Abstract - English Australia

Page created by Ricky Olson
Abstract - English Australia

Thriving on passion: Harnessing individual energy to empower institutions in professional development
Clare Magee & Fiona Wiebusch

English Language Centres are full of passionate individuals who provoke discussion and seek to challenge the
way people think or the way things are done. When it comes to teacher development, ELT leaders often design
programs and processes to transform individual energy into institutional outcomes when provision of platforms
may elevate the organisation best. The presenters will begin by sharing practical tools that have proven
successful in promoting teacher-led professional development initiatives in their large-scale English Language
Centres in Australia and Southeast Asia, before sharing insights garnered through evidence and experience of
creating the right space for organisational change towards growth in professional development (Kotter, 1995;
Hamel & Zanini, 2014). A short format of this talk was successfully presented at the LAMSIG & TDSIG pre-
conference event at IATEFL in April, 2018.
Both advocates for teacher development in the University English Language Centre sector, Clare Magee and Fiona Wiebusch bring more than a decade of leadership
experience and evidence-based strategies to their presentation. Clare Magee (Exec MBA, MEd TESOL) is the Associate Dean of English at UTS Insearch, one of Sydney’s
largest English Language providers, and Fiona Wiebusch (MA App Ling TESOL, PhD can.) coordinates teacher training programs and PD at the Institute of TESOL &
Continuing Education at the University of Queensland ICTE-UQ. Please contact us via email Clare.Magee@insearch.edu.au and f.wiebusch@uq.edu.au or via LinkedIn.
Abstract - English Australia
                                                                on Passion
                                                             individual energy
                                                                   to empower
                                                                 institutions in
    Clare Magee & Fiona Wiebusch
English Australia Conference, Sofitel Sydney, 20 Sept 2018
Abstract - English Australia
About Us

   We have always done it this way.
Abstract - English Australia

                   O U R TAL K

Abstract - English Australia
Our Story

Teacher     Manager
Abstract - English Australia
About Us

    Create a campaign for change…

                      Image courtesy: English Australia PD Fest, QLD 2018
Abstract - English Australia
Whose responsibility is it
                                                      to lead professional learning?

                                                                      SHARED PD GOAL:
                                                           Our         to foster quality      Our
                                                         Teachers    learning & teaching    Managers

                                                       the Program      …different paths?   the Processes
Image courtesy: English Australia PD Fest, QLD 2018
Abstract - English Australia
What PD
are working
for us both?

Image courtesy: English Australia PD Fest, QLD 2018
Abstract - English Australia

                                  The unique places and spaces where PD happens.

Images courtesy: @RMIT University Professional Learning (English Programs)
Abstract - English Australia
S ta r t w i t h P l a t fo r m s

Look at professional development through a new lens.
Platforms                                                                                                        ‘ MeetELT ’
                                                                                                                 PD i n a pub

‘ T i ny t a l ks’
c a mpus c a fe s

                                                                                    ‘ P D Fe st ’ o n e - day
                                                                                    e vent s ( EA & U EC A ) :

Images courtesy: Saint Lucy’s UQ, QLD PD Fest, MeetELT Sydney (Navitas, Pearson).
‘ P i ne a ppl e
Peer-to-Peer                                                                 Charts’

                                                                                                U Q - I C T E Te c h S e s si o ns
                                                                                                   ‘ L u nc hbox L e a r ni ng ’

‘ Pe e r Pa r t ne rshi ps ’

Images courtesy: RMIT Peer Partnerships, RMIT Charts, ICTE-UQ Henno Kotze.
U Q - I C T E G o o gl e +
                                                                                                                                C o m muni ty
Digital                                                                                                                         ‘ Te a c h e r T i p s ’

                                                                                                                                                   U T S I n s e a rc h E - N ews
                                                                                                                                                   C e l e b ra t i n g i nv o l v e m e nt
# A us E LT
B l o g , Tw i t t e r,

 #AusELT run by dedicated volunteers; Google+ David Leach & Jessica Florent: one tip to make teaching better, faster, easier.
C o m muni ty I nvol ve ment
                                                                                                                                ‘ R a i s e Yo u r Vo i c e C h o i r F e s t i v a l ’

                                                                                                                                ‘Mission Engage – Goose chase’

                                                                                                                                                              A c t i on Re s ea rc h
                                                                                                                                                              ‘ U T S Tra n s n a t i o n a l
C l a s s ro om                                                                                                                                               Re s e a r c h M e n t o rs ’
I n qui r y
PBL ++

  Teachers L-R: Jessica Florent & David Leach, Ceara McManus, Vicki Bos, Fiona Wiebusch, Macgregor Haines & Jennifer Wallace.
[The new PPP movement]

from Programs and Processes to Platforms

  When it comes to teacher development, what if we shift our thinking?
Why pursue platforms?

More places and spaces > Learning > Problem Solving > Empowerment > Change as an opportunity for innovation
Making the Move
Common proccesses

1. What are some of the processes managers commonly
   use to measure quality and provide PD?

2. How do teachers feel about the above?

3. Where did these proccesses come from?
About Us

    Change Management Theory
Lewin’s model of freeze-unfreeze change (1940’s)

U N F R E EZ I NG                                M OVI NG                                    R E FRE EZ I N G

  Source: Lewin, K. (1947). Frontiers in Group Dynamics. Human Relations, Vol 1, Issue 1 pp5-41.
‘Leading Change’                     1. Establish a sense of urgency

John Kotter’s 8-step plan (1995)
                                     2. Form a powerful coalition

                                     3. Create a vision

                                     4. Communicate the vision

                                     5. Empower action

                                     6. Plan and create short-term wins

                                     7. Consolidate improvements

                                     8. Institutionalise changes

                                   Source: https://www.kotterinc.com/8-steps-process-for-leading-change/
Drop the word
‘change’ and
focus on
evolution, not

A nyo ne c a n i n i ti ate c h a nge

Hamel &
Zanini (2014)                                    A nyo ne c a n r e c r ui t c o nfede rates

L e a d e r ’s j o b i s n ’ t t o d e s i g n
p ro c e s s b u t t o b u i l d a c h a n g e   A nyo ne c a n s u g ge st s o l uti o ns
p l a t fo r m t h a t m e a n s :

 Fail early, fail frequently                     A nyo ne c a n l a unc h ex pe r i m ent s
 Shift the spotlight to success
 Time        Money        Space
                                                                                                                            executives as
                                                                                                                            enablers rather
                                                                                                                            than engineers
                                                                                                                            of change’
                                                                                                                            Hamil & Zanini (2014)

Image: https://www.mckinsey.com/business-functions/organization/our-insights/build-a-change-platform-not-a-change-program
H a m e l & Z a n i n i ’s
Advice Applied to PD
‘Change should be
syndicated across
an organisation’

Image courtesy: ACET Vietnam – TESOL Talks 2014
‘Be constantly
evolution, not

Image courtesy Image Stock:
‘Use social
techology for easy

Image courtesy: Image Stock
teachers to think
outside their
normal limits of

Image courtesy: QLD PD Fest 2018
‘Generate a
portfolio of
experiments to
trial multiple

Image courtesy: QLD PD Fest 2018
individuals to take
responsibility for
initiating changes’

Image courtesy: QLD PD Fest 2018
[Today’s platform]
                              from programs and
                              processes to platforms

                              Amplify passion in people

                              Make ‘Yes’ the default;
                              time, space & money

                              Evolution not revolution

Image courtesy Image Stock:
[Our Platform]
                                                                       Find our slides and links to key readings
                                                                       and resources. Feel free to add your own
                                                                       or ask us questions!

Clare Magee                   Fiona Wiebusch

Associate Dean of English     Senior Teacher – Teacher Training & PD
UTS Insearch, Sydney          The University of QLD - ICTE, Brisbane
clare.magee@insearch.edu.au   f.wiebusch@uq.edu.au

www.insearch.edu.au           www.icte.uq.edu.au

Pursue Platforms

                                       Search the #AusELT hastag and join a LIVE chat – first Sunday of each month

Image courtesy: https://auselt.com/    https://www.facebook.com/groups/AusELT

Image courtesy: http://meetelt.wixsite.com/meetelt    http://learningandteaching-navitas.com/meetelt-where-real-life-meets-the-classroom/
PD Fest

Image courtesy: QLD PD Fest 2018   http://www.ueca.edu.au/pdfest2018/    https://www.englishaustralia.com.au/2018-live-pd-events.html
Action Research
                                              Peer Mentors

Image courtesy: UTS Insearch PD Update 2018   https://www.insearch.edu.au/
Peer Partnerships


Image courtesy: The University of QLD – ICTE 2016     ICTEUniofQLD https://youtu.be/nIFDTLjFDJ0
Pineapple Chart

Image courtesy: https://www.pinterest.co.uk/bbrinkman72/pineapple-chart/    https://www.cultofpedagogy.com/pineapple-charts/
Video Obs Platform

Image courtesy: https://www.swivl.com/    https://icte.uq.edu.au/blog/2018/03/harnessing-power-video-observation-swivl
Lunchbox Learning

Image courtesy: Paul Forster & Henno Kotze at UECA PD Fest, Sydney    https://icte.uq.edu.au/blog/2018/03/harnessing-power-video-observation-swivl
Google+ Community

Image courtesy: Talking Teaching @ICTE Google Community    https://www.thesocialmediahat.com/article/how-create-google-community

Image courtesy: Flipgrid.cpm     https://flipgrid.com/
Digital Newsletters

Image courtesy: UTS Insearch ELT Professional Development Update 2018    https://mailchimp.com/
Great-looking Graphics

Image courtesy: https://canva.com/ICTE-UQ     https://www.canva.com/
Let’s continue
the conversation:

 Clare Magee                   Fiona Wiebusch

 Associate Dean of English     Senior Teacher – Teacher Training & PD
 UTS Insearch, Sydney          The University of QLD - ICTE, Brisbane

 clare.magee@insearch.edu.au   f.wiebusch@uq.edu.au

 www.insearch.edu.au           www.icte.uq.edu.au
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