Aim High Progress Study Programme - FS2 moving to Year 1 - The Winchester School

Page created by Vincent Davidson
Aim High Progress Study Programme - FS2 moving to Year 1 - The Winchester School
Aim High Progress Study Programme
        FS2 moving to Year 1
Aim High Progress Study Programme - FS2 moving to Year 1 - The Winchester School
Dear Parents,

In our continued endeavour to engage and enrich our students’ learning we have developed
the Aim High Progress Study Programme (AHPSP) for your child to work on over the
summer vacation. The aim of this programme is to keep students in ‘learning mode’ so that
they continue to make progress without any summer learning loss.

Our Aim high summer programme is designed to help students develop values like
sustainability, tolerance, morals, values and character through integrated curriculum and
community partnerships.

The AHPSP involves Project Based Learning (PBL) which is an approach to education that
emphasizes hands on learning with real life implications and independent research skills
to find a solution and present in different ways using variety of tools.

As your child is moving from FS 2 to Year 1, you can look at the Family Learning
Newsletters for Year 1 and learn, in advance, about the learning modules, which will be
covered in the coming academic year.
Please find the below links for Family Learning Newsletter:

These are also very useful for new parents. For example, if your child has completed FS
2 in another school, you can look over the Family learning newsletter for FS 2 and map
your child’s existing learning to what has been completed at The Winchester School,
Jebel Ali thus avoiding any gaps. We hope you will be able to use all these valuable
learning resources to support and enrich your child in reaching their full potential. The
Winchester School deeply values ‘Parents as Partners in Learning’.

Wish you all a very happy and blessed holidays. Enjoy with family and friends.

The school will re-open for NEW students on Monday, 29th August 2022 and for all
existing students from Tuesday, 30th August 2022.

Warm Regards,
Jaya Paliwal
Head of Primary
Aim High Progress Study Programme - FS2 moving to Year 1 - The Winchester School
Aim High Progress Study Programme
In the Aim High Summer Programme, we have included project based activities that add
an artistic or creative element to the learning. These activities will promote research,
enquiry and analytical thinking during the process of design thinking and problem solving.
STREAM learning will happen naturally and students will develop High Performance
Learning Skills everyday as they do the designed activities; engage in discussions with
friends and family members; establish links or connections with real life; check outcomes;
make corrections or modification; research; play, explore and try new things.
Due Date of Submission: 12th September 2022
In Science, children will learn about ‘Plants’ and explore more about the
world around them. Science activities will help them incorporate their
numeracy skills (Maths) through sorting and language skills (English) through
description based tasks. Children will enjoy exploring scientific concepts and
will be delighted in applying their newly acquired skills.

Learning Objective:
• To identify and name a variety of common wild and
  garden plants.
• To measure the length of the plant at different
• To identify and describe the basic structure of a
  variety of common flowering plants, including trees.
Let us keep busy in our holidays with some useful,
educational and fun activities....
Give our brains a fun work-out with these awesome specially curated
collection of activities!
Choose any one of the two tasks.
Each task has 3 activites, attempt all 3 activities!!
Aim High Progress Study Programme - FS2 moving to Year 1 - The Winchester School
# 1 – Task
Plan a visit to the Green Planet or any indoor park in Dubai.
Activity 1: Create a plant booklet on your day out to the indoor park:
Write from the time you got up in the morning till the day ended.
More ideas:
     • Click and stick the pictures in your booklet and label them. Collect some
       information on plants pictures that you have stuck and add the information in
       your booklet.
     • Google and find out some facts about these plants and add to make your
       booklet more interesting. Draw and label your favourite plant.
Activity 2: Choose a plant from your booklet and plant its seed.
                      Research how to make your plant grow. Measure
                      the height at each stage using straws, ice cream
                      sticks or cubes and record it on to your record
                      sheet booklet.
Activity 3: Construct a leaf graph.
Based on the various plants you saw and have included in your booklet,
sort those plants choosing your own criteria. Compare through size,
colour, shape and so on.
Choose any one plant in or around your house, construct a Pictogram
or Block graph and record your findings. Frame few questions and
answer them, for example:
     •   -Which colour leaf is the most in number?
     •   -Which colour leaf is the least in number?
     •   -How many green and yellow coloured leaves are there altogether?
     •   -How many leaves are there altogether?
     •   -Find the difference between the yellow and green coloured leaves.
Aim High Progress Study Programme - FS2 moving to Year 1 - The Winchester School
# 2 – Task
A day out to any park in your home country (if you are travelling).
Activity 1: Write a diary entry of your day in the park.
Look around in the park for different plants, including deciduous and evergreen trees.
   • Deciduous trees – Trees or shrubs which shed their leaves seasonally are called
     deciduous trees. E.g.: Oak tree.
   • Evergreen trees – Trees or shrubs which don’t shed their leaves are called evergreen
     trees. E.g.: Pine trees.
Here’s what you can include in your dairy.
    • Walk around in the park and take pictures of different types
      of plants.
    • Stick these pictures in your diary and label them.
    • Collect some information on the plants that you have stuck and add the information
      in your diary.
    • Google and find out some facts about these plants and add to make your dairy more
    • Draw and label your favourite plant.
    • Have you seen those palnts in Dubai as well, how are the plants in Dubai different
      from the ones that you see in the park in your home town?
    • Write what you did all day in the park.

                       Activity 2: Fun and Drama - An interview with a plant!

                       Let’s have some fun and engage in some Role Play.

                       Act and dress up as a plant and ask mum or dad to interview you. You
                       can talk about your journey from being a tiny seed to a full-grown

                       Optional: Record the interview and share the video with your class
                       teacher in Year 2 once school reopens.
Aim High Progress Study Programme - FS2 moving to Year 1 - The Winchester School
Activity 3: Getting Creative in Nature!
Zoom into the park with some coloured papers and stationery to create your own NUMBER
BOOKLET. Use items from nature to represent your numerals and ther values.
Invent some interesting garden
games and present it in the booklet.

                  Click on this image to get some inspiration to create your own games!

Design a creative collage using different leaves. Go on a leaf hunt and pick different types
of leaves, flowers, pine cones, stones and twigs and create a collage with them and click
pictures (Andy Goldsworthy's art samples given below)

                                   Useful Web-links

Kindly monitor as your child uses the links mentioned below and please keep
the device time limited to just 30 minutes in a day.

• Learn some wow words:
• Let’s sing along some wow words:
Aim High Progress Study Programme - FS2 moving to Year 1 - The Winchester School
• Let’s play some adjectives/wow word games:
• Select your grade and play the game:

• Let’s add some block:
• Fun with subtraction:
• Measuring length:

•   How do plants grow?
•   Know about plants:
•   Different parts of the plant:
•   Needs of the plant:
•   How a seed grows:

                                   Summer Reading

                               Online Reading for Fun:
Since you have a long holiday, you can pack in some online reading time, so that you can
learn new vocabulary and varied sentence structures. Just click on the link given below
and dive into the world of stories.
Aim High Progress Study Programme - FS2 moving to Year 1 - The Winchester School
Traditional stories:
Below is a list of some reading that you can do over the Summer Break.

   •        Enormous Turnip
   •        Jack and the Beanstalk
   •        Little Red Hen
   •        Town Mouse and the Country Mouse
   •        Ugly Duckling
   •        Ginger Bread Man
   •        Goldilocks and the Three Bears
   •        Three Billy Goats Gruff

                                    Read and Spell
Below is a list of words mark along with your child the words that he/she can
read and spell. Ensure that your child is able to spell maximum words.
       1.     quick   9.    took   17.   pure   25.   with   33. she     41. are

       2.     chin    10.   car    18.   coin   26.   see    34. we      42. my

       3.     fish    11. cork     19.   king   27.   for    35. me      43. her

       4.     moth    12.   turn   20.   will   28. now      36. be

       5.     pain    13.   town   21.   that   29. down     37. was
       6.     meet    14.   join   22.   this   30.   look   38. you

       7.     fight   15.   near   23.   then   31. too      39. they

       8.     road    16.   hair   24.   them   32. he       40. all
Aim High Progress Study Programme - FS2 moving to Year 1 - The Winchester School
Activity 1: Colour the letters you can identify.

                 ‫ش‬            ‫ص‬            ‫ج‬         ‫أ‬           ‫ب‬
                 ‫س‬            ‫د‬            ‫ز‬         ‫و‬           ‫ر‬
                 ‫خ‬            ‫ت‬            ‫ن‬         ‫م‬           ‫ل‬
                 ‫ھـ‬           ‫ع‬            ‫ق‬         ‫ط‬           ‫ض‬
                 ‫ف‬            ‫ث‬            ‫ح‬         ‫ظ‬           ‫غ‬
                 ‫ض‬   َ        ‫َد‬           ‫س‬   َ     ‫ك‬           ‫ذ‬
                 ‫ت‬ َ          ‫ش‬   َ        ‫َل‬        ‫َم‬            َ‫ق‬
                 ‫َن‬           ‫ب‬ َ          ‫ف‬ َ       ‫ت‬ َ         ‫َن‬
Activity 2: Let’s play - Click on the links below and play some Arabic games.‫ﻟﻌبﺔ اﻟﺤﺮوف‬‫اﻟﺒ�ﺖ‬‫أﺟﺰاء اﻟﺠﺴﻢ‬ ‫اﻟﻔﻮا�ﻪ‬ �‫ﻋﺼﺎﻓ‬
B4%D9%85%D8%B4 ‫آدام وﻣﺸﻤﺶ‬
Aim High Progress Study Programme - FS2 moving to Year 1 - The Winchester School
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