April 26, 2020 Third Sunday of Easter - Sts. Joseph and Paul Catholic Church 609 E. 4th St, Owensboro, KY 42303

April 26, 2020 Third Sunday of Easter - Sts. Joseph and Paul Catholic Church 609 E. 4th St, Owensboro, KY 42303
April 26, 2020
             Third Sunday of Easter

Sts. Joseph and Paul Catholic Church
 609 E. 4th St, Owensboro, KY 42303
April 26, 2020 Third Sunday of Easter - Sts. Joseph and Paul Catholic Church 609 E. 4th St, Owensboro, KY 42303
April 26, 2020                                                                                      3rd Sunday of Easter

Faith Formation                                                           Grace Marriage @ Home
Classes will resume when school is back in session. Clas-                 Grace Marriage will be providing one “Grace Marriage @
ses are held on Wednesday evening at 6pm in the Parish Hall.              Home” lesson per week for the next month or so. Couples
Contact Laura Shoulders at the office or email her for more infor-        watch an 8-10 minute teaching video and use a down-
mation laurasjpc@gmail.com                                                loadable worksheet to apply the principles to their relation-
RCIA Journey of Faith
Classes will resume when school is back in session. For                   ship. It takes about 30-45 minutes a week of undistracted
more information, please contact Laura Shoulders: lauras-                 time as a couple to go through each lesson.
                                                                          Here are the first two sessions:

                                                                          Session One “Grace Based Marriage”
Safe Environment                                                          You might be familiar with the grace-based vs. perfor-
To report suspected abuse, call the Kentucky Child Protection
Hot Line: 1-877-KYSAFE1 or 1-877-597- 2331 (Toll Free) or                 mance-based marriage teaching but we want to reach
contact your local Commonwealth Attorney. To report abuse to              couples who may not have heard this. The reality is, we
the diocese, current or past, by anyone acting in the name of             can never revisit grace enough. The grace of God through
the Church, call Louanne Payne, Pastoral Assistance Coordi-               Christ is the foundation of the Christian experience, but
nator (English) at 270-852- 8380, or Nuria Elizondo, Pastoral             what does grace look like in marriage? How can our mar-
Assistance Coordinator (Spanish) at 270-880-8360. You may                 riages reflect the Gospel? That’s exactly what we’ll walk
also     visit   the     Office    of    Safe     Environment             through in this session of GraceMarriage@home.
(owensborodiocese.org/safe) for more information.                         https://www.gracemarriage.com/grace-marriage-at-home-

                                                                          Session Two “I Would Have Never” With couples expe-
                                                                          riencing so much negative news, it’s important that we visit
Baptismal Prep                                                            a lesson on gratitude. This fun lesson will have you reflect
Prepare yourself for your child’s baptism by coming to Baptism Prepara-
tion. The next Baptism Prep will be in April 26th at 4:30pm. Please       on your marriage and look at all the things you would have
call the Parish Office to register or for more information.               never experienced, character traits you have developed,
Declarations of Invalidity (Annulments)                                   or even foods you may not have tried if it had not been for
Do you have questions about annulments? Are you divorced and not          your spouse. This should be a fun time of remembrance
sure whether you need an annulment? Let Sts. Joseph and Paul help         and celebration of the good things the Lord has done in
explain and assist you in the annulment process. Please call Debbie at    your lives.
the church office 270-683-5641.

                                                                                 Stewardship Spotlight

                                                                                Hard times don’t
                                                                                   create heroes.
                                                                                 It is during the
                                                                                hard times when
                                                                               the ‘hero’ within us
                                                                                    is revealed.
                                                                                               Bob Riley
April 26, 2020 Third Sunday of Easter - Sts. Joseph and Paul Catholic Church 609 E. 4th St, Owensboro, KY 42303
“And it happened that, while he
                                was with them at table, he took          Humanity shaken by a "Little Thing"
                               bread, said the blessing, broke it,       The article was published in Chad, Africa by Mustapha Dalheb
                                                                         Translated to English by Fr. Jean Rene Kalombo
                                      and gave it to them.”
                              When Jesus encountered two disci-              Here is the chronicle of Moustapha Dahleb, a
                              ples on the road to Emmaus it is           Chadian writer who notes that the virus has achieved
                              clear that they did not understand         what neither the opponents, nor the Unions had man-
                              all he had endured. He bluntly tells       aged to wrest from the powers in place.
                              them, “Oh, how foolish you are!                A small microscopic thing called coronavirus upsets
                              How slow of heart to believe all that      the planet. Something invisible came to make his law.
                              the prophets spoke!” Despite his
                              disappointment he did not abandon          It challenges everything and upsets the established
                              the two disciples, but “beginning          order. Everything is back in place, differently, different-
                              with Moses and all the prophets, he        ly.
interpreted to them what referred to him in all the Scriptures.” To      What the great Western powers could not obtain in
paraphrase St. Augustin, Jesus is hidden in the Old Testament,           Syria, Libya, Yemen, ... this little thing got it (ceasefire,
and revealed in the New. How fortunate we are to have the faith          truce ...).
of the apostles, the many disciples who followed them, and bil-
lions of Christians over two thousand years who believed that
                                                                             What the Algerian army could not get, this little
Jesus is the fulfillment of God’s promise of salvation, forgiveness      thing got it (the Hirak ended). What the political oppo-
of sins and eternal life. Are we grateful for the gift of their faith?   nents could not get, this little thing got it
Do we accept and nurture our faith by daily or frequently reading        (postponement of the election deadlines... What com-
God’s Word revealed to us in the Old and New Testaments?                 panies could not get, this little thing got it (tax rebates,
When is the last time we read Sacred Scripture and listened for          exemptions, zero-rate credits, investment funds, lower
God to speak to us?                                                      prices of strategic raw materials...). What the yellow
                                                                         vests and the unions could not get, this little thing got it
                                                                         (lower prices at the pump, enhanced social protec-
We are praying for you, we miss you and we look forward to the           tion ...). Suddenly, we are seeing fuel in the West
time when we can celebrate Mass together again. Until that               world gone down, pollution has gone down, people
time, there are many ways to still participate in Mass and inter-        have started to have time, so much time that they don't
act with our parish family:                                              even know what to do with it. Parents get to know their
                                                                         children, children learn to stay with their families, work
 Listen to Mass by phone by dialing 1-844-602-3933. By                 is no longer a priority, travel and leisure are no longer
   entering your phone number, you will receive a call back at           the norm of a successful life. Suddenly, in silence, we
   10am and can listen to Mass over the phone.                           turn around and understand the value of the words
                                                                         solidarity and vulnerability.
 Masses are broadcast on Facebook at 10am in English
                                                                             Suddenly we realize that we are all in the same
   and 12noon in Spanish at Sts. Joseph & Paul Catholic
   Church and Sts. Joseph and Paul Parish.                               boat, rich and poor. We realize that we robbed store
                                                                         shelves together and see together that hospitals are
 Masses are broadcast on YouTube at 10am in English and                full and that money doesn't matter. That we all have
   12noon in Spanish at Sts. Joseph & Paul Catholic                      the same human identity in the face of coronavirus.
   Church.                                                                   We realize that in garages, luxury cars are stopped
                                                                         just because no one can get out. Only a few days were
 Worship Guides for each weekend are posted on Face-                   enough for the universe to establish social equality that
   book and our website at stjpc.org.                                    was impossible to imagine. Fear has invaded every-
                                                                         one. She's switched sides. She left the poor to go to
 Bulletins are emailed to all households we have email ad-
   dresses for and can also be found at stjpc.org.                       live in the rich and the powerful. She reminded them of
                                                                         their humanity and revealed their humanism. May this
 One Call messages are continuing each week beginning at               be used to realize the vulnerability of human beings
   11am Saturdays.                                                       who seek to live on the Mars planet and who believe
                                                                         themselves strong to clone human beings in order to
 The church is unlocked each weekday day from 8-4pm for                hope to live forever. May this be used to realize the
   prayer and Fridays for Eucharistic Adoration.                         limit of human intelligence in the face of the force of
                                                                         heaven. It only took a few days for certainty to become
                                                                         uncertainty, for strength to become weakness, for pow-
                                                                         er to become solidarity and consultation. It only took a
 Thank you                                                               few days for Africa to become a safe continent. Let the
 Thank you to the following: Frances Feldpauch for working our           dream become a lie. It only took a few days for human-
 Prayer Garden, Mary Jo Hagerman and Lavida Mischel for plant-           ity to realize that it is nothing but breath and dust. Who
 ing flowers, Dave Clark and Joe McBride for painting the Parish         are we? What are we worth? What can we do about
 Hall,Don Kelley for trimming shrubs, Leo Murphy for tilling our         this coronavirus? Let us come to the obvious while
 Community Garden, Gary Trogden for taking the lead on the gar-          waiting for providence.
 den, Fred Fulkerson and Dave Clark for landscape maintenance
 on our campus. Thank you to Kandie McDaniel and Lavida                      Let's ask our "humanity" in this coronavirus-proof
 Mischel or placing pinwheels for Child Abuse Awareness Month            "globality." Let's stay home and meditate on this pan-
 Great job by ALL! Thank you. Stay safe.                                 demic. Let's love each other while we are alive.
April 26, 2020 Third Sunday of Easter - Sts. Joseph and Paul Catholic Church 609 E. 4th St, Owensboro, KY 42303
Saints                               Mass Intentions
                                                April 26th-May 3

           JOSEPH & PAUL                        4/26 Sunday 10am (English)

                                                4/27 Monday
                                                              12pm (Spanish)
                                                                                  David Sapp
                                                                                  Our Parish Family
                                                                                  Delores Thomson
                  Catholic Church               4/28 Tuesday
                                                4/29 Wednesday
                                                                                  Mike & Dorothy Henderson
                                                                                  Brother Conrad Fleischmann
                                                4/30 Thursday                     Sue & Leo Willett
                We give our hearts to God       5/1 Friday                        Sarah Edge
               and our talents to His people.   5/3 Sunday    10am (English)      Melvin & Maxine Fleischmann
                                                              12pm (Spanish)      Our Parish Family

                                                Private mass will be offered daily by Fr. Kalombo and
                                                Fr. Will for the mass intentions above.

                  Parish Office                 In Special Need of Prayer
         609 E 4th St., Owensboro, KY 42303     HOMEBOUND PARISHIONERS: Ann Bower, Joyce Clark, Doug &
                    (270) 683-5641              Dorothy Hood, Linda Howard, Betty Johnson, Sarah Jane Johnson,
                (270) 685-4766 (fax)            Maurice Kanable, Deanna Kaminski, Jackie Mann, Mitzi Mann, Margie
                                                Roberts, Jim Stimpfel, Betty Thompson, Katherine Thomas, Birdie
                 www.stjpc.org                  Wedding.
              Monday-Friday 8am-4pm             NURSING HOME PARISHIONERS: CARMEL HOME: Katherine Brand,
                                                Rita Fahrendorf, Mary Faulkner, Margie Hardesty, Rose Keller, Margaret
                                                McCarthy, Marvin & Auda Wink, Sandra Woods; GENESIS HEALTH:
                                                Mike Payne; HEARTLAND VILLA: Mary Hinton; HERMITAGE: Bob
                  Parish Team                   Lindow, James White, Jr. HILLCREST: Shirley Wilhite. WELLINGTON
Pastor:    Fr. Jean-Rene Kalombo                PARC: Violet Cassidy, Paul Johnson, Carla Payne.
                                                OTHERS IN NEED OF PRAYER: Mike Baker, Tammy Wimsatt Belcher,
Ext 222 frjrkalombosjpc@gmail.com               Patrick Billion, Joe Board, Katherine Brand, Sheila Byrne, Colin Cahill,
Associate Pastor: Fr. Will Thompson             Tim Cahill, Davena Cecil, J.C. Chrisler, Dana Cecil-Craig, Jimmy
Ext 247 frwillsjpc@gmail.com                    Chrisler, Jonathan Clark, Michael Clark, Marty Clouse, Theresa Clouse,
Deacon: Deacon John Cecil                       Chris Collins, David Condra, Leo Dickens, Luke Dickens, Chase Ford,
                                                Bill Freeman, Edwin Garcia, Steve Guittar, Jarrod Hagan, Martha
         deaconjohnsjpc@gmail.com               Hardesty, Michael Hardesty, Evonne Harl, Julia Hawkins, Charlotte
Stewardship Minister: Ashley Wilkerson          Hayden, Captain Matthew Hayden, Susan Hayden, Tom Hayden,
Ext 239 ashleysjpc@gmail.com                    Virginia Head, Lindsey Hill, Brice & Marilyn Howard, Florence Howard,
Youth Minister: Aynde Bennett                   Linda Howard, Rene Howard, Kendall Jarboe, Donna Johnson, Rose
                                                King, Tina Keller, Hobert & Mary Lundy, Jerry Lundy, Joe Mattingly, Jan
Ext 227 ayndesjpc@gmail.com                     McCorkle, Michelle Montalvo, Cecil Newton, Betty Pannell, Michael
Religious Education Minister: Laura Shoulders   Payne, Shelly Powell, Chrissy Quick, Sheryl Richards, Clayton Roberts,
Ext 224 laurasjpc@gmail.com                     Jennifer Rojas, Pat Seib, Martha Taylor, Richard Taylor, Dorie Thacker,
Music Minister: Patty Brown                     Betty Thompson, Tracy Trogden, Nina Van Bussum, Adam Wallace,
                                                Darryl & Linda Warren, Scott Warren, Cotton Wilhite, Ronnie Wilkerson.
Ext 226 pattysjpc@gmail.com                     FIRST RESPONDERS: Eric Conder, Brad Leonard, Steve Leonard,
Director of Maintenance: Kelly Ward             Jason Luedke, Cory Mattingly, Jeff Williams.
Ext 241 kellywsjpc@yahoo.com
Caretaker: Joe McBride
Sacramental Records: Debbie Luedke              Word of Life
Ext 242 debbiesjpc@owens.twcbc.com              “From your first moments of existence, you had all
Bookkeeper: April Dickens                       the DNA that would determine your sex, facial fea-
Ext 221 aprilsjpc@owens.twcbc.com               tures, physique, and the color of your skin, hair, and
                                                eyes. At 24 days, your heart began beating. By 8
                                                weeks, all your organs were present, and your
                                                unique fingerprints were forming. Ultrasounds show that by 18
                     Join Us                    weeks, you could swim, somersault, suck your thumb, and even
                  Mass Schedule:                cover your ears if you heard loud music.”
              Monday - Friday 5:30pm                                  USCCB Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities
                  Saturday 4:30pm                                                   “Another Look at Abortion”
              Sunday 8am, 10am, 6pm
                 12 noon (Spanish)
                3pm Sunday prayer
           Sacrament of Reconciliation:
        Thursdays at 6pm; Fridays at 12 noon
April 26, 2020 Third Sunday of Easter - Sts. Joseph and Paul Catholic Church 609 E. 4th St, Owensboro, KY 42303
                                                                       4/25 Jude Carrico, Eric Clark, Katianna Lobo, John Wells
                                                                       4/26 Ronald Daugherty, Isabella Jarboe, Kandie McDaniel
                                                                       4/27 Mauricio Santos-Gonzalez,
                                                                       4/28 Dorothy Howard, Emmalee Isbill, Catherine Newby,
                                                                            Nadine Trogden
                                                                       4/29 Theresa Clouse, Christie Hamilton, Alicia Harrington,
                                                                            Tammy Hayden, Emma Smith, Andrew Tennant
                                                                       4/30 Josephine Gesser, Annette Lynn
                                                                       5/1 Linda Greathouse, Angelina Pablo-Carmelo’
                                                                       5/2 Linda Cecil, Lily Chester, Jonathan Isbill
                                                                       5/3 Anthony Askin, Christian Colburn, Eric Cobder, Charlie Dant,
                                                                            Ann Kirby, Ronda McCain, Yvonne Wathen, Kindle Young

                  Mass Opportunities
  Sts. Joseph & Paul:                                                            4/25/70 John & Esther Blandford
   10am Sundays-Mass in English                                                4/25/75 Larry & Debbie Simon
                                                                                 4/26/97 Stacie & Audie Moyers
   12 noon on Sundays - Mass in Spanish                                        4/28/06 Allen & Cathy Christy
                                                                                 4/29/72 Joseph & Brenda Bean
          Sts. Joseph and Paul Facebook Live https://                            4/29/89 David Jr. & Connie Boehman
                                                                                 4/30/11 Jesse & Katie Scott
                   www.facebook.com/stjpcc/                                      4/30/16 Ben & Amanda Howard
                                                                                 5/3/14 James & Janice Russell
     You may also join us for Mass on YouTube at https://                        5/3/75 Bob & Laura Adams

                                                                       Nominations & Elections of Parish Pastoral Council Members
                                                                       Nominations for PPC are now being accepted. Look on our web-
                                                                       site for the online nomination form. All registered adults 18 &
                                                                       older in the parish are eligible to fill the openings on the council.
                                                                       The terms for these spots will be for a three year period, running
                                                                       from June 2020—June 2023. Questions please call April Dickens
                                                                       at 270-683-5641. You can also email April at the parish office to
                                                                       nominate someone.

                                                                       Text, Mobile & Online Giving Available!
                                                                            During our time away from church please
                                                                       consider text, mobile, or online giving. Making
                                                                       a gift to Sts. Joseph and Paul is as easy as
                                                                       texting (270) 216-5397 with the amount you
                                                                       would like to give! You can also set up recur-
                                                                       ring monthly payments through text or mobile
                                                                          To try to mobile giving, go to the app store
                                                                       and download the Give+ App. You will enter
                                                                       the 42303 zip code and choose Sts. Joseph and Paul, then set
                                                                       up your automatic giving.
                                                                          To set up electronic giving online, go to stjpc.org and click on
                                                                       the Give button. e-giving is simple, quick and secure, and can
                                                                       provide a record of all your contributions that can be accessed
                                                                       online anytime. We hope you will give it a try!

                                                                       Weekly Giving
                                                                       4/19/20 Sunday Giving                        $13,010.50
                                                                       4/15/20 EFT Giving                           $ 3,675.00
           An Act of Spiritual Communion                               Weekly Sunday Collection Budget 2019-20      $ 17,739.96
My Jesus, I believe that You are present in the Most Holy Sacra-       Sunday Collection Year-to-Date               $777,106.82
ment. I love You above all things, and I desire to receive You into    Budget Year to Date 42 of 52 Sundays         $745,078.32
my soul. Since I cannot at this moment receive You sacramental-        *Over/Under YTD Budget                       $ 32,028.50
ly, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace You as if You
 were already there and unite myself wholly to You. Never permit       Thank you to those who have mailed in or dropped off their weekly
                                                                       contribution or setup online giving. Please note: online giving is report-
               me to be separated from You. Amen.
                                                                       ed in the bulletin once a month.
April 26, 2020 Third Sunday of Easter - Sts. Joseph and Paul Catholic Church 609 E. 4th St, Owensboro, KY 42303
26 de abril de 2020                                                                    Tercer Domingo de Pascua
                                               Parroquia de San José y San Pablo
                  “Ofrecemos nuestro Corazón a Dios y nuestros Talentos a su Pueblo”.
                                                                                        SANTA CATALINA DE SIENA (1347-1380)
EL PLAN DE DIOS                                                                         29 de abril
Hoy san Pedro nos habla dos veces. En la primera lectura, escuchamos                    Catalina, siendo la más pequeña de una familia de 24 hermanos pidió
un pasaje de su sermón en Pentecostés; en la segunda, parte de su pri-                  a su madre un cuarto privado para orar. Este deseo ferviente de Dios
mera carta. Antes, un aterrorizado pescador con poca educación quien a                  fue el hilo conductor de su vida. Siendo muy pequeña hizo del amor a
menudo decía lo equivocado, el Pedro de ahora habla sobre la verdad                     Dios y a los pobres el centro de su vida. A los 16 años ingresó a la
que conoce. Todo lo que Jesús había dicho ahora tiene sentido. Su muer-                 Orden Terciaria de las Dominicas llevando una vida de oración, de
te y resurrección eran parte del plan de Dios, y nuestra fe y esperanza                 obras de misericordia y viviendo recluta en su casa. Sus encuentros
pueden centrarse en Dios.                                                               místicos con Dios eran frecuentes después de la comunión, pero no
El Evangelio de hoy describe el relato del camino a Emaús en el que                     quería que se hablara de ello. También se dedicó a visitar presos y
Jesús se une a dos discípulos. Atemorizados, tristes y confundidos                      motivarlos a la conversión; en épocas de plagas se apresuraba a visitar
aquellos dos no reconocen a Jesús, quien les dice lo que escuchamos a                   enfermos, llevar comida a los pobres y a sepultar a los difuntos. Fue
Pedro decir arriba: todo esto tuvo que suceder como parte del plan de                   ella misma quien le urgió al Papa Gregorio XI que regresara a Roma,
Dios. Al final, estos discípulos reconocen a Jesús así como nosotros                    que allá estaba su lugar. En vida dictó más de 400 cartas y dos libros.
debemos reconocerle –al partir el pan.                                                  En su tiempo fue vista por todos como una gran líder. Murió a los 33
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.                                                            años y en 1970 Pablo VI la declaró Doctora de la Iglesia.
                                                                                        —Miguel Arias,Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

                 LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA
  LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA                                                                 SACRAMENTOS
  Lunes: Hch 6:8-15; Sal 119 (118):23-24, 26-27, 29-30; Jn 6:22-29
  Martes: Hch 7:51 — 8:1a; Sal 31 (30):3cd-4, 6, 7b,
  8a, 17, 21ab; Jn 6:30-35                                                              Bautismo para los Niños: Bautismos para niños menores de 7 años se
  Miércoles: Hch 8:1b-8; Sal 66 (65):1-3a, 4-7a;                                        celebran durante el año (excepto en el tiempo de Cuaresma). Se requie-
  Jn 6:35-40                                                                            re que los papás y padrinos asistan a una preparación. (Antes de esco-
  Jueves: Hch 8:26-40; Sal 66 (65):8-9, 16-17, 20;                                      ger padrinos les pedimos que sean casados por la iglesia o solteros y
  Jn 6:44-51                                                                            tengan el sacramento de la Confirmación)
  Viernes: Hch 9:1-20; Sal 117 (116):1bc, 2; Jn 6:52-59, ó (por la me-                  Catequesis de Adultos (R.I.C.A.) Domingos 10:00 am. – Los adultos
  moria) Gn 1:26 — 2:3 ó                                                                pueden recibir los sacramentos del Bautismo, Primera Comunión y la
  Col 3:14-15, 17, 23-24; Sal 90 (89):2-4,                                              Confirmación después de un tiempo de formación.
  12-14, 16; Mt 13:54-58
                                                                                        Sacramentos para Niños y Adolescentes:Todos los niños deben asis-
                                                                                        tir a las clases de catecismo cada miércoles a las 6:30pm. (Inglés).
                                                                                        Para los que no puedan los miércoles o prefieran en español, también
                                                                                        está la opción los Domingos a las 10:00 am.
             Tercer Domingo de Pascua                                                   Unción de los enfermos: Por favor notifique a la oficina parroquial de
             26 de abril de 2020                                                        algún familiar o amigo admitido al hospital y que desee el Sacramento de
             Me has enseñado el sendero de la vida                                      la Unción.
                                                                                        Matrimonio – Comuníquese a la oficina parroquial preferiblemente con 6
             y me saciarás de gozo en tu presencia.
             — Hechos 2:28                                                              meses de anticipación como mínimo a la fecha deseada.
                                                                                        Quinceañeras NO es un Sacramento pero es un sacramental: Se
                                                                                        pueden celebrar cualquier sábado mientas esté disponible la Iglesia,
                                                                                        excepto durante la Cuaresma.
                                                                                        Reconciliación (Confesión):

                      AMBIENTE SEGURO
Para denunciar una sospecha de abuso, llame a la Línea Directa de Protección
Infantil de Kentucky: 1-877-KYSAFE1 o 1-877-597-2331 (llamada gratuita) o co-
muníquese con su Fiscal Local de Commonwealth. Para reportar abuso, actual o
pasado, a la diócesis por parte de cualquier persona que actúe en nombre de la
Iglesia, llame a Louanne Payne, Coordinadora de Asistencia Pastoral (inglés) al 270-
852-8380, o Nuria Elizondo, Coordinadora de Asistencia Pastoral (español) al 270-
880-8360. También puede visitar la Oficina de Ambiente Seguro
(owensborodiocese.org/safe) para obtener más información.
April 26, 2020 Third Sunday of Easter - Sts. Joseph and Paul Catholic Church 609 E. 4th St, Owensboro, KY 42303
AD PAGE bulletin 462950
1-800-621-5197 ext 2772
Church name & address:
Ss. Joseph & Paul #462950
609 E. Fourth St.
Owensboro, KY 42303

Contact person: April Dickens, 270-683-5641
(270) 314-8731 (cell)
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April 26, 2020 Third Sunday of Easter - Sts. Joseph and Paul Catholic Church 609 E. 4th St, Owensboro, KY 42303
We See You!
     At this time we are
     apart, we see you
      continue to serve
        each another
      and our church!
   Small Group
     Meetings on Zoom
   Flower Planting
   Pinwheels for Child
     Abuse Awareness
   Preparing places of
     worship in your
   Supporting our
     healthcare workers
       Thank You!
April 26, 2020 Third Sunday of Easter - Sts. Joseph and Paul Catholic Church 609 E. 4th St, Owensboro, KY 42303 April 26, 2020 Third Sunday of Easter - Sts. Joseph and Paul Catholic Church 609 E. 4th St, Owensboro, KY 42303
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