Academic Senate President's Report to YCCD Board of Trustees (A.K.A "Howerton Highlights") - BoardDocs

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Academic Senate President's Report to YCCD Board of Trustees (A.K.A "Howerton Highlights") - BoardDocs
Academic Senate
                                                              President’s Report
                                                       to YCCD Board of Trustees
                                                    (A.K.A “Howerton Highlights”)
Date: MAY 13, 2021

Good Evening Trustees,

This is an exciting time in our academic calendar as we prepare to celebrate our students and their
achievements. It has been a busy month as we plan and implement several activities and end-of-
the-year celebrations (many of which were shared by WCC Acting President Gardner).

In addition to all the student events, I would like to highlight some faculty work that once again
adds to our overall college community.

               INK Magazine: A Literary Arts Magazine (17th edition) (online)
               • Faculty advisor, English Professor Kevin Ferns; Cover art by WCC Student
               Jasmin Lopez
               • 36 pieces of poetry
               • 17 pieces of visual arts/photography

               2021 Virtual Humanities Expo (Opened 4/16/2021) – Virtual Displays online
               • Organized by English Professor Noel Bruening
               • 22 student displays

                Meet the C-Suite (April 28, 2021)
               • Organized as part of a series by Business department Associate Professor
                 Claudio Cisneros
               • Panelist: Noe Hernandez (CFO – Zocalo Restaurant Group); Seann Rooney
                 (Executive Director – Oak Park Business Association and Handle District)
               • Part of an ongoing series established in Fall 2020

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Academic Senate President's Report to YCCD Board of Trustees (A.K.A "Howerton Highlights") - BoardDocs
12th Annual Student Research Symposium (Virtual Event)
   • Organized by Sociology Professor, Nili Kirschner
   • Presentations will be made available on the Student Research Symposium Research
      Webpage by May 26th with the option for viewers to send feedback to our student
   • A formal link will be sent out later this month (including to the trustees) when the projects are
      ready to view
   • This year there are 49 students submitting 30 different projects from plant science,
      psychology, and sociology courses.

articulator and other art by Associate Professor Manuel Rios
                                   • Manuel’s art is about to be published in a book titled
                                      articulator. According to the book’s description “This edition is
                                      a series of conversations with six Sacramento-based artist-
                                      community leaders. These narratives capture the challenges
                                      and opportunities in growing and sustaining Sacramento’s
                                      creative communities through personal storytelling. Alongside
                                      these interviews is the work of six additional artist invited by
                                      those who were interviewed to showcase a sampling of the
                                      thriving Sacramento creative community.” This book will be
                                      sold at the Crocker Museum and some other art
    • Manuel is also featured in the recent (May/June) issue of Sactown with some of his art. He is
      scheduled to have a few of his pieces in an exhibition in the Bay at Root Division and will be
      features in a documentary series of California Artists.

ASCCC Spring Plenary & Election of Executive Members (April 15-17)
As I shared last month, ASCCC held a virtual spring 2021 plenary. The theme was “Working
Collectively: Transforming and Decolonizing Institutions”. Deanna Pierro, Aree Metz, Annette Lee,
and part-time faculty member Claudia Ross-Ibarra accompanied me to this event. The event
concluded with voting on numerous resolutions. Results can be found on the
webpage. We have also finalized elections for ASCCC executive committee with the following

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Academic Senate President's Report to YCCD Board of Trustees (A.K.A "Howerton Highlights") - BoardDocs
     President: Dolores Davison, Foothill College
     Vice President: Virginia "Ginni" May, Sacramento City College
     Secretary: Cheryl Aschenbach, Lassen College
     Treasurer: Michelle Bean, Rio Hondo College
     Area A Representative: Stephanie Curry, Reedley College 2021-2023
     Area B Representative: Karen Chow, DeAnza College 2020-2022
     Area C Representative: Robert L. Stewart Jr., Los Angeles Southwest College 2020-2022
     Area D Representative: LaTonya Parker, Moreno Valley College 2021-2023
     North Representative: Christopher Howerton, Woodland College 2021- 2023
     North Representative: Karla Kirk, Fresno City Colege 2021-2022
     South Representative: Amber Gillis, Compton College 2021-2023
     South Representative: Manuel Velez, San Diego Mesa College 2020-2022
     At-Large Representative: Carrie Roberson, Butte College 2021-2023
     At-Large Representative: Lance Heard, Mt. San Antonio College 2021-2022

WCC Senate Updates:
As a local senate we have strengthened our local resolutions process and over the last couple
months adopted a resolution recognizing the contributions of Chancellor Houston; a resolution in
solidarity with our Asian American and Pacific Islander Community; and tomorrow (5/14) consider
the adoption of a resolution supporting the efforts of Black Lives Matter.

At the end of this semester, we have two senators who will be rotating off our senate, Leslie Deniz
(CTE division rep) and Greg Gassman (Social Science Rep) who has served on our senate
continuously since we were a provisional senate prior to our college accreditation in 2008. We will
be welcoming incoming senators Robert Cabreros and Melissa Moreno.

Other Howerton Odds and Ends:
   • I would like to recognize all the work of our staff and others who are committed to provide a
      memorable virtual commencement experience for all our students. I had the fun opportunity
      to pre-record my graduation message and look forward to seeing the virtual event on 5/28.
   • Finally, I wanted to make you aware of a growing concern that has been expressed to me by
      many faculty members as it relates to our need of consistent support for our student
      success center(s). Over the last year there has been many personnel changes including
      several instructional associate positions that have not been successfully refilled or staffed.
      Ongoing delays is now jeopardizing some of our work to maintain our Supplemental
      Instruction accreditation and supporting faculty who are implementing acceleration efforts
      required by AB705. WCC Senate Leadership continues to have ongoing conversations with
      WCC administration of our growing concern.

Be Well and Thank you.

Respectfully Submitted,
Christopher J. Howerton, M.A., Ed.S.
WCC Academic Senate President

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Academic Senate President's Report to YCCD Board of Trustees (A.K.A "Howerton Highlights") - BoardDocs Academic Senate President's Report to YCCD Board of Trustees (A.K.A "Howerton Highlights") - BoardDocs Academic Senate President's Report to YCCD Board of Trustees (A.K.A "Howerton Highlights") - BoardDocs Academic Senate President's Report to YCCD Board of Trustees (A.K.A "Howerton Highlights") - BoardDocs
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