GUIDE RECREATION Campbell River - City of Campbell River

Page created by April Stone
GUIDE RECREATION Campbell River - City of Campbell River
Campbell River
Winter 2019

GUIDE RECREATION Campbell River - City of Campbell River

Leisure Is For Everyone (LIFE)
Provides free admissions and discounted rates for recreation
programs for individuals and families with low incomes.

LIFE members apply once & receive two cards:
1) Strathcona Regional District –
   Strathcona Gardens Recreation Complex
   • 104 Free Drop In Admissions
   • 50% Discount on up to 3 Registered Programs

2) City of Campbell River Recreation Department –
   Sportsplex/ Community Centre/Centennial Outdoor Pool
   • 52 Free Drop In Admissions
   • 50% Discount on up to 3 Registered Programs

Ages 4-18 years
JumpStart is a community-based
charitable program that helps kids
in financial need participate in
organized sports and recreation.
To request funding for a program
complete an application form
which is available at the
Sportsplex or Community Centre.
If you require more info please call

KidSport -
So All Kids                                                                     Quality
Can Play!
Ages 6-18 years                                                                 Rec Bucks
KidSport is a                                                  This program enables Quality Foods
community-based sport charity                                  shoppers to redeem their Quality
that provides grants for children to                           Foods points for Rec Bucks. Simply
participate in a recognized sport.                             cash in 200,000 Quality Foods points
Grants are limited to $200 per year,                           for a $20 Rec Bucks voucher which is
per child and certain restrictions                             redeemable for programs, admission
apply. To apply go to:                                         and facility rentals at all local                                          recreation centres.

02       Winter    2019
GUIDE RECREATION Campbell River - City of Campbell River
                                                 Adult 50+ Active Living ...................... 52-53
                                                 Adult General Interest ......................... 54-58
                                                 Adult Fitness & Sport .......................... 59-64
                                                 Affordable Recreation .......................... 03
                                                 Preschool Programs ............................. 41
                                                 Family Place Programs ........................ 42, 43
                                                 Family Programs .................................. 44
                                                 Children's Programs ........................... 45-47
                                                 Youth 11+ Programs ............................ 48

                                                 Court Information................................ 64
                                                 Drop-In Class Description................... 60
                                                 Drop-In Class Schedule ....................... 61
                                                 Facilities & Rentals .............................. 66
                                                 Fitness General Information............... 59
                                                 Personal Training ................................. 63
                                                 Program Registration .......................... 66
                                                 Weight Room Information .................. 62

                                                 Special Events....................................... 40
                                                 Specialized Recreation ........................ 50, 51
                                                 Spring Break ........................................ 49
                                                 Volunteering ......................................... 65

                                                 Community Dance
                                                 & Sports Organizations ...................... 67

                                                 Vision Statement
                                                 Campbell River is a vibrant,
                                                 healthy and engaged community.

                                                 Mission Statement
                                                 We inspire and support our community and
                                                 individual well-being by working in collaboration
                                                 to provide diverse recreation and culture
                                                 opportunities for all ages, stages and abilities.   CityofCampbellRiver      

             community centre     250.286.1161    | sportsplex              250.923.7911                     39
GUIDE RECREATION Campbell River - City of Campbell River
Special Events
                     Family New Years Eve Celebration - All Ages
                     FREE Family Swim & Skate Activities available for all ages!
                     Pond Hockey, Public Skating and Ice Games, Swimming and Water Games, Crazy
                     Challenges in the Pool Area, Active Family Games, Face Painting & Tattoos & Live
                     Entertainment: P-Nut Gallery
                     when:      Mon Dec 31 5-9pm
                     where:     Strathcona Gardens                                           In partnership
                     cost:      FREE Admission & Skate Rentals
                     note:      Please bring a helmet and hockey stick from home.
                     Course ID: 1923

                     Family Day               FREE
                     Recreation and Culture is inviting families to join us on Family Day! We have a variety
                     of FREE activities throughout the Sportsplex building. Family Gym, Badminton/
                     Volleyball, Basketball, Racquetball, Squash & Wallyball, Weight Room (12 yrs and older),
                     Table Tennis , Foosball and Crafts. All equipment supplied. Program leaders on site.
                     when: Mon Feb 18         10am-2pm
                     where: Sportsplex          cost: FREE
                     Course ID: 8128

                     Giant Indoor Garage Sale                     FREE
                     A giant INDOOR garage Sale will fill the Community Centre gym. Purchase a space
                     to sell your gently used household items, sewing and craft supplies, finished projects.
                     Don't forget those items in your garage, yards, toys & clothing.
                     Vendor spaces: $25 per space. $5 per table rental.
                     when: Sat Feb 23 8:30am-12:30pm
                     where: Community Centre, Gym
                     cost:  FREE for shoppers, Vendor spaces: $23.81+gst
                     Course ID: 8421

                     Seedy Saturday                  FREE
                     Seed swap, vendors, demos, plant sales, Lil’ Sprouts corner and much more.
                     If you would like to be vendor contact Karen Chappell at 250-286-5306.
                     when: Sat Mar 23       10am-1pm
                     where: Community Centr Gym cost: FREE for shoppers
                     Course ID: 7897

                     Vancouver Island FibreFest                       FREE
                     Save the Date! The Vancouver Island Fibre Fest is coming! Marketplace, workshops,
                     free demonstrations and so much more!
                     For more information: or call/email
                     Judy Ridgway if you have questions, (250)286-5307.
                     when:     May 3, 4 & 5

40   Winter   2019
GUIDE RECREATION Campbell River - City of Campbell River
Preschool Programs

                                                                                               Early Years Nature
                                                                                               Education Program
                                                                                               3-5 years
                                                                                               Go wild this school year! Our School
                                                                                               Year Program is a nature-based, child-
                                                                                               led and outdoor educational program,
                                                                                               located at the Sportsplex and Beaver
                                                                                               Lodge Lands designed to offer a unique
                                                                                               early childhood learning experience.
                                                                                               Your children will explore, interact and
                                                                                               learn as they play outside and discover
                                                                                               what they truly love about our local
                                                                                               forest. Activities include songs, stories,
                                                                                               games, activities, creating with natural
Campbell River                                                                                 materials and more...all of which are
                                                                                               inspired by nature! Come and play
Early Learning Program (Licensed)                                                              outside with us for the school year and
3-5 years                                                                                      experience exploring, interacting and
Our program provides time for independence away from home. Daily routines                      learning...naturally! (Must be of age by
involve free choice activities, cutting and gluing, art using natural and recycled             December 31, 2018, and out of diapers).
materials, snack, gym or outside play time, songs, stories and games.
                                                                                               when:  Jan 7 - Jun 28, 2019
when:  Tue/Thu Jan 8 - Jun 27, 2019
                                         note: Payment for September books your child                 9am-12noon
       9am-1:15 pm
                                         for the 2018/2019 school year. Preschool and Early    cost:  $270/ 3 days per week,
where: Community Centre,                 Learning programs do not operate on school holidays
                                                                                                      $360/ 4 days per week or
       Preschool Room 5                  including spring break. Payment can be made for the
                                         full year or monthly. Subsidy information available          $450/ 5days per week
cost:  $29 per day                       upon request.                                         where: Sportsplex and Beaver
                                                                                                      Lodge Lands

                                  My name is Suzanne Field and I have a                        extended afternoon hours:
                                  Bachelor of Science, a Certificate in Risk
                                                                                               Your child does not have to attend the morning
                                  Management, and an Early Childhood
                                                                                               program to register for extended afternoon hours.
                                  Educators Certificate. I have been working
                                  in childcare for more than 10 years and                      time:  12pm-3pm
                                  previously ran an outdoor preschool                          monthly tuition: $80/ weekday
                                  in Campbell River. I love working with                       For example: If you register for Mondays the
                                  preschool children, as they are so                           monthly tuition would be $80/month ($80/
                                  enthusiastic and eager to learn about                        weekday, x 1 day/week).
                                  everything. By working with children I                       note:  For more information go to:
                                  hope to give them the gift of self-esteem,         
                                  curiosity and a lifelong love of education
                                  through play based, child led learning. I
                                  work hard on socialization and resilience
 Suzanne Field,                   so that when children go through life they
 Early Learning Program Teacher   have the skills to manage change and
                                  confl ict successfully.

                     community centre                  250.286.1161         | sportsplex          250.923.7911                            41
GUIDE RECREATION Campbell River - City of Campbell River
Family Place Programs

Family Place                                                                 FREE
                                         Robron Baby Time                           Family Place               FREE
that is based on the idea that
                                         Newborn to crawling                        Drop-in
                                         It’s a time and place for new babies       Newborn and up
the health of a community
                                         to drop-in with their grown-ups to
is reflected in the lives of                                                        Join us to create a Family Place.
                                         connect, to share and to learn from
the families that live there.                                                       We’ll put the coffee on and bring snacks,
                                         one another along with a Public Health
Family Place is about creating                                                      songs, stories, activities, and more.
                                         Nurse, Family Place Coordinator, Joyce
                                                                                    We invite families to join us with their
opportunities for families to            and occasional guests. This program
                                                                                    young children to create a welcoming
connect to each other, to grow           welcomes twins and triplets.               place where children and their
and to have fun. Family Place                                                       caregivers can enjoy simple activities
is constantly changing so check          when:     Mondays                          and learn together.
out                        Jan 7-Jul 29 1-3pm
                                                                                    There are no fees, no registration,
Find us on Facebook/                     where:    Robron Centre, Room 123
                                                                                    just drop in!
FamilyPlaceCampbellRiver                 cost:     FREE
                                         Course ID: 10154
                                                                                    when: Mon Jan 7-24 8:30-11am
                                                                                    where: Willow Point Children’s Centre,
                                                                                              200 Larwood Rd
                     FREE                                                FREE
Baby Time                                Creepin' Crawlers
                                                                                    when: Tue Jan 8-Jun 25 9am-12noon
Newborn to crawling                      Once those babies get crawling, here's     where: Gathering Place, 300 Robron Rd
It’s a time and place for new babies     where they can test their new skills
                                         while their grown-ups compare notes.       when:     Wed Jan 9-Jul 26 1-3pm
to drop-in with their grown-ups to
                                         Drop in for this "in-between baby and                Fri Jan 4-Jul 28 1-3pm
connect, to share and to learn from
                                         toddler" group.                            where:    Community Centre,
one another along with a Public Health
Nurse, Family Place Coordinator, Joyce                                                        Preschool Room 5
                                         when:     Fridays
and occasional guests. This program
                                                   Jan 4-Jul 26 9:30-11:30am        when: Wed Jan 9-Jul 24 9-11:30am
welcomes twins and triplets.
                                         where:    Hemlock Family Place             where: Hemlock Centre,
                                         cost:     FREE                                       1048A Hemlock St.
when:  Thursdays
                                         Course ID: 8438
       Jan 3-Jul 25 10-11:30am                                                      cost:     FREE Drop-in
where: Community Centre,
       Multi Purpose Room 2                                                         note:     No Program Apr 19
cost:  FREE                                                                         Course ID: 8433
Course ID: 8435

42       Winter    2019
GUIDE RECREATION Campbell River - City of Campbell River
Family Place Programs

                        FREE                                        FREE                                   FREE
Olive Branch                               Toddler Time                              Dad’s Group
Newborn and up                             1-3 years                                 Dinner for dads and their children.
A time and place for moms and babies                                                 Starts January 2nd.
                                           Toddlers get to play alongside others
to come together and learn some
                                           their age in a positive and supportive
strategies to manage the anxiety,                                                    when:  The first and third Wednesday of
                                           environment with their grown-ups
depression, and adjustment process                                                          each month, and Family Services
that sometimes comes with becoming                                                          every second Wednesday of each
a parent.                                                                                   month from 6:30-8pm
                                           when:  Fridays
                                                                                     where: The Gathering Place
                                                  Jan 4-Jul 26 9:30-11:30am
when:  Wednesdays                                                                    cost:  FREE
                                           where: Community Centre,
       Jan 9-Jul 24 10-11:30am
                                                  Preschool Room
where: Island Health, Health Unit
                                           cost:  FREE
cost:  FREE
                                           note:  No Program Apr 19, May 3
Course ID: 8437
                                           Course ID: 8439

   Thanks        to the many individuals and organizations across our community who are participating in Family Place
   programs, supporting and honouring the joys and challenges of parenting and early learning. Family Place programs are
   made possible through partnerships and sponsorships with Sunrise Resources, Success by Six, Island Health, CR Family
   Services, City of Campbell River Recreation & Culture, and the CR Child Care Society. Program funding is thanks to the
   Ministry for Children and Family Development.

                     community centre                250.286.1161   | sportsplex        250.923.7911                       43
GUIDE RECREATION Campbell River - City of Campbell River
Family Programs

Sunday Funday
Walking to 7 years
Part of the family gym family. This
program encompasses the ride on toys,
obstacle course and parachute games
you have come to enjoy with Family
Gym, while at the same time providing
some structure for the older siblings to
play and enjoy the gym. Program leader
on site.
when:  Sun Jan 20-May 12
where: Sportsplex, Gym
cost:  $4 Drop-in or use your
       Tot-to-Teen Pass
note:  No program Feb 17                                                                                      FREE
Course ID: 8366
                                            Family Gym                               Family Gym
                                            Birthday Parties                         It's playtime for preschoolers and their
                                                                                     grown-ups. The gym is full of riding
                                            Let us make your next birthday
Family & Teen               FREE                                                     towns, tumbling mats, balls, climbers
                                            party “a piece of cake”! We will look
                                                                                     and more. Parents are responsible for
Centre Drop in                              after the planning, supervision,
                                                                                     their children during the program.
                                            organize games, play with toys,
This drop-in program is a neutral                                                    Leaders provide creative play role
                                            activities and clean up the mess!
place for youth and families to hang out.                                            modeling.
                                            Parties are 90 minutes long. Families
DROP IN – It’s free!                        are welcome to arrive 30 minutes         when:  Mon & Wed Jan 14-May 29
when:  Fri Jan 4-Jun 21                     before the party to set up and stay 30          10:30-11:30am
       6:30-10pm                            minutes at the end to say goodbyes.      where: Community Centre, Gym
where: Community Centre,                                                             cost:  FREE
                                            when:     Sat Jan 19-Jun 1
       Preschool Room                                                                note:  No program Feb 18, Apr 22,
                                                      11am-12:30pm or 2-3:30pm
cost:  FREE                                                                                 May 20
                                            where:    Community Centre
                                                                                     Course ID: 8364
note:  No program Jan 11 and Mar 8          cost:     $125
Course ID: 8406
                                                                                     when:  Fri Jan 18-May 31
                                            when:     Sun Jan 20-Jun 2                      10:30-11:30am
                                                      11am-12:30pm                   where: Sportsplex, Gym
                       P                    where:
                                                                                            No program Mar 1, Apr 19
5 years+                                                                             Course ID: 8365
                                            note:     We require a minimum of
Bring the whole family and challenge                  two weeks’ notice.

your own family or another to a game
                                            Birthday parties are a fundraiser for    Family
of pickle-ball.
                                            our youth programs. Thank you for your   Badminton
when:     Sat Feb 2-Mar 16                  support!
          1:30-3pm                                                                   Bring the whole family and play a great
where:    Sportsplex, Gym                                                            game of badminton. We have instructors
cost:     $3 Drop-in or use your                                                     to help teach you some skills.
          Tot-to-Teen Pass                                                           when:     Tue Jan 15-Mar 19
note:     Minimum one adult                                                                    5-7:15pm
           with kids. No program Mar 1                                               where:    Sportsplex, Gym A
                                                                                     cost:     $4 Drop-in or use your
                                                                                               Tot-to-Teen Pass
                                                                                     Course ID: 8129
44       Winter     2019
GUIDE RECREATION Campbell River - City of Campbell River
Children's Programs

Busy Bees                                  Disney Dance               NEW               Snack Attack              P
Walking - 10 years                         3-5 years                                    Grade K-5
Kids stay busy doing arts and crafts,      With the instruction of primary ballet       Make your favorite after school snacks
singing songs, and participating in        positions along with the introduction        in this fun and engaging program. You
games, and social play while parents       of a different Disney Princess each          will make new friends, play games
catch up on their fitness. You can also    week, this class creates a foundation of     in the gym or outdoors and fi ll your
drop off the kids and go for a run,        self-awareness, creative expression and      tummy's with a nutritious snack.
sit and enjoy a coffee or go grocery       teamwork.
shopping kid free!                                                                      when:     Wed Feb 20-Mar 20 3-4:30pm
                                           when:     Thu Feb 7-Mar 14 9:15-10am         where:    Sportsplex, Room 2
when:     Tue Jan 8-Mar 19 8:45-10:15am    where:    Community Centre, Room 1           cost:     $4 Drop in or use your
where:    Sportsplex, Room 1               cost:     $39                                          Tot-to-Teen Pass
Course ID: 8006                                                                         Course ID: 8397
                                           Course ID: 8410

when:     Tue Jan 8-Mar 19 4:45-6:15pm
where:    Sportsplex, Room 1
                                                                                        Mudslinger Claymate
Course ID: 8008
                                           The Music in Me                 P            Grade 2 and up
when:     Thu Jan 10-Mar 21 4-6pm          2-5 years
                                                                                        Create your own pots, plaques, monsters
where:    Sportsplex, Gym A/ Room 1        Let the journey to an active, healthy        or whatever from your imagination with
Course ID: 8010                            life begin! Designed to let adults and       clay. Please wear clothes that you don't
                                           their little ones 1 to 5 years old wiggle,   mind getting dirty!
when:     Sat Jan 12-Mar 23 8:45-10:15am   sing and learn together. We will play
where:    Sportsplex, Room 1               instruments, sing and dance our way          when:     Wed Jan 16-Feb 13 3:30-5pm
Course ID: 8011                            through the morning.                         where:    Community Centre, Craft Room
                                                                                        cost:     $79
cost:     $4 Drop in or use your           when:     Wed Jan 30-Mar 20 9-10am
                                                                                        Course ID: 8398
          Tot-to-Teen Pass                 where:    Community Centre, Room 1
                                           cost:     $4 Drop in or use your
                                                                                        when:     Wed Feb 20-Mar 20 3:30-5pm
                                                     Tot-to-Teen Pass
                                                                                        where:    Community Centre, Craft Room
                                           Course ID: 8622
                                                                                        cost:     $79
                                                                                        Course ID: 8399

                       community centre              250.286.1161     | sportsplex         250.923.7911                    45
GUIDE RECREATION Campbell River - City of Campbell River
Children's Programs

  Girls Inc         P                         Kids Zone          P                        Zumba &             P
  Grade 3-5                                   Grade K-2                                   Smoothies
  For girls only! Learn a new sport! Try a    A great place to meet new friends, play     Grade K-5
  new craft or activity! Every week will be   games, create works of art and just relax
                                                                                          Come be active by trying Zumba and
  something different. We will prepare        after school. We provide a snack.
                                                                                          playing games. We will also provide a
  healthy snacks together and try some
                                                                                          yummy snack and a smoothie.
  great new dance moves. The program          when:     Mon Jan 14-Mar 18 3-4:30pm
  builds confidence and friendships. Bring    where:    Sportsplex, Room 2                when:     Wed Jan 16-Feb 13 3-4:30pm
  a friend or come and make a new one         cost:     $4 Drop in or use your
  with an afternoon of great girly fun.                                                   where:    Sportsplex, Gym B
                                                        Tot-to-Teen Pass
                                                                                          cost:     $4 Drop in or use your
                                              note:     No program Feb 18                           Tot-to-Teen Pass
  when:     Mon Jan 14-May 13 3-4:30pm
                                              Course ID: 8031
  where:    Sportsplex, Room 1/Gym B                                                      Course ID: 8032
  cost:     $4 Drop in or use your
            Tot-to-Teen Pass
  note:     No program Feb 18
  Course ID: 7967                             Yahoo              P
                                              Grade 3-5
                                              It's time to YAHOO! A great place to
                                              kick back after school with our youth
                                              leaders. Join us for food, fun, crazy
                                              games, tunes, gym time and more!
          Looking to
           Register?                          when:     Thu Jan 17-May 16 3-4:30pm
 Child must be the age                        where:    Sportsplex, Room 1/Gym B          Skip the Line
indicated in the online                       cost:     $4 Drop in or use your
  program listing as of
                                                        Tot-to-Teen Pass                  Register online!
                                              Course ID: 7968                   
   December 31, 2018.

  46       Winter    2019
CHILDREN Aged 6+                                                                    Children's Programs

                                                                              NEW                                      NEW
Cover the Bases                             Little Golf Masters                           Beginner Dance
Winter Training                             Grade 2-5                                     5-7 years and 8-10 years
9-15 years                                  LITTLE GOLF MASTERS is a great way            This class focuses on the fundamentals
                                            for kids to be introduced to golf. Using      of various styles of hip hop and jazz,
Get ready for the upcoming season!
                                            our S.N.A.G equipment (Students New           encouraging each students individual
Learn to play Baseball/Softball in a safe
                                            At Golf) kids have opportunities to hit       style. Utilizing a pre-jazz syllabus with
fun environment. Drew Ferrill, Certified
                                            balls indoors at lots of different targets!   emphasis on technique and injury
Level II Coach by Baseball BC with
                                            With individual and group challenges          prevention, this is an up-tempo class
over 30 years of coaching and teaching
                                            each week, kids will learn a variety of       with style.
experience, will teach players fielding,
                                            skills and etiquette to prepare them for      5-7 years
catching, throwing and hitting, as well
                                            future golfi ng endeavors.                    when:     Fri Feb 8-Mar 15 3:30-4:30pm
as develop coordination and teamwork
among players. Please bring a glove and                                                   where:    Community Centre, Room 1
                                            when:     Tue Feb 5-26 3:30-4:30pm
helmet, bats are available if needed.                                                     cost:     $48
                                            where:    Sportsplex, Gym B
                                                                                          Course ID: 8411
when:     Mon Jan 14-Mar 18 4-5:45pm        cost:     $36
                                            Course ID: 8012                               8-10 years
where:    Community Centre, Gym                                                           when:     Fri Feb 8-Mar 15 4:30-5:30pm
cost:     $149                                                                            where:    Community Centre, Room 1
note:     No program Feb 18                                                               cost:     $48
Course ID: 8675                                                                           Course ID: 8412

                                                                                                                  P      Look for
                                                                                                                         the "P"
  SAVE up to $15 on children, youth                           $25 Tot-to-Teen Pass                                       symbol in

                                                                                                                         this guide.
  and family drop-in programs with the
                                                              Ten visits for $25!!
  Tot to Teen Pass.
  Use your pass for:
    • Girls Inc.             • Yahoo               • The Music In Me
    • Zumba & Smoothies      • Busy Bees           • Family Badminton
    • Kids Zone              • Sunday Funday       • Family Pickle-ball
    • Snack Attack

                       community centre               250.286.1161     | sportsplex          250.923.7911                      47
Youth 11+ Programs

Babysitting Know How
11-18 years
Learn to be a responsible
babysitter. Course includes baby
care, household safety, feeding,
appropriate games and activities.
when:  Sat Jan 19-Feb 16
where: Sportsplex, Room 2
cost:  $60
note:  Feb 16 class will
       end at 1:45pm
Course ID: 8094

                                              North Island                 NEW                                          FREE
                                                                                          Youth Open Gym
Learn to Sew a Hoodie
                                              Support Group                               11-18 years
8-12 years                                                                                Grab a friend and come
                                              A facilitated monthly group for             shoot some hoops.
Make yourself a Hoodie! Learn to put in
                                              Parents & Caregivers of Trans,
a zipper and sew in sleeves and a hood.                                                   when: Wed Jan 9-Mar 20 3-4:30pm
                                              Two Spirit, Gender Diverse
A great pattern that you can customize                                                    where: Sportsplex, Gym A
                                              Children and Youth.
for yourself or for a friend. A supply list                                               cost:  FREE to Drop-In
                                              See page 58 for more details.
is available when registering. Please
                                                                                          Course ID: 6826
bring a sewing machine with you if you
have one. A machine will be supplied if
when: Wed Jan 16-Feb 13 3-5pm                 LEADERS
where: Community Centre, Room 2
cost:  $104
                                              IN TRAINING (L.I.T.)                               Applications are
Course ID: 8460                                                                                  available at the
                                              Apply for the Leaders-in-Training
                                                                                                 Community Centre
                                              Program this Winter                                and the Sportsplex.
                                              LIT Level 1 12-18 yrs                              Successful applicants
                                              LIT Level 2 (returning LIT) 15-18 yrs              must pay a $35
                                                                                                 registration fee (free
                                                Develop leadership, organization, and            for returning LIT’s) and
Skip the Line                                   communication skills while having fun.           attend an orientation.
                                                Boost your resume with work experience.          Placements coincide
Register online!                                Get a reference from the Campbell River          with recreation                   Recreation and Culture Department.               program dates & times
                                                Gain confidence interacting with                 and Special Events.
                                                children and other volunteers.                   Applications accepted
                                                                                                 all year.
                                                Learn from our highly trained staff.
                                                Be healthy, active, and engaged.                 Questions about the
                                                Attend an interview.                             LIT Program?
                                                Must complete a criminal record check.           Call 250-923-7911

48       Winter     2019
Spring Break
                                                                                        Holly Hill
                                                                                        Spring Break Camp
                                                                                        5-13 years
                                                                                        Children get a behind the scenes ticket
                                                                                        to Holly Hill Farm, where they have the
                                                                                        opportunity to experience working with
                                                                                        a variety of animals. There will also be
                                                                                        many fun and engaging activities such
                                                                                        as farm games, crafts and learning
                                                                                        survival skills which will be centred on
                                                                                        animals and agriculture.
                                                                                        when:     Mon - Fri Mar 25-29
                                                                                        where:    Holly Hill Farm
                                                                                        cost:     $150
                                                                                        Course ID: 8917

Hand-in-Hand                                 Science & Technology                       Science & Technology
Early Years                                  Camp I                                     Camp II
                                             7-9 years                                  10-14 years
Nature Education
                                             Using the latest technology from           Plunge into a thrilling educational
Spring Break Program                         Lego, participants will build and then     experience with science, drones and
3-5 years                                    program a Robotic arm, a Recycling         Lego Robotics! You will explore the
Go wild this spring! Our Spring Break        truck, an Alarm Device, a Luna Rover       wonderful world of science and dive
Program is a nature-based, child-led         and much more! All of it via Bluetooth!    into the basics of programming through
and outdoor educational program.             Throughout the week you will also          various applications. This camp will
It is designed to offer a unique early       explore the wonderful world of science     utilized Lego's EV3 Mindstorms kit. You
childhood learning experience. Your          and you will be able to take home cool     and your partner will build a charming
children will explore, interact and          science experiments with you everyday      robotic puppy! Don't forget to feed it!
learn in nature as they play outside         to share with friends and family.
                                                                                        when: Mon-Fri Mar 25-29 9am-3pm
and discover what they truly love about      when: Mon-Fri Mar 25-29 9am-3pm            where: Sportsplex, Room 3
our local forest. Activities will include;   where: Sportsplex, Room 2                  cost:  $220
nature inspired arts and crafts, songs,      cost:  $220                                note:  Participants will need to
stories, games, activities and more!         note:  Participants will need to                     bring snacks and a lunch.
Come play in nature with us for Spring                 bring snacks and a lunch.        Course ID: 8818
Break and get a taste of what our school     Course ID: 8477
year program has to offer!
                                                                                        Creative Kids Pottery
when:  Mon-Fri Mar 25-29                     Kids in the Kitchen
                                                                                        and Art Camp
where: Sportsplex                            Grade 3-5                                  7-11 years
cost:   $120                                 This engaging camp allows kids to          This is a great camp to get your kids
note:  Please meet outdoors by the           learn the basics of food preparation,      creative juices flowing, we will start
       sand volleyball courts.               kitchen skills, healthy eating and the     with pottery in the morning followed
Course ID: 10200                             fun of creating and enjoying their own     by some lunch and gym time, we will
                                             cuisine. Kids will receive recipes every   end the day with an acrylic painting
                                             day, and enjoy creating tasty food.        and printmaking project.
                                             when: Wed-Fri Mar 27-29        9am-12pm    when:  Mon & Tue Mar 25-26
                                             where: Sportsplex, Kitchen                        10am-3pm
                                             cost:  $59                                 where: Community Centre, Craft Room
                                             Course ID: 8130                            cost:   $65
                                                                                        Course ID: 8021

                      community centre                 250.286.1161     | sportsplex       250.923.7911                       49

Sewing for Fun
We have the sewing machines and
the instructors if you want to learn to
sew. This is a fun class with great one
on one instruction and the emphasis
is on FUN. Projects will be discussed
in class.
when:    Tue Jan 15-Feb 19
Course ID: 7864
when:    Tue Feb 26-Apr 2
Course ID: 7867
where: Community Centre,
          Multi Purpose Room 2
cost:     $46.67+gst

                                                                      FREE                                    FREE
Sewing for Fun                              Zumba Dance                              Stepping Out
Morning                                     Join in for a dancing good time and      Different activities planned for every
                                            great exercise as well!                  week. Movie nights, bingo, crafts, walks
We have the sewing machines and the
                                            when:  Mon Jan 14-Mar 18                 for coffee and much more. A schedule
instructors if you want to learn to sew.
                                                   10:30-11:15am                     of nightly activities will be available on
This is a fun class with great one on
                                            where: Community Centre, Room 1          the first evening.
one instruction and the emphasis is
on FUN. Projects will be discussed          cost:  FREE                              when: Mon Jan 14-Mar 18 7-9pm
in class.                                   note:  No program Feb 18                 where: Community Centre, Lounge
                                            Course ID: 7862                          cost:  FREE
when:    Tue Jan 15-Feb 19 9-11am
                                                                                     Course ID: 7869
Course ID: 7866
when:    Tue Feb 26-Apr 2 9-11am
Course ID: 7863
                                            Multi-Sport            FREE
where: Community Centre,
          Multi Purpose Room 2              8-16 years
cost:     $46.67+gst                        This is a physical activity program
                                            for children who experience physical
                                            and/or developmental barriers to
                         FREE               being involved in organized sports.
B-Awesome                                   The activities are designed to improve
This is a fun exercise class with a focus   endurance, strength and flexibility
on flexibility, endurance and strength      as well as provide a social and fun
training, oh a lot of fun!                  environment.
when:  Fri Jan 18-Mar 22
                                            when: Thu Jan 17-Mar 21 4-5pm
                                            where: Community Centre, Gym 2
                                                                                     Skip the Line
where: Community Centre, Gym 1              cost:  FREE                              Register online!
cost:  FREE                                 Course ID: 7861
note:   No program Mar 8                                                   
Course ID: 7860

50       Winter    2019

                         NEW                                                                                   FREE
Eats & Treats                                Onstage                              Singing for Fun
This is a brand new cooking program!         Join Heather Gordon Murphy on        All ages, stages and abilities welcome.
Four weeks of fun being a chef! You          stage and explore your creativity.   Sing along to oldies, fun songs and
will learn to follow simple recipes          There will be a performance at the   familiar tunes with John Hollywood.
and become comfortable working in a          last session.
                                                                                  when:  Wed Jan 16-Mar 20
kitchen.                                     when:  Wed Jan 23-Mar 20                    10-11am
when:     Fri Jan 18-Feb 8 3-5pm                    12:45-2:15pm                  where: Community Centre Lounge
Course ID: 8009                              where: Rivercity Playhouse           cost:  FREE
when:     Fri Feb 15-Mar 8 3-5pm             cost:  $42.85+gst                    Course ID: 7870
Course ID: 8458                              Course ID: 7868
where: Community Centr, Kitchen
cost:  $41.90+gst

                                                    Participating in recreation develops social
                                                   skills; i.e. relating to others, learning social
                                                     roles and reinforces behavioral norms.

                     Campbell River Access Awareness Committee
                     C.R.A.A.C. is an advisory committee that is committed to making Campbell River a truly accessible
                     community. If you have an access issue or would like more information about this committee,
                     please call Judy 250-286- 5307.

                      community centre             250.286.1161   | sportsplex       250.923.7911                     51
50+ Active Living Programs

Integrate healthy activities into your
daily life, and enjoy comfortable
accessible facilities at the downtown
Community Centre and the Sportsplex
when you purchase a one-year 50+
membership for $25. Enjoy more than 30
free, volunteer-led activities.

NOT A MEMBER? You can attend our 50+
programs with a $3 drop-in fee.

Membership includes:                                      ARTS & CRAFTS
  FREE drop-in admission to more
  than 30 activities.

  FREE monthly bulletin that keeps you
  “in the know” about upcoming activities and
  special events.

  FREE monthly birthday celebration for
  members. Friends and family can attend too.

  Get involved and have fun being part of
            an amazing group!
                                                          GENERAL INTEREST

Membership runs from January - December. Buy
your new 2019 memberships starting December
1, 2018. Note: A release of Liability Form is required.

Read the 50+ Active Living Bulletin available the last
Tuesday of each month. You can pick it up at the Campbell
River Community Centre or the Sportsplex. You can also
get it via email, just sign up by calling 250-286-1161.

52     Winter     2019
50+ Active Living Program Calendar
    MONDAY                   TUESDAY                     WEDNESDAY                   THURSDAY                           FRIDAY
                        9-11am               Lounge                                                           9:30-11:30am           Lounge
8:30-11:30am     Rm 2                                  8:30-11:30am      Rm 2    9:30-11:30am       Lounge
hand quilting           coffee with                    hand quilting             crochet/knitting             applique
                        friends                                                                               4th Fri
10am-12:30am Lounge                                                              9:30-11:30am      Craft Rm
                            Lounge 9am-1pm                            Craft Rm                                                        Rm 1
int seniors group 11am-12pm
                  backgammon       painting                                      calico quilters              9-12noon
                                                                                                              hand embroidery
Twice a month                                                                    3rd Thurs
                        9am-3pm          Craft Rm
12-2:30pm          SP                                  12-2:30pm           SP    9:30-11:30am       Lounge    12-2:30pm               Gym
badminton               quilter's gab                  badminton                 mexican train                badminton
                        1st Tues

1-2pm & 2-3pm    Rm 1   10am-12pm            Lounge    12:45-3pm           SP    10:30am-12pm         SP A    1-2pm & 2-3pm           Rm 1
tai chi (beg/int) • scrabble                           crib                      pickle ball ladders tai chi (beg) •
1-3pm           Gym 1                                  1-2pm             Rm 1    12-2:30pm         SP A&B
                        10:30am-12pm          SP A                                                            1-4pm                  Lounge
floor curling           pickle ball -beg               book club                 pickle ball                  bridge
                                                       3rd Wed                   Adv Beginner 2:30-3:30pm
1-4pm          Lounge   12-2:30pm            SP A&B                              12:15-1:45pm
                                                       1-3pm            Gym 1
partnership             pickle ball                    carpet bowling            lunch bunch                        SATURDAY
bridge                  Adv Beginner 2:30-3:30pm                                 2nd Thurs

                        1-3pm                  Gym                               11:30-12:30pm     Craft Rm   9am-4pm                 Rm 2
1:30-3:30pm     Gym 2                                  1-4pm           Lounge
table tennis            shuffleboard                   mah jong                  river city uke beg quilt & sew with us
                        Sept 11 Gym 2                                            2nd & 4th Thurs              2nd Sat
                        1-3pm           Craft Rm                                 12:45-2:15pm       Lounge    10:30am-1pm            SP A&B
    DROP IN                                            1-4pm           Lounge
   PROGRAMS:            drop-in crafts                 duplicate bridge          river city uke               pickle ball
                        2nd, 3rd, 4th Tues                                       2nd & 4th Thurs              Beginner 3:30-4:30pm
 All programs held
   weekly at the        1-4pm                Lounge    1:30-3:30pm      Gym 2    1-2pm & 2-3pm       Rm 1
 Community Centre       bridge                         table tennis              tai chi (adv/int) •                    SUNDAY
  except as noted.
                                                                                 1-3pm               Rm 2
 SP Sportsplex          7-10pm               Lounge    3:30-5:30pm      Gym 1                                 1-3pm                  Gym 2
 CX Cancelled dates     crib                           soft tennis               stamp club                   table tennis
 • No drop-in to                                                                 3rd Thurs
      Tai Chi                                          6:30-9:30pm       Rm 5    1-3pm              Lounge    2-4pm                    SP B
 Bold Blue Dates -                                     euchre                    movie time                   pickle ball
 Only on days noted                                    2nd Wed                   1st Thurs                    advanced
                                                                                 1:30-3:25pm        Gym 1
               50+ Fundraising Events                                            soft tennis                  JOIN US!
                                                                                                              Purchase YOUR
                                                                                 1:30-3:30pm        Gym 2     50+ membership
                                                                                 table tennis                 for $25. Enjoy more
         GIANT INDOOR GARAGE SALE                                                2:30-4pm Craft Rm            than 30 free, volunteer
                   Saturday, February 23                                         senior peer support          led activities at the
                                                                                 2nd Thurs                    Community Centre
                Community Centre 8:30am-12:30pm
                                                                                 3-4pm              Lounge
                      $25 Vendor spaces                                                                       and Sportsplex.
                                                                                 birthday party
                      $5 per table rental                                        2nd Thurs
                                                                                                              NOT A MEMBER?
                                                                                 6:30-10:30pm       Lounge    OR UNDER 50?
                                                                                 duplicate bridge             Drop-in for $3.
     If you would like to donate craft, sewing, embroidery,
                                                                                 7-9pm               Rm 5
     or garage sale items; please call 250-286-1161.
                                                                                 quilt & sew with us
                                                                                 2nd Thurs

                      community centre                    250.286.1161     | sportsplex            250.923.7911                        53
Adult General Interest

Pottery                                    Drop-in Pottery                             Intro to the Wheel
The focus of the six classes will be       The Community Centre Pottery Studio         In these semi private classes you will
hand building and learning techniques.     is open to the public on Tuesday            learn how to wedge the clay, centre the
All skill levels are welcome. Create       evenings and Friday afternoons. A           clay on the wheel and practise throwing.
mugs, jugs, bowls, casseroles and more.    great time to work on projects that         Emma will do demo’s on trimming and
Class structure is flexible and Ellen is   you started in class or are creating on     glazing the fi nished pieces. Registration
happy to explore any ideas you would       your own. Previous pottery experience       include the clay, glazing and firing of
like to try.                               is required as there is no instruction      your projects.
Clay is included in registration so        provided. Potters are required to put
just bring your enthusiasm and your        away tools and clean up their area          4 SESSIONS
imagination.                               when they are fi nished.                    when: Wed Jan 16-Feb 6 6-9pm
                                           Clay is available to purchase for $22 per   where: Community Centre,
when: Thu Jan 17-Feb 21 6-9pm              half bag. There may be an extra charge                Craft Room
where: Community Centre,                   for firing some projects depending on       cost:     $157.14+gst
          Craft Room                       the size of the projects.                   Course ID: 7872
cost:     $141.55+gst
Course ID: 7871                            when: Tue Jan 15-Mar 19 6-9pm               when: Wed Feb 13-Mar 6 6-9pm
                                           where: Community Centre,                    where: Community Centre,
                                                     Craft Room
                                                                                                 Craft Room
                                           cost:     $9.52+gst
                                                                                       cost:     $157.14+gst
                                           Course ID: 7875
                                                                                       Course ID: 7896

                                           when: Fri Jan 18-Mar 22 1-4pm               6 SESSIONS
                                           where: Community Centre,                    when:     Fri Jan 18-Feb 22
Skip the Line                                        Craft Room Pottery                          9:30am-12:30pm
                                           cost:     $9.52+gst
Register online!                           Course ID: 7874
                                                                                       where:    Community Centre,
                                                                                                 Craft Room                                                          cost:     $232.75+gst
                                           note:     Children under the age of 14      Course ID: 7873
                                                     are welcome but they must be
                                                     accompanied by an adult.

                                             We offer Pottery lessons for community groups, home school groups
                                                       and others. Please call 250-286-1161 for more information.
54       Winter     2019
Adult General Interest

                                             Ham Radio Training                  FREE
                                             Amateur radio brings people, electronics and communication
                                             together. People use ham radio to talk across town and around
                                             the world, all without the Internet or cell phones. It can be
                                             a lifeline during times of need. Attending all class dates is
                                             encouraged, but not mandatory. Some knowledge of electricity
                                             or electronics is helpful, but not essential. Certificates are
                                             awarded upon passing the basic exam and are good for life.
                                             Once you achieve your certification if you would like to learn
                                             more the Campbell River Amateur Radio Society and the
                                             Campbell River Emergency Communication teams exist to help
                                             new hams develop their skill set further.

                                             All participants are strongly encouraged to attend a course
                                             Introduction and Preparation session from 7-8pm on Monday
                                             January 14th to help them obtain a better understanding of the
One Day Wonders in Clay                      course content and requirements.
For Adults                                   where: Sportsplex
                                             cost:     FREE to drop-in
Sgraffito Platter
Try your hand at creating prints,
patterns or drawings on a handmade
pottery platter using a special
technique to draw and scratch on
your creation in contrasting colours.           DATE/ TIME                                 TOPIC
when: Mon Jan 21 6-9pm                     Mon Jan 14   7-8pm                       Introduction Session
where: Community Centre, Craft Room
cost:  $37.14+gst                                                         Lesson 1 – Radiocommunication Act &
                                           Mon Jan 21   6-8:30pm         Radiocommunication Regulations (0.5 hr)
Course ID: 8452                                                             Lesson 2 – Basics Electricity (2 hrs)

Whimsical Fairy House                      Mon Jan 21   6-8:30pm         Lesson 3 – Ohm’s Law and Power (1.5 hrs)
                                                                         Lesson 4 – Inductors and Capacitors (1 hr)
In this class students will create an
imaginative and eclectic Fairy House                                 Lesson 5 – Regulations Part 2: Standards, Restric-
for the garden. Complete with windows,     Sat Feb 2    1-6pm         tions, Identification (1.5 hrs)Lesson 6a – Decibels
                                                                     (0.5 hr)Lesson 6b – Transmission Lines (Feedlines)
doors, branches, roses, swings or                                              (1 hr)Lesson 8 – Antennas (2 hr)
whatever your Fairy heart desires!
                                           Mon Feb 4    6-8:30pm     Lesson 7 – Active devices: Diodies, Transistors, and
when: Mon Feb 25 6-9pm                                                 Tubes (1 hr) Lesson 9a – Power Supplies (1 hr)
where: Community Centre, Craft Room                                   Lesson 10 – Modulation and Transmitters (1 hr)
cost:  $37.14+gst                          Sat Feb 9    1-6pm                Lesson 11 – Propagation (1.5 hrs)
Course ID: 8453                                                                Lesson 12 – Receivers (1.5 hrs)
                                                                     Lesson 13 – Interference and Suppression (1.5 hrs)
                                                                     Lesson 14a – Establishing and equipping a station
Spring Planter Pocket                                                (0.5 hr) Lesson 14b – Digital Modes (0.5 hr)Lesson
                                           Mon Feb 11   6-8:30pm
In this class students will create a                                    15 – Regulations Pat 3 – Technical Rules, RF
unique wall hanging pocket designed                                        Exposure, Antenna Structures (1.5 hrs)
to hold flowers or plants indoors or                                      Lesson 16 – Routine Operations (1.5 hrs)
                                           Sat Feb 23   1-6pm
outdoors.                                                                       Exam Practice and Review

when: Mon Mar 18 6-9pm
where: Community Centre, Craft Room
cost:  $37.14+gst
Course ID: 8454
                     community centre    250.286.1161   | sportsplex         250.923.7911                             55
Adult General Interest

Art Studio Tour                           Embroidered Card                          Seed Starting
Chase the winter blues away and           14+ years                                 How do you satisfy the gardening itch
enter into the private studios of some    Do you like embroidery? Here is a         in the middle of winter? Easy! Start
Campbell River artists. This is an        class for you. Learn the basics of card   plants from seed. Now is a great time
opportunity to see where the creativity   embroidery. Card embroidery is fun,       to get a jump start on the gardening
begins. Transportation is included.       quick and beautiful. The possibilities    season. Just a little preparation will
                                          are endless. You will go home with the    help ensure your seed starting success.
when: Sat Feb 16 10am-3pm                 perforating tool and mat.                 Join Arzeena Hamir, local organic
where: Meet at the Community Centre                                                 farmer and agronomist, as she walks
cost:  $14.29+gst                         when: Sat Feb 9 1-3pm                     you through the entire process.
note:  Bring a lunch                      where: Community Centre, Room 1
Course ID: 8455                           cost:  $42.86+gst                         when: Thu Feb 21 7-8:30pm
                                          Course ID: 8680                           where: Community Centre,
                                                                                              Preschool Room
                                                                                    cost:     $4.76+gst
                                                                                    Course ID: 7898

                                          Skip the Line
                                          Register online!

56       Winter    2019
Adult General Interest

                  NEW                                                           NEW                                    NEW
Spanish                                  Beginners Guitar 101                             Sew a Hoodie
Are you looking to learn Spanish or      Come join our Guitar 101 course where            Sew a beautiful hooded pullover using
develop your Spanish conversational      the instructor will help you develop             your serger. Fun and easy to serge and
skills? Join our instructor, a native    your inner guitarist. You will learn             sew. Pattern will be supplied bring your
Spanish speaker, where you will learn    guitar basics, chords, strumming                 serger, fabric thread and basic sewing
proper Spanish pronunciation, develop    techniques and more. Join us for a               supplies. A supply list will be available
Spanish reading and writing skills,      rockin’ good time. Instructor: 7 Geo             at registration.
as well as introduction to Spanish       Music School.
dialogue. You will receive weekly                                                         when: Thu Jan 17-Feb 14 7-9pm
homework. Come join the Fiesta!          when: Thu Jan 17-Mar 7 6:30-7:30pm               where: Community Centre,
                                         where: Sportsplex, Room 1                                  Multi Purpose Room 2
when: Tue Jan 8-Mar 19 6:45-7:45pm       cost:  $114.29+gst                               cost:     $132.38+gst
where: Sportsplex, Room 1                Course ID: 7890                                  Course ID: 8457
cost:  $157.14 +gst
Course ID: 7891

                               NEW       Soups on            NEW                         Cream Puffs               NEW
Low Carb Cooking
Was it your New Years resolution to      In the winter it is all about soup. Warm        The cream puff is the Eiffel Tower of
lower your carbohydrate intake? Join     up on the chilliest of winter nights with       Parisian pastries. The foundation of the
Jamie McMath……and learn some             homemade soup filled with vegetables,           perfect cream puff is light, airy pate a
great lower carb recipes and where the   meat, potatoes, beans and more hearty           choux. Learn how to make traditional
hidden carbs are.                        ingredients, bowls will be brimming             french choux pastry from scratch,
                                         with flavor in every spoonful. We               cream filling and dipped in chocolate.
when: Tue Jan 15 6:30-8:30pm
                                         will start with the basics of stock and         Oh mon dieu!
where: Sportsplex, Kitchen               expand from there. Bring a container to
cost:  $42.86+gst                                                                        when: Tue Mar 19 6:30-8:30pm
                                         take some home.
Course ID: 7893                                                                          where: Sportsplex, Kitchen
                                         when: Tue Feb 19 6:30-8:30pm                    cost:  $61.90+gst
                                         where: Sportsplex, Kitchen                      Course ID: 7894
                                         cost:  $33.33+gst
                                         Course ID: 7940

                                         Instructor: Jamie McMath
                                         Jamie, who is a Red Seal Chef, was born on Vancouver Island and was classically trained at
                                         the Culinary Institute of Canada in Charlottetown, PEI. Working as a Chef has taken Jamie
                                         across the country in roles as an executive Chef in several high end restaurants and hotels.
                                         Jamie spent 10 years working as an Executive Chef in Jasper Alberta before making the
                                         decision to come back to Vancouver Island with his young family for a change of pace. Jamie
                                         brings with him experience, expertise and a desire for fresh fare and local ingredients.

                    community centre               250.286.1161      | sportsplex           250.923.7911                         57
Adult General Interest

Adult Badminton
Come out with a friend and enjoy an
evening of recreational badminton.
All levels welcome. Please bring your
own racquet. We have some racquets
available if needed.

when: Tue Jan 8-Mar 19 7:30-9:30pm
where: Sportsplex, Gym A
cost:  Drop in: $6.66+gst
          $65.71+gst Program fee
Course ID: 7853

Adult Volleyball                         Beginner Line Dance                        North Island             FREE
Adult co-ed recreational volleyball.     You will learn the basic dance steps on    Support Group
                                         the dance floor during your first class.
when: Wed Jan 9-Mar 20 7:30-9:30pm                                                  Parents & Caregivers of Trans,
where: Sportsplex, Gym A                 when: Tue Jan 8-Mar 19 10-11am             TwoSpirit, Gender Diverse Children
cost:  Drop in: $8.57+gst                where: Community Centre, Gym 2             and Youth.
          $73.33+gst Program fee         cost:  Drop in: $5.71+gst                  This facilitated monthly group, in
Course ID: 7854                                    Line Dancing Member fee: 		      collaboration with the Recreation
                                                   $47.62+gst                       and Culture Department, provides a
                                         Course ID: 7877                            safe, non judgemental opportunity for
                                                                                    parents and caregivers to get support,
3 on 3 Basketball                                                                   information and education, ask
14+ years                                                                           questions, engage in discussion, share
Drop-in 3 on 3 basketball. Basketballs
                                         Beyond Beginner                            stories, hear from guest speakers, plan
provided and staff onsite.               Line Dance                                 and attend Family Social Events and
                                                                                    build a supportive community.
when: Wed Jan 9-Mar 20 7:30-9:30pm       After taking the Beginner Class,
where: Sportplex, Gym B                  participants will be ready for the
                                         Beyond Beginner.                           Registration is encouraged but not
cost:  Drop in: $5.71+gst
                                                                                    required. Refreshments are provided.
Course ID: 7855                          when: Thu Jan 3-Mar 21 10-11am             Child care and transportation subsidies
                                         where: Community Centre, Gym 2             are available.
                                         cost:  Drop in: $5.71+gst                  For more information contact:
                                                   Line Dancing Member fee: 		      LAURA - 250-202-6230 (call or text) ;
                                         Course ID: 7880
                                                                                    when:     Mondays Jan 14, Feb 4, Mar 4,
                                                                                              Apr 1, May 6, Jun 3 6-7:30pm
                                                                                    where:    Community Centre, Room 5
                                                                                    cost:     FREE
                                                                                    Course ID: 8918

58       Winter      2019
Fitness General Information

                     We offer 50 fitness classes each week
                         in three different locations!

Save Even More                                                 Fitness & Weight Room Passes
with a Group Fitness Pass                                      and Drop In Fees
We offer Group Fitness Pass discounts for                      Pass                                   Student (16-18 yrs)
groups of 12 or more. Consider getting                         Description                             Senior (60 yrs +)
together with family members, colleagues,                      Drop In                $6.67                   $5.71
friends, or acquaintances to purchase a six,
nine or twelve month pass. Assign a group                      10 visit pass          $47.92                  $35.29
leader. We provide the group leader with a                     1 month pass           $52.28                  $40.95
package of information on how to manage
                                                               3 month pass           $115.23                 $86.67
the group pass application process. The
leader collects payment information and a                      6 month pass           $199.05                 $149.52
Release of Liability from each group member.                   9 month pass           $256.19                 $192.38
                                                               1 year pass            $299.05                 $223.81
Group Fitness Pass Costs                                       note: All prices do not include tax.
Pass                              Student (16-18 yrs)
Description                        Senior (60 yrs +)
                                                                    LOCKERS For the safety of your possessions, please
 6 month pass        $169.52            $126.66
                                                                      use the lockers located in the change rooms.
 9 month pass        $218.10            $163.81                                      The cost is 25¢.
 1 year pass         $254.29            $190.48

 note: All prices do not include tax.                          We are closed on statutory holidays.

                    community centre                250.286.1161   | sportsplex         250.923.7911                        59
Drop-In Class Description
Drop-in fitness classes are free to pass holders.                                                                         Total Body Fit
If you don’t have a pass, you can drop –in for $7,                                                                        Lots of movement with good music, great company,
                                                                                                                          motivating instructors and fun make this class
or $6 for students (12-18yrs) and Seniors (60+)                                                                           ideal for the mature adult, or beginners of any age.
                                                                                                                          It’s a class suitable for all fitness levels.

ABTS (Abs, Buns, Thighs)                                         Fit For Health                                           Triple Sss!
Challenge those trouble spots! In this class emphasis            Fit for health offers the option of exercising while     Step intervals to get your heart working hard!
will be on sculpting and toning the Abs, Bun, Thighs,            seated. This class is suitable for those who are just    Step will be very basic, minimal choreography.
Strength and Stretch for the whole body. There is no             starting to exercise or have medical considerations      Stabilizers, to strengthen your Core and Back and
running but be prepared for some cardio blasting                 that limit full participation in moderate exercise       Abdominals. Balance to complete your midweek
moves for a great whole body workout!                            class. Age 60+                                           workout.
                                                                 Held at Campbell River Common Shopping Centre.
Balance and Stretch                                                                                                       X Fit
45 minute functional exercise class that focuses                 Fit For Life                                             Everything you’re always wanted in a fitness
on balance and stretching to improve your overall                Maximize your independence, reduce health                class is included in X Fit. This head to toe workout
fitness, increase your flexibility and range of motion           problems and improve your sense of well-being.           includes cardio, strength, core and stretching. It’s
, improve posture, relieve stress and improve sports             Participants of all ages, shapes, sizes, abilities,      guaranteed to get you working hard and loving it!
performance so you can enjoy your regular activities             fitness levels are welcome! This class does not have
without fear of falling or injury.                               running or jumping.                                      Yoga
                                                                                                                          Escape from the hectic pace of your daily life and
Bellyfit!                                                        HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training)                  take home a lasting sense of tranquility. Experience
This full-body, full-of-spirit class combines high-              Blast your entire body for a challenging and             a one hour session which will help you strengthen
energy aerobics fused with Belly dance, African                  rewarding full body workout. Come prepared to            your body and lengthen your muscles while getting
dance, Bollywood and Banghra. Pilates moves for the              sweat with this fast paced class.                        a great workout!
core, and Yoga moves that stretch your muscles add
to this “ancient wisdom meets modern fitness” class.             Pump It Up!                                              Zumba
                                                                 This total body class combines strength training,        Party yourself into shape with ZUMBA. This
Boot Camp                                                        core and flexibility. Get a jump on your fitness goals   Exhilarating, effective, easy to follow Latin inspired
Bootcamp incorporates fat melting cardio and                     with this perfectly balanced routine.                    calorie burning dance fitness party is moving the
muscle building resistance with core and flexibility                                                                      world towards joy, health and fitness! You’ve got to
exercises to help you reach your fitness goals.                  Short Cut Abs                                            try it!
                                                                 Take 30 minutes to build a stronger core and back.
Boot Camp Plus                                                   Class follows the lunch spin class so you can            20/20/20
This fun, motivating class will kick your butt and get           choose to do both classes or just one!                   In this back to basics conditioning class enjoy a
you up and moving in the right direction! Whatever                                                                        variety of cardiovascular exercise, toning, core and
your fitness level, this class will help you build a             Spin                                                     stretching. We’ll work in short intervals so you get
stronger and fitter body. Rain, snow or shine, we have           Grab a seat and get ready to work out hard! These        the maximum, all over body workout for your 60
a full gymnasium so class can either be in or out.               classes, on spin bikes, will get you in shape while      minutes. What more could you ask for?
Appropriate for all fitness levels.                              protecting your joints from stress that you might
                                                                 experience doing higher impact exercise.
Center Strong
Grow longer and stronger as you explore this                     Spin and Core
60-minute journey incorporating fundamentals                     Start your week-end off with a fantastic workout to
from yoga and Pilates. Positive uplifting music,                 get you on the right track to look and feel amazing!     Customized Classes
group dynamics, and our supportive instructor will               45 minutes spin class followed by 15 minute core         We can arrange a customized class or personal
enable you to center your energy, reduce stress,                 and stretch!                                             training session for you, your family, friends,
smile and have fun!                                                                                                       school, team, colleagues, business or organization.
                                                                 Spin Strong                                              Call 250-923-7911 for more information.
Chair Yoga                                                       Start off with a shorter spin class and then add
Increase the length and strength of your muscles                 some strength work followed by some knockout abs
fibers, reconnect with your breath and relax with                and a stretch!
meditation, all from the comfort of a chair. This
class brings the floor up to you and allows you to               Spintervals!
reconnect with your body while still getting a great             This class combines strength and cardio ON and OFF
workout.*Participants must be able to move independently         the bike! Using a variety of interval timers, you’re        Fragrance Free Zones
and have the ability to give clear feedback to the instructor.   sure to get a full body workout in just one hour!           If you are attending a fitness class, or
                                                                                                                             visiting the weight room, please make
Circuit Fusion                                                   Sportfit
Fun and time –efficiency blend to ensure you get an              This exciting, challenging workout includes lots
                                                                                                                             sure you are fragrance free.
enjoyable total body workout. This class combines                of running and a variety of drills to develop
strength, cardio, core and flexibility training using            coordination, agility, power and strength.
interval stations and a variety of equipment.

60          Winter           2019
Schedule in effect Jan 2-Mar 22, 2019                                Drop-In Class Schedule
     MONDAY              TUESDAY           WEDNESDAY            THURSDAY                   FRIDAY               SATURDAY
  BOOT CAMP PLUS            SPIN          BOOT CAMP PLUS            SPIN             BOOT CAMP PLUS
    6:00-7:00am         6:00-6:45am         6:00-7:00am         6:00-6:45am             6:00-7:00am
                                                                                 Effective Monday, March 13th, 2017
                            SPIN                                    SPIN                                        SPIN & CORE
                        7:00-7:45am                             7:00-7:45am                                     7:45-8:45am

  CIRCUIT FUSION            HIIT            TRIPLE SSS!            ABT'S                PUMP IT UP              SPIN & CORE
    9:00-10:00am        9:00-10:00am       9:00-10:00am        9:00-10:00am             9:00-10:00am            9:00-10:00am

  TOTAL BODY FIT                          TOTAL BODY FIT                              TOTAL BODY FIT            BUSY BEES
                        BUSY BEES
    9:00-10:00am                           9:00-10:00am                                9:00-10:00am             8:45-10:15am

                      CENTRE STRONG         BALANCE &      CENTRE STRONG
BALANCE & STRETCH                                                                   BALANCE & STRETCH
                       10:15-11:15pm         STRETCH           10:15-11:15pm
   10:15-11:00am                                                                       10:15-11:00am
                         Starts Jan 22     10:15-11:00am         Starts Jan 24

    FIT FOR LIFE          ZUMBA             FIT FOR LIFE          ZUMBA                   BELLY FIT
   10:30-11:30am       10:30-11:30am       10:30-11:30am       10:30-11:30am           10:30-11:30am

  FIT FOR HEALTH                                           FIT FOR HEALTH
                                           CHAIR YOGA
   10:30-11:30am                           10:30-11:30am       10:30-11:30am
     starts Jan 7                                               starts Jan 10

        SPIN               YOGA                XFIT                YOGA                     SPIN
   12:10-12:50pm       12:10-12:50pm       12:10-12:50pm       12:10-12:50pm           12:10-12:50pm

  SHORT CUT ABS          BUSY BEES                              BUSY BEES             SHORT CUT ABS
    1:00-1:30pm          4:45-6:15pm                            4:00-6:00pm             1:00-1:30pm

     SPORTFIT             ZUMBA             SPIN & CORE           20/20/20
    5:30-6:30pm         5:00-6:00pm          5:00-6pm          5:00-6:00pm                     CR Community Centre

                                                                                               Campbell River Common
    SPIN STRONG        SPINTERVALS             YOGA             SPORT FIT
    6:00-7:00pm         5:15-6:15pm         6:15-7:15pm         5:30-6:30pm                    Sportsplex
                                            BALANCE &
BALANCE & STRETCH          ABT'S                                BOOTCAMP
                                             STRETCH                                 We are Closed on Statutory Holidays.
    6:30-7:15pm         6:15-7:15pm                             6:45-7:45pm
                                            6:30-7:15pm                              No classes Jan 1, Feb 18


                                                                    Busy Bees
                                                                    Walking - 10yrs
                                                                    Kids stay busy while parents
                 Find a form (or two!) of
                                                                    and care givers get fit.
                exercise, you enjoy. It’s                           See page 47 for more information.
               easier to do and stick with                          Tuesdays       8:45-10:15am (Jan 8-Mar 19)
                                                                                   4:45-6:15pm  (Jan 8-Mar 19)
                  the things we enjoy.
                                                                    Thursdays      4-6pm        (Jan 10-Mar 21)
                                                                    Saturdays      8:45-10:15am (Jan 12-Mar 23)

                    community centre            250.286.1161   | sportsplex            250.923.7911                       61
Weight Room Information

  Weight Room
  Facility Introduction
  Let us introduce you to our facility, tour
  the weight room and show you how to
  program the different cardio and weight
  machines. This is a free service provided
  during the following Supervised Weight
  Room times:
  Mon 5:30-6:30pm
  Tue 4-5pm
  Wed 9-10am and 5:30-6:30pm
  Fri 9-10am
  *Please note this does not include a
  training program

  Our Weight Room has:                                     20 pieces of strength training equipment
     1500 sq. ft. with free Wi-Fi                          Free weights ranging from 2-100 lbs
     12 pieces of cardio equipment, including              BOSU balls, kettle bells, stability balls, medicine balls,
     treadmills, elliptical trainers, stationary           steps, mats, balance boards, and more
     and recumbent bikes, stair climbers and
                                                           Fully wheelchair accessible
     rowing machine

Youth in the Weight Room                                                        Weight Room Hours:
You must be 16 or older to use the Weight Room without
supervision. Youth ages 12-15 may use the Weight Room                   Monday - Friday              5:45am-9:30pm
during Supervised Weight Room times, once they provide
                                                                     Saturday & Sunday               8:45am-4pm
us with a signed Parental Consent (available at the
                                                                                             We are closed on statutory holidays.
Youth ages 14 and 15 may use the weight room
unsupervised after completing the Independent Youth
Weight Training Course.

                                                                        Supervised Weight Room Times
Independent Youth
Weight Training Course                                          MON            TUE          WED           THU            FRI
14-15 years
                                                              5:45-8:45am    5:45-7:45am 5:45-7:45am 5:45-7:45am 5:45-7:45am
Are you 14 or 15 years old and ready to work out on your
own? This course involves two sessions on safe and           11:15-11:45am                  9-10am                     9-10am
effective weight training for youth, and a written exam.
                                                                3-5pm         3-5pm         3-5pm         3-5pm
After successful completion of the course you can work
out during unsupervised weight room times.                   5:30-6:30pm                  5:30-6:30pm
This course involves two, one-and a half hour sessions.
where:   Sportsplex, Weight Room
cost:    $15 for two 90-minute sessions                         LOCKERS For the safety of your possessions, please use
when:    Dates are flexible                                      the lockers located in the change rooms. Cost is 25¢.

62       Winter    2019
Personal Training

All our Personal Trainers are Provincially
                                                                       Why Personal Training?
or Nationally Certified and Registered.
                                                                       • Reach your personal health
our trainers:                                                            and fitness goals
Mary Fast                       Marion Eberlein                        • Train for an event
Sally Feast                     Susan Muldoon                          • Stay motivated
Steve Nagle                     Jennifer Colongioli                    • Correct form and use of
Cindy Leech                     Susan Bennett
                                                                            exercise equipment
For more information or to set up an                                   • Efficient use of your time
appointment call 250-923-7911.

Fitness Appraisals
Fitness appraisals enable you to compare yourself             Personal Training Fees
to Canadian fitness standards set by the Canadian
Society of exercise Physiology. You can use them to                         PRIVATE SEMI-PRIVATE      LENGTH
track your fitness gains or prepare for certain career                                (2 PEOPLE)
testing. How do you measure up?
                                                               1 session     $47.62          $71.43   60 minutes

From more information on appraisals, please contact
Mary Fast (CSEP certified) at 250-923-7911.                    3 sessions    $128.57        $193.33   60 minutes

please note: At least 24 hours advanced                        5 sessions    $190.47        $285.71   60 minutes
notification is required to cancel or reschedule a
training session, or a $32 fee will apply.
                                                               note: All prices do not include tax.

               community centre                250.286.1161   | sportsplex             250.923.7911            63
Court Information

                                                                           No Racquet? No Problem!
                                                                           Racquets and balls are available
                                                                           for rent. One item for $1; or $2 for
                                                                           everything you need.

Sportsplex Public Raquetball, Squash
and Wallyball Courts.
                                                                           Protect Your Eyes!
Racquetball and Squash, what's the difference?
                                                                           It is mandatory for youth players, age 18
Racquetball and squash are racquet sports played indoors in closed         and under, to wear goggles when they play
courts. Both sports require agility, speed, coordination, and quick        squash or racquetball.
movements; and can be played by singles or doubles. How they differ
                                                                           We strongly advise all players wear eye
is their rules, court size, and equipment. Squash balls are smaller than
                                                                           protection. FREE loaner goggles are available.
racquetballs, and squash racquets are longer than racquetball racquets.

What is Wallyball?                                                         CAMPBELL RIVER RACQUETBALL CLUB
This sport adds a whole new dimension to the game of Volleyball.           Fun league for adults and juniors on
Wallyball is basically volleyball played in a racquetball court, and the   Tuesday evenings.
walls are used to bounce and strategically place the ball.                 For info, call Gord at 250-923-3101 or

All court rentals have reduced rates Mon - Fri from 6am-2:45pm             CAMPBELL RIVER SQUASH CLUB
                                                                           For info, call Tony 250-923-4521 or
            COURTS OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK:                                     Keith 250-287-0056.

               Mon-Fri                  6am-9:30pm
                                                                           Court Reservations
               Sat-Sun                  9:30am-4:15pm
                                                                           & Cancellations
                       COURT RATES                                         To book a court call 250-923-7911. You
                                                                           must have a valid membership or prepay
                         (per 45-minute booking)                           with a credit card to book a court. Drop-in
                                                                           reservations can be made, in person, at the
         Adult Drop-in                         $13.33+gst                  Sportsplex.
          Adult Pass                10 visits for $47.61+gst (2 swipe)     Only two reservations can be booked per
    Student/Senior Drop-in                     $10.47  +gst                individual over a four-day period. Reservations
                                                                           may be made up to four days in advance.
     Student/Senior Pass            10 visits for $35.24+gst (2 swipe)

64      Winter     2019
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