ANNUNCIATION PARISH Third Sunday in Ordinary Time, January 23rd, 2022 - John Patrick Publishing Company

Page created by Ramon Nichols
ANNUNCIATION PARISH Third Sunday in Ordinary Time, January 23rd, 2022 - John Patrick Publishing Company
        Third Sunday in Ordinary Time, January 23rd, 2022

 626 Willard Avenue
 Newington, CT 06111
 Phone: (860) 666-1591
 Fax: (860) 666-5720

Saint Mary Mass Times
 Saturday Vigil: 4:00pm
 Sunday: 8:00am, 10:00am
 Saturday: 3:15 - 3:45pm
 Office Hours
 Monday - Thursday:
 9:00am - 4:00pm

 183 Church Street
 Newington, CT 06111
 Phone: (860) 666-5671
 Fax: (860) 666-9784

Holy Spirit Mass Times
 Saturday Vigil: 4:00pm
 Sunday: 7:30am, 9:30am,
 & 11:30am
 Daily Mass Times
 Monday - Saturday: 9:00am
                             Almighty ever-living God,
                             Direct our actions according to your good pleasure, that in the
 Saturday: 3:00 - 3:45pm
                             name of your beloved Son we may abound in good works.
 Office Hours                Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns
 Monday - Friday:            with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever.
 9:00am - 2:00pm                                              
ANNUNCIATION PARISH Third Sunday in Ordinary Time, January 23rd, 2022 - John Patrick Publishing Company
Third Sunday in Ordinary Time, January 23rd, 2022
                   Welcome To Annunciation Parish, The Roman Catholic Community of Newington
         Whether you are a long-time parishioner, a returning parishioner, a new parishioner, or a
         visitor, welcome to our community. We are glad that you are here and hope that you feel at
         home. If you are not already a member of our parish, please consider joining us. If you are a
  member of our parish already, please consider joining one of our ministries.
      The Catholic Church welcomes new members of all ages. Children are welcomed into our faith
  through the sacrament of Baptism. Adults can either join our faith, or complete their sacraments of
  initiation through our RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) or our Adult Confirmation
  program. If you are interested in any of these programs, please contact Pastoral Associate
  Deacon Jim Tanguay at: or call (860) 666-1591, ext. 104.

 Parish Priests                                     Rectory Office Information, cont’d.
 Rev. Shawn Daly, Pastor                            Deacon Julio C. Maturana, Business Manager         
 Rev. Joseph Pullikattil, Parochial Vicar           Phone: (860) 666-1591 ext. 103
 Rev. Lawrence Bock, In Residence                   Kristyn Figbie, Office Manager
 Msgr. James Kinnane, In Residence        
 Deacons                                            Phone: (860) 666-1591 ext. 105
 James Tanguay, Pastoral Associate                  Religious Education Office               Susan Skipp, Director of Religious Education
 James Blanchette                                        Phone: (860) 666-3562
 Michael J. O’Toole, Senior Deacon
 Bruce Thompson, Senior Deacon                      Terri Hermann, Coordinator of Religious Education
 Music Ministry
                                                    Phone: (860) 666-3562
 Elizabeth Trainer Famularo
                                                    Sacramental Ministries
 Saint Mary Church, Director of Music           Baptism - To schedule a Baptism, visit our website
 David Dyson                              , scroll down to Quick
                                                    Links (center of Home Page), Select - Book a Baptism).
 Church of the Holy Spirit, Director of Music              Marriage

 R e c t o r y O f f i c e I n fo r m a t i o n     Please call the rectory at least six months in advance.
                                                    Couples meet with the priest for an initial pastoral
 Mary DesRoches
                                                    conversation before a wedding date can be set. Please do
 Saint Mary Church, Secretary                not make other plans until a date has been confirmed
 Phone: (860) 666-1591, ext. 102                    with your parish.
 Kimberly Marchetti                                 For the Sick
 Holy Spirit Church, Secretary                      We are happy to visit with the homebound. If you or a                      loved one would like a home visit, Holy Communion or
 Phone: (860) 666-5671                              the Anointing of the Sick, please contact the rectory
Page 2                                                                                      600 Annunciation Parish
ANNUNCIATION PARISH Third Sunday in Ordinary Time, January 23rd, 2022 - John Patrick Publishing Company
A n n u n c i a t i o n Pa r i s h
                                        You’re Invited! A Reception for Father Josh
                                                               All parishioners are invited to attend a
                                                            reception in honor of Father Josh on
                                                            Sunday, January 30, 2022.
                                                              Please join us at 1:00pm in Holy Spirit
                                                            Church hall, to thank Father Josh and
                                                            wish him well in his new assignment.
                                                              The Annunciation Women’s              Guild
                                                            will provide refreshments.

                                          Baptism                           Religious Education
                                           Please welcome into our           All classes resume today
                                          parish family the following          at JWMS for Grade 1
                                         children, who were baptized             through Grade 9.
  Readings for the                         at Annunciation Parish:          Classes meet today,
  Week of January 23rd                    Eliana Susan Dominque             Sunday, January 23rd,
  Monday: 2 Sm 5:1-7, 10;                     Marshall Lincoln              from 8:30AM – 9:15AM
  Ps 89:20, 21-22, 25-26;                       Dominique                   at JWMS.
  Mk 3:22-30                                 Baptism is a joyous            All other grades meet this
  Tuesday: Acts 22:3-16 or 9:1-22;            occasion in which             week according to their
  Ps 117:1bc, 2; Mk 16:15-18              children are initiated into       schedule.
                                              the Catholic faith.
  Wednesday: 2 Tm 1:1-8 or                                                  Grade 10 will meet
                                           Parents are welcome to
  1:1-5; Ps 96:1-2a, 2b-3, 7-8a, 10;                                        Sunday, January 23rd
                                             have their children
  Mk 4:1-20                                                                 for 11:30AM Mass and
                                           baptized in the Catholic
                                                                            immediately to church
  Thursday: 2 Sm 7:18-19, 24-29;           Church, as long as they
                                                                            hall for seminar with
  Ps 132:1-2, 3-5, 11, 12, 13-14;           commit to raising the
                                                                            dismissal at 2PM.
  Mk 4:21-25                               children in the Catholic
                                                     faith.                     All paperwork due in
  Friday: 2 Sm 11:1-4a, 5-10a,
                                                                             November 2021 should be
  13-17; Ps 51:3-4, 5-6a, 6bcd-7,       To be baptized at Annuncia-
                                                                               turned in at this time.
  10-11; Mk 4:26-34                      tion Parish, you must be a
                                          registered parishioner or
  Saturday: 2 Sm 12:1-7a, 10-17;
                                           reside in Newington, or          Eucharistic Adoration
  Ps 51:12-13, 14-15, 16-17;
                                             have some tangible
  Mk 4:35-41                                                                    Tuesday Evenings
                                          connection to our Parish.
                                                                                 6:00 - 7:00 pm
  Sunday: Jer 1:4-5, 17-19;
                                           To get started, visit our         at Holy Spirit Church.
  Ps 71:1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 15-17;
                                                 website at:
  1 Cor 12:31 — 13:13 or 1 Cor                                                Come and spend time
                                         www.annunciationnewington.          with our Eucharistic Lord
  13:4-13; Lk 4:21-30                    com/baptism.html.                          in prayer.

Page 3                                                                                    600 Annunciation Parish
ANNUNCIATION PARISH Third Sunday in Ordinary Time, January 23rd, 2022 - John Patrick Publishing Company
Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

    Mass Intentions                                                            In Loving Memory
    Saturday, January 22nd                                                         we pray for...
         4:00 p.m.   Emily Accolla, 40th Anniversary & Peter Accolla,                  Margee Burke
                     23rd Anniversary, By their Daughter, H/S
                                                                                   Anna Costanzo
         4:00 p.m.   Domenica Iafrancesco, By Salvatore & Lidia
                     Colangelo & Family, S/M                                           Asunta Fabi
     Sunday, January 23rd, Third Sunday in Ordinary Time                         Liberato Iacobucci
         7:30 a.m.   Emilia Pizzoferrato, By her Son, Antonio, H/S                 Donald Kuzoian
         8:00 a.m.   Walter Zdeb, Birthday Remembrance, By his Family, S/M
                                                                                 Joanne Vannuccini
         9:30 a.m.   Joseph Hitchcock, By Alice Russo, H/S
     10:00 a.m.      Mary Ann Steadman & Joseph Meucci, By Family, S/M         And for the consolation
     11:30 a.m.      Elizabeth Brown, Mother of Beverly Iskra,                   of their family and
                     By Beverly Iskra & Family, H/S                              friends. Eternal rest
    Monday, January 24th, St. Francis de Sales, Bishop & Doctor                grant unto them, O Lord;
         of the Church                                                            let your light shine
                                                                                       upon them.
         9:00 a.m.   Gabriel Suarez, By Marco Suarez, H/S
    Tuesday, January 25th, Conversion of Saint Paul the Apostle
         9:00 a.m.   Carlo Mucciacciaro, By His Wife and Family, H/S            Parish Support
    Wednesday, January 26th, Sts. Timothy & Titus, Bishops
                                                                                 January 16, 2022
         9:00 a.m.   Antonio & Maria Carvalho, Antonio Braga &
                     Maria Freitas, By M/M Mario Carvalho, H/S                 Weekly             $ 9,886

    Thursday, January 27th                                                     On Line Giving $ 4,995
         9:00 a.m.   Jose I. Montalvo, By Stephanie Marcaccio & Family, H/S    Total             $ 14,881
    Friday, January 28th, St. Thomas Aquinas, Priest, Religious,
         & Doctor of the Church                                                    We are grateful to
         9:00 a.m.   Monika Korza, By Sebastiano Adorno & Maria Gwillim, H/S       all who continue
    Saturday, January 29th                                                             to support
                                                                                  Annunciation Parish
         9:00 a.m.   Antonio Tata, 1st Anniversary, By his Family, H/S
                                                                                        by your
         4:00 p.m.   *Arielle Emmie Galarza, 15th Birthday, *living,
                                                                                 prayers and financial
                     By her Family, H/S
         4:00 p.m.   Tom Trainer, 3rd Anniversary, By his Family, S/M
     Sunday, January 30th, Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
         7:30 a.m.   Matthew Navallil, By his Family, H/S
         8:00 a.m.   Mass Intention Available, S/M
         9:30 a.m.   Pietro Niro, By his Family, H/S
     10:00 a.m.      Ottorino Pendenza, By Anna Pizzoferrato & Family, S/M
     11:30 a.m.      Cynthia Violette, 2nd Anniversary,
                     By her Husband, Mark, H/S
Page 4                                                                                     600 Annunciation Parish
ANNUNCIATION PARISH Third Sunday in Ordinary Time, January 23rd, 2022 - John Patrick Publishing Company
S u n d ay, J a n u a r y 2 3 , 2 0 2 2

   Women’s Guild                                           Annunciation
        The Annunciation Women’s Guild will hold           Parish Calendar
   their next general membership meeting on
                                                           Thursday, January 27th
   Tuesday, February 8th, 2022 @ 7:00 pm in the
   Holy Spirit Church hall. The evenings program will      6:30 - 8:00 pm, H/S Hall
   be: “The History of the Berlin Turnpike” presented by   Annunciation Men’s
   Jonathan Tinkham. Please join us as we gather in        Fellowship Group Contact:
   fellowship and take a stroll down memory lane with
                                                           Angelo @ (860) 202-1612.
   this educational and entertaining program.
                                                           Sunday, January 30th
   Prayer Shawl Ministry
                                                           1:00 pm, H/S Hall
      The Prayer Shawl Ministry of Holy Spirit Church
                                                           Reception for Fr. Josh Wilbur.
   has been busy knitting and crocheting prayer shawls
   and lap robes. If you know of anyone in the parish      Monday, January 31st
   who is ill, please let us know, so that we may share    6:30 pm, H/S Hall
   one with them.                                          Women’s Guild Executive Board
   Please contact Kathleen Holland at (860) 667-1567.
                                                           Meeting. Only executive
   Bereavement Ministry                                    members attend.
   If you would like to help with this important           There will not be a January
   ministry, there are two volunteer opportunities to      General Membership meeting.
   choose from:
                                                           Sat/Sun, February 5/6th
   1. Meet with families to guide them through the
                                                           Newington Food Pantry
      process of planning their loved one’s Funeral
                                                           Collection at both churches.
   2. To provide support to families who have had a
                                                           Tuesday, February 8th
      Funeral Mass at St. Mary’s, words of comfort are     7:00 pm, H/S Hall
      mailed to them throughout the year.                  Annunciation Women’s Guild
         Materials are provided and can be done from the   General Meeting and Speaker.
         comfort of your own home. When completed, the
                                                           Wednesday, February 16th
         envelopes can be dropped off at the Rectory for
         postage and mailing. For further information,     7:00 pm, S/M Lower Rectory
         please call Debbie at: (860) 666-8215.            Next Meeting is in FEBRUARY.
                                                           The Men’s Club meets on the
                                                           third Wednesday of every month,
                                                           lower rectory. Contact:
                                                           Tom Morris @ (860) 666-6331.
                                                           Thursday, February 17th
                                                           12:30 pm, H/S Hall
                                                           Prayer Shawl Ministry.
Page 5                                                                         600 Annunciation Parish
ANNUNCIATION PARISH Third Sunday in Ordinary Time, January 23rd, 2022 - John Patrick Publishing Company
A n n u n c i a t i o n Pa r i s h

 Knights of Columbus                                       Corpus Christi Open House
  Newington Food Pantry Collection                              Co rpu s Chri sti Sch o o l o f
                                                           Wethersfield, a National Blue Ribbon
      The next collection is February 5th & 6th at the
                                                           School of Excellence, will host a
  main entrance of both churches. The collections
                                                           special Weekend Open House on
  are held the first weekend of each month. Thank
                                                           Sunday, January 30th from 11:30
  you for living your faith by helping others!
  Items Needed: laundry detergent, dryer sheets,           A.M. – 1:00 P.M. at Corpus Christi
  cleaning products, health & beauty products, tin         School, 581 Silas Deane Highway.
  foil, plastic wrap, juice, coffee, tea, canned tuna or   Corpus Christi students benefit from
  chicken, soup, peanut butter, jelly, & baking items.     smaller class sizes and personalized
                                                           instruction as evidenced by their
  The Knights Sandwich Ministry
                                                           recent successes. Students scored
      Thank you everyone for your generosity! Last         over 4 GRADE LEVELS ABOVE their
  weekend we collected approximately 480
                                                           current grade in the Language Arts/
  sandwiches, many packages of cookies/snacks/
                                                           Reading portion of their recent
  muffins & fruit for Saint Elizabeth House & South
                                                           standardized tests. Imagine how your
  Park Inn in Hartford. These Shelters assist over
                                                           child could soar!!    Tours will be
  160 individuals on a daily basis, & are very grateful
                                                           available; teachers, students, and
  for our donations. They use these sandwiches for
                                                           parents will be on hand to answer
  lunches, late meals, walk-in’s & to feed people
                                                           questions. The school encompasses
  under the bridges in Hartford. Our collections are
  the third Sunday of the month. Our next sandwich         PreK - 8th grade.
  collection is Sunday, February 20th @ 4:30 in the        To register, please visit our website
  Saint Mary School parking lot. Please note, if  or
  there happens to be inclement weather on the             call (860) 529-5487.
  collection date, the collection will be cancelled;
  safety comes first. Thank you for living your faith      Xavier Open House February 8th
  by helping others!
                                                                Xavier High School will have an
  Men’s Health Talk
                                                           Open House on Tuesday, Feb. 8, from
      FREE Men’s Health Seminar at the Newington           6-7:30 p.m. Come see our fabulous
  Knights of Columbus (171 Pascone Place,
                                                           campus as well as meet faculty, staff,
  Newington) at 6:00pm, on January 24th, by
                                                           and coaches. Our students are given
  Dr. Richard Kershen about issues that effects
                                                           the tools and resources to grow and
  Men’s Health. These topics include Prostate Health,
  Prostate Cancer, Low Testosterone, Urinary               take on whatever challenge is next.
  Incontinence, enlarged prostate and a constant           Academics. Athletics. Clubs.
  urge to urinate, & many other health issues men          Activities. Faith. Friendship. This is
  face as they age. Dr. Kershen will to lead the           what we’re about. You can register at
  conversation/discussion as well as answer any            x avie rhi ghschool .org. Click on
  questions that would come up.                            Admissions and then Open House.
  Dr. Richard Kershen is The Hartford Healthcare           Director of Enrollment Management
  Co-Medical Director, Pelvic Health Council. Every-
                                                           Matthew McCaffrey can be reached at
  one is welcome to attend regardless of your age.
                                                           860-346-7735 x 743.

Page 6                                                                             600 Annunciation Parish
ANNUNCIATION PARISH Third Sunday in Ordinary Time, January 23rd, 2022 - John Patrick Publishing Company
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      ST. MARY’S PRAYER LINE                                                                                                                            Volunteers Needed to Teach English as a Second Language
               St. Mary’s Prayer Line is here to assist you.                                                                                                No teaching experience needed. All books & training are provided
      All you have to do is call one of the coordinators listed below.                                                                                                   INTERESTED? Call Nancy Rodriguez, 860-348-0622
    Give the first name of the person to be prayed for & the intention.                                                                                                               Siena Learning Center
  Within a matter of minutes there will be a group of people taking your
                   specific requests to the Lord in prayer.
                                                                                                                                                                              ADULT LITERACY: A MINISTRY OF THE DOMINICAN SISTERS
                                                                                                                                                                           Providing support and encouragement in a welcoming safe place
Margaret Pelletier 666-3287                          Julie Carta                                                                                                    29 Edson Street, New Britain
Each month we revise our prayer list and ask that you contact us if you wish a name to remain on the list.                                                               
                                                                                                             Assisted Living
        GRAVER’S                                                                                             860.665.7901
                                                                                                                                                                                      Bel-Air Manor
                                                                                                                                                                          Nursing & Rehabilitation Center
           TREE                                                                                                                                                   256
                                                                                                                                                                  2 New Britain Avenue • Newington, CT 06111
           CARE       Removals, Pruning
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                      Tree Maintenance                                                                                                                     Fax (860) 257-5704 • Email:
                    Licensed Tree Surgeon
                 Wethersfield        Bruce Graver                                                                                                              Velma Lespier-Vega - Director of Admissions

 Be a friend,
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 to a friend,                                                                                                                                                                                                        Jewelers
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                                                                                                                                                                                                   1841 Berlin Turnpike
                                                           P LOCAL • EAT LOCAL • ENJOY LOCAL                                                                   Mention this ad and receive        Wethersfield, CT 06109
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 someone                                                                                                                                                                                              860.436.6400
 to our RCIA                                                                                                                                                                            
 program.                                                                                 H O W Y O U C A N H E L P O U R C O M M U N I T Y,
 Call the rectory                                                                                      OUR SPONSORS                                                                                        Find us on Facebook
                                                                                                Our sponsors pay for our parish bulletin.
 666-1591                                                                                  Help us support them, thank them, and show them
 for details.                                                                                           the                app
                                                                                                  when you visit their establishments.

 600 Annunciation, Newington, CT (b)                                                                                John Patrick Publishing Company, Inc. (800) 333-3166 •
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