: Saturday, April 4
Ruler Skill Builder                                                   rsb          Time: 10:00am–4:00pm
This class is exactly what it is titled, projects start with the Starter Set       Fee: $25.00
Template Pack and build your skills.                                               Instructor: Angela Jones
Pre-Requisite: Ruler Foot 101                                                      Floriani Embroidery Software                                           ftcu
Skill Level: Beginner                                                              Get to know your Floriani FTCU (Floriani Total Control U) software with
April: Pattern 4 Circles Rule. A whole cloth quilt using straight lines and        Jeff and Angie.
Westalee Design Circles on Quilts Templates. Also uses rulers from the             Dates: Fridays; April 24, May 22, June 26
starter set of Westalee Design templates. 38” x 38”.                               Time: 10:00am-12:00pm
May: Pattern 1, Table Runner and Place Mats. An easily pieced and                  Fee: No Charge, Must own Floriani Software
quilted table runner with placemats. The pattern uses the Westalee Design          Instructors: Jeff Vogel & Angela Jones
Templates Starter Pack. A great place to start learning how to use your
quilting templates on pieced quilts. 48” x 12” & 12” x 12”                         MORE Quilting with Your Walking Foot                                 mqwf
June: Pattern 2, Simple Circles. A small Simple Circles block designed to          So, you want MORE quilting with your walking foot designs? How
use the Westalee Design Circles on Quilts Templates, Crosshair Ruler and           about triangles and borders! We will be using
a straight ruler. Create a wall hanging or cushion cover whilst learning           a different book for this two-day class to make
how to use these versatile templates. 12: x 12”.                                   more quilting samples. The “Quilting with Your
Dates: Monday, April 27;                                                           Walking Foot” class is required before you take
Saturday, May 23; Monday, June 29                                                  this class.
Times: 10:00am-4:00pm                                                              Skill Level: Intermediate
Fee: $25.00 per session                                                            Dates: Tuesday & Wednesday, May 26 & 27
Instructor: Shanna Rendon                                                          Time: 10:00am-4:00pm
                                                                                   Fee: $50.00
                                                                                   Instructor: Angela Jones
                                                                                   Beginning Piecing                           bp
                                                                                   An Intro to Quilt Piecing/Patchwork. Learn the basics of piecing a quilt!
                                                                                   This class is for newbies who want to learn how to step into the world of
                                                                                   quilt piecing. We will explore your machine, what notions and tools are
                                                                                   must haves, fabric selection and preparation,
                                                                                   cutting, stitching, pressing and putting it all
                                                                                   together! The goal will be to have a finished
                                                                                   quilt top at the end of the class! You need
                                                                                   to have a machine you are familiar and
                                                                                   comfortable using. If you’ve always wanted
                                                                                   to make a quilt, come join us and jump into
                                                                                   a world of fun! This is a 2-day class.
                                                                                   Skill Level: Beginner
                                                                                   Dates: Monday & Tuesday, April 20 & 21
                                                                                   Time: 10:00am-4:00pm
                                                                                   Fee: $30.00
                                                                                   Instructor: Lynn Perrizo

Block of the Month Quilt Classes
BOM “Work Time”                                                   bom            Wool Garden Baskets
We have reformatted our work sessions for our block-of-the-month                 A smaller wool project, with adorable garden baskets, perfect to work on
programs. We will now offer work sessions that combine all of our current                                                      some of those decorative
block-of-the-month programs, instead of sessions that are specific to each                                                     stitches! Complete project
program. You can attend one session per month, to give you a little more                                                       includes wool and cotton
flexibility in your picking a session that meets your schedule. Because                                                        fabrics, from Primitive
more people will be involved in each session, please make sure you sign                                                        Gatherings.
up, and cancel if you cannot attend. (If you haven’t finished BOM projects                                                     12 months, starting
for programs that have ended, you can attend BOM Anonymous).                                                                   January 2020
CURRENT BOM PROGRAMS INCLUDE:                                                                                                  Finishes to 23” x 28”
Ruler Quilting Club, Calendar Sampler, Wool Garden Baskets, Botanica                                                           Fee: $10.99 /Month
Park, Black Diamond, One Crazy Sister                                                                                          12 Months for the year of
April, Dates & Times:                                                                                                          Limited Space remaining
   Tuesday 7, 9:30am-1:30pm or 1:30pm-5:30pm
   Monday 13, 1:00pm-5:00pm
   Wednesday 29, 4:30pm-8:30pm
May, Dates & Times:
   Monday 4, 4:30pm-8:30pm
   Tuesday 12, 9:30am-1:30pm or 1:30pm-5:30pm
   Tuesday 19, 1:00pm-5:00pm
June, Dates & Times:
   Monday 8, 9:30am-1:30pm
   Tuesday 16, 9:30am-1:30pm or 1:30pm-5:30pm
   Monday 22, 9:30am-1:30pm
   Tuesday 23, 4:30pm-8:30pm
Instructors: Angela Jones or Lorraine Prinster                                   One Crazy Sister
                                                                                 12 months, starting March 2020
                                                                                 8 Individual Projects
Ruler Project Quilting Club (BOM)                            rpqc                $64.99 per month
Modern Quilting and Traditional Blocks. Are you ready to start quilting
your own patchwork projects? Join our Design Club to get inspired with
13 traditional blocks patterns each with 4 unique quilting designs using         One Crazy Sister Workdays               czsw
Westalee Design Rulers. Get an Instructional Video, Template, Pattern            These workdays are restricted to the One Crazy Sister block of the month
and more with each release. Plus, a full day in the classroom with our           program participants. We will be working on different Crazy projects in
very own Westalee Certified Instructor. Membership includes: Notebook,           the BOM program throughout the year, meeting on the second Monday of
crosshair ruler, stitching line discs, design your way patterns, program         each month from January through October.
guide and quilt assembly instructions and quarterly releases. Releases           Skill Level: Confident Beginner
include 3 Patchwork and Design Patterns, 3 Highlighted Templates and 3           Dates: Wednesdays; April 29, May 20, June 24
Instructional Videos for patchwork assembly and quilting.                        Time: 10:00am–4:00pm
Prerequisite: Ruler Foot 101 Class                                               Fee: Included with BOM fee
Skill Level: Beyond Beginner                                                     Instructor: Angela Jones
Pattern: Essence of Tradition
Dates: Wednesday, April 8; Thursday, May 14; Wednesday, June 3
Time: 10:00am-4:00pm
Entire Year: $350.00 if paid
in full
Monthly pymts: $40.00
Instructor: Shanna Rendon

New Block of the Month Quilt Classes
Black Diamond                                                       Live Love Meow
10 months, starting May 2020-Feb 2021                               Leanne Anderson and Henry Glass are responsible for this adorable lap
Finishes to 90” x 90”                                               quilt (46” x 64”). The center
$19.50 per month                                                    design is a panel so that makes
                                                                    it a quick start! Starts in April
                                                                    and runs five months.
                                                                    $20.99 per month and
                                                                    includes backing fabric.

    In this two day event, you’ll create six different projects, plus you’ll learn valuable embroidery tips and techniques to
    make your own projects more successful and less stressful! Gain inspiration as you view a wide variety of embroidery
                 projects on display and learn how to choose the right products for most any type of project.

                                        Friday & Saturday, June 12 & 13
                                    9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. • Doors Open at 8:30 a.m.
                                          Cost: $89 • Sew Savvy Members $79
                 Event Location: American Lutheran Church, 631 26½ Road, Grand Junction, CO 81506
Specialty Project Classes
Take a Stand Bag                                                        tas          Bag Workout                                                        bagw
This is another great bag from “By Annie”. The small size is designed to             Have you taken one of Angie’s bag classes but didn’t finish it? Come to
                            make a perfect stand for the “Running With               one (or both) of these sessions to get that bag done! Must be a bag that
                            Scissors” tool case, but is great on its own. The        Angie has taught, no “rogue” patterns. Need a little help? Sign up for one
                            large size can hold an iron or small sewing              class…. Need more help? Sign up for both class sessions to get a full day
                            machine. Two zippered pockets on the outside             of help!
                            of the tote and two inner mesh pockets keep              Skill Level: Beginner
                            everything organized and easy to view. The               Date: Tuesday, June 30
                            small stand-up tote measures 8-3/4”H x 12”W              Time: 10:00am-1:00pm OR 2:00pm-5:00pm
                            x 6-1/2”D. The large stand-up tote measures              Fee: $15.00 per session
                            12-1/2”H x 16”W x 8”D.                                   Instructor: Angela Jones
                            Skill Level: Intermediate
                            Dates: Tuesday, June 2                                   Quilts For Kids                                                      qfk
                            Time: 10:00am – 4:00pm                                   This is a charity project, quilts made for kids. Kits are provided and you
                            Fee: $30.00                                              just bring your sewing machine and smile. Sit and sew for a good cause.
                            Instructor: Angela Jones                                 This would be a great opportunity to get some pressure free piecing
                                                                                     practice in; or just have fun! Fun is a class requirement!
                                                                                     Date: Saturday, April 25
                                                                                     Time: 1:00pm-4:00pm
                                                                                     Date: Saturday, May 16
Beginning Paper                                                                      Time: 10:00am-2:00pm
Piecing         bpp                                                                  Date: Monday, June 1
Learn the fundamentals of                                                            Time: 9:30am-1:30pm
foundation paper piecing.                                                            Floral Chenille                                                       flc
Pattern provided.                                                                    We will be using a beautiful floral panel set to make this wall hanging, or
Skill Level: Beginner                                                                it can be used as a rug. You could even make it into a floor pillow. Easy
Date: Wednesday, May 6                                                                                                  and fun project. This is a great project
Time: 10:00am-4:00pm                                                                                                    for non-quilters, you don’t even have
Fee: $30.00                                                                                                             to sew very straight! We have several
Instructor: Julie Wright                                                                                                options of panels for you to choose
                                                                                                                        Skill Level: Beginner
                                                                                                                        Date: Wednesday, April 22
                                                                                                                        Time: 10:00am-4:00pm
Sip & Serge                                                             sns                                             Fee: $30.00
Celebrate National Serger Month with us, a fresh beverage in hand, we                                                   Instructor: Angela Jones
                                               have a project and time
                                               on the beautiful Baby
                                               Lock Sergers. There will
                                               be special deals and some
                                               good old fashioned fun
                                               with sewing!
                                               Skill Level: Introduction
                                               to Beginners
                                               Date: Saturday, April 11
                                               Time: 10:00am-2:00pm
                                               Fee: $15.00                           Making Waves
                                               Instructors: Trista Pike and
                                               Jeff Vogel                                                  mw
                                                                                     These waves are appliquéd
Out and About Backpack                                                 oab
                                                                                     on, no curved piecing!
This is another great By Annie pattern! This bag features lots of zippered           Neat, huh? Pick your
and slip pockets to keep small items organized and separated. A cell                 own colors to match your
phone or wallet can be stored in an optional hidden pocket for quick                 room. Fat quarter friendly,
access, yet out of sight. Two padded strap size options are available, small         or use yardage. Your
extends to 26”, regular extends to 34”. The backpack itself measures 11              choice of sizes, finishes to
½” H x 6” to 10” W x 2 ½” to 3 ¾” D.                                                 45” x 57” or 63” x 81”.
Skill Level: Advanced                                                                Skill Level: Beginner with
Date: Tuesday, May 5                                                                 Appliqué Experience
Time: 10:00am – 4:00pm                                                               Date: Tuesday, April 14
Fee: $30.00                                                                          Time: 1:00pm-5:00pm
Instructor: Angela Jones			                                                          Fee: $20.00
                                                                                     Instructor: Angela Jones

Specialty Project Classes
Mixed Media Flowers                                                  mmf            Apron and Oven Mitts                                               aom
Here comes spring! We will be painting this basket of flowers on a 18”              It’s a two-fer! Take one class, make TWO projects.
x 15” bag. It is a cotton duck fabric, but anything will work. Also, you            The apron is made using a fun panel, and then
can use any color of bag. You                                                       make matching oven mitts with coordinating
could also paint on one of Hi                                                       fabric. Great for yourself, or great as a gift.
Fashion’s fabulous fat quarters                                                     Skill Level: Beginner
and make it into a wall                                                             Date: Tuesday, April 28
hanging. Just not too much                                                          Time: 10:00am – 4:00pm
print pattern on the fabric. I                                                      Fee: $30.00
will be supplying all paint and                                                     Instructor: Angela Jones
brushes. There might be hand
stitching for those of you who
love it!
 Skill Level: Beginner
Date: Thursday, April 16
Time: 10:00am-4:00pm
Fee: $40.00
Instructor: Doe Clore

All Bottled Up                                                       abu            Panel Bag                                                            pab
These bags feature inner mesh dividers to hold and protect small bottles,           Here’s a fun and colorful bag! Start with a pre-printed panel; and end up
                          like nail polish or essential oils, but could also        with a great bag with lots of pockets; a good bag for taking projects to
                          hold spools of thread, Sewers Aid and Fray                class or retreat.
                          Check bottles. This is a By Annie’s pattern and           Skill Level: Beginner
                          uses Soft and Stable to give the bags body and            Date: Monday, May 11
                          cushioning. These bags have a zippered top                Time: 1:00pm – 5:00pm
                          and come in three different sizes. Pattern sizes:         Fee: $20.00
                          Small is 5”W x 3 ½”H x 2 ½”D, Medium is                   Instructor: Angela Jones
                          8”W x 3 ½”H x 2 ½”D, Large is 11”W x 3 ½”H
                          x 2 ½”D.
                          Skill Level: Beginner
                          Date: Tuesday, April 14
                          Time: 9:30am-12:30pm
                          Fee: $20.00
                          Instructor: Angela Jones

Flipping Out Saturday                                                 fos
These cases can store and carry pens and pencils, sewing tools, knitting
needles, and more! When open, the cases convert into desktop stands by
folding down their tops, allowing easier access and visibility of contents
without sacrificing stability. Mesh pockets on the inside help organize             Happy Camper Sewing Machine Cover                                 hapc
supplies. Two size options available. Small: 8½”H x 3½”W x 3½”D when                This is an adorable sewing machine cover! Uses a pre-printed panel
closed, 4½”H x 3½”W x 3½”D when folded down; Large: 14½”H x                         called “Vintage Camper”. Can be made in two sizes, Small is 15½” x 11”
5½”W x 5½”D when closed, 8”H x 5½”W x 5½”D when folded down.                        x 7”; Large is 17½” x 12½”
Skill Level: Beginner                                                               x 8”.
Date: Saturday, April 18                                                            Skill Level: Beginner
Time: 9:30am-1:30pm                                                                 Date: Monday, May 18
Fee: $20.00                                                                         Time: 10:00am – 1:00pm
Instructor: Angela Jones                                                            Fee: $20.00
                                                                                    Instructor: Angela Jones

Specialty Project Classes
Seasonal Swirl Place Mats                                       sspM            Calendar Club                                                          clc
Machine Embroidery in the Hoop and Quilting, Amelie Scott Designs.              A new year brings new projects! Come join Lorraine for 12 more months
One-yard fabric makes 4 placemats using Easy – Connect Edge to Edge             of fun. These are mostly table runners, quick and easy to finish for gifts or
Quilting. Recommended pre-requisite: Prior Edge to Edge Quilting class,         for your own table.
not required.                                                                   Dates: Wednesdays; April 15, May 13,
Skill Level: Intermediate                                                       June 17
Date: Friday, May 29                                                            Times: 10:00am-4:00pm
Time: 10:00am-4:00pm                                                            Patterns:
Fee: $30.00                                                                     April: Anything Goes Table Topper
Instructor: Julie Wright                                                        May: High Steppin’ Hexies
                                                                                June: Firework Flag
                                                                                Fee: $25.00
                                                                                Instructor: Lorraine Prinster

Grandmother’s Garden                                             gmg
Modern Grandmother’s Flower Garden. Hex-a-ma-jig Ruler Quilt. Learn
easy ruler technique to make this classic table topper in your favorite
fabrics. No Y seams, half Hex ruler required.
Skill Level: Beginner
Date: Wednesday, June 10
Time: 10:00am-4:00pm
Fee: $30.00
Instructor: Julie Wright

                                                                                Hanging Towels                                                         hgt
                                                                                Handy and Fun Hanging Kitchen Towels. These hanging kitchen towels
                                                                                are easy and fun to make!
                                                                                Great for your kitchen
                                                                                or to have on hand to
                                                                                give as a gift. Bring your
                                                                                imagination so you
In-The-Hoop Needle Case Notebook                                 ihnc           can “personalize” your
Make a useful little wallet to hold packages of sewing machine needles.         project for yourself or
This is an in-the-hoop embroidery project from Pickle Pie Designs. Quick        someone special!
and easy; make one for you and one for a frined! Can be made in three           Date: Monday, June 22
sizes. Small, hoop size 5”x7”, holds 8 needle packs; Medium, hoop size          Time: 2:00pm-5:00pm
7”x12”, holds 12 needle packs; Large, hoop size 9”x14”, holds 18 needle         Fee: $20.00
packs.                                                                          Instructor: Lynn Perrizo
Skill Level: Beginning Embroiderer
Date: Monday, May 18
Time: 2:00am – 5:00pm
Fee: $20.00
Instructor: Angela Jones                                                        Edge To Edge Quilting in the Hoop                                     eeqh
                                                                                Learn Amelia Scoot’s method of Easy – Connect quilting technique with
                                                                                your embroidery machine. 10 Run novelty designs. Julie will teach you
                                                                                the steps to succeed in finishing those UFO’s, soon you’ll be quilting like
                                                                                a pro!
                                                                                5” x 7” Hoop required. Book Required
                                                                                Skill Level: Beginner
                                                                                Date: Thursday, April 23
                                                                                Time: 10:00am-4:00pm
                                                                                Fee: $40.00
                                                                                Instructor: Julie Wright

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