All Saints Catholic Church & School - All Saints Catholic Church ...

Page created by Matthew Saunders
All Saints Catholic Church & School - All Saints Catholic Church ...
All Saints
Church &

         Growing in the Spirit
                           Pastor—Fr. David J. Greenfield
                             Deacon Jim Hoegemeier

            Church Office                                 Mass Schedule
             P.O. Box 269                                   Weekends
        N8566 State Road 49                             Saturday - 4:30 PM
           Berlin, WI 54923
        Phone: 920-361-5252                             Sunday - 7:30 AM
Email:                 Sunday - 10:00 AM                        Sunday 10:00 AM Mass will also be
                                                 Livestreamed on Facebook and can be
     All Saints Catholic School                       viewed later on our website.
           151 S Grove St.
          Berlin, WI 54923                                  Reconciliation
            920-361-1781                                  Saturday 4:00 PM
                                                          Sunday 9:30 AM
                                                       Wednesday 4:30-6:30 PM
All Saints Catholic Church & School - All Saints Catholic Church ...
FOURTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME                                                        JULY 4, 2021
                                                                           MASS INTENTIONS
      CATHOLIC CHURCH                                           SAT
                                                                         4:30 PM             Fr. Richard Lesniak

 No matter who you are, or where you are in your faith          SUN      7:30 AM             Mike & Jean Resop
     journey, you are welcome at All Saints Parish.              7/4
   Would you like to join us as an active parishioner?
     Please visit our website:                       10:00 AM             All Saints Family
 Find Registration under the About Us tab at the top.
           We are blessed to have you here.                     MON      No Mass
     The Sanctuary Lamp is lit to signal the True              TUES      5:30 PM               Tom Janssen
Presence of Christ in the Tabernacle and is donated this        7/6
        week in memory of Theresa Chappa                        WED      8:00 AM                Ken Seaman
Wedding Banns III: Michael Butler and Vanessa Putzer           THURS     8:00 AM            Mass of Thanksgiving
Mass Intentions - We have several Mass openings availa-
ble yet this summer. If you would like to have a Mass said       FRI     8:00 AM                Lois & Archie
for someone, please contact the parish office. Thank you.
                                                                SAT      4:30 PM              Theresa Chappa
                                                                SUN      7:30 AM         Deceased Members of the
                                                                7/11                  Leon & Katherine Kurczek Family
                                                                         10:00 AM             All Saints Family

                                               PARISH PRESS
        Farewell Reception for Father David                        Welcoming Father John and Father Tony
 Please join us on Sunday, July 11th, after the 10:00
 Mass in the social hall for a reception for Fr. David to    While we will miss Father David and are sad to see
  thank him for serving our parish for the last seven        him go, we are also looking forward to getting to know
 years, and wish him well on whatever God is calling         our new priests.
  him to do next. There will be coffee, juice and light
   refreshments, as well as a box for cards, and of
   course, time to visit with Father and each other.         Fr. John’s first Masses with us will
                                                             be the weekend of July 17-18. We
                                                             will have a “Hospitality Sunday”
                                                             style meet & greet reception in the
                                                             parish hall following each of the
                                                             Masses on this weekend to
                                                             welcome him.

                                                                                    Father Tony will be celebrating
                                                                                    Masses with us the following
                                                                                    weekend, and we will have a
                                                                                    similar meet & greet welcoming
                                                                                    reception for Father Tony after all
                                                                                    of the Masses on the weekend of
                                                                                    July 24-25.

                                                               We hope you are able to join us both weekends to
                                                              provide a warm welcome to both of our new priests!
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                  Chaplet of Divine Mercy                                      THIS WEEK AT
                                                                             ALL SAINTS PARISH
  Every Friday, after the 8 AM Mass, a group leads the
  Chaplet in church. We invite anyone to join us; it only                      July 5 - July 11, 2021
  takes about 10 minutes. The prayers are simple, but       Monday:       Parish office closed
 beautiful, and prayed on regular rosary beads. We ask                    Rosary- 5:30 PM– Plan.Parenthood Oshkosh
 Jesus to “Have mercy on us, and on the whole world.”       Wednesday:    Private Confessions - 4:30-6:30 PM
                                                            Fri - Sun:    Rummage Sale- St Michael- times listed below
Berlin Community Blood Drive will be held on                Saturday:     Wedding - 1:00 PM
Tuesday, July 6 from 10:30am - 5:30pm at Grace                            Mass - 4:30 PM
Lutheran Church in Berlin. To schedule your lifesaving      Sunday:       Mass - 7:30 & 10:00 AM
                                                                          Farewell Reception - 11AM-Noon - parish hall
appointment, please call 920-361-3679
                         We will once again be having a parish rummage sale this summer! The sale will take place in
                                           the basement of St. Michael’s Oratory (school location).
                                          Friday - Sunday, July 9-11. Friday, July 9: 7am-7pm
                                      Saturday, July 10: 7am-5pm and Sunday, July 11: Noon-3pm
                       Sunday will feature a “Bag Sale” - Anything you can fit in a brown paper grocery bag for $2!
           Come check things out. You might find that perfect something you never knew you were looking for!
We already have plenty of items, and are busy marking and setting things up. We don’t need any more things to sell,
but please come and shop our large selection! If you have any questions, please call Joanne Simon, 920-361-4860.

To all Catholic Women of the Madison Diocese - You may have heard that the CCW is conducting an online
survey to determine future directions for the Madison Diocese of Catholic Women. Please fill out the survey using the
link below. Your input is critical to help us plan for the future. Thank you for taking the time to take the survey. To
send the completed survey be sure to click on DONE. Link to survey:
Our Lady of Perpetual Help, pray for us.
Judy Lyons, President, Madison Diocesan Council of Catholic Women

Biking for Babies is a group of young people who bike across the nation to raise awareness and funds for the
pro-life cause. On July 12th the Biking for Babies Missionaries will be completing the first leg (159 miles) of their
national ride. Come welcome these missionaries into Madison at the Women’s Care Center at 3711 Orin Rd. They
should be arriving shortly after 5:00. All are invited for a Mass at the Women’s Care Center Chapel at 6:00, followed
by a Potluck dinner. Meat, beverages and buns are provided. If you can attend, please sign up to bring a dish to pass
at: For more information or questions, call Greg at 608-576-0991.

Rebuilding the Church in a Post-Covid World - St. Raphael the Archangel Church Oshkosh, WI. 10 am - 2 pm,
Saturday, July 17, 2021. You are invited for a short day of reflection with David Seitz, OFS —Spiritual Director,
Author, Certified Hospice Chaplain, Secular Franciscan and Evangelist— David will share practical tools to help
anchor our lives on God’s firm foundation in order to rebuild the Church and give us hope after Covid. Light lunch
provided. Reservations appreciated by July 7— Call Pam at 920-426-1075 and leave a message please.
                      Freewill offering— ALL ARE WELCOME - Covid protocol will be followed.
                      Sponsored by the Secular Franciscan Sacred Heart Fraternity, Oshkosh

Living with Alzheimer’s - All are welcome to attend a presentation at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church in Waupun on
July 20, at 2 PM. Speaker and former WI Governor, Marty Schreiber will be speaking on his personal journey living
with Alzheimer’s Disease. His wife, Elaine, has had the disease for over 18 years. Since 2016, Gov. Schreiber has
written a book, My Two Elaines, and has made hundreds of appearances in 26 states, helping other caregivers by
sharing what he has learned, and what he wished he had known. Copies of his book will also be for sale for $15
each, and net proceeds are used to promote Alzheimer’s caregiver support. You can also purchase the book online

                                      Just For Fun: (in the sun!)
              •     What did the ocean say to the beach? Nothing, it just waved.
              •     What do you call a cantaloupe at the pool? A watermelon.
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All Saints Catholic School
             Building Saints, Scholars, and Children of God
                          What’s Happening at All Saints Catholic School
                                       Chris Kroeze and Parish Festival
This past weekend was our big Chris Kroeze Concert fundraiser and our Parish Festival. Among the many wonderful
volunteers were students (from our school as well as religious ed program), staff, and parent network. Here are a
few fun pictures from these two events, with more pictures and details on the outcome of these fundraisers to follow
in a later bulletin. Thank you to everyone who helped!

    Summer SCRIP Sales: With the school year completed, our students and teachers are now enjoying a
well-deserved summer vacation! Therefore, beginning June 2 and continuing throughout summer vacation, Scrip will
 be sold at the Church office during regular office hours (Tue-Fri, 8 am-4 pm) Scrip will continue to be sold after the
 weekend Masses as well. Remember you can always buy SCRIP online through our website:
                                         Our ScripNow code is EDB23A4F82L2
    Now, you also have the option to get your physical gift cards sent to you with the new ship to home feature—
available only in our mobile app, RaiseRight™. Choose from hundreds of top-selling brands labeled “Ship to Home
Eligible.” A small shipping fee applies. You must pay with a bank account or credit card. Go to the following website
       to get started.
        As always, if you have any questions, please contact our scrip coordinator at:
All Saints Catholic Church & School - All Saints Catholic Church ...
                                                                       Mark your calendars!
                                                                            July 19-22

                                              All Saints Catholic Church will host a Vacation Bible School this sum-
                                                        mer, helping our youth uncover the truth about our
                                                                      Savior, Jesus Christ.

                                             Registration is open! You can sign up by scanning the QR code below,
                                                         visiting our website, or you may go to this link:


                                             We will also be looking for adult and older students to volunteer to help.
                                               If you are interested and available, please contact Michelle Wolff.
                                                           920-361-5252 or mwolff

                                                               “When you search for me, you will find me;
                                                                 if you seek me with all your heart .”
                                                                             Jeremiah 29:13

Is the Holy Spirit calling you to             If you're curious about the Catholic faith or you've thought about
                                                 becoming a Catholic, our Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults
      join Mother Church?                     (RCIA) program is just for you. Adults from all faith traditions, or
                                               no religious background at all, are welcome to participate in our
                                                 program of instruction designed especially for the needs and
                                              lifestyles of busy people. The program focuses on four essential
                                                               areas: What the Church teaches
                                                       (and why we believe it’s the fullness of the Truth);
        Contact Michelle Wolff,                                    How the Church teaches;
    Director of Religious Education.                              The Bible; and Spirituality.
            920-361-5252 or                       Is the Holy Spirit calling you to join Mother Church?

We once again are blessed to receive a grant from the
Tim Tebow Foundation to host another Night to Shine. If
you recall from 2020, Night to Shine is an unforgettable
prom night experience, centered on God’s love, for people
with special needs ages 14 and older. We will have the
social hall beautifully decorated, a DJ, hors d'oeuvres,
refreshments, and a ceremony crowning each one of them
as a king or queen for the night. Last time we also had limo
rides, a prom dress drive, and on site hair stylists to help
the ladies look their very
best! We will again be
needing many volunteers
to help make this night a
night to remember for all
our honored guests, so
save the date for
  Friday, Feb. 11, 2022!
All Saints Catholic Church & School - All Saints Catholic Church ...
News and Announcements

GREEN LAKE COUNTY FOOD PANTRY CAN HELP Are you struggling with your grocery budget and the high
price of food? Today’s food prices are more than 5% higher than they were just one year ago. The increase in food
prices and all consumer products over the last year can put a strain on our grocery budget. In recognition of this our
Food Pantry has raised its eligibility income limit to 300% of the Federal Poverty Level. If you’re unemployed, or
working and still struggling to make ends meet come see us at the Green Lake County Food Pantry and see what we
can offer you.
The Green Lake County Food Pantry is located at 500 Lake Steel Street in Green Lake WI. The Pantry is open for
regular distribution hours every Tuesday from 10:00 am to noon. we are also open for Special Summer Hours on the
following dates; July 1, 2021 from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm; August 5, 2021 from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm; September 2, 2021
from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm; and October 7, 2021 from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm.
When you come to the Food Pantry please bring YOUR Photo ID; no proof of income is needed.
We are a drive through pantry, someone will meet you at your car to register you and the items will be placed in your
trunk by our volunteers. At the Green Lake County Food Pantry, you will receive a variety of food including, meat,
canned goods, bread, fresh produce, dairy products and dry goods. We also have paper products, personal care
items, diapers and more. If you have questions or need more information you can call us at 920-294-4070.
If increased prices at the grocery store are stretching your budget, come see if the Green Lake County Food Pantry
can help!

Preparing for our new pastor - As the time for welcoming Fr. John and Fr. Tony approaches, we will also begin
preparing for a new prayer ministry. Fr. John would like to have a Green Lake County Catholic prayer circle, in which
people would volunteer to spend some time praying for the special needs and intentions of others. We would like to
begin compiling a list of people who would be on our prayer team, as well as people who have special intentions
they’d like to be prayed for, whether they are Catholic or not. Intentions will be kept simple and anonymous, and
could state how a person is related to a parishioner. For example:
         Those that have asked for our Prayers:
         John Doe (father of Sally Jones - Our Lady of the Lake)
         Jenny Smith (daughter-in-law of Mike and Mary Smith - All Saints)
         Betty Johnson (All Saints)

We would then email this list of prayer intentions to our prayer team to pray for each week. So please start to think
about this—whether you would be able to spend some extra time praying for others, and/or if you would like to have
some extra prayers said for yourself or a special intention. You can call the office to let us know and we will start
making a list.

Another change to be aware of will be the discontinuation of livestreaming Sunday Mass. The last Mass livestreamed
will be Fr. David’s last Sunday Mass on July 11. We are learning some interesting facts about Fr. John as he has
paid the office a couple of visits now, and one of these things is that he is really uncomfortable being recorded and
broadcasted on public TV or other media, so we encourage you to come back to Mass in-person! In cases where this
is truly not possible, we will list some other resources for finding televised or online Mass, and you can contact the
parish office if you would like to schedule a time for Fr. John to visit you.

                                    Weekly Stewardship—June 14 - , 2021
                                          Adult Envelope Collection $12,836.00
                                          Loose Offertory              $485.00
                                          Total                     $13,321.00
   We need an average of $15,400 to meet our weekly budget. Thank you for your continued generous support!
 Please continue to mail your envelopes to the parish office at P.O. Box 269, Berlin, WI 54923. Or you may wish to
           start a recurring donation through our online giving link:
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Stewardship & Sacraments
    Stewardship: Sharing the Gifts We Have Been                                    Sacraments
                                  Online Giving               Baptism
                                  Now Available               At All Saints Parish, Baptisms are usually celebrated on
                                                              Sundays after the 10 am Mass.
Online giving is a help to the parish finances especially
                                                              All parents who wish to have a child baptized are asked
during the summer when vacations and schedules
                                                              to call the Parish Office 920-361-5252 to speak with
change. Setting up your Pushpay Giving Account is
                                                              Father David about scheduling the Baptism.
rather effortless. You can find the bright red link as
shown above on our website or app.
                                                              Baptism for adults is part of the Rite of Christian
Now it’s easier than ever! Just scan the
                                                              Initiation of Adults (RCIA program)
QR code on this page and go directly to
our PushPay giving portal. Fr. David asks
us all to ponder signing up. E-Giving
options include your regular weekly                           Arrangements must be made 6 months in advance.
offertory, holy day offering, school support, diocesan        Marriage Preparation courses are required.
assessment or any other unrestricted donation. You
may designate your donations to any of these funds, on
your preferred schedule. If you have any questions,
call the parish office for assistance 920-361-5252.
                                                              You can always buy SCRIP online through our website:
                                                     Our ScripNow code is EDB23A4F82L2
ADDITIONAL FUNDS TO SUPPORT OUR PARISH                               Questions? Contact our scrip coordinator at:
•     Little Saints Tuition Assistance Fund                          

•       All Saints Congregation Endowment Fund                                              Use AmazonSmile to shop
•       The Berlin Catholic School Endowment Fund, Inc.                                     and select All Saints Catholic
                                                                                            Congregation in Berlin, WI
Envelopes are available in the kiosk in gathering space                                     as your charity of choice.
or contact the parish office.

Remembering the Parish in your Will                           Parish Hall Information & Rental
An important way for members of one generation to             Contact the parish office
have a lasting impact on the parish and its institutions is   Phone: 920-361-5252
to make a lump sum bequest, or estate percentage              Email:
bequest, in one’s Will.
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