Activity Guide - NEW NAME! NEW LOOK!

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Activity Guide - NEW NAME! NEW LOOK!
Activity Guide

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Activity Guide - NEW NAME! NEW LOOK!
                                                                             ARTISAN BOOTHS
                                                                              FOOD VENDORS
                                                                                   AND MORE!

                                              e Gathing Place

         2022 SEASON
 MAY 14 - OCTOBER 29
                                                                                VENDORS Register here:
     100 Block Maple Avenue, Downtown Manteca           
                                                                    For additional information, call 209.456.8600 or
         NO MARKET ON 6/4 & 10/1 DUE TO OTHER EVENTS                       email

     R E   E                                        D T R UC
                                                                                                   T RU C K
              T !                             O   O                                        W
                                                                                  B EER / E M U S I S *
                                                                                              I V
                                                                                     K I D S’ I N E * G A R
       E  N                                                                                     ACTIV          D
                                                                                                      I T I E S EN

      JULY                                                                                   AUG
       24                                                                                     21
                                       FR               Y                              3-8    PM

IN PARTNERSHIP WITH THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE                                            WOODWARD PARK
*Food & drink available for purchase                                                   710 E. WOODWARD AVE.
Activity Guide - NEW NAME! NEW LOOK!
Phone 209.456.8600
                                           Fax 209.923.8954                          SPRING/SUMMER
                                                                                      ACTIVITY GUIDE

                                             OFFICE HOURS
                                            Monday-Thursday                                       THROUGH SEPTEMBER 2022
                                           7:30 AM - 6:00 PM
                                   252 Magnolia Ave., Manteca 95337
         Recreation & Community Services Manager Brandy Clark
                   Management Analyst Cindy Rundell
                   Recreation Supervisor Victoria Loma
                  Recreation Supervisor Eric Culpepper
                 Recreation Coordinator Jennifer Hooper
                  Recreation Coordinator Ashlea Green
             Administrative Assistant III Meghan Kuesthardt
             Customer Service Representative Jeanette Rios
               Aaron Bowers Lauren Koury Victor Lujan
       Clara Schmiedt Lori Tiago Alternate: Supriya Ashish Jain                             1001 WEST CENTER STREET • MANTECA, CA 95337
       Meets quarterly at 6:00 pm at City Hall, 1001 West Center Street                     
        2022 MEETING DATES*: May 12, August 11, November 10
    *Always confirm first; meetings sometimes must be canceled and/or rescheduled.
                                                                                                        MANTECA CITY COUNCIL
Greetings, Manteca!                                                                  City Council meets the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 7:00 p.m. at
                                                                                      City Hall, 1001 West Center Street.
We’re so glad you’ve found your way to this season’s Activity Guide. You
may have noticed a few changes to our Department lately, including a new                                    Benjamin J. Cantu Mayor
name and a brand new logo, featured on the cover of this Guide. We are                                 David Breitenbucher Councilmember
now Recreation and Community Services, a title which better describes
our department’s mission.                                                                                  Charlie Halford Vice Mayor
                                                                                                            Jose Nuño Councilmember
We are excited to share some things we have in store this season. We’ll                                    Gary Singh Councilmember
be offering the first-ever Junior Giants baseball & softball program, which is
FREE to Manteca youth ages 5-13; see page 6 for details. We’ve got lots of
fun events coming, including Food Truck Frenzy, Movies in the Park, Pop-up
Parties, and a move to Saturday mornings for the Market on Maple, which
runs May-October.
                                                                                                             CITY DEPARTMENTS
                                                                                     General Information............................................................456-8000
We encourage you to visit your neighborhood park, register for a
                                                                                     Heating/Cooling Center Hotline.........................................456-8080
recreation program, or attend one or more of the fun events. More
than ever, Recreation programming serves as an essential resource for                Animal Shelter, 115 E. Wetmore St.......................................456-8270
fun, learning, and community engagement. Many of our staff grew up in                Legislative Services/City Clerk, 1001 W. Center St..............456-8017
Manteca and we’re all passionate about this community and its future.                City Manager’s office, 1001 W. Center St..............................456-8050
We’re committed to serving you to the best of our ability. I look forward            Development Services, 1215 W. Center St., Suite 201..........456-8550
to seeing you and your family at an upcoming event or program.
                                                                                     Engineering, 1001 W. Center St.............................................456-8460
           Brandy Clark                                                              Facilities Maintenance........................................................456-8476
           Recreation & Community Services Manager
                                                                                     Finance, 1001 W. Center St.....................................................456-8730
                                                                                     Fire (Non-Emergency), 1154 S. Union Rd.............................456-8300
                                                                                     Golf Course, 305 N. Union Rd.................................................825-2500
                                                                                     Human Resources, 1001 W. Center St...................................456-8700
                                                                                     Information Technology,1001 W. Center.............................456-8400
                                                                                     Library, 320 W. Center St..............................................(866) 805-7323
                                                                                     Mayor and Council, 1001 W. Center St...................................456-8017
                                                                                     Recreation & Community Services, 252 Magnolia Ave.......456-8600
                                                                                     Police (Non-Emergency), 1001 W. Center St.........................456-8100
                                                                                     Public Works, 1001 W. Center St............................................456-8400
           FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM                                              Senior Center, 295 Cherry Lane.............................................456-8650
Manteca Recreation & Community Services offers a scholarship program to              Sewer (Wastewater Treatment Plant)..............................456-8470
help youth ages 18 and younger from low-income households participate in             Solid Waste (Refuse Collection), 210 E. Wetmore St...........456-8440
our recreation programs and activities! Eligible youths may receive discounted       Streets Division.....................................................................456-8449
registration, depending upon availability of funding. The scholarship covers a       Transit Center/Dial-A-Ride, 220 Moffat Blvd.......................456-8888
percentage of the activity registration fee; the participant pays the remainder.     Utility Billing.........................................................................456-8740
Proof of family income is required. Please contact us for an application or more
information. The application also is available on our website.

                            MANTECA RECREATION & COMMUNITY SERVICES                                                SPRING/SUMMER 2022                                                      1
Activity Guide - NEW NAME! NEW LOOK!
SWIM LESSONS - Registration opens May 9!
     Important Registration Details                                                                          GROUP SWIM LESSONS
                                                                                                 For ages 9 months (accompanied by parent) through 13 years
     • Registration is NOT accepted at any swimming pools. Register online, by                     Taught by MRCS Aquatic Instructors, who are certified Lifeguards.
       mail, fax, or in person at the Manteca Recreation & Community Services                     TWO-WEEK SESSIONS                           ONE-WEEK SESSIONS
       (MRCS) office, 252 Magnolia Ave.                                                          Monday-Thursday for a total                       Monday-Thursday
                                                                                                 of eight 40-minute lessons.                         nights only
     • Registration is limited to one time slot per session per student                          Residents $75/Non-Res. $85                 Residents $38/Non-Res. $48
       (i.e., you may not register the same child for multiple sessions                               1. 6/6-6/16                                5. 8/1-8/4
       or for multiple time slots in one session).
                                                                                                      2. 6/20-6/30                               6. 8/8-8/11
     • During the pre-registration period (May 9-June 2),                                             3. 7/5-7/14*
       you may register for any one session per student.                                              4. 7/18-7/28
     • Beginning June 6, registrations will be accepted                                        *Short session; fees prorated
       only for the next consecutive session.
     • The registration deadline for each session is 6:00 pm on the                                ADAPTIVE SWIM LESSONS
       Thursday prior to the start of the session. If you want to register                       for Special–Needs Children ages 3–14
       your child/ren for the next consecutive session but do not know                                    Our Adaptive Swim Lessons are specially designed to benefit
       whether they will advance to the next skill level, please speak to the                         children with special needs or who need special accommodations.
       class instructor a few days before the session ends for clarification;                       Our goal is to help each swimmer push past their physical, cognitive, or
       deadlines and late fees are strictly enforced for each session.                            neurological challenges to be successful in learning to swim, learning water
                                                                                                       safety, developing confidence, increasing fitness, and having fun!
                            • Not all classes/skill levels are offered each session.                Participants may have an aide or assistant accompany them in the pool.
                            • Dates, times, and locations are subject to change.                             Sessions are Monday through Thursday for 35 minutes.
                            • Call the MRCS office at 456-8600 if you need                                  MONDAY-THURSDAY JUNE 6-AUGUST 11
                              clarification or have additional questions.                                 Led by Rec Department Lifeguards at Lincoln Pool.
                                                                                                        One-week session $38 Resident/$48 Non-resident
                                                                                                        Two-week session $75 Resident/$85 Non-resident

      SKILL LEVEL                           AGES                   PREREQUISITES                                            SKILLS TAUGHT
                                                               A parent or other adult caregiver is        Experience buoyancy, movement, entries, sing songs and play
           Tadpoles                   9 months-3 years required to accompany each child in                 in the water. Parents are taught to help children learn and
         Parent Participation                                  the water.                                  practice appropriate skills.

                                                               Parent participation required. The          Develop confidence in the water while learning fundamental
     Froggies: Level 1                     3-5 years           objective of this class is to help          skills, water entry, submerging face/head, front and back
Tiny Tots w/Parent Participation                               children feel comfortable in the water      float, kicking, arm strokes, and breathing, while accompanied
                                                               and enjoy the water safely.                 by a parent or guardian for additional support.

     Starfish: Level 1                                         None. The objective of this class is to     Develop confidence in the water while learning fundamental
                                           3-5 years           help children feel comfortable in the       skills, water entry, submerging face/head, front and back
             Tiny Tots                                         water and enjoy the water safely.           float, kicking, arm strokes, and breathing.

    Seahorses: Level 2                                         None. This class is also for children       Develop confidence in the water while learning fundamental
                                           4-6 years           6 or older who are first-timers or are      skills, water entry, submerging face/head, front and back
          Pre-Beginners                                        fearful of the water.                       float, kicking, arm strokes, and breathing.

    Sea Otters: Level 3                                        Graduated from Seahorses, or can            Success with fundamental skills, water entry, submerging
                                           6-13 years          demonstrate all of the completion           face/head, front and back float, full front stroke and back
            Beginners                                          requirements.                               stroke combined with kicking.

       Seals: Level 4                                          Graduated from Sea Otters, or can           Develop endurance in front and back crawl strokes,
                                           6-13 years          demonstrate all of the completion           introduction to elementary backstroke, diving, deep-water
       Advanced Beginners                                      requirements.                               retrievals, and water survival skills.

      Sharks: Level 5                                          Graduated from Seals, or can                Develop confidence in the crawl strokes and increase
                                           6-13 years          demonstrate all of the completion           endurance. Introduced to breaststroke kick, scissors kick,
     Intermediate/Advanced                                     requirements.                               treading water, and wall turns.

2                                                        209.456.8600
Activity Guide - NEW NAME! NEW LOOK!
PRIVATE SWIM LESSONS                                                  LINCOLN POOL
     WEEKDAYS                                                                            245 S. Powers Ave.
 ONE-WEEK SESSIONS                                                             OPEN SWIM HOURS & FEES
 Residents $125/Non-Res. $135                                                         JUNE 7 through JULY 31
       1. 6/6-6/9                                                            TUESDAY-THURSDAY-FRIDAY.........1:30-4:30 pm
       2. 6/13-6/16                                                          FRIDAY EVENING...........................6:00-8:30 pm
       3. 6/20-6/23                                                          SATURDAY & SUNDAY..................12:00-5:00 pm
       4. 6/27-6/30                                                               NO OPEN SWIM MONDAY & WEDNESDAY
       5. 7/5-7/7*
       6. 7/11-7/14                                                                 AUGUST WEEKEND HOURS
       7. 7/18-7/21                                                          SATURDAY-SUNDAY................ 12:00-5:00 pm
       8. 7/25-7/28
*Short session; fees prorated                                                                   ADMISSION
                                                                             CHILDREN UNDER 4 YEARS........................ FREE
     SATURDAYS                                                               YOUTHS 4-17 YEARS.................................$2.00
 SATURDAY MORNINGS                                                           ADULTS 18-61 YEARS................................$3.00
 Residents $125/Non-Res. $135                                                SENIORS 62 YEARS & UP...........................$2.00
 1. 6/11, 6/18, 6/25, 7/2
 2. 7/9, 7/16, 7/23, 7/30

               Junior Lifeguard
                        For ages 10-14
                        TWO-DAY PROGRAM
                    SATURDAY-SUNDAY, JULY 9-10
                  10:00 AM to 2:00 PM BOTH DAYS
          Led by Rec Department Lifeguards at Lincoln Pool
                   $45 Resident/$55 Non-resident
                         Register by June 30

  Participants have a blast while learning water safety and practicing
  real lifesaving techniques used by lifeguards. Activities include drown-
  ing-prevention, developing swimming skills, emergency response,
  leadership, and professionalism. Participants then use their new skills
  to shadow a lifeguard on a typical summer day. This is a fast-paced,
  fun-filled weekend! PREREQUISITE: Ability to swim.

     NOTES: Bring a sack lunch, drinking water, towel, change
      of clothes, sunglasses, hat, and sunscreen. Participants
       will receive a Junior Lifeguard T-shirt and a whistle to
         wear while they are shadowing a Recreation and
                   Community Services Lifeguard.

                        MANTECA RECREATION & COMMUNITY SERVICES                             SPRING/SUMMER 2022                         3
Activity Guide - NEW NAME! NEW LOOK!
                                                                           These non-competitive programs        For more information contact
                                                                            are a safe, fun way for children         Recreation Supervisor
                                                                           with disabilities to explore sports         Eric Culpepper at
                                                                             activities. Open to MUSD K-12             (209) 456-8647 or
                                                                            students. $35 per participant.

    MUSIC CLASSES                                                            KICKBALL
                                                                          • Runs October-December
                                                                                                                     • Runs January-February
     AT GK MUSIC STUDIO, 977 W. CENTER ST.                                • Informational meeting                    • Informational meeting
Students meet with the instructor as a group for 60 minutes weekly.         will be held in September                  will be held in December
       A minimum enrollment of five                                       • Weeknight practices                      • Weeknight practices
    students is required for these classes.                               • Saturday games                           • Saturday games

          DRUM CIRCLE
                FOR AGES 5-18                                               MANTECA YOUTH ADVISORY COMMISSION &
Students in this class will learn how to play a                              MANTECA SENIOR ADVISORY COMMITTEE
 percussion instrument in an ensemble and                                 PRESENT A MULTI-GENE
                                                                                              RATIONAL TALENT SHOW
  will have the opportunity to perform as a

                                                                                  FRIDAY, APRIL 23 • 6-9 PM
group at the session end. Activity #123402.1
 JUNE 6-AUGUST 15, excluding July 4th
         10-CLASS SESSIONS                                                        MANTECA SENIOR CENTER, 295 CHERRY LANE
        MONDAY 7:00-8:00 PM
    $66 Resident/$76 Non-resident

                              BEGINNING GUITAR
                                          FOR AGES 8-18
                            This is a comprehensive introductory guitar
                           class, covering techniques and concepts, and
                              introducing students to the basics of all
                             music styles and how the guitar functions
                             in each. NOTE: Students supply their own
                                 acoustic guitar. Activity #123403.1.
                                     JUNE 22-AUGUST 17
                                      10-CLASS SESSIONS
                                  WEDNESDAY 6:00-7:00 PM
                                $75 Resident/$85 Non-resident
                                                                                                CALLING ALL
                                                                            SINGERS • DANCERS • MUSICIANS • ACTORS
            POP SINGERS                                                     MAGICIANS • COMEDIANS • VARIETY ACTS
                 FOR AGES 8-14
       During each lesson, students will learn                                  Teens & Senior Citizens
       basic techniques including breathing,
    enunciation, and projection. The focus will
                                                                                are encouraged to participate in this
      be on popular music. Students will have                                   multi-generational talent showcase!
     the opportunity to perform as a group at
    the end of the session. Activity #123404.1.
              JUNE 6-AUGUST 15                                                       FOR INFORMATION on PARTICIPATING
                excluding July 4th                                             Email Recreation Supervisor Victoria Loma:
            10-CLASS SESSIONS
           MONDAY 6:00-7:00 PM                                                
       $66 Resident/$76 Non-resident

4                                        209.456.8600
Activity Guide - NEW NAME! NEW LOOK!
Toddler Time
                                                                                           IT TLE EXPLORERS
  A stepping stone to Little People’s Creative Play, this parent-participation
class integrates social and listening skills through educational basics such as
singing, sharing, stories, and arts and crafts. Snack is provided. NOTE: This is
 a parent-participation class; a parent/caregiver must accompany each child.
      Led by Rec Department staff in our classroom, 252 Magnolia Ave.
       Each three-week session $40 Resident/$45 Non-resident
       MONDAY SESSIONS                                   FRIDAY SESSIONS
DATES              ACTIVITY # REG. BY           DATES              ACTIVITY # REG. BY         Day Camp for ages 3.5-5 years*
April 4-11-25      114001.1A    3/31            April 1-8-22       114001.1B    3/31
May 2-9-16         114001.2A    4/28            May 6-13-20        114001.2B     5/5
                                                                                                   SIX SESSIONS
                                                                                                  Monday through Thursday
June 6-13-20       114001.3A     6/2            June 10-17-24      114001.3B     6/9
July 11-18-25      114001.4A     7/7            July 15-22-29      114001.4B    7/14            At Lincoln Elementary School
                                                                                                 165 S. Powers Ave., Manteca
Aug 8-15-22        114001.5A     8/4            Aug 12-19-26       114001.5B    8/11
Sept 12-19-26      114001.6A     9/8            Sept 16-23-30      114001.6B    9/15
                                                                                                            Register for one or more weeks:
                                                                                                                JUNE 13-16 JULY 5-7*
            Little People’s Creative Play                                                                       JUNE 20-23 JULY 11-14
                                 FOR AGES 3 to 5 YEARS                                                          JUNE 27-30 JULY 18-21
This program is for preschool-age children and emphasizes play skills, motor                                     *No camp on 7/4; fees will be prorated.
 coordination, and social experiences. Activities include crafts, letter- and
number-recognition, songs, snack, and much more. NOTE: Children must be
           potty-trained; this is NOT a parent-participation class.
      Led by Rec Department staff in our classroom, 252 Magnolia Ave.
        Each four-week session $50 Resident/$60 Non-resident
                                                                                                FULL DAY
       TUESDAY SESSIONS                               THURSDAY SESSIONS                  (Includes breakfast & lunch)
DATES              ACTIVITY # REG. BY           DATES               ACTIVITY # REG. BY      7:00 am-5:00 pm
April 5-12-19-26     114000.1B      4/4         April 7-14-21-28     114000.1D   4/6
May 3-10-17-24       114000.2B      5/2         May 5-12-19-26       114000.2D   5/7
June 7-14-21-28      114000.3B      6/6         June 9-16-23-30      114000.3D   6/8
                                                                                            MORNING ONLY
July 5-12-19-26      114000.4B      6/30        July 7-14-21-28      114000.4D   7/6
                                                                                             8 am-12 noon
Aug 9-16-23-30       114000.5B      8/8         Aug 11-18-25-Sep 1 114000.5D     8/10
Sept 6-13-20-27      114000.6B      9/1         Sept 8-15-22-29      114000.6D   9/7

                                                                                          AFTERNOON ONLY
                                                                                            12:30-4:30 pm
                            Zumba® Kids Jr.                                                    $100/wk.
                                 FOR AGES 4-6 YEARS
  A children’s version of the popular Zumba® Fitness program designed espe-
  cially for ages 4-6. Kids will build confidence while having fun! Simple steps          Arts & Crafts • Snacks • Special guests
   and more repetition keep kids engaged and moving while learning dances
   they can do at home. All music and moves are kid-friendly. Boys and girls
                                                                                         Water days • Themed weeks • Much more!
                 will have a blast! NOTE: Athletic shoes required.

                           FOUR-WEEK SESSIONS
                      MEETS WEDNESDAYS 5:15-5:45 PM                                                                         *Participants must
              Led by Miss Valerie at the Senior Center, 295 Cherry Ln.
          Each four-week session $28 Resident/$38 Non-resident                                                               be potty-trained
                                                                                                                             and able to use
 DATES            ACTIVITY #     REG. BY       DATES     ACTIVITY #        REG. BY                                            the restroom
 4/6-4/27          122001.1         4/5        7/6-7/27   122001.4           7/5
 5/4-5/25          122001.2         5/3        8/10-8/31 122001.5            8/9
 6/1-6/22          122001.3        5/31

                                   MANTECA RECREATION & COMMUNITY SERVICES                               SPRING/SUMMER 2022                           5
Activity Guide - NEW NAME! NEW LOOK!
            AGES 3-6
These recreational co-ed programs are designed to
encourage the development of children’s motor skills, help
them learn the basics of different sports, and prepare them
for future sports participation. The program includes basic
drills and scrimmages. Programs are divided into 3/4-year-olds
and 5/6-year-olds, but age groups may be combined depend-
ing upon the number of children enrolled. The activity fee
includes a team T-shirt. NOTES: All participants must wear
closed-toe shoes and must have an adult present at all times.
      A schedule showing your child’s team name and game
       times will be emailed to you after registration closes.             JUNIOR GIANTS
        Led by MRCS Staff at various locations in Manteca
               $75 Resident/$85 Non-resident
                                                                        CELEBRATES DIVERSITY
                                                                         ALL ARE WELCOMED TO PLAY!
         APRIL 23-MAY 21
         245 S. POWERS AVE.

                                                                    EE!           FOR YOUTH
                                                                  FR              AGES 5-13
   4/23, 4/30, 5/7, 5/14, 5/21
      Registration closes 4/7/22

                                                                                               oft b a l
      #111000.1A & #111000.1B

                                                                      e b a l l &       AG U E
                                                                 Ba022 SUMME
                            JUNE 4-JULY 9
                           AGES 3-4 ONLY                                          R L
                         PROGRAM DATES:
                     6/4, 6/11, 6/18, 6/25, 7/9
                  No program on July 2 for July 4 holiday
                       Registration closes 5/19/22
                                                                   2                             NEEDED!
                        #111000.2A & #111000.2B

                               JULY 23-AUGUST 20
                               3-4 ONLY
                              PROGRAM DATES:
                          7/23, 7/30, 8/6, 8/13, 8/20
                              Registration closes 7/7/22
                              #111000.3A & #111000.3B

                                                                  LEAGUE STARTS MID-JUNE
                                                                  REGISTRATION DEADLINE MAY 26
              SOCCER                                                    TO SIGN UP VISIT:
             PROGRAM DATES:                                            or come in to the Recreation office!
        9/10, 9/17, 9/24, 10/1, 10/8
           Registration closes 8/25/22
                                                                       QUESTIONS? CONTACT ERIC CULPEPPER
           #111000.4A & #111000.4B                                  209.456.8600 or ECULPEPPER@MANTECAGOV.COM

  6                               209.456.8600
Activity Guide - NEW NAME! NEW LOOK!

                                                               AGES 7-9
                                                                  AGES 10-12
                                                             Program is led by Recreation staff. Curriculum
                                                              includes offensive and defensive skill drills
                                                             and provides participants with opportunities
                                                              to practice the fundamentals of basketball
                                                                   throughout the one-week session
                                                                      $65 Resident/$75 Non-resident

       AGES 5-13                                                                                   CAMP I
     DIVISIONS: AGES 5-7 • AGES 8-10 • AGES 11-13
                                                                                                JUNE 13-17
                 #221001.1   #221001.2    #221001.3                                                   MON-FRI
      REGISTRATION OPEN: May 9-August 11, 2022
        PLAYER EVALUATIONS: August 13, 2022                                                       AGES 7-9
                  LEAGUE PRACTICES:                                                            9:00-10:30 AM
              Beginning week of August 29                                                        AGES 10-12
                    LEAGUE GAMES:                                                            11:00 AM-12:30 PM
          Saturdays, September 10-October 29                                                    Registration closes 5/26/22
                                                                                                #121131.1A & #121131.1B
          Residents $100 / Non-Residents $110

                                                              CAMP 2
                                                             JULY 18-22
                                                                  AGES 7-9
                                                               9:00-10:30 AM
      LEAGUE INFORMATION                                         AGES 10-12
 The NFL Flag Football Program is the premier league for     11:00 AM-12:30 PM
  boys and girls ages 5-13 years. Through practices and       Registration closes 6/30/22
 games, the program teaches players the fundamentals          #121131.2A & #121131.2B
    of football, good sportsmanship, and teamwork.
    All games are on Saturdays in various City parks.
Each team will have at least one practice during the week.
                                                                           WAYS TO BECOME A
 Practice day(s) and time will be determined by the coach               YOUTH SPORTS VOLUNTEER:
  prior to the season start. Each participant will receive      1) Grab a volunteer application from our office, 252 Magnolia Ave.
    an NFL Flag jersey, mouthpiece, and a certificate of           We’re open Monday-Thursday 7:30 am-6:00 pm
     participation. Each team will play eight games.
                                                                2) Contact Ashlea Green directly at (209) 456-8631 or

              MANTECA RECREATION & COMMUNITY SERVICES                      SPRING/SUMMER 2022                                 7
Activity Guide - NEW NAME! NEW LOOK!
                                                                                      ART WORKSHOPS
                                                                                                    FOR AGES 6-13 YEARS
     Twirl for fun or become a champion!                                         Led by H-ART Therapy Art Coaches in our classroom outside
                                                                                     the Recreation office, located at 252 Magnolia Ave.
    Taught by Dandi Manuel at the Senior Center, 295 Cherry Ln.
                                                                        H-ART Therapy has developed a space to help others heal, build stronger bonds, make
                                                                        happy memories, and boost confidence! We believe everyone can and should learn the
 Baton is great for hand-eye coordination and builds self-esteem         basics of art education, which fosters creativity and sharpens focus and attention to
and team spirit. Students learn basic twirls and move on to more
 advanced twirls. Routines are taught to incorporate basic twirls
                                                                         detail. We use simple, step-by-step methods that take the stress out of creativity and
 with footwork. All students have the opportunity to participate             guide students every step of the way in a safe, judgment-free environment.
in parades and performances. NOTE: Batons are available to use
during class, or may be purchased from the instructor for $35.00                                Intro to Painting
                                                                                      MEETS ON TUESDAYS WEEKLY FOR 5 WEEKS
                                                                                     MAY 3-31 3:30-5:30 PM Activity #123101.1
                                                                                          $130 Resident/$140 Non-resident
                                                                       In this workshop, we’ll cover a wide variety of lesson plans including still life,
                                                                       landscape, and portrait. The sky’s the limit and no prior experience is required!
                                                                       We’ll hold your hand every step of the way. With our step-by-step methods,
                                                                       anyone can create a masterpiece. This workshop provides the perfect balance
                                                                       between guided assistance necessary for learning, and creative freedom to make
                                                                       the art your own. We make the experience fun, so come create in a judgment-free
                                                                       atmosphere with experienced Art Coaches.

                                                                                           Fun Snack Workshop
                                                                                     MEETS ON TUESDAYS WEEKLY FOR 4 WEEKS
                                                                                  JUNE 7-28 11:00 AM-1:00 PM Activity #123101.2
                                                                                          $104 Resident/$114 Non-resident
                            BEGINNER 1                                 We’ll create different fun foods in each week of this workshop, including donuts, ice
         For ages 4-15. All new students must begin in this class.     cream, yummy fruits, and more. We’ll create a new masterpiece each class. You won’t
                                                                       believe the results of this skill-enhancing workshop. We can make an artist out of any
    DATES ACTIVITY #           TIME          FEES        REG. BY       rookie. No experience necessary. NOTE: Please wear an old shirt or smock.
    4/14-5/5 123301.1A 5:30-6:00 PM R $25/NR $35 4/13
    5/12-6/2 123301.2A 5:30-6:00 PM R $25/NR $35            5/11
    6/9-6/30 123301.3A 5:30-6:00 PM R $25/NR $35            6/8
                                                                                              Landscape Remedy
    8/4-8/25 123301.4A 5:30-6:00 PM R $25/NR $35            8/3                       MEETS ON TUESDAYS WEEKLY FOR 4 WEEKS
                                                                                  JULY 5-26 11:00 AM-1:00 PM Activity #123101.3
    9/1-9/22 123301.5A 5:30-6:00 PM R $25/NR $35 8/31
                                                                                           $104 Resident/$114 Non-resident
                            BEGINNER 2                                 We’ll be painting a different beautiful landscape each week. Why? Because
               Only students given permission by instructor            who doesn’t love a beautiful landscape scene? Don’t worry; we’ll hold your
               may register for this class, regardless of age.         hand every step of the way. Unleash the joy of painting in your little one today.
    DATES      ACTIVITY #       TIME            FEES       REG. BY     We can’t wait to meet your budding artist. No experience necessary. NOTE: Please
                                                                       wear an old shirt and we’ll provide the apron!
    4/14-5/5   123301.1B 6:00-6:30 PM R $25/NR $35 4/13
    5/12-6/2   123301.2B 6:00-6:30 PM R $25/NR $35            5/11

    6/9-6/30   123301.3B 6:00-6:30 PM R $25/NR $35             6/8
    8/4-8/25   123301.4B 6:00-6:30 PM R $25/NR $35             8/3
                                                                               AGES 8-U
    9/1-9/22   123301.5B 6:00-6:30 PM R $25/NR $35 8/31

               Only students given permission by instructor                                                      5-NIGHT WORKSHOP JUNE 6-10
               may register for this class, regardless of age.
                                                                                                                 MONDAY-FRIDAY 6:00-8:00 PM
    DATES      ACTIVITY #       TIME            FEES       REG. BY                                             at the Senior Center. 295 Cherry Ln.
    4/14-5/5   123301.1C 6:00-7:00 PM R $35/NR $45 4/13                                                                 Activity #263116.1
    5/12-6/2   123301.2C 6:00-7:00 PM R $35/NR $45            5/11                                              $125 Resident/$135 Non-resident
    6/9-6/30   123301.3C 6:00-7:00 PM R $35/NR $45             6/8                                                      For beginning and
    8/4-8/25   123301.4C 6:00-7:00 PM R $35/NR $45             8/3                                                    intermediate students
    9/1-9/22   123301.5C 6:00-7:00 PM R $35/NR $45 8/31                                                         Instructor Janice Johnson teaches
                                                                                                                watercolor classes worldwide for
                                                                                                                     Royal Caribbean Cunard
                      COMPETITION TEAM                                                                              and Azamara Cruise lines.
           Only designated competition members may register.
    DATES ACTIVITY #          TIME         FEES      REG. BY         Students will learn the basics of one of the most enduring art forms:
    4/14-5/5 123301.1D 5:00-5:30 PM R $35/NR $45 4/13                watercolor painting. In addition to the basics, such as laying flat wash,
    5/12-6/2 123301.2D 5:00-5:30 PM R $35/NR $45       5/11          dark and light colors, palette color-mixing and overlaying colors, we’ll
                                                                     use several fascinating variations, including painting with salt, block
    6/9-6/30 123301.3D 5:00-5:30 PM R $35/NR $45        6/8          painting, glazing, spattering, sponge-painting, and wax-resist. Each day
    8/4-8/25 123301.4D 5:00-5:30 PM R $35/NR $45        8/3          we’ll paint a scene from around the world. Each student will complete
    9/1-9/22 123301.5D 5:00-5:30 PM R $35/NR $45 8/31                five unique paintings by the end of the workshop.

8                                                       209.456.8600
Youth Tennis Lessons                                                    Summer Tennis Camps
 Taught in a fun and positive atmosphere, lessons cover basic
 fundamentals, grips, scoring, movement drills, and of course,
   lots of fun! NOTES: Students provide their own racquets.
  Balls are provided; all participants must wear tennis shoes.

                           Tiny Tots
                         FOR AGES 4 to 6 YEARS
Led by Roberto Lopez at the Manteca Tennis Center, 307 N. Union Rd.
                  $55 Resident/$65 Non-resident
 A great introduction to the game of tennis, using USTA’s 36-ft. court,
                                                                                                   Tiny Tots
  red-ball format. The focus is on skill-development, basics, and fun.                          FOR AGES 4 to 6 YEARS
  Lessons are taught in a fun and positive atmosphere, covering basic
     fundamentals, grips, scoring, movement drills, and lots of fun!         TWO-WEEK CAMPS MONDAY-THURSDAY 8:00-8:30 AM
                                                                          Led by Roberto Lopez at the Manteca Tennis Center, 307 N. Union Rd.
DATES ACTIVITY # REG. BY                 DATES ACTIVITY # REG. BY                         $70 Resident/$80 Non-resident
8/8-8/24 121701.3  8/4                   4/4-4/20 121701.1  3/31
                                                                           DATES ACTIVITY # REG. BY                  DATES ACTIVITY # REG. BY
9/12-9/28 121701.4 9/8                   5/2-5/18 121701.2  4/28
                                                                           6/6-6/16 121701.1A   6/2                  7/5-7/14* 121701.3A 6/30
                                                                           6/20-6/30 121701.2A 6/16                  7/18-7/28 121701.4A 7/14

                     Beginner Aces                                             *No class 7/4; fees prorated $62 Resident/$72 Non-resident

                        FOR AGES 7 to 12 YEARS
 SIX CLASS SESSIONS MONDAY & WEDNESDAY 4:30-5:30 PM                                          Beginner Aces
Led by Roberto Lopez at the Manteca Tennis Center, 307 N. Union Rd.                             FOR AGES 7 to 12 YEARS
                  $85 Resident/$95 Non-resident
                                                                             TWO-WEEK CAMPS MONDAY-THURSDAY 8:30-9:30 AM
Beginner classes for children to preteens. These classes utilize USTA’s   Led by Roberto Lopez at the Manteca Tennis Center, 307 N. Union Rd.
new 60-ft. court, orange-ball format. Focus on modern stroke tech-
nology, rules, and strategy.
                                                                                         $110 Resident/$120 Non-resident
                                                                           DATES ACTIVITY # REG. BY                  DATES ACTIVITY # REG. BY
DATES ACTIVITY # REG. BY                 DATES ACTIVITY # REG. BY          6/6-6/16 121702.1A   6/2                  7/5-7/14* 121702.3A 6/30
8/8-8/24 121702.3  8/4                   4/4-4/20 121702.1  3/31           6/20-6/30 121702.2A 6/16                  7/18-7/28 121702.4A 7/14
9/12-9/28 121702.4 9/8                   5/2-5/18 121702.2  4/28
                                                                              *No class 7/4; fees prorated $97 Resident/$107 Non-resident

                        Junior Aces                                                             Junior Aces
                       FOR AGES 12 to 18 YEARS                                                 FOR AGES 12 to 18 YEARS
Led by Roberto Lopez at the Manteca Tennis Center, 307 N. Union Rd.       Led by Roberto Lopez at the Manteca Tennis Center, 307 N. Union Rd.
                  $85 Resident/$95 Non-resident                                          $110 Resident/$120 Non-resident
     Match-play strategies and tactics for singles and doubles play.       DATES ACTIVITY # REG. BY                  DATES ACTIVITY # REG. BY
DATES ACTIVITY # REG. BY                 DATES ACTIVITY # REG. BY          6/6-6/16 121703.1A   6/2                  7/5-7/14* 121703.3A 6/30
8/8-8/24 121703.3  8/4                   4/4-4/20 121703.1  3/31           6/20-6/30 121703.2A 6/16                  7/18-7/28 121703.4A 7/14
9/12-9/28 121703.4 9/8                   5/2-5/18 121703.2  4/28              *No class 7/4; fees prorated $97 Resident/$107 Non-resident

                                                                                                         FOUR-CLASS SESSIONS
           ZUMBA KIDS                                                                                   WEDNESDAYS 6:00-6:45 PM
                                                                                                          Led by Miss Valerie at the
            FOR AGES 7 to 13 YEARS                                                                   Manteca Senior Center, 295 Cherry Ln.
Children’s versions of the popular Zumba® Fitness program.                                            $32 Resident/$42 Non-resident
Taught by an experienced, licensed Zumba Kids® instructor!
 Kids will build confidence while having fun! Simple steps                                               DATES       ACTIVITY # REG. BY
and more repetition keep kids engaged and moving while                                                   4/6-4/27     122002.1    4/5
learning dances they can do at home. All music and moves                                                 5/4-5/25     122002.2    5/3
are kid-friendly. Participants will practice balance, memory,                                            6/1-6/22     122002.3    5/31
   coordination, teamwork, and creativity, while building                                                7/6-7/27     122002.4    7/5
 confidence. Boys and girls will have a blast, and they won’t
                                                                                                         8/10-8/31    122002.5    8/9
even realize they’re exercising! Athletic shoes are required.

                       MANTECA RECREATION & COMMUNITY SERVICES                                SPRING/SUMMER 2022                                9
Welcome to
                                                                          SUMMER DAY CAMP!
                                                                                      BEGINS JUNE 6th
                                                                                           FOR AGES 6-12 YEARS
                                                                             HELD AT LINCOLN ELEMENTARY, 165 S. POWERS AVE.
                                                                            MONDAY-FRIDAY, 6/6/22 to 7/22/22 (excluding July 4)
                                                                              6:30 AM to 5:30 PM • $185/5 DAYS • $160/4 DAYS
                                                                    An AM & PM snack will be provided; campers should bring a sack lunch daily.
                                                                             Participants must be able to use the restroom unassisted.
                                                                Swimming (optional) will be available twice a week and off-site field trips once a week.

                     WEEKLY THEME                                              MON               TUE             WED              THU               FRI
                           WEEK 1                                        6/6              6/7              6/8              6/9              6/10
                THE MAGIC OF CAMP                                         Character          Stations          CAMP            Stations        Surprise
   You know what that means! Disney fun! We’ll visit with Disney          Round-Up!                           KICKOFF                          Activity/
      characters, see who’s best at Disney movie trivia, have                                                Swim Day                        Special Guest
               a scavenger hunt, and much more!
                              WEEK 2                                     6/13             6/14             6/15             6/16             6/17
                                                                            Pirate         Swim Day/        FIELD TRIP       Swim Day/         Surprise
 Ahoy, Mateys! We’ll talk like pirates, have mini ship races, hunt for
                                                                          Round-Up!                                                            Activity/
   “treasure,” and enjoy nautical-themed games and activities!                              Stations         Bowlero          Stations       Special Guest
                             WEEK 3                                      6/20             6/21             6/22             6/23             6/24
                                                                                           Swim Day/        FIELD TRIP       Swim Day/         Surprise
  Campers will explore what makes our country unique and what              Campers’                                                            Activity/
                                                                            Choice          Stations          Dublin          Stations
    the colors red, white, and blue represent. We’ll also prepare
                                                                                                            The Wave                         Special Guest
        and send care packages to all kinds of real heroes!
                             WEEK 4                                      6/27             6/28             6/29             6/30             7/1
         DINERS, DRIVE-INS, AND DESSERTS                                     Chef          Swim Day/        FIELD TRIP       Swim Day/       Parents’ Lunch
 Our young chefs will learn how to prepare and cook different foods                                                                            Cafe open
     all week. Parents are invited to join us for lunch on Friday!
                                                                           Roundup!         Stations         Bowlero          Stations
                                                                                                                                             12:30-2:00 PM
                             WEEK 5                                      7/4              7/5              7/6              7/7              7/8
                   HOLIDAY MASHUP
    Experience a full year of holidays in just one week of camp!                           Swim Day/          Surprise       Swim Day/          Surprise
  From winter holidays to Halloween, Easter, and St. Patrick’s Day,      INDEPENDENCE       Stations          Activity        Stations          Activity
          the celebrations are sure to be off the charts!!                DAY-NO CAMP
                           WEEK 6                                        7/11             7/12             7/13             7/14             7/15
                  BACKYARD BLAST                                           Campers’        Swim Day/        FIELD TRIP       Swim Day/         Surprise
  Making memories! We’ll barbecue, enjoy a picnic, play corn hole,
                                                                            Choice                                                             Activity/
    watch outdoor movies, and have more outdoor adventures!                                 Stations        Micke Grove       Stations       Special Guest
                              WEEK 7                                     7/18             7/19             7/20             7/21             7/22
                    CLOSING CEREMONY                                        Team              Team           FIELD TRIP         Team
  Basketball, soccer, flag football, swimming, and Baseball...we love     Round-Up!          Practice        Children’s                       BBQ/Swim
them all! Let’s celebrate the end of camp with a sports extravaganza!                                        Museum

10                                                        209.456.8600
              JULY 30 SWIM-AND-A-MOVIE!

                                                   FREE SWIMMING & ACTIVITIES
                                                          6:00-8:30 PM
                                                           FREE MOVIE
                                                       8:30 PM/SUNDOWN
                                                     AT LINCOLN POOL & BALLFIELD
                                                          245 S. POWERS AVE.

     COME &
               START AT
                           STARTS AT
                                       YOUR LAWN        FRIDAY, SEPT 16
     SING 2     7:00 PM    SUNDOWN       CHAIRS      Woodward Park, 710 E. Woodward Ave

                                           FREE MOVIE IN THE PARK!

12             209.456.8600
NEON/GLOW PARTY                                  FRIDAY, JULY 22
                                               HAWAII BEACH PARTY
                                                   LINCOLN PARK
                                                   6:30-8:30 PM
WOODWARD PARK                                  DJ, KIDS’ GAMES, PRIZES,
 6:30-8:30 PM                                      FREE FAMILY FUN!

                                                     FREE EVENING SWIM
                                                      AT LINCOLN POOL
DJ, KIDS’ GAMES,PRIZES,                              DURING THE PARTY!
    No registration required                           No registration required

                                           KIDS ZONE
                                           IS UNDER
                                           PLEASE CALL
                                           OR EMAIL THE
                                           RECREATION OFFICE
                                           WITH QUESTIONS OR
                                           CHECK OUR WEBSITE
                                           FOR UPDATED

                                           Call 209.456.8600

                                                                                         Recreation classroom at 252 Magnolia Ave.

     DATES             CLASS           AGES                      DESCRIPTION                                   TIME             #           FEES
                                                Students will design & code their original game on
     MAY 31-     Young Entrepreneur             Scratch, an intuitive coding interface from MIT. At the                                  Res. $152
     JUNE 3      Game Designer          7-16    end of the camp, we’ll have a competition.                    9am-12noon        4
                                                                                                                                       Non-Res. $162
      Tues-Fri   #123519.1A                     Chromebooks & laptops provided for coding.

                                                Introduces the world of STEM to young kids in a unique
     MAY 31-     Young Engineers
                                                way. Kids get to build their own models & tinker with                                    Res. $152
     JUNE 3      Bricks Challenge       5-14    them to understand the science. Explores physics &              1-4 pm          4
                                                                                                                                       Non-Res. $162
      Tues-Fri   #123519.2A                     classic mechanics in a fun way.

                 Young Engineers                Teaches the fundamentals of programming & robotics
  JUNE 6-10                                     using an intuitive and straightforward physical coding                                   Res. $189
                 Algo Play              5-10                                                                    1-4 pm          5
    Mon-Fri                                     language. Algo Play is hands-on and fun. Introduction to                               Non-Res. $199
                 #123519.3A                     algorithmic thinking.
                 Young Entrepreneur             Create & publish your adventure games in 3D space with
 JUNE 20-24      Roblox Game                    Roblox. At the end of camp, students will showcase their                                 Res. $189
                                        7-16    games at a competition. Chromebooks & laptops will be           1-4 pm          5
   Mon-Fri       Designer                                                                                                              Non-Res. $199
                 #123519.4A                     provided for coding.

                                                Begin your journey in Full Stack Web Development with
JUNE 27-JULY     Design Your Own
                                                this introductory course in web-designing with HTML,                                     Res. $189
     1           Website                7-16    CSS, and JavaScript. Build your own website with JavaS-       9am-12noon        5
                                                                                                                                       Non-Res. $199
   Mon-Fri       #123519.5A                     cript and React.
                                                A fun way to start text-based coding. Create fun, inter-
               Digital Art
JUNE 27-JULY 1                                  active projects and learn Computer Science concepts in                                   Res. $189
               with Python              12-16   Python, one of the most popular, intuitive open-source          1-4 pm          5
   Mon-Fri                                                                                                                             Non-Res. $199
                 #123519.6A                     programming languages.

                 App Design                     In this camp, students will learn how to design apps on
     JULY 5-8                                   Android. Chromebooks & tablets will be provided for                                      Res. $152
                 on Android             7-16                                                                    1-4 pm          4
      Tues-Fri                                  designing the apps.                                                                    Non-Res. $162
                                                Students will design & code their original game on
                 Young Entrepreneur
  JULY 11-15                                    Scratch, an intuitive coding interface from MIT. At the                                  Res. $189
                 Game Designer          7-16    end of the camp, we’ll have a competition.                      1-4 pm          5
    Mon-Fri                                                                                                                            Non-Res. $199
                 #123519.8A                     Chromebooks & laptops provided for coding.
                                                Introduces the world of STEM to young kids in a unique
                 Young Engineers                way. Kids get to build their own models & tinker with
  JULY 11-15                                                                                                                             Res. $189
                 Bricks Challenge       5-14    them to understand the science. Explores physics &            9am-12noon        5
    Mon-Fri                                                                                                                            Non-Res. $199
                 #123519.9A                     classic mechanics in a fun way.

                                                Campers will use Sphero RVR to learn how to operate
                 Exploring Robots               a robot, program the robot to complete simple tasks,
  JULY 18-22                                                                                                                             Res. $189
                 with Sphero RVR         5-9    and use the robot with other mechanical systems to              1-4 pm          5
    Mon-Fri                                     accomplish a task. Learn about Engineering & Computer                                  Non-Res. $199
                                                Science concepts.
                                                Students will learn how to problem-solve from a me-
                 Young Engineers                chanical engineering perspective, using their new Math
  JULY 18-22                                                                                                                             Res. $189
                 Galileo Technic        5-14    and Physics skills. Aspiring engineers work in groups to      9am-12noon        5
    Mon-Fri                                     construct amazing, complex models (build and analyze a                                 Non-Res. $199
                                                new machine in every class!)

                 Young Engineers                Teaches the fundamentals of programming & robotics
  JULY 25-29                                    using an intuitive and straightforward physical coding                                   Res. $189
                 Algo Play              5-10                                                                  9am-12noon        5
    Mon-Fri                                     language. Algo Play is hands-on and fun. Introduction to                               Non-Res. $199
                 #123519.12A                    algorithmic thinking.

                 Design a Robotic               In this camp, students will learn the basics of robotics,                                Res. $199
  JULY 25-29                                    sensors, 3D printing, and will build a robotic car! Materi-
                 Car                    9-16                                                                    1-4 pm          5     Non-Res. $209
    Mon-Fri                                     als will be provided.
                 #123519.13A                                                                                                          + $35 materials*
                                                                                                                 *Payable to instructor at first class meeting

14                                      209.456.8600
BEST. JOB. EVER.                                                                BEST. TRAINING. EVER.
                                                                                      JUNIOR RECREATION LEADERS
   Get Paid to Play!                                                                        Volunteer Program for Ages 12-15
                                                                                 The Junior Recreation Leader (JRL) program gives teen students
                                                                                 a chance to build leadership and basic communication skills
                                                                                 by assisting Recreation staff in leading sports and recreation
                                                                                 games, creative projects, homework assistance, and other
                                                                                 functions. Participants must complete an application form/
                                                                                 waiver and participate in an interview process prior to being
                                                                                 accepted into the program. Once accepted, JRLs will be
                                                                                 provided with a program T-shirt and are required to attend an
                                                                                 orientation to educate them about the programs in which they
                                                                                 will be assisting.

                                                                                   SUMMER PROGRAMS - JUNE & JULY
      APPLY ONLINE YEAR-ROUND!                                                              • One-time application fee: $25
                                                                                            • Weekly participation fee: $85
                                                                                   • Locations and hours vary. options include:
                  MUST BE 16 & OLDER
                                                                                                MANTECA SENIOR CENTER
                                 PART-TIME                                          Visit and engage with seniors, help with activities and events.
                              SUMMER JOBS IN:                                               LITTLE PEOPLE’S CREATIVE PLAY
                                                                               Assist in preparing crafts and activities for preschool-age participants.
                                 SPORTS PROGRAMS
                                      RECREATION LEADER                                              SUMMER DAY CAMP
                                        GAMES OFFICIAL                           Assist staff with activities, field trips, and other day-camp projects.

                                     SUMMER CAMP                                 KIDS ZONE SCHOOL-YEAR PROGRAMS
                                      RECREATION LEADER
                                                                                              UNDER CONSTRUCTION
                                     APPLY TODAY!                                        Call our office for information

                    GET YOUR DRIVER’S LICENSE!
            VIRTUAL Driver’s Education                                              ONLINE Driver’s Education
            INSTRUCTOR-LED ON ZOOM FOR AGES 15 & UP                                 SELF-PACED, NO INSTRUCTOR FOR AGES 15 & UP
Hybrid class instruction: This is a virtual (Zoom online) Driver’s   Independence is just a click away! Complete your Driver’s Ed requirement
Ed program with a live instructor. Students will enjoy a series      from home on a computer, tablet or phone. This is an interactive, online
of Driver’s Education lectures, including understanding the          course with videos and animated driving scenarios. Learn the rules of the
responsibilities of having a driver’s license, learning the rules    road, driver responsibility, DMV procedures, and much more. Receive a
of the road, and accident-avoidance procedures. The course           DMV-approved Certificate of Completion. A licensed instructor is available
includes practice questions, defensive-driving movies, and           to answer any questions. Online program is available 24 hours a day, 7 days
written-test prep. Independent assignments will also be              a week. Sign up any time. Activity #533503.1A.
completed during the course. Successful students will receive a
DMV-approved Certificate of Completion.                                                                                     Bay Area Driving School, Inc.
                                                                                                                  LOCATION: Online on your own device
   INSTRUCTOR: Erika Vieyra, Bay Area Driving School, Inc.                                                        FEES: Resident $43 / Non-Resident $53
                 LOCATION: Zoom Online
         FEES: Resident $195 / Non-Resident $205

DATES       ACTIVITY #    DAY(S)           TIME          REG. BY
4/2-4/23     533503.1B    SAT ONLY    9:00 AM-12:00 PM    3/31
6/6-6/10     533503.2B    MON-FRI     9:00 AM-12:00 PM    6/2
6/20-6/24    533503.3B    MON-FRI     9:00 AM-12:00 PM    6/16
7/11-7/15    533503.4B    MON-FRI     9:00 AM-12:00 PM    7/7
8/1-8/5      533503.5B    MON-FRI     9:00 AM-12:00 PM    7/28
9/17-10/8    533503.6B    SAT ONLY    9:00 AM-12:00 PM    9/15

                     MANTECA RECREATION & COMMUNITY SERVICES                                         SPRING/SUMMER 2022                                     15
Zumba® Fitness
                                                                                     AGES 15 AND UP
                                                                          SIX MONDAY CLASSES 6:00-7:00 PM
                                                                               INSTRUCTOR: Valerie Ford
                                                                          LOCATION: Manteca Senior Center,
                                                                                    295 Cherry Ln.
                                                                            $48 Resident/$58 Non-resident
                                                                          Need to get healthier and you love to
                                                                          dance? Zumba® is your class! Zumba®
                                                                          is a dance-fitness class that incorpo-
                                                                          rates Latin, pop, funk, reggae, and
                                                                          even some old-school jams to create
                                                                          a FUN, EASY workout that anyone can
                                                                          do! Designed for any fitness level or
        Guaranteed Dog Training                                           background, the basic-steps formula
                      Beginner Class                                      makes it easy to follow and modify
                                                                          for your needs. The routines are fun
                             AGES 10-UP
                                                                          and combine fast and slow rhythms to        DATES      ACTIVITY #   REG. BY      NOTES
         FOUR SUNDAY CLASSES 10:00-11:30 AM                               tone and sculpt your entire body while      4/4-5/16    143803.1      3/31      Skip 4/18
    INSTRUCTOR: Janet Bates, Guaranteed Dog Training                      burning fat. It’s a great stress-reliever   6/6-7/18    143803.2       6/2      Skip 7/4
   LOCATION: MRCS Courtyard & Lawn 252 Magnolia Ave.
            $100 Resident/$110 Non-resident                               and so much fun you won’t realize           8/1-9/5     143803.3      7/28 Meets on Labor Day
                                                                          you’re working out.                         9/19-10/24 143803.4       9/15
This course is for beginners from puppies to full-grown dogs. The pups
need to have completed the series of Parvo and Distemper shots,
which usually happens at three to four months of age. Class includes
regular obedience instruction, information on breaking bad habits, and
socializing your pup with other dogs and people. A substantial discount                               Sponsored by
is given if your dog needs to repeat the course.
                                                                                         Manteca Recreation & Community Services
4/10-5/8* 163505.1       4/7          7/10-7/31    163505.4    7/7
                                                                                           Manteca Youth Advisory Commission

5/15-6/5 163505.2       5/12          8/7-8/28     163505.5    8/4
6/12-7/3 163505.3        6/9          9/4-9/25     163505.6    9/1
*No class 4/17 Easter Sunday

        Do you have experience teaching Gymnastics,
      American Sign Language, Cooking, Cheerleading,
       Pottery or Ceramics, Piano, Ukulele, Drumming,
         Singing, or some other musical instrument?
                                                                                         GOLDEN WEST GYM • 1031 N. MAIN STREET
                                                                                                $2 ADMISSION AT THE DOOR
    Do you have a different skill or talent to share?
                                     Would you like to partner with
                                     us as a contract instructor?                                            BASKETBALL
                                     Contract instructors set their own                                      FRIDAY & SATURDAY EVENINGS
                                     fees and class schedules, which
                                     can meet weekly for up to 12
                                     weeks, or as a 1-2 day workshop.

                                                                                                                                   OPEN GYM DAYS AND
                                                                                                                                    TIMES SUBJECT TO

                                                                                                                                CALL OUR OFFICE DURING
                                                                                                                                 BUSINESS HOURS FOR
    Interested? Download the Independent Contractor information
        packet at, email us at or call us at (209) 456-8600.

16                                                      209.456.8600
Certified Professional Coder                                               Join Us for the 19th Annual
                       AGES 18-UP                               Jim Brown Memorial Swing For Youth
Learn a valuable new job skill!                                 GOLF TOURNAMENT
                                                                   Swing For Youth
 We are pleased to offer this 14-week course                           at the MANTECA PARK GOLF COURSE
 teaching the medical-coding skills needed                                        July 15
     to prepare you for the CPC exam!
                                                                            FRIDAY, JULY 15, 2022
                                                                                       PRESENTED BY
                                                                    FRIENDS OF MANTECA PARKS & RECREATION FOUNDATION
                                                                                 Supporting Every Child’s Right To Play!

                                                                    Register by July 11, 2022 at the Recreation & Community Services Office
                                                                 90 SINGLE $330 FOURSOME TEE TIME 7:30 AM
                                                                    USE OF CART • BREAKFAST
            INSTRUCTOR: Deborah Perez-Imig                        DRINKS & SNACKS ON COURSE
            28 Classes April 12 through July 14                 GOODIE BAG • LUNCH AT CHEZ SHARI
           Tuesdays & Thursdays 6:00-8:00 PM
    Tuesday classes meet live at the Manteca Senior Center
   Thursday classes are virtual and students log on at home
Resident $1,415 / Non-Resident $1,425 + $985 supply fee
      Activity #143517.1 Registration closes 4/11
                                                                      34       th         National
Taught by an AAPC-approved instructor, who has
been trained in AAPC's exclusive Professional Medical
Coding Curriculum (PMCC). This test-prep course is not
                                                                     Annual               night out
                                                                         TUESDAY, AUGUST 2
a pre-recorded video, but is taught in a live student-
teacher virtual classroom, where you can interact and
ask questions. This course teaches fundamental medical-
coding skills and prepares students to take AAPC's CPC                 National Night Out is an annual community-building
Exam. The course includes 14 class meetings and covers                   that promotes partnerships between police and
CPT, HCPCS, and ICD-10-CM coding, which assures a broad               community members to make our neighborhoods safer,
knowledge in reviewing and assigning correct procedure                 more caring places to live. Neighborhoods host block
and diagnosis codes for professional (physician) services.            parties, cookouts, and various other community events
Leading competitors charge over $5,000 for this course!                        with visits from emergency personnel!
Knowledge of medical anatomy and terminology is a plus.
Don't delay; space is limited!
NOTES: There is a $985 supply fee, payable to the instruc-      host your own block party!
tor at the first meeting (cash, check or credit card). This
fee includes one year of membership to the AAPC, five            For more information or to
required course books, and the fee for two attempts at            register your Block Party
taking the CPC Exam. Students need to bring their own                 and request a visit
laptop, yellow and green markers, a pencil/eraser, paper,          from safety personnel,
and a red pen. Requires high-speed internet access; mo-              contact our office at
bile devices are NOT recommended. Due to purchase of  
supplies, there are no refunds after the first class meeting.
                                                                   or call 209.456.8600

                    MANTECA RECREATION & COMMUNITY SERVICES                                SPRING/SUMMER 2022                            17
                                                                                To stay up-to-date on programs and events,
                                                                                    subscribe to our monthly newsletter!
                                                                             Class fees vary; please call the front desk for more information
                                                                                                  MEAL PROGRAM
                                                                                            Mon-Fri for ages 60+ @ 11:30 am
                                                                                                     BROWN BAG
                                                                              Sign up at the Senior Center 1st/3rd Tuesdays @ 9:30 am
                                                                                                 FARMERS MARKET
           MANTECA SENIOR CENTER                                                                   1st Wed. @ 10 am
                295 CHERRY LANE, MANTECA                                                     SENIOR DJ DANCE PARTY
                                                                                          3rd Sundays @ 1 pm $5 at the door
      Serving Area Seniors and Active Adults ages 50-plus
                     Phone (209) 456-8650
                                                                             8-9am               Stretch & Meditation
                      Fax (209) 923-8989                                     9-10am              Tai Chi
                                                                             9-10:30 am          Morning Bingo
                                HOURS                                        		                  (Cards sold at 9 am. Bingo begins at 9:30 sharp!)
              Subject to change; please call to confirm                      9am-12pm            Watercolor & Acrylics Class
                Mon-Thu............... 8:00 am-5:00 pm                       9-11am              Woodcarving Social Group
                Tues evening......5:00 pm-7:00 pm
                Fri .............................. 9:00 am-2:00 pm           TUESDAY
                                                                             7:45-8:45am         Yoga
                                                                             9-10am              Tech Support
                                                                             9-10am              Beginners Line Dancing
 AG E S 1 8 +

      Y N I G H T                                                            10:15-11:15am       Intermediate Line Dancing

                                                                             10:15-11:15am       Zumba
                                                                             1-4pm               Bid Whist & Dominoes
                                                                             5-7pm               Bunco (3rd Tues.)

                                                                             8-9am               Stretch & Meditation
                                                                             9am-12pm            Women’s Billiards (Drop-In)
                                                                             9-10am              Tai Chi
                                                                             9-10:30am           Morning Bingo
                                                                             		                  (Cards sold at 9 am. Bingo begins at 9:30 sharp!)
                                                                             9am-12pm            Drawing & Painting Class
       MAY 6                        AUGUST 5                                 9:30-11:30am
                                                                                                 Life History & Genealogy Group
       JUNE 3                      SEPTEMBER 9                               12pm                Ice Cream Social (2nd Wed.)
                                                                             12:30-3pm           3-D Greeting Cards
       JULY 8                       OC TOBER 7                               1-3pm               Crochet & Knitting
                                                                             1-3pm               Bunco (1st Wed.)

              6-8                                                            7:45-8:45am         Yoga (Intermediate @ 8:50-9:50am)
AGES          PM               DOORS                                         9am-12pm            Swedish Weaving
18-UP                           4 PM                $ 20             SNACK   10:15-11:15am       Zumba
                                                  ENTRY               BAR    12-3pm              Wii Bowling
                                                                             1-2pm               Beginning Guitar
                                                                             1-3pm               Jewelry-Making Class
              EARLY GAMES START AT 5:15 PM                                   1-3pm               Tech Support
      TICKETS SOLD N ADVANCE AT THE SENIOR CENTER                            1-4pm               Pan
          TICKETS NOT GUARANTEED AT THE DOOR                                 2:15-4pm            Folk Guitar Class - Intermediate
                   Additional packs $5 each                                  FRIDAY
                                                                             9-10am              Tai Chi
                                                                             9-10:30am           Morning Bingo
                                                                             		                  (Cards sold at 9 am. Bingo begins at 9:30 sharp!)
                                                                             11am-12pm           Line Dance

18                                       209.456.8600
Seniors Ages 50+                                         THE SENIOR CENTER'S ANNUAL
Health & Wellness Fair                                                      Indoor
                at THE
 manteca senior center
       295 cherry lane

                                                              Flea Market
10AM -
      We’re welcoming Seniors with helpful
   information and resources to enhance and
 support your daily living, health, and interests!

 Lunch Provided 11:00-12:30
                                                              SATURDAY, JULY 30 • 7 AM - 2 PM
 Please call in advance to reserve your lunch
                                                               RESERVED TABLES JUST $20 EACH!
Lunch reservations and interested vendors call                DO YOU HAVE A LOT OF UNWANTED STUFF
             209-456-8650                                             AROUND YOUR HOUSE?
                                                                  WHY NOT TURN THAT STUFF INTO CASH AT THE
  Health & Specialty Vendors!                                 SENIOR ADVISORY COMMITTEE'S INDOOR FLEA MARKET?
    Giveaways! Door Prizes!                                   APPLICATIONS FOR RESERVED TABLES WILL BE AVAILABLE
     Bingo! Vendor Demos!                                           BEGINNING MAY 9 AT THE SENIOR CENTER!

      Party like a SENIOR!                                                                  •   MUSIC
   LET'S CELEBRATE NATIONAL                                                                 •   DANCING
                                                                                            •   PHOTO BOOTH
Senior Center Month                                                                         •   MUCH MORE!
      at the Manteca Senior Center, 295 Cherry Ln.
        WED. SEPT. 28 • 11:30 AM
             5 REGISTRATION for LUNCH
             BY SEPT. 22 AT THE SENIOR CENTER.
             County lunches will not be served on this day.

                    MANTECA RECREATION & COMMUNITY SERVICES                     SPRING/SUMMER 2022                 19
Spring is here and with it come new adventures!
Mark your calendar and join Trips-N-Tours for one                                               (209) 456-8652
         of our Collette Presentations:
                                                                                                  Located inside the
• March 07, 2022: Last look at our fall 2022 trips                                              Manteca Senior Center
• August 08, 2022: Sneak Peek at our 2023 trips                                                    295 Cherry Lane
• October 28, 2022: Our 2023 fall trips
                                                                                                   OFFICE HOURS
         All presentations will be held at
       the Manteca Senior Center at 1 pm
                                                                                                Tue & Thu 11 am - 1 pm

                                  The Best of Ireland (small group)                   		        September 6-20, 2022
                                  Experience the beauty and culture of Ireland. See the City of Dublin, cruise through the streets
                                  of Belfast in a vintage taxicab. Be amazed at the Cliffs of Moher and Ring of Kerry.
                                  For more information visit:

                                  Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta                           		            October 1-6, 2022
                                  Up, up and away! This has grown into one of the world’s most-photographed events and is an
                                  experience not to be missed! This exciting journey also includes time in Albuquerque and Santa
                                  Fe, two culturally rich cities.
                                  For more information visit:

                                  Greece Island Hopper                                              October 7-17, 2022
                                  In Greece, tour Athens with a local guide. Explore the Acropolis, home to the famous Parthenon
                                  and the city’s best lookout. Enjoy three days at leisure on the island of Mykonos, a paradise of
                                  sandy beaches on the Aegean Sea.
                                  For more information visit:

                                  Spotlight on New York City Holiday                              December 5-9, 2022
                                  Experience the Big Apple from Rockefeller Center to Greenwich Village. Spend four nights in
                                  the heart of Midtown close to Central Park’s skating rink and the Christmas tree at Rockefeller
                                  Center. Watch the curtain rise for an exciting Broadway show. See the Christmas Spectacular at
                                  Radio City Music Hall, featuring the world-famous Rockettes! Visit the 9/11 Museum/Memorial.
                                  For more information visit:

    $10/                            i l y C o s t u m e Pa r t y
   person                        Fam FREE GLOW PRODUCTS, PIZZA,
                                                        GAMES & PRIZES, SNACK BAR
                                         FRIDAY, OCTOBER 21 • 6:30-8:30 PM
                                                at the Manteca Senior Center

20                                   209.456.8600
                                           320 W. Center Street                                      Summer Reading Programs
                                                              HOURS                                 JUNE 1 WED Summer Reading Kickoff!
                                         (subject to change; please call to confirm)
                                        Mon................12-8 PM    Thu.......... 10 AM-6 PM
                                                                                                    JUNE 6 MON Adult Program                   3:30 PM
                                        Tues......... 10 AM-6 PM      Fri-Sat..... 10 AM-5 PM       JUNE 8 WED Children’s Program              3:30 PM
                                        Wed..................1-6 PM   Sun.................12-5 PM
                                                                                                    		          Tissue-paper seahorse
      Toll-free in S.J. County (866) 805-7323 •                                      JUNE 13 MON Teen Program                   3:30 PM
 LIBRARY CLOSED FOR IMPROVEMENTS UNTIL APRIL 18th.                                                  JUNE 15 WED Children’s Performer 1:30 & 3:30 PM
                                                                                                    JUNE 20 MON Adult Program                  3:30 PM
                                                                                                    JUNE 22 WED Children’s Program             3:30 PM
Weekly Programs                                                                                     JUNE 27 MON Teen & Adult Program           3:30 PM
ALL ABOUT BABY STORY TIME                                                                           		          Beach signs
  Tuesdays....................... 10:30 AM                                                          JUNE 29 WED Children’s Program             3:30 PM
PRESCHOOL STORY TIME                                                                                JULY 6 WED Children’s Program              3:30 PM
  Thursdays..................... 10:30 AM                                                           		          Under the Sea stained glass
                                                                                                    JULY 11 MON Adult Program                  3:30 PM
Summer Programs                                                                                     JULY 13 WED Children’s Performer 1:30 & 3:30 PM
BOOK BUDDIES                                                                                        JULY 18 MON Teen Program                   3:30 PM
PROGRAM SESSIONS WILL BE HELD FOR SIX WEEKS                                                         JULY 20 WED Children’s Program             3:30 PM
Book Buddies is a program designed to support children with
                                                                                                    JULY 25 MON Adult Program                  3:30 PM
measured reading levels between kindergarten and 3rd grade.                                         		          Ocean Life paper quilling
Assessments will be given prior to the start of the program.                                        JULY 27 WED Children’s Program             3:30 PM
Please sign up at the Information desk between May 2-June 1.
                                                                                                    AUG 1 MON Summer Reading Celebration
          CHECK THE LIBRARY’S EVENTS PAGE ONLINE                                                    			                                   4:30-6:00 PM
GO TO:; choose PROGRAMMING tab nd then EVENTS                                        Take-home craft kits will be available
CALENDAR; select the Manteca Branch; press GO to see scheduled events.                                     each Friday during Summer Reading

       g i n S e p t e m b e r
          Thursday Nights on Maple Ave.
                                    Beer & Wine Garden
                                 Food Vendors & Food Trucks
                                         Live Music
                                         Family Fun
    Additional information will be posted on City of Manteca website and social media platforms.

                             MANTECA RECREATION & COMMUNITY SERVICES                                               SPRING/SUMMER 2022               21
                              Manteca has more than 50 neighborhood parks.
                   Most homes are within a 10-minute walk of a neighborhood park. Check yours out!

                                                                     S   BLE




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NAME                        ADDRESS                  ACRES                                                                                                           NOTES
ANTIGUA                    1055 Collins St             5.07    X               X        X          X         X
BACCILIERI                 154 Stockton St             1.26    X                                                      X
BELLA VISTA                1580 Bella Terra Dr         9.24    X               X        X          X
BUTTON ESTATES             1457 Discovery Creek Rd     3.57                                                           X
CHADWICK SQUARE            1953 London Av              9.00    X                        X          X
COLONY                     1232 Trailwood Av           5.03    X               X        X          X         X
COTTA                      505 Mission Ridge Dr        3.70
CRESTWOOD                  1901 Crestwood Av           3.95    X                        X                    X
CRIVELLO MINI PARK         790 Granite Ln              1.03                                                                         Benchfit exercise, game tables
CURRAN GROVE               196 Bernt Av                4.42    X               X        X          X                  X
DIAMOND OAKS               1179 Pestana Av             6.46    X               X        X          X         X
DOLCINEA                   615 Sandra St               1.10    X                                                                    Corn hole, game table
DOXEY                      1355 Northgate Dr           8.44    X               X        X                    X
DUTRA ESTATES              2701 Ancestry St            5.27    X               X        X                    X
DUTRA MINI PARK            1523 Hearthsong Dr          0.31    X                        X
DUTRA SOUTHEAST            1850 Sparrowhawk St        11.42    X               X        X          X         X
EVANS ESTATES              365 Rina Dr                 7.56    X               X        X          X         X
FRANCISCAN                 1041 Elm Av                 4.02    X               X        X
GILES MEMORIAL             545 W. Alameda St           4.00    X               X        X
GONSALVES/CAMBRIDGE        407 Fishback Rd             2.17
GRAYSTONE                  810 Agate Av                5.20    X                        X          X         X        X
HILDEBRAND                 431 Pine St                 0.58    X               X        X          X         X
JACK SNYDER                1489 Mirassou Dr            5.01    X               X        X          X         X
KEVIN O'NEILL              1282 Laurel Park Cir        1.76
MAYORS                     1440 Kelley Dr              4.05    X               X        X                    X
MINI                       246 Elm Av                  0.17    X
MOFFAT BASIN               800 Moffat Blv              1.45
MONTE BELLO                1250 Taburno Av             2.99    X               X        X          X         X        X             Exercise stations
PALMER MEMORIAL            1495 Sephos St              6.93    X               X        X          X         X                      Exercise stations
PASEO CIRCLE               1759 Buena Vista Dr         1.03    X
PILLSBURY                  890 Mono St                 5.03    X                        X          X
PRIMAVERA                  1253 Primavera Av           6.91    X               X        X          X
QUAIL RIDGE                1020 Mission Ridge Dr       3.07                                        X         X
ROBERTS ESTATES            1740 Rail St                5.07    X               X        X          X
RODONI                     1006 Lucio St               2.75    X                        X          X
SEQUOIA                    868 Wawona St               3.98    X                        X                    X
SHASTA                     955 E. Edison St            9.92    X               X        X          X
SIERRA CREEK               1664 Deerpark Dr            3.85
SILVA                      2004 Pagola Av              5.03    X               X        X                    X
SOLERA                     1949 Memorial Ln            4.29    X               X        X          X                  X             Covered picnic area, Benchfit exercise, embankment slide
SOUTHSIDE                  409 Oregon St               3.32    X               X        X          X         X
SPRINGPORT                 746 Pestana Av              7.89    X                        X                             X
SPRINGTIME                 1268 Springtime Av          4.04    X                        X                    X
ST. FRANCIS                1273 Devonshire Av          4.76    X               X        X                    X
STADIUM PLAZA              2470 Daniels St             4.78
TERRA BELLA                1630 Luna Bella Ln          5.77    X               X        X          X
TERRA RANCH                1855 Galleria Dr            4.50    X               X        X          X                                Music plaza, disc golf course
TESORO                     1399 Tesoro Dr              9.51    X               X        X          X
TONY B. MARSHALL           1403 Meridian St            3.73    X               X        X          X                                Covered picnic area, pickleball court, wiffle ball field, corn hole
UNION RANCH EAST           925 Raccoon Valley Dr       9.60    X               X        X          X         X
UNION WEST                 1291 Parkview St            3.69    X               X        X                    X        X
VILLA TICINO               1970 Geneva Wy              5.59                                        X
WALNUT PLACE               360 Victory Av              2.04
WILLIAM MARTIN             1605 Maywood Av             1.56    X               X        X                    X
YOSEMITE                   600 El Portal Av            4.98    X               X        X                    X        X

22                                                                                 209.456.8600
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