A Letter From The President - Metrowest Humane Society

Page created by Julie Gallagher
A Letter From The President - Metrowest Humane Society
Summer 2021

A Letter From The President
Since we opened our doors in 1976, MWHS has been at the forefront of helping animals that would have otherwise
been suffering or in unwanted situations. MWHS has always been a ‘No-Kill’ shelter, as are many of the other
shelters in our area. However, our philosophy is not always shared, or in some areas across the country, not
possible. The issues of shelter overcrowding due to lack of spaying and neutering, and surrenders due to medical
issues and financial challenges remain significant obstacles for shelters to become ‘No-Kill,’ but we are headed
in the right direction. Many of you are aware of the “No-Kill 2025” initiative that has been spearheaded by Best
Friends Animal Society, which has a goal of all animal shelters in the United States to become ‘No-Kill’ by 2025. As
of now, Best Friends reports that nearly half of all shelters in the United States are currently considered ‘No-Kill,’
                          which means that they have reached an amazing milestone as a result of their tireless
                          work, compassion, and efforts in public education.

                         When thinking of the importance of all shelters becoming ‘No-Kill,’ a cat that was recently
                         brought to MWHS comes to mind. A young feral female, who we later learned was
                         pregnant, was brought to us through a trapping project with a number of other cats and
                         kittens. Soon after she came into the shelter, she went into premature labor, which we
                         quickly realized was becoming an emergency situation. As a result, we rushed her to the
                         MSPCA Angell Animal Medical Center, where she required an emergency C-section, a
                         blood transfusion, and multiple days of critical care. While her kittens unfortunately were
                         too young to survive, she made it through and returned to the shelter to recuperate.

                         Kindness is a powerful tool that makes all of us feel that we are doing something
                         worthwhile – not just for ourselves, but for others as well. The practices we employ show
the current and next generations the importance of compassion to all. I hope you will join us at MWHS in carrying
out that heartfelt message now, and for many years to come.

As always, we thank you for your continued support to help us in our own small way to make a difference.


       Welcome, Beth!
       As some may know, MWHS hired a new shelter manager in May. For
       those who don’t, we would like to take a moment to introduce her
       to you all. Beth Harrop is a Veterinary Technician who comes to us
       with years of veterinary medical experience, and she has volunteered
       for numerous rescue organizations. Beth has lots of experience with
       humans, as well – she worked in the home health field, and as a 911
       dispatcher. She also was owner of Your Best Friends’ Best Friend,
       where she provided home care and training for companion animals.
       At the shelter, Beth oversees the daily routines of all of our part-time
       staff, volunteers, and four-legged residents. Beth’s medical experience
       and compassion for animals is obvious when watching her handle,
       medicate, and care for all the cats at MWHS. We are so thrilled to
       have her here with us!
A Letter From The President - Metrowest Humane Society
The MWHS Connection
Mission Statement
An advocate for animal welfare, MWHS focuses on the well-being of cats in the MetroWest Boston area, including
finding loving homes or providing life-long care while educating the community and reducing the feral/stray cat
population. MWHS is a volunteer-led, non-profit, no-kill shelter dependent on charitable donations.

Adoption Hours                                              Adoptions
The shelter will remain closed to the public until          Although kittens are incredibly cute and fun, please
further notice. Adoptions are by appointment only, and      consider the adult and timid cats at the shelter when
face masks are required for all entering the shelter. The   adopting another pet.
date of our reopening is yet to be determined. Please go
to our website for more information.                        Volunteer!
                                                            You Can Make a Difference
Directory of Services                                       Our MWHS Volunteer Program provides a wide variety
Shelter………………………..… 508-875-3776                            of opportunities for concerned, caring individuals to
Volunteers…………………….. 508-485-0794                           help make a difference in the lives of animals. We are
Foster Care……………………. 508-875-3776                           always in need of volunteers to help clean the shelter,
                                                            feed the cats, and socialize our timid cats and kittens.
Donor List………………....….. 508-624-0783
                                                            You’d be amazed at how socialization helps advance the
Fundraising…………………… 508-485-0794
                                                            shy/semi-social cats toward being adoptable. Please call
Cage Sponsor…………………. 508-788-7726
                                                            Leslie at 508-485-0794 if you can devote time to helping
                                                            us. You must be 18 years old or older to volunteer.
Shelter Address
MetroWest Humane Society                                    Foster Care!
30 Pond Street (Rte. 126), Ashland, MA 01721                A Great Way to Volunteer
                                                            If you can foster kittens for a few weeks, MWHS will find
Mailing Address
                                                            them homes for life. We need short-term and long-term
P.O. Box 1068, Framingham, MA 01701
                                                            foster homes for adult cats as well. We receive calls every
Email: mwhspaw@yahoo.com                                    day to help with strays, but our shelter can only house
www.MetroWestHumaneSociety.org                              a certain number of animals. You can really help us by
Please contact us with any questions, change                fostering! Please call 508-875-3776 for more information,
of address, general information, etc.                       or email thembalzarini@comcast.net.
Board of Directors                                          MWHS on Facebook & Instagram
Leslie Croci-Reed, President                                Are you a fan of MetroWest Humane Society on
Patty Sanclemente, Vice President & Clerk                   Facebook? Go to our Facebook page and click “LIKE”
Mary O’Donnell-Ptak, Treasurer & Secretary                  to become a fan.
Cheryl Townsend
Maria Balzarini                                             Tell all your friends how great MWHS is and to become
Cheryl Mitcham                                              fans too! Keep up with all the news on our Facebook
                                                            page: adoptions on Monday, pictures of the week on
Honorary Executive Board                                    Tuesday, happy endings on Wednesday, as well as
Kiley Black, Esq.                                           other news, events, and volunteer opportunities.
Anthony Buono, Esq.
Susan M. Rabaut, D.V.M.                                     To date, we have over 3,340 “likes” and counting!
Elizabeth Russell, D.V.M.                                   Help us build our Facebook presence, and also check
Sister Thrift                                               out photos of our cats and our friends on Instagram.
Past Presidents                                             www.facebook.com/metrowesthumanesociety
Carol Marchione                                             www.instagram.com/metrowesthumanesociety
Sheryl A. Merchant                                          A very special thank you
                                                            to Shannon Murphy for
                                                            administering our site.

A Letter From The President - Metrowest Humane Society
Upcoming MWHS Events

            t h A n n u a l
MW   HS 1 4
 Cr a f t Fa i r

                                                  We’re so excited to be back! MetroWest Humane
                                                  Society is holding its 14th Annual Craft Fair on
                                                  Saturday, September 18th at Framingham Center
                                                  Common. From 10 am to 4 pm, rain or shine, enjoy
                                                  shopping beautiful handmade items by over 90 local
                                                  artisans and crafters! All proceeds go to help our
                                                  shelter cats and kittens at MetroWest Humane Society.
                                                  See you there!!

 MWHS 2022 Calendar Contest
 It’s time to warm up those cameras and
 snap your pets in their most adorable poses!
 The 2022 Calendar Contest is right around
 the corner. Will your pet’s photo grace the
 cover of our 2022 Calendar? Stay tuned
 for upcoming Contest information on the
 MWHS website and Facebook page…and
 don’t forget to preorder your Calendars at the
 Craft Fair!

A Letter From The President - Metrowest Humane Society
Let’s Go                          The MWHS
                                                             Program is very special,

                          Shopping!                          and we would like you
                                                             to join our many members
                                                             who are already part of
                                                             this essential program.

                                                             We are dedicated to improving the well-being of
                                                             cats and kittens from our community that enter
                                                             our shelter. One way to do this is by placing them
                                                             in forever homes; but for some cats, this can take a
                                                             while. Because we are a no-kill shelter, we provide
                                                             a safe place for these cats as long as needed.
                                                             With our Sponsor-A-Cat/Room Program, your
    Shop at Sister Thrift
                                                             monthly donation helps us provide food, a
    and Support MWHS                                         comfortable and safe place to sleep, and medical
                                                             care. With many shy/harder-to-adopt cats at the
    Discover thrift store shopping and help the MetroWest
                                                             shelter, these costs can be high. Your donation will
    Humane Society at the same time! Since 2004, Sister
                                                             go a long way toward providing for these cats.
    Thrift has been raising funds in support of MWHS
    through the sale of donated goods at their two stores.   Please see the cats and rooms available for
                                                             sponsorship on page 5. Select the room number or
    Please help MWHS by making a donation of
                                                             individual cat that you would like to sponsor in 2021
    gently-used clothing or household items during
                                                             and choose the amount of your monthly donation
    regular business hours. Donations are tax
                                                             ($10, $15, or whatever works best for you). Please
    deductible and a portion of the proceeds
                                                             print and fill out the Sponsor-A-Cat/Room coupon
    from every sale benefits the MetroWest
                                                             on page 11 and mail it with your first donation. Each
    Humane Society.
                                                             month you will receive a pledge reminder and a
    Sister Thrift Donation Centers are located at            picture of the cat(s) you are sponsoring.
    1251 Worcester Road, Framingham, MA
                                                             You can make your initial donation by check
    (Route. 9 West, just before Temple Street), and
                                                             or credit card; however, monthly donations can
    at 370 Pleasant Street, Watertown, MA.
                                                             only be made using PayPal. If you prefer, you can
    Thank you, Sister Thrift, for                            receive your reminder and photos via e-mail. Please
                                                             indicate this as your preference and include your
    bringing much-needed funds to                            e-mail address.

    our shelter!                                             Are you looking for a unique gift
                                                             that makes a difference?
                                                             Give the gift of a MWHS cat or room sponsor to the
                                                             animal lovers in your life. You’ll receive the monthly
                                                             pledge reminder and photos of the cats will be
                                                             mailed to the recipient of your gift.

A Letter From The President - Metrowest Humane Society

A Letter From The President - Metrowest Humane Society
Thank You for Your Continued Generosity

                                    December 5, 2020 to July 2, 2021

In Memory Of
In Memory of my sweet girl, Gracie,               In the name of Kenneth Delpapa & Laura        In Memory of Carrot, Felix, Malcolm,
who will forever be in my heart – Karen           Senier and in Memory of their beloved         Buffy, Goldie, Stanley, Mama Cat,
Lafrance                                          Nick & Nora – Cindy Delpapa                   Sampson, Lilly, Cleo, Shadow, George &
                                                                                                Abby – Ruby Richardson
In Memory of Tucker, Jackson, Keene &             In Memory of Will & Grace, two beautiful
Tyler – The Israeloffs                            cats cared for and loved by Nancy Hudson      In Memory of Lukie, his mother’s love bug
                                                  – Alan & Christine Restell                    – Janet Silvey
In Memory of Gladys Richards, who was
very passionate about her cats – The              In Memory of Hunter Kerrigan, he is           In Memory of Marilyn Leavey – John &
Gladys Richards Foundation                        greatly missed by his loving family           Joan Sebastian
                                                  Debbie, Mike, Danielle & Nicole and his
In Memory of my Dear Romeo – Nancy                                                              In Loving Memory of Cloud - Beloved pet
                                                  sister Jasmine – Donna Marie Barra
Moscato                                                                                         rescued in 2002, deeply missed by his
                                                  In Memory of Muffi Brown – Rainy & Bob        feline friends. May he rest in peace with
In Memory of Nancy Mondock – The                  Lapina Perry                                  the Angels – Barbara Sease
Estate of Nancy Mondock
                                                  In Memory of Muffi Brown – Her high           In Memory of Stella Green – Angelo &
In Memory of Michael Kopeloff, his cats           school classmate Bruce Holmgren               Maureen Collins
adopted from MWHS brought him so
much joy – Andrew & Rebecca Lobb                  In Memory of Lynne Byington, dedicated        In Loving Memory of Brocklyn Suwalski-
                                                  employee of Adesa Boston. She will be         Sullivan – Robert Miga
In Memory of Miss Kitty – Nancy Hudson            missed – John Neshe
                                                                                                In Memory of Mary Lou Thompson –
In Memory of my sweet Maine Coon                  In Memory of Nickolas – George & Nijole       Framingham Animal Hospital
Smokey, adopted from MWHS. He is                  Stankevicius
loved & missed dearly – Stephanie                                                               In Loving Memory of my cat, Brady – Lisa
Sullivan                                          In Loving Memory of our sweet girl, Luna      Smoller
                                                  – Paul & Sally Freeman
In Memory of Oreo – James & Kathleen                                                            In Memory of Mickey – Framingham
Merritt                                           In Memory of Janet Stone Wiggins –            Animal Hospital
                                                  Edith Elizabeth Mazza
In Memory of Janet Stone Wiggins –                                                              In Memory of Mickey, Kathy Suslowich’s
Elizabeth Mazza                                   In Memory of our beloved cat, Max – The       cat – Linda Vaccari
                                                  Ciccarelli Family
In Memory of Jake – Merry Christmas                                                             In Memory of Zeke, a beloved member of
Susan & Gusto Hagan                               In Memory of my sister’s dog, Buddy –         our family. We will miss him very much –
                                                  James Callanan                                Andy Koenigsberg

In Honor Of
Merry Christmas Steve, In Honor of Georgia        In Honor of Earl & Yara and their new Mom &   In Honor of Integral Dog Training – Terence
– Marie Bader                                     Dad – Linda Reffelt                           Keaney
In Honor of Ellie – Kenneth & Elinor Blair        In Honor of Sue & everyone involved in        In Honor of Mickey – Joseph Kelley
                                                  helping Kady – Steven & Kady Graczewski
To Celebrate Elizabeth Mazza – Victoria                                                         In Honor of Jake Mailloux – Roberta
Emerson                                           In Honor of Lynne Ann Byington – Adam         Cichowski
Thank you for Millie! She is the best & so very                                                 In Honor of Susan Bennett’s Birthday –
loved – Nancy Littlehale                          In Honor of Mary Lou Thompson’s cats –        Cynthia Laurora
                                                  Jane Thompson
Thank you for the gift of Luna & Stella                                                         In Honor of Miley & Abby – Sherri Batchelder
(formerly Luna & Lentil) – Samantha Parker        In Honor of the beloved Maggie Lousararian
                                                                                                In Honor of Fendi & Scooter’s 13th Birthday –
                                                  – Diane Bowen
                                                                                                Linda Vaccari

A Letter From The President - Metrowest Humane Society
Kris Adams                    Mary Casali                             Charlene Foss
Olivia Albro                  Susan Chase                             Dana Frye
Julia Altman                  Alexis Christopher*                     Ian Gagne
Valerie Anderson              Priscilla & Deborah Cobb                Daryl & Kristine Gallatin
Helen Andrews                 Robert & Deborah Cole                   Anne Marie Galvin
Thomas & Kathleen Anguish     Mary Colwill & Marianne Shanley         Eleanor Garlisi
Cynthia Arcate                Corwin Russel School at Broccoli Hall   David & Karen Gaylin
Lili Arkin                    Earl & Yara Coppola                     Helen Gernhard
Ugo & Elsa Armstrong          Luciano, Sherry, Earl & Yara Coppola    Anthony Godine
Maria Balzarini*              Kathleen Corbett                        Jonathan & Naoko Goldberg
Lynda Bannon                  Leslie Croci-Reed                       Susan Goldberg
Eliezer & Alegra Baron        Janice Cunningham                       Stevanka Goodson
Susan Basiri                  Linda Curtiss*                          Karen Gorham
Antoinette Beksha             Linda Dauphinee                         Susan Goswami
Susan Bennett                 Carolyn Dee                             Kevin & Erica Grasmick
Kyle Benson & Kellie Powers   Joan DeGrandmaison                      Leon & Ann Green
Perry Bent*                   Peter & Darlene Dehman                  Norton & Ellen Greenfeld
Marcy Blais                   Teresa DeLuca                           David & Judith Grosjean
Lorie Blazys                  Lee DerHagopian                         Stuart Hamilton
Laura Borkenhagen             Kedar Deshpande                         Julie Hannon
Sharon Bornstein              Susan Dewar                             James & Carolyn Hanson
Allan Bould                   Laurence & Donna Doucette               Evan Harding
Thomas Bradford               Jeanne Douglass                         Richard & Gloria Harrison
Sandra Brandolini             Jacqueline Dubee                        Josephine Hatton
Mary Ann Breen                Karen Duffy                             Jo Edith Heffron
Leah Brooks                   Michael Dugan & Debra Alpert            Scott & Pauline Heidemann
Steven Brown                  Dennis & Kathleen Egan                  Caleb Hellerman & Daphne Copeland
Sandra Bryer*                 Timothy Eisaman                         Megan Higgins
Raymond & Susan Budge         Fatemeh Emdad                           Tom Hill & Hilary Kelley
Meaghan Burnham               Bruce & Teresa Evans                    John & Susan Hines
Frank & Marita Byrne          Jennifer Fields                         Robert Holmes
Kimberly Cahill               Donna Fisher                            Anna Holzhauer
Stephen, Zen & Tao Calvin     Paul & Kathleen Fitzgerald              Theodore & Kessely Hong
Melanie Carlson               Paul & Andrea Fitzpatrick               Happy Holidays from Lisa & Rob Hood,
Sandra Carlson                                                        Maximus, Berry, Winthrop & Brooks
                              Carolyn Forest
Jane Carmody                                                          Theresa Houck
                              James & Nancy Forsyth
Kendra Carter                                                         Donald Hovey
                              Andre & Nancy Fortin

A Letter From The President - Metrowest Humane Society
Donations (cont.)
Stephen & Barbara Huntley                    Mari, Wilbur & Lila DerHohannesian   Margie Potter
Bob & Jane Hutchinson                        Diane Martin                         Janet Proctor
Lisa Iorio                                   Masha Maule                          Susan Rae
Marilou Jeffrey*                             Bren Maurer                          Peter & Elaine Recklet
Dorothy Jewett                               Roberta Mazocco                      Linda Reffelt
Victoria Johnson                             Marie McDonough                      Benjamin Reinhardt*
Deborah Jones                                Lori McKellar                        Susan Richardson
Robert Jordan                                Marilyn Medler                       Kenneth & Evelyn Rispoli
David Josselyn & Margaret Day                Iain Michel                          Roberta Roberts & Jacqueline White
Aaron & Sheeba Jude                          Marianne Milette                     Edgar Roca
Susan Kell                                   Ray & Janis Mondano                  Eileen Roche
Kathleen Kennedy                             Robert & Sirkka Moore                Nancy Lee Rogers
Melissa Kenny                                David Moran                          Mary Rogosky
Lee & Linda Kilmer                           George Morgan                        A. Eric Rosen
Naomi King                                   Robert & Carol Mulrooney             Judith Rosenbaum
Angela Knobel                                Marsha Myles                         Janet Saad
Douglas & Ellen Koltenuk                     John & Karen Nemeczky                Elizabeth Sabusawa
Frederick & Mary Kulas                       Jacqueline Neville                   Michael & Caroline Saganich
Charles & Rachel LaBrache                    Michelle Nicholas                    Richard & Karen Sakakeeny
Karen LaFrance                               Aneta Nilsen                         William Saltzman & Lee Anne Wallach
Michael & Katherine Lague                    Karen Nolte                          Joy Sanfacon
John & Christine Lanotte                     Meghan Nordt                         Brian, Leslie, Cheeseburger & Yogi Sanford
M & Adele Larson                             Rosanne O’Brien                      Bob & Mary Lou Satorius
Donna Lazazzero                              John O’Donnell                       Diane Scagnelli
Stephen & Donna Leavey*                      Michael & Linda O’Rourke*            Jane Schelong
Dawn Levy                                    Paul & Alison Olson                  Katherine Schelong
Ronald & Nancy L’Heureux                     Joan Ouelette                        Margery Jane Scott*
Sandra Lipchus                               Paul Paoletti & Susan Ford           William & Deanne Shaffer
Cynthia Little                               Mary Jane Parker                     Ruthanne Sheinkopf
Robert & Linda Livingstone                   Laura Pascale                        Philip & Doreen Sheridan
Edward & Linda Locke                         Mark & Ellen Pawlik                  Florence Shulman
Julianne Lofgren                             Denis & Christine Phaneuf            Joseph Sinko
Joan Lohnes                                  Dawn Pile                            Wilma Slaight
Ralph Maffei                                 Thomas & Emily Piovoso               Allan & Veronica Smith
Holly Malley                                 Pauline Poirier                      Sally Smith
Lorraine Mangione, Mason & her furry four*   Mark & Julie Ponusky                 Theresa Smith
David & Theresa Marchione                    Dennis & Coleen Popivchak            Lisa Smoller

A Letter From The President - Metrowest Humane Society
Donations (cont.)
Lynn Sommer                              Vincent Teso                              Michael Welles & Leslie Price
Theresa Spear                            Jo-Anne Thonpson                          Nathan Wentworth
Linda Spellman                           Maureen Tiberio                           Brian White
JM Speranza                              Gerald & Janet Tirrell                    Michael & Marilyn White
George Stankevicius                      Sally & Josette Tomassini                 Elizabeth Whitham
Diane Stearns                            James & Aloha Tower                       Sharon & Jax Whittemore
Nicholas & Natasha Stevens               Alan & Susan Tuck                         John & Julia Wilkins
Michael Steves                           Paul & Mary Beth Tuohy                    Corin Williams
M Strauss                                David & Janis Tuxbury                     Carla Wright
Ashley Sullivan & Tomoko                 Linda Vaccari                             Carolyn Wright
Bruce & Bonnie Sweeney                   Sarvani Vadali                            Lillian Young
Kirtland Switzer & Kathleen Ransome      Jay Virshbo                               Robert Zeidman
Dora Teixeira*                           Keith Wagner & Julie Wolf                 Lorraine Zoda
Stacie Tersoni                           Susan Walcott                             * Denotes multiple donations

Corporate Donations                      Foundations                               Grants
Digital Federal Credit Union             Amazon Smile                              CyberGrants
J Fierstein Financial Advisors           Benevity Giving                           Eversource Energy
Framingham Animal Hospital               Bright Funds c/o Katie Schindall
Gene’s Trucking                          Charities Aid Foundation of America       Craft Fair
PGManaged Networks Network Services      Fidelity c/o Irene Bloomstein
                                                                                   Ethos Veterinary
Safety & Respect at Work                 Fidelity c/o Dr Pamela Bretschneider
                                                                                   Middlesex Savings
Salty Kisses Boutique                    Fidelity c/o Jane Carmody
                                                                                   MutualOne Bank
Stop & Shop                              Fidelity c/o Dan & Nancy Gaulin
TD Bank in Honor of Keith Nisbet         Fidelity c/o Brett Peruzzi & Robyn Gold
Temple Electric                          Fidelity c/o Norman Satanoski
WAITT c/o The Family Pet Hospital        Fidelity c/o Neil Simister & Jane Amara   Robert & Patricia MacDonald
                                         Make My Donation Inc                      Silk Veterinary Hospital
                                         Network for Good
Matching Gifts                           PayPal Giving Fund                        Wish List
                                         Petfinder Foundation                      Thank you to all who have so
Loomis & Sayles & Co c/o Megan Higgins   State St Foundation                       generously donated items to
                                                                                   our wish list, all of which have
                                         Your Cause                                benefited our shelter cats.

A Letter From The President - Metrowest Humane Society
Support MWHS

                                                               You know all those coins that sit on top of your bureau
                                                               collecting dust, or the ones that fall out of your pock-
     Did you know that you can support MWHS while shop-
                                                               et and hide under the cushions of your couch? Well,
     ping on Amazon.com? AmazonSmile is a simple and
                                                               you can put all of these coins to good use by donating
     automatic way for you to support MWHS every time
                                                               them to MetroWest Humane Society! The cats love this
     you shop, at no cost to you. The AmazonSmile website
                                                               fundraiser—they are always there to help the volunteers
     has the same products, prices, and shopping features as
                                                               count all the pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters. They
     Amazon.com. The added bonus is that when you shop
                                                               are not too eager to roll the coins, but they know their
     on AmazonSmile, the AmazonSmile Foundation will
                                                               human volunteer friends will take care of that, bring the
     donate 0.5% of the purchase price of eligible products
                                                               coins to the bank, and buy some of their favorite Fancy
     to MWHS. To shop at AmazonSmile, simply go to
                                                               Feast food and lots of yummy treats.
     smile.amazon.com. You will need to select MetroWest
     Humane Society from the list of charities. Thereafter,
     AmazonSmile will remember your selection and every
     eligible purchase you make at smile.amazon.com will           Thank you
     result in a donation to MWHS. How easy is that?               friends of

     Birthday Fundraiser
     MWHS has lots of friends that follow us on Facebook.
     Did you know that there is a quick, easy, and safe way    So, start collecting all those coins and bring them to the
     to raise funds for MWHS using FB? You can create          shelter where there is a Coins for Cats donation jar in
     a “Donate My Birthday” Fundraiser! Connect your           the front lobby. It is a great way to clean out your couch
     FB friends to the cause and increase our supporters       and a great fundraiser that goes a long way to hlep our
     across FB. People can donate to your fundraiser in        shelter cats and kittens. Our furry friends thank you!
     just a few clicks without leaving FB, and MWHS will
     receive the donations. And, Facebook charges no fees
     for donations made to nonprofits, so all the money
     goes to MWHS! Donations to a nonprofit like MWHS
     are typically tax-deductible for donors, so please send
     the names of your contributors to MWHS so that we
     can thank them.                                           And while you are shopping on AmazonSmile,
     To create a “Donate My Birthday” fundraiser, click        check out the MWHS Wish List! You’ll see all the
     on the fundraising tab on your Facebook News Feed,        food and supplies that we use on a regular basis
     go to “Raise Money for a Nonprofit Organization”,         at the shelter. This makes shopping for our kitties
     and search for Metro West Humane Society Inc. Set         even easier! On your AmazonSmile page, go to your
     your fundraising goal and end date, and that’s it! So,    Accounts & Lists, and click on “Find a List or Reg-
     if you’re like many of us who love to support MWHS,       istry”. In the Search box, enter Metrowest Humane
     but don’t want or need birthday gifts, this fundraiser    Society, then click “Remember”. That’s it. Please
     really is the cat’s meow!                                 consider sharing our wish list with your friends and
                                                               family to make an even bigger impact. Thanks!

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