The Unicorn - Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Boca Raton

Page created by Manuel Bishop
The Unicorn - Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Boca Raton
January 2022

             The Unicorn
             Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Boca Raton

In this issue
2 From the Rev

3 Sunday Worship

5 Board Corner

6 Interim Search

8 Calendar

9 Meetings

10 Share the Plate

11 Online Auction

12 What's Happening

16 Healing Justice

17 RE Visioning

18 Announcements
The Unicorn - Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Boca Raton

       Here we go again...another surge!
  Another opportunity to invent ways to live
   fully, joyfully with the virus in our midst.

   To keep ourselves and all around us safe,
     Worship will continue outside on the
   Sanctuary Patio for those that have been
   vaccinated. Masks are to be worn inside.

 We ask that unvaccinated folks take part on
 ZOOM, joining the growing number that are
enjoying worship from their armchair at home.

The one exception to meeting on the Patio will
be January 9th when Worship will be on ZOOM
only due to mold remediation work that will be
        taking place in the Sanctuary.
The Unicorn - Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Boca Raton
January 2022                                                                         UUFBR

             PATIO * ZOOM ONLY IF RAIN

                                     SUNDAY SERVICES
                                               Join Zoom Meeting
                                  Meeting ID: 914 8201 7108 Password: 952914

JANUARY 2     10:30 AM

                                  DON'T POSTPONE JOY!

                                      MORE WILL BE REVEALED


                                   with lunch for all!

JANUARY 9    10:30 AM


   Due to work taking place in the Sancutary, this
       service will take place by ZOOM only.

JANUARY 16    10:30 AM


 After the death of George Floyd, some saw America entering a
 period of racial reckoning. Now our Governor wants to outlaw
      teaching of CRT in schools. What does all this mean?
                   How can we think about it?
              How can we find our place to stand?
 This will not be a political sermon, but a reflection on how we
         can respond faithfully to the voices around us.
The Unicorn - Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Boca Raton
January 2022                                                                        UUFBR

             PATIO * ZOOM ONLY IF RAIN

                                   SUNDAY SERVICES
                                             Join Zoom Meeting
                                Meeting ID: 914 8201 7108 Password: 952914

JANUARY 23   10:30 AM



                       IN THE 4TH DIMENSION OF A PANDEMIC LIFE.

                       followed by special congregational meeting

JANUARY 30       10:30 AM

                        PLANNING FOR OUR NEW NORMAL

                      The Kick off of the Annual Budget Drive

                                   Oh no, not money again?!

                                           Yes and No.

 Deciding on this year’s budget and raising the money is an annual task that can’t

      be escaped.     But the conversation is about our values and our hopes...

        A conversation more interesting and more important than money.
The Unicorn - Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Boca Raton
Board of Trustees

                BOARD                                    Barb Jensen, Co-President
                                                        Sandy Troiano, Co-President
                                                        Patrick Larsen, VP, Facilities

                CORNER                                    Louis Merlin, Secretary
                                                           Paul Libert, Treasurer

                                                            Trustees At Large
                                                             Barbara Messick
                                                                Ron Roth
                                                               John Tilton


The Board of Trustees meets on the fourth Thursday of the
month at 7:00 pm. c h e c k c a l e n d a r f o r u p d a t e s

Your Board is thrilled by your response to the capital campaign. Your pledges
have greatly exceeded the minimum goals you set at our congregational
meeting in September. The projects outlined in the white paper are
underway and we look forward to completing our property's revitalization.

As you know, Harris' retirement comes this June. We have begun the process
of seeking an interim minister who will guide us for a transitory time while
we look for a new settled minister. The interim minister will be our coach in
this process. The UUA will help us find the interim minister pursuant to a set
process it has established for this purpose. In order to comply with the UUA
process we need to amend the provision in our By-laws dealing with the
interim minister. Your Board has approved this amendment and will present
it to you for your approval at a special congregational meeting to be called
for on Sunday, January 23, following service. Please look for future
announcements about this.

Your Board wishes you the very best for a joyous and peaceful 2022!

The Unicorn - Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Boca Raton
From the Chairperson
         Interim Search Committee
              Barbara Messick
As we all are painfully aware, our beloved minister,
Harris, will be retiring after 26 years, and we will need a
new minister. Retirement is set for mid to late June, 2022.

But there is some good news! The Interim Search
Committee has been formed, and work has begun.

First, a definition of an Interim Minister. As Harris
recently noted: An Interim Minister is a consultant,
brought on for a short time, one or two years. This
person’s job is to keep the ministry moving forward
(preaching, etc.) and to support the congregation as we
search for our new minister. As an Interim, this person is
"prefired” - they leave after their contract expires.

The process is highly structured and guided by UUA; and
our committee has met with one of their specialists. She
has already been most helpful, in that our bylaws, which
were written some years ago, were vastly out of date. A
correction has been drafted, with help from Harris and
from our board chairperson and retired lawyer, Sandy
Troiano. The correction was approved by the Board at the
December meeting. We will present the amendment to
you, the congregation, in January.
The Unicorn - Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Boca Raton
From the Chairperson
Interim Search Committee
Barbara Messick, cont.

Note that UUA has very specific “time-lines” to which we
must adhere. In January, the committee will be working
on next steps. We will focus on creating a document
describing our UUFBR community. We will send this to the
UUA, and, later, this document will be shared with
potential Interim Ministers.

Some of you know ministers who may be interested in
serving as an Interim Minister. Please have them send
their resumes to the UUA. The UUA has staff who
specialize in suggesting Interim Ministers to best meet a
congregation's needs. That is, the UUA will match
interested,    qualified    candidates      with    likely

This will be a busy and exciting period for the UUFBR. We
invite you to stay informed, not just on the Interim
Minister, but on the capital campaign, Harris' retirement,
and the continued evolution of the UUFBR over the next
year. We intend to keep you informed through ongoing
communication, perhaps even a "White Paper" explaining
the process.

This is your congregation. We welcome all your questions,
comments and concerns. We will respond as quickly as
we can.
The Unicorn - Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Boca Raton

To support the work of UUFBR with a

donation, open the QR Code or click

on this link:

                Thank you!

 Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of
            Boca Raton Website
The Unicorn - Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Boca Raton

    Please check weekly eblasts for latest information
    The Endowment Committee meets throughout the year.

    The Finance Committee meets the third Monday
    7:00 pm.

    The Membership Committee meets the second Tuesday
    at 7:00 pm

        New Discussion Group
                  1619 PROJECT: A NEW
                     ORIGIN STORY
                        TUESDAY, JANUARY 18TH
                               7:30 PM

   Read the preface & chapter 1 ( pgs xvii - 43)
We will meet on the Third Tuesday of every month
The Unicorn - Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Boca Raton
The Community Services/Share the Plate Team would like to thank
UUFBR members and friends for their generosity in making it possible to
make donations to 6 worthy organizations in 2021: Sunflower Creative
Arts, Palm Beach County Food Bank, PEACE, Bridges of Bel Glade, Planned
Parenthood, and American Association for Caregiving Youth. This also
means that we delivered $6,000 to the congregation since half of each
week’s offering goes to UUFBR to offset expenses.

In addition to Share the Plate, we contributed 13 bags and $800 in
cash and checks to the Boca Helping Hands Thanksgiving Box
Brigade, not counting donations made directly to BHH.

The team welcomes and encourages suggestions from the
Congregation for organizations worthy of our donations. The criteria
for the selection of an organization is that it is a registered 501 (c)3
non-profit, non-political organization in Palm Beach County, and that
is activities are in accordance with our UU values. We especially favor
organizations which inspire our members and friends to participate
with their time, talents, and treasure. If you have a suggestion please
convey it to our coordinator Seyril Siegel ( for
consideration. We look forward to hearing from you.

    Seyril    Siegel   presents
    November's Share the Plate
    offering to Dr. Connie
    Sisowski, president of the
    American Association of
    Caregiving Youth.
UUFBR 2022 Online Auction
Before COVID (forever after referred to as “BC”), UUFBR held
an annual auction. The annual auction, along with the Flea
Markets, has been a major fund raiser for the UUFBR. Our
last auction raised over $10,000! These funds help UUFBR
continue its operations on an annual basis.

To start 2022, we will hold our first after-COVID online
auction. The whole reason auctions work that we don't pay
for the goods being auctioned off. Instead, we solicit these
from local merchants, our board members, and volunteers,
and so forth.

So, how can you help make the 2022 online auction
successful? Volunteer to get auction items. Nearly anything
that isn't used, tacky, or too unusual, can attract a wide
audience and may make a good auction item, from vacation
packages to craft items to gift certificates for massage and
other services to parties at a board member's home or yacht.
Ask businesses such as theaters and sporting venues
whether they have extra tickets to donate. And, as we come
out of COVID, ask restaurants for gift certificates.
And volunteer to help organize. No event is successful
without participation from us all.

So, please contact me, to volunteer to time to create a
wonderful,  successful UUFBR
       ENDOWMENT              auction.
Patricia Rogers
WHAT'S HAPPENINGEveryone is welcome!
  Please check weekly eblasts for latest information

                     MYSTICS & METAPHYSICS
                             2ND SUNDAY 6:30PM

                      Meeting ID: 673 628 605, Password: 941456

This adult group meets to deepen and share their
individual spiritual quests.

      TUESDAYS AT 10 A.M.

Help maintain the church
buildings and grounds.
Tools provided!

                              UU COMPLINE
                         WEDNESDAYS AT 8:30 P.M.
                     Meeting ID: 895 9661 0440, Passcode: 271990

Join this half hour of music, time just to
breathe together, and sharing of words to lift
the spirit!
                   Everyone is welcome!
Please check weekly eblasts for latest information
                                                    BOOK GROUP
                                             THIRD WEDNESDAY 7:00PM
                                        Meeting ID: 967 9163 6930, Passcode: 926697

                                       The Four Winds
                                       by Kristin Hannah
                                       January 19
                                       Presenter: Cathy Lowes-Nelson

         THURSDAYS AT 10 A.M.
    Meeting ID: 852 1500 2201, Password: 145886

   Share your thoughts i n a
 conversation with no agenda!

                                                  HEALING JUSTICE
                                              new day and date coming!
ak9UUT09       Meeting ID: 394 521 579 Password: 097945

To further understand how racism fuels
hatred and ways to continue our journey
to reverse these trends.
       Everyone is welcome!

 Meeting ID: 914 863 060, Passcode: 849635

 NVC is taught as a process of interpersonal
 communication designed to improve
 compassionate connection to others. It aims to
 support change on three interconnected levels:
 within self, between others, and within groups
 and social systems.

                                        VIRTUAL HAPPY HOUR
                                           FRIDAY FROM 5 - 6 P.M.

                                         MEETING ID: 844 7636 1082,
                                            PASSCODE: 758629

You and your spouse, partner, buddy or whatever are
invited! BYOB & snack (Virtual sharing)
    Everyone welcome!
   Please check weekly eblasts for latest information
                                            THE FORUM
                                          SATURDAYS AT 10 A.M.

                                      Engage in spirited group
                                      discussion of social and
                                          political issues.
                                 Meeting ID: 984 2739 4990
                                 Password: 785892

Watch the selected movie at your convenience any time before
we meet. Then take part on Saturday at 3pm via ZOOM for
the discussion. You’ll be glad you did! Ellen
Meeting ID: 974 0240 3939, Passcode: 8FJTV2
Greetings from Healing Justice on this first day of 2022. When I awoke in the
dark of this morning I was almost ready to 'throw in the towel' on working to
eradicate racism.It's a long, and for my lifetime, a never-ending journey.
Then came the light of day and I was ready to keep on trudging forward.
The light born of solstice won.

 I read the latest UU World and realized I was part of a greater Unitarian-
Universalist movement toward eradicating systemic racism at all levels. Our
UUA president, Susan Frederick-Gray, moves us to action in Our Faith Calls
Us to Antiracist Work | UU World Magazine when she notes that our aim as
UUs is to continue to free ..."ourselves and the culture of our congregations
and communities from mindsets and practices rooted in white supremacy..."
(p.8) We do this together with all of us at UUFBR and our communities. When
you read this, also read the UUA 2021 Statement of Conscience immediately
following Frederick-Gray's article.

Healing Justice invites you to join us at our January meeting. Watch for the
announcement of time and date in our weekly e-blasts as our meeting date
will be different beginning in January 2022.

Carolyn Brown,

   February 2022 Unicorn
   Wed., January 26 @ 2pm
   Send submissions to:
   Include UNICORN in the subject line.
Religious Education Visioning Sessions


Please join us for a Visioning Session on either Saturday,
January 22nd at 10:00 AM or Saturday, February 19th at 10:00
AM, both events on Zoom.

We want to hear your ideas for what you are wishing for in a
Unitarian Universalist community.

As Parents, UU’s and Daily RE Educators for our children:
   How can we help our children grow socially and spiritually
   and connect with like-minded peers?
   What do families with kids specifically need now, in the
   continuing pandemic?
   What other activities, focusses, and relationship structures
   support you as parents that you’d like to see UUFBR
   incorporate into our community?
As members of UUFBR and the RE Council:
   What are you passionate about conveying to our children
   that could translate into projects and programs we could
   implement at UUFBR?
   What aspects of Unitarian Universalist fellowship are you
   missing and wish we could bring back?
   How could we be a stronger, closer, and more supportive
   community for families with children of all ages?

Please RSVP to with your email, name,
and the date you’d like to attend.

Louis Merlin
Grief Work Training in Boca Raton
                                        January 15, 2022
                           This 5-hour, in-person Grief Work Training
                                    taught by Amy Wright Glenn is open to all.
 Those involved in holding space for life’s difficult passages ~ mental health providers, birth &
   death doulas, hospice and hospital chaplains, as well as religious/spiritual leaders ~ are
                                     particularly welcome.

*Members of the Institute and well as members/friends of UUFBR receive 50% off of the tuition
 for this course. Members simply need to enter their membership coupon code upon check out.
                   Members/friends of UUFBR, please contact Amy to register.
                  *Fifty percent of all revenue earned will be donated to UUFBR


I was a member of UUFBR until my husband and I left the area. When I first began coming (in 2002,
though we joined later), I attended a Tuesday evening writing workshop, which Mary Cadwell ran! I found
myself writing about a sailing voyage my husband, young daughter and I had taken just before we came
to Florida.

In 1996, I followed my husband John's lifelong dream when we left our Connecticut home behind and
sailed away to the Caribbean in what turned out to be a three-year voyage. I went from the glitzy world of
Madison Avenue advertising to riding out Hurricane Mitch, the largest hurricane on record at the time, on
a sailboat in Guatemala. I hadn’t wanted to go in the first place, but ended up on a life-changing odyssey.

The workshop started another, much longer journey of writing a book about the voyage. During that
time, my beloved husband passed away in 2016. I finished the book last year and it was published in
October, 2021!

Laissez les bons temps rouler
on the Patio! Mardi Gras Party
save the date - February 25 fundraiser

                                                  MLK JR Day Celebration
The City of Boca Raton will host the MLK JR Day Celebration on Monday, January 17, 2022. The
 day begins with free breakfast at Ebenezer Baptist Church, next to the King Monument, from 8-
       9:45am. The march will commence at 10am. The event will take place at Mizner Park
  Amphitheater, East Lot. The ceremony will begin at 10:30am, followed by performances and a
    carnival. Refreshments will be available. The event ends at 2pm. There will be a free trolley
 running from the King Monument to Mizner Park Amphitheater during the event. The Pearl City
Youth, directed by Debra Weiss, will be presenting a program celebrating Allen's Place Pearl City
Community Garden. If you haven't seen the garden, which is next to the King Monument, stop by
  and take a look! It is 100% organic! For more info, contact Debra Weiss

                                                                                                                                   First Roundtable of 2022
                                                                                                                                  Monday, January 10, 2022
                                                                                                                              7:30 pm to 9:00 pm via ZOOM

                                                                                                                   Register at

Are there questions you would love to ask a Muslim about their faith and practice? Maybe you don’t
know any practicing Muslims… or you feel embarrassed to show your ignorance… or that you might
even feel threatened by what you might learn. You are invited to submit the questions that you
want answered.

JAM & ALL’s mission is to connect people through conversation and education to create peace,
harmony and understanding. We aim to create a safe space to learn about each other’s religion,
faith and spirituality. Come join the conversation!

Leave fear behind in 2022– open yourself to new learnings and deeper understandings… uncover
truths hiding in plain sight about our commonalities.

Come be part of our Winter 2022 series of online Interfaith Roundtables, starting with our January 10,
2022 roundtable. There’s a seat at the table waiting for you!

Questions? Call Judy Keiser at 954-444-0446.

JAM & All is a non-profit organization of Jews, Muslims, Christians and all peoples dedicated to fostering understanding, social harmony, and peace through dialogue, multicultural
interaction and educational projects. A dedicated membership serving to bring the Broward County interfaith community together since 2002.
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