Fall 2018 Activity Guide - 3 Harkenrider Senior Activity Center Dedication - September 8 - City of Hermiston

Page created by Emma Robles
Fall 2018 Activity Guide - 3 Harkenrider Senior Activity Center Dedication - September 8 - City of Hermiston
Fall 2018 Activity Guide
                                        3 Harkenrider Senior Activity Center Dedication
                                          – September 8
                                        3 Fall Youth & Adult Sports
                                        3 Spanish Language Section page 13
                                        3 And More…

Follow us! @hermistonrec   541.667.5018 www.hermiston.or.us
Fall 2018 Activity Guide - 3 Harkenrider Senior Activity Center Dedication - September 8 - City of Hermiston
FALL 2018
                                    Parks & Recreation Guide

                                                                                                              Table of Contents
                                                                                                           Information............................................... Page 1
                                                                                                           Youth Sports ........................................Page 4-7
                                                                                                           Youth Enrichment................................... Page 8
                                                                                                           Adult Sports ............................................ Page 9
                                                                                                           Adult Enrichment ........................... Page 10-11
                                                                                                           Special Events ........................................ Page 12
                                                                                                           Sports in Spanish /
                                                                                                           Deportes y Actividades........................ Page 13
                                                                                                           The ARC................................................. Page 17
                                                                                                           Adult Education............................... Page 20-21
                                                                                                           Hermiston Public Library ................... Page 23
                                                                                                           Good Shepherd Hospital
                                                                                                             Activities & Classes..................... Page 24-26
                                                                                                           Facility Rentals ...................................... Page 30
                                                                                                           Parks and Recreation Facilities ......... Page 31
                                                                                                           Recreation Directory .......................... Page 32

                                                                                                                       City of Hermiston
                                                                                                                Parks & Recreation Department
                                                                                                              415 S Hwy 395, Hermiston, OR 97838

                                                                                                         Conceptual images

 Hermiston finding a path to Health, Wellness and Indoor Aquatics
A 2016 survey showed an indoor aquatic center was the top                           • Public Safety – We simply can’t get every child in Hermis-
“livability” priority for Hermiston residents, and the city is in                     ton into a swimming lesson 3 months per year. Hermis-
the midst of a feasibility study to determine what it would take                      ton’s children should all be swimmers for their own safety.
to get there. The conclusion of this work will include options                      • Livability - Hermiston is the largest city in Eastern Or-
to build a wellness centered facility to include an indoor com-                       egon. This growth puts pressure on Hermiston’s public
petition pool, leisure pool, therapy pool, gymnasiums, running                        schools, parks, and services to provide the best possible
track, fitness areas, exercise rooms, and more.                                       place to live.
Why build a Health, Wellness and Indoor Aquatic Center?                             • Health – Year round exercise is the key to a healthy life-
    • Economics – Employers want to locate where there is a                           style. Access to affordable fitness is the best alternative
      healthy, growing labor pool. Boardman built their new rec                       to rising edical costs.
      center as an economic development initiative.                                                            Larry Fetter, Director
                                                                                                               Hermiston Parks and Recreation

                                       WELCOME TO PARKS & RECREATION
Get connected… The Hermiston Parks and Recreation Committee has been working hard since 1972 to make Hermiston a healthy, pleasant and vibrant
community. The Parks Committee meets the second Thursday of each month, 5:30pm at City Hall and your ideas are welcome. This activity guide is filled with
over 200 opportunities to add recreation to your life. Check us out on-line or “like” us on Facebook to be first in line for special offerings and promotions.
Fall 2018 Activity Guide - 3 Harkenrider Senior Activity Center Dedication - September 8 - City of Hermiston
FALL 2018
                                                                                               Three Easy Ways to Register: Online, walk-in, phone
                                                                                                       phone 541-667-5018 • www.hermiston.or.us

Office 415 S Hwy 395, Hermiston, OR 97838
Phone (541) 667-5018
Email parksandrec@hermiston.or.us

Parks and Recreation Committee                                                                    Congratulations!
                                                                                                  By registering in a Hermiston Parks and Recreation programs,
Jean Stahlberg Erica Juarez        Brad Wayland         Lori Davis         Ryan Severs            you are making an investment in the health and wellbeing of
Lisa Garcia    Jackie Myers        Carlisle Harrison    Briana Cortaberria                        your family. We work hard to make sure your recreational
                                                                                                  experience is exceptional and high value. While each program
Staff                                                                                             is unique, the following policies are developed to help manage
                                                                                                  your experience as a participant.
Larry Fetter   Director of Parks and Recreation   Gina Wicks        Administrative Assistant
Brandon Artz Recreation Supervisor
Brian Fricke   Municipal Service Worker II
                                                  Diana Picard
                                                  Kasia Robbins
                                                                    Recreation Coordinator
                                                                    Recreation Coordinator
                                                                                                  Resident / Non-Resident Rates
                                                                                                  Because the programs offered by Hermiston Parks and
Ruperto Garcia Municipal Service Worker I                                                         Recreation rely on local tax payer support, non-resident fees

Instructors Wanted
                                                                                                  have been instituted to offset the difference. The resident rate
                                                                                                  applies to participants that live within the Hermiston city limits.
Instructors are essential in our Department’s efforts to meet the lifelong learning and
recreational needs of Hermiston citizens. Contact Recreation Supervisor Brandon Artz              Cancellation Policy
                                                                                                  We may be required to cancel programs for reasons beyond
at BArtz@hermiston.or.us if you’d like to propose or lead a class or program. Hermiston
                                                                                                  our control on rare occasions. Every effort will be given to
Recreation is always seeking competent instructors in a variety of subjects and disciplines.      reschedule an interrupted program as soon as possible. If a

                                                                                                  program cannot be rescheduled a pro-rated credit may be
                                                                                                  available to participants in lieu of a refund.
We are always looking for volunteers to assist with special events, programs, and parks. If
interested in becoming a volunteer, contact the Parks and Recreation office at City Hall.         Withdrawal / Refund Policy
                                                                                                  We recognize that you may need to withdraw from a program

Registration Options                                                                              for a variety of reasons. Because our programs are self-
                                                                                                  supporting, we rely on registration fees to operate them. If you
                                                                                                  withdraw from a program 7 days prior to the beginning date, a
Go Online: Visit www.hermiston.or.us/parksrec. Click on “Activities and Classes”
                                                                                                  refund may be issued (less a $10 processing fee). A credit may
or “Park Reservations” on the right hand side depending on whether you want to
                                                                                                  be issued to participants for withdrawal within 7 days of the
register for a program or reserve a park facility. Create a login I.D. and follow the
                                                                                                  first date. Beyond the first day of a program, no refunds will be
prompts for registrations and reservations.
                                                                                                  issued for a program withdrawal.
Walk In: Visit our office where you can complete a program registration, make
facility reservations, and pay all in one place. Walk-in customers may pay using cash,
check,Visa, Mastercard, and American Express.
                                                                                                  Photo Policy
                                                                                                  Capturing the moment. By attending any Hermiston Parks &
Phone: We accept Visa, Mastercard, and American Express payments over the phone                   Recreation program, you understand that a picture of you or
for any program registration or facility reservation. Save some gas and call us at                your family may be taken. We use photographs for quality
541.667.5018 to use the pay by phone option.                                                      improvement and also in future marketing materials. Names
                                                                                                  are not published without specific permission granted by a
City of Hermiston                                            2018 Fall Parks & Recreation Guide                                                                    1
Fall 2018 Activity Guide - 3 Harkenrider Senior Activity Center Dedication - September 8 - City of Hermiston
2   2018 Fall Parks & Recreation Guide   City of Hermiston
Fall 2018 Activity Guide - 3 Harkenrider Senior Activity Center Dedication - September 8 - City of Hermiston
City of Hermiston   2018 Fall Parks & Recreation Guide   3
Fall 2018 Activity Guide - 3 Harkenrider Senior Activity Center Dedication - September 8 - City of Hermiston
 Visit us online at www.hermistonrecreation.com

Earn Splash Dollars!                                                          Meet the Coach!
Volunteer to coach a youth sports team and receive a $25 credit               This is a meeting for parents and coaches of children participating in the
towards a Hermiston Family Aquatic Center Splash Pass or admission!           Youth Flag Football or Youth Volleyball Leagues. This meeting will cover
Opportunity to earn up to $75 for the upcoming summer!                        rules and other information, pass out schedules, and jerseys, and give you
                                                                              the opportunity to meet the coach.
Youth Coaches: Volunteer to coach your child’s team and receive a
credit for the registration fee once the season has been completed! No        Day:                Tuesday
experience necessary!                                                         Date:               September 4th
Referees: Earn some extra cash this fall and work as an Adult and/or          Times:              5:30pm Football Coach Meeting
Youth sports referee! No experience required - must be able to commit                             5:45-6:15pm Meet the Coach
to the entire season. Age 16 or older for youth/18 or older for adult                             6:15pm Volleyball Coach Meeting
leagues. Contact us for more information!                                                         6:30-7:00pm Meet the Coach
                                                                              Location:           Hermiston Community Center
Youth Flag Football
Coed recreational football league dedicated to skill development and          Junior Football Clinics
child enjoyment. All equipment is provided. The season consists of 7          Participants will learn the fundamentals of football through fun games
weeks where there will be a 45 minute practice followed by a 45 minute        designed to develop skills. They will be taught passing, running, catching,
game all on Saturdays. Volunteer coaches needed - coach will receive          defense, and teamwork. Each week skill stations will be set up and the
credit of registration fee back to the account of payer upon completion       children will rotate through them. Be sure to sign up early for this
of season = 1 child plays for free! + Splash Dollars!                         popular clinic.
Day:                 Saturdays                                                Days:                Saturdays
Dates:               September 8th – October 20th                             Dates:               September 8th – October 13th
Cost:                $36 Resident                                             Times:               9:30am - 10:15am (3 year olds)
                     $45 Non-Resident                                                              10:30am - 11:15am (4 year olds)
                     $20 Black & Silver Jersey (If needed)                                         11:30am - 12:15pm (5 year olds)
Ages:                1st through 4th Grade Leagues                                                 12:30pm - 1:15pm (Kindergarten)
Location:            Theater Sports Park                                      Cost:                $27 Resident
Sign up Deadline: Friday, August 24th                                                              $34 Non-Resident

Youth Volleyball
                                                                              Location:            Theater Sports Park
                                                                              Sign Up Deadline: Friday, August 24th
Our strong recreational volleyball program is dedicated to skill
development and enjoyment. Join us for this coed non-competitive
league. The season consists of seven weeks where there will be a 45
minute practice followed by a 45 minute game all on Saturdays.Volunteer
coaches needed - coach will receive credit of registration fee back to the
account of payer upon completion of season = 1 child plays for free! +
Splash Dollars!
Day:                Saturdays
Dates:              September 8th-October 20th
Cost:               $36 Resident
                    $45 Non-Resident
                    $20 Black & Silver Jersey (If needed)
Ages:               3rd through 6th Grade Leagues
Location:           Sandstone Middle School
Sign up Deadline: Friday, August 24th
4                                                            2018 Fall Parks & Recreation Guide                                          City of Hermiston
Fall 2018 Activity Guide - 3 Harkenrider Senior Activity Center Dedication - September 8 - City of Hermiston
                                                                                Visit us online at www.hermistonrecreation.com

                                                                               Gymnastics Level 3
                                                                               This gymnastics class is for children who have completed Level 2. The
Gymnastics Parent-Tot                                                          focuses are front handstand rolls, round offs, one-handed cartwheels,
                                                                               splits, and unassisted handstands. This class also continues to work on
Help your child increase body control, motor skills, and creativity            the skills introduced in Level 2.
through music and activities. Experience front rolls, straddle rolls, animal
walks, and tumbles. Share movement games, singing, and finger play while       Day:                 Thursdays
bonding with your child. Parent and child participate together.                Dates:               Session 1: Sept. 6, 13, 20, 27
Days:              Thursdays                                                                        Session 2: Oct. 4, 11, 18, 25
Dates:             Session 1: Sept. 6, 13, 20, 27                                                   Session 3: Nov 1, 8, 15, Dec. 6
                   Session 2: Oct. 4, 11, 18, 25                               Times:               6:30pm - 7:15pm
                   Session 3: Nov 1, 8, 15, Dec. 6                             Cost:                $30/Session Resident
Times:             4:45pm - 5:15pm                                                                  $38/Session Non Resident
Cost:              $25/Session Resident                                        Ages:                6-13 years
                   $31/Session Non Resident                                    Location:            Hermiston Community Center
Ages:              2 years – 4 years                                           Sign Up Deadline: One week prior to session start.
Location:          Hermiston Community Center
Sign Up Deadline: One week prior to session start.                             Gymnastics Level 4
                                                                               This gymnastics class is for children who have completed Level 3. The
Gymnastics Level 1                                                             focuses are front handsprings, back kick-overs, front handstand rolls,
                                                                               splits, and assisted handstands. This class also continues to work on the
This introduction to gymnastics focuses on straddle rolls, front rolls,        skills introduced in Level 3.
back rolls, assisted handstands, overall body awareness, and more. All
fitness levels are welcome. All supplies are provided.                         Day:                 Thursdays
Day:                Thursdays                                                  Dates:               Session 1: Sept. 6, 13, 20, 27
Dates:              Session 1: Sept. 6, 13, 20, 27                                                  Session 2: Oct. 4, 11, 18, 25
                    Session 2: Oct. 4, 11, 18, 25                                                   Session 3: Nov 1, 8, 15, Dec. 6
                    Session 3: Nov 1, 8, 15, Dec. 6                            Times:               6:30pm - 7:15pm
Times:              5:30pm - 6:15pm                                            Cost:                $30/Session Resident
Cost:               $30/Session Resident                                                            $38/Session Non Resident
                    $38/Session Non Resident                                   Ages:                6-13 years
Ages:               5-10 years                                                 Location:            Hermiston Community Center
Location:           Hermiston Community Center                                 Sign Up Deadline: One week prior to session start.
Sign Up Deadline: One week prior to session start.

Gymnastics Level 2
This gymnastics class is for children who have completed Level 1. The
focuses are cartwheels, splits, and assisted handstands. This class also
continues to work on the skills introduced in Level 1.
Day:               Thursdays
Dates:             Session 1: Sept. 6, 13, 20, 27
                   Session 2: Oct. 4, 11, 18, 25
                   Session 3: Nov 1, 8, 15, Dec. 6
Times:             5:30pm - 6:15pm
Cost:              $30/Session Resident
                   $38/Session Non Resident
Ages:              5-10 years
Location:          Hermiston Community Center
Sign Up Deadline: One week prior to session start.

City of Hermiston                                            2018 Fall Parks & Recreation Guide                                                       5
Fall 2018 Activity Guide - 3 Harkenrider Senior Activity Center Dedication - September 8 - City of Hermiston
    Visit us online at www.hermistonrecreation.com

Dance Class                                                                  (NEW) Tennis Afterschool Zone
This is an introduction to very basic dance techniques and performance.      TAZ uses tennis equipment that’s sized right for kids. We provide smaller
The class focuses on body awareness, self- control, hand-eye coordination,   racquets and low-compression tennis balls to help your kids develop
and rhythmic awareness. Dance performance is at the end of each              skills while having fun with new friends. Our TAZ curriculum combines
session. No additional costume costs are needed.                             fun activities with lessons in leadership, teamwork, and other important
Days:               Thursdays                                                concepts and principals. TAZ is the place to have fun, be active, and learn
                                                                             to play tennis with friends. No previous tennis experience required!
Dates:              Session 1: Sept. 6, 13, 20, 27
                    Session 2: Oct. 4, 11, 18, 25                            Question - contact Elece Fiocchi 509-221-0823 efiocchi@pnw.usta.com
                    Session 3: Nov 1, 8, 15, Dec. 6                          Register:         RecTennis.com/Hermiston
Times:              4:00pm-4:30pm                                            Days:             Tuesdays/Thursdays
Cost:               $30/Session Resident                                     Dates:            September 18th – October 11th
                    $38/Session – Non-Resident                               Times:            4:00pm - 5:00pm
Ages:               3-6 years                                                Grades:           K-5th
Location:           Hermiston Community Center                               Cost:             $64
Sign Up Deadline: One week prior to session start.
                                                                             Location:         Sunset Elementary Tennis Courts

(NEW) SuperTots                                                              Recreational Youth Basketball Leagues
By: Skyhawks Sports
                                                                             Partnered with the Rip City Academy
SuperTots Sports Academy is a franchised child physical development
program that uses a variety of fun games to delight and engage kids in       Recreational Basketball Leagues forming now! Sign up now so you don’t
physical and mental learning through various sports. The curriculum          miss out on all the fun.The leagues will be separated by grade and gender.
is professionally designed to develop motor skills, promote physical         Grades 1st-2nd will not keep score. All equipment is provided.Volunteer
fitness, create self confidence and prepare young children for sports.       coaches needed. If interested in coaching, please contact Hermiston
It stresses a non-competitive environment and promotes fun above all         Parks and Recreation. Schedules will be available at www.sportability.
else. See flyer on page 14 for more information                              com on December 28th.
Register:             www.Supertotsports.com                                 In an effort to enhance the basketball experience, Hermiston Recreation
                                                                             has partnered with the Rip City Academy. This partnership includes a
Ages:                 18 Mo. - 4 yrs                                         free basketball clinic at the Moda Center on the Trail Blazer court and
Days:                 Wednesdays                                             a free ticket to a selected Trail Blazer game. The Academy will host a
Dates:                Session 1: Sept. 12 - Oct. 3                           clinic for volunteer coaches to help bring a solid fundamental base to
                                                                             your child.
Session 2:            Oct 17 - Nov. 7
Times:                9:00am-9:50am - 18-24 months                           Day:                  Saturdays
                                                                             Dates:                January - March
                      10:00am - 10:50am 24-36 months
                                                                             Grades:               1st-6th
                      11:00am - 11:50am 36 mo. - 4 yrs
                                                                             Cost:                 $40 Resident
                                                                                                   $50 Non-Resident
                                                                                                   $20 Jersey (Black/Silver jersey)
                                                                              Location:            Hermiston School Gyms
                                                                              Signup Deadlines: $5 Discount through November 30
                                                                              Regular deadline: December 14th
                                                                              $5 Late registration: December 16th-21st
6                                                           2018 Fall Parks & Recreation Guide                                      City of Hermiston
Fall 2018 Activity Guide - 3 Harkenrider Senior Activity Center Dedication - September 8 - City of Hermiston
                                                                               Visit us online at www.hermistonrecreation.com

Kindergarten Basketball League                                               Junior Basketball Clinics
Recreational Coed Basketball League designed to introduce Kindergarten       Participants will learn the fundamentals of basketball through fun skill
aged youth to the rules of the game to prepare them for future leagues.      based games.They will be taught passing, shooting, dribbling, defense, and
Gameday will consist of 30 minute practice followed by a 30 minute           teamwork. Each week skill stations will be set up and the children will
game. Score will not be kept. All equipment is provided. Space is limited.   rotate through them. Be sure to sign up early for this popular clinic.
Volunteer coaches needed. If interested in coaching, please contact
Hermiston Parks and Recreation. Schedules will be available at www.          Days:               Saturdays
sportability.com on December 28th.                                           Dates:              January - February
Day:                 Saturdays                                               Times:              9:30am-10:15am (3 years old)
Dates:               January - March                                                             10:30am-11:15am (4 years old)
Grades:              Kindergarten                                                                11:30am-12:15pm (5 years old)
Cost:                $40 Resident                                            Cost:               $30 Resident
                     $50 Non-Resident                                                            $38 Non-Resident
                                                                             Location:           Hermiston School Gyms
                     $20 Jersey (Black/Silver jersey)
                                                                             Signup Deadline:    Friday, December 15th
Location:            Hermiston School Gyms
Signup Deadlines: $5 Discount through December 1st
Regular deadline: December 15th
$5 Late registration: December 16th-20th

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  Multiple Policy Discount
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                                      OR RENEW                                     AGENCY
                                 you owe it to your budget to
                                  get a free quote from us.                              911 N 1st, Hermiston
                               Jennifer and Katelynn Zimmer                      Mon-Fri 9am-5:00pm • Sat & After Hours by Appointment
City of Hermiston                                           2018 Fall Parks & Recreation Guide                                                       7
Fall 2018 Activity Guide - 3 Harkenrider Senior Activity Center Dedication - September 8 - City of Hermiston
  Visit us online at www.hermistonrecreation.com

Beginning Violin                                                                Exploring Painting
by Inland NW Musicians                                                          By: Pendleton Art Center for the Arts
Participants will be instructed in playing the violin in a class environment.   Enjoy some time after school exploring different painting techniques.
The class will be a one hour twice a week offering. The class will be           Learn about marbling, watercolor techniques, and spend some time using
under the direction of R. Lee Friese, Music Director and Conductor of           acrylic paints. Each class will feature a different project with room to
Inland Northwest Musicians along with an apprentice instructor Jacoby           explore your own ideas and creativity. Join in on this fun, low-pressure
Merwin. If participant does not have a violin please contact Parks &            way to practice your painting skills! No art experience necessary.
Recreation office, 541-667-5018.                                                Supplies provided.
Days:                Mondays/Wednesdays                                         Instructor:          Erica Edwards
Dates:               September - November                                       Days:                Wednesdays
Times:               3:30pm-4:30pm                                              Dates:               Sept. 5 - 26
Cost:                Rates are per monthly session                              Times:               4:00pm-5:30pm
                     $50 Resident                                               Cost:                FREE!!! Register online to confirm spot
                     $63 Non-Resident                                           Ages:                13-17 years
Ages:                9+                                                         Location:            Hermiston Community Center

                                                                                Scarywood Theme Park!
Location:            Hermiston Community Center

Children’s Community Theater Robin Hood                                         Join us for a trip to Scarywood! Scarywood is the Halloween themed
                                                                                version of Silverwood. Trip includes transportation, admission and a sack
Sponsored by Desert Arts Council                                                lunch. Group will depart from the Hermiston Community Center and
This is a great opportunity for youth to participate in a wonderful             will spend 7pm-10:30pm at the park then return that evening. Please see
experience they will always remember. Not only will they learn stage            the description for Scarywood here: www.scarywoodhaunt.com
presence, voice control, and acting techniques, but they will gain
confidence and friends as well. This class will rehearse for two months         Day:                 Saturday
then they will perform the play “Robin Hood” for the community. See             Dates:               October 20th
the special events section for performance information.                         Times:               2:30pm-2:00am
Instructor:          Jenny Walker                                               Cost:                $60
Days:                Monday and Wednesdays                                      Ages:                12-16 years
Dates:               Sept. 24 - Nov. 17                                         Location:            Silverwood Theme Park, Athol, ID

                                                                                Laser Tag Night!
Times:               5:30pm-7:00pm
Cost:                $30 Resident
                     $38 Non-Resident                                           Laser tag, video games, food and fun - join us as we transform the
                                                                                Community Center into a Laser Tag arena and have a night of fun and
Ages:                9-18 years                                                 games. 2 slices of pizza and a drink will be provided, kids can bring money
Location:            Hermiston Community Center                                 to purchase more.
Sign Up Deadline:    Wednesday, September 19th                                  Date:                Friday, Nov. 9th
                                                                                Times:               4:00pm-7:00pm
Parent Meeting:      Sept. 24, 5:30pm (Mandatory)
                                                                                Cost:                $25

Upcycled Jewelry Making                                                         Ages:
                                                                                                     12-16 years
                                                                                                     Hermiston Community Center
By: Pendleton Art Center for the Arts
Toothbrushes, household hardware, plastic bottles, old crayons… we’ll
transform random objects into trendy jewelry pieces! You can also bring
                                                                                Adventure Trip
in broken necklaces and bracelets to make something new. We will use Looking for something to do over winter break? Look no further! Join us
a combination of jewelry making supplies from the collection at the for a day trip, which will be filled with activities, food, and fun! We look
Pendleton Art Center and our own personal items to make bracelets, forward to escaping out of a room at Atomic Escape Rooms, jumping
charms and necklaces. All jewelry making supplies will be provided, at Get Air, and more! Snacks, dinner, and admission to activities are
bringing in extra objects of your own is optional but will make your new included. Space is very limited!
jewelry more unique.                                                          Date:             December 27th
Days:                Tuesdays                                                 Time:             1pm-7pm
Dates:               Sept. 4 - 25                                             Cost:             $50 Resident
Times:               4:00pm-5:30pm                                                              $63 Non-Resident
Cost:                FREE!!! Register online to confirm spot                  Ages:             12-16 years
Ages:                13-17 years                                              Location:         Departing from Community Center
Location:            Hermiston Community Center                               Sign up deadline: December 26th
8                                                           2018 Fall Parks & Recreation Guide                                    City of Hermiston
                                                                                Visit us online at www.hermistonrecreation.com

Fall Volleyball Leagues                                                        Adult Basketball Leagues
Hermiston Parks and Recreation is offering Adult Coed Competitive and          Leagues are forming now. Captains must sign all players up on teams.
Recreational Volleyball Leagues. Captains must sign up all players. Roster     Roster size is limited to 20 players per team. Post season single-
size is limited to 12 players. Postseason single elimination tournaments       elimination tournaments will be included with each 8-week season.
will be included with each eight-week season. Must be 18, not a High           Players must be 18, not a High School student and not playing college
School student and not playing volleyball in college. Limited team space       basketball. Limited team space so sign up early.
- sign up early                                                                All Leagues:
Day:                Sundays                                                    Dates:                January - April
Dates:              September - December
                                                                               Cost:                 Team Fee $425
Cost:               Team Fee - $150
                                                                               Location:             Hermiston High School Gold Gym
Ages:               18+ years
                                                                               Sign Up Deadline: Friday, December 21st
Location:           Hermiston High School Gold Gym
Sign up Deadline: Friday, August 24th                                          Competitive League:
4 on 4 Coed Recreational League                                                For competitive teams that care about winning and losing.
This league is purely recreational for teams that want to have fun playing     Day:                  Sundays
volleyball.                                                                    Ages:                 18+ years
7’11 5/8” nets will be used.                                                   Recreation League: For teams out to have fun.
No Competitive League Players allowed.                                         Day:                  Sundays
4 on 4 Coed Competitive League                                                 Ages:                 18+ years
For teams that are competitive and care about winning and losing.                                    30+ League:
 7’11 5/8” nets will be used.                                                  Day:                  Wednesdays
                                                                               Ages:                 30+ years
Adult Flag Football Leagues
Hermiston Parks and Recreation is offering USTFL Adult Flag Football
League. This league is 8 on 8 non-contact. Team captains must sign up all
                                                                               Winter Volleyball Leagues
players. Roster size is limited to 20 players. Postseason single elimination   Hermiston Parks and Recreation is offering Adult Coed Competitive and
tournaments will be included with each eight week season. Must be 18,          Recreational Volleyball Leagues. Captains must sign up all players. Roster
not a High School student and not playing football in college. Limited         size is limited to 12 players. Postseason single elimination tournaments
team space - sign up early                                                     will be included with each eight-week season. Must be 18, not a High
                                                                               School student and not playing volleyball in college. Limited team space
Day:                Saturdays                                                  - sign up early.
Dates:              September - November                                       Day:                 Sundays
Cost:               $475 team fee                                              Dates:               January - May
Ages:               18+ years                                                  Cost:                Team Fee - $160
Location:           Field by Sunset Elementary                                 Ages:                18+ years
Sign up Deadline: Friday, August 24th                                          Location:            Hermiston High School Gold Gym
                                                                               Sign up Deadline: Friday, December 21st
                                                                               4 on 4 Co-ed Recreational League
                                                                               For teams looking to just have fun.
                                                                               7’11 5/8” nets will be used.
                                                                               No Competitive League Players allowed.
                                                                               4 on 4 Co-ed Competitive League
                                                                               For teams that care about winning and losing.
                                                                                7’11 5/8” nets will be used.

City of Hermiston                                            2018 Fall Parks & Recreation Guide                                                        9
 Visit us online at www.hermistonrecreation.com

Harvest Moonlight Paddle                                                       DANCE Arizona 2-Step & 4-Step Swing (NEW!)
Hermiston Parks and Recreation has partnered with the rangers at Hat           Learn two dances with just two feet!! The sequence of steps is the
Rock State Park to offer this unique experience to kayak under the light       same for both Country 2-Step, which progresses around the outside of
of a full moon. This trip will paddle around the shores of the Columbia        the dance floor, and 4-Step Swing, which stays in one place. Turns and
River under the enchanting night sky. Bring a headlamp to help illuminate      patterns will be taught to fancy-up your moves in both dances. Song
your way. Glow sticks will help illuminate your kayak. Included is a bonfire   favorites are those by George Strait, Alan Jackson, and Tim McGraw to
with harvest themed treats.                                                    name a few. Partner not required. Wear shoes that allow for ease in
Day:                Friday                                                     taking turning steps.
Date:               September 7th                                              Instructor:         April Dyntera
Time:               6:30PM                                                     Dates:              October 3, 10, 17, 24
Cost:               $30 Resident                                               Day:                Wednesdays
                    $38 Non-Resident                                           Time:               6:15pm-7:15 pm
                    +$10 kayak rental (optional).                              Cost:               $30 Residents
Ages:               14 and up (14-17 must come with an adult).                                     $38 Non-Residents
Location:           Meet at the main boat ramp parking lot                     Ages:               14 and older*
                    at Hat Rock State Park.                                    *14-17 must have an adult participating or watching the class.
Sign-up Deadline: Friday, August 31st                                          Location:           Hermiston Library Basement
                                                                               Sign Up Deadline: Wednesday, September 29th
DANCE West Coast Swing
The Number 1 swing dance for that “funky” music we all like. West Coast
Swing differs from other swing dances that are circular in appearance
because WCS is a slotted dance that relates to the tracks of a train. Song
suggestions include “The Thrill Is Gone” by B.B. King and “You Can Leave
Your Hat On” by Ty Herndon. Partner not required. Wear shoes that
allow for ease in taking turning steps.
Instructor:         April Dyntera
Dates:              October 3, 10, 17, 24
Day:                Wednesdays
Time:               7:30pm-8:30pm
Cost:               $30 Residents
                    $38 Non-Residents
Ages:               14 and older*
*14-17 must have an adult participating or watching the class.
Location:           Hermiston Library Basement
Sign Up Deadline: Wednesday, September 29th
10                                                            2018 Fall Parks & Recreation Guide                                      City of Hermiston
                                                                               Visit us online at www.hermistonrecreation.com

Dog & Puppy Training                                                          Beginning Violin
By Paws Off Obedience                                                         by Inland NW Musicians
Create an obedient, loving companion through this training class that         Participants will be instructed in playing the violin in a class environment.
introduces your dog to basic commands and a behavior foundation. You          The class will be a one hour twice a week offering. The class will be
and your dog learn sit, down, sit stay, down stay commands.The class will     under the direction of R. Lee Friese, Music Director and Conductor of
include recall, paws off, leave it, wait, place and even the correct way to   Inland Northwest Musicians along with an apprentice instructor Jacoby
meet and greet other dogs with using demo dogs first. A Certificate of        Merwin.
Completion will be awarded at the last class. Limited class size – register   Days:                Mondays/Wednesdays
                                                                              Dates:               Begins Sept. 5th
Puppies: 0-6 months - must show proof of current vaccinations.                Times:               3:30pm-4:30pm
Adult Dogs: 6 months and older - must show proof of current                   Cost:                Rates are per monthly session
vaccinations.                                                                                      $50 Resident
Children can participate in the training class but must be supervised by                           $63 Non-Resident
a parent.                                                                     Ages:                9+
                                                                              Location:            Hermiston Community Center
Instructor:         Vionne Tricker
                    Aug 25 - Oct 6
                                                                              Intermediate Violin
                                                                              by Inland NW Musicians
                    (*No Class Sept 1)
Time:               Puppy Class: 9:00am-10:00am                               Intermediate violin class for those who have previous playing experience
                                                                              or have completed the Beginning Violin class. Instructor approval
                    Adult Class: 10:30am-11:30am                              required for entry.
Cost:               $50 Residents                                             Days:               Mondays/Wednesdays
                    $63 Non-Residents                                         Dates:              September - November
Ages:               10 and older                                              Times:              3:30pm-4:30pm
Location:           Highland Hills Elementary                                 Cost:               Rates are per monthly session
                                                                                                  $50 Resident
Sign Up Deadline: Friday Prior to Session
                                                                                                  $63 Non-Resident

Casino Night
                                                                              Ages:               9+
                                                                              Location:           Hermiston Community Center
Join us for a fun trip to the Wildhorse Casino. We will take care of
transportation and dinner reservations at the buffet leaving you to enjoy
your time having fun! Departing from the Harkenrider Center we will
head to the casino then meet up for dinner and head back in the evening.
Bring your friends for this fun event!
Day:                Tuesday
Date:               October 16th
Time:               1:00pm - 8:00pm
Cost:               $20
Ages:               55+
Meeting Location: Harkenrider Senior Activity Center

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City of Hermiston                                            2018 Fall Parks & Recreation Guide                                                             11
 Visit us online at www.hermistonrecreation.com

Dedication - Harkenrider Senior Activity Center
Join us for the dedication of the new Harkenrider Senior Activity Center!
Tour the new facility and what it will have to offer.
Day:                 Saturday
Dates:               September 8th
Times:               1:00pm
Cost:                Free
Location:            255 NE 2nd St.

Treats on Main and Beyond
Sponsored by Rogers Toyota of Hermiston
Come join us for a safe and fun Trick-or-Treat activity on Main Street.
Participating businesses will have signs in their windows inviting you in
to collect treats from them. Work your way around Downtown Main
Street by following the specially marked pumpkins. Afterwards, join us at
the Hermiston Community Center for carnival games, bounce houses,
haunted house, giant pumpkin, prizes, and much more for all ages.
Opportunities for volunteering are available.
Day:                Tuesday
Dates:              October 31st
Times:              3pm-5pm Festival Street
                    4pm-7pm Community Center
Cost:               Free
Location:           Festival Street and Community Center

Hermiston’s Community Theater Presents:
Robin Hood
Support our local thespians and enjoy this production: Robin Hood, the
outlaw of Sherwood Forest, leads a merry life with his followers. Anyone
who is hungry or who has no place to live is welcome in the greenwood.
                                                                            Pancakes with Santa
                                                                            Sponsored by Rogers Toyota of Hermiston
The citizens of the forest oppose wicked Prince John. He’s taken the
place of King Richard the Lion-Hearted, who has gone to the Holy Land       Ho Ho Ho, Santa is hungry and he wants to share his favorite breakfast
on a crusade. One day a caravan cuts through the wood. In the convoy        with you, pancakes! Come enjoy a wonderful holiday breakfast with
is Robin’s childhood sweetheart, Maid Marian, ward of King Richard.         Santa. Breakfast will be pancakes and sausage with delicious toppings
Alas, the evil Lady Merle of Cornwall plans to force Marian to marry        that you can use to decorate your pancakes. Included with breakfast will
the Prince in an effort to make John more acceptable to the people of       be photos with Santa. This will be an experience you and your family will
England. To arms! It’s up to Robin to stop the marriage, defeat a nasty     not want to miss.Tickets must be purchased in advance. Seats are limited.
sheriff and secure Nottingham for the king’s return.                        Day:               Saturday
Performance #1 Nov. 16 (6:30pm)                                             Date:              December 22nd
Performance #2 Nov. 17 (2:00pm)                                             Time:              9:30am-11:30am
Performance #3 Nov. 17 (6:00pm)
Location:           Hermiston Community Center                              Tickets:           $8 for children ages 2-15
Cost:               $10 Adults/$5 Students per show                                            $10 for ages 16 and older.
                    $25 Adults/$12 for all 3 shows                                             $30 for a family of 4 (2 adults & 2 children / extra
                                                                                               children $5 ea.)
Community Tree Lighting Celebration                                         Location:
                                                                                               Hermiston Community Center
                                                                                               Dec.19th or until tickets are sold out.
Join us for our annual Tree Lighting Ceremony! We will have music, hot
chocolate and a campfire.Vendors will be on hand with food and holiday
treats. Don’t miss this great community event to kick off the holiday
season. This is a free event for the community.                             Instructors Wanted
Day:                 Thursday                                               Have you ever considered sharing your talent or passion with others?
                                                                            Hermiston Parks & Recreation is looking for instructors to teach new
Date:                December 6                                             programs to our community. All program proposals are welcome! For
Time:                6:00pm                                                 more information, contact Brandon Artz, bartz@hermiston.or.us or
Location:            Festival Street, Downtown Hermiston                    submit a program proposal form found here: bit.ly/HPRDNewProgram

12                                                         2018 Fall Parks & Recreation Guide                                        City of Hermiston
Deportes y Actividades
                                                                                Visit us online at www.hermistonrecreation.com

Liga de Bandera de Futbol para Jóvenes                                          Gimnasia / Baile
Liga de fútbol recreativo Coed dedicada al desarrollo de habilidades y          Días:             Jueves
diversión infantile.Todo el equipo esta proporcionado. Práctica y partidas      Fechas:           Sesión 1: 6, 13, 20, 27 de Septiembre,
son los sábados.
                                                                                                  Sesión 2: 4, 11, 18, 25 de Octubre
Día:                 Sábados
Fechas:              8 de Septiembre - 20 de Octubre                                              Sesión 3: 1, 8, 15 de Noviembre, y 6 de Diciembre
Costo:               $36 Residente                                              Costo:            $30/Sesión Residente
                     $45 no residentes                                                            $38/Sesión No Residente
                     $20 Jersey (si es necesario)                               Localización:     Centro Comunitario de Hermiston
Edades:              Grado 1 a 4                                                Baile:            3:45pm -4:15pm
Localización:        Parke de Theatre Sports                                    Gymnastics Parent-Tot:       4:30pm - 5:00pm
Último día de inscripciónes:Viernes, 24 de Agosto                               Gimnasia Nivel 1: 5:15pm - 6:00pm

Voleibol juvenil
                                                                                Gimnasia Nivel 2: 5:15pm - 6:00pm
                                                                                Gimnasia Nivel 3: 6:15pm - 7:00pm
Nuestro fuerte programa de voleibol está dedicado al desarrollo de              Gimnasia Nivel 4: 6:15pm - 7:00pm
habilidades y diversión. Todo el equipo esta proporcionado. Práctica y
partidas son los Sábados.
Día:                Sábados                                                     Zona Extracurricular de Tenis
Fechas:             8 de Septiembre - 20 de Octubre                             Registrarse:       //RecTennis.com/Hermiston
Costo:              $36 Residente                                               Días:              Martes/Jueves
                    $45 no residentes                                           Fechas:            18 de Septiembre al 11 de Octubre
                    $20 Jersey (si es necesario)                                Horario:           4:00pm - 5:00pm
Edades:             Grado 3 a 6                                                 Grados:            K-5th
Localización:       Escuela Intermedia de Sandstone                             Costo:             $64
Último día de inscripciónes:Viernes, 24 de Agosto                               Localización:      Pistas de Tenis de la Escuela Primaria de Sunset

Conocer al Entrenador!                                                          Ligas Recreativas de Basketball Juvenil
                                                                                Día:               Sábados
Esta es una reunión para padres y entrenadores de niños que participan
en las ligas juveniles de Futbol o voleibol juvenil. Esta reunión cubrirá las   Fechas:            Enero al Marzo
reglas y otra información, se entregara calendarios y camisetas, y le dará      Grados:            1-6
la oportunidad de conocer al entrenador.                                        Costo:             $40 Residente
Día:                  Martes                                                                       $50 no residentes
Fecha:                4 de Septiembre                                                              $20 Camiseta (Camiseta negro / plateado)
Horario:              5:30pm - 6:00pm Fútbol Juvenil                            Localización:      Gimnasios de las Escuelas de Hermiston
                      6:15pm - 6:45pm Voleibol Juvenil                          Inscripciónes:     Descuento de $5 hasta el 1 de Diciembre
Localización:         Centro Comunitario de Hermiston                           Inscripciónes Regulares: del 2 al 15 de Diciembre
                                                                                $5 Cobro para Inscripción Tardes: del 16 al 20 de Diciembre
Clínicas de Fútbol Juveniles
Los participantes aprenderán los fundamentos del fútbol a través de
divertidos juegos diseñados para desarrollar habilidades.
                                                                                Ligas de Basketball de Kinder
                                                                                Día:               Sábados
Días:               Sábados                                                     Fechas:            Enero al Marzo
Fechas:             8 de Septiembre - 13 de Octubre                             Grados:            Kinder
Horario:            9:30am - 10:15am (3 años)                                   Costo:             $40 Residente
                    10:30am - 11:15am (4 años)                                                     $50 no residentes
                    11:30am - 12:15pm (5 años)                                                     $20 Camiseta (Camiseta negro / plateado)
                    12:30pm - 1:15pm (Kindergarten)                             Localización:      Escuela Primaria de Desert View
Costo:              $27 Residente                                               Inscripciónes:     Descuento de $5 hasta el 1 de Diciembre
                    $34 No residente                                            Inscripciónes Regulares: del 2 al 15 de Diciembre
Localización:       Parke de Theatre Sports
                                                                                $5 Cobro para Inscripción Tardes: del 16 al 20 de Diciembre
Último día de Inscripciónes:Viernes, 24 de Agosto

City of Hermiston                                             2018 Fall Parks & Recreation Guide                                                      13

      SuperTots Sports Academy provides sport-based development programs where children discover and develop athletic, motor, and social
      skills. SuperTots’ curriculum is specificially designed to promote development along side a healthy, active lifestyle.

     FALL 2018
      (course)                (dates)                   (days)               (time)                         (ages)                (fee)   (location)

     Multi-Sport: Soccer, Baseball, Basketball
     This multi-sport program gives children a positive first step into athletics. The essentials of each sport are taught in a safe,
     structured environment with lots of encouragement and a focus on fun. All games and activities are designed to allow campers
     to explore balance, movement, hand/eye coordination and skill development at their own pace.
      SSA106381               9/12 - 10/03              Wednesday            9:00 a.m. - 9:50 a.m.          18 - 24 Months        $44     Hermiston Community Center
      SSA106382               9/12 - 10/03              Wednesday            10:00 a.m. - 10:50 a.m.        24 - 36 Months        $44     Hermiston Community Center
      SSA106383               9/12 - 10/03              Wednesday            11:00 a.m. - 11:50 a.m.        36 Months - 4 Years   $44     Hermiston Community Center
      SSA106384               10/17 - 11/07             Wednesday            9:00 a.m. - 9:50 a.m.          18 - 24 Months        $44     Hermiston Community Center
      SSA106385               10/17 - 11/07             Wednesday            10:00 a.m. - 10:50 a.m.        24 - 36 Months        $44     Hermiston Community Center
      SSA106386               10/17 - 11/07             Wednesday            11:00 a.m. - 11:50 a.m.        36 Months - 4 Years   $44     Hermiston Community Center

                     SPACE IS LIMITED!
                                                                                           ONLINE:                                        PHONE:
                                                                                           www.SuperTotSports.com                         866.849.1099
     © Copyright 2018, SuperTots Sports Academy, Inc. All rights reserved.

14                                                                                    2018 Fall Parks & Recreation Guide                                    City of Hermiston
City of Hermiston   2018 Fall Parks & Recreation Guide   15
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                                                                                         205 NE 4th Hermiston, OR
 541-567-0289 175-B East Main St., Hermiston                                              Call Today: 541-567-2018
16                                                       2018 Fall Parks & Recreation Guide                               City of Hermiston
The Arc Mission:
                                                                   The Arc advocates to enhance the dignity,
                                                           The Arc Mission:       the
                                                                            The Arc        opportunities,
                                                                                      advocates                       andexpand
                                                                                                  to enhance the dignity,     protect      the and
                                                                                                                                    the opportunities,
                                                                    rights of individuals with intellectual and
                                                                            protect  the  rights of individuals with intellectual and developmental
                                                                            disabilities and their families.

                                                                  April 23:
                                                                 developmental                disabilities and their families.
                                                                                                                       Bowling Tourn
  Chicken                                         September       April 26:
                                                   April 23: 25thBowling           Tournament
                                                                            Activity   Night 5:30 to 6:30              Activity Night
  Strip Basket                                     Aprilpm26:            Activity Night 6pm
                                                  October 28th              Halloween Party 2:00 to 3:30
            Blizzard                               April 30:
                                                                  April 30:
                                                                         Coffee per
                                                                       $5.00     with Cindy
                                                  November 18th Potato Bar Fundraising event
                                                   May5:0031: pm to Activity
                                                                                  Night 6pmper person
                                                                                                                       Coffee with Cin
                                                                          6:00 pm—$5

                                                                  May 31:                                              Activity Night
                                                   June 13-25:     16th Summer
                                                                            Christmas     Party
                                                                                   Inclusion       2:00—3:30
                                                                                              Activity Program
                                                        pm includes Gift Exchange ($5 maximum)
                                                   June 18:22nd 2019
                                                  January                Epilepsy  Walk Night 5:30 to 6:30
                                                                  June 13-25:                                          Summer Inclus
                                 The Arc Mission: The Arc   advocates to enhance the dignity, expand the opportunities,
                     1140 North First St.,        Every
                                                  protect theContact
                                                           Wednesday       Arc for questions
                                                                       of individuals  withfor and
                                                                                             intellectual and developmental
                        Hermiston, OR                   levels!    6:30    to 7:30
                                                  disabilities and their families.   pm—Donations            gladly
                        541-567-6622                    accepted!

                                                                  June 18:
                                                  Please follow us on Facebook for updates!
                                                  ***All Activity Nights include a light snack!                        Epilepsy Walk
       Health Education & Wellness                     All Arc Activities are inclusive events.
                                                       We would encourage participation by
                  offered by           April 23: individuals       BowlingwithTournament
                                                                                 ID/D along with any
    Good Shepherd Medical Center                                                         Contact The Arc for quest
                                                     support staff, family members and friends.

   • Living Well with Chronic PainApril 26: 541.567.7615
                                                       If you have any questions, please call:
                                                                   Activity Night      6pm
                                                                                and leave a message
   •   Stress Management                          April 30:                        Coffee with Cindy 9:30am-11:00am
   •   Diabetes Education
   •   Babysitting Basics
                                                  May 31:                          Activity Night 6pm
   •   Free help with Medicare                    June 13-25:                      Summer Inclusion Activity Program
   •   Quit Tobacco help
                                                  June 18:                         Epilepsy Walk
   •   CPR & First Aid classes
  Check out pages 24-26 for complete listings
                                                                Contact The Arc for questions and registration.
               541-667-3509                                              215 W. Orchard Ave, Hermiston
                                                                                      Achieve with us.
City of Hermiston                             2018 Fall Parks & Recreation Guide                                                              17
Family Health
                                              & Fitness Day
                                               Saturday, Sept. 22,
                                              at Hermiston High School
        FREE health screenings, fun and activities
     for all ages, from kids to young-at-heart seniors!

                       Home of the
Umatilla County Fair H Farm-City Pro Rodeo
        Book Yoday!
                        12,000 sq. ft. Great Room             Conventions
       Event To         3 Meeting Rooms                       Trade Shows
                        1 Executive Boardroom                 Banquets
                        Rodeo Arena                           Private Events
                        Livestock Barns                       Concerts
                        Outdoor Event Space
                         1705 E. Airport Road, Hermiston, OR
18                      2018 Fall Parks & Recreation Guide            City of Hermiston
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City of Hermiston                                2018 Fall Parks & Recreation Guide                                      19
Adult Education Opportunities

                            Parenting Education Classes and Workshops
Parenting Education classes are supported by the Oregon Parenting Education Collaborative and funded
   by the Oregon Community Foundation. Classes are open to all community members. To get more
details on these and other classes, visit our website at www.umchs.org, and click on the Parent Education
 Opportunities logo. You must pre-register for all classes. Please call 541-564-6878 to get more details.

Hermiston:                                                             Cooking Matters for Child Care Professionals (5
                                                                       session class in Spanish and no childcare)
Abriendo Puertas/Opening Doors                                            September 18th, 20th, 24th, 26th, and 28th.
                                                                          6:00 – 8:00 pm
 Abriendo Puertas is a 10 week series that focuses on real life
family experiences designed to build leadership and advocacy              United Methodist Church, 191 E. Gladys Ave., Hermiston, Or.
skills in parents to increase critical childhood knowledge and            Contact: Mary Lou Gutierrez @ 541-667-6172
literacy. Parents feel comfortable sharing their stories that make
                                                                       Pasos al Exito (Steps to Success)
a difference in their parenting skills and community engagement
with great outcomes.                                                   This class builds the financial literacy and economic development
                                                                       capacity of Latino micro-entrepreneur in rural Oregon. Two part
Abriendo Puertas/Opening Doors – (10 sessions, in
                                                                       participation. It start with financial literacy and the second part
                                                                       will How to Start Your Own Business at Home. This class is been
    October 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th, November 6th, 13th, 20th,      sponsored by Rural Development Initiative. There is a FREE 5
    27th, December 4th.                                                week training which includes materials, child care and dinner.
    5:30 – 7:30 pm
                                                                       Pasos al Éxito (Steps to Success) – (5 session class in
    Hermiston Center for School Readiness                              Spanish)
    502 W. Standard Avenue, Building B, Hermiston, Or.                     August 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd, and 30th.
    Contact: Mary Lou Gutierrez @ 541-667-6172                             5:30 – 9:00 pm
Circle of Parents                                                          United Methodist Church, 191 E. Gladys Ave., Hermiston, Or.
Circle of Parents is an Evidence Based Parent Support Group                Contact: Mary Lou Gutierrez @ 541-667-6172
curriculum and is offered twice a month in Hermiston. These            “Wiring Connections from Birth to Adulthood”
sessions provide a place for parents to gather and share parenting     This session focuses on brain development and how those
experiences in a safe, fun environment. Caregivers support one         connections are made and the difference you make. It will cover
another as they problem solve a variety of family issues that          all the answers to the questions below:
continue to be a barrier. Target audience is those parents who
                                                                           • What does it mean?
have completed an EBP but still want parenting supports.
                                                                           • Why is it important?
Circle of Parents Support Group (free on going meetings)
                                                                           • How does it work?
   2nd and 4th Thursday of each month
                                                                           • Who does it effect?
   5:30 – 7:30 pm with dinner 5:30 – 6:30
                                                                       “Wiring Connections from Birth to Adulthood”
   Hermiston Center for School Readiness
                                                                           September 15th and October 18th in Spanish
   502 W. Standard Ave., Building C, Hermiston, Or.
                                                                           5:30 – 7:30 pm
   Contact: Kim Ables @ 541-667-6091
                                                                           Hermiston Center for School Readiness
Cooking Matters for Child Care Professionals
                                                                           502 W. Standard Avenue, Building B, Hermiston, Or.
This class is focused in helping child care providers improve the          Contact: Mary Lou Gutierrez @ 541-667-6172
quality of food kids eat away from home, engaging providers and
children to participatory cooking lessons, and empower providers
to provide nutritious meals and teach healthy eating habits to the
children in their care.

20                                                    2018 Fall Parks & Recreation Guide                                    City of Hermiston
Adult Education Opportunities

Parenting Challenges – “Are You Pulling Your Hair                        Cooking Matters
Out?”                                                                    Cooking Matters is a 6 week series focuses how to prepare healthy
As we all know when babies are born they do not come with an             meals on a budget. Parents are given information on nutrition,
instructional manual. So as babies are developing and growing,           budgeting, label reading, and how to calculate unit prices. Each
so are parents. This session is focused on: * increasing positive        session involves preparing a meal. Every participant leaves the
parenting practices, * lowering parenting stress, * and adding tools     session with a bag of grocery items to prepare at home. UMCHS
to your “Parent Tool Box”.                                               is the satellite partner for Cooking Matters through the Oregon
“Are You Pulling Your Hair Out?”                                         Food Bank.
   November 17th and December 20th in Spanish                            Cooking Matters (6 week cooking class)
   5:30 – 7:30 pm                                                            Tuesday – September 18th, 25th, October 2nd, 9th, 16th, and
   Hermiston Center for School Readiness                                     23rd.
   502 W. Standard Avenue, Building B, Hermiston, Or.                        5:00 – 7:00 pm
   Contact: Mary Lou Gutierrez @ 541-667-6172                                Heppner Daycare Center, 330 Gale St., Heppner, Or.
                                                                             Contact: Kathy Cutsforth @ 541-541-676-5429
                                                                         Cooking Matters Volunteer Training
Learning Picnics
                                                                         Umatilla Morrow Head Start has partnered with Oregon Food
The Learning Picnics focus on the pre-literacy skills: vocabulary,       Bank’s Nutrition Education Program to offer Cooking Matters™,
alphabet knowledge, alphabet awareness, narrative skills,                a national program that empowers families at risk of hunger with
phonological awareness, print motivation, print awareness. The           the knowledge, skills, and confidence to prepare healthy, delicious,
purpose of the Learning Picnics is to bring caregivers and their         and affordable meals. Skills emphasized include:
children together to “play with a purpose”. The sessions are to
extend literacy skills so that all children are entering kindergarten          • Cooking
with the skills necessary to begin learning. Each session has an               • Nutrition
array of materials including puzzles, books, drama, music, blocks,             • Food Budgeting
building supplies etc. At the end of the series, one lucky family has          • Kitchen Safety
the opportunity to win a children’s library of 30 new books to           Umatilla Morrow Head Start seeks volunteer accomplished
take home                                                                chefs, nutritionists, and home cooks to teach nutrition education
Literacy Learning Picnic (free literacy activities and books)            courses throughout the Umatilla and Morrow counties.
   Tuesday – July 24th, 31st, August 7th, 14th, 21st, and 28th.          No experience needed. Please help us bring this to our
   5:00 – 7:00 pm                                                        communities… YOU ARE NEEDED!
   Heppner Daycare Center, 330 Gale St., Heppner, Or.                    UPCOMING VOLUNTEER TRAINING:
   Contact: Kathy Cutsforth @ 541-541-676-5429                            September 24th 8:30-12:30 PM
                                                                          @ 502 W. Standard Ave. (Next to Rocky Heights Elementary)
                                                                          Hermiston, Oregon 97838
                                                                          For more information or to register contact:
                                                                          Mary Lou Gutierrez @ 541-667-6172 or mgutierr@umchs.
                                                                          org SNACKS AND LUNCH PROVIDED

                                                                    CLICK ON RED WAGON
                                                                       ON UMCHS.ORG
                                                                   FOR CLASS DISCRIPTIONS
                                                                   AND UPCOMING CLASSES
                                                               (Free Childcare and Snacks Provided For All Classes)
City of Hermiston                                      2018 Fall Parks & Recreation Guide                                                 21
Eastern Oregon’s
                                                                        Best Value
                                                                        in Eyewear

                                                                      20 OFF
                                                                    ANY PURCHASE OF
                                                                  INCLUDING SALE ITEMS
                                                                             with this ad

                                                                  Dr. Anderson Eye Exams
                                                                       Se Habla Español
         FREE Flu Shot Clinic:                                  Saturday appointments available

       Stop by and get your FREE flu                          Most Insurances Accepted
                                                        Moda, Amerita, Regence and many more
     vaccination! Available for all ages.
         Date: Saturday, Oct 20                             Monthly Specials and Free Drawings
              Times: 9am-2pm                                        Same Day Service
                  Place:                                         Most Prescription Lenses
     Good Shepherd conference rooms 1 & 2                       Most prescription lenses can be ready
                                                                        for you in 1-3 hours
          Call the GS Education Dept                     1045 N 1st Street
               at 541-667-3509 or                           Hermiston
        email at healthinfo@gshealth.org                   541-567-3790

22                                    2018 Fall Parks & Recreation Guide                        City of Hermiston
Hermiston Public Library
                                                                                                             Ongoing programs

Hermiston Public library likes to offer infant, toddler, pre-school, school age, teen, and family programs. With the
help of our community we are able to offer these programs at no charge. Changes, additions, or cancellations
will be announced on the library’s web calendar that can be accessed from www.hermistonlibrary.us.

Ongoing Programs                                                             p.m. meeting held at the library every third Wednesday of February, May,
                                                                             August, and November.
The library’s Teen Advisory Council and Teen Book Club meet                  Baby & Me is held every Wednesday at 10:00 a.m. Entrance is through
the second Monday of every month during the school year. Teens help          the back of the library. Take either the stairs or the elevator. This
plan events, enjoy snacks, and meet other local teens. We also provide       wonderful program is aimed for infants from birth to 18 months. We
teens with a special monthly event that can be anything from trivia          invite you to come and have a fun time with your child and meet other
challenges to rolling a cabbage across the room with your head to win        parents.
a prize! Teens from the advisory council are encouraged to choose
library materials for purchase that they feel appeal to local teens of our   Learn & Play is for 19 months to ages up to 4 years old.This program
community. All teens in grades 6-12 are welcome to attend.                   is designed to engage children and get them excited about music, improve
                                                                             their fine and gross motor skills through movement, and spark their
Yarn Club is open to all and meets every Thursday at 5:30 p.m. and           creativity while supporting early literacy development. This program is
every Saturday at 10:00 a.m.                                                 held at the same time and day as the Baby & Me program.
Photography Club: Meet the second Tuesday of each month at 5:30,             Story times are held at the library at 11:15 a.m. on Wednesdays and
please call ahead sometimes they schedule a photo walk.                      repeated on Fridays at 10:15 a.m. Story time includes reading books,
Bookminders, our adult book club, meets on the second Wednesday              doing finger plays, and completing a short craft. Each week there is a
of the month at the Pheasant Restaurant at 1:30 a.m.                         different theme.
Writers Group: Meets the fourth Thursday of each month at 5:30 p.m.          Each month we provide different Monthly Reading Challenges.
This group is geared for ages 18 and up.                                     Please check our library website, or Facebook to see what the current
Friends of the Library: Hermiston Public Library has an active               monthly challenge is.
friends group. If you are interested in more information about what they     Adult, children and teen programs are scheduled throughout the year.
do for the library or how you can become a member call or stop by            Check our web site for details at www.hermistonlibrary or call us at
the library anytime. You are also welcome to attend their quarterly 6:00     541 567 2882

City of Hermiston                                           2018 Fall Parks & Recreation Guide                                                    23
Good Shepherd Medical Center
 Activities and Classes

        Classes & Events                                    Classes & Events                                   Classes & Events
FREE Flu Shot Clinic:                               ACT- Achieve, Conquer, Thrive                      Living Well with Chronic Pain:
Stop by and get your FREE flu vaccination!          Program:                                           If you are living with chronic pain (not
Available for all ages.                             This 6 month lifestyle change program will         associated with cancer), attend this workshop
Date: Saturday, Oct 20                              help you achieve your health goals! Registered     to learn about tools for dealing with
                                                    Dietitian Nutritionists will help you will learn   fatigue and sleep, balancing activity and rest,
Times: 9am-2pm
                                                    how to make healthy food and activity choices      communicating about your pain, and more. Six
Place: Good Shepherd conference rooms 1 &           each and every day. Program includes 9             FREE weekly sessions; attend alone or with
           2                                        weekly group classes, individual appointments      support person.
Info:      Call the GS Education Dept at 541-667-   for 2-3 months and a follow-up group class.        Dates: Tuesdays, Nov 6 thru Dec 11
           3509 or email at healthinfo@gshealth.
                                                    Dates: New classes start Sep 10 thru               Times: 2:30-5:00pm
                                                              Nov 12                                   Place: Good Shepherd Medical Office Plaza,
Family Health & Fitness Day:                        Times: 5:30 pm                                                meeting room 1 (downstairs)
FREE health & wellness event for everyone           Fees: $116, thanks to a grant from Good            Info / Pre-register: Call 541-667-3509 or
in the family! Health screenings, activities,                 Shepherd covering 90% of costs (Total               email: healthinfo@gshealth.org
demonstrations, workshops, access to                          program value $980). Payment plans
community resources, and safety education for
                                                                                                       Lunch & Learns:
all ages and all FREE!                                                                                 Join us for these FREE, informative and
                                                    Info / Register: Diabetes and Nutrition            popular lunch & learn series covering various
 Date: Saturday, Sep 22                                       Center @ 541-667-3517                    topics focusing on healthy living. Bring your
 Times: 9am-2pm                                     Living Well With Chronic                           lunch and your questions!
 Place: Hermiston High School                       Conditions:                                         Date/Topic: Call for specific topics,
 Info:     Call the GS Education Dept at 541-667-   Diagnosed with a chronic condition such as                    dates and location
           3509 or email at healthinfo@gshealth.    high blood pressure, heart disease, arthritis,      Times: 12:00-1:00pm
           org                                      depression, or another long-term health             Place: GSMC conference rooms
Falls Prevention                                    condition? Make a step-by-step plan to              Info:     Call 541-667-3509 or email: healthinfo@
                                                    improve your health…and your life. Six FREE                   gshealth.org
FREE Workshop: Aging can make balance and
                                                    weekly classes, for patients, caregivers/support
coordination more difficult, leading to falls.
                                                    person or both. Pre-registration required.         Active Stress Management:
Fortunately, most falls can be prevented! Learn                                                        Address your stress before it’s too late!
the common reasons people fall, how the              Dates: Tuesdays, Sep 25 thru Oct 30               Managing stress effectively can add years
brain is involved, and how to improve balance        Times: 2:30-5:00pm                                to your life. This FREE workshop will teach
and coordination! FREE workshop—everyone             Place: Good Shepherd Medical Office Plaza,        you: the good and bad types of stress, how
welcome! Pre-registration helpful but not                     meeting room 1 (downstairs)              stress impacts your body, how to avoid stress
required.                                            Info / Pre-register: Call 541-667-3509 or         triggers, ways to interrupt your body’s stress
Dates: Saturday, Nov 10 or Dec 8                              email: healthinfo@gshealth.org           response, and techniques to reduce stress in
Times: 10am-noon                                                                                       the long term. End the session by practicing
                                                    Living Well with Diabetes:                         stress management techniques like meditation,
Place: Good Shepherd Conference Rooms 1 &
                                                    Whether this is a new diagnosis or not, this       yoga, and progressive relaxation. Attend one
                                                    class will assist you with learning more about     or all three sessions! For ages 16+. Pre-
Instructors:          Helena Wolfe, Sharon          diabetes and its effect on your mind and body.     registration required.
           Waldern, Jaime Crowell                   Six FREE weekly classes. Attend alone or with      Dates / Times:
Info:      Call GSMC Education Dept: 541-667-       support person.
           3509 or email: healthinfo@gshealth.org                                                      Tuesday Oct 2: 5:30pm-6:30pm
                                                    Dates: Thursdays, Oct 4 thru Nov 8                 Tuesday Oct 9: 12:15pm- 12:50pm
                                                    Times: 2:30—5:00pm                                 Tuesday Oct 16: 5:30-6:30pm
                                                    Place: Good Shepherd Medical Office Plaza,         Place: Call 541-667-3509 for specific location
                                                                meeting room 1 (downstairs)
                                                                                                       Info / Registration: Register before Sept
                                                    Info / Pre-register: Call 541-667-3509 or                     30. Email instructor Jaime Crowell:
                                                                email: healthinfo@gshealth.org                    jcrowell@gshealth.org

24                                                          2018 Fall Parks & Recreation Guide                                           City of Hermiston
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