Page created by Jesus Frazier

    SUBMISSION DEADLINE: August 1, 2021
Overview of the 2022 USA Games
The 2022 Special Olympics USA Games will bring together more than 4,000 athletes, 1,500 coaches and
10,000 volunteers to compete in a variety of sports from June 5-11, 2022. Hosted in Orlando, Florida,
athletes and coaches will have the opportunity to participate in one of the world’s most cherished sporting
events and compete at some of the country’s top athletic facilities.

Team Delaware
For the 2022 USA Games, Team Delaware will consist of 44 members (29 athletes, 8 coaches, 3 youth
leadership participants, and 4 support staff) competing in 7 sports. Although we will be competing in
different sports, we make up one team - TEAM DELAWARE. We will represent Special Olympics Delaware
(SODE) proudly and be prepared physically and mentally for competition. Our success will be determined by
becoming the best we can be – always striving to reach our maximum potential.

Team Delaware’s composition is outlined below based on female athletes, male athletes, and coaches.
Selected athletes must have the ability to compete in those events and/or distances listed for each sport.

    SPORT              TEAM MAKEUP                                           EVENTS
                                                  Final events for each athlete will be determined after selection
  Basketball           10 athletes (male)
                           2 coaches                             Competitive Traditional Male

     Bocce       4 athletes (2 female & 2 male)                Singles, Doubles, 4-person Team
                            1 coach
    Bowling      4 athletes (2 female & 2 male)               Singles, Doubles & 4-person Team
                            1 coach
 Powerlifting           1 athlete (male)                    Bench, Deadlift, Squat & Combination
                            1 coach
  Swimming       4 athletes (2 female & 2 male)          Category 2                         Category 3
                            1 coach                   25-50 Backstroke            100 Backstroke, Breaststroke,
                                                  50 Breaststroke, Butterfly                Butterfly
                                                      50-100 Freestyle                 100-400 Freestyle
                                                  4x25, 4x50 Freestyle Relay       100-200 Individual Medley
                                                     4x50 Medley Relay             4x25, 4x50 Freestyle Relay
                                                                                       4x50 Medley Relay

    Tennis       2 athletes (1 female & 1 male)                            Category 4
                           1 coach                                      Singles & Doubles
 Track & Field   4 athletes (2 female & 2 male)                            Category 2
                           1 coach                                   100M, 200M, 400M Run
                                                                     4x100M, 4x400M Relays
                                                                      Shot Put, Long Jump
Selection Process
All gold medalists from the following SODE state-level competitions that competed in the identified
categories/levels will be included in the randomized draw for selections. According to the General Rules of
Special Olympics, if there are no gold medalists who meet the minimum standards, preference will go to the
next highest placement in the sport.
   •   Basketball: 2019 State Competition
   •   Bowling: 2020 & 2021* State Tournament
   •   Spring Sports: 2019 & 2021* Summer Games

*SODE reserves the right to adjust based on the COVID-19 pandemic situation and guidance from the State of
Delaware and Special Olympics International.

In order to be considered for selection, athletes and coaches must meet the following criteria:
    1. Meet the minimum standards for National Games.
    2. Complete the pre-selection questionnaire or coach’s application in its entirety.
    3. SODE Office will confirm that the Area Director and Sport Director support the athlete/coach
       applying to be considered for Team Delaware.

Minimum Standards
Persons selected to represent Team Delaware at the 2022 Special Olympics USA Games must be in good
standing with SODE and demonstrate good sportsmanship, dedication to training, desire to excel in sports,
an understanding of the rules of the sport, and the ability to function well as part of a team.

To be considered, athletes and coaches must commit to fulfilling the requirements and possess the qualities
outlined below:
   •   Must be currently registered with Special Olympics Delaware and have competed/coached in their
       respective sport in the state-level competitions mentioned above.

   •   Complete, sign and submit all required registration forms, medical forms, and other forms as needed.

   •   Able to be away from family and work from approximately June 4-12, 2022.

   •   Possess the skills necessary to function as part of Team Delaware (e.g., cooperation, group living,
       following directions, basic social skills, good behavior).

   •   Ability to handle long days (12 - 18hrs), walk long distances and stand for longs periods of time on a
       daily basis (excludes applicants in wheelchairs, but still have the stamina for such activities).

   •   Function independently or with minimal supervision (1:4 coach-to-athlete ratio).

   •   Must be able to semi-independently manage the activities and skills of daily living (i.e., toileting,
       showering, personal hygiene).
Minimum Standards (continued)

   •   Must agree to train in their respective sport and follow SODE Code of Conduct at all events and
       trainings up to and including the 2022 USA Games.

   •   Each delegation member selected must attend all training sessions as outlined by SODE. This may
       include weeknight or weekend trainings in central locations around Delaware. Transportation will
       need to be worked out in advance.

   •   All delegation members and family/legal guardian must be present at all required Team Delaware
       meetings and orientations as outline by SODE.

   •   All delegation members will be required to be with Team Delaware for the duration of the games,
       including but not limited to: travel to/from the games, travel during the games, and in housing and
       competition venues. Family visitation will be restricted at the games and members must be able to
       function during the games with minimal contact from family members.

   •   Must refrain from the use of alcohol and tobacco products during all 2022 USA Game events,
       activities, and trainings.

   •   All delegation members must commit to participating in a general fitness and health program,
       provided by SODE, to increase their physical fitness levels that will contribute to their overall success
       at the 2022 USA Games (additional information provided upon selection to the team).

An athlete or coach may be removed from Team Delaware, at any time, for failure to adhere to the minimum
standards or fulfill the responsibilities set forth by SODE. An athlete or coach may also be removed for
issues directly related to the health and safety of themselves or other persons involved with Team Delaware
or the 2022 USA Games.

Team Delaware Timeline
 DATES                                      EVENT
 January 2021                               Special Olympics Delaware Quota Announced
 February 2021                              Athlete Pre-Selection Questionnaire & Coach Application Available
 August 1, 2021                             Athlete Pre-Selection Questionnaire & Coach Application Due
 September 2021                             Team Delaware Announced
 October 2021                               Team Delaware Training Begins
 June 5-11, 2022 (exact travel dates TBD)   2022 Special Olympics USA Games

Kylie Frazer, Director of Sports
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