Dexia Crédit Local Issuer with an Explicit State Funding Guarantee - Fixed Income Investor Presentation
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Dexia Crédit Local Issuer with an Explicit State Funding Guarantee Fixed Income Investor Presentation September 2019
Fixed Income Investor Presentation Disclaimer This presentation is confidential and is being provided to you solely for your information and may not be reproduced, retransmitted, forwarded, further distributed to any other person or published, in whole or in part, by any medium or in any form for any purpose and in particular, may not be forwarded to any U.S. person (as defined in the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the “Securities Act”)) or to any U.S. address or to any person and/or in any jurisdiction in which it would be unlawful to do so. Any forwarding, distribution or reproduction of this document in whole or in part is not authorized. Failure to comply with such limitations may result in a violation of the Securities Act or the applicable laws of other jurisdictions. Nothing in this presentation constitutes an offer of securities for sale in the United States or in any other jurisdiction where it is unlawful to do so. This investor presentation is for distribution only to persons who (i) are outside the United Kingdom, (ii) have professional experience in matters relating to investments falling within article 19(5) of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Financial Promotion) Order 2005 (the "Order"), (iii) are persons falling within Article 49(2)(a) to (e) ("high net worth companies, unincorporated associations etc") of the Order or (iv) are qualified investors (investisseurs qualifiés) as defined in Article L411-2 of the French Monetary and Financial Code (code monétaire et financier), (v) who are both (a) investment professionals falling within section 31a (2) of the German Securities Trading Act (Wertpapierhandelsgesetz) and (b) qualified investors within section 2 no. 6 of the German Securities Prospectus Act, or (vi) qualify as both (a) “professional investors” under the Finnish Investment Funds Act 48/1999 and as (b) “qualified investors” under the Finnish Securities Markets Act 746/2012 (all such persons together being referred to as "relevant persons"). This investor presentation is directed only at relevant persons and must not be acted on relied on by persons who are not relevant persons. This presentation includes expectations and/or forward-looking statements and assumptions related to the possible evolution of the business environment. By their very nature, statements contained in this document involve inherent risks and uncertainties, both general and specific, and risks exist that predictions, forecasts, projections and other forward-looking statements will not be achieved. We caution readers not to place undue reliance on these statements as a number of important factors could cause our actual results to differ materially from the beliefs, plans, objectives, expectations, anticipations, estimates and intentions expressed in such statements. Such important factors include, but are not limited to, general economic conditions, general competitive factors, changes in the availability or costs of liquidity, general market conditions, changes in laws and regulations (including accounting principles), changes in the policies of regulatory authorities, changes in interest rates and/or exchange rates. In any event, forward-looking statements made herein speak only as to the date on which they are made, and Dexia does not undertake any obligation to update or revise such statements as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. This presentation contains unaudited figures. It also contains financial information of the Dexia SA Group. This financial information is not directly comparable with the financial information of the Dexia Credit Local Group. Apart from in relation to Dexia Credit Local itself, investors will not have any direct claims on the cash flows or assets of the Dexia SA Group and, apart from the Dexia Credit Local Group, members of the Dexia SA Group have no obligation, contingent or otherwise, to pay amounts due under the Notes or to make funds available to Dexia Credit Local for these payments. 2
Fixed Income Investor Presentation Agenda Section 1 Group Profile & State Funding Guarantee Section 2 Dexia Crédit Local, Issuer of the Dexia Group Section 3 Funding & Liquidity 3
Fixed Income Investor Presentation Dexia Group Profile & State Funding Guarantee 1. Overview of a Group in Orderly Resolution 2. … with an explicit State Funding Guarantee 4
Dexia Group Profile Overview of a Group in Orderly Resolution Dexia SA 99.6% State-owned banking institution in orderly resolution Status Formerly active in financing European public local sector Since 2012, a group in orderly resolution, as approved by the European Commission Direct supervision by the European Central Bank within the framework of the Single Supervisory Mechanism since 4 November 2014 99.6% State-owned (Belgium: 52.78%, France: 46.81%) Fully owns Dexia Crédit Local, Group’s operating entity and State guaranteed issuer To manage the balance sheet wind-down in order to preserve the financial interests of the shareholders and the State guarantors; 3 strategic objectives over the resolution period: Mandate - Secure group’s liquidity at all times - Ensure operational continuity - Preserve capital and observe regulatory requirements 5
Dexia Group Profile Overview of a Group in Orderly Resolution Dexia Revised Orderly Resolution Plan, approved by the European Commission on 28 Dec. 2012 Dexia revised orderly resolution plan setting the base of the orderly run-down of the Group’s activities In essence, plan calling for the disposal of identified commercial franchises and the management in run-off of other franchises without new commercial production, with a limited number of exceptions Support provided by the Belgian, French and Luxembourg States to allow the Group’s orderly resolution in the long run State Support under the form of A EUR 5.5 billion capital increase subscribed by the Belgian and French States on 31 Dec. 2012 An explicit funding guarantee granted by the Belgian, French and Luxembourg States on 24 Jan. 2013 31/12/2011 31/12/2014 30/06/2019 Entry into resolution Capital increase Explicit funding guarantee Mandatory divestment of commercial franchises completed Balance Sheet (EUR bn) 413 247 135 Staff 22,460 1,265 672 6
Dexia Group Profile … with an explicit State Funding Guarantee Explicit funding guarantee granted by the Belgian, French and Luxembourg States on 24 Jan. 2013 Features of the 2013 Guarantee1 Explicit State guarantee2 granted to Dexia Crédit Local and DCL New York Branch Ceiling of EUR 85 billion in principal3; interests and incidental amounts due are guaranteed beyond this limit Shared 51.41% Belgium (AA / Aa3 / AA-), 45.59% France (AA / Aa2 / AA), 3.00% Luxembourg (AAA / Aaa / AAA) Several, not joint, first demand, unconditional, irrevocable 2013 State guarantee rated AA / Aa3 / AA- and A-1+ / P- 1 / F1+4 Framework Jurisdiction Effective as of 24 January 2013; replaces the 2011 Guarantee governed by Belgian Law Guarantee Maximum maturity of 10 years for securities issued under the guarantee and extended issuance period till 31 December 2021 European Commission: 28 December 2012 In agreement with the European Commission, fees paid on Belgium: Royal Decree of 18 October 2011 granting the the outstanding guaranteed under the 2013 scheme set at 5 State’s guarantee for certain commitments of Dexia Crédit bps Local SA, as amended by the Royal Decree of 19 December 2012 and ratified by the Law of 17 June 2013 Confirmation of 0% RW for State Guaranteed debt by National Bank of Belgium and French banking supervisor France: article 4 of the finance law n° 2011-1416 of 2 (ACPR) November 2011, as amended by the finance law for 2012 of 29 December 2012 Eligible as HQLA level 1 under the EU Delegated Act on the Liquidity Coverage Ratio Luxembourg: law of 16 December 2011 (1) Further details on the Guarantee’s mechanism available in the Appendices of this document (2) 2013 funding guarantee agreement available on (3) Guaranteed obligations denominated in foreign currencies are converted into their euro equivalent amount on the date any new eligible financings are issued or entered into 7 (4) Rating reports: S&P (22/06/2018 and 17/07/2018), Moody’s (17/04/2018 and 26/11/2018) and Fitch (04/01/2017 and 09/01/2018)
Fixed Income Investor Presentation Dexia Crédit Local, Issuer of the Dexia Group 1. Simplified Organization Chart 2. Balance Sheet 3. Solvency 4. Portfolio Breakdown and Asset Quality 8
Dexia Group Profile Simplified organisation chart Dexia SA 100% Dexia Crédit Local (incl. New York & Dublin branches) Dexia Crédit Local: - Banking subsidiary and main operating entity of the group - Located in France - Former flagship entity for the financing of local authorities and project finance - Perimeter converging to the one of Dexia SA, in the frame of the orderly resolution of the group with a total consolidated balance sheet of EUR 135 billion at the end 70% of June 2019; >99% of the group’s assets held by Dexia Crédit Local Dexia Crediop (Italy) - Simplified and unified governance with Dexia SA; members of Management Board and Board of Directors of Dexia SA being members of those of Dexia Crédit Local - Issuer of the group, benefiting from the State guarantee provided by the Belgian, French and Luxembourg States - International presence through branches in New York and Dublin, and one remaining subsidiary in Italy 9
Dexia Crédit Local, Issuer of the Dexia Group Balance Sheet Indicative1 Run Off Balance Sheet 2015-2028 For illustration purpose only (in EUR billion) Achieved Forecasts1 Natural asset amortization and asset disposals 135 Total assets expected to be reduced by more than ~50% over the period 2018 – 2028 due to natural portfolio amortization and asset disposals, not compensated by new assets origination Balance sheet sensitive to exogenous factors, as the amount of cash collateral posted and fair value items may be impacted by interest rate and exchange rate movements No numerical targets set by the European Commission in terms of asset disposal; deleveraging mainly driven by asset value optimization (1) Targeted figures as determined in the business plan of November 2012 (updated in April 2019) underlying the Orderly Resolution Plan approved by the European Commission 10
Dexia Crédit Local, Issuer of the Dexia Group Solvency Total capital ratio 2015-2028 For illustration purpose only Achieved Forecasts1 9.875 % Capital measures undertaken since 2016 aiming at enhancing capital ratios Positive impact of IFRS 9 first time application of EUR ~2.7 bn on regulatory capital in 2018 (~500 bps on solvency ratios) As from 2018, projections highly sensitive to assumptions on the regulatory and accounting framework No impact in terms of distribution of breach of the combined ratio (SREP requirement) including the capital conservation buffer, given the EC distribution restrictions already applying to the group in the frame the Orderly Resolution Plan, for burden sharing purposes (1) Targeted figures at year-end as determined in the business plan of November 2012 (updated in April 2019) underlying the Orderly Resolution Plan approved by the European Commission 11
Dexia Crédit Local, Issuer of the Dexia Group Portfolio Breakdown and Asset Quality Portfolio1 distribution Maturity breakdown France 19% Local public Sovereigns 23% A sector 31% North 49% America Italy 15% Financial 21% BBB institutions 37% 9% Spain 7% AA Project finance 9% Japan 6% 10% Corporates 6% AAA UK Portugal 4% BB 6% ABS/MBS 1% 15% B and below 1% 22% Other countries 6% Monoline 1% Non performing (D) 1,4 % Non rated
Fixed Income Investor Presentation Funding & Liquidity 1. Targeted Funding Profile 2. Funding Tool Box 3. Focus on State Guaranteed Issuance 4. State Guaranteed Bonds Secondary Market Levels 13
Funding & Liquidity Targeted Funding Profile Indicative1 Consolidated Funding Mix 2015-2028 For illustration purpose only Achieved Forecasts1 Funding Mix EUR 229 bn ■ State Guaranteed funding EUR 212 bn raised under the State guarantee scheme granted by EUR 181 bn the States of Belgium, France and Luxembourg EUR 159 bn EUR 135 bn ■ Secured market funding (non guaranteed) - secured repo transactions EUR 163 bn EUR 146 bn EUR < 65 bn ■ Non-guaranteed unsecured EUR 125 bn EUR 106 bn funding (mostly residual funding EUR < 50 bn EUR 85 bn raised before 2011) No Recourse to Central Bank funding since end-2017 As from 2018 onward, funding mix converging towards: - ~70 % of State guaranteed funding - ~30 % of non-guaranteed secured and unsecured market funding Entities in run-off no longer eligible to Eurosystem2 funding as from 1 January 2022, access to ECB funding remaining available up to EUR 5.2 bn for Dexia until 31 December 2021 (1) Figures determined in the business plan of November 2012 (updated in April 2019) underlying the Orderly Resolution Plan approved by the European Commission (2) Please refer to press release dated 21/07/2017, available on 14
Funding & Liquidity Funding Tool Box State guaranteed funding Non guaranteed funding Debt capital Money market Money market Capital markets markets Maturity Up to 1 year 1 to 10 years Up to 1 year 1 year and longer Commercial Papers, Bilateral and Triparty Bilateral and Triparty Format Certificates of Bonds Repo Repo Deposits Currencies EUR, USD, GBP, CHF, CAD, JPY Mainly EUR, USD and GBP Dexia Crédit Local Dexia Crédit Local Dexia Crédit Local Issuer and DCL NY branch Dexia Crédit Local and DCL NY branch and DCL NY branch EMTN NEU CP & ECP Documentation USCD & USCP USMTN GMRA GMRA NEU MTN EUR 17 bn EUR 7 bn EUR 6 bn EUR 2 bn Yearly targeted Annual funding Regular issuance to maintain issuance volumes Regular issuance to maintain an average outstanding of Annual funding program for 2019 of average of EUR 6 bn in program for 2019 of which EUR 0.6 bn of repo and EUR EUR 17 bn in 2019 2019 1.4 bn of collateral switch 15
Funding & Liquidity Focus on State Guarantee Issuance Indicative1 Recourse to State Guarantee 2015-2028 Indicative1 State Guaranteed Funding Mix For illustration purpose only For illustration purpose only Realized Forecasts1 Long term GBP funding 15% 29% 30% EUR 55% USD 71% Short term funding In 2019, targeting State Guaranteed short term and long term funding in the market for an average amount of EUR equivalent 24 billion per year 2019 long term funding program of EUR 7 bn with a planned execution through: - Benchmark transactions to maintain liquid curves in Euro, US Dollar and Sterling - Private placement activity currently inactive (1) Targeted figures as determined in the business plan of November 2012 (updated in April 2019), underlying the Orderly Resolution Plan approved by the European Commission 16
Funding & Liquidity Focus on State Guarantee Issuance 2019 State Guaranteed Benchmarks1 Order books reflecting Dexia positioning as an SSA issuer 0.625% €1.5 bn bmk due Jan 2026 2.875% $1.25bn bmk due Jan 2022 Reoffer: MS +24bps Reg S / 144A Issue date: 17th Jan 2019 Reoffer: MS +25bps / T+37bps EUR 7.2 bn of long term funding raised in 2018 Issue date: 29th Jan 2019 through 5 benchmark transactions in EUR, US dollar and Sterling EUR 24.7 billion raised in 2018 via 743 short term transactions executed under the CD and CP formats: 0% €2bn bmk due May 2024 - Average outstanding of EUR 18.5 bn Reoffer: MS +5bps Issue date: 29th May 2019 - Average initial maturity above 8.5 months Aggregated benchmark distribution since 2015 Asia Central 13% Benelux 10% banks & Germany Banks 33% official & Austria Nordic institutions 13% countries 8% 28% USA 8% France Insurance & 14% Middle East & Africa 5% pension funds 5% Others 1% Switzerland 4% Other Europe 4% Fund Managers UK & Ireland 33% 21% 17 (1) Benchmarks issued in 2018 are summarized in the appendices
Funding & Liquidity State Guaranteed Bonds Secondary Market Levels EUR USD Spread vs MS (bps) Spread vs MS (bps) 18 Source: Bloomberg
Fixed Income Investor Presentation Contact Information 19
Fixed Income Investor Presentation Contact Information Funding & Treasury Financial Communication & Investor Relations Jean-Christophe Ricard Vincent Jacqmard Head of Funding & Treasury Investor Relations Officer Tel: +33 1 58 58 51 42 Tel: +33 1 58 58 58 53 / +32 2 213 57 66 Franck Pibouin Fabienne Carlier Long Term Funding Officer Head of Communication & Press Relations Tel: +33 1 58 58 51 46 Tel: +32 2 213 57 39 David Hermenier Long Term Funding Structurer Tel: +33 1 58 58 51 77 Funding New York Olivier Benatar Head of Funding & Markets and Investor Relations Tel: +1 212 705 07 16 20
Dexia Crédit Local Issuer with an Explicit State Guarantee Fixed Income Investor Presentation Appendices
Appendices 2013 Funding State Guarantee Mechanism Process Scope No acceleration of payment. Guarantee calls leading to Eligible Financing : funding raised in the form of payment obligations of the States only in accordance with the securities and financial instruments, deposits or normal payment schedule of the Guaranteed Obligations borrowings (Deposits, CP, CD, Notes, Bonds, Loans, (“Pay as you go”) Interbank Overdraft and Fiduciary Deposits) Call by any Third-Party Beneficiary or Security Holder, or any Eligible Investors : Qualified Investors (as per proxy holder, agent, settlement institution or trustee acting for European Directive), Qualified Institutional Buyers, the account of the former, on the Guarantee by simple notice Accredited Investors, Central Banks, Credit Institutions delivered to each of the States within 90 days after the date of (as per European Directive), social security and non-payment by DCL assimilated organizations, state-owned enterprises, Third-Party Beneficiaries or Security Holders not required, in public or semi public authorities, supranational and the context of securities and financial instruments, to exercise international institutions, financial holding companies, the Guarantee, to make any demand against DCL, to take any investments firms, other approved or regulated, action against DCL or to file claims in any insolvency financial institutions, insurance companies, retirement proceedings relating to DCL institutions Regular guarantee payment period of 5 days for all debt Available currencies : EUR, USD, GBP, CHF, CAD, issuance except USD short term funding (< 365 days) which JPY may benefit from a shorter 3 days period Guarantee drawn up in French and in English, both languages being equally binding Guaranteed Debt outstanding to be followed on: 22
Appendices Ratings1 State Guaranteed Debt Long term Outlook Short term Dexia Crédit Local “Dexia Credit Local is progressing well with its Fitch AA- F1+ orderly wind-down: Accelerated asset sales, combined with favorable market conditions, Moody’s (P)Aa3 Stable P-1 have helped strengthen its capital well beyond our expectations.’” Standard & Poors – 22 June 2018 Standard & Poor’s AA A-1+ “Based on the projected financials presented in its orderly resolution plan, the group should maintain a regulatory capital ratio above the minimum requirements over the runoff period.” Moody’s – 17 April 2018 Senior Unsecured Debt Long term Outlook Short term Dexia Crédit Local “Belgium and France's sizeable investment in Dexia (group's equity, and funding guarantees granted to DCL for up to EUR85bn) represent a Fitch BBB+ Stable F1 very strong incentive for the authorities to provide additional support, if required. ” Moody’s Baa3 Stable P-3 Fitch – 09 January 2018 Moody’s – Counterparty Risk (CR) Assessment Baa3(cr) P-3(cr) Standard & Poor’s BBB Stable A-2 (1) A severity rating is not a recommendation to buy, sell or hold securities and may be subject to suspension, revision or withdrawal at any time by the assigning rating agencies 23
Appendices 2018 State Guaranteed Public Benchmarks State Guaranteed Benchmarks in EUR 0.5% €2 bn bmk due Jan 2025 0.25% €2 bn bmk due June 2023 Reoffer: MS Flat Reoffer: MS -6 bps Issue date: 17th Jan 2018 Issue date: 1st June 2018 State Guaranteed Benchmarks in USD 3.25% $1.5bn bmk due Sept 2023 2.5% $1.5bn bmk due Jan 2021 Reg S / 144A Reg S / 144A Reoffer: MS+31 bps / T+43 bps Reoffer: MS+27 bps / T+45,9 bps Issue date: 26th Sept 2018 Issue date: 25th Jan 2018 State Guaranteed Benchmarks in GBP 1,625% £500M bmk due Dec 2023 Reoffer: UKT Sept 23 + 55bps Issue date: 21st March 2018 24
Appendices 8 January 2018: 7Y EUR State Guaranteed benchmark On 9th January 2018, launch of a 7-year senior unsecured guaranteed transaction under the 2013 State Guarantee Mechanism Books closing at short notice consecutively to investors’ strong appetite Asset Managers accounting for 38% of the order book, Banks for 34%, followed by Central Banks with 22% Key terms Investor by geography Investor by type Issuer Dexia Crédit Local Aa3 / AA / AA- Issue rating BeNeLux (Moody’s / S&P / Fitch) 11% Senior, unsecured, Banks Instrument unsubordinated, guaranteed Germany & 34% Austria UK & Ireland 8% Central Amount EUR 2,000,000,000 24% Banks Asia 7% 22% Launch 9 January 2018 Settlement 17 January 2018 Nordic 6% Pension funds & Maturity 17 January 2025 Italy 5% Insurance France 34% Swiss 5% 6% Coupon 0.50 % Other 1% Asset Managers R/O spread MS flat 38% 25
Appendices 17 January 2018: 3Y USD State Guaranteed benchmark On 17th January 2018, launch of a 3-year senior unsecured guaranteed transaction under the 2013 State Guarantee Mechanism A high quality order book in excess of USD 4.2bn driven by real money demand Asset Managers accounting for 45% of the order book, Banks for 26% and Central Banks for 24% Key terms Investor by geography Investor by type Issuer Dexia Crédit Local Aa3 / AA / AA- Issue rating (Moody’s / S&P / Fitch) UK & Ireland Nordic 10% Senior, unsecured, Banks Central Instrument unsubordinated, guaranteed 18% Banks 26% Asia 12% 24% Amount USD 1,500,000,000 Launch 17 January 2018 EMEA 8% Pension Settlement 25 January 2018 funds & Swiss 7% Insurance Maturity 25 February 2021 US 41% 4% Other EU 4% Asset Coupon 2.50%, semi-annual Managers 45% Others 1% R/O spread MS + 27bps / UST + 45.9 bps 26
Appendices 13 March 2018: 5Y GBP State Guaranteed benchmark On 13th March 2018, launch of a Dec-2023 senior unsecured guaranteed transaction under the 2013 State Guarantee Mechanism Demand driven by central banks and official institutions (47%), the rest being split between fund managers and insurers (28%) and banks (25%) Key terms Investor by geography Investor by type Issuer Dexia Crédit Local Aa3 / AA / AA- Issue rating (Moody’s / S&P / Fitch) Europe 14% Senior, unsecured, Banks Instrument unsubordinated, guaranteed 25% Amount GBP 500,000,000 Central UK & Banks& Launch 13 March 2018 Ireland Official 48% institutions Settlement 21 March 2018 47% 8 December 2023 Asia 38% Maturity Pension Coupon 1.625%, annual funds & Insurance R/O spread UKT 2.25% 09/23+ 55bps 28% 27
Appendices 24 May 2018: 5Y EUR State Guaranteed benchmark On 24th May 2018, launch of a Jun-2023 senior unsecured guaranteed transaction under the 2013 State Guarantee Mechanism Demand driven by fund managers and insurers (47%), the rest being split between banks (36%) and central banks & official institutions (16%) Large orderbook in excess of EUR 2.3 bn Key terms Investor by geography Investor by type Issuer Dexia Crédit Local Aa3 / AA / AA- Corporates Issue rating Central (Moody’s / S&P / Fitch) 1% Rest of Europe 14% Banks& Senior, unsecured, Official Instrument unsubordinated, guaranteed Banks institutions 36% 16% Amount EUR 2,000,000,000 Asia 8% France Launch 24 May 2018 65% Benelux 13% Settlement 1 June 2018 Maturity 1 June 2023 Fund Managers Coupon 0.250%, annual & Insurance 47% R/O spread MS - 6bps 28
Appendices 18 September 2018: 5Y USD State Guaranteed benchmark On 18th September 2018, Dexia Crédit Local successfully priced a US$1.5bn 5-year State Guaranteed Bond offering at MS+31 bps Announced with Initial Price thoughts of MS + low 30s bps area, the transaction generated an order book in excess of US$2.3bn Banks accounting for 48% of the order book, Asset Managers for 25% and Central Banks for 23% Key terms Investor by geography Investor by type Issuer Dexia Crédit Local Aa3 / AA / AA- Southern Europe Issue rating Others 4% (Moody’s / S&P / Fitch) 4% Others 4% Senior, unsecured, Germany 5% Instrument unsubordinated, guaranteed Central US 25% Banks Amount USD 1,500,000,000 Switzerland 14% 23% Banks Launch 18 September 2018 48% Settlement 26 September 2018 Asia 18% Maturity 26 September 2023 Nordic 15% Asset Coupon 3.250%, semi-annual UK & Managers Ireland 25% R/O spread MS + 31bps / UST + 43bps 17% 29
Appendices 8 January 2019: 7Y EUR State Guaranteed benchmark On 9th January 2019, launch of a 7-year senior unsecured guaranteed transaction under the 2013 State Guarantee Mechanism High quality order book, largely in excess thanks to investors’ strong appetite Banks accounting for 46% of the order book, followed by Asset Managers for 28% and Central Banks for 17% Key terms Investor by geography Investor by type Issuer Dexia Crédit Local Aa3 / AA / AA- Issue rating (Moody’s / S&P / Fitch) Senior, unsecured, Instrument unsubordinated, guaranteed Amount EUR 1,500,000,000 Launch 9 January 2019 Settlement 17 January 2019 Maturity 17 January 2026 Coupon 0.625 % R/O spread MS + 24bps 30
Appendices 16 January 2019: 3Y USD State Guaranteed benchmark On 17th January 2019, launch of a 3-year senior unsecured guaranteed transaction under the 2013 State Guarantee Mechanism Very balanced geographic distribution with 39% orders coming from EMEA, 39% in Asia and 22% from the US Central Banks and Official Institutions accounting for 53% of the order book, followed by Asset Managers with 22% and Banks with 21%. Key terms Investor by geography Investor by type Issuer Dexia Crédit Local Aa3 / AA / AA- Issue rating (Moody’s / S&P / Fitch) Senior, unsecured, Instrument unsubordinated, guaranteed Amount USD 1,250,000,000 Launch 17 January 2019 Settlement 29 January 2019 Maturity 29 January 2022 Coupon 2.875 % Fixed s/A R/O spread MS + 25bps / UST + 37bps 31
Appendices 24 April 2019: 3Y GBP State Guaranteed benchmark On 24th April 2019, launch of 3-year GBP senior unsecured guaranteed transaction under the 2013 State Guarantee Mechanism Largest order book ever observed on a Dexia GBP deal, attracting more than GBP 2.2bn of investor’s interest Geographic distribution articulated around 34% orders coming from UK and Ireland, 20% GAS, 18% Nordics, 16% Other Europe and 10% Asia Main stay of the transaction for the Banks with 44% of the allocation, followed by 30% to Central Banks & Official Institutions and 23% to Fund Managers Key terms Investor by geography Investor by type Issuer Dexia Crédit Local Aa3 / AA / AA- Issue rating (Moody’s / S&P / Fitch) Senior, unsecured, Instrument unsubordinated, guaranteed Amount GBP 1,000,000,000 Launch 25 April 2019 Settlement 7 May 2019 Maturity 7 December 2022 Coupon 1.375 % Fixed s/a R/O spread UKT Sept 22 + 61bps 32
Appendices 21 May 2019: 5Y EUR State Guaranteed benchmark On 21th May 2019, launch of a 5-year senior unsecured guaranteed transaction under the 2013 State Guarantee Mechanism Larger order book ever achieved, with immediate responses from investors with IoIs building rapidly Banks accounting for 47% of the order book, followed by Central Banks for 29% and Asset Managers for 22% Key terms Investor by geography Investor by type Issuer Dexia Crédit Local Aa3 / AA / AA- Issue rating (Moody’s / S&P / Fitch) Senior, unsecured, Instrument unsubordinated, guaranteed Amount EUR 2,000,000,000 Launch 21 May 2019 Settlement 29 May 2019 Maturity 29 May 2024 Coupon 0% R/O spread MS + 5bps 33
Appendices Results HY 2019 – Dexia SA Recurring elements : -151 m€ − Net banking income suffering from increased transformation cost and a net margin affected by persisting historically low interest rates − -59 m€ of regulatory taxes and contributions Net result − Positive cost of risk at +23 m€ -546 m€ Accounting volatility : -112 m€ Group share − Reflecting unfavorable market conditions on OIS and BOR rates, swaps LT EUR/GBP Non recurring elements : -283 m€ − Active balance sheet management (-155 m€) − Net impact resulting from the sale of DKD (-115 m€) Balance sheet down 15% on the end of 2018 Impact of the sale of Dexia Kommunalbank Deutschland (EUR -24 134.6 bn€ bn) Balance sheet -24.2 bn€ Continuation and acceleration of the proactive asset portfolio vs. 31/12/2018 reduction Balance sheet total sensitive to interest rate evolution Total capital ratio Impact of the negative net annual result Solvency 25.3% Additional prudential deductions vs. 27.3% Observance of the Total Capital SREP (>13.85%) on 31/12/2018 34
Appendices Disposal Process Disposal of major franchises Status Main characteristics Dexia Bank Belgium (renamed Belfius) Closed 20/10/2011 Sale price EUR ~4 billion RBC Dexia Investor Services Closed 27/07/2012 Sale price EUR 838 million DenizBank Closed 28/09/2012 Sale price EUR 3,024 million Balance sheet reduction of EUR ~18 billion Banque Internationale à Luxembourg Closed 05/10/2012 Sale price EUR 730 million Scope of disposal excluding Legacy Division assets and holdings in Parfipar and RBC Dexia Balance sheet reduction of EUR ~12 billion Société de Financement Local Closed 31/01/2013 Disposal for 1 euro No guarantee given on assets sold Balance sheet reduction of EUR ~84 billion Dexia Asset Management Closed 3/02/2014 Sale price EUR 380 million 58.9% participation in Dexia Israël Closed 18/03/2018 Sale price EUR 82 million DKD (Kofiba) Closed 30/04/2019 Sale price EUR 352 million Balance sheet reduction of EUR ~24 billion Other disposals Status Sale price DKB Polska Closed 13/03/2013 EUR 13.7 million Dexia Bail Closed 02/04/2013 EUR 1 million Public LLD Closed 06/09/2013 EUR 0.4 million Sofaxis Closed 30/09/2013 EUR 136 million Domiserve Closed 04/10/2013 EUR 2.3 million ADTS Closed 06/12/2013 EUR 1.2 million Popular Banca Privada Closed 19/02/2014 EUR 49.2 million 35
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