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                                        Chinese Journal of Natural Medicines 2021, 19(7): 505-520
                                                  doi: 10.1016/S1875-5364(21)60050-X


    A systematic review of pharmacological activities, toxicological
    mechanisms and pharmacokinetic studies on Aconitum alkaloids
                 MI LiΔ, LI Yu-ChenΔ, SUN Meng-Ru, ZHANG Pei-Lin, LI Yi*, YANG Hua*
State Key Laboratory of Natural Medicines, School of Traditional Chinese Pharmacy, China Pharmaceutical University, Nanjing
210009, China
                                                       Available online 20 Jul., 2021

 [ABSTRACT] The tubers and roots of Aconitum (Ranunculaceae) are widely used as heart medicine or analgesic agents for the treat-
 ment of coronary heart disease, chronic heart failure, rheumatoid arthritis and neuropathic pain since ancient times. As a type of natur-
 al products mainly extracted from Aconitum plants, Aconitum alkaloids have complex chemical structures and exert remarkable biolo-
 gical activity, which are mainly responsible for significant effects of Aconitum plants. The present review is to summarize the progress
 of the pharmacological, toxicological, and pharmacokinetic studies of Aconitum alkaloids, so as to provide evidence for better clinical
 application. Research data concerning pharmacological, toxicological and pharmacokinetic studies of Aconitum alkaloids were collec-
 ted from different scientific databases (PubMed, CNKI, Google Scholar, Baidu Scholar, and Web of Science) using the phrase Acon-
 itum alkaloids, as well as generic synonyms. Aconitum alkaloids are both bioactive compounds and toxic ingredients in Aconitum
 plants. They produce a wide range of pharmacological activities, including protecting the cardiovascular system, nervous system, and
 immune system and anti-cancer effects. Notably, Aconitum alkaloids also exert strong cardiac toxicity, neurotoxicity and liver toxicity,
 which are supported by clinical studies. Finally, pharmacokinetic studies indicated that cytochrome P450 proteins (CYPs) and efflux
 transporters (ETs) are closely related to the low bioavailability of Aconitum alkaloids and play an important role in their metabolism
 and detoxification in vivo.
 [KEY WORDS] Aconitum alkaloids; Pharmacological activities; Toxicity; Pharmacokinetics
 [CLC Number] R284, R917              [Document code] A          [Article ID] 2095-6975(2021)07-0505-16

                                                                         sites in their structures, aconitines can be further classified in-
Introduction                                                             to diester-diterpenoid alkaloids (DDAs), monoester-diterpen-
     Aconitum alkaloids are bioactive components with com-               oid alkaloids (MDAs), and hydramine diterpenoid alkaloids
plex chemical structures that mostly exist in plants of the two          (HDAs) [9-11]. With the sequential hydrolysis of ester bonds at
genera Aconitum and Delphinium [1, 2], including the charac-             C8 and C14, their toxicity was substantially reduced [12, 13]. In
                                                                         contrast, C18-diterpene alkaloids are the least distributed
teristic active and toxic components of diterpene alkaloids.
                                                                         Aconitum alkaloids, and classified into lappaconitines and
According to their chemical skeletons, diterpene
                                                                         ranaconitines [14-16]. Compared with lappaconitines, the hydro-
alkaloids can be divided into C18-, C19-, and C20-diterpene al-
                                                                         gen at C7 site of ranaconitines was substituted by oxygen-
kaloids, and their chemical structures are presented in
                                                                         containing groups. Furthermore, the chemical skeletons of
Fig. 1. C19-Diterpene alkaloids, the main types of Aconitum              C20-type diterpene alkaloids are complex and diverse, with
alkaloids, include aconitines [3], lycoctonines [4], pyro-types [5],     the common structural types of hetisines [17, 18], hetidines [19],
rearranged-types [6], 7, 17-seco-types [7], and lactone types [8].       atisines [20], denudatines [21], veatchines [22] and napellines [23].
Based on the esterification of hydroxyl groups at C8 and C14             For exmaple, songorine is a typical active napelline-type C20-
                                                                         diterpene alkaloid extracted from Aconitum carmichaeli [24].
[Received on] 23-Jan.-2021                                                    A large number of studies have confirmed that Aconitum
[Research funding] This work was supported by the National Natur-        alkaloids are the characteristic bioactive components of
al Science Foundation of China (No. 81673592).                           Aconitum species, which exhibit substantial analgesic, anti-
[*Corresponding author] E-mail: liyi20087598@163.com (LI Yi);            inflammatory, antioxidant and anti-tumor activities [25, 26].
Tel/Fax: 86-25-8327-1220, E-mail: yanghuacpu@126.com (YANG
Hua)                                                                     However, due to a narrow therapeutic window, they may
  These authors contributed equally to this work.                        cause toxicity to the heart, liver, muscle tissues and nervous
These authors have no conflict of interest to declare.                   system [27, 28]. Thus, the use of Aconitum in herbal prepara-

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                                     13                                                     13                                            12
                                                16                                     12                     16
                                 12                                                                  14                              11           13
                               17                                                 17                                            20                     16   17
                                          14                                  1         10
                           1       10                                                                                      1          9       14
                   2                                                 2                       9                                            8
                                      9                                          11                                    2                          15
               R                11              15               R           N                   8            15   R       N     10
                           N            8                            3
                   3        4 5                                               4 5                                      3   4                  7
                                                                                                 7                              5
                                   6   7                                                6                                             6
               18                                                19                18                              19
                               R                                              R                                                 18
                    C18-diterpene alkaloids                              C19-diterpene alkaloids                           C20-diterpene alkaloids
                                                                             aconitine type                                    napelline type

                                           H                                            OH           O
                                                O                         O                                                               O
                               O                                                                  O
                                                            R1           N                                                 OH
                                               OH                                           O            OH
                           O       O                                              O                  O                     N
                       H                                                                                                                               OH


                           Lappaconitine                         Acotinine             R1 = C2H5 R2 = OH                         Songorine
                                                            Mesacotinine R1 = CH3 R2 = OH
                                                            Hypacotinine R1 = CH3 R2 = H

Fig. 1 Classification, general structures and numbering systems for C18-, C19- and C20-diterpenen alkaloids and chemical struc-
tures of classical diterpene alkaloids

tions is limited in Europe and the United States [29]. In recent                                 kaloids, so as to provide evidence for further development
years, to elucidate the absorption and metabolism character-                                     and clinical application of Aconitum drugs.
istics of active or toxic alkaloids in the body, pharmacokinet-
                                                                                                 Pharmacological Activities of Aconitum Alkaloids
ic studies have been widely performed, which indicate that
Aconitum alkaloids can be quickly absorbed and widely dis-                                       Effects on the cardiovascular system
tributed in the body [30]. But the bioavailability of Aconitum                                        Aconitum plants have long been used for the treatment of
alkaloids is extremely low, while highly toxic alkaloids can                                     heart failure and poor circulation [29, 34], and Aconitum alkal-
be converted into less toxic metabolites and soluble derivat-                                    oids are the main active ingredients for cardioprotective ef-
ives [31, 32], playing an important role in their metabolism and                                 fects (Table 1). For instance, Fuzi total alkaloid (FTA) signi-
detoxification in vivo.                                                                          ficantly decreased myocardial damage and infract size in rats
      Recently, many efforts have been devoted to reviewing                                      with myocardial infraction, which stabilized the cardiomyo-
the phytochemical characteristics of Aconitum and its active                                     cyte membrane structure through improving myocardial en-
components as well as related pharmacological activity and                                       ergy metabolic abnormalities, phospholipids levels and distri-
                                                                                                 bution patterns [35]. Moreover, fuziline and neoline showed
analytical methods. For instance, Zhou et al. [26] presented an
                                                                                                 pronounced activity against pentobarbital sodium induced
investigation concerning the safety application of Aconitum
                                                                                                 damage in cardiomyocytes, which was characterized in re-
by summarizing the phytochemical and pharmacological
                                                                                                 stored beating rhythm and improved cell vitality [36]. C19-
activity and toxicity of Aconitum. Furthermore, Elshazly M et
                                                                                                 Diterpenoid alkaloids such as mesaconine, hypaconine and
al. [33] focused on liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry
                                                                                                 beiwutinine showed remarkable cardiac effects on the isol-
analysis of Aconitum and its Chinese herbal medicine. Wu et
                                                                                                 ated bullfrog hearts. Notably, the protective effects of mesa-
al. [32] illuminated the application of Fuzi as personalized                                     conine were achieved by improving the inotropic effect and
medicine from the respect of pharmacokinetics. So far, there                                     left ventricular diastolic function in rats with myocardial
has been no comprehensive and systematic review of Acon-                                         ischemia-reperfusion injury [37]. Higenamine, a benzyltetrahy-
itum alkaloids. Therefore, in the current review, we summar-                                     droisoquinoline alkaloid, showed inhibitory effects on both
ize the up-dated, comprehensive, and systematic information                                      human and rat platelet aggregation, which was achieved by
about the pharmacological activity and toxicity of Aconitum                                      increasing the recovery rate in a mouse model of acute throm-
alkaloids in the cardiovascular system, nervous system, liver,                                   bosis, and lowering the weight of thrombus in an arterio-ven-
and other organs, as well as the absorption and metabolic                                        ous shunt (AV-shunt) rat model[38]. Meanwhile, higenamine
characteristics of Aconitum alkaloids, and discuss the toxicity-                                 was proved to increase the fibrinogen level, decrease fibrino-
efficacy relationship and pharmacokinetics of Aconitum al-                                       gen/fibrin degradation product (FDP) level and prothrombin

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Table 1   Effects of Aconitum alkaloids on the cardiovascular system

    Component/Dose/Duration            Cell type/Animal model               Effects                          Mechanisms                     Ref.
                                                                                                Improve myocardial energy metabolic
 Radix Aconiti Lateralis Preparata
                                                                                                abnormalities, change phospholipids
 extract (RAE) and Fuzi total          Rats with myocardial        Anti-myocardial
                                                                                                levels and distribution patterns, and       [35]
 alkaloid (FTA) 1.6, 0.8, and 0.4      infarction                  infarction effect
                                                                                                stabilize the structure of cardiomyocyte
 g·kg−1 for 14 d
                                                                   Against pentobarbital
 Fuziline and neoline 10, 1, and       Neonatal rat                                             Recover beating rhythm and increase
                                                                   sodium induced damage                                                    [36]
 0.1 μmol·L−1 for 24 h                 cardiomyocytes                                           cell viability
                                                                   in cardiomyocytes
 Mesaconine and hypaconine 5                                       Optimal cardiac action on
 mg·mL−1 for 30 s (isolated            Isolated bullfrog           isolated bullfrog hearts
                                                                                                Increase the average rate of amplitude,
 bullfrog hearts), 1 nmol·L−1 for 10   hearts,and isolated rat     and inhibiting myocardial
                                                                                                and improve the inotropic effect and        [37]
 min (isolated rat hearts), and        hearts after ischemia-      ischemia-reperfusion
                                                                                                left ventricular diastolic function
 beiwutinine 5 mg·mL−1 for 30 s        reperfusion                 injury in isolated rat
 (isolated bullfrog hearts)                                        hearts (measconine)
                                       ADP, collagen and                                     Inhibit epinephrine-induced platelet
                                       epinephrine-induced                                   aggregation, increase the recovery rates
                                                                   Antiplatelet aggregation
 Higenamine 50 and 100 mg·kg−1         human and rat platelet                                from acute thrombotic challenge in
                                                                   and anti-thrombotic                                                      [38]
 for 3 d (mice)                        aggregation, and collagen                             mice, and lower the weight of thrombus
                                       and epinephrine induced                               within the arteriovenous shunt (AV-
                                       acute thrombosis in mice                              shunt) tube of rats
                                                                                             Ameliorate the decrease of fibrinogen
                                       A disseminated              Therapeutic potential for level in plasma, increase
 Higenamine 10, and 50 mg·kg−1
                                       intravascular coagulation   DIC and/or accompanying fibrinogen/fibrin degradation product            [39]
 for 10 d
                                       (DIC) model in rats         multiple organ failure    (FDP) level and prolong prothrombin
                                                                                             time (PT)
 Mesaconitine 30 mmol·L−1 for                                                                Stimulate Ca2+ influx via the Na+/Ca2+
                                       Rat aorta                   Relaxation in the aorta                                                  [40]
 0−40 min                                                                                    exchangers in endothelial cells
                                       Oxidized low-density
 Hypaconitine 24, 48, and 90                                       Suppress the apoptosis of    The histone deacetylase-HMGB1
                                       lipoprotein (oxLDL)                                                                                  [41]
 μmol·L−1 for 21 h                                                 endothelial cells            pathway
                                       induced endothelial cells
 C19-Diterpenoid alkaloids 2.5 or 5
                                                                   Structure-cardiac activity
 mg·mL−1 for 30 s or 10             Isolated bullfrog hearts                                    Increase the average rate of amplitude     [42, 43]
 mmol·mL−1 for 30 s

time (PT) in a model of disseminated intravascular coagula-                  teristic active components of Fuzi, are multi-targeted, which
tion (DIC) in rats[39]. Mesaconitine, as another active Acon-                are achieved by restoring myocardial cells vitality, improv-
itum alkaloid, induced vasorelaxation in the aorta of rats                   ing the inotropic effect and left ventricular diastolic function,
through promoting Ca2+ influx and activating nitric-oxide                    and inhibiting platelet aggregation. Therefore, the clinical ap-
synthase [40]. Furthermore, hyaconitine targeted the histone                 plication of Fuzi and Aconitum drugs in the treatment of car-
deacetylase-high mobility group box-1 pathway to inhibit the                 diovascular diseases is closely related to the cardiotonic bio-
oxidized low-density lipoprotein (ox-LDL)-induced apoptos-                   activity of Aconitum alkaloids.
is of endothelial cells [41]. According to the structure-activity            Effects on the nervous system
relationship data, the structures of Aconitum alkaloids neces-                    The nervous system can monitor and respond to the
sary for cardiac activity included an α-methoxyl or hydroxyl                 changes in the internal and external environment, participate
group at C-1, a hydroxyl group at C-8 and C-14, α-hydroxyl                   in critical physiological processes such as learning, memory,
group at C-15, and a secondary amine or N-methyl group in                    cognition and initiate all autonomous movements [44, 45]. A
ring A. Additionally, an α-hydroxyl group at C-3 also con-                   large number of studies have confirmed that Aconitum alkal-
tributed to cardiac activity [42, 43].                                       oids exert remarkable protective effects on the nervous sys-
     Fuzi is the processed lateral roots of Aconitum carmi-                  tem (Table 2). Neuropathic pain is a highly debilitating
chaeli Debx. (Ranunculaceae), and has been used in tradition-                chronic pain directly caused by various lesions or diseases af-
al Chinese medicine for the treatment of chronic heart failure,              fecting the somatosensory nervous system [46], which is char-
hypotension, coronary heart disease and acute myocardial in-                 acterized by spontaneous ongoing pain and hyperalgesia [47].
farction owing to its remarkable effects of restoring yang and               Aconitum plants have been widely used for analgesia since
saving adversity [29]. A large number of studies have shown                  ancient time. C18-Diterpenoid alkaloids (weisaconitines D)
that the cardiotonic effects of Aconitum alkaloids, the charac-              isolated from Aconitum weixiense and two sulfonated C20-

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Table 2   Effects of Aconitum alkaloids on the nervous system

     Component/Dose/Duration               Cell type/Animal model              Effects                  Mechanisms                   Ref.
 Weisaconitines D 50, 100 and             A mouse model of                                     Inhibit acetic acid-induced
                                                                   Analgesic activity                                                [48]
 200 mg·kg−1                              CH3COOH-induced writhing                             writhing in mice
 Aconicatisulfonines A and B 0.1, 0.3                                                          Inhibit acetic acid-induced
                                          Acetic acid-induced mice      Analgesic activity                                           [49]
 and 1.0 mg·kg−1                                                                               writhing in mice
                                          A mouse model of
                                                                                               Prolong the time before
 Songorine, napelline, mesaconitine,      acetylcholine cramp and
                                                                                               manifestation of nociceptive
 hypaconitine and 12-epinapelline N-      inflammatory hyperalgesia   Analgesic activity                                             [50]
                                                                                               reaction and reduce the number
 oxide 0.025 mg·kg−1 for 5 d              induced by naloxone Freund’
                                                                                               of cramps
                                          s adjuvant
                                          Hot-plate method induced                           Improve the results of the hot-
 Guiwuline 15 mg·kg−1                                                   Analgesic activity                                           [51]
                                          mice                                               plate test in mice (55 °C)
                                                                                             Alleviate the oxaliplatin-induced
                                          Dorsal root ganglion neurons Alleviate neuropathic reduction of neurite elongation
 Neoline 6 mg·kg−1·d−1 for 5 and 7 d                                                                                                 [52]
                                          isolated from normal mice    pain                  and inhibit the induction of
                                                                                             mechanical and cold hyperalgesia
                                                                                             Ameliorate the mechanical
 Neoline 10 mg·kg−1·d−1 for 7, 9 and      A mouse model of             Relieve neuropathic
                                                                                             threshold of von Frey test and          [53]
 21 d                                     mechanical allodynia         pain
                                                                                             eural plasticity
                                          A mouse model of CCI-                              Stimulate the expression of
 Isotalatizidine 0.1, 0.3 and 1 mg·kg−1                                Attenuate the
                                          induced neuropathic pain,                          microglial dynorphin A mediated
 for 30 min, 1, 2 and 4 h;                                             hypersensitivity of                                           [54]
                                          and BV-2 and primary                               by the ERK/CREB signaling
 isotalatizidine 25 μmol·L−1 for 1 h                                   somatic pain
                                          microglial cells                                   pathway
                                          A rat model of neuropathic
 Lappaconitine 0.3, 0.7, 2 and            pain and bone cancer pain,   Antihypersensitivity Stimulate the expression of spinal
 7 mg·kg−1 for 1 h interval               primary microglial cells and in chronic pain       microglial dynorphin A
                                          A rat model of neuropathic
 Bulleyaconitine A 10, 30, 100, 300                                    Block painful         Activate spinal k-opioid receptors
                                          pain and bone cancer pain,
 and 1000 ng for 1 h (rat) or 100                                      neuropathy caused by and stimulate the expression of          [56]
                                          primary neuron and glial
 nmol·L−1 for 2 h (cell)                                               the spinal nerve      dynorphin A in spinal microglia
                                                                       Adjuvant for
 Bulleyaconitine A 10 μmol·L−1 for                                                           Inhibit Nav1.7 and Nav1.8 Na+
                                          HEK293t cells                prolonged cutaneous                                           [57]
 3 ms                                                                                        currents
                                                                                             Block tetrodotoxin-sensitive
 Bulleyaconitine A 5 nmol·L−1 for                                      Antineuropathic pain voltage-gated sodium (Nav1.7
                                          Dorsal root ganglion neurons                                                               [58]
 15 min                                                                effect                and Nav1.3) in dorsal root
                                                                                             ganglion neurons
                                                                       Treat chronic pain
 Bulleyaconitine A 10 μmol·L−1 for
                                          Clonal GH3 cells             and rheumatoid        Reduce neuronal Na+ currents            [59]
 4 ms
 Pyroaconitine, ajacine,
                                                                        Potential anti-
 septentriodine, and delectinine 10       CHO cells                                            Inhibit Nav1.2 channel                [60]
                                                                        epileptic activity
 μmol·L−1 for 8 ms
 Aconorine and lappaconitine 50, 75
 and 100 μmol·L−1 for 15 min;
 heteratisine and hetisinone 50, 75,
 100, and 125 μg·mL−1 for 30 min;         ACh and BCh                                          -                                  [64, 65, 67]
                                                                        inhibitory effect
 heterophyllinine A and
 heterophyllinine B 0.2 mmol·L−1 for
 15 min
 Hemsleyaline IC50 471 ± 9 μmol·L−1
 for 30 min; kirisine G, kirisine H,                                    Acetylcholinesterase
                                          ACh                                                  -                                   [15, 66]
 gigaconitine and aconicarmichinium                                     inhibitory effects
 C 10 μL for 30 min

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MI Li, et al. / Chin J Nat Med, 2021, 19(7): 505-520

 Component/Dose/Duration      Cell type/Animal model             Effects                         Mechanisms                        Ref.
                                                         Higenamine augments the
                                                         release of both nerve-     Higenamine increases ACh release
 Higenamine 10 μmol·L−1                                  evoked and spontaneous     through activation of β-adrenoeptor and
                              Mouse phrenic nerve-
 and cnryneine 100                                       ACh, and muscle tension.   cnryneine and depresses ACh release             [68]
                              diaphragm preparation
 μmol·L−1                                                Coryneine reducea the      by preferentially acting at the motor
                                                         nerve-evoked release of    nerve terminal
                                                                                    Activate voltage-dependent Na+
                              Mechanically dissociated
                                                         Modulate the membrane      channels, depolarize the presynaptic
 Aconitine 3 × 10−6 mol·L−1   ventromedial
                                                         excitability of VMH        membrane, activate voltage-dependent            [69]
 per 10 s                     hypothalamic (VMH)
                                                         neurons in rats            Ca2+ channels and increase
                              neurons in rats
                                                                                    intraterminal Ca2+ concentration
                                                      Correct scopolamine-          Improve conditioned passive avoidance
 Songorine 5, 25, and 100     Scopolamine-traumatized
                                                      induced abnormalities of      response (CPAR) and normalize                   [70]
 μg·kg−1 for 5 d              mice
                                                      mnestic function              behavior activities
                              Albino outinbred mature
                                                                                    Reduce the time of immobilization in
 Napelline and songorine,     female mice and a mouse Antidepressant and
                                                                                    the tail suspension test and modulate           [75]
 0.025 mg·kg−1 for 5 d        model of serotonin-     antiexudative effects
                                                                                    the sensitivity to serotonin
                              induced edema
 Diterpenoid alkaloids from
 the roots of Aconitum                                                              With remarkable disaggregation
                              -                          Neroprotective activity                                                    [76]
 pendulum Busch 25                                                                  potency on the Aβ1−42 aggregates
                                                         Anti-rheumatic, anti-      Attenuate ATP-induced BV-2 microglia
 Bullatine A 1, 10, 20 and
                              ATP-induced BV-2 cells     inflammatory and anti-     death/apoptosis via the P2X receptor            [77]
 50 μmol·L−1 for 24 h
                                                         nociceptive effects        pathway
 Diterpenoid alkaloids from
 the Lateral Root of          Serum deprivation-         Treat neurodegenerative
                                                                                    Increase cell viability                         [78]
 Aconitum carmichaelii 10     induced PC12 cells         disorders
                              Triton-treated synaptic
                                                         Enhance the excitatory     Activate the D2 receptor (for excitation)
 Songorine 0.1−300            membranes of CA1
                                                         synaptic transmission in   and block the postsynaptic GABAA                [79]
 mmol·L−1                     hippocampal neurons in
                                                         rat hippocampus            receptor (for disinhibition)
                                                                                    Increase the number of punished drinks
 Songorine 0.25 and 2.5
                              Vogel’s conflict test      Anxiolytic activity        and produce higher values of behavioral         [80]
 mg·kg−1 for 5 d
                                                                                    activity parameters
                              Dissociated CA1                                       Delay rectifier K+ channel in rat
 Talatisamine 300 μmol·L−1                               Alzheimer’s disease                                                        [81]
                              pyramidal neurons                                     hippocampal neurons

diterpenoid alkaloid iminiums isolated from a water extract                effects by activating the ERK1/2-CREB pathway and mediat-
of the Aconitum carmichaelii lateral roots produced obvious                ing the expression of dynorphin A in microglia cells [54]. An-
analgesic activities against acetic acid-induced mice writh-               other research proved that lappaconitine and bulleyaconitine
ing [48, 49]. Diterpene alkaloids extracted from Aconitum                  A exerted anti-hypersensitivity in spinal nerve ligation-in-
baikalensis presented substantial analgesic effects on the                 duced neuropathic rats through stimulating spinal microglia
naloxone-induced acetylcholine cramp model and rats with                   to express dynorphin A [55, 56]. In addition, bulleyaconitine A
inflammatory hyperalgesia induced by Freund’s adjuvant [50].               also played a role in anti-neuropathic pain via blocking
Furthremore, a novel franchetine type of norditerpenoid,                   Nav1.7 and Nav1.3 channels to reduce the hyper-excitability
which was isolated from the roots of Aconitum carmichaeli                  of dorsal root ganglion neurons caused by nerve injury [57, 58].
Debx, showed potential analgesic activity and less toxi-                   Bulleyaconitine A also displayed long-acting local anesthetic
city [51]. Neoline, the active ingredient in processed aconite             properties both in vitro and in vivo, and often used in the
root, alleviated oxaliplatin-induced murine peripheral neuro-              treatment of chronic pain [59]. Diterpene alkaloids isolated
pathy [52] and mechanical hyperalgesia induced by partial liga-            from the roots of Aconitum moldavicum showed significant
tion of the sciatic nerve [53]. Isotalatizidine exerted analgesic          inhibitory effects on the Nav 1.2 channel [60], suggesting po-

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tential anti-epileptic activity.                                        delayed rectifier K+ channels in rat hippocampal neurons,
     The cholinergic system is a major constituent of the cent-         which was beneficial for Alzheimer’s treatment [81].
ral nervous system, which is closely related to learning,                     Aconitum has also been widely used as analgesic and an-
memory and sensory information [61, 62]. Acetylcholine (ACh)            tispasmodic drugs since ancient times, and Aconitum alkal-
is the neurotransmitter used by cholinergic neurons at the              oids exert prominent central analgesic effects without addic-
neuromuscular junctions and in the spinal cord, memory-re-              tion, which are considered as the potential active ingredients
lated circuits in the brain and parasympathetic nerve termin-           of new analgesics. At present, Wutou decoction and Shenfu
als, which plays a crucial role in the peripheral and central           injection show significant therapeutic effects on angina pec-
nervous systems [62, 63]. Acetylcholinesterase can degrade acet-        toris and pain of joints [29, 82]. In addition, Aconitum alkaloids,
ylcholine, block the excitatory effect of neurotransmitters on          as a type of naturally active ingredients with significant anti-
the post-synaptic membrane, and ensure the normal transmis-             cholinesterase activity and neuroprotective effect, have
sion of nerve signals [62]. According to recent reports, diter-         shown potential therapeutic effects on a variety of nervous
penoid alkaloids in Aconitum such as aconorine, lappaconit-             system diseases, and their clinical therapeutic effects remains
ine, and heteratisine exerted significant anti-cholinesterase           to be further studied.
activity [64, 65]. In addition, the new diterpenoid alkaloids isol-     Effect on the immune system
ated from Aconitum also showed probable inhibitory effects                    The immune system, consisting of immune organs, im-
against cholinesterase [66, 67]. Moreover, the four diterpenoid         mune cells and immune factors, is a major defense mechan-
alkaloids extracted from the roots of Aconitum kirinense Na-            ism to protect host homeostasis against the invasion of patho-
kai exhibited moderate anti-acetylcholinesterase activity and           gens, toxins, and allergens. However, if the immune system
neuroprotective activity [15]. Interestingly, higenamine pro-           cannot distinguish between itself and non-self, it will cause
moted the release of ACh via activating β-adrenoeptor, while            excessive damage to own tissues [83, 84], resulting in autoim-
cnryneine preferentially acted at motor nerve terminals to in-          mune diseases such as systemic lupus erythematosus [85],
hibit ACh release, exerting antagonistic effects on the release of      rheumatoid arthritis [86], and cold agglutinin disease [87]. The
ACh [68]. In addition, aconitine depolarized the presynaptic            protective effect of Aconitum alkaloids on the immune sys-
membrane via activating voltage-dependent Na+ channels,                 tem has been extensively studied (Table 3).
and enhanced the spontaneous transmitter release of the pre-                  A large volume of studies indicated that Aconitum diter-
synaptic nerve terminals by activating voltage-dependent                pene alkaloids partly inhibited the proliferation and NO pro-
Ca2+ channels, which played an important role in modulating             duction in LPS-induced RAW264.7 cells [88-92]. Aconitine in-
the membrane excitability of ventromedial hypothalamic                  hibited RANKL-induced osteoclast differentiation and the ex-
(VMH) neurons in rats [69]. Repeated administration of son-             pression of osteoclast-specific genes via suppressing NF-κB
gorine improved conditioned passive avoidance response                  and NFATc1 activation in RAW264.7 cells [93]. What’s more,
(CPAR) conditioning and normalized behavioral activities                total alkaloids of Aconitum tanguticum improved the patholo-
throughout the entire observation period, thereby correcting            gical changes in the lungs, and reduced inflammatory cell in-
scopolamine-induced abnormality of mnestic function [70].               filtration and pro-inflammatory cytokine release via inhibit-
     Neuroinflammation, chronic oxidative stress and neuron-            ing the NF-κB activation in LPS-induced acute lung injury in
al damage contribute to the onset of neurodegenerative dis-             rats [94]. 14-O-acetylneoline, isolated from Aconitum lacini-
eases such as Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease,                 atum, showed anti-inflammatory effect on colitis mice char-
amyotrophy lateral sclerosis as well as neuropsychiatric ill-           acterized by decreasing weight loss, inhibiting macroscopic
nesses such as depression and autism spectrum disorder [71-74].         pathology and histological inflammation and reducing the
Current research confirmed that the diterpenoid alkaloids of            colonic IFN-γ mRNA levels [95]. Moreover, Aconitum alkal-
Aconitum exhibited antidepressant properties through regulat-           oid suppressed the proliferation and migration of SW982
ing the sensitivity to serotonin [75], and they also showed sig-        cells through inhibiting Wnt-5a mediated JNK and NF-κB
nificant disaggregation potency on the Aβ1−42 aggregates, in-           signaling pathways [96] and also inhibited ConA- and LPS-in-
dicating probable inhibitory effects against Alzheimer’s dis-           duced splenocyte proliferation [97]. Benzoylaconitine sup-
ease [76]. Bullatine A, a diterpenoid alkaloid of the genus             pressed IL-1β-induced expression of IL-6 and IL-8 via inhib-
Aconitum, attenuated ATP-induced BV2 microglia death/ap-                iting the activation of the MAPK (ERK, JNK, and p38), Akt,
optosis       via the     P2X      receptor   pathway,     thereby      and NF-κB pathways in SW982 cells [98]. In type II collagen-
exerting neuroprotective effects [77]. Some other diterpene al-         induced arthritis (CIA) mice, higenamine reduced the eleva-
kaloids extracted from the lateral root of Aconitum carmi-              tion of clinical arthritis scores and inhibited inflammatory re-
chaelii also exerted neuroprotective effects [78]. For instance,        actions, oxidation damage and caspase-3/9 activation, which
songorine was proved to be a non-competitive antagonist at              was possibly related to the heme oxygenase (HO)1 and
the GABAA receptor in the brain of rat, which resulted in po-           PI3K/Akt/Nrf2 signaling pathways [99]. In addition, higenam-
tential therapeutic effects on amyotrophy lateral sclerosis [79].       ine also increased myelin sparring and enhanced spinal cord
Moreover, songorine also exhibited significant anxiolytic               repair process via promoting M2 activation macrophage, and
activity [80]. In addition, talatisamine was a potent blocker of        reduced Hmgb1 expression dependent on HO-1 induction in

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Table 3   Effects of Aconitum alkaloids on the immune system

   Component/Dose/Duration          Cell type/Animal model            Effects                          Mechanisms                    Ref.
 Nagarine A 72.63 ± 0.39 μmol·L−1
                                    LPS-induced RAW264.7
 for 24 h; nagarine B 52.98 ±                            Anti-inflammation                 Inhibit the production of IL-6            [88]
 0.50 μmol·L−1 for 24 h
 Bulleyanine A 10, 20 and           LPS-induced RAW264.7
                                                            Anti-inflammation              Inhibit the production of NO              [89]
 40 μmol·L−1 for 24 h               cells
 Mesaconitine, hypaconitine,        acute inflammation in
                                                                                           Inhibit inflammation at various stage
 napelline, songorine and 12-       mice, histamine-induced
                                                            Anti-inflammation              and show highly anti-exudative            [90]
 epinapelline N-oxide,              inflammation in mice,
 0.025 mg·kg−1 for 5 d              and acetic acid-induced
                                    peritonitis in mice
 Szechenyianine B, szechenyianine
 C, N-deethyl-3-acetylaconitine,
                                  LPS-induced RAW264.7
 and N-deethyldeoxyaconitine                           Anti-inflammation                   Inhibit the production of NO              [91]
 0.05, 0.1, 0.5, 1, 5 and
 10 μmol·L−1 for 18 h
                                  Zymosan activated
 Lappaconitine and puberanine,
             −1                   serum-induced        Anti-inflammation                   Inhibit the production of superoxide      [92]
 100 μg·mL for 30 min
                                                                                           Inhibit the RANKL-induced activation
 Aconitine 0.125 and 0.25
                                    RANKL-induced             Inhibit RANKL-induced        of NF-κB and NFATc1 and suppress
 mmol·L−1 for 1, 2, 8, 24 h,                                                                                                         [93]
                                    RAW264.7 cells            osteoclast differentiation   the expression of osteoclast specific
 4 d or 7 d
                                                                                           genes and DC-STAMP
                                                              Exhibit potent protective    Increase the value of PaO2 or
 Total alkaloids of Aconitum                                  effects on LPS-induced       PaO2/FiO2, decrease myeloperoxidase
                                    LPS-induced acute lung
 tanguticum 30 and 60 mg·kg−1                                 acute lung injury in rats    activity and TNF-α, IL-6 and IL-1β        [94]
                                    injury in rats
 for 6, 12 and 24 h                                           through anti-                leveles in BALF and inhibit NF-κB
                                                              inflammation                 activation in lung tissue
                                                                                           Significantly lower the clinical score,
 14-O-acetylneoline 10, 20 and      TNBS-induced colitis in   Mitigate inflammation        macroscopic pathology and grades of
 50 μg for 3 d                      mice                      against ulcerative colitis   histological inflammation and reduce
                                                                                           colonic IFN-γ mRNA level
 Alkaloids extract removed                                                                 Inhibit the mRNA expression of
 lappaconitine from Aconiti                                   Inhibit the proliferation    Wnt5a, Runx2, Bmp2 and MMP3 and
 Sinomontani Radix (MQB) 1,        SW982 cells                and migration of human       inhibit the phosphorylation of JNK and    [96]
 10 and 20 μg·mL−1 for 12, 24                                 synovial fibroblast cells    NF-κB p65 and the expression of
 and 36 h                                                                                  MMP3
 Szechenyianine E, 8-O-methyl-14-
                                                              Suppress immune for the
 benzoylaconine,and spicatine A    ConA-induced or LPS-
                                                              treatment of autoimmune Inhibit splenocyte proliferation               [97]
 0.16, 0.8, 4, 20 and 100 μmol·L−1 induced splenocytes
 for 48 h
                                                                                           Inhibit the expression of IL-6 and IL-8
                                                                                           gene and protein, decrease the
 Benzoylaconitine 5 and 10                                 A potential therapeutic         activation of MAPK and the
                                    IL-1β-stimulated SW982
 μmol·L−1 for 1, 6, 12 and                                 agent for rheumatoid            phosphorylation of Akt and inhibit the    [98]
 48 h                                                      arthritis treatment             degradation of IκB-α and the
                                                                                           phosphorylation and nuclear
                                                                                           transposition of p65 protein
                                                                                           Resuppress inflammatory reactions,
                       −1                                                                  oxidation damage and caspase-3/9
 Higenamine 10 mg·kg for            Type II collagen induced Ameliorate collagen-
                                                                                           activation, increase HO-1 protein         [99]
 14 d                               arthritis mice           induced arthritis
                                                                                           expression and upregulate of the
                                                                                           PI3K/Akt/Nrf-2 signaling pathway

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MI Li, et al. / Chin J Nat Med, 2021, 19(7): 505-520

    Component/Dose/Duration             Cell type/Animal model           Effects                        Mechanisms                    Ref.
                                                                                            Increase the expression of IL-4 and IL-
                                   −1                            Promote locomotor          10, promote M2 macrophage
 Higenamine 5, 10 and 15 mg·kg          A murine model of
                                                                 function after spinal cord activation and reduce Hmgb1               [100]
 for 1, 3, 7, 14, 28 and 42 d           spinal cord injury
                                                                 injury                     expression dependent on HO-1
                                                                                            Decrease the blood leukocyte counts
                                                                                            and the level of anti-dsDNA antibody
                                        Pristine-induced         Improve the pathological
 Aconitine 25 and 75 μg·kg−1 for                                                            in serum, ameliorate renal
                                        systemic lupus           damage of systemic                                                   [101]
 9 weeks                                                                                    histopathologic damage, reduce IgG
                                        erythematosus in mice    lupus erythematosus
                                                                                            deposit in the glomerular and decrease
                                                                                            the levels of PGE2, IL-17a and IL-6

spinal cord injury mice [100]. Aconitine ameliorated the renal             itum heterophyllum Wall were proved to have antibacterial
pathology through inhibiting pro-inflammatory cytokines and                activity [118]. Carmichaedine, a new C20-diterpenoid alkaloid
inflammation in the kidneys, and decreasing blood leucocyte                from the lateral roots of Aconitum carmichaeli, exhibited po-
counts and the level of anti-dsDNA antibody in serum in a                  tent antibacterial activity against Bacillus subtilis [119]. Mean-
pristane-induced murine model, which indicated that aconit-                while, demethylenedelcorine and 18-O-methylgigactonine
ine is a potential compound for the treatment of systemic                  isolated from Aconitum sinomontanum Nakai were proved
lupus erythematosus [101].                                                 with pesticidal activities against Mythimna separata [120]. Oth-
Anti-cancer effects                                                        er studies concluded that Aconitum alkaloids showed little in-
      Diterpenoid alkaloids isolated from Aconitum plants                  hibitory effect on Escherichia coli and Helicobacter pylori,
have great potential to treat cancer in many in vitro experi-              but exerted potential inhibitory effects on the growth of Sta-
ments (Table 4). Accumulating studies showed that Acon-                    phylococcus aureus [121, 122].
itum diterpenoid alkaloids were effective against prolifera-                    Moreover, tanguticulines A and E extracted from Acon-
tion in human cancer cell lines [102-108], which might be caused           itum tanguticum inhibited H1N1-induced cytopathic changes,
by activation of p38 MAPK-, death receptor-, mitochondrial-,               exhibiting obvious antivirus activities in vitro [123]. The major
caspase-meditated apoptosis [109]. C19 Diterpenoid alkaloids               alkaloid from Aconitum orochryseum, atisinium chloride,
significantly inhibited the growth of HepG2 cells possibly                 proved moderate antiplasmodial activity against the TM4
through blocking the cell cycle at the G1/S phase, up-regulat-             strain and the K1 strain of Plasmodium falciparum [124]. The
ing the expression of B-cell lymphoma 2 (Bcl-2)-associated                 mixture of diterpene alkaloids of Aconitum baicalense
X (Bax) and caspase-3 protein and down-regulating the ex-                  showed significant regenerative hemostimulating effects on a
pression of Bcl-2 and CCND1 [108, 110]. Furthermore, aconitine             model of cytostatic myelosuppression, which were achieved
inhibited the proliferation of hepatocellular carcinoma cells in           by activating hematopoietic progenitor cells [125]. Besides,
the context of ROS-induced mitochondrial-dependent apop-                   songorine stimulated the mitotic activity and differentiation
tosis [111]. Meanwhile, aconitine also up-regulated the expres-            of mesenchymal progenitor cells through activating the
sion of cleaved-caspase-3, cleaved-caspase-9, and cleaved                  JAK/STAT signaling pathway [126]. Aconite alkaloids directly
poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase 1 (PARP1), which induced the                  stimulated the growth of fibroblasts, which might contribute
apoptosis in Miapaca-2 and Panc-1 cells, producing anti-hu-                to reparative regeneration of the plane dorsal skin [127]. Acon-
man pancreatic cancer activity [112]. Hpyaconitine inhibited               itum alkaloids also showed strong binding capacity to metal
transforming growth factor-β1 (TGF-β1)-induced epithelia-                  ions and used as effective antioxidants [128, 129].
mesenchymal transition, and adhesion, migration and inva-
                                                                           Toxicology of Aconitum Alkaloids
sion of lung cancer cells by inhibiting the NF-κB signaling
pathway [113]. Moreover, alkaloids from Aconitum taipeicum                       In addition to therapeutic activities, Aconitum alkaloids
showed anti-leukemia activity [114, 115]. Therefore, Aconitum              have subsantial cardiotoxicity, neurotoxicity and liver tox-
alkaloids played potential inhibitory effects on many types of             icity at high doses or for long-term use. A large number of
cancer.                                                                    studies indicated that Aconitum diterpenoid alkaloids pos-
Other pharmacological effects                                              sibly caused disordered ion channels and DNA damage, res-
      Aconitum alkaloids also showed antimicrobial, antivirus,             ulting in mitochondrial-induced cardiomyocyte apopto-
antiplasmodial, antioxidant and reparative activities. The new             sis [130-132]. Aconitine, one of the most bioactive component of
C19-diterpene alkaloids extracted from Aconitum duclouxii                  Aconitum alkaloids, remarkably aggravated Ca2+ overload to
such as ducloudines C, D, E and F exhibited good biological                induce arrhythmia and trigger apoptosis via the p38 MAPK
activities against pathogenic fungi and pathogenic bacte-                  signaling pathway in rat ventricular myocytes [133], and in-
ria [116, 117]. Norditerpenoid alkaloids from the roots of Acon-           duced cardiotoxicity in zebrafish embryos [134]. Aconitine also

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Table 4   Anti-cancer effects of Aconitum alkaloids

Component/Dose/Duration           Cell type/Animal model                   Effects                       Mechanisms                    Ref.
palmitate IC50 11.9,          MCF-7, HepG2 and H460 cell                                       Inhibit the proliferation of cancer
                                                                   Anti-tumor                                                          [102]
27.6,and 31.8 μmol·L−1        lines                                                            cells
for 72 h
Sinchiangensine A,            HL-60. A-549, SMCC-7721,                                         Inhibit the proliferation of cancer
                                                                   Anti-tumor                                                          [103]
lipodeoxyaconitine            MCF-7 and SW480 cell lines                                       cells
                              CT26. SW480, HeLa, SkMel25                                       Inhibit the proliferation of cancer
 Aconitum alkaloids                                                Anti-tumor                                                          [104]
                              and SkMel28 cell lines                                           cells
 Navicularine B IC50 13.50,
 18.52, 17.22, 11.18        HL-60, SMMC-7721, A-549,                                           Inhibit the proliferation of cancer
                                                                   Anti-tumor                                                          [105]
 and16.36 μmol·L−1,         MCF-7 and SW480 cell lines                                         cells
                                                                   Anti-tumor activities
                                                                                               Inhibit the proliferation of cancer
 Lipojesaconitine IC50 6 to   A549, MDA-MB-231, MCF-7,             except a
                                                                                               cells through possibly being            [106]
 7.3 μmol·L−1 for 72 h        KB and KB-VIN cell lines             multidirectional-
                                                                                               exported by P-glycoprotein
                                                                   resistant subline
 Delelatine IC50 4.36                                                                          Inhibit the proliferation of cancer
                              P388 cell line                       Anti-tumor                                                          [107]
 μmol·L−1 for 72 h                                                                          cells
                                                                                            Inhibit proliferation and
                                                                                            invasiveness, block the cell cycle
 Taipeinine A 7.5, 15 and                                                                   at the G1/S phase and up-regulate
                                                                   Anti-tumor via
 30 μmol·L−1 for 24, 48       HepG2 cell line                                               the expression of Bax and caspase-         [108]
 and 72 h                                                                                   3 protein anddown-regulate the
                                                                                            expression of Bcl-2 and CCND1
                                                                                            Upregulate TNF-R1 and DR5
                                                                   Anti-tumor through the
 Aconitum szechenyianum                                                                     through activation of p38 MAPK,
                                                                   p38-MAPK, death
 Gay alkaloids 100, 200,                                                                    upregulate p53,
                              HepG2, HeLa and A549 cell lines      receptor-, mitochondria-                                            [109]
 400, and 800 μg·mL−1 for                                                                   and phosphorylate p53 and Bax,
                                                                   and caspase-dependent
 24 h                                                                                       Down-regulate Bcl-2 and activate
                                                                   adoptive pathways
                                                                                            caspase 3/8/9
 Aconitine, hypaconitine,
                                                                                               Inhibit the proliferation of cancer
 mesaconitne                  HepG2 cell line                      Anti-tumor                                                          [110]
 andoxonitinefor 72 h
                                                                                               Release of cytochrome c from the
                                                                   Inhibit the proliferation   mitochondria, activate apoptosis,
 Aconitine 25 and 50
                              HepG2, Huh7 and L02 cell lines       of hepatocellular           increase the cleavage of caspases       [111]
 μg·mL−1 for 72 h
                                                                   carcinoma                   3/7 and Bax protein level and
                                                                                               decrease Bcl-2 level
                                                                                               Up-regulate the expression of pro-
 Aconitine 15, 30, and 60                                                                      apoptotic factors Bax, cl-caspase-
                              Miapaca-2, PANC-1 cells,             Induce apoptosis in
 μmol·L−1 for 48 h (cell);                                                                     3, cl-caspase-9, and cleaved
                              Miapaca-2 cells and, a xenograft     human pancreatic                                                    [112]
 and 50, and 100 mg·kg−1                                                                       PARP1 and decrease anti-
                              mouse model                          cancer
 for 28 d (mice)                                                                               apoptotic protein Bcl-2 and NF-
                                                                                               κB expression
                                                                                               Inhibit TGF-β1-induced u-
                                                                   Inhibit the adhesion,       pregulation of N-cadherin, NF-κB
 Hypaconitine 2, 4 and
                              TGF-β1-induced A549 cells            migration and invasion      and inhibit TGF-β1-induced              [113]
 8 μmol·L−1 for 48 h
                                                                   abilities of lung cancer    adhesion, migration and invasion
 Amide alkaloids from
 Aconitum taipeicum;                                                                           Inhibit the proliferation of cancer
                              HL60 and K562 cell lines             Anti-leukaemia                                                    [114-115]
 andditerpenoid alkaloids                                                                      cells
 from Aconitum taipeicum

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up-regulated a series of pro-apoptotic proteins including P53,          was only 14.9%, which may be related to its low intestinal
BAX, and caspase-3 but down-regulated anti-apoptotic pro-               permeability due to lack of lipophilicity or the inhibitory ef-
teins Bcl-2 and TnT, which induced cardiotoxicity in rat                fect of P-gp [154, 155]. Moreover, the bioavailability of hypacon-
myocardial cells [133, 134]. Aconitine induced cardiomyocyte            itine was also extremely low due to inhibition of P-gp [154].
damage via the mitochondria-mediated apoptosis path-                    After oral administration, benzoylmesaconine, benzoylacon-
way [135] and mitigated BNIP3-dependent mitophagy [136].                ine and benzoylhyaconine achieved the maximal plasma con-
Moreover, aconitine blocked HERG and Kvl.5 potassium                    centrations at 0.222, 0.306, and 0.222 h, respectively and
channels to induce arrhythmias [137]. Aconitine and mesaconit-          their bioavailability was also very low due to the inhibitory
ine induced cardiotoxicity and apoptosis, and influenced the            effect of P-gp [30,156]. In addition, the pharmacokinetics stud-
expression of cardiovascular relative genes including Tbx5,             ies of urine and plasma samples from healthy subjects
Gata4, and Nkx2.5 in embryonic zebrafish [138]. As another              showed that 94% of higenamine was excreted from the body
toxicalkaloid,hypaconitineinducedcardiotoxicitythroughinhibi-           after administration within 30 min (approximately four half-
ting the KCNH2 (hERG) potassium channels in conscious                   lives) [157]. However, compared with aconitine and benzoylac-
dogs [139].                                                             onine, aconine did not significantly increase the expression of
     Notably, clinical reports also confirmed that improper in-         P-gp in LS174T and caco-2 cells [158], and its transport was
take of aconite alkaloids might cause severe cardiotoxicity.            not significantly differet in the presence of P-gp inhibitor, im-
Aconitum herbs with poor quality such as incompletely pro-              plying that aconine might be absorbed through passive diffu-
cessing, poor quality of prescription such as overdose, inad-           sion [30]. Additionally, Aconitum alkaloids significantly in-
equate boiling or dispensary errors [140, 141] and ‘hidden’ acon-       creased the protein and mRNA levels of MRP2 and BCRP,
ite poisoning which refers to the toxicity caused by the con-           which contributed to the safe application of Aconitum alkal-
taminants in other dispensed herbs are the main reasons for             oids [12, 150, 159].
aconite poisoning [142]. Patients with aconite poisoning often          Distribution
showed cardiotoxicity such as bidirectional ventricular tachy-               Aconitum alkaloids were widely distributed in the body
cardia [143] and ventricular dysrhythmias [144], as well as pro-        after oral administration. The amounts of toxic alkaloids were
longed hypotension and sinus bradycardia [145]. Acute aconite           significantly higher in the liver and kidneys, and relatively
poisoning also induced myocardial infarction with elevated              lower in the heart and blood, with only trace amounts in the
cardiac enzymes and chest tightness [146], and even caused              brain due to the action of the blood-brain barrier [160-162]. The
death [147].                                                            distribution data are useful to elucidate the pharmacokinetics
     In addtion to cardiotoxicity, Aconitum alkaloids also              process of Aconitum alkaloids in the body.
caused hepatoxicity and neurotoxicity, and aconitine pro-               Metabolism
moted liver autophagy via the PI3K/Akt/mTOR signaling                        CYPs are abundant in the liver, kidneys, lungs and
pathway in mice [148]. Aconitine, mesaconitine and hypacon-             gastrointestinal tract, which are responsible for metabolizing
tine possibly penetrated the blood-brain barrier (BBB) via a            exogenous and endogenous compounds through hydroxyla-
proton-coupled organic cation antiporter and stimulated dyn-            tion or oxidation [163]. As expected, CYPs are of great signi-
orphin A expression to cause anti-hypersensitivity [13], which          ficance to the metabolism of Aconitum alkaloids, which
partly revealed the underlying mechanism of their severe                can transform toxic compounds into more soluble derivatives,
neurotoxicity [149].                                                    suitable for excretion from the body, thereby greatly redu-
                                                                        cing toxicity [164, 165]. Aconitum alkaloids are mainly metabol-
Pharmacokinetic Studies of Aconitum Alkaloids
                                                                        ized by CYP 3A4/5, and slightly metabolized by CYP 2C8,
      Currently, the pharmacokinetic characteristics of Acon-           2C9, and 2D6 [166-168]. Further research found that the main
itum alkaloids are extensively investigated from the perspect-          metabolic pathways of DDAs in the body were demethylation-
ive of absorption, distribution and metabolism.                         dehydrogenation and hydroxylation, which were more likely
Absorption                                                              to occur in human liver microsome (HLM) and intestine mi-
      Efflux transporters, such as P-glycoprotein (P-gp), mul-          crosome (HIM) incubations, while MDAs were mainly meta-
tidrug resistance-associated protein 2 (MRP2), and breast               bolized by demethylation-dehydrogenation in HIM incuba-
cancer resistance protein (BCRP), play a major role in regu-            tion [164, 165]. Aconitine was transformed into at least 6 meta-
lating the absorption of Aconitum alkaloids in the intesti-             bolites through O-demethylation and N-demethylation in rat
ne [150]. Aconitine was rapidly eliminated with a short half-life       liver microsomal incubations [31]. These results may contrib-
(i.v., 80.98 ± 6.40 min), and its total oral bioavailability was        ute to the research of Aconitum alkaloid poisoning and meta-
only 8.23% ± 2.5% in rat plasma [151]. Further studies con-             bolic detoxification.
firmed that P-gp was involved in poor intestinal absorption of
                                                                        Conclusions and Future Perspectives
aconitine, resulting in reduced toxicity [30,152-154]. In a pharma-
cokinetics study using urine and fecal samples of SD rats,                  Aconitum alkaloids have been widely used as heart medi-
87.71% of mesaconine was excreted without changes after                 cine or analgesic agents for the treatment of coronary heart
oral administration. The oral bioavailability of mesaconine             disease, chronic heart failure, rheumatoid arthritis and neuro-

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                                                               Aconitum alkaloids

                                Nervous system
              Analgesic activity
              Anti-epileptic activity                                                                    Immune system
              Acetylcholinesterase inhibitory effects
              Antidepressant effect
              Treat neurodegenerative disorders                                                      Anti-inflammation
              Anxiolytic activity                                                                    Inhibit osteoclast differentiation
                                                                                                      A potential therapeutic agent for rheumatoid arthritis
                                                                                                      Improve the pathological damage of systemic lupus

                          Cardiovascular system
                                                                                                            Anti-cancer effect
       Anti-myocardial infarction effect
       Against cardiomyocytes damage
       Inhibit myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injury                                                     Anti-tumor
       Anti-aggregating activities                                                                        Inhibit the proliferation of hepatocellular carcinoma
       Relaxation in the aorta                                                                            Induce apoptosis in human pancreatic cancer
                                                                                                           Inhibit adhesion, migration and invasion abilities of
                                                                                                            lung cancer


                                   •   Disorder ion channels
                                                                                            • Proton-coupled organic cation antiporter
                                   •   p38 MAPK signaling pathway
                                                                                            • Stimulate dynorphin A expression
                                   •   P53, BAX, caspase-3 ↑
                                   •   Bcl-2, TnT ↓                                         Liver toxicity
                                   •   Block HERG and Kvl.5 potassium channels              • PI3K/Akt/mTOR signaling pathway
                                   •   Influence the expression of Tbx5, Gata4 and Nkx2.5
                                   •   Inhibit the KCNH2 (hERG) potassium channels

Fig. 2 Schematic representation of the pharmacological and toxicological effects and related molecular mechanisms of Acon-
itum alkaloids

pathic pain [98, 169-171]. This review summarizes the pharmaco-                       Abbreviations
logical and toxicological effects and related molecular mech-
                                                                                           ACh: Acetylcholine; AV-shunt: arterio-venous shunt;
anisms of Aconitum alkaloids in the past twenty years, with
                                                                                      Bax: B-cell lymphoma 2-associated X; BBB: blood-brain
the schema presented in Fig. 2. Aconitum alkaloids exert sig-
                                                                                      barrier; Bcl-2: B-cell lymphoma 2; BCRP: breast cancer res-
nificant protective effects on the cardiovascular system,
                                                                                      istance protein; CIA: collagen-induced arthritis; CPAR: con-
nervous system, and immune system as well as anti-cancer
                                                                                      ditioned passive avoidance response; CYPs: cytochrome
activity. However, due to a narrow therapeutic window,
                                                                                      P450 proteins; DDAs: diester-diterpenoid alkaloids; DIC: dis-
Aconitum alkaloids are easily to trigger strong cardiotoxicity,
                                                                                      seminated intravascular coagulation; ETs: efflux transporters;
neurotoxicity and liver toxicity, which restrict its practical
                                                                                      FDP: fibrinogen/fibrin degradation product; FTA: fuzi total
use. Therefore, the processing methods of Aconitum such as
decoction are commonly used to reduce toxicity, which is                              alkaloid; HDAs: hydramine diterpenoid alkaloids; HIM: hu-
also used in combination with dried ginger, licorice and gin-                         man intestine microsomes; HLM: human liver microsomes;
seng to form traditional Chinese medicine compound pre-                               HO: heme oxygenase; MDAs: monoester-diterpenoid alkal-
scriptions, such as Sini decoction and Shenfu decoction to                            oids; MRP2: multidrug resistance-associated protein; ox-
achieve decreasing toxic and synergic effects [29, 172].                              LDL: oxidized low-density lipoprotein; PA: processed acon-
However, there are still some cases concerning poisoning in                           ite root; PARP1: poly ADP-ribose polymerase 1; P-gp: P-gly-
clinical practice. Therefore, it is of great significance to                          coprotein; PT: prothrombin time; RAE: Radix Aconiti Lat-
standardize Aconitum alkaloids in medicinal materials. Al-                            eralis Preparata extract; TGF-β1: transforming growth factor-
though Aconitum alkaloids are characterisized by poor ab-                             β1; VMH: ventromedial hypothalamic.
sorption, rapid excretion and low bioavailability in vivo, they                       References
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come a research hotspot for Aconitum plants.                                                  songorine, a diterpenoid alkaloid of the genus Aconitum [J].

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